Level 3: Booklet
Level 3: Booklet
Level 3: Booklet
Material de estudio extra, opcional y descargable
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comprensión lectora
a través de temas
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Sobre este booklet:
Sure, a lot of us drink some water with our hamburger, but did you know that there is a meat-flavored water?
That's right, the company Meat Water, has bottled all of your favorite meat flavors into the most unusual
beverages you can imagine! Seguro, muchos de nosotros toman agua con nuestra hamburguesa, pero ¿sabías
que hay un agua con sabor a carne? Así es, la compañía Meat Water, ha embotellado todos tus sabores favoritos
de carne en ¡la bebida más inusual que puedas imaginar!
meat flavored - sabor carne bottled - embotellar most unusual - el más inusual
Level 3 Unit 1
Did you know that the oldest commerically available cheese in the
world was a 40-year-old cheddar cheese sold in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
One of the newest beverages to hit China and Japan is cream cheese tea.
Consumers choose their preferred tea and top it with heaps of cream cheese.
Did you know that the world's most consumed beverage, aside from water, is
tea? And, did you know that tea consumption is most popular in Uzbekistan
and least popular in Guatemala?
Level 3 Unit 1
Currently the hottest pepper in the world is the Carolina Reaper pepper and is 200 times hotter than a jalapeño
pepper. The Carolina Reaper is a crossbetween the Ghost Pepper and a Red Habanero and was bred to be hot!
Actualmente el ají más picante del mundo es el ají Carolina Reaper y es 200 veces más picante que un ají
jalapeño. El ají Carolina Reaper es una cruza entre el ají Fantasma y un ají Habanero Rojo y fue ¡creado para ser
Level 3 Unit 3
Did you know...?
Historical facts / Datos históricos
Did you know that the fortune cookie isn't Chinese? The first one was made in San Francisco by Japanese
immigrant Makoto Hagiwara in the early 1900s.
¿Sabías que la galleta de la fortuna no es china? La primera fue hecha en San Francisco por un inmigrante
japonés, Makoto Hagiwara, a principios de los 1900.
Level 3 Unit 3
Walt Disney didn't create Mickey Mouse. The iconic mouse was actually
created by animator Ub Iwerks.
Charles Lindbergh wasn't the first person to cross the Atlantic ocean by
airplane. John Alcock and Arthur Brown made the first non-stop transatlantic
flight in 1919.
cave - cueva lifestyle - estilo de vida slept - dormían open air - cielo abierto
actually - en realidad non-stop - sin escalas flight - vuelo
Level 3 Unit 3
Alexander Graham Bell didn't invent the first telephone. In fact, some historians believe that Bell and his lawyer
used bribery to have his patent reviewed before inventor Elisha Gray's patent, who researches believe is the true
inventor of the telephone. Some research even suggests that Bell stole ideas from Gray's patent.
Alexander Graham Bell no inventó el primer teléfono. De hecho, algunos historiadores creen que Bell y su
abogado usaron el soborno para hacer que su patente fuese revisada antes que la patente del inventor Elisha
Gray, quien investigadores piensan es el verdadero inventor del teléfono. Algunas investigaciones incluso
sugieren que Bell robó ideas de la patente de Gray.
Level 3 Unit 5
Did you know...?
Increasing your happiness / Aumentar tu felicidad
Did you know that Iceland is one of the top 5 happiest countries in the world? It's not the country most people
expect, but turns out you don't need tropical beaches to be happy! ¿Sabías que Islandia es uno de los top 5
países más felices del mundo? No es el país que la mayoría de la gente esperaría, ¡pero resulta que no
necesitas playas tropicales para ser feliz!
Level 3 Unit 5
Level 3 Unit 5
One great way to boost your happiness is to pick a skill and to master it. Doing something that you're good at, as
often as possible, will make you feel good about yourself, which increases your happiness levels. Excellence in
anythingincreases your potential in everything.
Una excelente manera de potenciar tu felicidad es escoger una habilidad y dominarla. Hacer algo en lo que eres
bueno, tan seguido como sea posible, te hará sentir bien contigo mismo, lo que te ayuda a aumentar tus niveles
de felicidad. La excelencia en cualquier cosa aumenta tu potencial en todas las cosas.
Level 3 Unit 7
Did you know...?
Fitness facts / Acerca de estar en forma
Did you know that according to website Credit Donkey, 80% of people who joined in a gym in January didn't
continue for longer than 5 months? ¿Sabías que según el sitio web Credit Donkey, el 80% de las personas que
se unieron a un gimnasio en enero no continuaron por más de 5 meses?
Level 3 Unit 7
48% said they would rather watch C-SPAN for 24 hours than run a marathon.
C-SPAN broadcasts US, Britain, Canadian, and Australian congressional
proceedings; aka VERY boring!!!
48% dijo que preferirían ver C-SPAN por 24 horas que correr una maratón. C-
SPAN transmite procedimientos del congreso en USA, Reino Unido, Canadá
y Australia, ¡¡¡conocido por ser MUY ABURRIDO!!!
42% say they would prefer to shave their heads than run a marathon,
and 34% would rather gain 10 pounds than run a marathon.
42% dicen que preferirían rasurarse la cabeza que correr una maratón y
34% preferiría subir 5 kilos que correr una maratón.
A shocking 26% of Americans said they'd rather NOT see their immediate
family (kids and spouse) for 6 months than run a marathon.
Level 3 Unit 7
So, what would you rather have, pizza or rock hard abs? If you're like most of the people who participated in the
marathon study, pizza! In fact, only 37% of them said they are willing to give up cocktails in exchange for the
perfect body. And, only 1 in 4 said they would give up cheese to achieve great abs. What would you give up to
achieve the perfect body?
Entonces, ¿qué preferirías tener, pizza o abdominales duros como piedra? Si eres como la mayoría que participó
en el estudio del maratón, ¡pizza! De hecho, solo un 37% de ellos dijo que estarían dispuestos a dejar los cócteles
a cambio de un cuerpo perfecto. Y solo 1 de 4 dijo que dejaría el queso para lograr abdominales fabulosos. ¿A
qué renunciarías para lograr el cuerpo perfecto?
rock hard abs - abdominales duros como piedra are willing - están dispuestos
give up - renunciar
Level 3 Unit 9
Did you know...?
Good and bad coworkers / Buenos y malos compañeros de trabajo.
Did you know that the biggest complaint employees have of their coworkers is that they come to work sick?
And yet, 80% of employees still do come to work sick! ¿Sabías que la queja más grande que los empleados
tienen de sus compañeros de trabajo es que vienen a trabajar enfermos? Y aún así, ¡un 80% de los empleados
todavía vienen a trabajar enfermos!
Level 3 Unit 9
"My coworker is so noisy! She's a loud chewer, she makes loud personal calls
at her desk, and she often listens to her music too loudly!" - Keri Johnson
"¡Mi compañera es tan ruidosa! Ella mastica fuerte, hace llamadas personales
desde su escritorio hablando fuerte, y usualmente ¡escucha su música fuerte!"
- Keri Johnson
"My coworker Diane cuts and paints her nails at her desk. It's disgusting
and the nail polish makes the whole office smell. I hate it!" - Andrew Ash
"There is nothing worse than working with someone who has bad body odor. I
mean how do you tell them to put on more deodorant? You can't! But gosh
they smell!" - Barb Jackson
"No hay nada peor que trabajar con alguien que tiene mal olor corporal. O sea
¿cómo les dices que se pongan más desodorante? ¡No puedes! ¡Pero oh Dios
como huelen!" - Barb Jackson.
noisy - ruidosa chewer - masticadora nails - uñas nail polish - esmalte de uñas
body odor - olor corporal odor gosh - se usa para no decir "Dios mío"
Level 3 Unit 9
You'll spend more time with you coworkers than you will with your family. So read the tips below to make sure that
you're as good of a coworker as you can be! Vas a pasar más tiempo con tus compañeros de trabajo de lo que lo
harás con tu familia. Así es que lee los consejos de abajo ¡para que seas tan buen compañero de trabajo como
puedas ser!
Express appreciation and acknowledgement - give credit when credit is due. Expresa aprecio y
reconocimiento - da crédito cuando corresponde.
Respond to emails or call promptly. Responde a correos electrónicos o llamadas prontamente.
Level 3 Unit 11
Did you know...?
Ancient rituals and traditions / Rituales y tradiciones ancestrales
Did you know that in ancient Egypt, people would shave off their eyebrows to mourn the death of their pet cat?
The cat’s body was embalmed and a tiny cat mummy was placed in a family tomb or in a cat cemetery.
¿Sabías que en el antiguo Egipto la gente se afeitaba las cejas para llevar luto por la muerte de su gato? El
cuerpo del gato era embalsamado y una pequeña momia era puesta en la tumba familiar o en un cementerio de
Level 3 Unit 11
Doctors in the Middle Ages used to drill holes in people's heads to release evil
spirits trapped inside that they said were causing illnesses like headaches,
convulsions, and infections.
People used to believe that animal dung could treat different diseases,
prevent pregnancy, and stop nosebleeds.
During the 1700s and 1800s, medical practitioners would cut off people's
tongues with the hopes of curing their stutter or speech disorder.
During the 1700s and 1800s, medical practitioners would cut off people's
tongues with the hopes of curing their stutter or speech disorder.
Level 3 Unit 11
In medieval Britain, people use to believe that tiny evil demons hid between the leaves of brussel sprouts and
cabbage. People would cut a cross into the base of these vegetables hoping to free the evil sprits so that when
eating these foods, people wouldn't get sick.
En la Bretaña medieval, la gente solía creer que pequeños demonios se escondían entre las hojas de las coles de
bruselas y de los repollos. La gente cortaba una cruz en la base de estos vegetales con la esperanza de liberar a
los espíritus malignos y así al comerlos la gente no se enfermase.