Primero Ficha de Trabajo 01 UDA 3-2024 3ro

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WEEK 01 3rd grade Araceli García


Leer una descripción sobre la rutina diaria de Elena,
identificar información específica y relevante, deducir
significado, completar oraciones y proponer soluciones

COMPETENCIA: lee diversos tipos de textos en inglés como lengua extranjera.

 Obtiene información sobre la rutina diaria de una persona.
 Deduce, de una descripción, el significado de vocabulario y frases sobre la rutina diaria de

EVIDENCIA: proponer soluciones creativas.


 Recycled Clothing ropa reciclada
 Recycled Water agua reciclada
 Don’t eat Packaged Products no comer productos empaquetados
 Water The Plants regar las plantas
 Unplug The Tv. Desenchufar la televisión
 Don´t Buy Plastic Bottles no comprar botellas de plástico
 Sort The Garbage clasificar la basura
 Don’t Use Plastic Bags no usar bolsas de plástico
 Ride The Bike montar bicicleta
 Plastic-free libre de plástico
Relaciona las imágenes con las 3Rs (RECICLA – REUSA –

READING! Leer el siguiente texto.

Hello! My name is Elena. I am 13 years old.

This is my eco-friendly, daily routine.

My eco-friendly daily routine

I get up at 6:00 o’clock in the morning. I take a shower. I use plastic-free

shampoo. I brush my teeth. Then I get dressed. Usually, I wear recycled
clothing. I have breakfast at 7:00 o’clock. I eat a plant-based breakfast.
For example: an apple, cereals, an orange juice and an avocado
sandwich. I go to school at 7:30 a.m.; I ride a bike. I have lunch at 1:00pm
in the afternoon. I don’t eat packaged products. I water the plants in the
afternoon. I use recycled water for the plants. I watch TV in the evening. I
unplug the TV when I finish. I use the laptop at 8:00 p.m. I unplug my
laptop when I finish. Usually, I have dinner at 7:00pm in the evening.
Finally, I go to bed at 10:00 at night.
WHILE READING! Mientras lees el texto escribe verdadero o falso.

1. Elena gets up at 6:00 o’clock. ( )

2. Elena uses plastic-free shampoo. ( )
3. She never uses wear recycled clothing. ( )
4. Elena goes to school at 8:00 in the morning. ( )
5. Elena eats packaged products. ( )
6. Elena uses recycled water for the plants. ( )
7. Elena never unplugs the TV. ( )
8. Elena goes to bed at 10:00 at night. ( )

Luego de haber leído la descripción de la rutina diaria de

AFTER READING! Elena, completa las siguientes oraciones.

Eco-friendly, daily routine

Let’s go green!
Example: I use plastic-free shampoo.

1. I ___________ recycled clothing.

2. I ___________ my laptop when I finish.
3. I _________ recycled water for the plants.
4. I __________ a plant-based breakfast.
5. I _____________ the TV when I finish.
THE CHALLENGE! Ahora debemos proponer soluciones creativas para
conservar nuestro planeta.

How can we help the planet?

Encierra la opción correcta.
I dry my hair with/ without a dryer.
a. I buy fruits in a plastic bag /reusable bag.

b. I water the plants with fresh water/reused water.

c. I recycle the plastic bottles/ disposable containers.

d. I always / never unplug the laptop when I finish.

e. I wear recycled / new clothes.

LET’S REFLECT! Lee y pon un check en la oración con la que estes de acuerdo.

1. The reading is interesting. ________

2. I have an eco-friendly routine. ________
3. I never unplug the cell phone charger. ________
4. I use recycled water for the plants. ________
5. The video let me reflect about our planet. ________

SELF-ASSESSMENT! Me autoevalúo.


Obtuve información sobre la rutina diaria de una persona.

Deduje de una descripción, el significado de vocabulario y frases sobre la rutina diaria de
Reflexioné y evalué el contenido del texto escrito y el video observado.

Daily routine
Get up ………………………………….. levantarse
Take a shower ………………………………….. ducharse
Brush my teeth ………………………………….. cepillarse los dientes
Get dressed ………………………………….. vestirse
Have breakfast ………………………………….. desayunar
Go to school ………………………………….. ir al colegio
Watch TV. ………………………………….. mirar televisión
Eat dinner ………………………………….. cenar
Go to bed ………………………………….. ir a la cama

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