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13 Oct. 2020 Reinoso C 9C

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Class -~ --·•·- - - __,.,.:/




Which words complete the sentences correctly? Choose A, B, or C.
1 like ice cream, but it _ __,__....._,____ my favorite food.

~ ) aren·'t B isn't e am not

2 My best _ ___....___ name Is Kate.

,~ , friend's B fríend C friend s

_ _.;__ _ __;..• a nice café next to the park.

A There '.8 There is C There are

4 There aren't _ ____::._;____ tall buildíngs in my town.

A any B sorne e a
\ ·~),·'\· ~
5 Mydad ......,....,.,_,'--___ my music.

A doesn't like B don't hke C isn't like

6 1don't have - - - - ' - ~ - to do my homework .

A ti mes B a time e time

7 Mana - - - - ' - - - play volleyball - she isn't good at 1t.

A can B can't e no can

8 My brother _ _ _ _ _ _ to music with his headphones - he can't hear you.

A is listening B listenlng e is listen

9 You _ __ _ _ forget to buy a birthday present for Paula today.

A must not 8 must c;.1don't must

10 At Lucy's party last night,
______ 40 people.

A t:here are B there was C there were

11 Mar k ______ a big burger for dinner yesterday.

A eat 8 ate @.iseating

12 Trains art• usually __.':.'..--~ -- buses.
A expem1v~r than ·a expensive than C more expensive than

13 1enjoy _____,.:,;•'-----'---- on myown.

A being 8 be {( ',, to be

14 1......:::....•.. ~ --
late for ~chool.
A occasiona'liy B occa.~íonally am C amoccasionally
•' - ) ,...,
1s My fathe r usualty worb in an office, buttoday, he i~ :41_.. ,, ~.at home.
'A i~ worklng B works e ÍS wo rk
1A l11P /"P .:l r,.n't i·nnl, Jp,~ in th P ldtrh1>h
( '



·./\ ' 111\l 8 lnJl)t, ( IIW

\ti \A,,it.1 . ,, v111y gc,,)d rn11v1r i.~~1n1ght.

ll i;..,e-mg \( . ~i\W

'" l 1.h..'\t \ ,, l\t ...,. Wil~t· 11p r'i:ii'ly on Saturd;)y, lhere is no sd1ool.

O IIHJ \ I n o t (C· don'!' must

:...~•-.1..• -- - Wi\~ it likC'?

A WhM B' l low C Who

l l [\r¡1.\il IS l \.\.,,. 1,) lllll l'Y 1n tln· w11rld.
A11h~ mm1 U tlw mm t 1nlNC'Sl1ng ( 1110 1e inter t>S l1ng

H Mv p¡\J'enh ,rncl 1...

6 .1 1e 11i, t güin¡! C ,1re not h.wing to

tu 1'd t0morrnw.

B ,\lt' C w1 ll be

tu Lnndon'.'

A <' \H'I lh ' <' ll fl f 'V(' I C bef'n c-ve1

6 ¡u~I e ye t

16 1 lw1w0t>n 11 f' "'· .ind e·, ,un ve~h•rday.

C sleepmg

. w.fü•r

A 1m'1 ,b lit· ,dlhy .1s 8 1rn't heillthy <,s 1C isn'1 as healthy

.-·- _ - 1don't undl:'1slnnd you .

6 niore slow C more slowly

!9 l'vt' km)wn my b,·,t ti 1f•nd ,._._. ,i... . • • . -· - - .. thrne years.

A 111 , S for C since

A h,wc bet>n livmf{ 8 are living C h11e

B 1.mlcss you don't leave C unless you leave

--, i\t 6.40 tomorrow.

8 t) leave ·.· e·: leaving

~'-' . . to w;itr h :i lot of TV wlwn you were you11gei ?
I). , ,
Cl!Ju . L~))J

, l


J ◄. lf I wa~ m.k, 11LJ .a.: .•/ . ....,..,· •• in bed.

A would ,tay :a) wHI ~l:ny

35 n,1~tl l'!W ~ohwar,, , -, ·. · time\.
... ,.1 ..,1 n11my

A hove bclng testrd ',8) htu testlng C ha, bcen te1t,:d

ló We wcrt tlred aftor wc l:.\.~~.:.i:~1all ovcr tht cíty.
A wcré wnlkmg 8 had walkcd .C , have walk.ed
37 My Íncnd told nie t.híll he .-. • , ". ,t) an amazlng vacat,on in Greec.e last year.
A has W
) has had C had had
38 lhe play wns a succes~ _ ___..__...1~~-- loved it.

A Someon<:> B Anyone C Everyone

39 l'm sure \ \ , 1 , , later, so l'm taking an umbrella.

A lt wíll ra in B it's raining e ,t ra,ns

40 My grandmother was Spanisl,, so I ______ the language when I was younger.


A didn't use to hear B used to hPar C used to heard

◄1 lt's late - 1____..____ go to slee p,

A had better B bettcr had C have better

42 1 w1sh Laura _______ _ _ the phone.

t did answer B would answer C will answer

.,n I would have bcen hungry ,f 1________, _ a big lunch.

A ate B hadn't eaten C had eaten

44 Stephen Hawking, _ · - -- in Cambridge, is a fa,nous scientist.

A where hve5 B who lives C that lives

45 1want to haw - ~- __ the next time I go to the dentist.

A cleaned rny teeth 8 my teeth clean C my teeth cleaned

◄6 My father ~ - - --· ·~-- my room.

A rnade cleiln me B made me to clean e;· made rne clean
47 John asked - - ·~ ----~ to go to the rnovies
A me if I wanted ª'- me I wanted C if me I wanted

48 When I looked at the dock, 1sawthat we .l-L ~- ··_ for hours.

A had being talktng ~,: had talked C had been talking

49 l managed ·- ~--- i;i...-' _ _ _ all my exams.

A passing B pass to it to pass

50 1 r(•gret - -- ~-·_.._.,..,..,.__ _"7' wit.h rny brother.

~ \ .~"\ "
Name -~,~\ -:ll~ -.S..:: .:e<> :::Q..

S1 Toe ~ -;-,.:.._ . are, vf>ry frte-ndty.

( ' 1->,._ 'I '- ' ·.
A p~ p1e whtch li~ h~.r..- ·, , ~ ple th.af llwi hert'! C p("oplt>, who h~ herc,
52 !' m sorry, l ha.v e __,_ (_ \~
- _,_,_ _ t,m~ at the mom~nt, so I can't trtt't't you

¡~ afew B h.ard ty any ( no t ffiAf\)'

Sl I ltke chocota'te when I was younger.

(6' wouldn't 8 would C m¡;d to

5-♦ 1 "11 • .., ,t; i• j1ndmR so meone to Í!x my co mpuler

A was a.bte to B mi\naged e . \Ui. Cecdi"d H'l

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