Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
Computer Science
When you're stuck in a complex situation, feeling that there are no viable options left or feeling lost in intricacies and turning in circles, you must rethink. In this article, we will reflect on how the inherentbut often... more
Wenn man in einer komplexen Situation feststeckt und das Gefühl hat, dass es keine gangbaren Optionen mehr gibt, oder wenn man das Gefühl hat, sich in Verstrickungen zu verlieren und sich im Kreis zu drehen, muss man umdenken. In diesem... more
Cite as Bertrand Meyer, Towards an Object-Oriented Curriculum, in ... H August 1993, eds. Raimund Ege, Madhu Singh and B. Meyer, Prentice all 1993, pages 585-594. ________________________________________________________________ ... 8... more
Two software quality factors were deemed essential in the design of the language: reusability and reliability. They led to the following choices: language features that support the underlying bottom-up software design methodology; modular... more
ABSTRACT: Object-oriented techniques, when applied seriously and on a broad scale, reflect a new culture of software engineering. which may be called the component culture. After contrasting this new culture with the more traditional... more
How can the object-oriented model cover concurrent programming as effectively as it addresses sequential computation? The answer proposed in this article suggests that a modest adaptation to the semantics of object-oriented programs may... more
One of the most delicate problems of software construction is the handling of abnormal a situations. How can a programmer write robust software components, which will take care of ll possible cases, without impairing the elegance of the... more
Goals of expressiveness and flexibility in typed object-oriented programming suggest a “covariant” type policy, where routine redefinitions can change the types of both arguments and results in the same direction as the inheritance... more
Unanimity games: choose S ⊆ X and let v(T) = 1 if and only if S ⊆ T. Every member of S has a veto. Weighted majority games [q; w 1 , w 2 ,. .. w n ]. Player i has weight w i ; choose a quota q and let v(S) = 1 iff i∈S w i ≥ q. Used to... more
In small, localized teams information proliferation about ongoing code changes is a natural consequence of the immediate proximity of the developers. However, larger projects and especially distributed projects face challenges where... more
1.1 Background Consider a program where multiple threads operate on a buffer. Some threads only read from the buffer and other threads only write to the buffer. Any number of readers can simultaneously operate on the buffer. While a... more