Papers by Ivan Jeličić
The most significant events of the post-WWI Istrian resistance to fascism-the Proština Rebellion ... more The most significant events of the post-WWI Istrian resistance to fascism-the Proština Rebellion (Proštinska buna) from February to April 1921 and the 'Labin Republicʼ (Labinska republika) from March to April 1921, at the same time Labin/ Albona miners' struggle for workersʼ rights,-were followed by the press in Rijeka/ Fiume and Liburnia in eastern Istria. Yet, the Fiumian newspaper La Vedetta dʼItalia and Lovran/Laurana's La Voce dellʼIstria / Glas Istre reported and commented minimally on the mentioned events from March and April 1921. In the limited number of articles published, the press attacked the Proština uprising and the organized strike and workers' self-management in Labin, labeling them as 'anti-state' and 'anti-Italian' movements. In general, the Istrian Slavic population was portrayed in a stereotypical, (semi)orientalist manner, while fascist paramilitary violence was accepted as a component of the establishment of public order. Certain differences can be seen between the articles in La Vedetta dʼItalia and La Voce dellʼIstria / Glas Istre, and more precisely in the differences between the Italian-and Croatian-language texts in the Liburnian weekly. The Italian-language section, filled with distrust and charges of Pan-Slavism among the Istrian population, is counterbalanced by the section in Croatian, which depicted the Istrian peasants as pious and loyal to the figure of the King.
Paolo Tomasella (a cura di), Nelle città della Venezia Giulia : piani, progetti, fatti urbani (1924-1954), 2023
Zbornik javnih predavanja Državnog arhiva u Pazinu sv. 5, 2023
Historijski Zbornik, 2022
Acta Histrae, 2022
This article analyses the rise of local Italian nationalists to power in the Istrian municipality... more This article analyses the rise of local Italian nationalists to power in the Istrian municipality of Volosko–Opatija/Volosca–Abbazia in the immediate post-World War I period. Through the activity of the Circolo 3 Novembre association, this case study displays how local Italian national activists affirmed themselves and were recognized as a privileged counterpart by Italian occupational authorities. Further, this article
displays how a segment of the local nationalists became radicalized, contributing to the rise of political violence in the area, as well as supporting D’Annunzio’s occupation of Fiume/Rijeka.
Contemporary European History, 2022
In the late Habsburg period, Fiume's municipal flag became the representative symbol of local pat... more In the late Habsburg period, Fiume's municipal flag became the representative symbol of local patriotism. This article argues that local patriotism in Fiume was a form of identification that combined features of modern nationalism with loyalties to the Habsburg Empire. With the disappearance of the dual monarchy and the subsequent transition period (1918–24), the Fiumian flag was redefined and contested both as a symbol of Italian irredentism realised through annexation and of Fiume's independence by local autonomists. Thus, the article demonstrates how local patriotism survived the empire's dissolution and how attachment to a locality was a significant feature of European political life in general during that period.
Journal of Modern History, 2022
This article probes the consequences of basing post–World War I citizenship regimes on the Habsbu... more This article probes the consequences of basing post–World War I citizenship regimes on the Habsburg imperial network system for the control of mobility, a system known among specialists as Heimatrecht or pertinency. To date most of the historiography has focused on what this meant for national minorities in nationalizing states, with the most important studies thus far looking at the experience of Jews in Austria and Poland. We argue that though the national exclusionary tools of postwar pertinency are of undoubted importance, a larger, social trauma was experienced through post-Habsburg Europe, one that affected far more people and left many facing the consequences of potential statelessness. This article focuses on how postwar pertinency affected the worlds of work, welfare, and expulsion in the immigrant-rich industrial port town of Fiume, Europe’s smallest postwar successor state.
Artefakti. Prilozi za povijest Srba u Hrvatskoj, 2021
Vjesnik istarskog arhiva, 2021
Zbornik radova s međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa povodom 100 godina od osnutka Slobodne Države Rijeka / Raccolta degli atti del convegno per i cento anni dalla fondazione dello Stato libero di Fiume, 2021
Südost-Forschungen, 2020
The aim of this article is to provide insight into the disappearance of the Habsburg Empire
and ... more The aim of this article is to provide insight into the disappearance of the Habsburg Empire
and the establishment of the presence of the Italian state in the Istrian district of Volosca-Abbazia (Volosko-Opatija). The focus of this article is on the role of state-administrative changes, the treatment of alleged or real political opponents, the importance of changes to educational policy, and actions towards civil servants in the area’s transition out of the Habsburg imperial framework. Through the continuities and ruptures between the Habsburg Empire and the new Italian national-state authority, with a view to developments during the wartime situation, the concept and degree of normalization in the postwar period are discussed.
Qualestoria, 2020
Republic with whom? The Fiume socialist movement and the Sisa affaire in Fiume's post-Habsburg se... more Republic with whom? The Fiume socialist movement and the Sisa affaire in Fiume's post-Habsburg setting The article addresses the socialists of Fiume project for an independent Fiume state after the collapse of the Habsburg Monarchy, pointing out at the relevance of the post-Habsburg setting. The focus is on workers' extraction and legal constraints, as well as on workers' structural connections with Hungary and the territories surrounding Fiume, essential for contextualizing socialists' base and their political goals in the immediate post-WWI period and during D'Annunzio's presence in the city. Special attention is devoted to the case of the Hungarian communist Miklós Sisa, reconstructing his presence in Fiume as an effect of family networks and post-imperial connections.
Časopis za povijest Zapadne Hrvatske, 2017
Austrian History Yearbook, 2018
Zbornik Kastavštine, 2017
UDK 929.52Weiczen(497.5Rijeka)"192" 323.15(497.5Rijeka=411.16)"192" 32-05Valiani, L. Izvorni znan... more UDK 929.52Weiczen(497.5Rijeka)"192" 323.15(497.5Rijeka=411.16)"192" 32-05Valiani, L. Izvorni znanstveni rad / Original scientific paper Primljeno / Received: 21. 02. 2016. Prihvaćeno /Accepted: 18. 05. 2016.
IVAN JELI^I] CDU 929SamuleleMayländer"1866/1925" Università degli Studi di Trieste Sintesi Maggio... more IVAN JELI^I] CDU 929SamuleleMayländer"1866/1925" Università degli Studi di Trieste Sintesi Maggio 2015 Riassunto: Il presente saggio riassume la vita di Samuele Mayländer, cugino del noto autonomista fiumano Michele Maylender. La sua figura è stata a lungo trascurata dalla storiografia italiana e dalla storiografia del periodo jugoslavo, mentre il suo percorso offre spunti interessanti sulla complessità delle lealtà presenti nel corpus separatum. Discendente di ebrei ungheresi, italianizzato nella società locale, Samuele partecipa al movimento culturale italiano e al movimento politico autonomo da cui prende le distanze preferendo rimanere con lo schieramento liberale. Impiegato per quasi tutta la vita quale medico della Cassa distrettuale, entra nel movimento socialista locale tramite il Circolo di studi sociali diventandone uno dei principali esponenti. Dopo un breve mandato da consigliere nella Rappresentanza municipale, all'indomani della Grande guerra sostiene l'elevazione di Fiume a stato indipendente. Milita nel Partito comunista di Fiume, di cui fu primo presidente, si distanzia dal movimento e muore nella sua città d'adozione, seppellito al cimitero ebraico. Summary: On the tracks of a lost biography: Samuele Mayländer (1866-1925) -The paper summarizes the life of Samuel Mayländer, cousin of the notable autonomist of Fiume Michele Maylender. His figure has long been neglected by the Italian historiography and by the historiography of the Yugoslav period, while his life path offers interesting hints about the complex loyalties in the corpus separatum. Descendant of Hungarian Jews, Italianized in the local community, Samuele participates in the Italian cultural movement and in the autonomist political movement from whom later distanced, preferring to remain with the liberals. Working for almost whole of his life as a physician in the District fund, he joined the local socialist movement through the Circle of social studies becoming one of its leading exponents. After a brief term as a member of the City council, in the aftermath of the Great War, Samuele advocated the elevation of Fiume as an independent state. Initially he militated in the Communist Party of Fiume, becoming its first president, and then distanced himself from the movement. He died in his adopted hometown, buried in the Jewish cemetery. Parole chiave / Keywords: Samuele Mayländer, Fiume/Rijeka, autonomismo, socialismo e comunismo / Samuele Mayländer, Fiume/Rijeka, autonomism, socialism and communism. * Il presente contributo è reso possibile grazie al finanziamento del Fondo Sociale Europeo, Programma operativo 2007/2013, della Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia per una più ampia ricerca sul movimento socialista a Fiume dal titolo: "Socialismo e questione nazionale in una città-porto mitteleuropea: il caso di Fiume, 1900-1921.". Ringrazio Marco Dogo, Stefano Petrungaro e Sabine Rutar per i commenti e i suggerimenti. Un ringraziamento particolare ad Antonio Storelli, Robert Bojanovich e Salvatore Volpi per le informazioni e fotografie fornite.
Teaching Documents by Ivan Jeličić
Qualestoria, 2020
La problematica primaria nell'affrontare le vicende del socialismo nell'area altoadriatica riguar... more La problematica primaria nell'affrontare le vicende del socialismo nell'area altoadriatica riguarda la definizione terminologica, cronologica e geografica dell'argomento. Il termine di riferimento entrato in uso nella storiografia per definire il socialismo secondointernazionalista della regione è socialismo adriatico, termine che in realtà delimita tematicamente le articolate realtà del movimento socialdemocratico. Infatti, il socialismo adriatico identifica principalmente, se non esclusivamente, il socialismo di lingua italiana sviluppatosi nell'area costiera della Cisleitania dalla fine dell'Ottocento alla dissoluzione dell'impero austro-ungarico avente come centro metropolitano Trieste. Partendo da questa definizione quale punto di riferimento, cercherò di tratteggiare un quadro, per quanto possibile sintetico, della storiografia relativa al socialismo adriatico, lo stato degli studi e le potenziali piste di ricerca, cercando però di aprire gli orizzonti oltre al socialismo di lingua italiana. L'intento è perciò anche di relazionare il socialismo di lingua italiana con gli altri movimenti socialdemocratici formatisi lungo o affacciatisi sulle sponde dell'Adriatico asburgico.
Papers by Ivan Jeličić
displays how a segment of the local nationalists became radicalized, contributing to the rise of political violence in the area, as well as supporting D’Annunzio’s occupation of Fiume/Rijeka.
and the establishment of the presence of the Italian state in the Istrian district of Volosca-Abbazia (Volosko-Opatija). The focus of this article is on the role of state-administrative changes, the treatment of alleged or real political opponents, the importance of changes to educational policy, and actions towards civil servants in the area’s transition out of the Habsburg imperial framework. Through the continuities and ruptures between the Habsburg Empire and the new Italian national-state authority, with a view to developments during the wartime situation, the concept and degree of normalization in the postwar period are discussed.
Teaching Documents by Ivan Jeličić
displays how a segment of the local nationalists became radicalized, contributing to the rise of political violence in the area, as well as supporting D’Annunzio’s occupation of Fiume/Rijeka.
and the establishment of the presence of the Italian state in the Istrian district of Volosca-Abbazia (Volosko-Opatija). The focus of this article is on the role of state-administrative changes, the treatment of alleged or real political opponents, the importance of changes to educational policy, and actions towards civil servants in the area’s transition out of the Habsburg imperial framework. Through the continuities and ruptures between the Habsburg Empire and the new Italian national-state authority, with a view to developments during the wartime situation, the concept and degree of normalization in the postwar period are discussed.