Maria Rugo
Areas of interest: sociolinguistics, interculture, teaching of Italian as a foreign language.
Address: Grad Zagreb, Croatia
Address: Grad Zagreb, Croatia
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Papers by Maria Rugo
Having in mind the aforementioned facts, the present contribution aims at examining the modalities and strategies in which intercultural competence can be developed, as well as looking at the relevance of such knowledge within a given didactic framework. Not only is the intercultural perspective necessary to improve linguistic competences; it also leads to a better understanding of oneself and one’s cultural identity (Borghetti, 2017).
For the purpose of examining different points of view, we conducted the research observing specific didactic scenarios involving Croatian teachers and Croatian students of Italian language, a situation in which the learners’ culture, though not drastically different from the one being taught, requires to develop intercultural activities in order to actually achieve an exhaustive language learning process.
Some teachers feel the lack of ready-made materials that could help them act as a bridge between the two cultures, but they are aware of the importance of digital environment in teaching cultural aspects.
From the students’ point of view it is impossible to learn Italian language without learning about the Italian culture. The classroom activities stimulate them to explore it further on their own.
The results confirm the need for a more elaborated approach to the development of intercultural competence in the courses.
writing skills. Among the various reasons why the acquisition of the second language automatically contains a risk for mistakes, the most complex one is represented by fossilization.
Numerous researches have been conducted in the field of acquisition
of Italian as a foreign language, while there are only a few examples of
specialized literature when it comes to the Croatian context (Županović & Mardešić, 2014)
Our contribution aims at providing a general overview of the current
situation in the field of written skills in Italian language at university level,
while also suggesting in which ways the problem of fossilization may be
overcome (Cattana & Nesci, 2004). The present paper takes into account a sample of 1st and 3rd-year university students from Croatia who possess a level of language knowledge corresponding to A1/A2 and B1/B2 levels, and 2nd year at Master’s degree (C1 level).
By comparing the performances and the mistakes observed, we wish
to suggest that the encountered transfer errors tend to repeat hemselves and are, by the time being considered, already fossilized. The paper will illustrate in which way these specific cases of fossilization may be tackled, particularly suggesting a cyclical work with the students, i.e. a strategy according to which the same language structure ought to be examined several times over the academic year, each time with a different degree of difficulty (Lo Duca, 2016).
Among all variations, the diaphasic dimension is very difficult to acquire, the one which mainly concerns the use of language in relation to different interactional situations. In fact, it is easier to absorb diaphasic varieties in the spontaneous acquisition process than in guided learning (for difference between these two see Medved Krajnović, 2010). Indeed, although many foreign learners have already assimilated the rules of a certain standard language, it is still difficult for them to acquire a more informal spoken language or to use different linguistic registers (Pallotti, 2000).
This study presents the analysis of the ability of Croatian students to use Italian language in different interactional registers, in particular the most colloquial and everyday's spoken variety. Some written works and oral productions of Croatian undergraduate students of Italian between the third and fifth year of study have been examined, monitoring their productive capacities in the stylistic field, especially at the lexical level, but also from a structural and morphosyntactic point of view.
The aim was to establish if these linguistic productions are suitable for real communicative situations in the Italian's diaphasic range. Although different registers are not entities with clearly delimitable boundaries (Rovere, 2011), sociolinguistic competence, both productive and receptive, must be one of the main objectives of language teaching. A good sociolinguistic awareness, in fact, is synonymous to linguistic mastery.
In addition to giving a general overview of the competence of Croatian students, our goal was also to examine which means appear to be the most effective for this particular students' needs.
Considerando que a língua é um veículo de expressão cultural, a aprendizagem de línguas deverá pressupor o desenvolvimento de uma competência intercultural. A língua e a cultura sendo dependentes uma da outra, devem ambas ser ensinadas: os aprendentes devem estar preparados para interagir apropriada e eficazmente com indivíduos de diferentes culturas no sentido de se tornarem mediadores culturais, não só capazes de relativizar a sua própria cultura, mas também de adotar uma atitude de tolerância e respeito pelo Outro. A Croácia entrou na UE em 2013, deste modo, parece-nos pertinente realizar um estudo de caso que envolva os ensinantes de português LE e italiano LE, a fim de verificar como ensinam a cultura nas suas aulas.
Books by Maria Rugo
Having in mind the aforementioned facts, the present contribution aims at examining the modalities and strategies in which intercultural competence can be developed, as well as looking at the relevance of such knowledge within a given didactic framework. Not only is the intercultural perspective necessary to improve linguistic competences; it also leads to a better understanding of oneself and one’s cultural identity (Borghetti, 2017).
For the purpose of examining different points of view, we conducted the research observing specific didactic scenarios involving Croatian teachers and Croatian students of Italian language, a situation in which the learners’ culture, though not drastically different from the one being taught, requires to develop intercultural activities in order to actually achieve an exhaustive language learning process.
Some teachers feel the lack of ready-made materials that could help them act as a bridge between the two cultures, but they are aware of the importance of digital environment in teaching cultural aspects.
From the students’ point of view it is impossible to learn Italian language without learning about the Italian culture. The classroom activities stimulate them to explore it further on their own.
The results confirm the need for a more elaborated approach to the development of intercultural competence in the courses.
writing skills. Among the various reasons why the acquisition of the second language automatically contains a risk for mistakes, the most complex one is represented by fossilization.
Numerous researches have been conducted in the field of acquisition
of Italian as a foreign language, while there are only a few examples of
specialized literature when it comes to the Croatian context (Županović & Mardešić, 2014)
Our contribution aims at providing a general overview of the current
situation in the field of written skills in Italian language at university level,
while also suggesting in which ways the problem of fossilization may be
overcome (Cattana & Nesci, 2004). The present paper takes into account a sample of 1st and 3rd-year university students from Croatia who possess a level of language knowledge corresponding to A1/A2 and B1/B2 levels, and 2nd year at Master’s degree (C1 level).
By comparing the performances and the mistakes observed, we wish
to suggest that the encountered transfer errors tend to repeat hemselves and are, by the time being considered, already fossilized. The paper will illustrate in which way these specific cases of fossilization may be tackled, particularly suggesting a cyclical work with the students, i.e. a strategy according to which the same language structure ought to be examined several times over the academic year, each time with a different degree of difficulty (Lo Duca, 2016).
Among all variations, the diaphasic dimension is very difficult to acquire, the one which mainly concerns the use of language in relation to different interactional situations. In fact, it is easier to absorb diaphasic varieties in the spontaneous acquisition process than in guided learning (for difference between these two see Medved Krajnović, 2010). Indeed, although many foreign learners have already assimilated the rules of a certain standard language, it is still difficult for them to acquire a more informal spoken language or to use different linguistic registers (Pallotti, 2000).
This study presents the analysis of the ability of Croatian students to use Italian language in different interactional registers, in particular the most colloquial and everyday's spoken variety. Some written works and oral productions of Croatian undergraduate students of Italian between the third and fifth year of study have been examined, monitoring their productive capacities in the stylistic field, especially at the lexical level, but also from a structural and morphosyntactic point of view.
The aim was to establish if these linguistic productions are suitable for real communicative situations in the Italian's diaphasic range. Although different registers are not entities with clearly delimitable boundaries (Rovere, 2011), sociolinguistic competence, both productive and receptive, must be one of the main objectives of language teaching. A good sociolinguistic awareness, in fact, is synonymous to linguistic mastery.
In addition to giving a general overview of the competence of Croatian students, our goal was also to examine which means appear to be the most effective for this particular students' needs.
Considerando que a língua é um veículo de expressão cultural, a aprendizagem de línguas deverá pressupor o desenvolvimento de uma competência intercultural. A língua e a cultura sendo dependentes uma da outra, devem ambas ser ensinadas: os aprendentes devem estar preparados para interagir apropriada e eficazmente com indivíduos de diferentes culturas no sentido de se tornarem mediadores culturais, não só capazes de relativizar a sua própria cultura, mas também de adotar uma atitude de tolerância e respeito pelo Outro. A Croácia entrou na UE em 2013, deste modo, parece-nos pertinente realizar um estudo de caso que envolva os ensinantes de português LE e italiano LE, a fim de verificar como ensinam a cultura nas suas aulas.