Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Pc"
La signification de "Pc" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie I use PC quite a bit.
What does “quite a bit” mean? ?
What does “quite a bit” mean? ?
It means a lot.
“I use the PC a lot.”
“I use the PC often.”
“I use the PC a lot.”
“I use the PC often.”
Que signifie Oh, don't get all PC on me. ?
PC means Politically Correct. In Japanese, 政治的に正しい. I'm not sure if the nuance is the same.
For example (just an example, this doesn't represent my beliefs),
"I think women should have more rights in our company. Men are getting paid more!"
"Oh, don't get all PC on me! I make less than most of the women in our department."
For example (just an example, this doesn't represent my beliefs),
"I think women should have more rights in our company. Men are getting paid more!"
"Oh, don't get all PC on me! I make less than most of the women in our department."
Que signifie a beefy PC ?
Yes it is kind of slang.
“Beefy” means strong, powerful, has a lot of upgrades. So a beefy PC is a really good computer.
And yes a bad computer could be a potato PC 😂
“Beefy” means strong, powerful, has a lot of upgrades. So a beefy PC is a really good computer.
And yes a bad computer could be a potato PC 😂
Que signifie Don‘t be PC. ?
Don't be politically correct
Que signifie "PC" in 112 ?
Probable cause, as in 111.
P - probable, C - cause
P - probable, C - cause
Mots similaires à "Pc" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre PC et laptop ?
A PC is short for "personal computer" and was the popular term back in the day. You would normally have a desktop computer then. Now that there are laptops many people have them instead. So a PC could be either a desktop or a laptop. Of course today many use a tablet or just their cell phone for computer stuff.
Quelle est la différence entre The PC needs to be replaced. et The PC needs to replaced. ?
The second sentence is incorrect. The word “be” is necessary for the sentence to sound right.
Quelle est la différence entre my PC it's jammed et my PC is jammed ?
My PC, it's jammed==> a person noticed their Pc is jammed and is acknowledging it
"My pc is jammed" is a basic sentence and is stating a fact
"My pc is jammed" is a basic sentence and is stating a fact
Quelle est la différence entre The PC takes too much time to do anything. et PCs take too much time to do anything. ?
Makes sense
Traductions de "Pc"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? いくらタイタニック号見学ツアー用潜水艇タイタンに古くて安くて接続が切れやすい無線ゲームコントローラーが使われていたからといって、あれはPCゲーム用のリーズナブルな製品なのだからメーカーのロジテックの株価が下がるのはさすがに可哀想だと思います。
No matter how many old, cheap, and easily disconnected wireless game controllers were used in the Titan submarine for the Titanic tour, it is indeed a pity that the stock price of the manufacturer, Logitech, will drop since that is a reasonable product for PC gaming.
No matter how many old, cheap, and easily disconnected wireless game controllers were used in the Titan submarine for the Titanic tour, it is indeed a pity that the stock price of the manufacturer, Logitech, will drop since that is a reasonable product for PC gaming.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? "I will be on my PC later". Does this sound natural?
Yes, but it's more common to say "computer" instead of "PC."
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? 電話で話すよりも、お会いして、PCの画面を見ながら、お話ができたほうが良いと思います。
Rather than talking over the phone, I think it's better if we meet and talk while looking at the computer screen.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? PCゲームやアプリゲーム
PC (games) and app games
Putting “games” where the parenthesis is is optional depending on the context.
Putting “games” where the parenthesis is is optional depending on the context.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? アサシンクリードユニティは、ノートルダム大聖堂の再建に役立つのかな?いまPC用が無料で配布されてるよ。
I wonder if Assassin's Creed Unity might be helpful for the reconstruction of Notre Dame? The PC version is being distributed for free right now.
Autres questions concernant "Pc"
I hate PC backlash. It also happen in Japan. It make me very disgusting. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Instead of “it makes me very disgusting” you could say
It makes me very mad or
It makes me upset
It makes me very mad or
It makes me upset
I've been constantly in and out my favorite PC bang. And I've often been up all night in there. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
except "PC bang" only makes sense in Korea. We call it an "internet cafe."
(Sorry, but I want to ask only native speakers.)
I usually study English using PC, but sometimes listen English while walking with earphones to avoid the screen. It's not good for your eyes, and it's also not good for your health sitting in the same position for a long time. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
I usually study English using PC, but sometimes listen English while walking with earphones to avoid the screen. It's not good for your eyes, and it's also not good for your health sitting in the same position for a long time. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
I usually study English using my PC, but sometimes I listen to English while walking to avoid the screen. It's not good for your eyes, and it's also not good for your health to sit in the same position for a long time.
Only a few mistakes, nice job! :D
Only a few mistakes, nice job! :D
I'd like to investigate which one is bad the PC or Internet. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Maybe something like: I'd like to investigate which one isn't working correctly: the PC or the internet connection.
In my PC, all music files automatically get stored in association with artist names. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Instead of saying 'get stored' you can 'are stored'.
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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