Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Damage"
La signification de "Damage" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie We are praying that the damage is just to infrastructure and people were able to get to higher land,” she said.
damage is just to infrastructure means
damage is just affected in the facilties, not in the
houses? ?
damage is just to infrastructure means
damage is just affected in the facilties, not in the
houses? ?
They are praying that only the buildings (infrastructure) are damaged and not the people.
Que signifie the damage is done ?
it could mean "There's nothing else you can do" or
"You've caused enough problems" it depends on the context. It usually has a negative meaning behind it.
"You've caused enough problems" it depends on the context. It usually has a negative meaning behind it.
Que signifie You can do potentially huge damage if you decide to pursue a man who has already shared wedding vows with another woman ?
Try to date him
Try to get to know him
Try to get to know him
Que signifie damage sustained by ?
That damage has occurred.
For example she sustained damage to her leg = she injured her leg.
For example she sustained damage to her leg = she injured her leg.
Que signifie what's the damage?(means how much?) ?
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Damage"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant damage.
"She ran her car into a telephone poll. There was a lot of damage to the car, but luckily she was not hurt."
"The small boy tried punching his father, causing absolutely no damage whatsoever."
"The small boy tried punching his father, causing absolutely no damage whatsoever."
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant damage (physical harm) .
Only things can be damaged, not people
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant damage (physical harm).
Thank you!!!
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant damage.
1. He completly damaged his car after hitting a tree.
2. He damaged his relationship with his friend by lying to him.
3. Her hair was damaged after catching it on fire.
2. He damaged his relationship with his friend by lying to him.
3. Her hair was damaged after catching it on fire.
Mots similaires à "Damage" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre damage et wreck ?
Damages can be fixed, wrecked usually means it is broken.
"My car has some damages" might mean that it has some dents or a broken window, but if the car is "wrecked" then it is destroyed, can no longer be driven, it broken beyond repair.
"My car has some damages" might mean that it has some dents or a broken window, but if the car is "wrecked" then it is destroyed, can no longer be driven, it broken beyond repair.
Quelle est la différence entre damage et hurt ?
you can sometimes...
Example 1: “Be careful not to damage his spirit when you speak about his low grades.”
Example 1: “Be careful not to damage his spirit when you speak about his low grades.”
Quelle est la différence entre damage et destroy ?
When something is damaged, it may be injured or partially broken.
"I damaged my dad's car"
"I damaged my hair"
(The car may still work, but something is messed up)
If something is destroyed, then it is completely broken apart. Typically things that are destroyed are no longer able to be used.
"They destroyed the building with bombs"
"I destroyed toy with my hammer"
"I damaged my dad's car"
"I damaged my hair"
(The car may still work, but something is messed up)
If something is destroyed, then it is completely broken apart. Typically things that are destroyed are no longer able to be used.
"They destroyed the building with bombs"
"I destroyed toy with my hammer"
Quelle est la différence entre Repairing the damage caused by the storm will cost a lot. et it will cost a lot to have the damage from the storm repaired. ?
they both look and sound natural.
Quelle est la différence entre a damage et a damaging ?
Перед damaging артикль не ставьте, это герундий, а не существительное.
damage - это результат ("урон, разрушение")
damaging - это процесс нанесения (урона, разрушения).
Можно, конечно, употребить следующее предложение:
He did most of the damaging. Он нанес бо'льшую часть урона.
Но это уже особенность подобной конструкции.
damage - это результат ("урон, разрушение")
damaging - это процесс нанесения (урона, разрушения).
Можно, конечно, употребить следующее предложение:
He did most of the damaging. Он нанес бо'льшую часть урона.
Но это уже особенность подобной конструкции.
Traductions de "Damage"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? How to prevent damage to your car.
How to prevent your car from being damaged
How to prevent your car from being damaged
how to prevent your car from getting damaged.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? damage
Vérifiez la question pour voir la réponse
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? damage ki dahi bna d ha
it's a phrase
tell me accurate phrade
tell me accurate phrade
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? damage
Vérifiez la question pour voir la réponse
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? damage
Pronunciation of damage
Autres questions concernant "Damage"
As of the 11th, it was clear that the damage caused by the fraud use of the smartphone payment service "Seven Pay" was about 32.4 million yen for 1,574 persons. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
As of the 11th, it was clear that the damage caused by the fraud use of the smartphone payment service called, "Seven Pay" was about 32.4 million yen for 1,574 persons.
it's natural what you put, but i think it makes it a little more natural.
it's natural what you put, but i think it makes it a little more natural.
What does "damage control" mean?
7:20 of the video
7:20 of the video
A representative of this organization made a statement to the media after a member of the organization was found doing something wrong.
If it was (only) "damage control", the statement was superficial, designed to limit the damage done to the public image of the organization. It did not address any underlying problem that members of the organization may have a pattern of this kind of wrong action.
For example the statement may have expressed surprise and regret about the particular event, but blamed the individual as atypical. It would not have admitted that the organization might have any responsibility or need to reform itself to prevent this kind of thing happening again.
If it was (only) "damage control", the statement was superficial, designed to limit the damage done to the public image of the organization. It did not address any underlying problem that members of the organization may have a pattern of this kind of wrong action.
For example the statement may have expressed surprise and regret about the particular event, but blamed the individual as atypical. It would not have admitted that the organization might have any responsibility or need to reform itself to prevent this kind of thing happening again.
To prevent the damage of child abuse, the government and individuals’ effort is essentially needed. For instance, in the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies, they engage the education sector in a campaign that reminds kids that help is available and no one is alone. Also, people can notice whether a child is suffered from somewhere or not through continuous attention by being aware of changes in a child’s behaviour or attitude and inquiring into it.
Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
To prevent child abuse, both individual and government effort is essentially needed. For instance, in the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies, they have an educational campaign that reminds kids that help is available and that no one is alone. Also, people can notice if a child is suffering or being abused. They can look out for changes in a child’s behaviors or attitudes and ask them about it.
Hope this is helpful! ^^
Hope this is helpful! ^^
I heard about all damage for eyes is perpetual from TV, so we need to protect our eyes well. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
When you say I heard ...''it's the same meaning as ''I heard information''
something that's ''bad'' for you
as the same meaning as something that cause you damage...
Watching TV too much or too closely will damage your eyes. Watching too much TV or sitting very close to it may make your eyes tired or give you a headache – particularly if you are watching TV in the dark – but won't cause any serious permanent damage
something that's ''bad'' for you
as the same meaning as something that cause you damage...
Watching TV too much or too closely will damage your eyes. Watching too much TV or sitting very close to it may make your eyes tired or give you a headache – particularly if you are watching TV in the dark – but won't cause any serious permanent damage
damage vs. impair
1) Your liver is damaged by alcohol.
2) Your liver is impaired by alcohol.
Is there any difference in nuance between both sentences? Or the same meaning?
1) Your liver is damaged by alcohol.
2) Your liver is impaired by alcohol.
Is there any difference in nuance between both sentences? Or the same meaning?
Damaged is like injured or harmed while impaired feels more like weakened, deteriorated.
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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