Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Endemic"
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Endemic"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant endemic.
@Asg2 ‘that animal is endemic to North America’ or ‘black hair is endemic to the Asian population’. ‘Endemic’ is not a very common word so I gave your examples with the word, but they are not common expressions.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant endemic.
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Mots similaires à "Endemic" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre endemic et arcane, niche ?
These are vastly different words.
endemic - relating a living thing and where it is found. 'The spinnifex hopping mouse is endemic to the arid deserts of Central Australia'
arcane - relating to a procedure or process. 'The university selection process was arcane, and the students could not even guess at who would make it in'
niche - relating to the appeal (of a product or service) to a specific group. 'His company filled a narrow niche in the market, providing a male belly dancing service'
endemic - relating a living thing and where it is found. 'The spinnifex hopping mouse is endemic to the arid deserts of Central Australia'
arcane - relating to a procedure or process. 'The university selection process was arcane, and the students could not even guess at who would make it in'
niche - relating to the appeal (of a product or service) to a specific group. 'His company filled a narrow niche in the market, providing a male belly dancing service'
Quelle est la différence entre endemic et indigenous ?
Indigenous = native (i.e. the original plants/animals/people who were there before others invaded)
E.g. The red squirrel is indigenous to Great Britain. The Aboriginal people are indigenous to Australia.
Endemic --> it can mean 'native' (although only when describing a plant/animal, never a people), but it also means that a disease/condition is regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.
E.g. Coronavirus is now endemic in the United States.
E.g. The red squirrel is indigenous to Great Britain. The Aboriginal people are indigenous to Australia.
Endemic --> it can mean 'native' (although only when describing a plant/animal, never a people), but it also means that a disease/condition is regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.
E.g. Coronavirus is now endemic in the United States.
Quelle est la différence entre endemic et vernacular ?
Endemic is a disease that is in a certain area
Vernacular is a way of speaking/language from a certain area
Vernacular is a way of speaking/language from a certain area
Traductions de "Endemic"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? endemic
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