Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Lesson"
La signification de "Lesson" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie These lessons will all I think be longer than 60 minutes. ?
The meaning is "I think that these lessons will all be longer than 60 minutes." It's uncommon for "I think" to be placed here usually. It sounds like the speaker decided on inserting the "I think" as an afterthought. This would probably only come up in spoken language.
Que signifie But his lessons turned out to be a bit of a joke ?
“but his lessons turned out to be a bit of a joke” means what he was teaching wasn’t serious or was pointless. “a bit of a joke” means that something is kind of silly.
Que signifie it was a lesson learned ?
I learned something from it
Que signifie I'll give you what for.
I'll teach you a lesson. ?
I'll teach you a lesson. ?
Yes its a warning.stay safe my dear
Que signifie I need to give her some lessons in cool. ( what does IN COOL mean here?) ?
It means you are going to teach her how to be cool
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Lesson"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant I want lesson .
1-I want a lesson in language.
2-I want lessons in the arts.
3-I want a lesson for driving.
4-I want a lesson for piano.
1-Eu quero uma aula de linguagem.
2-Eu quero lições nas artes.
3-Eu quero uma aula para dirigir.
4-Eu quero uma aula para piano.
I hope this helps!~
2-I want lessons in the arts.
3-I want a lesson for driving.
4-I want a lesson for piano.
1-Eu quero uma aula de linguagem.
2-Eu quero lições nas artes.
3-Eu quero uma aula para dirigir.
4-Eu quero uma aula para piano.
I hope this helps!~
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant lesson.
This is my third lesson with this teacher.
I have my piano lesson on Monday.
I am late to my lesson.
I have my piano lesson on Monday.
I am late to my lesson.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant to learn a lesson.
"You should have taken an umbrella this time of year, I hope you learn a lesson from the experience."
"I warned you not to drink too much, I hope you learn a lesson from it."
"I thought you might have learned a lesson the last time you left your homework until the last minute."
"I warned you not to drink too much, I hope you learn a lesson from it."
"I thought you might have learned a lesson the last time you left your homework until the last minute."
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant lesson learned.
A: I can't believe Jake turned me down in front of everyone.
B: I tried tell you. He does NOT like being put on the spot in front of a crowd.
A: Lesson leaned! I just hope he'll give me another chance...
B: I tried tell you. He does NOT like being put on the spot in front of a crowd.
A: Lesson leaned! I just hope he'll give me another chance...
Mots similaires à "Lesson" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre I took a lesson from the failure. et I learned a lesson from the failure. ?
They mean the same thing but the 2nd example is much more natural.
Quelle est la différence entre The lessons are from Monday to Friday et The lessons are Monday to Friday ?
Both mean the same and will be understood by natives. Technically "the lessons are from Monday to Friday" is the full sentence but some people might leave out the word "from" as it still gives the listener the same information, just with fewer words. It can be considered a time saving method when speaking.
I hope this helps!
I hope this helps!
Quelle est la différence entre On the last lesson et At the last lesson ?
At the last lesson can work but tends to be specific to time and/or place. It is helpful to know the full context in which you wish to use the phrase.
I had assumed you meant “during/in the lesson...blah blah something happened.”
“At” does not fit well there, though you would be easily understood if you said it.
At the last lesson can work but tends to be specific to time and/or place. It is helpful to know the full context in which you wish to use the phrase.
I had assumed you meant “during/in the lesson...blah blah something happened.”
“At” does not fit well there, though you would be easily understood if you said it.
Quelle est la différence entre I have done 250 lessons. et I achieved 250 lessons. ?
They both mean the same thing, except “I have done 250 lessons.” Is longer, and you can make it shorter with “I achieved 250 lessons.” If your talking about having finish them.
Quelle est la différence entre This lesson is suitable for beginners. et This lesson is for beginners. ?
The first can mean that the lesson is not specifically aimed towards beginners, but it is still fine for them to participate, whereas the second means that the lesson is explicitly for beginners.
Traductions de "Lesson"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? レッスン中は日本語を話します。
I speak Japanese at whole lesson
I speak Japanese at whole lesson
I speak Japanese throughout the whole lesson
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? exceed the lesson time by 4 minutes
both sentences are correct, exceed the lesson time by 4 minutes is more formal than run over the lesson by 4 minutes. you also don't need to say "the lesson" again in the second sentence, assuming the full sentence would be "we've run over by 4 minutes" in the context of class saying lesson would be redundant. hope that helps :)
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? I conduct the lesson (demo, rehearsal). What word do you use in US to explain you are a teacher/coach of the event? I mean "conduct" is okay or you use other words?
I teach the lesson
present the lesson
deliver the presentation
deliver the lecture
present the lesson
deliver the presentation
deliver the lecture
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? I take an English lesson every Wednesday
(I think American people often use "take" such as "take a bath". But I heard once British people often use "have" instead. So for an English lesson, do British people also use "have" instead of "take"?)
(I think American people often use "take" such as "take a bath". But I heard once British people often use "have" instead. So for an English lesson, do British people also use "have" instead of "take"?)
yes we would say
I have english lessons every Tuesday
I have english lessons every Tuesday
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? 手工课(craft lesson? handwork lesson?))
I think craft lesson sounds good! Or, arts and crafts lesson
Autres questions concernant "Lesson"
1. “The lesson is on page twelve.”
- what’s the meaning of the sentence?
Are they(students) reading page 12?
2. Difference between a few, and some
When can i use a few and some?
Please explain it in easy way! Thanks!
- what’s the meaning of the sentence?
Are they(students) reading page 12?
2. Difference between a few, and some
When can i use a few and some?
Please explain it in easy way! Thanks!
1. the sentence just tells you where to look if you want to find the lesson in the book.
ex: what page does the chapter on adjectives start on?
it starts on page 12.
2. some is unspecified and more general than a few. a few means a small number of things.
ex: he only had a few pages left to read in the book. (he's near the end of the book).
ex: I can think of a few things that will solve that problem. (maybe the person thought of three solutions).
ex: some people like ketchup on hamburgers. (it means not all people, but we don't know how many people do like it).
ex: what page does the chapter on adjectives start on?
it starts on page 12.
2. some is unspecified and more general than a few. a few means a small number of things.
ex: he only had a few pages left to read in the book. (he's near the end of the book).
ex: I can think of a few things that will solve that problem. (maybe the person thought of three solutions).
ex: some people like ketchup on hamburgers. (it means not all people, but we don't know how many people do like it).
What we are going to discuss in our next lesson ?
Does this sound natural?
What would a native speaker say ? in American English
Does this sound natural?
What would a native speaker say ? in American English
You should switch “we” and “are” because the sentence is incorrect otherwise.
What we are going to discuss in our next lesson? ❌
What are we going to discuss in our next lesson? ✅
What we are going to discuss in our next lesson? ❌
What are we going to discuss in our next lesson? ✅
A "We can only take a lessons for 10 minutes because I have to eat lunch later. Is it OK?"
B "It's just right! I have to work 10 minutes later as well." Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
B "It's just right! I have to work 10 minutes later as well." Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
× B "It's just right! I have to work 10 minutes later as well."
✓ B "It's just fine! I have to work after 10 minutes as well."
✓ B "It's just fine! I have to work after 10 minutes as well."
When I give a lesson in front of students who are enthusiastic for learning Japanese, I feel fulfilled. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
× When I give a lesson in front of students who are enthusiastic for learning Japanese, I feel fulfillment.
✓ It is fulfilling to teach students that are enthusiastic about learning Japanese.
When I give a lesson in front of students enthusiastic to learn Japanese, I feel fulfilled.
✓ It is fulfilling to teach students that are enthusiastic about learning Japanese.
When I give a lesson in front of students enthusiastic to learn Japanese, I feel fulfilled.
I went to dance lesson today
I couldn't keep up with my dance class at all.
I felt today lost.
I went to a English cafe at night
I was depressed, I don't speak English Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
I couldn't keep up with my dance class at all.
I felt today lost.
I went to a English cafe at night
I was depressed, I don't speak English Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
× I went to dance lesson today
✓ I went to a dance lesson today
× I felt today lost.
✓ I felt lost today
× I went to a English cafe at night
✓ I went to an english cafe at night
× I was depressed, I don't speak English
✓ I was sad because I don't speak english
✓ I went to a dance lesson today
× I felt today lost.
✓ I felt lost today
× I went to a English cafe at night
✓ I went to an english cafe at night
× I was depressed, I don't speak English
✓ I was sad because I don't speak english
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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