Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Rainy"
La signification de "Rainy" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie "Oddly enough" in "Oddly enough, despite the rainy weather, the outdoor concert was a huge success." ?
This is a surprisingly common establishing phrase in English – or you might say that, oddly enough, lots of people say it.
When we say this, it means that the following information has a strange outcome. It is unexpected, surprising.
So in this case, there was lots of rain, but it didn’t stop the outdoor concert from being successful. You would think that people might stay away and not get wet, but that’s not what happened – surprisingly, lots of them came to the concert.
This is a surprisingly common establishing phrase in English – or you might say that, oddly enough, lots of people say it.
When we say this, it means that the following information has a strange outcome. It is unexpected, surprising.
So in this case, there was lots of rain, but it didn’t stop the outdoor concert from being successful. You would think that people might stay away and not get wet, but that’s not what happened – surprisingly, lots of them came to the concert.
Que signifie a rainy relieving summer ?
"Relieving" in this context just sounds bizarre
I'd say that this is a mistake
"Relieving" in this context just sounds bizarre
I'd say that this is a mistake
Que signifie These rainy days cause me to get the blues
yes, blue can mean sad.
"I'm feeling blue" means the same as "I'm feeling sad"
"I'm feeling blue" means the same as "I'm feeling sad"
Que signifie rainy spell ?
A "rainy spell" is a period in a year when it rains a lot of the time and never seems to stop raining. It may be days or weeks.
Que signifie rainy day のために、どうして節約しなければいけないんですか? ?
@Young0501: rain is considered a bad thing usually. So a rainy day is when an accident happens. When it says "save money for a rainy day" it means save money for a day something bad happens.
For example: A fire destroys your house. If you do not have money saved for something like this, you will be in huge trouble.
For example: A fire destroys your house. If you do not have money saved for something like this, you will be in huge trouble.
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Rainy"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant for a rainy day.
"It was a rainy day so I decided to stay home."
"It's a rainy day and I forgot to bring my umbrella!"
•it can have a different meaning depending on the context
"Save that money for a rainy day." -here it means a future time of need
Hope this helped 👍🏻😄
"It's a rainy day and I forgot to bring my umbrella!"
•it can have a different meaning depending on the context
"Save that money for a rainy day." -here it means a future time of need
Hope this helped 👍🏻😄
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant rain. rainy .
It looked very rainy out today.
There is rain today.
I won't go to the park because of the rain.
There is rain today.
I won't go to the park because of the rain.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant here's that rainy day .
There's a song that has a line in it - "Here's (comes) that rainy day feeling again"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant for a rainy day.
A: I got a $100 bonus from work. Maybe I'll buy some shoes!
B: No, you'd better save it for a rainy day.
A: I'm not one to save for the future--might as well live for today!
B: Suit yourself.
B: No, you'd better save it for a rainy day.
A: I'm not one to save for the future--might as well live for today!
B: Suit yourself.
Mots similaires à "Rainy" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre It is rainy today. et It is raining. ?
No difference! They are practically interchangeable!
Quelle est la différence entre it shouldn't be rainy et it shouldn't be raining ?
They both make sense, nevertheless.
It’s raining (비가온다)
It’s rainy (비가오는 날씨다)
It’s raining (비가온다)
It’s rainy (비가오는 날씨다)
Quelle est la différence entre rainy et wet ?
Rainy is usually used to describe the weather if it is raining. For example: “It is a rainy day today.” Wet is usually used to describe something that has become covered or soaked with water or some other liquid. For example: “The carpet is wet because I spilled my drink on it.”
Quelle est la différence entre Because it's rainy et As it's rainy ?
"Because" talks about the cause, "as" talks about the context. So a "because" reason plays a bigger part in the decision than an "as" reason.
Quelle est la différence entre It will be rainy tomorrow et It will rainy tomorrow ?
"It will be rainy tomorrow" and "it will rain tomorrow"?
"Rainy" is an adjective and "rain' is a verb (in this case).
So they are both ways of saying the same thing.
"Rainy" is an adjective and "rain' is a verb (in this case).
So they are both ways of saying the same thing.
Traductions de "Rainy"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? It's rainy and cold.
It's raining and cold.
Which is more natural?
It's raining and cold.
Which is more natural?
"It's rainy and cold" is more natural.
"rainy" and "cold" are both adjectives, so they "match" each other.
It's called parallel structure in English! It makes your sentence flow better.
"rainy" and "cold" are both adjectives, so they "match" each other.
It's called parallel structure in English! It makes your sentence flow better.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? 2020/2/25
It’s rainy today. My friend sent a message for me. She asked me that how feels to like someone. I said that it missing someone any time. I supposed her who fall in love.(Is this expression natural?)
It’s rainy today. My friend sent a message for me. She asked me that how feels to like someone. I said that it missing someone any time. I supposed her who fall in love.(Is this expression natural?)
These are my changes:
"It's rainy today. My friend sent me a message. She asked me how it feels to like someone. I said that it's when you miss someone at any time."
I'm not sure what you mean by, "I supposed her who fall in love." If you explain I can help you further.
"It's rainy today. My friend sent me a message. She asked me how it feels to like someone. I said that it's when you miss someone at any time."
I'm not sure what you mean by, "I supposed her who fall in love." If you explain I can help you further.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? Which is natural and why? "The rainy season ended./has ended." I believe the second one with "has ended" is more natural like we'd say "Spring has come." rather than "Spring came."
You are exactly correct!
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? It's rainning. I really like rainy day
When I was in middle school
I thought that rainning makes the world to grey
I could feel calm and silently
Did you bring an umbrella?
is it natural?
When I was in middle school
I thought that rainning makes the world to grey
I could feel calm and silently
Did you bring an umbrella?
is it natural?
All natural except “i really like rainy days” and “i could feel calm and silence”
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? I like rainy days.
Vérifiez la question pour voir la réponse
Autres questions concernant "Rainy"
I hate rainy day, please give me sunny day back. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
× I hate rainy day, please give me sunny day back.
✓ I hate rainy days, please give me my sunny days back.
Children's rhyme:
"Rain, rain go away. Come again another day."
✓ I hate rainy days, please give me my sunny days back.
Children's rhyme:
"Rain, rain go away. Come again another day."
A: I'm fond of foggy and rainy whether. Everyone says that I'm a little crazy, and yet I don't see normal reason for hating such a things:(
B: You say that you love sun and that you love its shines, but you always try to avoid sunny and hot places. You say that you admire bad weathers, however you always check the weather news out, because you don't want to forget about umbrella. Again. You try to avoid anything you love, so, that's why I would never trust you, when you will say: I love you...
please, check this for mistakes. 🙇🏻♀️
B: You say that you love sun and that you love its shines, but you always try to avoid sunny and hot places. You say that you admire bad weathers, however you always check the weather news out, because you don't want to forget about umbrella. Again. You try to avoid anything you love, so, that's why I would never trust you, when you will say: I love you...
please, check this for mistakes. 🙇🏻♀️
@kjay_ You say that you love sun and that you love how it shines, but you always try to avoid sunny and hot places. You say that you admire bad weather, however, you always check the weather because you don't want to forget your umbrella. Again, you try to avoid the things you love, so that's why I would never trust you when you say I love you...
“Is it supposed to be rainy in the afternoon? “
It was getting cloudy, so I asked my colleague. I forgot my umbrella because I didn't see the weather forecast. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
It was getting cloudy, so I asked my colleague. I forgot my umbrella because I didn't see the weather forecast. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
× “Is it supposed to be rainy in the afternoon?
✓ “Is it supposed to be rainy this afternoon?
✓ “Is it supposed to be rainy this afternoon?
①She may well sleep, so you shouldn't call her now.
②I always feel depressed a rainy day.
③I met her the other day after long, she is as kind as ever.
④I am usually not indecisive, but when I was worried about choosing the country studying abroad.
Do these sound natural in daily conversations?
②I always feel depressed a rainy day.
③I met her the other day after long, she is as kind as ever.
④I am usually not indecisive, but when I was worried about choosing the country studying abroad.
Do these sound natural in daily conversations?
1. Let her sleep well, you shouldn't call he now.
2. I always feel depressed on a rainy day.
3. After a long time I met her the other day, she is as kind as ever/ I met her the other day after a long time, she is as kind as ever.
4. I am not usually indecisive, but when choosing a country to study abroad I was worried.
2. I always feel depressed on a rainy day.
3. After a long time I met her the other day, she is as kind as ever/ I met her the other day after a long time, she is as kind as ever.
4. I am not usually indecisive, but when choosing a country to study abroad I was worried.
I didn't go to outside since it was rainy yesterday. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
× I didn't go to outside since it was rainy yesterday.
✓ I didn't go outside because it was rainy yesterday.
✓ I didn't go outside because it was rainy yesterday.
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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