Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Treatise"
La signification de "Treatise" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie treatise ?
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Mots similaires à "Treatise" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre treatise et dissertation ?
treatise = a formal piece of writing on a subject
dissertation = a long essay on a subject (usually to get your PHD I think))
dissertation = a long essay on a subject (usually to get your PHD I think))
Autres questions concernant "Treatise"
As any scholarly treatise on the subject will tell you the great advantage bureaucracy is supposed to offer a complex, modern society like ours is efficient, rational, uniform and courteous treatment for the citizens it deals with. Can you help me with this sentence? I don’t think this is a complete sentence. It is more like a clause. Thank you very much.
This sentence is very annoying in the way it is written. But I think it is a complete sentence.
If we take out some of the extra words it is easier to see:
(As any scholarly treatise on the subject will tell you) the great advantage bureaucracy is supposed to offer a (complex, modern) society (like ours) is (efficient, rational, uniform and courteous) treatment for the citizens (it deals with). -->
The great advantage bureaucracy is supposed to offer a society is [good] treatment for the citizens.
This simplifies the meaning, but I hope you can see the main idea better.
If we take out some of the extra words it is easier to see:
(As any scholarly treatise on the subject will tell you) the great advantage bureaucracy is supposed to offer a (complex, modern) society (like ours) is (efficient, rational, uniform and courteous) treatment for the citizens (it deals with). -->
The great advantage bureaucracy is supposed to offer a society is [good] treatment for the citizens.
This simplifies the meaning, but I hope you can see the main idea better.
I'm researching to write a treatise. When you go on an overseas trip or when a foreign tourist comes,have you ever felt that your food culture is different from other countries? For example, what they eat or what they do. It's okay if it's different from other than Japan
@Legs99 Thank you! I'm also not good at natto😂 Are there few families in New Zealand eating with the whole family?
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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