Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Treatment"
La signification de "Treatment" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie because it's effective but compared to other treatments, in decades(何十年にもわたる) to come it will seem to be overly destructive(破壊的な) and something that needed to be changed and will be changed. ?
it's effective - it does something well/it works well
decade - 10 years
"in decades to come" means "in decades coming in the future"
ex. 50, 60 years
decade - 10 years
"in decades to come" means "in decades coming in the future"
ex. 50, 60 years
Que signifie deworming treatment ?
To get rid of parasites (worms), usually in pets
Que signifie treatment facilities ?
In terms of health, it can be a hospital but it could also mean otherwise depending on the context. For example, a water treatment facility cleans bacteria and waste from water so that it can be recycled or reused.
Que signifie a treatment plant ?
Here "plant" means a place where industrial processes are carried out, so a "treatment plant" is somewhere which processes something and treats it. A typical example is a water treatment plant which processes sewage, or one which treats sea water to produce drinking water.
Que signifie She always gets the worst treatment out if all the girls to be honest. ?
out of*
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Treatment"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant silent treatment
He made his girlfriend mad, so she's giving him the silent treatment.
The boy's parents didn't buy him the toy, so he's giving them the silent treatment.
Silent treatment = Not talking to somebody for an extended period of time because they made you upset or mad.
The boy's parents didn't buy him the toy, so he's giving them the silent treatment.
Silent treatment = Not talking to somebody for an extended period of time because they made you upset or mad.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant treatment.
@thuhahtt05 1)A treatment will cure the disease.
2)What kind of treatment will I get?
3)I'm not used to treatment like that.
4)The treatmentis going successfully.
5)How long are you going to keep giving me the silent treatment?
2)What kind of treatment will I get?
3)I'm not used to treatment like that.
4)The treatmentis going successfully.
5)How long are you going to keep giving me the silent treatment?
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant silent treatment .
my freind mark annoyed me earlier so I'm going to give him the silent treatment (nor speak to/ignore)
Mots similaires à "Treatment" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre Even as COVID-19 treatments have improved and death rates have fallen, record-breaking levels of hospitalizations are already inheriting ICUs in many parts of America. et Even as COVID-19 treatments have improved and death rates have fallen, record-breaking levels of hospitalizations are already overwhelming ICUs in many parts of America. et Even as COVID-19 treatments have improved and death rates have fallen, record-breaking levels of hospitalizations are already boosting ICUs in many parts of America. et Even as COVID-19 treatments have improved and death rates have fallen, record-breaking levels of hospitalizations are already pursuing ICUs in many parts of America. ?
Only the second option makes sense. The other three are the same in that they're meaningless.
Quelle est la différence entre treatment of cancer et treatment for cancer et cancer treatment ?
those are all correct and for the most part depend on the rest of the sentence.
(These two sentences below are equivalent)
This drug was developed to treat cancer.
This drug was developed for the treatment of cancer.
(These three sentences below are equivalent)
He takes this drug for the treatment of cancer. (<- A little less natural)
He takes this drug to treat his cancer. (<- A little more natural)
He takes this drug for cancer treatment. (<- Also a little more natural)
It may be more personality (e.g. more passive or more direct) than grammar that decides which one you would choose.
(These two sentences below are equivalent)
This drug was developed to treat cancer.
This drug was developed for the treatment of cancer.
(These three sentences below are equivalent)
He takes this drug for the treatment of cancer. (<- A little less natural)
He takes this drug to treat his cancer. (<- A little more natural)
He takes this drug for cancer treatment. (<- Also a little more natural)
It may be more personality (e.g. more passive or more direct) than grammar that decides which one you would choose.
Quelle est la différence entre treatment et remedy ?
remedy sounds kind of like it would be a herbal medicine for chinese medicine, while treatment sounds like a ちゃんと treatment. does that make sense?
Quelle est la différence entre silent treatment et brush it off et ignore ?
silent treatment - refusing to verbally speak you someone
brush it off - dont let it bother you
ignore - disregard or pay no attention to it
brush it off - dont let it bother you
ignore - disregard or pay no attention to it
Quelle est la différence entre What I mainly do is the treatment of patients who need rehabilitation et What I mainly do is to treat patients who need rehabilitation. ?
I would simplify it to "I mainly treat patients who need rehabilitation."
Neither sentence you wrote there was wrong, and they mean the exact same thing, but they both sound a little clunky in conversation.
Neither sentence you wrote there was wrong, and they mean the exact same thing, but they both sound a little clunky in conversation.
Traductions de "Treatment"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? I've been reviewing my treatment at this clinic for years.
I've been receiving my treatment at this clinic for years.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? 使い心地の良さを追求しました(talking about a facial treatment equipment)
I pursued the goodness of use.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? What is the treatment of forgetfulness for rules and words in English
I don't understand your question. Do you mean rules for using the word "forgetfulness"?
"Forgetfulness" is an uncountable noun.
"Forgetfulness" is an uncountable noun.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)?
What does "treatment" mean in the scentence below?
The classic Louisa May Alcott novel just got the miniseries treatment, but it’s headed back to the big screen
What does "treatment" mean in the scentence below?
The classic Louisa May Alcott novel just got the miniseries treatment, but it’s headed back to the big screen
In this case, “Treatment” doesn’t mean help or medical care. It is trying to say “The Classic Louisa May Alcott novel was adapted into a miniseries. However, it is going to be made into a standard movie.” Basically, the writer meant the series was turned into short shows rather than a featured film. It’s a casual/conversational word and should not be used in academic work.
Autres questions concernant "Treatment"
"Why only I get this rigorous treatment from him? He has soft spots for everybody except me" Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Why do I only get this rigorous...
The doctor’s careful treatment of the patient brought about his speedy recovery. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Excellent use of English
I submitted my treatment charts and the medical certificate to the healthcare office. A few days later, I received a message from them, and they said it turned out that I deserved to get their aid for living expenses and medical expenses. So I come to receive their aid for 1 year. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
It sounds very natural! I made small Suggestions in []
I submitted my treatment charts and the medical certificate to the healthcare office. A few days later, I received a message from them, and they said it turned out that I [qualified] to get their aid for living expenses and medical expenses. So [now] I [can]receive their aid for 1 year.
I submitted my treatment charts and the medical certificate to the healthcare office. A few days later, I received a message from them, and they said it turned out that I [qualified] to get their aid for living expenses and medical expenses. So [now] I [can]receive their aid for 1 year.
What is 'fired'?
The treatment must be shot by some real gun? or figurative?
The treatment must be shot by some real gun? or figurative?
Correct, it's a physical object. The substance that is launched and injects itself after it hits the animal.
common treatment locations for laser hair removal inclue legs,armpit,upper lips,chin,back and bikini line but it is possible to treat unwanted hair in almost any atea of the body Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
Well done!
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