Basic French

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Some Basic Phrases

Bonjour (bohn-zhoor) Hello / Good day Bonsoir / Bonne nuit (bohn-swahr/bun nwee) Good evening / Good night (only said when going to

Au revoir! (ohr-vwah) Goodbye!

S'il vous plat (seel voo pleh) Please Je vous en prie / de rien (In Canada: Bienvenu) (zhuh voo zawn pree/duh reeahn/bee-awn-vuh new) You're welcome. Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle (muhsyuh, mah-dahm, mahd-mwah-zell) Mister, Misses, Miss a va? (sah vah) How are you? (informal) a va bien / mal / pas mal (sah vah beeahn/mahl/pah mahl) I'm good / bad / not bad Je suis malade (zhuh swee mah-lahd) I'm sick

Merci beaucoup (mair-see boh-koo)

Thank you very much Oui / non (wee/nohn) Yes / no Comment allez-vous? (koh-mawn tahl-ay voo) How are you? (formal) Je vais bien (zhuh vay bee-ahn) I'm fine Je suis fatigu(e) (zhuh swee fah-tee-gay) I'm tired J'ai faim (zhay fawn) I'm hungry Comment vous appelez-vous? (koh-mawn voo zah-play voo) What's your name? (formal) Je m'appelle... (zhuh mah-pell) I am called... Vous tes d'o? (voo zet doo) Where are you from? (formal) O habitez-vous? (ooh ah-bee-tay voo) Where do you live? (formal) Je suis des Etats-Unis / du Canada. (zhuh swee day zay-tahz-ew-nee/dew kah-nah-dah) I am from the United States / Canada. Vous avez quel ge? (voo za-vay kell ahzh) How old are you? (formal)

J'ai soif (zhay swahf) I'm thirsty Comment t'appelles-tu? (koh-mawn tah-pell tew) What's your name? (informal) Mon nom est... (mohn nohm ay) My name is... Tu es d'o? (tew ay doo) Where are you from? (informal) O habites-tu? (ooh ah-beet tew) Where do you live? (informal) J'habite aux Etats-Unis / au Canada. (zhahbeet oh zay-tahz-ew-nee/ oh kah-nah-dah) I live in the U.S. / Canada. Tu as quel ge? (tew ah kell ahzh) How old are you? (informal)

J'ai ____ ans. (zhay ____ awn) I am ____ years old. Parlez-vous franais? (par-lay voo frahn-say) Do you speak French? (formal) Parles-tu anglais? (parl tew on-glay) Do you speak English? (informal)

Italien, Allemand, Espagnol (ee-tahl-eeahn, ahll-uh-mawn, es-pahn-yol) Italian, German, Spanish Je parle... (zhuh parl) I speak... Je (ne) comprends (pas) (zhuh nuh com-prawn pah) I (don't) understand Excusez-moi / Pardonnez-moi (egscew-zay mwah/par-dohn-ay mwah) Excuse me / Pardon me A tout l'heure / A bientt (ah too tah luhr/ah bee-ahn-toh) See you later / See you soon Je t'aime (zhuh tem) I love you (singular)

Russe, Japonais, Chinois (rooss, zhahpo-neh, shee-nwah) Russian, Japanese, Chinese Je ne parle pas... (zhuh nuh parl pah) I don't speak... Je (ne) sais (pas) (zhuhn say pah) I (don't) know Je regrette / Je suis dsol(e) (zhuh regret/zhuh swee day-zoh-lay) I'm sorry Salut (sah-lew) Hi / Bye Je vous aime (zhuh voo zem) I love you! (plural)

Nouns, Articles and Demonstrative Adjectives

All nouns in French have a gender, either masculine or feminine. For the most part, you must memorize the gender, but there are some endings of words that will help you decide which gender a noun is. Nouns ending in -age and -ment are usually masculine, as are nouns ending with a consonant. Nouns ending in -ure, -sion, tion, -ence, -ance, -t, and -ette are usually feminine. Articles and adjectives must agree in number and gender with the nouns they modify. And articles have to be expressed even though they aren't always in English; and you may have to repeat the article in some cases. Demonstratives are like strong definite articles. Definite Articles (The) Before Masculine Feminine Plural Vowel la pommethe apple c'est voil et mais maintenant surtout sauf bien sr comme ci, comme a pas mal le livre le crayon le stylo le papier le chien le chat say vwah-lah ay may mahnt-nawn sir-too sohf bee-ahn sir kohm see kohm sah pah mal leevr krah-yohn stee-loh pah-pyaya shee-ahn shah l'oiseau the bird There is/are Here is/are always often sometimes usually also, too again late almost friend (fem) friend (masc) woman man girl boy les gants the gloves il y a voici toujours souvent quelquefois d'habitude aussi encore en retard presque une amie un ami une femme un homme une fille un garon eel-ee-yah vwah-see too-zhoor soo-vawn kell-kuh-fwah dah-bee-tewd oh-see awn-kore awn-ruh-tar presk ew nah-mee ah-nah-mee ewn fawn ah-nohm feey gar-sohn

le lit the bed

Useful Words and General Vocabulary

It's / That's There is/are and but now especially except of course so so not bad book pencil pen paper dog cat

Subject Pronouns
Subject Pronouns

Je Tu

zhuh tew

I You (inform al) He She One

Nous Vous

noo voo

Il Elle On

eel ell ohn

Ils Elles


We You (formal and plural) They (masc.) They (fem.)

To Be and To Have
I am You are He is She is One is Present tense of tre - to be (eh-truh) zhuh Nous Je suis We are sommes swee Vous Tu es tew ay You are tes Il est Ils sont eel ay ell They Elle est ay ohn areThey Elles On est sont ay are noo sohm voo zett eel sohn ell sohn

Past tense of tre - to be We were nous j'tais I was (being) zhay-teh ay-tee-ohn tions (being) You were tu tais vous tiez You were (being) ay-teh ay-tee-ay (being) They were il tait elle ils taient He was (being) ay-teh ay(being)The ay-teh aytait on She was (being) elles teh ay-teh y were teh tait taient One was (being) (being) Note: Je and any verb form that starts with a vowel (or silent h) combine together for ease of pronunciation. Future Tense of tre - to be We will nous je serai I will be suh-reh suh-rohn serons be You will vous suh-reetu seras You will be suh-rah seriez be ay suhils il sera They will seront He will be She will be rahsuhsuh-rohn elle sera beThey One will be rahsuhelles suh-rohn on sera will be seront rah Note: You must use the subject pronouns; but I will leave them out of future conjugations. Present tense of avoir - to have (ah-vwahr) We ahj'ai avons I have zhay have vohn You ahas avez You have ah have vay He/she has a ah They have ont ohn

I had You had He/she had

Past tense of avoir - to have zhahj'avais We had veh You avais ah-veh had They avait ah-veh had

avions aviez avaient

ah-veeohn ah-veeay ah-veh

I will have You will have He/she will have

Future tense of avoir - to have We will j'aurai zhoh-reh have You will auras oh-rah have They will aura oh-rah have

aurons aurez auront

oh-rohn oh-ray oh-rohn

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