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I 51 sual £1999 tin ote 2 gilyall ja 1420 pe yuu guts 20 oss ULuslall TLul “ee ? 7 2 oo oe - oop gee ae tlt ds 2 bw! SEM Sb Mel mete Shree celjly Sb 7s cee Bly lay! cree Uysal Gl! GLY Jos gold olaly we set 3 cau satel wean | atlas! ay eens oe Silgadl = J ylus goo poll ane g U8 135 957. laa tie Jiljqll 8200-50 gic 17 l!65.18.15 sul "Télex : 65 180 IMPOF DZ. . f Ce tall tetany Ga! alll g-2 2675,00| ¢.s 1070,00 G4 350,00] ¢.s 2140,00 (060 30,0007 68 KG ai pally Rast hay hall glk Stall Cantal Un lene Male 5s 60 320.0600.12 Zs! pally Sa tay Slay et 9 13,50 GLa! Ut St : Call cpaSall i jal sual cpa GS phtall Wee lll platy Slob pest I CLA gf SISSY! apap elyae 3ya8 VI Baz ell Ula! Uabl GUL! plea pola 460,00 guliah le pAUIl cya10 10 10 W W VW 12 12 12 13 Lens Glas 61999 Lise gale 31 Galpall 1420 ple ill gay 18 yeh E's} 161 99 py pes pyeere = slash ote paead Gleabdy 1999 Lie gale 31 Gal pall 1420 ple Sil! gas 18 ph Cyh4 162 - 99 pay pubs prenre fleguall = Eye ste Lend slants 1999 Lins gly BT Ga pall 1420 pe alll! grey 18 pb ede 163 - 99 Ay peels pres BSeny see Kya giasdy 1999 Lae gage BT Gilyall 1420 pe itll gary 18 gh C5 164-99 ay ey poe lease ~ Uy slaw Tyas aady 1999 Lie gage 31 Salpall 1420 pe athll gary 18 ph C554 165-99 py es pone Tags lle Tees Geeky 1999 ae gals 31 Gilad! 1420 ple SU gay 18 God C54 166 ~ 99 py aly prone 3565 ~ Gla lke Rpesed Glaus (1999 dee galgy BT Gil pal! 1420 ple itll gay 1B yeh C354 167-99 Ay els pre Iylol egils— satan geal Ue pases Glaus 1999 ae gags 31 Gal pall 1420 pe tbl! gas 18 ob E55 168-99 6) ees pares solygagi = Uylaye othe wlesde andy 1999 Le eke JH) SH pal! 1420 ple pill gars 19 ob E554 169 - 99 phy as pres 1999 ie paataee 16 fgg ELL Qapilill Ce ealiollg ailbll aslig plead oma Gab Gly! bay Glas 1999 Lise gale 25 Gilyall 1420 ple pina 9 yh E556 Id LN a eh” cull ply Langgy lagen "Heel GSLVI ed Ly GaLalll pale Ge ces Lindy (papell15 16 7 18 19 proloe et Saal tboll oles hay Ghats 1999 Lae gules 25 Gilpal! 1420 ple pe 9 hed LF GP SL nde gud cael IS ph oLSly Lally yolally yale ll pga Ge tens Landy ipenal!y Toles Ly LbaggS SLL ly le Wily! handy 1999 Lise gage 28 alpall 1420 ple SI eas 14 gh Ea OL SM! gars 5 gph ESI SLI! ALI os 999 tine gaigs 29 Gilgall 1420 ple SGV! gues 15 gph Cade LF Leaky” slang” Baysaal! Ca ghawall co ES BN pny Glasally 1998 Lie gags 29 lpi! 1419 ple ASL Uy Ged Age" cased Ia gd es pate optic! SIMI ess 7 eh Cabal! sLAI! LA] ents 1999 Lane paige 29 Gal pall 1420 ple SV! goes 15 ph C254 LB shea Lea gS eh PLA elds Sal Leaky hens Gla tally 1992 Cine peatnes 5 Gal pall 1413 ple BS Son Wye Capel lS Legal wins Glas 1999 Lae gage 29 aly el! 1420 Le Ques 15 pb Cod Une Uys the og” peel SIAN oh Suh HLS pe ER Lend GSI! ALL, pt ayn!s gest 07 - 85 3, oyilill pasting — Y98 tan es 2.26 Silpall 1405 ple dandll gi 19 Leas ssy Ueliay «UU papal eas lly ge Cada 14-86 py Ql pani ~ Hi ete 19 Galpst! 1406 ple Lal gi 13 Gee tomy II JLnety Gl atl, 1986 Saat asl Uyliy GD aaly Lay pa al iecually gh (5103-87 py Gyslal! pasting — Hass pals 27 Galpall 1407 ple IV! goles 27 Colpasll Vogl Glarsty 1987 oh Copal 09 — 87 93, oil! pains - Kis palpab 10 Galpall 1407 ple UCI olen 11 Sob pee yy pall Spe pues, gloat, 1987 aUpaaly piers (AIT 88 Sy oy! Pasig, 1988 diss yale 10 galpat! 1408 ple gles, 23 ay Gg pall JEU dae 95 Gaal oF C254 02 - 89 6, GySlill asians - 1989 dies pad 7 Gilpatl 1409 ple Ga Si cellgal! Gyload Cla sell glares eh Copal 23-89 93, gill pandas — His ppnnens 19 Gal pall 1410 ple GIVI alee 21 sonal glial, 1989 i CIS 29-90 ob, gl! asians opeengs So Gp aI 1411 ple IY! golae 14 pass Ul Glasally 1990 tu 12-93 pay eet ppp addins — S gly alt 1414 ple Sl gay 19 a EDS! sgl UG 3, Glaly 1993 Ges p38 01-94 pay pe EN pp ll peti — als 1S Gay all 1414 ple gloat 3 ye hjull Riba Usbisl glist 1994 Ge eet 15 gh (45-4 09-99 pa, Gila glee 28 Gilet! 1420 ple Vat! gs Sal gla, 1999 Ge Go seastl ats 122 gSSLad Laan Ys yy ll ple Ly - is 1265 AC abalI 155-66 93) 3 asians - 1966 tins paisa 8 Gailpal! 1386 ple pine 18 a lel pat! gpl Gana ially aaually oP Cosa 156-66 95 I paains- 1966 tie paige 8 Galpal! 1386 ple pin 18 petals Sonal olygdall gyi asaially 20 pa Ey gal! 58-75 9a) I 1975 tise poeta 26 5ilpal! 1395 ple glee, oily oe pital QyGllll Gaal 20 ph E54 S9~75 pay Y! dddnry — 1975 dies pando 26 Galpall 1395 ple Lan, pletely Soe! ig stall yilill Saal, GA EDEANO7 ~ 79 py gGLAl pesinny— 1979 Lise sale 21 Gal pall 1399 ple glint 26 patel Saal el Lea! gyslb aecally gh 5103 - 83 95, Gill! asians Tae poled S Galpall 1403 ple GU! any, 22 Rigel Glen, Ghaally 1983 Bb eogell 17 - 84 a, oS! Latin — 1984 die yp lye 7 Gilad! 1404 ple Jt, opadally Sonal! GUL gual Gleiallya GMs Ce 5 ety ce VI Lana CSN Gy |patl obslaaael gi Ll (GPL) gaan! Jy pS GLb Lana pa phed — atl 5Uill gs Lally ACL! Salada gas oly 4SUl ag 3 ~ Geagiall oUIIL3 — eb be i ot Gap ola tut ly Gt ple BL = aL CLS} coyines phe Gath SLolesaly oUt! Uslaiuly lebasasy oh) peeks LS ek Le Lk pales Lis luni Cai cpanansy Spa gl Sl ya Lees Y Laguna! Sua Salas op ped Cyl! Cyathea gle BLL! (AER glans pail Sel open G3 — PULA Lig gl Sl ty Lam leally Uppll Clany Lead! j Un! anes ~ eb II Git! ole boat! Gab — sy Cb Sl ops ~ SA Sally Spl ceed les colaceaall eG Gul VCH a S25! sues GOES ab AG) Goes a BTL hey lilly OLAS SIT gle CULT pb pe SU BH) Gy all olelatly sola ppl RisLime say — das AV gy3UI! jae sated ol! Opi! Ika Gage 2 QA g¥! TSLI Sika CHIN pb Sa BU Zeb I La Call byt SAI jam Gaatyy abt JY Glut Lath gb Sal SOY! Lenalt aa bu ome HW oeb pSe Ul Jat 2 Sula eS ky SI! SULLA lel al PUD pais coe atl Rg Salt Cth pla al Riagll le gh oe HU tt) Jaa 3 SLL Ba pb HUE dd ne! JL PUI Dyes GI Jagady CLs casi WaSy oar atly UUs Lele! GLeles ya Le Jp ey! pe ogc OG pbs Bh: 4 SL UW Sagat! Lith Lage Galt U5 5, Jlal ppt y Cat! Lah Lec Ya aU CL gS! ISS (UeLege all) Gorell ch! goithal! pL ol ; 5 xobul Tbs alg lll EL ue gk Lgl gle Gaul pet Lidlalsly etl eat laa teolee aS A} I pS gs #6 FLU Soup! PUL Clad paSi g05 UC gle li SU eh pel cep AI sg eal bs Ga Ge Gbyll Cath! LL! LU ayLadely iptbegll agra! bas atte cole RC gle tI py ae gt Gene Gov Gysthl eijlaslWs Ue ad hs 12 add Goa pled CealjI7! Cysts La ole BP 13 FLT Bea gle Sab al Lath! ota say Tyas Cy Rll Spells Gully oly Weal! IE cepts ple Jaatune i plas sete Sloe US apis! GUbs gle Sliced pall gts 14 SLI Upatand ald ple 13S y 35 _ghU Dyathel! Days pall ose 15 sola ALG Lae Gath Mouuy bal WLM Cols pslastly 35429!) Gla ghee JSI Cit! Sete Sh app eSU LU OL} oat sale USUI Lge Lalas 3p ees ALES ~ SULLA! gang Gia Uy phy GH sl Ml Silay Mashed SI Shea! Lobel! Sy etl Leu! eRChI) TAL Laas TUL HI Sl, ples gay, 1 16 SSL! ee a Lt] Uber pes Gath! pape dl Cy Sthsl Doge Calas pleat! Spey cslaeally agatha GUL E51» Mego silly gal HN (ested 55511 — Rath! p5 pSaU (paky ab gee aaa! ALI pi SBN! Lays - 2g Caja wel ya] - Cs pb Sal las Gals ~ iggRthll (UCI Ghee Grane JOY! Quail yall) Cua Stusstey Gente soll ileally shall ass 9 TSLT Bipally SIZ Lly oly SU Ul Bp pedl Sy yaths Qua! sate, wld Cy sl LS Ub) pi Ley yal CHI Leal, Heals Jo¥! gyi! Bageet GLE Yolyatl J5al Geol atl J5atl paola Saas 10 SSL! PPR! Gok Ge Saeed SLL eG pubes Ge ylpal Jj! pales as Aah slants a Cysts Cayo yally Lela Gola! pbs oe 11 SLT aes eagle Layee he Bags SLE L Toy3KhN Lo yayal! ples old Goal — Teal lake all cise pila cy tne JSS ebb oa be sas GSU Geolbll Goll leaky dls GSlaks GLa Upppees beady U5 Lal Spall Lee giny teal! GagSS yi HSI! pes Bpgely Slay LILLY solggllS Psd Pf GMa: eel deni! phate Gene Tals lel pe! SLs pay 24 LL olla pled SEEN SaaS Boel y Guy Cala y Can pent! cl gally Ce lay! oleLant ly Gath! Sholessly G5 Ci! as Lop ote oh CaaS cle pa oda Sans SUI Ia Space Cube ye geminal Cy y5ths! CL! wliles LSI ae pags 25 TL osteell Ua ye Carlely Gye sy Ces AAU Ld sy pees Uy Uhl pi lel pel ade (535 LGthd! Globes! Geoerill let ly JLaSYly Ceiba! Call eal ye USN Jad ue 3 Juul eel! Luoit! Gada po (SAS Gaby! gab pall (SoD Spiel pai pall Jats © 26 Lal GAIN olblyaHly Guy Ual! Jae Gath US Yaa! Cia seal — scsLithll yap Le Slain haga! GILG jostle tae! - | gle tach coe alii = get 2s pLENLy Laps Slly Gagan SH sith! GUL! Jl Tyathst Taw! les Go eal TUL yb pS 0M (peg anal pea aS ely Lal Saas Lgl ols 3ths) TILGU G Le gi olLey oleae! “ag sl g¥! ath 17 sou Sy Ul Lass pli yi/y liga Uy thl Meinl! Sly l5pll Jad Ge Bande Eyl! 18 sol le ned oils CIA Ol ps Gales: ee Gaile LS! seed Bel SLGH ~ adH ayo pall pln Sorally 5UiNNy Lag Lan Sl - Bl ya 1.9 54g LeyRthl Goya yall pole eV) Gey UUs spins Sy ol Spe! old SLI y oI Ltd = aby oats pales yubial ple Lys Gaal ay wally gob ayes fos: 19 SULA! Gaok ge tele Gy Hs GIL al cb RU) eat fests! Gass Spe gatas ps Last poy» 20 SL Alp tad Uh png Magliny peeee Led coe US pd Sak g asl ASV! Ups Slate saad Leas JEly Lela! SW ig gathal $I Jute 27 ToL! slapd Ooo epee ight 58 eabigs Chal LU bill ial atl GLa gepaucllll calel yo! oe Gey th SII gpa 1 22 SLL Dek ope Cpptetionne ol peed Lil ys ihe ble Upiadl ps cs y GIL UIs 15! ginal Sli Qey py 23 FLW SU Lal! gL! Gegale Saas all Cath! Geetha! SN Lalas Goal y GN! Bsa y A Garb Ge GAIL Quill! Lely8 qeolteally The! oda ae sell le BoL5 Cecil LU ph Lge Ge pem tall ISL aadl Oe a y¥l ols Jluedt yd gph sues 34 SLI pH! Garb Ge oj Lae! oe gle oe Quel qgoRUhs! PUR Ui jee Gunns pt bed pas Glace ay 35 FL! Ua yrsusy Ujaghsy ULIL alas! Ley 13 Th yb coe ale UstLaally she cepa le Cae! babel gens Uaytsy Diba Sl glea IL Gags Cag! SplagIH gp SUI ¢ URI bps eens el oe ee le cally ee Yall gg Lg pal Hath! igual Jye Stas jae beg CI ent ae! al ph pa “ella al lb! Oo yG GH ht go gall a — lena! pals SES sas 36 TL Balad ly Laps Gotlany Gooey Gy iths PE Gah Oe Yule eG Lami Baths go SAN Gaaks Chee Gaus addy Gaus Cee wis 37 GLI got Sy Ha! CLG lela! Gaus oka gle Cask ky Cie} Ut! (5Soall eb pall shoe! suas Saas 28 SLI pel Sab coe UU ob (SA alll woud omit VAI ob pS ays Sel (iby Gysiee put pie 29 FL! (SASL abl pall upd Lad wath (Sa BUd paket Gyaceall pas 30 Lu! Gerke UII GH oly iene gle Gyles py abst epee (ple py! oly aes SS Garb Ge Syste! (a say 5 5p Calas (gy ath ose ola laciel oll ley CHL gla GUST gt (SEU agg Lal! al ald Asal! ote - sath “BUH Na Ub) 35 hall LaLa gals — capt ph Edad 35 pel gle py wats! qe Leia Bg VG woe 31 ULL SUNS cL SU Jon tinns spe US Cath! tot p taal A Sal Fade Gilly Uy Al pally Gk Ge Bo Cah yy ay Ue ee Sh pst Loa teel ot vues 32 wt Gerke CIC gd Se BU bl jyattall “ns) gota Quail! ajabas lel se! IL ehlcal en go 33 SLL Aes sll ge ylally Tat BS any Tiley eth Sy Cysts! GL gas iSigaallpee ei Raat Gay eI cg! 45 ToL (6) ine ae pb BS od Sly Ge path a5 KI aid A BSL Che Gla! Gays Lall ges ela pat SS) GANS Cpa Gi cg slind Lelld pale Sy Calg iY Goals Slag aba Geo) GAISUG pL 53S Cok Lye bl Ss abel Lica LN pices gle 46 SLI Nglgens Gi Ql pal Calas! a5 gel gl SLAL Beals ead I! Speer! GalS pat ol pe Apa lhe! taay ARNT UL ga Del By gSLMN plan gglns Calpe gial yld cael KILI LT Gul ple Bald Raya yl i a¥l 33 SiLul plSai plat pac soe 47 SOL! Coppa lel pel LG! 5 SLi! Ia oe US La phen GL de gle olf Cae lly Woe gS! Nha pai SWI s gals 148 SLI ph G3 Saige lyst pb oe oats pale SIN Sa ple Ge Unsgans poy Lal lel je WLI alee ples J 49 SL BN gl gl Uphe Ls IBS y Tey peel LoS A! aaduy uisat Iba pSV Wee US gle Gal, 50 FLAN pSaY Wink ia akss SARI Goel Gili! eb siall gs3 Bagel a ogSlill Ia pty 51 bt Get pee CI Gc 1420 ple SUSI ga 15 ei SIG Se 1999 di gal ys 28 Gail pall Gage Sysetl ae [pall Ganctlll Calas Lise See + 3B TOLL Bo8l alias 9h Lea ol! alas Cadell Cold | Lys 39 FL! gf Rg ks ath (Sal! Gy Glas lt con Cathal fa pS, Usa! lag! BEL al ge els Gays Le - Hog Sell jabs Ub gb seal Fee el pt ake OS pany Cle olga! — ASU Tyg al og SV Lad! USLingy Sl yall y Enya oak pps edu) tut ebgially Uap! slid! gs Lisle! pace 3! cation he pases dls guileaatly ant! Liga gota Lela Sayagl Ree! aes 47 FLT Cpl I BI cep aes gle Ue ll i 21 Cy pall pally 5 oly 4S Uae tewaly “Laid! puslon Gay GLU bid) hg! AGI soe pany A] ytd oi yLaally 35g_¥l opel gia 2 42 SSL! TL pled UU! pad Leal OLIV “sath! phe gpa Bagged IL Bye pitas otal Galil Gay pee Laat! ol pi! be taL sd pissy La Us 43 LL Lege Gated Cath Ga yapall hee PARE) AEN Go Leade Gopnmall lyy ball nes oly Gyn Gudlatlly Gay tall Coy ith Coas Gals as 44 TOL! pla dl LS a old SLUT, SIL RAS pal Sl pi Hj I, Ca tl Spall ob SLI et La G gill GI! GW ol jlaedly77 OL Lad yg ald ee Ly - ia ( ASI 33H!) 1255 (105 6) 3 ito 06-98 pa, Ql! Latins ~ 1998 ies paige 27 Gilyal 1419 ple LY! pba gladly lal! Cab welll any il 104 97 pb, pelt ppl! pean apt SGilpall 1417 ple Sand! gi 28 a CH play SUV Lea ty Gliasly 1997 tae ganas Sale| y Cee pall wl & pee plageall = lng sles eee AY! SL tlhe = papell / Tak j Ue: pal Noel GH coe olds, Banal gh peel! a pti 2 SLI VL Ea Sy 9tl Chy gene Hh 1420 ple SUI! ga, 18 a GIL Se. 1999 Lie salye 31 Galpall Uinlisgs jejall sue * 18 gh Eyd+ 163-99 6b, pul ppm 31 Gilpal 1420 ple Sth aay Les leadty 1999 tie gale BySny ples Doseeetl ty Ol 77 QSL a yy I glee Ly = se ( AY! 3 aM) 1255 (10 6) 3 gh Cop 06- 98 9a, oil! pains — 1998 dies pag 27 Galpall 1419 Le UY Qa, geil il yaelly aad! CAL wel gil Sas Gil 18 pi (554 161-99 ga, eels pe 31 galyath 1420 ple SUS an, Dans gas, 1999 Lie pale sails — stjoi gles Da senetl onsty Of 77 SLA Lae yy ll ple La tie ( A y¥l 34H!) 1255 (105 6) 3 gh Coal 06 - 98 93, Oyilil! paaains— 1998 dies sus ys 27 Galpall 1419 ple OVI ay dale! Ctl sel gil Sans gill past ol 104 ~ 97 py (pull ppp peda — Sash SGalpall 1417 ple dant ogi 28 gi Cpa! eben SUN) ans Fhe ally 1997 tae gigas Bale] y Ceagaal Ate pee ee SlyS—ylyal Une Lane AVI ZULU (eee EA = ls / jl sh jae: pel neon GH 1420 ple St! cae) 18 gd I 1999 dae galge 31 galyal! Usd jase)! ase *- 18 cb Eob4 162-99 ay euldy pyre 31 Gill 1420 ple SL eos, Cas kay 1999 Ue pale plegeall — Upley jlae Gases oO}18 i Eo54 165-99 py fen pose 31 Galyall 1420 ple Gli! aay 11999 din gate Tasd lee oa Doseret ots] 77 sls! LS pe he La — se ( lg¥I 4 3M!) 125, (10, 6) 3 i Cost 06 - 98 93, still patty - 1998 Vis paige 27 Galpall 1419 ple SGV! [psa Gl paladly Calas! Cale a ll Shy gl 104-97 pbs Cpealill pray! Jeysi S5alpall 1417 ple sandll gi 28 peal cAleally (SLY) Lanes Gly 1997 Ca cUpdannd Sule] y Che pant! wate G pase OW pe LS Ue Jee QAI SSL ele papal Gelb / gS Ue pl ned Banal gi poeple pty 2 TGLall Eb Gs Gop 1420 Le itl gary 18 yok ball oe 1999 dine galye 31 Gilyall tell see *. Udlisss 18 gh CDS 166-99 ay (pels pre 31 galyati 1420 ple ttl any Res Ge, 1999 Lie alge 6235 - gles jUas Gs geeetl gusty b 77 gS ae ype gle Lay 4a ( AGI 5 aI!) 1255 (105 6) 3 ph C254) 06 - 98 63, Gyldl! pastas — 1998 Rie paige 27 Galea! 1419 pe GY cay, all Gl pod Ail Zale sel gill Sas gil 104 —97 pb) (pet peel) peda — Leytl Sgalpall 1417 ple Saad! 63 28 Cog! lastly (SLY A Sy Gloaitl, 1997% Upp Sale| y Cha gaall PLL per OV pa By Sas Ue Janes ASV! SULA! pede an / 5 Seay Une: pl Le lend 1420 ple itil gars 18 pb BIL Se 1999 ise salye 31 Galpall Uaisys Sajal oe 1B eh (5+ 164-99 dy pals pre 31 galpall 1420 ple GUM Gaur, Das plea, 1999 Lie gaye yUae Glass, ~ 5! Go speedl sds Of 77 gla Lad yy tell he La dus ( AGY! BHAI!) 1255 (105 6) 3 ph tga! 06 - 98 a, ogSlill pains — 1998 ties pugs 27 Gilyall 1419 ple GY! ery pall pall tala CL sel ll Sha gl 104 = 97 py put pp pall padnnns Jesh Sgalpall 1417 ple bandll i 28 gh EDS) cleats SLY) Lye Ge lly 1997 te slgdigenes Bale] y Cea peal UG pays glass: wally Une dans: AD! OL! cele am Obeadgs /aLotng Ue: pal Lankans OF! one was Vb ppeepall ba pte: 2 aL! VE bI RAI Opell gpa Geel! 1420 ple il a) 18 gk SIL 1999 dies alge 31 gap! Udy Sujet! anea 420 ae gi 1B gh C54 168-99 phy uly pyre 31 galyatl 1420 ple GUA! aay Dees ghey 1999 Ge pays lyaags — Tylayd lee Doserst tet 77 gL Say pts be Lay 4s ( lJ! 5 4!) 1254 (105 6) 3 po C5406 - 98 pd, Ossi! pandnry— 1998 ties paige 27 Gilpall 1419 ple GY easy posal lcd Gales CAL wel ll Sang 104-97 pbs (pelt! ppl peti — Jessi SGalpal! 1417 ple bankll gi 28 oi CSA Slally CSUN Lat, Gealls 1997 Ge sUgnased Bolely Congas! pb pee lope glee Le ee YI SLL (yan sh/ala gd + peel Lae lend GW Oe Sl pan LOS5 gai Sapa eh ppeepall Ua pt: 2 FLA! Cobh lll Bopp ed Cat! 1420 ple SUS gars 18 ph Sel: oe 1999 dies galyu 31 Galyall ot Gabel ae 19 pb Cob 169-99 ga, lds pyre Soi Gap all 1420 ple SUI ga clesiud gaudy 1999 Lae eds 16 py eLada Gael Coos 1999 tie peer Bo serell ost Oo! TTT gS ola Latte ple oly — 1 (8 5 6) 104 97 py peal ll peal peda — aye Sgalpal 1417 ple Santi gi 28 gi (pall (eleslly SLY Les Gleaally 1997 Ge sUginanas Balely Tpayentl Fysl & pase Gals ~ plies jee Joays dyW XL qlee = TSG5 / jlnals je : pal Lelia’ GH oe glatt seed gh ppepall be pass 2 SLIT Sanit! Cob Ras Gil 50ll Gy speed Can! 1420 ple SU! gaa 18 gi pied 1999 ties salye 31 ily! Uislidys Sajal! ape ——————* 1B ph C54 167-99 pa, els pres 31 Gilpwsl 1420 ple GUI oo, Des giddy 1999 Lie pate Halal gals — sgaane geutle pUae Do seretl ats OI! 77 QL Ld pe le Lg edie ( Ay! baa!) 125, (105 6) 3 ph CHI 06 - 98 93, gli! asians 1998 dies ah5s 27 Galyall 1419 ple JOY! gay pbaall opsally Galea CLT sel Bll sae gil 104 97 pb, peli ppunpall padiony — Sastl SGalpat! 1417 ple dant! gi 28 pb Ua! lastly (SOY! Le aasy Glaslly 1997 Ge Saas Babel y Coa geal Pte G pase mapa pele, ste eae: GAVE SLU getline al Lele Hl ee LL! aly esl pasS “Hy lal gly / penne Basel gh ppepall Kia patie: 2 Talal Cl Gb) I Gag 0l Gy sgn Gaal 1420 ple pill aay 18 gh hatte 1999 tins galys 31 Galpall UWaiass jesall aneASS ad. GM T4200 ¢o gO gas; 20) Ua yll) pad Lonel cables pS bl - (sai Tyg) ped ky (HS I= (Lengel pola CAG deal pall ands 3 LUI poe pay 1999 Gi cate 4 oe olay Cyl ay 1999 tu cme 11 Basel gb peel a pti 4 SLI Eb EG etl Gapped I aw 1420 ple SU! gas 19 et IIL be 1999 Gis cute Si Gailpall Viliiys jajall see 27 gi Cya1107 - 97 pa, Yl pati ~ 1997 Cis ue ylin 6 Galp a 1417 ple Jd plang Gia sll yell gyi! ga aly 10 171 Gh 168 hg! Ley oblast Pl be pa SLs, GSO! peste: GAY! TULI! sey Gyndlll posites geen 16 yy Lal Gale oe pele Yay 1999 ta AG YS Giada gags 2 HSL peal SLID bgt eagle Gy phall Jigual ead PL ad Le ge ph La phat pla Rtas ol! pall Genel Si paall 428-98 phy pall ppl patina - 19 Gilat! 1419 ple gLaes Joh a CS! clicked Gages Gaudially 1998 tie pees Sal = 92 ody he py pal pets — pals 20 Galy all 1412 ple ny 15 ob ESS! ea (bl! oli! eLtsl Gaeaially 1992 ty Nepal esl seel! 73-93 93, ie! pyepal yegLe 6 Gilpall 1413 ple gliney 12 go bal Canal pall SUG Soe gill 1993 191-93 a (pSadill pyeepall pednny Tour eatad 4 alyall 1414 ple pie 15 i Eo 5ull sana! Shpall ge teal JLasty glial, 1993 slay ealiollg aalbll aslig Galas! 1420 ple pie 9 a EDS coe Gla, 1999 Tie pL. 25 fetid Se Gab ol ull valet pels Ge tiny Leaky (pentalls lage a OSL a hy hued Uy gh Qual ply Lasey pq beats Gath! 525.55) 4h egal 06 ~ 84 pa, oySlll ania 1984 ies aly 7 Gilat! 1404 ple Stl! cay Soa eg LY Gia, accully AE balI 30-90 pa, GL! Latins Thee panes Lgl Galpall 1411 ple GI y¥l gulag 14 Tile gl! ALY Gil gaia 1990,“ta 2pls 24 2° unge s tale 352.100: wu 355.000: wu & i 229.700 :¢ 237.250: ¢ 349.250: uu 357.300: we 231.500 : ¢ 235.000 :¢ * gall pls tala 981.350 : 4» 979.700: & i 279.500 +2 280.650: ¢ 983.000 : 981.300: Gu 281.800 : ¢ 283.200 :¢ ea Yall Glas gaa 3 SLI! Opi Tad Sa Lady peels Galena Baad pb IAI He pts ga Oe taal (2) baa Bsa Doped Cl Cha gl da gh ll SM pal Sl 191-93 93, (deel pp all oe 43 LU lasts gleiatly 1993 Gere 4 yo Epa Yitisualy Cedsaell gall Ge Geel! Basal gb IH Ibe ti SSL Cb I Gs Gy yg ae Gilg! 1420 ple pine 9 pd SIGIL she 1999 dx, gale 25 qi henge 214-96 phy (ebsbill py pall pati — gopteg 15 Gilp ad 1417 ple pas 28 3 Co hall WGI 55 Lae ae gilt 1996 spell ple pie 15 ph Copal slp waaay ~ OAS, Glades 1993 Cae cates 4 Galyatl 1414 (ally apaasy JELay tea ole Lalo lye ple BanKll yg 2 od Eoball gL paatinny - Sime gl 1999 as al ad 17 Galy ntl 1419 Gye Samal ad ys Glad by pI ps Gaps aUglaaeuly Co seal Slyadl lps (Rs Goll GALI gle gab) aay = TY yl peels ered! ee Cab 11996 dis pains el Lb ok ea (paella pes AY LL! pele ye teal Lindy Cpemtally Spegl peel lagen il SLY Gb LSI) GeLell BL ys al 155 pb LHI” aul ply Ley Had ay ph Bp gay Ly all gb ee ee oss 2 SL 1/50.000 Gulads ple Laeemal! Uns pdt! ¢ pdtawal eh ng ans hake Soe SIMI Na eet GL Delia Lage (5 Calpe Sloe ae og (PLUS pasagl 2pls 6 2° lagen “sale 989.150: 988.350: t i 266.150 :¢ 267.100: ¢ 987.000 : 990.350: 266.200 = ¢ 264.000 :¢AES: ple pie 15 Cll oH pass Gl cy 1993 a 4 Gal tl 1414 Unsguady away Gee lit Lal js OLS, slgie latsty ple baalll gi 2 yeh (ball jIyBll pedis - Sms gill 1999 Cae pol 2 17 ily all 1419 Gee eal Gedy Glace dey Bd pas gape Uglied y Cisne Sl gal NSN (gh las le gC any 17 ase ee tally pepe! See pall 11998 tines gale PALL om (pled fy Jill gba: GAYE FOL pels be te Cenk, peels porte! MAN gb AI CERN Ley Gola! 2 pls 572 La jad La lny” JLES— yads * aswel way Sl ge Gah GIs gt Llp! Boles Hy gd JL pty Gly hg ee a GS 2 FLT pela ple Del I gph el hee pes gl HII Nie Jats Gatat! 1/50.000 Sa ee tag a gg Ss PRLS janagl boli! Layla gd GLa! Zpls 70 daleall : JLdps Ua, 454.000 : 440.000 : uu « i 360.200 : ¢ 363.000: ¢ 440.000 : 454.000: Gu 360.200 :¢ 367.000 :¢ Galyat! 1420 ple pie 9 gd CDS OL pee Gi, 1999 Lie pL 25 Veco eed Se Gab oll! yale pels Ge tay Lady prstally oi ga Ly Caally WES, ty a JURt - as eters) cpp badly Ghd 5255 5! 4 gh Cabell 06 - 84 (a Gost! pada — 1984 ties alas 7 galyall 1404 ple SII en, (plesally Sonal! aeg ball ASSL Gly AED 30-90 65, ysl! pases ~ ie pumas Syl Gal ped! 1411 ple I s¥l salen 14 Corbell ALY! gg5G Graal 1990 428-98 gay pal pyerall diay 19 aly 1419 ple glides Soh gd CDH! elidel Gawd aad ily 1998 tw pees HLasSall 31-92 pb, Sail pyar! padabnny - galiz 20 Gap all 1412 pleas 15 a CG! AU Spel gle Lbs] Sanat 1992 tae sgtp tally Ge alseel! 73-93 ob, (ph sill pps pall Hol 6 ily 1413 ple plan, 12 gh EDS! Redaaall Spall LGU Sans gh! 1993 Ge 191-93 pay eid ppenpall pada ~ ae cutee 4 Gil pall 1414 ple pine 15 pt Cy jall el Spall ye eel JLaety glaaatly 1993 sUglicly 214-96 45%. fompall pabiany sottse 15 galpall 1417 ple pas 28 i Copal! DGG! pa5y OL ade se gi! 1996 Ge apelially191-93 93, eds! ppm pall oe 43 3 Udaly Cabana! Shpall Ge taal aoe gd gL BI ba ta STULL cll pb) Ral Spotl Gy ype CeeiIt Gilyd! 1420 ple pie 9 gi S152 Se 1999 tu le 25 eine hee 1420 ple JOY gers 14 gh E054 ol Gedy 1999 Lie gargs 28 Gill! Wile ggS SLs Ly gle Lidl yt! 1985 tou cute 6 gilpall 1405 ple sundll gi 19 Lens s ots Git Ch gS Ta! cLab Ghiwl, te 8 SLA Le SLU papal ea silly 428-98 pa a ppl eins 19 Galpat 1419 ple Glidiny Soi pb Eel! cluded peed (aad ially 1998 Liew pres agSall 411-90 95, (ph ks SUI ppp pata 22 gals 1417 pled EI sola Sek Call hill lel ye Tly Gladally 1990 Lies prams Ugly oly 4S! Cathe) Sickie SL es) Lae 4a 13 SL La a aly WSL ATS 91 955 ph aA pyeayall pains 14 SH 1412 ple BSE alas 7 3 CSA! ee ss pe, 199T ns oF SUN ela gS Cyl! 2S AU Cyst lS Can yan Lele Kaley (pelne gat 280-95 93, (gh GSI Ape all pean ny 17 Gilyall 1416 ple Ul gn 22 i ESS al GpeeLaW! QySUUl andally 1995 Liew pee teen Geol My (pall goths old Canyeadl ag all op” 2pls 147: Lal: pul UG, 454.000 : 440.000: e i 350.000: ¢ 360.200: ¢ 440.000 : 454.000: 350.000 :¢ 360.200 :¢ 2pls 320 Valet : ais Ua, 403.500 : 371.500: we e i 361.500 : ¢ 357.000: ¢ 403.500 : we 381.000 : we 340.500 :¢ 362.000 :¢ 371.500 : we 340.500 :¢ 2ps 35 ual = Ging US, 435.500 : 424.000: & i 360.350 : ¢ 363.500: ¢ 424.000 : 435.500 : we 360.350 :¢ 363.200 :¢ SW pall Sly Qa 3 LUT (3) Gob Td ee Lend, (pee tally perl yaed! Bagel ged o/oHUI Nae 585 Gay jG Ge ol Ub 2 Gl Gop p ee Tl bch ye oi Lek II obs ale gle Get 4 SUL! Gide oy Stl ais ob Bosh yll pl! laa ejay4 egal 06 ~ 84 63, ysl! pandas 1984 Liss alia 7 Gily all 1404 ple tll cay placa Jina Conga Hcy Glasally Cada 30-90 gi Sli! pastas - pees Sof Gaps ATT ple GIVI gulag 14 “idyll SLAY! gg5L5 sladally 1990 ta 428-98 phy (pall! pp pall pean — 19 Sly ot 1419 ple lida s Ssh ed Cpe cLikel opps Saad ially 1998 iw pass sell 73-93 p93, Gini! pyar! panadanny gle 6 Gilyall 1413 ple glans 12 aE sall Casall Shpall LG shes gill 1993 Ce By GAS py pall dda Lpat 1413 ple glass 12 esa! cole Sale cgSlH PL PLE! ga easly 1993 Ue Ena ob pall Jotul 191-93 93, intl pyepall atin aes catee 4 Gilad! 1414 ple pine 15 yi Epa! saad! Slgall ge tual Slacts Glaiedly 1993 lydia y 214-96 5; (ie paige 15 Gall 1417 ple ppae 28 Gi Copal! Liles yay SL adie sas gil! 1996 Ge apqlally ple phe 15 i C35 SIH ati - Gla sitly 1993 ti cis 4 Galpin 1414 Ray teal gad y bale Last ja slphe (AEs Lasgsey ple SOY cars Seb Cal SW! eatin — eins Ghats 1998 Gans psy 29 Gilat! 1419 Lgbaual cls 2S" stl” Saal GLEAN oh crs pina Joli al ASL A ia’ 214-96 pa (ede pp ee atl pain pall 1417 ple gyms 28 ed CSpall apaleally ith! 25.3 cleadben samy gill 1996 Ua gaig 18 Copel Atel Glog SIRT pangs — Ws ppeays 2 galpall 1419 ple gland 13 Ga (AER pL le LaLa! Gaal! 1998 Ly 4S GUI Qi 595 SL (ay SUL gaa! Capea! Lacacball ple le elias — Wie ye yl 315 1998 Lae preeess B ph Sad spall .1999 gly cilia all 2 yLs le pthYl say gsllin shes Cena! eu Se ee TB GGL platy ee dS! TLS 22 gh ELSA 4T1 90 oi, oes! py al ebay gle Gale sodhel jySially 1990 Ties prneaas 2 Wl Lh SI suka! SS aye AS 60 le 355 93 Lays bee - GS 60 (pile pS SIL (Tab deed Gy) ell! Qe (Kapha GY) 5 Lau Ge = Gy! Bagel gob I WU Mba tay: 2 FL Ge Chel sl Gib! Gospel Geet 1420 ple JY) cass 14 eb SIL Se 1999 dies paige 28 Galpall gies hs 1420 ple JOY ga 15 gh G55 OI lauds 1999 Lien gasge 29 Gala SSF gees Sh Cobal Ia -Laty Ue sosye 29 Gale atl 1419 ple wel US, gas Glas, 1998 Lindy * sbenyy” Fagan Uysal OI gd ea pede UES! * anal SL Ly yh" Jpn! Leas tal 555!jaca HB pO 74-93 pb, (gh aRtll pyenpall pba ~ cong 6 Galgall 1413 ple glass 12 a Coss! (le Siok SHI GL PURI aa ally 1993 tae, Has) ol gall Joel 191-93 65, he! Pye pall pains — ae cae 4 aly 1414 ple pie TS pa Copal Cabal! Shpall ge teal Joely Ghasally 1993 ely) baly 214-96 phy (ehad tall py pall patbinny paige 1S GilyAl 1417 ple pas 28 pb Epa! Toth! jay cL ade Shas gall 1996 petal phe phen 15 pi Call SI al pains — Ga sity 1993 et ed gal alt 1414 Unspady Lae) Geel lbh Lely oS ple SOV cas 7 gb Coda! Iya petting — pees Gana 1992 Lis pandas 5S Gilpall 1413 gland! QasS gh pL cli Joel Lead 5 gill LAS th le pathy aay Bee galge 2 pa yls ype ha yd Gage ge ll «1997 PySl L bh NB LU ia giles AYE HLT 5 Gilp tl 1413 ple Yl cass 7 et CSI Sakae Leek gins Gadel 1992 Lie peerne alee TayS od PLA lite Basel gh hpi ha tas 2 GLI abla Dsl a Gye CI Duct! 1420 ple GY gay 15h that 1999 dae prize 29 Zalpal qi ange ee & oe lB ghd! ha giles AGE BOLI 29 Galt 1419 ple JV! eas Spb CDH lb US pany Glad! 1998 Ge py poh Dae Leaky alee Bayan ell Cy jueall Uy gh pe eal QI gb nL! ask Joell et lB Iba aa 2 WL Cb a Ghat Gop p ee CI 1420 ple SOY! gases 15 dh IG 1999 dies gargs 29 Galpall Bees eines - 1420 ple JOY gas 15 yh E55 LG lasaas 1999 Dis paige 29 Gilgall JOVI gees 7 gh COS ola! La Ui pete 5 Gale! 1413 ple Uidiul Lead, gia Gleiatly 1992 Lays gleall Goss yh pL! lie BSS patil GUI 555 4 i opal! 06 - 84 ga, gyal! pasa — 1984 ise jalis7 Gilyall 1404 ple SEU! gas peal Jin Ceag bal ASL Glacally oA CHAN 30-90 py gL pasiinns — Tes pamens Ssl Gal yal! 1411 ple IY) gulag 14 ib gl ALY G55 Sadiatly 1990 428-98 9a, pall ppeepall peaainny 19 Galati 1419 ple glass doi bE cLicel papas Ga ially 1998 er pense sgh 73-93 ay ia pyre! Qadtbey — oye 6 ily! 1413 ple gas, 12 gb ey5ul Mosel Spall LOG Son gill 1993 GeAOE Coda dt eb! SLU ates — Bes pegs 15 Galpad! 1419 ple es 25 a ByLY) lie pb EE aI Sans gill 1998. qUlbally peliall Splidaal gle Lary pial! phe pine 1S ob Chal! lp peony Gla aisly 1993 Gs atid 4 gaily all 1414 Ray ee yey colle Leal js 2 gse HAR Loses BS pi cy ces gill LL! le pathy 1998 Gn ha 18 gh EGS! GI pL geal ld Lec iad: Ay! Aiba po UTI gl pL, Wt Guyana! Wy 52 IG Gens On! Gah Lele! Sa I pee al Leek id Reale LS eh GBI lhe Soe” cael! gla Ups gy LA oly ok el oe gs 2 FL Gabel 1 /5.000 yuliis ple Lndroal! Uy aU Rag Galas is pleas eee gH! Mba Qual sengdy Sandy (2,36) Ibi oats Gay GeolSee lia! yk gd Soe ue sg cl AUS ped 832.542,09: a 832.343,68: & i 341.795,59 = 341.864,31 og 832.465,60: 832.566,74: we 341,726,758 :¢ 341.864,10 :, 832.382,95: uw 341.713,88 :¢ 1420 ple JOY ge 15 yh tod ol Glas, 1999 ue 29 Zalyatl Cpe ag ei Leaky sGyill play WA staganl ISAT gh GS HII! pee Jal le gs | lle dae 1 canal spp beally Shs! 5255 5) 4 iC ypall 06-84 95, gill! pasta 1984 tins pals 7 Gilpall 1404 ple stl eas getally Sina Rae EYL Glas PCOS 30-90 63, Gla pasa — Ties panne Soi Gales! 1411 ple dsl csalan 14 Cethegll ALY! 5G Grenaaally 1990 428-98 p5, pal ppl pation 19 Balt 1419 ple glides Joi ED elidel Gages Gad ielly 1998 tis pra nns saga! 73-93 pay Gin py pall ating — gle 6 Saly at 1413 ple glans 12 aE jull Loan lN gall U4 Sane gil! 1993 Ge 74-93 pd, he ppp padions — eal 6 Galyatt 1413 ple glans 12 9 EG! ole Gia gill FLAN PUL gas ally 1993 Cine Lesanall algal! vel 191-93 pa, posbtill pypu pall patter s— Ries cathe 4 Galpall 1414 ple pie 15 a Eel! is yall Ge teal JLacty glaaaly 1993 slide y 214-96 pb, a pp pall penidiny ~ gies TS Gila! 1417 ple pas 28 ya Copal! GUI a5 cL aoe Say gill 1996 spatially= Lends pall ayy! Glee ey: SFL Jo neall ga pS Liab Ji Sa Leek alee e Saal ged gL! Hua ty 6 GL Pb a Gell ope ed Ca! Seu 1420 pe S5Y! gays 15 ed SIG oe 1999 Lise seis 29 Galpall qeings hangs ype ol Catal gas 3 SLA Sad Seba Land Gol PLE Wut dager eh sll! IBa 8 BG coe ela ie (30) abl I Spat Gene Cael bayyed! asl Gh aS GI oa ale le eat 4 FULL Vig by SB! pias pa Bay lgll PEAY! plank ejay 191-93 pi, (ph HAN pp all oe 43 LL Rae cutee 4 Galyall 1414 ple pine 15 yb Copal raed Syl Ge el Jae Ghat! 1993 Upbbiaaaly sila = Sylen ge gall age e413 1349 67 eel dead
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