Safty Handout 2 PDF
Safty Handout 2 PDF
Safty Handout 2 PDF
Project management
Benoît Laflamme, engineer, prevention-inspection advisor, Direction de la prévention-inspection, CSST
Jean Desputeau, inspector, Direction régionale de l’Île-de-Montréal, CSST
Donald Duchesne, engineer, prevention-inspection consultant, Direction de la prévention-inspection, CSST
Gilles Gagnon, engineer, prevention-inspection consultant, Direction de la prévention-inspection, CSST
Pierre Guay, engineer, team leader in prevention-inspection, Direction régionale de la Yamaska, CSST
Benoît Laflamme, engineer, prevention-inspection consultant, Direction de la prévention-inspection, CSST
André Paillé, engineer, inspector, Direction régionale de Lanaudière, CSST
Conrad Trudel, ergonomist, team leader in prevention-inspection, Direction régionale de Longueuil, CSST
François Trudel, engineer, inspector, Direction régionale de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue, CSST
Catherine Bérubé, communications consultant, Direction des communications, CSST
Helen Fleischauer
Steve Bergeron
Original title:
Sécurité des machines - Prévention des phénomènes dangereux d’origine mécanique, protecteurs fixes et
distances de sécurité
We want to thank the INRS for allowing us to use brochure ED 807 entitled Sécurité des machines et des
équipements de travail – Moyens de protection contre les risques mécaniques; it served as the scientific basis for
this document.
We also want to thank Réal Bourbonnière, engineer, for his contribution to writing the section on general
risk-management principles based on IRSST guide R-405 entitled Guide de conception des circuits de sécurité :
introduction aux catégories de la norme ISO 13849-1:1999 (version corrigée).
This guide mainly discusses the prevention of mechanical hazards. It describes methods for
eliminating hazards at source or for reducing them, as well as ways to protect against them by
using fixed guards.
The risk reduction or distance protection principles presented in the guide are general and are
appropriate for the majority of machines. For some machines (for example, conveyors, metal
presses, drills, rubber machines, etc.), before applying the generic solutions proposed in this
guide, one should consult Québec regulations, standards relating to these machines
(ISO, CSA, ANSI, etc.), or the technical guides published by the CSST (such as the guide
Sécurité des convoyeurs à courroie), or by other organizations (ASP, INRS, IRSST, etc.), which
can provide details on how to ensure the safety of these machines.
This guide is not an exhaustive collection of solutions, but it covers some of the currently
known protection principles. For more information on machine safety, refer to the
bibliography at the end of the document, or consult the Web site:
Table of contents
Introduction 9
Section 3 Guards 27
References 67
Bibliography 69
Table of contents
List of figures
List of tables
Table of contents
When machine-related mechanical hazards (refer to the quick reference in Appendix A)
cannot be eliminated through inherently safe design, they must then be reduced to an
acceptable level, or the hazards that cause them must be isolated from the workers by guards
that allow the minimum safety distances to be respected.
Most of the risks related to mechanical hazards can be reduced to acceptable forces or energy
levels (see Table 4 in point 4.2) by applying a risk reduction strategy (see Figure 1). If this is
impossible, the hazards must be isolated from people by guards that maintain a safety
distance between the danger zone and the people, with the main result being to reduce
access to the danger zone.
Can the hazard YES safe design
be removed ? measures
YES Guards
Can a guard
be used ? Guards
YES associated
NO with device
Warning Warning
signs ? signs
protective equipment ? YES PPE
The main factors to be taken into consideration so that guards are effective are:
the accessibility to the danger zone by the different parts of the human body;
the anthropometric dimensions of the different parts of the human body;
the dimensions of the danger zones as well as their position in space and in relation
to the ground or the working platform.
1. In this guide, references are in brackets [ ] and the list of references is at the end of the document.
The list of laws and regulations applying to machine safety situates mechanical hazard
prevention in a legislative context.
The purpose of the series of definitions based on standards is to make the concepts discussed
in this guide easier to understand.
Is the danger zone, which is located above, accessible from below? (See point 5.1.)
Is the danger zone accessible from above the guard? (See point 5.2.)
Is the danger zone accessible through one of the openings in the guard? (See point 5.3.)
Is the danger zone accessible from below the guard? (See point 5.4.)
Finally, protection against some specific hazards, such as risks of entanglement or being
drawn into in-running nips, is discussed in Section 6.
In addition, machines can compromise people’s safety. On this subject, the Engineers Act
(R.S.Q., c. I-9) mainly indicates that “industrial work or equipment involving public or
employee safety” is included in the engineer’s professional practice.
The table below presents a list of the main sections that apply to machines in the different
12 General information
§ 2. Control devices or switches
189. Control devices and switches
190. Start and stop switches
191. Warning device
192. Emergency stop
193. Groups of machines
§ 4. Grinding machines and abrasive materials
197. Grinding machines
§ 5. Grinders
201. Protectors and protective devices
202. Housing
203. Spark shield
204. Gap adjustment
205. Transparent screen
§ 6. General purpose machines for wood working
and saws
207. Bandsaw
208. Circular saw
§ 3. Conveyors
266. Transmission devices
267. Protection from falling objects
270. Emergency stop
271. Bucket conveyors
Risk analysis
Combination of the determination of the limits of the machine, hazard determination (also
called identification), and risk estimation.
In-running nip or convergence zones
Danger points at the rollers, reels, cylinders or drums whose movement creates a
narrowing and are the cause of a risk of parts of the body or the whole body being drawn
in between:
rollers turning in the same direction or conveyor belts moving in the same direction
and with different velocities or surfaces (friction);
one roller and transmission belts, a conveyor, and potentially, a sheet of material […].
There are also convergence zones on the non-powered rollers (guiding rollers) driven by the
sheet of material. The risk level can be related to different factors such as the type and
strength of the material, the winding angle, and the velocity of the sheet of material and
the moment of inertia.
Risk assessment
Overall risk analysis and risk evaluation process.
Protective device
Means of protection other than a guard.
Physical injury or damage to health.
Risk estimation
Definition of the probable severity of harm and the probability of this harm.
Risk evaluation
Action intended to establish, based on the risk analysis, whether the risk reduction
objectives have been met.
Hazardous event
Event likely to cause harm.
Reliability (of a machine)
Capacity of a machine or its components or equipment to perform a required function
without failure, under given conditions and for a specific period of time.
Safety function
Function of a machine whose failure can cause an immediate increase in the risk or risks.
14 General information
Reasonably foreseeable misuse
Use of a machine in a manner that does not correspond to the designer’s intentions, but
that can result from easily foreseeable human behaviour.
Unexpected or unintended start-up
Any start-up that, due to its unexpected nature, creates a hazard. For example, such a
start-up can be caused by:
a start command resulting from a failure of the control system or an outside influence
on this system;
Guard or protective device.
Possible source of harm.
Note 1. – The expression hazard and the term risk (in the sense of hazard) may be
qualified in order to identify the origin (for example, mechanical, electrical) or the nature
of the possible risk (for example, electric shock, cut, intoxication, fire).
• permanently present during the intended use of the machine (for example, movement
of hazardous moving components, electric arc during a welding phase, awkward
posture, noise emission, high temperature); or
• might appear unexpectedly (for example, explosion, crushing hazard resulting from
unintended or unexpected start-up, projection resulting from breakage, sudden
acceleration or deceleration).
Inherently safe design measures
Protective measure which either eliminates hazards or reduces the risks associated with
hazards by changing the design or operating characteristics of the machine without the
use of guards or protective devices.
Note – ISO 12100-2:2003, section 4, deals with risk reduction by means of inherently
safe design measures.
2. In the Act respecting occupational health and safety (AOHS) [8], the term “risk” is understood as a “hazard”.
• alone. It is then effective only when it is held in place securely, if it is a fixed guard;
Note 2. – Depending on its purpose, a guard can be called a housing, shield, cover,
screen, door, cabinet.
Note 3. – See ISO 12100-2:2003, section 5.3.2, and ISO 14120:2002 on the different
types of guards and the requirements that apply to them.
Fixed guard4 (equivalent to the “permanent protector” defined in the ROHS)
Guard secured in such a way (for example, by screws, nuts or welding) that it can only be
opened or removed with tools or by eliminating the means of fixation.
Movable guard
Guard that can be opened without using tools.
Interlocking guard5 (equivalent to the “interlocking protector” defined in the ROHS)
Guard associated with an interlocking device in order to ensure, with the machine’s control
system, that:
the machine’s hazardous functions that are protected by the guard cannot operate as
long as the guard remains open;
a stop command is given if the guard is opened while the machine’s hazardous
functions are operating;
the machine’s hazardous functions that are protected by the guard can operate when
the guard is closed, but closing the guard does not by itself initiate their operation.
3. See section 172 of the Regulation respecting occupational health and safety (ROHS) [9].
4. See section 174 of the ROHS [9].
5. See section 175 of the ROHS [9].
16 General information
Interlocking guard with guard locking6 (equivalent to the “interlocked protector” defined in
the ROHS)
Guard associated with an interlocking device and a guard locking device in order to
ensure, with the machine’s control system, that:
the machine’s hazardous functions that are protected by the guard cannot operate
until the guard is closed and locked;
the guard remains closed and locked until the risk attributable to the machine’s
hazardous functions that are protected by the guard has passed;
when the guard is closed and locked, the hazardous functions that are protected by
the guard can operate. Closing and locking of the guard do not themselves initiate the
machine’s hazardous functions.
Prevention measures using safeguards to protect the workers from the hazards that cannot
be reasonably eliminated or risks that cannot be sufficiently reduced by applying
inherently safe design measures.
Combination of the probability of harm and the severity of this harm.
Hazardous situation
Situation in which a worker is exposed to at least one hazard. Exposure to this or these
hazards can lead to harm, immediately or over the longer term.
Integrated manufacturing system
Group of machines operating together in a coordinated way, connected by a material
handling system and interconnected by actuators (namely controls), for the purpose of
manufacturing, processing, moving or conditioning different components or assemblies.
Intended use of a machine
Use of a machine according to the information in the operating instructions.
Danger zone7
Any space, inside or around a machine, in which a worker can be exposed to a hazard.
Risk management involves two major steps (see Figure 2-1): risk assessment [3] and risk
reduction [4, 7].
Risk Risk
Hazard identification analysis assessment
Risk estimation
Are other
generated ?
Risk evaluation:
Is the machine safe ?
Can the hazard YES safe design
be removed ? measures
YES Guards
Can a guard
be used ? Guards
YES associated
NO with device
Warning Warning
signs ? signs
protective equipment ? YES PPE
Only once these conditions have been determined can hazard identification and risk
estimation begin.
Hazard identification is one of the most important steps in the risk management process.
The list of hazards must be carefully established. The CSST’s information kit [1] can be
useful for this.
A list of all the energy sources or all the man-machine interfaces that can affect the health
and safety of exposed workers must be carefully established, whether they are moving
elements (mechanical hazard), electrified components (electrical hazard), machine
components that are too hot or too cold (thermal hazard), noise, vibration, visible (laser) or
invisible radiation (electromagnetic), hazardous materials or awkward postures (ergonomic
hazard). These hazards are then linked to the hazardous situations to which the workers
are exposed.
20 General risk-management
Généralités principles
Risk is defined as the combination of the severity of the harm (S) and the probability of
occurrence of this harm (see Figure 2-2). The probability of the harm occurring [3] can be
divided into three parts:
To make this estimation easier, a risk index can be defined for each hazardous situation.
Document ED 807 from the INRS [11] proposes a range of values to be associated with the
components of the risk. Once the ranges of values have been defined, risk estimation tools
can be used. These can be graphical tools [1] (see Figure 2-3), matrix tools, etc.
Frequency Probability
Severity or duration of the Possibility Risk
of the harm (S) of exposure hazardous of avoiding index
to the hazard (F) event occurring (O) the harm (A)
1. Minor injury 1,2 1,2 Low
3. High
1. Very low
1, Possible
1. Rare 2. Low 2, Impossible
1, Possible
3. High S
2. Serious injury 2, Impossible
1. Very low
1, Possible
The severity of the harm can be estimated by taking into account the severity of the injuries
or adverse health effects. The proposed choices are:
S2 Serious injury (normally irreversible, including death). For example: limb broken or
torn out, serious injury with stitches, etc.
Frequency or duration of exposure to the hazard (F)
• the need to access the danger zone (for example, for normal operation, maintenance
or repairs);
Probability of the hazardous event occurring (O)
• a comparison of the risks with those of a similar machine (if certain conditions
are met).
O1 Very low (from very low to low). Stable, proven technology recognized for safety
applications, material strength;
O2 Low (from low to average). Hazardous event related to a technical failure or event
caused by the action of a qualified, experienced, trained worker with an awareness of
the high risk, etc.;
O3 High (from average to high). Hazardous event caused by the action of a worker lacking
experience or specific training.
The possibility of avoidance allows the harm to be prevented or reduced in relation to:
• the possibility of the worker avoiding or limiting the harm (for example, action, reflex,
agility, possibility of escape).
By combining the results obtained for the four parameters, the risk index is defined by
using the risk graph (see Figure 2-3), which allows six increasing risk indexes to be
defined (varying from 1 to 6).
The risk estimation tools, such as the tool presented in Figure 2-3, are often used at the
time of risk evaluation. Reference [3] provides more information on the conditions that
help determine whether the safety objective has been met.
For example, an air compressor is located in the work area; two in-running nips exist
between the belt and the pulleys:
• Duration of exposure: F2, because the compressor is in the work area where the
workers move around;
• Occurrence: O3, because the worker is not trained in using the targeted machine;
Once all the hazardous situations have been estimated, the different risk indexes must be
compared to ensure consistency in the entire analysis.
When the risk is considered intolerable (high risk index, as in the case of the compressor in
the previous example), risk reduction measures must be selected and implemented. In order to
ensure that the chosen solutions fulfill the risk reduction objectives without creating new
hazardous situations, the risk assessment procedure must be repeated once the solutions have
been applied.
According to section 4.1 of ISO 12100-2:2003 [7]: “Inherently safe design measures are
the first and most important step in the risk reduction process […]. Inherently safe design
measures are achieved by avoiding hazards or reducing risks by a suitable choice of
design features of the machine itself […]”
It is therefore at the machine design step that the worker’s safety is ensured. The designer
tries to improve the machine’s characteristics: creating a gap between the moving
components in order to eliminate the trapping zones, eliminating sharp edges, limiting the
drawing-in forces or limiting the energy levels (mass, velocity, acceleration) of the moving
These “movable” interlocking guards or interlocking guards with guard locking must send a
stopping signal to the machine as soon as they are opened. If the machine stopping time
is short enough for the hazard to stop before the worker can reach it, an interlocking guard is
used. However, if the hazard stopping time is longer, an interlocking guard with guard locking
is used which, in addition to performing the functions of the interlocking guard, locks the
guard in the closed position until the hazard has completely passed.
8. “The object of this Act is the elimination, at the source, of dangers to the health, safety and physical well-being of workers.”
AOHS, section 2.
9. In the sense of the definitions appearing in this guide.
10. Amélioration de la sécurité des machines par l’utilisation des dispositifs de protection, IRSST and CSST, accessible at the
following address:
11. See section 179 of the ROHS [9], discussing sensor devices.
12. See section 51.9 of the AOHS [8].
A guard must not create additional hazards (cutting, trapping, crushing, etc.) or cause the
machine’s users to divert the guard from its use. The movable components of a guard must be
designed so that their dimensions and their weight facilitate their manipulation.
A guard must be designed by taking into account all the environmental constraints or those
operating constraints (possibilities of projections of solid or liquid matter) to which the guard
is subjected during the machine’s entire service life. The guard must also be designed by
taking into consideration, insofar as possible, all the intended uses and reasonably
foreseeable incorrect uses of the machine and all the involuntary movements of the workers.
A guard must be designed and built in such as way as to offer good visibility of the process
and the machine. This type of design limits the dismantling of the guard while allowing the
machine to be checked for proper operation or a malfunction to be detected as soon as it
appears. The guard can be made of a transparent, perforated or meshed material (see the
permissible dimensions in point 5.3.1). It is suggested that the frame of the guard be painted
a bright colour, and the perforated or meshed part a colour darker than the zone to be
observed (flat black or charcoal grey).
Fixed guards:
Movable guards:
interlocking guard;
automatic closing
The characteristics and specific features of movable guards are not discussed in this guide.
Note. – Depending on its shape, the guard can be called a housing, cover, door, screen
or cabinet.
Fixed enclosing guard
Fixed guard that prevents access to the danger zone from all directions (see Figure 3-1)
28 Guards
Fixed distance guard
Fixed guard that does not completely enclose a danger zone, but that prevents or reduces
access to it due to its dimensions and its distance from this zone. Example: a peripheral
enclosure (see Figure 3-2).
Fixed nip guard
Fixed guard placed near an in-running nip to prevent access to the in-running nip, which
creates the danger zone (see Figure 3-3).
It is recommended [12] that fixed guards be chosen in the following order of priority
(see figure in Appendix B):
1. Guards enclosing each danger zone if the number of danger zones is small.
2. Single enclosure guard for all the danger zones if the number or dimensions of these
zones are large.
3. Multiple distance guards, if the use of one enclosure guard is impossible and if the
number of danger zones is small (each guard protects one part of the machine).
4. Single distance guard (enclosure, for example), if the use of an enclosure guard is
impossible and if the number or the dimension of the danger zones is large
(see Figure 3-2).
Figure A.1 in Annex A of ISO 14120:2002 [12] or Appendix C of this guide can facilitate
the selection of a fixed guard or a movable guard (associated with an interlocking guard or an
interlocking guard with a guard locking device).
Once a guard is installed, it is suggested that it be checked to determine whether it fulfills its
role well, is properly located, and prevents access to the danger zone without creating
new hazards.
When there is the possibility that a worker may remain inside the danger zone (between the
guard and the machine), a device preventing the restart of the machine must be provided.13.
13. This measure does not eliminate the need for applying the provisions of sections 185 and 186 of the ROHS [9].
30 Guards
Section 4
Protection against crushing hazards
Protection of the human body against crushing hazards can be ensured in two ways.
A minimum gap can be left between moving components in order to avoid all contact between
the moving components and the human body, or the forces or energy levels of the moving
components can be reduced in order to limit the consequences of contact with the human
body. The first of these two approaches is an inherently safe design measure because the
hazard is eliminated, while the second reduces the risk to an acceptable level, namely, it does
not create irreversible harm to the human body.
The following minimum “d” gaps (see Figure 4-1) must be provided in order to avoid the risk
of crushing parts of the human body [15].
Body Head
Figure 4-3: Minimum gap between the robot and the guard
(safety zone provided in the safety enclosure)
anthropometric dimensions;
kinetic energy;
If the moving components are not equipped with a device for sensing the presence of a human
body (for example, box strapping machine, in Figure 4-4), then the data14 in the “permanent
maximum values” column must be used (see Table 4).
If the moving components are equipped with a protective device (sensing edge) for detecting
the human body (see Figure 4-4) and can retract automatically15 to a safe position, then the
data in the “temporary maximum values” column must be used (see Table 4). In this case, the
reliability of the control system16 that returns the moving components to a safe position must
be taken into account.
In both cases, one must take into consideration the parts of the body (fingers, hands, etc.) that
can accidentally come into contact with the moving component of the machine, and determine
whether the forces that come into play are acceptable.
* In the case of elevators, The Safety Code for Elevators (CSA B44-00) [18] states, in section, that the force necessary
to prevent closing of a horizontally sliding car door or gate from rest shall not be more than 135 N. Also, section c)
mentions that “where a reopening device is not used or has been rendered inoperative […], the kinetic energy computed for the
average closing speed […] shall not exceed 3.5 J.”
** In the case of box strapping machines, PR EN 415-8:2004 prescribes that the maximum contact pressure must be 25 N/cm2
for permanent maximum values.
Pressure-sensitive edge
Safeguarding by distance involves the use of a fixed or movable guard. Several situations are
possible (see Figure 5-1).
In all of the following cases, the established safety distance takes into account the fact that
no voluntary movement will be made to reach the danger zone and that no accessory
(tool, glove, pole, etc.) or object serving as a step (stepladder, chair, etc.) will be used to
reach the danger zone.
Any danger zone located less than 2.5 m [19] from the
ground, catwalk or permanent working platform must be
made inaccessible by a guard or by a protective device.
Some “c” values represent a sufficiently large distance to allow a person to get between the
distance guard and the danger zone. This possibility must be taken into consideration when
the distance guard is chosen. A device preventing the machine from restarting must be
18. CSA Z432-04 [21] mentions in section 10.2.1 that “Barriers shall […] be positioned so that […] the top of the barrier is no
lower than 1.8 m above adjacent walking surfaces […].”
19. The most accessible part of the danger zone (the bottom or top of the danger zone) must be taken into consideration.
20. New versions of ISO 13852:1996 [19] and ISO 13853:1998 [22] have been published in the new reference ISO 13857.
21. This measure does not eliminate the need for applying the provisions of sections 185 and 186 of the ROHS [9].
36 Safeguarding by distance
Table 5-1: High risk – Reaching over a guard [19]
Height of danger
Height of the guard “b”* (mm)
zone “a” (mm)
* Distance guards less than 1400 mm in height mentioned in ISO 13857:2008 are not taken into consideration because they do
not sufficiently limit movement.
** The abbreviation ”sd” means safety distance. It is defined in point 5.3.
22. According to ISO/DIS 13857 [20], section 4.1.2, note 1, “Low risks arise from hazards such as friction or abrasion where long
term or irreversible damage to the body is not foreseeable.”
38 Safeguarding by distance
Table 5-3 is used to determine:
the maximum acceptable opening (shape and dimensions) in relation to the chosen
safety distance “sd”;
the safety distance “sd” as a function of the existing opening (shape and dimensions).
Table 5-3: Relationship between maximum opening and safety distance “sd”
Slot or groove shaped opening (from CSA Z432-04 [21])
Minimum safety distance
Safety distance “sd” (mm) Maximum opening (mm) Opening (mm)
“sd” (mm)
40 Safeguarding by distance
Figure 5-9 illustrates safeguarding by
distance for a worm drive [16].
The opening’s “e” dimension corresponds to one side of a square-shaped opening, to the
diameter of a circular opening, and to the smallest dimension of a slot-shaped opening
(see Figure 5-7).
5 < e ≤ 15 ≥ 10 0
15 < e ≤ 35 ≥ 80* ≥ 25
35 < e ≤ 60 ≥ 180 ≥ 80
180 < e ≤ 240 ≥ 1100
* If the length of the slot opening is ≤ 75 mm, the distance can be reduced to ≥ 50 mm.
42 Safeguarding by distance
5.4.2 Lower limbs only
If the risk assessment determines that a hazard exists only for the lower limbs, the minimum
safety distance “sd” must be taken from Table 5-4
In-running nips, or convergence zones, or nip points, are danger zones where parts of
the body can be drawn in or crushed. Machines (conveyors, printing presses, paper
machines, etc.) can have many in-running nips.
Dra e
Dra e
Dra e
z o n
g-in g-in
w insd win
Dr e Dra e
zon g-in zon ing-
win w
Dra e
Dra e
zon zon
The perimeter of drawing-in zone “p1” or “p2” is determined by the 12-mm distance and the
diameter of the cylinders.
However, fixed nip guards do not protect against the risk of pinching between the guard and the
cylinder or belt, and residual risks of abrasion or burns may remain.
In addition, they do not provide appropriate protection against the risks of hair or clothing being
drawn in. Therefore, the risk analysis must take into account the fact that the drawing-in effect
increases with the diameter of the rollers, their roughness, their rotational velocity and the
clothing or personal protective equipment worn (gloves, for example).
24. Remember that the danger zone can be accessed from the sides of the in-running nip.
25. See point 2.2 of [23] and point 6.1 of [24].
26. See ISO 11111-1:2005 [25], for example, for the textile industry.
Nip guards are particularly suitable for cylinders, drums and rollers with a smooth and full
end disc. They can be used with a smooth, flat or troughed belt, if they follow the profile of
the belt, and the belt is tight and does not vibrate.
Also, protective devices (that immediately stop the machine before a worker can reach the
danger zone) can also be used to protect access to the danger zone of in-running nips
(for example, trip bar, sensing bar27 or safety light curtain).
27. See, for example, for the printing sector, standards EN 1010-1:2005 [5] and ANSI B65.1-2005 [24].
If minimum-gap safeguarding (see point 4.1) is impossible or the residual risk (of abrasion,
burns, drawing in, etc.) is unacceptable, a fixed nip guard (see point 6.3) or safeguarding by
distance must then be used (see Section 5).
If minimum-gap safeguarding (see point 4.1) is impossible or the residual risk (of abrasion,
burns, drawing in, etc.) is unacceptable, a fixed nip guard (see point 6.3) or safeguarding by
distance must then be used (see Section 5).
Qu i c k ref e re nce
Haz ar ds
1. Mechanical hazards
1.1 Factors to consider
Mass, velocity (kinetic energy of the controlled or uncontrolled moving components)
Acceleration, force
Potential energy, namely the accumulation of energy inside the machine produced by:
elastic components (springs, etc.)
gases/liquids under pressure (hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.)
vacuum/pressure effect
1.2 Hazards associated with components and tools
Moving components and tools
Relative location of moving components and tools
In-running nips (rollers, conveyors, etc.)
Inadequate strength
Hazardous shapes (cutting, pointed, rough, etc.)
(see examples)
1.3 Hazards associated with gravity
Mass and stability (components or worker falling under the effect of their weight)
(see examples)
2. Electrical hazards
Live conductors
Live machine components
Electrostatic hazards
3. Thermal hazards
Objects or materials at extreme temperatures (high or low)
Presence of flame or explosion; presence of water and molten metal
Radiation from sources of heat; cold or hot work environment, etc.
4. Noise
5. Vibration
6. Radiation
Low frequency, radio frequency, microwave, X-ray and gamma radiation,
Laser/infrared, visible and ultraviolet light, etc.
7. Hazards produced by materials, products, contaminants
Hazardous materials (harmful, toxic, corrosive, reactive, humid, teratogenic, carcinogenic,
mutagenic or irritating)
Infectious materials, and combustible, flammable, oxidizing or explosive materials,
compressed gases, etc.
8. Hazards produced by non-respect of ergonomic principles
Nonneutral posture, force, repetition, absence of micro-breaks, frequent handling
Inadequate lighting, etc.
Inadequate visibility, poor location of controls
Difficult access to the working space, layout of premises, etc.
• Winding
• Entanglement
• Winding • Impact
• Entanglement • Crushing
• Drawing in • Drawing in
• Burning
• Puncture
• Entanglement
• Abrasion • Drawing in
• Drawing in • Crushing
• Burning • Burning
• Projection
• Impact • Drawing in
• Crushing • Abrasion
• Stabbing • Crushing
• Projection • Shearing
• Burning • Severing
• Impact • Projection
• Cutting
• Cutting
• Severing
• Severing
• Projection
• Projection
• Drawing in
• Winding
• Entanglement
• Drawing in
• Impact
• Crushing
• Drawing in
• Severing
• Severing
• Shearing
• Shearing
• Severing • Crushing
• Drawing in • Shearing
• Crushing • Severing
• Impact
• Drawing in
• Drawing in
• Crushing
• Crushing
• Tearing out
• Tearing out
• Severing
• Severing
• Impact
• Impact
• Impact • Stabbing
• Crushing • Puncture
• Drawing in • Punching
• Projection
• Shearing
• Severing
• Winding
• Entanglement • Impact
• Impact • Crushing
• Crushing
• Drawing in
• Slumping
• Collapse
• Subsidence • Falling
• Smothering • Slipping
• Jamming • Slumping
• Crushing
• Falling
• Crushing
• Falling
• Jamming
• Slipping
• Lowering
• Tripping
• Slumping
• Impact • Falling
• Crushing • Tripping
• Slumping • Slipping
Prévention des of mechanical
phénomènes dangereux hazards
d’origine mécanique 57
Appendix B
Annex B of ISO 14120:2002
Is the number No
of danger
zones low?
Figure B: Chart for the selection of guards according to the number and
location of hazards
Note. – The definitions of the terms used in this appendix appear in standard [12].
Yes No
Note. – The definitions of the terms used in this appendix appear in the standard.
Also, the sections mentioned in the figure are those in standard [7].
– Permission to use extracts from ISO ISO12100-2 :2003 was provided by Standards Council of
Canada, in cooperation with IHS Canada. No further reproduction is permitted without prior
written approval from Standards Council of Canada.
The guard providing the greatest safety must always be chosen. Since height “a”
(1500 mm) of the danger zone does not appear in Table 5-2 (for low risks), the closest
smaller height “a” (1400 mm) and the closest larger height “a” (1600 mm) must be
considered. Then, for each of these two “a” heights, you must determine in which interval
of Table 5-2 is the horizontal distance “c” of 700 mm, as well as height “b” of the guard
corresponding to this interval:
The minimum height “b” of the fixed distance guard is therefore 1800 mm when height
“a” of the danger zone is 1500 mm, and its horizontal distance “c”* with respect to the
guard is 700 mm (see Figure D-1).
* Important: Distance “c” is sufficiently large to allow a person to get between the distance guard and the danger
zone. This possibility must be taken into consideration when the distance guard is chosen (see point 3.2).
If the horizontal distance “c”* between the danger zone and the planned guard exceeds
900 mm, the minimum height of the guard could then be 1400 mm.
* Important: Distance “c” is sufficiently large to allow a person to get between the distance guard and the danger
zone. This possibility must be taken into consideration when the distance guard is chosen (see point 3.2).
In Table 5-2 (for low risks), the “c” distances must be considered as permitted when the
guard is 1400 or 1600 mm high (the dimension immediately below or above 1500 mm)
and the danger zone is located 2000 mm and 2200 mm away. The safest distance must
then be chosen.
Minimum horizontal distance “c”* between the danger zone and the guard is therefore
700 mm when height “b” for the guard is 1500 mm and height “a” for the danger zone is
2100 mm (see Figure D-2).
distance guard
First, the data in Table 5-1 (for high risks) must be used, and then the horizontal
distances “c” that are permissible when the guards are 1600 mm and 1800 mm high
must be taken into account. Since the permissible “c” distances are greater for a guard
1600 mm high, only these numbers can be used as a basis, since the safest distance
must always be chosen.
One must then verify, among the “c” values, which ones are less than or equal to
850 mm. The danger zone can be located at the corresponding “a” heights.
The danger zone must be located less than 1000 mm or more than 2400 mm away when
height “b” of the guard is 1700 mm and horizontal distance “c”* with respect to the
danger zone is 850 mm.
Distance “c” can even be reduced according to the indications given in Table 5-1 while
remaining safe. Also, when the abbreviation “sd” is indicated in the table (for example,
when the danger zone is located at a height “a” less than 600 mm), the danger zone must
be separated from the guard by a distance that is a function of the size of the “e”
openings in the latter. The minimum distance “sd” between the danger zone and the
guard is 13 mm, even if the guard does not have an opening in it.
Example 3 – Excerpt from Table 5-1
Height of danger
Height of the guard “b” (mm)
zone “a” (mm)
* Important: Distance “c” is sufficiently large to allow a person to get between the distance guard and the danger
zone. This possibility must be taken into consideration when the distance guard is chosen (see point 3.2).
Note. – The documents published by the CSST can be ordered by mentioning the document number (DC) or consulted on line at The majority of the documents can be consulted at the CSST’s Centre de documentation by mentioning the
call number. IRSST and INRS documents can be consulted on their respective websites: and
68 References
GOUVERNEMENT DU QUÉBEC. Safety Code for the construction industry, c. S-2.1, r. 6, 2003.
Can be consulted at the CSST’s website :
Note. – The documents published by the CSST can be ordered by mentioning the document number (DC) or consulted on line at The majority of the documents can be consulted at the CSST’s Centre de documentation by mentioning the
call number. IRSST and INRS documents can be consulted on their respective websites: and