Ac200 1 Training Manual Ver17

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AC 20 0 -1 All Terrai n Cra ne 200 t Liftin g Cap acity


AC 200-1
Shortest 200- tonner on 5 axles with 12.6 m carrier
7-section 68 m boom with Unimec telescoping and
pinning system giving unequalled 100 m combined
boom-and-jib length with the 33 m boom extension
Speed-dependent rear axle steering for increased
manoeuvrability and driving stability
Innovative Demag IC-1 crane control system with
Carrier with modified axle arrangement available
as an option

- Mit 12,6 m Unterwagenlänge kürzester 200-Tonner

0 mit 5 Achsen
Konkurrenzlose Systemlänge von 100 m durch 68 m
0 langen, 7-teiligen Auslege r mit Unimec-Teleskopie r-

und Verbolzungssystem und einer 33 m Hauptaus-

Erhöhte Wendigkeit und Stabilität durch geschwindig-
C keitsabhängige Hinterachslenkung

Innovative Kransteuerung Demag IC-1 mit Touch-

Unterwagen ist optional mit geänderter Achsanord-
nung erhältlich

200 tonnes la plus compacte sur 5 essieux avec un

châssis de 12,6 m de long seulement
Flèche princ ipale de 68 m de long en 7 éléments
avec systèm e de télescopage et de verrouillag e
Unimec atteigna nt une longueur total e sans con-

currence de 100 m grâce à sa rallonge de 33 m
Directio n de l’essieu arrière en fonctio n de la vitesse

augmenta nt la man iabilité et la stabilité lors du
Commande de grue innovatrice Demag IC-1 avec

écran tactile
Châssis avec différente disposition des essieux
disponible en option

La più corta 200 ton su 5 assi con una lunghezza
del carro di 12,6 m
7 sezioni 68 m di braccio con un sistema telescopico
Unimec, lunghezz a totale del systema 100 m con
33 m di prolunga
Sterzatura degli assi posteriori in funzione della
velocità per garantire una maggiore manovrabilità
e stabilità di guida
Comandi innovativi con sistema IC-1 con touchscreen
Carro con assi modificati come opzione

La grúa más corta de 200 toneladas con un chasis
de 12,6 m en 5 ejes

Pluma de 68 m en 7 tramos con sistema de
embulonam iento y telescopaje Unimec, que alcanza
100 m en combinación con el plumín de 33 m
Dirección independiente en ejes traseros en función
de la velocidad para incrementar la maniobrabilidad
y estabilidad en carretera
Novedoso control de la grúa Demag IC-1 con pantalla

táctil en color
Chasis con redistribución de ejes disponible bajo

2 AC 200-1

AC 200-1

Pag e · Sei te · Pag e · Pag ina · Pági na:

Specific ations · T echnisc he Daten · Caractéris tiques · Dati tecnici · Datos técnic os
Dimensions · Abmessun gen · E ncom brem ent · Dimen sion i · Dimen sion es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Specification s · Techn ische Daten · Carac téri stiques · Dati t ecnic i · Datos técn icos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Main boom · Hauptau sleger · Flèch e principa le · Braccio bas e · Pluma princip al
Working r anges · Ar beit sber eich e · Portées · Campo di lavo ro · Rang os de t rabaj o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Lift ing cap acit ies · Tragf ähig keit en · Capac ités de l evage · Portate · Capac idad es de carg a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Main b oom ex tension · Hauptaus legerverlä ngerung · Rallonge de flè che · Prolunga · Plumín, extens ión de pluma
Working r anges · Ar beit sber eich e · Portées · Campo di lavo ro · Rang os de t rabaj o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Lift ing cap acit ies · Tragf ähig keit en · Capac ités de l evage · Portate · Capac idad es de carg a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Working r anges · Ar beit sber eich e · Portées · Campo di lavo ro · Rang os de t rabaj o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Technical d escription · Technische Beschreib ung · Descriptif te chnique · Descrizione tecnica · Descripción técnica
Carrier · Supers tructure · Optional equ ipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Unterwagen · Ob erwagen · Zusatzausrü stung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Châssis · Par tie supérieur e · Equipement s optionnels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Carro · Torretta · Equipaggiam ento opzionale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Chasis · Super estructura · E quipamient o opcional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

AC 200-1 3
AC 200-1

AC 200-1 P

4 AC 200-1

AC 200-1
AC 200-1 TP

* with spec ial attachment · mit Sonder ausrüstun g · avec équipemen t spécial · con accessorio speciale · con equipo especial



Selection of configurations · Auswahl an Konfigurationen · Sélection du configurations · Selezione delle configurazioni · Selección de

1 1

1 2 2

1 Additional counterwei ght · Zusatzgegenge wicht · Contrepoids supplémenta ire · Contrappes o suppleme ntare · Contrapes o adicio nal

2 Base plates · Abstützp latten · Plaque de callage · Piastra stabilizzatori · Placas base

AC 200-1 5

Duties with reduced outrigger base on request * with 9 t co unterweig ht

Traglasten mit verkürzter Abstützbasis auf Anfrage * mit 9 t Geg engewi cht
Capacities de levage base réduite sur demande * ave c 9 t d e co ntrepoids
Portate con base stabilizzatori ridotta disponibili su richiesta * con contrappeso da9 t
Capacidad de carga con bases de apoyo reducidas, disponibles bajo demand a * co n co ntr ape so d a 9 t

6 AC 200-1

AC 200-1



a 5,7 t b 7,3 t c 9,0 t d 9,0 t e 9,1 t f 3,2 t g 12,8 t h 12,8 t

8,9 t X X
13,0 t X X
14,8 t X X

16,3 t X X X
18,0 t X X X
22,1 t X X X
25,3 t X X X X
31,1 t X X X X
34,4 t X X X X X
40,2 t X X X X X
43,4 t X X X X X X
59,9 t X X X X X X X
69,0 t X X X X X X X X

AC 200-1 7
Basic machine with hook bl ock · Grundgerät mi t Unterflasche · Machine de base avec crochet-m oufle · Autogrù in asset to stradale con bozzello ·
Máquina base con gancho
Axles · Achsen · Essieux · Assi · Ejes 5 x 12 000 kg
Tot·aGl esTaom
·t·atTl ota·leTotal 6000k0g
M e c h a n i sm s Normalspeed Highspeed Max.p ermissiblelinepull 1) Rope diamet er / Rope leng th
Antriebe Normalgang Schnellgang Max. zulässiger Seilzug 1) Seil ø / Seillänge
M é c a n i sm e s M a r c h e n o r m a le Marche rapide Effort max.a dmis sur brin 1) Diamètre du câb le / Longueur d u câble
F u n zi o n i Velocitànormale Velocitàrapida Tiromax.s ullafune 1) Diametro / lunghezza fune
M e c a n i sm o s Velocidad normal Velocidad rápida Carga máx.p or reenvío 1) Diam. cab le / long. cab le

HoisI t 4m
5 / min 12m5 / min 98,k2N 2m
1 3m/4m
Hubwerk I
Treuil de levage I
Argano I
Cabr estante I
HoisIIt 4m
5 / min 12m5 / min 98,k2N 2m
1 3m/4m
Hubwerk II
Treuil de levage II
Argano II
Cabr estante II
Slewing·Drehwerk·O rientation·R otazione·U nidaddegiro m a x. 1 , 3 1/min

Boomelevation·A usleger-Winkelverstellung·R elevagedeflèche· –1 , 5 ° – + 8 2 °

Angolazione braccio · Elevación de pluma

Travel speed ·F ahrgeschwindigkeit · Vitesse sur route · Velocità su strada ·V elocidad de traslación 0 .. 85 km/h
Gradeability · Steigfähigkeit · Capacité sur rampes · Pendenza superabile con gru in assetto stradale · max.7 1 %
Pendiente franqueable en orden de transporte
Type Possibleload 1) Numberofsheaves Weight Numberoflines
Typ MöglicheTraglast 1) Anzahl der Rollen Gewicht Strangzahl
Type Chargepossible 1) Nombredepoulies Poids „D “ Nombredebrins
Tipo Portatapossibile 1) Nopudliegge Peso N o max avvolgim.
Tipo Cargapermitida 1) Ndopeoleas Peso Reenvíom
s áx .

200 14t7,2 9 17kg50 3m,00 16

160 13t8,7 7 15kg00 3m,00 15
125 10t3,7 5 11kg25 3m,00 11
180 16t 7,3 3 1850kg 3,00m 17
132 12t 9,4 1 1600kg 2,70m 13
112,5 119,9t Singlelinehook/ 1350kg 2,00m 11
Hakengehänge /
Boulet / A palla /
Gancho de tiro directo

Rema rks · Beme rkung en · Rema rque s · Osse rvazi oni · Obse rvac ione s
1) varies dependin g on national regulation s · variiert je nach Ländervor schrift · varie en fonction des nor mes nationales · varia a secondo delle
eventuali norme nazionali · varía dependiend o de las regulaciones nacionales

8 AC 200-1

AC 200-1 9
69 t 360° DIN/ISO
Rad·iuAsusladung Rad·iuAsusladung
Portée Portée
Sbraccio Main boom · Haupt ausleger · Flèche princip ale · Braccio base · Plu ma principal Sbraccio
Radio m 12,4* 12,4 16,6 20,9 25,1 29,4 33,6 37,9 42,1 46,4 50,6 54,9 59,1 63,4 67,8 Radio
1m t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 1m
200,0 ** -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0
13 147,0 147,0 146,5 146,0 121,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 13
13,5 146,5 135,0 135,5 134,5 121,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 13,5
14 136,0 125,0 125,0 124,5 121,0 94,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 14
14,5 127,0 116,0 116,0 116,0 115,0 94,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 14,5
15 119,0 108,0 108,0 108,0 107,0 94,8 73,7 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 15
16 104,5 94,8 94,9 94,5 93,7 93,0 73,6 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 16
17 92,2 84,0 84,2 83,8 83,0 83,6 70,4 52,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 17
18 79,7 75,3 75,5 75,0 74,8 74,9 67,1 50,8 44,9 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 18
19 64,7 64,7 68,5 67,8 68,3 67,7 63,8 48,8 42,1 37,5 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 19
10 -,0 -,0 62,7 61,7 62,2 61,6 60,4 47,0 39,2 35,0 30,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 10
12 -,0 -,0 53,0 52,5 52,5 51,9 52,7 44,0 34,1 30,8 27,7 24,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 12
14 -,0 -,0 -,0 44,6 44,1 44,6 44,2 40,9 30,4 27,3 24,8 22,1 19,6 15,6 -,0 14
16 -,0 -,0 -,0 38,0 37,5 38,3 37,5 37,9 26,8 24,6 22,3 20,1 18,2 15,6 12,0 16
18 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 32,2 33,1 32,3 33,1 24,1 21,9 20,3 18,4 16,8 14,7 12,0 18
20 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 29,0 28,3 29,2 28,3 22,0 19,7 18,3 16,9 15,6 13,7 11,9 20
22 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 24,5 25,3 24,5 19,9 18,2 16,5 15,5 14,5 12,9 11,4 22
24 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 22,9 22,2 21,4 18,5 16,6 15,3 14,0 13,4 12,1 10,8 24
26 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 19,7 18,9 17,5 15,0 14,1 13,0 12,3 11,4 10,2 26
28 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 17,6 16,8 16,6 13,7 12,9 12,1 11,5 10,6 9,7 28
30 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 15,0 15,0 15,7 12,8 11,7 11,2 10,7 9,9 9,1 30
32 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 14,2 14,1 11,9 10,9 10,2 10,0 9,4 8,6 32
34 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 13,6 12,8 11,1 10,1 9,4 9,2 8,8 8,1 34
36 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 11,7 10,6 9,4 8,8 8,4 8,2 7,6 36
38 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 10,7 10,3 8,8 8,2 7,9 7,6 7,1 38
42 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 9,9
9,2 8,4
8,1 7,6
7,0 7,4
6,9 7,1
6,7 6,7
6,2 40
44 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 7,8 6,7 6,4 6,3 5,8 44
46 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 7,5 6,4 5,9 5,9 5,4 46
48 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 6,1 5,6 5,5 5,1 48
50 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 5,9 5,3 5,1 4,8 50
54 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 4,8 4,5 4,1 54
58 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 3,7 3,6 58
62 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,9 62
66 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 66

Rema rks · Beme rkun gen · Rema rque s · Osse rvazi oni · Obse rvac ione s
* ov er rear
* nach h inten
* sur l’arrière
* sul r etro
* haci a a trás

** with sp eci al at tachment

** mit Sonder aus rüstung
** avec éq uipeme nt spécial
** con
** con equ
acc ess
ipo ori
espo eci
al ale

10 AC 200-1

AC 200-1
43,4 t 360° DIN/ISO
Rad·iuAsusladung Rad·iuAsusladung
Portée Portée
Sbraccio Main boom · Haup tausleger · Flèche princip ale · Braccio base · Plum a principal Sbraccio
Radio m 12,4 16,6 20,9 25,1 29,4 33,6 37,9 42,1 46,4 50,6 54,9 59,1 63,4 67,8 Radio
1m t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 1m
13 144,5 144,5 143,5 121,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 13
13,5 132,5 132,5 132,0 121,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 13,5
14 122,0 122,0 121,5 121,0 94,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 14
14,5 113,0 113,0 112,5 112,0 94,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 14,5
15 105,0 105,0 104,5 104,0 94,8 73,7 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 15
16 91,9 92,0 91,6 90,9 91,5 73,6 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 16
17 81,5 81,7 81,2 81,7 81,1 70,4 52,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 17
18 72,9 73,3 72,7 73,2 72,6 67,1 50,8 44,9 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 18
19 63,7 64,9 64,8 64,3 63,4 63,8 48,8 42,1 37,5 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 19
10 -,0 57,2 57,2 56,6 56,8 56,7 47,0 39,2 35,0 30,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 10
20 -,0 -,0 -,0 21,5 21,1 20,5 20,0 20,4 18,7 18,3 16,9 15,6 13,7 11,9 20
22 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 18,2 17,6 18,2 17,5 16,5 15,9 15,5 14,5 12,9 11,4 22
24 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 15,9 15,9 15,9 15,1 14,8 14,2 13,9 13,4 12,1 10,8 24
26 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 14,6 14,0 13,2 13,5 12,5 12,2 12,3 11,4 10,2 26
28 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 13,0 12,4 12,2 11,9 11,7 11,2 10,7 10,6 9,7 28
30 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 11,6 11,0 11,3 10,5 10,7 9,8 9,9 9,8 9,1 30
32 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 10,1 10,1 9,7 9,4 8,9 9,1 8,5 8,5 32
34 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 9,6 9,1 9,1 8,4 8,2 8,0 7,4 7,4 34
36 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 8,1 8,2 7,8 7,5 7,0 6,5 6,5 36
38 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 7,3 7,3 7,1 6,7 6,2 5,7 5,6 38
40 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 6,6 6,4 5,9 5,4 4,9 4,9 40
44 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 6,0
-,0 5,7
5,1 5,3
4,7 4,8
4,2 4,3
3,7 4,2
3,6 42
46 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 4,6 4,2 3,6 3,1 3,1 46
48 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 3,7 3,2 2,7 2,6 48
50 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 3,3 2,7 2,2 2,2 50
54 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,5 1,5 1,4 54

AC 200-1 11
16,3 t 360° DIN/ISO
Rad·iuAsusladung Rad·iuAsusladung
Portée Portée
Sbraccio Main boom · Haup tausleger · Flèche princip ale · Braccio base · Plu ma principal Sbraccio
Radio m 12,4 16,6 20,9 25,1 29,4 33,6 37,9 42,1 46,4 50,6 54,9 59,1 63,4 67,8 Radio
1m t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 1m
13 140,5 140,5 140,0 121,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 13
13,5 128,5 128,5 128,0 121,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 13,5
14 118,0 118,0 117,5 117,0 94,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 14
14,5 109,0 109,5 109,0 108,0 94,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 14,5
15 101,5 101,5 101,0 100,5 94,8 73,7 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 15
16 85,1 86,3 84,9 80,9 73,0 69,4 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 16
17 70,7 71,9 69,8 64,9 61,3 55,9 52,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 17
18 55,4 57,4 58,0 54,9 50,5 49,3 45,1 41,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 18
19 43,7 46,1 46,7 46,1 45,1 41,6 37,9 35,5 33,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 19
10 -,0 37,8 38,3 39,7 38,5 35,6 33,1 31,6 29,1 27,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 10
12 -,0 26,8 28,4 28,6 28,2 27,0 27,0 25,1 23,7 22,1 21,5 -,0 -,0 -,0 12
14 -,0 -,0 21,6 21,7 22,0 22,2 21,4 20,8 19,8 19,0 18,2 17,3 15,6 -,0 14
16 -,0 -,0 17,0 17,7 18,0 17,5 17,8 17,2 17,1 16,3 15,2 14,1 13,0 12,0 16
18 -,0 -,0 -,0 14,7 14,7 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,3 13,6 12,7 11,7 10,6 10,3 18
20 -,0 -,0 -,0 12,3 12,3 12,5 12,4 12,1 11,9 11,4 10,6 9,7 8,7 8,4 20
22 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 10,6 10,6 10,5 10,2 10,0 9,5 8,9 8,1 7,2 6,9 22
24 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 9,1 9,0 8,9 8,7 8,4 7,9 7,4 6,7 5,9 5,7 24
26 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 8,0 7,8 7,7 7,4 7,1 6,6 6,1 5,6 4,8 4,5 26
28 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 6,7 6,6 6,3 6,0 5,5 5,0 4,5 3,8 3,6 28
30 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 5,8 5,6 5,3 5,1 4,6 4,1 3,6 3,0 2,7 30
32 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 4,9 4,5 4,3 3,8 3,3 2,8 2,2 2,0 32
34 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 4,2 3,9 3,6 3,1 2,7 2,1 1,6 1,4 34
36 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 3,3 3,0 2,5 2,1 1,5 1,0 -,0 36
38 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,8 2,4 2,0 1,5 1,0 -,0 -,0 38
40 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,0 1,5 1,1 -,0 -,0 -,0 40
44 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 1,6
-,0 1,1
-,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 42

8,9 t 360° DIN/ISO

Rad·iuAsusladung Rad·iuAsusladung
Portée Portée
Sbraccio Main boom · Haup tausleger · Flèche princip ale · Braccio base · Plu ma principal Sbraccio
Radio m 12,4 16,6 20,9 25,1 29,4 33,6 37,9 42,1 46,4 50,6 54,9 59,1 63,4 67,8 Radio
1m t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 1m
13 139,0 139,0 139,0 121,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 13
13,5 127,0 127,5 127,0 121,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 13,5
14 117,0 117,0 116,5 116,0 94,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 14
14,5 108,0 108,5 108,0 105,0 94,8 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 14,5
15 99,7 100,0 99,5 91,5 80,8 73,7 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 15
16 80,2 81,3 75,5 70,1 64,5 58,2 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 16
17 62,1 63,8 60,8 56,3 51,9 49,4 44,7 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 17
18 46,0 48,8 49,2 46,5 44,1 40,2 37,6 35,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 18
19 35,7 38,3 40,2 39,5 36,6 33,7 32,4 30,3 28,1 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 19
10 -,0 30,7 32,7 32,8 31,0 29,8 28,2 25,9 25,0 24,1 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 10
12 -,0 22,1 23,0 23,1 24,1 22,5 22,2 21,1 20,5 19,4 18,1 -,0 -,0 -,0 12
14 -,0 -,0 17,2 18,3 18,2 17,9 18,2 17,6 16,7 15,4 14,3 13,1 11,9 -,0 14
18 --,0
,0 --,0
,0 14,0
-,0 14,4
11,6 14,7
11,9 14,7
11,9 14,6
11,8 14,3
11,5 13,6
11,1 12,5
10,1 11,5
9,2 10,4
8,2 9,3
7,2 8,9
6,9 16
20 -,0 -,0 -,0 9,5 9,8 9,8 9,7 9,4 9,1 8,3 7,5 6,5 5,6 5,4 20
22 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 8,2 8,1 8,0 7,7 7,4 6,8 6,0 5,2 4,3 4,1 22
24 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 6,8 6,7 6,6 6,3 6,0 5,4 4,8 4,0 3,2 2,9 24
26 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 5,5 5,4 5,1 4,8 4,3 3,9 3,1 2,3 2,0 26
28 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 4,6 4,5 4,2 3,9 3,4 2,9 2,2 1,5 1,2 28
30 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 3,8 3,7 3,4 3,1 2,6 2,2 1,5 -,0 -,0 30
32 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 3,1 2,7 2,4 1,9 1,5 -,0 -,0 -,0 32
34 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,5 2,2 1,9 1,4 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 34
36 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 1,7 1,4 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 36
38 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 1,2 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 38
40 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 40

12 AC 200-1

AC 200-1
0t 360° DIN/ISO
Rad·iuAsusladung Rad·iuAsusladung
Portée Portée
Sbraccio Main boom · Haup tausleger · Flèche princip ale · Braccio base · Plum a principal Sbraccio
Radio m 12,4 16,6 20,9 25,1 29,4 33,6 37,9 42,1 46,4 50,6 54,9 58,4 62,7 Radio
1m t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 1m
13 137,5 137,5 137,5 121,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 13
13,5 126,0 126,0 125,5 116,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 13,5
14 115,5 116,0 111,0 94,1 77,2 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 14
14,5 105,0 105,0 91,7 76,7 69,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 14,5
15 92,5 86,8 75,5 68,4 58,9 54,1 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 15
16 64,4 64,6 57,3 52,7 47,0 42,1 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 16
17 43,1 46,0 45,3 41,3 36,9 35,2 32,3 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 17
18 30,6 33,3 35,6 33,3 31,6 29,2 27,7 26,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 18
19 23,0 25,3 27,3 27,4 27,0 24,9 24,1 22,2 20,5 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 19
10 -,0 20,9 21,8 23,0 23,0 22,2 20,8 19,1 17,5 15,7 -,0 -,0 -,0 10
20 -,0 -,0 -,0 5,4 5,7 5,6 5,6 5,3 4,9 4,0 3,2 3,2 2,2 20
22 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 4,6 4,5 4,4 4,2 3,8 3,0 2,3 2,2 1,3 22
24 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 3,7 3,6 3,5 3,3 2,9 2,1 1,4 1,4 -,0 24
26 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,9 2,8 2,5 2,2 1,4 -,0 -,0 -,0 26
28 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,2 2,1 1,8 1,5 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 28
30 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 1,6 1,5 1,2 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 30
32 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 1,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 32

AC 200-1 13

14 AC 200-1

AC 200-1
69 t 360° DIN/ISO
Main boom · Hauptau sleger · Flèche principa le Main boom · Hauptausle ger · Flèche princip ale
12,4 m 33,6 m
Braccio base · Pluma principal Braccio base · Pluma principal
Radiu s · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge · Radiu s · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge ·
Portée Prolunga · Extensión Portée Prolunga · Extensión
Sbraccio 9,0 m 17,0 m Sbraccio 9,0 m 17,0 m
Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40° Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40°
3 t,0
19,7 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 t,0
15,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 11m
7 t,0
19,6 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
13,5 19,7 -,0 -,0 14,8 -,0 -,0 18 19,1 -,0 -,0 10,5 -,0 -,0
14 19,7 -,0 -,0 14,6 -,0 -,0 19 18,3 -,0 -,0 10,4 -,0 -,0
14,5 19,7 -,0 -,0 14,3 -,0 -,0 10 17,2 13,3 -,0 10,2 -,0 -,0
15 19,6 15,5 -,0 14,0 -,0 -,0 12 15,3 12,5 9,5 9,8 -,0 -,0
16 19,5 14,3 -,0 13,5 -,0 -,0 14 13,8 11,7 9,1 9,4 7,9 -,0
17 19,1 13,3 10,3 12,8 -,0 -,0 16 12,3 11,0 8,8 8,9 7,5 -,0
18 17,5 12,5 9,8 12,2 -,0 -,0 18 11,2 10,3 8,5 8,5 7,2 -,0
19 16,0 11,7 9,4 11,5 9,6 -,0 20 10,3 9,6 8,3 8,1 6,9 6,1
10 14,4 11,0 9,1 10,9 9,2 -,0 22 9,4 9,0 8,0 7,6 6,6 5,9
12 12,3 9,9 8,5 9,9 8,4 -,0 24 8,6 8,3 7,8 7,2 6,2 5,7
14 10,6 9,0 8,0 9,0 7,8 6,9 26 8,0 7,7 7,5 6,7 5,9 5,5
16 9,4 8,3 -,0 8,2 7,3 6,5 28 7,5 7,3 7,2 6,3 5,6 5,2
18 8,2 -,0 -,0 7,6 6,8 6,2 30 7,0 6,8 6,8 5,8 5,4 5,0
20 -,0 -,0 -,0 7,0 6,4 6,0 32 6,5 6,4 6,4 5,5 5,1 4,9
22 -,0 -,0 -,0 6,5 6,1 5,9 34 6,1 6,0 -,0 5,2 4,8 4,7
24 -,0 -,0 -,0 6,2 5,9 -,0 36 5,8 5,7 -,0 4,9 4,6 4,5
26 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 38 5,5 5,4 -,0 4,5 4,4 4,4
36 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 48 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0

Main boom · Hauptau sleger · Flèche principa le Main boom · Hauptausle ger · Flèche princip ale
50,6 m 67,8 m
Braccio base · Pluma principal Braccio base · Pluma principal
Radiu s · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge · Radiu s · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge ·
Portée Prolunga · Extensión Portée Prolunga · Extensión
Sbraccio 9,0 m 17,0 m Sbraccio 9,0 m 17,0 m
Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40° Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40°
m t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 m t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0
12 15,2 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 18 7,9 -,0 -,0 5,2 -,0 -,0
14 14,0 -,0 -,0 8,1 -,0 -,0 20 7,9 -,0 -,0 5,2 -,0 -,0
16 13,0 11,4 -,0 7,9 -,0 -,0 22 7,9 7,9 -,0 5,2 -,0 -,0
18 12,1 10,8 8,7 7,7 -,0 -,0 24 7,8 7,8 7,8 5,2 -,0 -,0
20 11,3 10,2 8,6 7,5 6,6 -,0 26 7,8 7,7 7,8 5,2 5,1 -,0
22 10,5 9,7 8,4 7,2 6,4 -,0 28 7,7 7,5 7,6 5,2 5,1 -,0
24 9,7 9,2 8,2 7,0 6,2 5,6 30 7,3 7,3 7,3 5,1 5,0 4,8
26 8,9 8,7 8,1 6,8 6,0 5,5 32 7,0 7,0 7,0 5,1 4,9 4,8
28 8,3 8,3 7,9 6,6 5,8 5,4 34 6,6 6,6 6,7 5,0 4,9 4,7
30 7,8 7,8 7,7 6,4 5,7 5,3 36 6,3 6,3 6,3 4,9 4,8 4,6
32 7,3 7,3 7,3 6,1 5,5 5,1 38 6,0 6,0 6,0 4,8 4,7 4,6
34 6,8 6,8 6,8 5,8 5,3 5,0 40 5,6 5,6 5,7 4,7 4,5 4,5
36 6,3 6,4 6,4 5,5 5,2 4,8 42 5,3 5,3 5,4 4,6 4,4 4,4
38 5,9 5,9 6,0 5,2 5,0 4,7 44 5,0 5,0 5,1 4,4 4,3 4,3
40 5,6 5,6 5,6 4,9 4,8 4,6 46 4,6 4,7 4,8 4,2 4,2 4,2
42 5,2 5,2 5,3 4,6 4,6 4,5 48 4,3 4,4 4,5 3,9 4,0 4,1
44 4,9 4,9 5,0 4,4 4,4 4,3 50 4,0 4,1 4,1 3,7 3,8 3,9
46 4,6 4,6 4,7 4,2 4,2 4,2 54 3,5 3,5 3,6 3,2 3,4 3,5
48 4,3 4,3 -,0 3,9 4,0 4,0 58 3,0 3,0 3,1 2,8 2,9 3,0
50 4,1 4,1 -,0 3,7 3,8 3,8 62 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,4 2,5 2,6
54 3,7 3,7 -,0 3,3 3,3 3,4 66 2,0 2,1 -,0 2,0 2,1 2,2
58 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,9 3,0 -,0 70 1,4 1,5 -,0 1,6 1,7 1,8
62 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,6 2,6 -,0 74 -,0 -,0 -,0 1,1 1,3 -,0

AC 200-1 15
43,4 t 360° DIN/ISO
Main boom · Hauptausle ger · Flèche princip ale Main boom · Hauptausle ger · Flèche princip ale
12,4 m 33,6 m
Braccio base · Pluma principal Braccio base · Pluma principal
Radiu s · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge · Radi us · Ausl adung Extension · Verlänger ung · Rallonge ·
Portée Prolunga · Extensión Portée Prolunga · Extensión
Sbraccio 9,0 m 17,0 m Sbraccio 9,0 m 17,0 m
Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40° Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40°
3 t,0
19,7 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 t,0
15,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 11m
7 t,0
19,6 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
13,5 19,7 -,0 -,0 14,8 -,0 -,0 18 19,1 -,0 -,0 10,5 -,0 -,0
14 19,7 -,0 -,0 14,6 -,0 -,0 19 18,3 -,0 -,0 10,4 -,0 -,0
14,5 19,7 -,0 -,0 14,3 -,0 -,0 10 17,2 13,3 -,0 10,2 -,0 -,0
15 19,6 15,5 -,0 14,0 -,0 -,0 12 15,3 12,5 9,5 9,8 -,0 -,0
16 19,5 14,3 -,0 13,5 -,0 -,0 14 13,8 11,7 9,1 9,4 7,9 -,0
17 19,1 13,3 10,3 12,8 -,0 -,0 16 12,3 11,0 8,8 8,9 7,5 -,0
18 17,5 12,5 9,8 12,2 -,0 -,0 18 11,2 10,3 8,5 8,5 7,2 -,0
19 16,0 11,7 9,4 11,5 9,6 -,0 20 10,3 9,6 8,3 8,1 6,9 6,1
10 14,4 11,0 9,1 10,9 9,2 -,0 22 9,4 9,0 8,0 7,6 6,6 5,9
12 12,3 9,9 8,5 9,9 8,4 -,0 24 8,6 8,3 7,8 7,2 6,2 5,7
14 10,6 9,0 8,0 9,0 7,8 6,9 26 8,0 7,7 7,5 6,7 5,9 5,5
16 9,4 8,3 -,0 8,2 7,3 6,5 28 7,5 7,3 7,2 6,3 5,6 5,2
18 8,2 -,0 -,0 7,6 6,8 6,2 30 7,0 6,8 6,8 5,8 5,4 5,0
20 -,0 -,0 -,0 7,0 6,4 6,0 32 6,5 6,4 6,4 5,5 5,1 4,9
22 -,0 -,0 -,0 6,5 6,1 5,9 34 6,1 6,0 -,0 5,2 4,8 4,7
24 -,0 -,0 -,0 6,2 5,9 -,0 36 5,8 5,7 -,0 4,9 4,6 4,5
26 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 38 5,5 5,4 -,0 4,5 4,4 4,4
28 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 40 -,0 -,0 -,0 4,3 4,2 4,2
30 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 42 -,0 -,0 -,0 4,1 4,1 -,0
32 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 44 -,0 -,0 -,0 3,9 3,9 -,0
34 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 46 -,0 -,0 -,0 3,7 3,7 -,0
36 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 50 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0

Main boom · Hauptausle ger · Flèche princip ale Main boom · Hauptausle ger · Flèche princip ale
50,6 m 67,8 m
Braccio base · Pluma principal Braccio base · Pluma principal
Radiu s · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge · Radi us · Ausl adung Extension · Verlänger ung · Rallonge ·
Portée Prolunga · Extensión Portée Prolunga · Extensión
Sbraccio 9,0 m 17,0 m Sbraccio 9,0 m 17,0 m
Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40° Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40°
m t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 m t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0
12 15,2 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 18 7,9 -,0 -,0 5,2 -,0 -,0
14 14,0 -,0 -,0 8,1 -,0 -,0 20 7,9 -,0 -,0 5,2 -,0 -,0
16 13,0 11,4 -,0 7,9 -,0 -,0 22 7,9 7,9 -,0 5,2 -,0 -,0
18 12,1 10,8 8,7 7,7 -,0 -,0 24 7,8 7,8 7,8 5,2 -,0 -,0
20 11,3 10,2 8,6 7,5 6,6 -,0 26 7,8 7,7 7,8 5,2 5,1 -,0
22 10,5 9,7 8,4 7,2 6,4 -,0 28 7,7 7,5 7,6 5,2 5,1 -,0
24 9,7 9,2 8,2 7,0 6,2 5,6 30 7,3 7,3 7,3 5,1 5,0 4,8
26 8,9 8,7 8,1 6,8 6,0 5,5 32 7,0 7,0 7,0 5,1 4,9 4,8
28 8,3 8,3 7,9 6,6 5,8 5,4 34 6,6 6,6 6,7 5,0 4,9 4,7
30 7,8 7,8 7,7 6,4 5,7 5,3 36 6,3 6,3 6,3 4,9 4,8 4,6
32 7,3 7,3 7,3 6,1 5,5 5,1 38 5,4 6,0 6,0 4,8 4,7 4,6
34 6,8 6,8 6,8 5,8 5,3 5,0 40 4,7 5,2 5,5 4,7 4,5 4,5
36 6,3 6,4 6,4 5,5 5,2 4,8 42 4,0 4,5 4,8 4,2 4,4 4,4
38 5,9 5,9 6,0 5,2 5,0 4,7 44 3,4 3,8 4,1 3,6 4,3 4,3
40 5,6 5,6 5,6 4,9 4,8 4,6 46 2,9 3,3 3,5 3,1 3,8 4,2
42 5,2 5,2 5,3 4,6 4,6 4,5 48 2,4 2,7 3,0 2,6 3,3 3,8
44 4,9 4,9 5,0 4,4 4,4 4,3 50 1,9 2,3 2,4 2,2 2,8 3,3
46 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,2 4,2 4,2 54 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,4 1,9 2,3
48 4,0 4,2 -,0 3,9 4,0 4,0 58 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 1,2 1,5
50 3,5 3,7 -,0 3,7 3,8 3,8 62 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0
54 2,8 2,8 -,0 3,0 3,3 3,4 66 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0
58 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,3 2,6 -,0 70 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0
62 -,0 -,0 -,0 1,8 1,9 -,0 74 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0

16 AC 200-1

AC 200-1
69 t 360° DIN/ISO
Main boom · Hauptausle ger · Flèche princip ale Main boom · Hauptausle ger · Flèche princip ale
12,4 m 33,6 m
Braccio base · Pluma principal Braccio base · Pluma principal
Radiu s · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge · Radi us · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge ·
Portée Prolunga · Extensión Portée Prolunga · Extensión
Sbraccio 25,0 m 33,0 m Sbraccio 25,0 m 33,0 m
Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40° Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40°
5 t,0
12,3 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 m
10 t,0
8,5 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
16 12,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 12 8,2 -,0 -,0 6,2 -,0 -,0
17 11,4 -,0 -,0 9,3 -,0 -,0 14 7,8 -,0 -,0 5,8 -,0 -,0
18 10,9 -,0 -,0 8,8 -,0 -,0 16 7,4 -,0 -,0 5,5 -,0 -,0
19 10,3 -,0 -,0 8,3 -,0 -,0 18 7,0 6,2 -,0 5,2 -,0 -,0
10 9,8 -,0 -,0 7,9 -,0 -,0 20 6,5 5,8 -,0 4,9 4,5 -,0
12 8,8 7,8 -,0 7,1 -,0 -,0 22 6,1 5,5 5,1 4,6 4,3 -,0
14 7,8 7,0 -,0 6,4 5,9 -,0 24 5,6 5,2 4,8 4,4 4,0 3,8
16 7,2 6,5 6,0 5,7 5,4 -,0 26 5,3 4,8 4,6 4,1 3,8 3,6
18 6,5 5,9 5,5 5,1 4,9 4,7 28 4,9 4,5 4,3 3,8 3,6 3,4
20 5,8 5,5 5,2 4,7 4,5 4,3 30 4,6 4,2 4,1 3,6 3,4 3,3
22 5,4 5,1 4,9 4,3 4,1 4,0 32 4,3 4,0 3,8 3,4 3,2 3,1
24 5,0 4,7 4,6 3,9 3,8 3,7 34 4,0 3,8 3,7 3,2 3,0 2,9
26 4,7 4,5 4,3 3,6 3,5 3,5 36 3,7 3,6 3,5 2,9 2,8 2,7
28 4,3 4,2 4,2 3,3 3,3 3,2 38 3,6 3,4 3,3 2,7 2,7 2,6
30 4,1 4,0 4,0 3,1 3,0 3,0 40 3,4 3,2 3,2 2,5 2,5 2,5
32 3,9 3,8 -,0 2,8 2,8 2,8 42 3,2 3,1 3,0 2,3 2,3 2,3
34 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,6 2,6 2,7 44 3,0 2,9 2,9 2,2 2,2 2,2
36 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,5 2,5 2,5 46 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,1 2,0 2,0
38 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,4 2,3 -,0 48 2,7 2,6 -,0 2,0 1,9 1,9
40 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,2 2,2 -,0 50 2,6 2,5 -,0 1,8 1,8 1,8
42 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 54 2,4 2,4 -,0 1,6 1,6 1,6
44 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 58 -,0 -,0 -,0 1,5 1,5 -,0

Main boom · Hauptausle ger · Flèche princip ale Main boom · Hauptausle ger · Flèche princip ale
50,6 m 67,0 m
Braccio base · Pluma principal Braccio base · Pluma principal
Radiu s · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge · Radi us · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge ·
Portée Prolunga · Extensión Portée Prolunga · Extensión
Sbraccio 25,0 m 33,0 m Sbraccio 25,0 m 33,0 m
Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40° Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40°
m t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 m t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0
16 6,4 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 20 3,6 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0
18 6,3 -,0 -,0 4,3 -,0 -,0 22 3,6 -,0 -,0 2,2 -,0 -,0
20 6,1 -,0 -,0 4,3 -,0 -,0 24 3,6 -,0 -,0 2,2 -,0 -,0
22 5,8 5,3 -,0 4,2 -,0 -,0 26 3,6 -,0 -,0 2,2 -,0 -,0
24 5,6 5,1 -,0 4,0 3,7 -,0 28 3,6 3,5 -,0 2,2 2,7 * -,0
26 5,4 4,9 4,6 3,8 3,6 -,0 30 3,6 3,5 -,0 2,2 2,7 * -,0
28 5,2 4,7 4,4 3,7 3,4 3,3 32 3,6 3,5 3,5 2,2 2,7 * -,0
30 5,0 4,5 4,3 3,5 3,3 3,1 34 3,6 3,5 3,5 2,2 2,7 * 2,6 *
32 4,7 4,3 4,1 3,4 3,2 3,0 36 3,5 3,5 3,5 2,2 2,6 * 2,6 *
34 4,5 4,2 3,9 3,3 3,0 2,9 38 3,5 3,5 3,4 2,2 2,6 * 2,6 *
36 4,3 4,0 3,8 3,1 2,9 2,8 40 3,5 3,4 3,3 2,2 2,5 * 2,5 *
38 4,2 3,8 3,6 3,0 2,8 2,7 42 3,4 3,3 3,3 2,1 2,5 * 2,4 *
40 4,0 3,6 3,5 2,8 2,7 2,6 44 3,4 3,2 3,2 2,1 2,4 * 2,3 *
42 3,8 3,5 3,3 2,7 2,6 2,5 46 3,4 3,2 3,1 2,1 2,3 * 2,3 *
44 3,6 3,4 3,2 2,6 2,5 2,4 48 3,3 3,1 3,0 2,1 2,2 * 2,2 *
46 3,4 3,2 3,1 2,5 2,4 2,3 50 3,1 3,0 2,9 2,1 2,2 * 2,2 *
48 3,3 3,1 3,0 2,4 2,3 2,2 54 2,8 2,7 2,8 2,0 2,0 * 2,0 *
50 3,1 3,0 2,9 2,2 2,2 2,1 58 2,4 2,5 2,5 1,8 1,9 * 1,9 *
54 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,0 2,0 2,0 62 2,1 2,2 2,2 1,6 1,8 * 1,8 *
58 2,4 2,4 2,4 1,8 1,8 1,8 66 1,8 1,9 2,0 1,4 1,6 * 1,7 *
62 2,1 2,1 2,1 1,6 1,6 1,6 70 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,2 1,4 * 1,5 *
66 1,9 1,9 -,0 1,4 1,4 1,4 74 1,1 1,2 1,3 -,0 1,2 * 1,2 *
70 1,6 1,6 -,0 1,2 1,2 -,0 78 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0
74 -,0 -,0 -,0 1,0 1,0 -,0 82 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0
78 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 86 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0

Rema rks · Beme rkun gen · Rema rque s · Osse rvazi oni · Obse rvac ione s
* Main boom 63.4 mHauptauslege
· r 63,4 m · Flèche pri ncipale 63 ,4 m · Braccio base 63,4 m · Pluma principal 6 3,4 m

AC 200-1 17
43,4 t 360° DIN/ISO
Main boom · Hauptau sleger · Flèche principa le Main boom · Hauptausle ger · Flèche princip ale
12,4 m 33,6 m
Braccio base · Pluma principal Braccio base · Pluma principal
Radiu s · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge · Radi us · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge ·
Portée Prolunga · Extensión Portée Prolunga · Extensión
Sbraccio 25,0 m 33,0 m Sbraccio 25,0 m 33,0 m
Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40° Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40°
5 t,0
12,3 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 m
10 t,0
8,5 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
,0 -t,0
16 12,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 12 8,2 -,0 -,0 6,2 -,0 -,0
17 11,4 -,0 -,0 9,3 -,0 -,0 14 7,8 -,0 -,0 5,8 -,0 -,0
18 10,9 -,0 -,0 8,8 -,0 -,0 16 7,4 -,0 -,0 5,5 -,0 -,0
19 10,3 -,0 -,0 8,3 -,0 -,0 18 7,0 6,2 -,0 5,2 -,0 -,0
10 9,8 -,0 -,0 7,9 -,0 -,0 20 6,5 5,8 -,0 4,9 4,5 -,0
12 8,8 7,8 -,0 7,1 -,0 -,0 22 6,1 5,5 5,1 4,6 4,3 -,0
14 7,8 7,0 -,0 6,4 5,9 -,0 24 5,6 5,2 4,8 4,4 4,0 3,8
16 7,2 6,5 6,0 5,7 5,4 -,0 26 5,3 4,8 4,6 4,1 3,8 3,6
18 6,5 5,9 5,5 5,1 4,9 4,7 28 4,9 4,5 4,3 3,8 3,6 3,4
20 5,8 5,5 5,2 4,7 4,5 4,3 30 4,6 4,2 4,1 3,6 3,4 3,3
22 5,4 5,1 4,9 4,3 4,1 4,0 32 4,3 4,0 3,8 3,4 3,2 3,1
24 5,0 4,7 4,6 3,9 3,8 3,7 34 4,0 3,8 3,7 3,2 3,0 2,9
26 4,7 4,5 4,3 3,6 3,5 3,5 36 3,7 3,6 3,5 2,9 2,8 2,7
28 4,3 4,2 4,2 3,3 3,3 3,2 38 3,6 3,4 3,3 2,7 2,7 2,6
30 4,1 4,0 4,0 3,1 3,0 3,0 40 3,4 3,2 3,2 2,5 2,5 2,5
32 3,9 3,8 -,0 2,8 2,8 2,8 42 3,2 3,1 3,0 2,3 2,3 2,3
34 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,6 2,6 2,7 44 3,0 2,9 2,9 2,2 2,2 2,2
36 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,5 2,5 2,5 46 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,1 2,0 2,0
38 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,4 2,3 -,0 48 2,7 2,6 -,0 2,0 1,9 1,9
40 -,0 -,0 -,0 2,2 2,2 -,0 50 2,6 2,5 -,0 1,8 1,8 1,8
42 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 54 2,4 2,4 -,0 1,6 1,6 1,6
44 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 58 -,0 -,0 -,0 1,5 1,5 -,0

Main boom · Hauptau sleger · Flèche principa le Main boom · Hauptausle ger · Flèche princip ale
50,6 m 67,0 m
Braccio base · Pluma principal Braccio base · Pluma principal
Radiu s · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge · Radi us · Ausl adung Extension · Verlängeru ng · Rallonge ·
Portée Prolunga · Extensión Portée Prolunga · Extensión
Sbraccio 25,0 m 33,0 m Sbraccio 25,0 m 33,0 m
Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40° Radio 0° 20° 40° 0° 20° 40°
m t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 m t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0 t,0
16 6,4 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 20 3,6 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0
18 6,3 -,0 -,0 4,3 -,0 -,0 22 3,6 -,0 -,0 2,2 -,0 -,0
20 6,1 -,0 -,0 4,3 -,0 -,0 24 3,6 -,0 -,0 2,2 -,0 -,0
22 5,8 5,3 -,0 4,2 -,0 -,0 26 3,6 -,0 -,0 2,2 -,0 -,0
24 5,6 5,1 -,0 4,0 3,7 -,0 28 3,6 3,5 -,0 2,2 2,7 * -,0
26 5,4 4,9 4,6 3,8 3,6 -,0 30 3,6 3,5 -,0 2,2 2,7 * -,0
28 5,2 4,7 4,4 3,7 3,4 3,3 32 3,6 3,5 3,5 2,2 2,7 * -,0
30 5,0 4,5 4,3 3,5 3,3 3,1 34 3,6 3,5 3,5 2,2 2,7 * 2,6 *
32 4,7 4,3 4,1 3,4 3,2 3,0 36 3,5 3,5 3,5 2,2 2,6 * 2,6 *
34 4,5 4,2 3,9 3,3 3,0 2,9 38 3,5 3,5 3,4 2,2 2,6 * 2,6 *
36 4,3 4,0 3,8 3,1 2,9 2,8 40 3,5 3,4 3,3 2,2 2,5 * 2,5 *
38 4,2 3,8 3,6 3,0 2,8 2,7 42 3,4 3,3 3,3 2,1 2,5 * 2,4 *
40 4,0 3,6 3,5 2,8 2,7 2,6 44 3,4 3,2 3,2 2,1 2,4 * 2,3 *
42 3,8 3,5 3,3 2,7 2,6 2,5 46 3,0 3,2 3,1 2,1 2,3 * 2,3 *
44 3,6 3,4 3,2 2,6 2,5 2,4 48 2,6 3,1 3,0 2,1 2,2 * 2,2 *
46 3,4 3,2 3,1 2,5 2,4 2,3 50 2,2 2,9 2,9 1,9 2,2 * 2,2 *
48 3,3 3,1 3,0 2,4 2,3 2,2 54 1,4 2,0 2,4 1,2 2,0 * 2,0 *
50 3,1 3,0 2,9 2,2 2,2 2,1 58 -,0 1,3 1,6 -,0 1,4 * 1,8 *
54 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,0 2,0 2,0 62 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 1,1 *
58 2,3 2,4 2,4 1,8 1,8 1,8 66 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0
62 1,7 2,0 2,1 1,6 1,6 1,6 70 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0
66 1,2 1,4 -,0 1,2 1,4 1,4 74 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0
70 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 78 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0 -,0

Rema rks · Beme rkun gen · Rema rque s · Osse rvazi oni · Obse rvac ione s

* Main boom 63.4 mHauptausleger

· 63,4 m · Flèche pri ncipale 63 ,4 m · Braccio base 63,4 m · Pluma principal 6 3,4 m

18 AC 200-1

AC 200-1

AC 200-1 19
Drive / Steering 10 x 8 x 8.
Frame Torsion-resistant box girder frame fabricated from high-strength fine grain structural steel.
Outriggers 4 telescopic outriggers, fabricated from fine grain structur al steel, fully hydraulic horizont al and vertical extension.
Engine Water-cooled 8 cylinder Daimler Chrysler diesel engine OM 502 LA, rating 380 kW (516 HP) at 1800 1/min, torque 24 00 Nm at
1200 1/min, fuel tan k capac ity 500 l.
Transmission ZF AS-Tronic, electronically automated transm ission with automatic clutch, 16 forward and 2 reverse speeds with integrated
retarder, 2-range trans fer case, cruise contro l.
Axles Axles 2, 3, 4, and 5: driven, 1, 2, 4, and 5: steering. Transverse differe ntial loc kout cont rol on axl es 2, 3, 4, and 5. Longitud inal
lockout control on axles 3 and 4.
Suspension Hydro-pneumati c suspension on all axles, hydraulically lockable for on-site travel.
Wheels and tyres 10 wheels fitted with 14.00 R 25 tyres (Michelin or Bridgestone).
Steering 10 x 8, ZF dual-circuit semibloc k mechanical steering with hydraulic booste r and mechanical steering limiter , speed-dependent
steering, 4th and 5th axles provide for independent rear axle steering.
Brakes To EC directives, sustained action brak e: hydraulic retar der integrated into gear box. Exhaust brake and constant choke v alve.
Electrical equipment 24 V system.
Driver’s cab Highly comfortable ergonomi c cab with clearly arranged dashboard, rubber mounted steel cab, corrosion-r esistant powder coating
with 2-pack top coat. 3.00 m wide, 2 comfortable seats , with pneumatically sp rung and heated driver ’s seat incl. head and arm
rests, and three-poi nt seat bel ts, vertically adjustable steer ing wheel, safety glass used throughout, electric wi ndows, heated and
electrically adjust able mirrors, windscreen defroster fa ns, engine-dependent hot water heater , electric windscreen washer a nd
wiper, roller blinds, radio with CD player, stowage compartme nt, air-condit ioning.

Engine Water-cooled 6 cylinder Daimler Chrysler diesel engine OM 906 LA, rating 170 kW (231 HP) at 2200 1/min, torque 81 0 Nm at
1200-1600 1/min, fuel tan k capaci ty: 500 l (o n carrier).
Hydraulic system Two variabl e displacement axial piston pumps with automatic power control enabling the operator to engage four independent
working movements simul taneously , separate pump for slewing. Hydraulic oil cooler inc luded as standard.
Hoist Fixed displacement axial piston hydraulic motor , hoist drum with integrated planetary gear reducer, and spring-applied multi-disk
brake. Hydraulic br ake, drum rotation indicator .
Slew unit Hydraulic motor with planeta ry gear reducer , pedal-operated brake, joystick-actuated free swing, spring-applied holding brake .
Boom elevation 1 differential cylinder with automatic lowering brake valve.
Crane cab Highly comfort able cab with sliding door , roof window and large hinged winds creen, safety glass used througho ut, sprung and
hydraulically damp ed operator’s seat with head and arm rests, wiper for windscreen and roof window, self-contained hot water
heater with timer and ‘Heizmatic‘ for s ensitive heat flow control, dashboard with instr umentation and crane contro ls, e.g. drum
rotation indicator for hoists I and II, load moment limit er, outrigger loadin g indicator , 2 working lights, air-conditioning. The crane
cab can be tilted back hydraulically 18°.
Main boom Boom base and 6 telescopic sections fabricated from fine grain structural steel, anti-deflection Demag Ovaloid profile.
Counterweight 69 t hydraulically stowed on carrier.
Safety devices Electronic safe load i ndicator with graphic displa y and touchscreen, digital readout for ho ok load, rated load, boom length and
angle, radius, monitoring code to ass ist in trouble shooting, and analog di splay to indicate capacity utilization in %, integrated
control system for boom telescopi ng, display for duty charts and theoretical and actual outrigg er loading. Working range limitati on
to certain pre-defined slew angles, heights and radii („virtual walls“) included as standard.

Runner 1.65 m, 2-she aves.
Twist arrestor To prevent the hoist ropes from twisting.
Heavy-lift attachment 2 additional sheaves on b oom head, max. lifting capacity 147.2 t, 16 parts of line. The max. lifting capaci ty of the standard cr ane
without heavy-lift attachment is 113 t (6 sheaves on boom head).
Emergency control Interface for emergenc y control to recover small loads, incl. transformer. With hydraulic motor and hydraul ic pump available on
Warning light For boom and attachments.
Rooster sheave Sheave on boom head folding to the side of the boom, for single-line operati on.
Wheels and tyres 10 wheels fitted with 16.00 R 25 tyres.
Main boom extension Boom extension hydraulically offsetable under partial load up to 40°.
Reversing camera

20 AC 200-1

AC 200-1
Ratings are in complian ce with ISO 4305 and DIN 15 019.2 (test load = 1.25 x suspend ed load + 0.1 x dead weight of boom head).
Weight of hook blocks and slings is part of the load, and is to be deducted from the capacity ratings.
Crane operation with main boom is permissible up to a
w in d p r e s s u r e o f : 60 N/ m 2
w in d s p e e d o f : 9 . 8 m/ s
Consult operation manual for further details.
Note: Data published herein is intended as a guide only and shall not be construed to warrant applicability for lifting purposes.
Crane operation is subject to the computer charts and operation manual both supplied with the crane.

Tragfähigkeiten en tsprechen ISO 4305 und DIN 1 5019.2 (Prüf last = 1,25 x Hublast + 0,1 x Kop fgewicht).
Das Gewicht der Unterflaschen, sowie die Lastaufnahmemittel, sind Bestandteile der Last und sind von den Tragfä higkeitsangab en abzuziehen.
Kranbetrieb mit Hauptausleger zulässig bis
St a u d ru c k : 60N/m 2
Windgeschwindigkei t: 9,8 m/s
Weitere Angaben in der Bedienungsanleitung des Kranes.
Anmerkung:Die Daten dieser Broschüre dienen nur zur allgemeinen Information; für ihre Richtigkeit überneh men wir keine Haftung.
Der Betrieb des Kranes ist nur mit den Original-T ragfähigkeits tabellen und mit der Bedienungs anleitung zulässig, die mit dem Kran mitgeliefert

Le tableau de charges est conforme à la norme ISO 4305 et DIN 15019.2 (charg e d’essai = 1,25 x charge suspendue + 0,1 x poids de la tête de
Les poids du crochet-moufle et de tous les accessoires d’élingage font partie de la charge et sont à déduire des charges indiquées.
La grue peut travailler avec flèche principale jusqu’à une
pres sion du vent de : 60 N/m 2
vitesse du vent de : 9 , 8 m/ s
Pour plus de détails consulter la notice d’utilisation de la grue.
Nota: Les renseignements ci-inclu s sont donnés à titre indicatif et ne représentent aucune garantie d’util isation pour les opérations de levage.
La mise en service de la grue n’est autorisée qu’à conditi on que les tableaux de charges ainsi que le manuel de service, tels que fournis avec
la grue, soient observés.

Le portate son o conformi al la norma ISO 4 305 e alla norm a DIN 1501 9.2 (prova di cari co = 12,5 x carico di soll evamento + 0,1 del peso d el braccio).
Il peso del bozzello e delle funi d’attacco fanno parte del carico e sono quindi da detrarre dai valori di tabella.
La gru può lavorare sino ad una
p r e s s i o n e v e n t o d i: 60 N / m 2
velocità vento di: 9 , 8 m/ s
Per ulteriori dettagli sulla velocità vento, consultare il manuale di istruzione della gru.
Nota: I dati riportati su tale prospetto sono solo a titolo indicativo e pertanto non impegnativi. L’impiego della gru è ammesso solo rispettando
le tabelle srcinali ed il manuale di uso fornito assieme alla gru.

Las capacidades de carga están sujetas a las normas ISO 4305 y DIN 15019.2 (Pruebas de carga = 1,25 x la carga suspendida + 0,1 x el peso
muerto de cabeza de pluma).
El peso de los ganchos y eslingas son parte de la carga y serán deducidos de las capacidades brutas.
La operación de la grúa con pluma principal es permisible hasta una
Presión de l vi ento d e: 60 N /m 2
Velocidad del vie nto de: 9,8 m/s
Consultar los manuales de operación para ampliar información.
Observación:Los datos publicados son solamente orientativos y no se deben interpretar como garantía de aplicación para determinadas
operaciones de elevación. La manipulación de la grúa está sujeta a las cargas programadas en el ordenador y al manual de operaciones ambos
suministrad os con la grúa.

AC 200-1 25

Counterw eight · Gegengew icht · Contrepoids · Contrappes o · Contrapeso

Lifting capacit ies on outriggers · Tragfähigkeit en, abgestüt zt · Capacités de levage su r stabilisateurs ·
Portate su st abilizzatori · Capacidad de ele vación sobr e los apoyos · 360°


26 AC 200-1

AC 200-1

AC 200-1 27

AC 200-1

The information contained Die Informationen in dieser Les informations figurant Le informazioni del presen- Las informaciones del pre-
in this brochure / product Broschüre / diesem Pro- dans la présente brochure/ te prospetto / catalogo dei sente folleto / catálogo con-
catalogue merely consists duktkatalog enthalten ledig- le présent catalogue de pro- prodotti sono descrizioni o tienen sólo descripciones y
of general descriptions and lich allgemeine Beschrei- duit sont de simples des- caratteristiche prestazionali características de presta-
a broad compilation of per- bung en b zw. Lei st un gs- criptions ou des caracté- di cara tte re g ene rale , le ciones gene rales que, en un
formance features which mer kmal e, die im konkr e- ristiques de performances qua li, in casi app lica tivi caso de aplicación concre-
might not apply precisely ten Anwendungsfall nicht générales qui ne correspon- concreti, non corri spondono to, no siempre corr espond-
as described under specific immer in der beschriebenen dent pas toujours à la forme sempre alla forma descritta erán a la forma descrita o
application conditions or Form zutref fen bzw. die sich décrite dans le cas d’appli- o differiscono in seguito que pueden variar debido
which may change as a durch Weiterentwicklung cations spécifiques con- ad ulteriori sviluppi del pro- a la evolución de los pro-
result of further product der Produkte ändern kön- crètes ou qui peuvent varier dotto. ductos.
development. nen. en fonction des perfection- Le caratteristiche prestazio- Las características de pres-
The desired performance Die gewünschten Lei- nements apportés aux pro- nali desiderate sono impe- taciones deseadas se con-
features only become bin- stungsmerkmale sind nur duits. gnative solo se vengono sideran de obligado cumpli-
ding once expressly agreed dann ver bindli ch, wenn sie Seules les caractéristiques esplicitamente accordate miento sólo si se acuerdan
in the final contract. bei Vertragsabschluss aus- de performances expressé- alla stipula del contratto. de forma expresa al efec-
drücklich vereinbart werden. ment convenues à la signa- tuar la firma del contrato.
ture du contrat engagent
notre société.

Subject to change Änderungen Sous réserve de modifi- Ci riserviamo modifiche ¡Sujeta a cambios sin
without notice! vorbehalten! cation! senza preavviso! notificación previa!

Registered office / Lieferanschrift / Siège social / Sede sociale / Sede social:

Terex-Demag GmbH & Co.KG Phone : +49 6332 8 3-0
Dinglerstraße 24 Fax: +49 6332 16715
D-66482 Zweibrücken Order Nr . AC 200-1 D3 – 201 083 12
Profile of Product

AC 200-1

Profile of Product

AC 200-1

1 GENERAL DATA ............................................................. ........................................................... ............................ 2

2 CRANE CARRIER ..................................................... .................................................................. ........................... 3

3 SUPERSTRUCTURE ............................................................... ............................................................. .................. 7

4 OPTIONAL ATTACHMENT.................................................................................................................. 12

5 PRODUCT SKETCH..............................................................................................................................................14

Profile of Product

AC 200-1

1 General Data
Max. lifting capacity 1) 147 t at 3 m radius
(with 2 add’l sheaves)

2) 200 t x 3 m with special attachment

Max. load moment 636 mt

Max. length of main boom 67.8 m

telescoping ability with partial load

Main boom extension 9 m/17 m folding jib

2 x 8 m inserts

Total jib length 33 m

Max. combined boom + jib length 100 m

Travel speed Max. 85 km/h with 16.00 R 25 tyres

Gradeability with 16.00 R 25 tyres: Gradeability: max. 38 % on road

> 70 % off road

Starting gradeability: max. 34% on road

>70 % off road

14.5 t axle load Hook block, 9 t C/WT, 17 m jib and hoist II

16 t axle load Hook block, 16 t C/WT, 17 m jib and hoist II

Axle loads 5 x 12 t
Drive 10 x 8

Steering 10 x 8

Overall length 14.71 m

Carrier length 12.576 m

Vehicle width 3,0 m

Overall height in travel order 4,0 m (16.00 R 25 tyres)

Safety devices Included as standard

Profile of Product

AC 200-1

2 CRANE CARRIER Demag 5-axle carrier

Carrier length: 12,576 m

Width: 3,0 m

Towing device on front and rear

2.1.1Steel structure
Frame Torsion resistant monobox main frame
fabricated from high-strength fine grain
structural steel.

2.1.2 Outriggers 4 outrigger bases:

Outrigger base
longitudinal: 8.44 m
transverse: 8.20 m

Medium base
longitudinal: 8.44 m
transverse: 6.85 m

Small base
longitudinal: 8.44 m
transverse: 5.70 m

For rigging with small C/WT and short boom

only (after techn. clarification)
longitudinal: 8,44 m
transverse: 2,80 m

Hydraulically telescoping outrigger beams

with hydraulic jack legs fabricated from fine
grain steel.
Push-button controlled automatic levelling.
Controlled from each side of the chassis,
monitored by electronic bubble levelling
indicator and outrigger loading indicator on
carrier and upper.

4 outrigger pads 700 mm∅,

approx. 45 kg/each.

ing transit,pads remain
without fitted tothe
exceeding jack
m dur-
overall vehicle width.
Max. outrigger loading: 85 t/front, 100 t/rear

Profile of Product

AC 200-1
2.2 Drive and Transmission
2.2.1 Engine Type : DaimlerChrysler OM 502 LA
Emission: EUROMOT 2 / EPA 2 / CARB
Rating: 380 kW at 1800 1/min
Torque: 2400 Nm at 1200 1/min
Cylinders: 8
Cooling: water-cooled
Fuel tank capacity: 500 l
Exhaust: stainless steel
Spark arrestor: stainless steel

2.2.2 Transmission ZF AS-Tronic automated transmission with

automatic clutch, 16 forward and 2 reverse
speeds with integrated retarder.

2.2.3 Axles Single wheels on all axles.

Axle 1: non-drive, non-steer

Axle 2: steer, drive, transv. differential lock
Axle 3: rigid, connectable drive, transverse
differential lock, flanged dual transfer case
with on/off-road range
Axle 4: drive, steer, longitudinal and
transverse differential locks
Axle 5: drive, steer, transv. differential lock

2.2.4 Suspension Hydropneumatic suspension on all axles,

hydraulically blockable for on-site travel.
+/- 110 mm height adjustment
Electronic levelling device and level indicator
in the carrier cab.

2.2.5 Wheels and Tyres 10

14.00 R 25; Michelin or Bridgestone
Vehicle width 3.00 m / max. vehicle height
3.95 m
Rim size: 9.50-25/1.7”

Profile of Product

AC 200-1
2.3 Steering 10 x 8, complying with EC directives for road
ZF dual-circuit hydraulic steering with
mechanical steering limiter,
2 main engine-driven pumps and 1auxiliary
Speed-dependent electrohydraulic steering of
both rear axles.
Turning radius:
11.45 m (standard axle spacing)
11.80 m (US axle spacing)
2.4 Independent rear axle steering
Rear axles steered independent of front axles
for easy manoeuvrability with 3rd axle raisable

2.5 Brakes in compliance with EC directives

2.5.1 Service brake Dual-line air-operated brake system acting

on all wheels, incl. ABS.

2.5.2 Parking brake Spring-loaded brake acting on axles 1, 3, 4

and 5.

2.5.3 Sustained action brake Hydraulic retarder integrated in gearbox.

Exhaust brake and constant choke valve.

2.6 Electrical equipment 24 V system

3-phase alternator 28 V, 100 A
2 batteries 12 V / 200 Ah
lighting in conformity with EC directives

2.7 Rotary beacons 2 rotary beacons on carrier cab,

1 rotary beacon on upper.

2.8 Driver’s cab All-steel rubber-mounted cab, comfortable and

ergonomic interior with neatly arranged
dashboard, 3.00 m wide, corrosion-resistant
powder coating with 2-pack top coat. 2 seats,
pneumatically sprung and heated driver’s seat
incl. head and arm rests, and three-point seat
belts; vertically adjustable steering wheel,

safety glass
windows, usedand
heated throughout, electric
electrically adjustable
mirrors, windscreen defroster fans, engine-
dependent hot water heater, electric
windscreen washer and wiper, roller blinds,
radio-CD player, stowage compartment.

Profile of Product

AC 200-1
2.9 Tools Set of spanners, grease gun, tyre inflation kit,
air gauge, oil can, emergency triangle, first-aid
kit, hazard flasher, wet weather gear,
safety helmet.

2.10 Other equipment Stowage facility for slings, scantlings and

tools. Open wooden box on rear (compatible
with trailer hitch or spare wheel).

2.11 Carrier options

2.11.1 Tyres
16.00-R 25,
Vehicle width 3.00 m / max. vehicle height
4.0 m, Rim size 11.00-25/1.7“

17.5 R 25
Vehicle width 3.00 m / max. vehicle height
3.95 m

Rim size: 14.00-25/1.7“

20.5 R 25 with removable section for wider

Vehicle width 3.115 m / max. vehicle height
4.0 m
Rim size: 17.00-25/1.7“

Spare wheel, loose

Spare wheel with mount on rear (incompatible

with trailer hitch)

Hoist for spare wheel

2.11.2 Trailer hitch

Rockinger 400 G 150, D-value = 130 kN, with
electrical and air brake hookups.

Ringfeder 92 / GX, D-value = 190 kN, with

electrical and air brake hookups.

Rockinger 700 G 61, D-value = 190 kN, with

electrical and air brake hookups.

Incompatible with mounted spare wheel.

Profile of Product

AC 200-1
2.11.3 Centralized lubrication system Centralized lubrication system for all major
lubrication points on carrier.

2.11.4 Self-contained heater For carrier cab, with programmable timer,

used for engine preheating.

2.11.5 Air conditioner Air conditioner for carrier cab.

2.11.6 Special equipment
particular to suit
climatic conditions - Ambient temperatures
Atmospheric upto
humidity up to95
altitudes up to 2,000 m above sea level,
- Ambient temperatures down to - 40° C
2.11.7 Reversing camera

2.11.8 Quick-connect outrigger beams Quick-connect fittings on front and rear

outrigger beams.

2.11.9 Tool box instead of wooden box On rear, incompatible with mounted spare

2.11.10 Central jack leg For max. lifting capacity (on request)

2.11.11 Navigation system Radio navigation system

2.11.12 Stowing point for hook block For 3-sheave hook block

3.1 Steel structure
3.1.1 Frame Torsion-resistant welded structure of high-
strength fine grain structural steel.

3.1.2 Panelling Sectional aluminium side panels, removable

for service accessibility.

3.2 Slew ring Triple-row roller bearing slew ring with

external ring gear and central lubrication for
ease of service and maintenance.

3.3 Crane drive:

3.3.1 Crane engine Type: DaimlerChrysler OM 906 LA
Emission: EUROMOT 2/EPA 2/CARB
Rating: 170 kW at 22001/min
Torque: 900 Nm at 1300 1/min
Cylinders: 6
Cooling: water-cooled
Fuel tank: 500 l on carrier
Exhaust: stainless steel
Spark arrestor: stainless steel

Profile of Product

AC 200-1
3.3.2 Hydraulic system 2 power-controlled variable displacement
axial piston pumps permitting 4 independent
movements to be performed simultaneously.
Separate pump for slew unit. Hydraulic oil
cooler included as standard.
Reservoir capacity 1070 l.

3.3.3 Hoist I Fixed-displacement axial piston motor,

hoist drum with integrated planetary reducer,
spring-applied multi-disc brake, and hoist
rotation indicator.
Rope diameter : 21 mm
Rope length: 345 m
max. perm. line pull: 98.2 kN
max. line speed: 135 m/min
Normal speed 45 m/min
High speed 135 m/min

3.3.4 Slew unit Hydraulic motor with planetary reducer, foot

brake switchable over to free swing via
joystick, spring-applied holding brake.

Slewing speed infinitely variable 0 - 1.3 1/min.

3.3.5 Boom elevation 1 differential cylinder with automatic lowering

brake valve.
Elevation angle: -1.5° to 82°
Elevation time: 70 sec

3.3.6 Control The crane is controlled by 2 self-centering

servo levers positioned at each side of the
operator’s seat to promote ease of operation
(cross-type control levers for 2 functions
each). The working speed is infinitely variable
controlled by both the engine speed and the
lever position.
Electro-hydraulic pilot control.
Control components to be designed for
teleservice. DEMAG IC-1.

Profile of Product

AC 200-1
3.4 Crane cab Comfortable cab with sliding door, roof
window and large hinged windscreen; safety
glass used throughout; sprung and
hydraulically damped operator’s seat with
head and arm rests; wiper for windscreen and
roof window; self-contained hot water heater
with programmable timer, sensitive heat flow
control, automatic heater control for enginie
preheating; dashboard with instrumentation
and crane controls, e.g. drum rotation
indicator for hoists I and II, load moment
limiter, outrigger loading indicator; air-
conditioning. The crane cab can be tilted back
hydraulically 18°.

3.5 Standard counterweight 69 t, divisible, hydraulically stowable on carrier

deck. Tail swing max. 4.8 m.
Pinned electrically to superstructure via
portable control panel and from upper cab.
Carried separately for road transport.
from 45 t – width larger than 3 m

3.6 Electrical equipment 24 V system

3-phase alternator 28 V, 100 A
2 batteries 12 V / 200 Ah

3.7 Telescopic boom Boom base and 6 boom sections fabricated

from fine grain structural steel; buckling-
resistant DEMAG OVALOID design with self-
centering diagonally arranged slider pads.
Pinning is controlled and monitored from the
upper cab. UNIMEC single-cylinder telescopic
system to extend the boom sections. Boom
head with 6 sheaves and mounting parts for
folding jib.

max. boom length: 67.8 m

Profile of Product

AC 200-1
3.8 Safety devices Electronic safe load indicator with large graphic
display and touchscreen, digital readout for
hook load, rated load, boom length, angle, and
radius, monitoring code to assist in trouble
shooting, and analog display to indicate
capacity utilization in %. Integrated control
system for boom telescoping. Display for duty
charts and both actual and theoretical outrigger
loading. Working range limitation to certain, pre
defined slew angles, heights and radii ("virtual
walls") included as standard.
In addition, provision has been made for:
- limit switches on hoist and lowering motions,
- pressure relief and safety holding valves,
- hoist rotation indicator and anemometer.

3.9 Ancillary equipment 2 working lights on front bottom and rear top
of cabin, 4 spotlights on both sides of carrier
(right/left) for outrigger illumination. 2 working
lights on superstructure.
Antislip on walkways, anemometer, fire
extinguisher 6 kg.

3.10 Standard painting The basic machine is provided with a top coat,
and with signwriting (decal). All structural
members are sand-blasted prior to painting.

3.11 Testing and acceptance Acceptance tests for crane and carrier.
Testing and calibration of safety devices in
conformity with German accident prevention
regulations UVV, VBG 9 and crane certifi-
cation book.

3.12 National regulations Different national regulations for crane

acceptance and roadability can require
alterations to serial cranes ensuing technical
and price modifications.

AC 200-1 to meet the road permit

requirements of the countries below:
- EU general 12 t axle load
- France 12 t axle load for category 2
with 1.65 m axle spacing for 2-axle
group = 1.65 m
- UK 12 t axle load, boom overhang
over cabin < 2.0 m
- Italy 12 t axle load, boom overhang
over cabin < 2.5 m
- Norway 12 t axle load, total weight
max. 65 t for certain roadways.
Otherwise auxiliary equipment after
techn. clarification.
- USA 9 t axle load with 20.5 tyres (9.9 t
in various states) and auxiliary

Profile of Product

AC 200-1
equipment, minimum spacing between
axles 1 and 2 = 2440 mm
- Australia, NZ after techn. clarification

3.13 Superstructure options

Recorder for overload recording

Dolly preparation (free swing, free float, incl.

hookups on carrier for air, electrics,
hydraulics, without trailer hitch)

Radio-CD player in crane cab

1 adjustable working light on boom base /

telescopic boom

3.13.1 Hoist II (Option) Hoist II avoids re-reeving the hoist line when
using the folding jib. Powered by fixed
displacement axial piston hydraulic motor,
hoist drum with integrated planetary reducer
and spring-applied hydraulic multi-disc brake.
Drum rotation indicator.
Rope diameter: 21 mm
Rope length: 345 m
max. line pull: 98.2 kN
max. line speed: 135 m/min
Installed by the crane itself.

Trumatic gas heater

Separate diesel tank for upper engine (approx.

300 l)

1 additional rotary beacon on right side of


Profile of Product

AC 200-1
4.1 Main boom extension Fixed 1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-part jib, offsettable at 0°, 20° and 40°.
1-part jib: 9 m
2-part jib: 9 m or 17 m
3-part jib: 9 m, 17 m or 25 m
4-part jib: 9 m, 17 m, 25 or 33 m
(33 m only with 0° offset)

Two-part jib (17 m) folding to right side of boom base for

The 2 x 8 m inserts are transported separately.
Assembly with assist crane.
Total combined boom-and-jib length: 100 m
The scope of supply for 9 m or 17 m folding jib and
additional inserts includes 1 stepladder each.
Hydraulic mounting aid for transport position.
4.2 Hydraulic luffing extension
4.3 Boom disassembly with
assist crane Crane prepared for boom disassembly, comprising:
- Boom roller guide
- Locking unit for superstructure
- Raising and stowing unit for derricking cylinder
- hydr. actuated boom foot pin
- hydr. actuated derricking cylinder pin on boom

4.4 Boom quick-disconnect System allowing boom disassembly by the crane itself (on
and transport system request).

4.5 Rooster sheave Side folding boom head sheave for single-line operation.

4.6 SLI program Load charts to include 4 outrigger bases.

4.7 Position lamp For boom and attachments

4.8 Runner 1.65 m, 2 sheaves

4.9 Emergency control Interface for emergency control to recover small loads, incl.
transformer. Hydraulic motor and hydraulic pump available
on request.

4.10 Twist arrestor To prevent the hoist ropes from twisting.

4.11 Heavy-lift attachment Max. capacity of standard crane without heavy-lift

attachment is 113 t (6 sheaves on boom head).

4.11.1 Heavy-lift attachment 2 add’l sheaves for max. 147 t capacity

4.12 Hook blocks with safety With fold-away rope guard for ease of rope reeving,
hooks integrated handles, and hooks with safety latches.
Type 160 ( 112.6 t) / ( 138.7)* 7-sheave with ramshorn hook, max. 12/15*lines, (1500 kg)

Profile of Product

AC 200-1

Type 125 ( 103.7 t) 5-sheave with ramshorn hook, max. 11 lines, (1125 kg)

Type 80 ( 67.3 t) 3-sheave with ramshorn hook, max. 7 lines, (850 kg)

Type 80 ( 67.3 t) 3-sheave with single hook, max. 7 lines, (850 kg)

Type 32 ( 29.4 t) 1-sheave with single hook, max. 3 lines , (600 kg)

Type 12.5 ( 9.9 t) Single line hook, max. 1 line, (350 kg)
* with heavy-lift attachment 1, 2 add’l sheaves on boom

Subject to change without notice. 2002-11-18


Das automatische Getriebesystem im Truck

ZF-AS Tronic
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F-E F -E F-N F -A F-In -P
F F-E F -M

DE 0000 750 025 - 2002 AS Tronic Truck

Antriebs- und Fahrwerktechnik ZF Friedrichshafen AG

88038 Friedrichshafen
Telefon +49 7541 77-0
Telefax +49 7541 77-908000 Lkw-Antriebstechnik
Mit starken EDC-Motoren Tempo machen. Durch Scheibenbremsen, ABS, Das Fahrzeug fährt leise, gleichmäßig
ASR und Retarder an Sicherheit gewinnen. Dank verbesserter Aerodynamik und – ob auf kurvenreichen Landstraßen,
und leicht laufenden Reifen Kraftstoff sparen. Und die Lkw-Fahrer? viel befahrenen Autobahnen oder unbe-
Sie mussten – on the road mit modernster Technik – weiterhin per pedes festigten Baustellenpisten – der Fahrer
kuppeln sowie über Schalthebel und -gestänge von Hand die Gänge einlegen. behält das Steuer in der Hand.
Bei zunehmender Verkehrsdichte und damit verbundener Schalthäufigkeit Via Display wird er kontinuierlich über
blieb der Komfort für die Fahrer auf der Strecke. Die Lösung: ZF-AS Tronic. Betriebsart, Fahr- und Systemzustand
Das integrierte, automatische Getriebesystem für Trucks. informiert. Er kann jederzeit die auto-
matische Gangwahl korrigieren oder
In seiner Kompaktheit einfach auf manuellen Betrieb umschalten, um
und zuverlässig per Tipphebel von Gang zu Gang zu
Die ZF-AS Tronic haben wir gezielt
für Lkw mit EDC-Motoren und CAN- Wenn es mit 20, 30 Tonnen Fracht im
Kommunikation entwickelt. Rücken bergabwärts geht, will man
Das innovative Getriebesystem verbin- nicht nur wirtschaftlich in die Gänge,
det bewährte ZF-Technik mit moderner sondern auch sicher zum Stehen kom-
Elektronik und fasst erstmals alle Ge- men. Die ZF-AS Tronic ist daher auf
triebe-Hauptkomponenten in einem Wunsch mit dem integrierten Retarder-
Gehäuse zusammen. Die integrierte system ZF-Intarder erhältlich.
Modulbauweise vereinfacht Getriebe- Das lässt die Bremsen selbst auf langen
einbau und Wartung, schützt optimal Gefällestrecken kalt, so dass sie, wenn
vor äußeren Einflüssen. es darauf ankommt, kraftvoll zupacken
Die ZF-AS Tronic? Ein System, mit können.
dem Trucks auf langen Strecken bzw.
ic ic
n schwierigem Gelände zuverlässig vor- Antriebskraft wird Arbeitskraft n
ro ro
T wärts kommen. T

- Mit Fahren ist es nicht getan. Lkw, Bau- -A
Z Wirtschaftlich in die Gänge kommen fahrzeuge oder Autokrane müssen auch Z

2 3

Automatisch kostengünstig fahren. Mit der ZF-AS Tronic mischen, kippen, heben, pumpen…
Die ZF-AS Tronic übernimmt dabei den
Mit der ZF-AS Tronic kommen selbst Antrieb der entsprechenden Zusatzaggre-
Sattelschlepper oder Lastzüge kraftvoll gate. Je nach Aufgabenspektrum des
? n
n e und durch schnelle Schaltungen kraft- Lkws kann das Getriebesystem – auch
e f k
it h
c m h
c u
a s
m i e a e . stoffsparend in Fahrt. Das Getriebe- nachträglich – um ein oder mehrere
r s n i m rn ll c i
h n e r e A n system übernimmt automatisch die Nebenabtriebe erweitert werden, die
k sse it te
p ? ro
r a m e ip e
n T Gangwahl, die Kupplungs- und Schalt- voneinander unabhängig schaltbar sind.
e K r S
L n m
-V e o n ei
o ?
n ß il e g -A vorgänge. Die Gänge werden elektro- Geeignet für die ZF-AS Tronic sind
e rta g n F
-G d
K ti a
r Z nisch-pneumatisch, ohne Einkuppelstöße kupplungs- sowie fahrabhängige Neben-
d s d h
n in rn n ic u ie
a - w e e r z d und Lastwechselschläge, sanft eingelegt. abtriebe. Antriebskraft wird so zu
p r F a w g s
e p e il e
to b
ü n sf g
r h t Die Motorleistung wird jeweils ent- Arbeitskraft.
S e f e ü b
n d f i
i e n tos
h n
i g sprechend der Fahrsituation optimal
g e
r n n
i ft c
s fe
e u e ra li übersetzt.
ig h k it e
d ß
n c e
o te s d m n
li Im Automatikbetrieb dreht sich der
-T S h n h lä h
u c e
0 it c
li -t li g S
c Motor gemäß der ZF-MissionSoft-
e d i g n
n k n e ö e !
i g it e z m ll m Schaltstrategie stets im wirtschaft-
n h n k s te le
u c s b lichsten Bereich.
n ic f e u
a e u ru ts a o
K L a T I B P
Die ZF-AS Tronic verfügt wahlweise über 12 oder 16 Gangstufen, die jeweils mit
Direkt- bzw. Schnellgangübersetzung (Overdrive) erhältlich sind. Kernstück des ein-
fach aufgebauten, automatischen Getriebesystems für Motoren mit Drehmomenten
bis ca. 3000 Nm ist ein 3-Wellengetriebe mit unsynchronisiertem Grundgetriebe und
9 synchronisierter Split- und Bereichsgruppe. Alle Betätigungs- bzw. weiteren Getriebe-
komponenten inklusive Kabel- und Pneumatikverbindungen sind nicht extern an-,
sondern geschützt vor äußeren Einflüssen ins Getriebe eingebaut: Die Kupplungs-
glocke, die bewährte Trockenkupplung, das Kupplungsmodul sowie das Schaltmodul,
beide mit integrierter Steuerelektronik. Alles in allem wiegt die ZF-AS Tronic deut-
lich weniger als vergleichbare Getriebe. Die komplette Getriebeelektronik ist leicht
zugänglich auf der Oberseite des Getriebes im Schaltmodul integriert. Von hier aus
wird das Getriebesystem als Teil des gesamten Antriebsstrangs gesteuert. Möglich
wird das durch permanente CAN-Kommunikation – einerseits zwischen den einzelnen
Getriebekomponenten und andererseits zwischen Getriebesystem und den angeschlos-
1 senen Fahrzeugsystemen wie EDC-Motor, Retarder, ABS und ASR. Aus den so
erhaltenen Fahrzustandsdaten errechnet die Elektronik, auf Basis der anwendungs-
spezifischen Software ZF-MissionSoft, die optimalen Schaltungen, Schaltzeitpunkte,
Retarderaktivitäten etc. und gibt die entsprechenden Steuerbefehle. Damit schafft
sie automatisch die besten Voraussetzungen für schnelles und doch sanftes Schalten,
Fahren im wirtschaftlichsten Bereich und für sicheres, perfektes Bremsen.

Verschleißfreies Bremsen inbegriffen


Das System erweitern und dabei Maß halten. In die ZF-AS Tronic lässt sich der
ZF-Intarder plus Wärmetauscher integrieren, ohne dass die Einbaulänge des Getriebe-
systems wächst. Direkt mit den Antriebsrädern verbunden, zeigt er als verschleiß-
freier Hochtrieb-Retarder besonders im Hauptfahrbereich zwischen 30-90 km/h
ic ic
n schnelle und konstante Bremsleistung (500 kW) – auch während der Schaltphasen n
ro ro
T und unabhängig von den höchsten Motordrehzahlen. T

S -A
2 3 4 6

4 5

1 Getriebe Ungeahnte Kräfte wecken – TC Tronic

2 Abtriebsflansch
3 Anschlussstelle für Nebenabtrieb Gewichtige Kranfahrzeuge, Schwer- oder Sondertransporte sind mit „normalen An-
4 angebauter Nebenabtrieb (N10) triebskräften“ nicht in Bewegung zu bringen. Zum Anfahren werden extrem hohe
5 Entlüfter Drehmomente benötigt, die den Antriebsstrang über Gebühr belasten können. Die
6 Intarder 12gängige ZF-AS Tronic, ergänzt um eine Wandlerschaltkupplung, löst das Problem.
7 Wärmetauscher Sie nennt sich ZF-TC Tronic und ist für Motoren mit Drehmomenten bis zu 2700 Nm
8 10 11
8 Schaltmodul mit integrierter Elektronik geeignet. Unter schwierigen Bedingungen, also beim Anfahren, Rangieren oder auf
9 Elektrischer Anschluss – Getriebestecker weichem Untergrund, setzt ein Drehmomentwandler durch hydrodynamische Dreh-
10 Elektrischer Anschluss – Fahrzeugstecker momentsteigerung zusätzliche Antriebskräfte frei. Das Fahrzeug kommt verschleiß-
11 Kupplungsmodul frei in Fahrt. Hat es genügend Schwung, wird der Drehmomentwandler automatisch
12 Fahrschalter überbrückt.
13 Display

Systematisch Gewinn einfahren Mit starker Leistung zügig
ans Ziel kommen
Die Ausstattung moderner Trucks mit der
ZF-AS Tronic ist für Transportunternehmer ein Bis zu 40 rollende Tonnen über Hunderte von
Gewinn. Antriebsstrang wie Kupplung werden Landstraßen-, Pass- und Autobahnkilometer hin-
geschont, Fehlschaltungen vermieden, Wartungs- weg sicher ans Ziel zu bringen, ist eine starke
und Reparaturkosten sinken. Im Automatikbe- Leistung. Wenn der Transport zudem zügig und
trieb dreht der Motor im wirtschaftlichsten wirtschaftlich erfolgt, spricht das für den Mann
Bereich, der Kraftstoffverbrauch kann sich um hinterm Steuer und dafür, dass er mit dem auto-
2 bis 3% reduzieren. Entscheidet sich der Unter- matischen Getriebesystem ZF-AS Tronic fährt.
nehmer für die ZF-AS Tronic mit integriertem Entlastet von der Kuppel- und Schaltarbeit, kann
Intarder, erhöht er die Sicherheit, schont die sich der Lkw-Fahrer voll auf den Verkehr kon-
Fahrzeugbremsen und auch damit sein Budget. zentrieren, mit Leichtigkeit anfahren, über Fern-
Dank der kompakten Bauweise wiegt die straßen dahingleiten, auch am Berg souverän
ZF-AS Tronic außerdem kein Gramm zuviel, Tempo machen und automatisch so manche
Die ZF-AS Tronic: sondernca. 60 kg weniger alsvergleichbare Tankstelle links liegen lassen.
ic ic
n – Automatisch. Kein Kuppeln, kein Schalten. Einfach automatisch fahren. Getriebe. Die erhöhte Nutzlast kommt dem Ein weiterer Pluspunkt: Im Rangiermodus über- n
ro ro
T – Zuverlässig. Dank integrierter Modulbauweise zuverlässig und servicefreundlich. Unternehmer Fahrt für Fahrt zugute. trägt die ZF-AS Tronic nur den Leistungsanteil, T

S – Wirtschaftlich.Kraftstoffverbrauch und Kupplungsverschleiß reduzieren sich. Die Betriebskosten sinken. der zur Überwindung des Rollwiderstandes -A
Z nötig ist. So lässt sich das Fahrzeug gekonnt Z

6 7

Gut ankommen. Beim Kunden, mit der Ladung, am Ziel

Fahrerwechseln steht nichts mehr im Wege, wenn und feinfühlig vorwärts wie rückwärts posi-
es darum geht, Güter schnell und sicher von A tionieren. Der Fahrer hat den Lkw im Griff.
In unserem integrierten, automatischen Getriebesystem stecken viel Erfahrung, nach B zu transportieren. Die Bediensysteme der Wenn es die Verkehrssituation erfordert, kann
modernste Technik und Vorteile. ZF-AS Tronic sind leicht verständlich, Fahrer und er jederzeit in die Automatik eingreifen oder
Fahrzeug nach ein paar Kilometern aneinander auf manuellen Betrieb wechseln. Fehlschal-
Automatisch Qualität fertigen gewöhnt. Und was den Service angeht, unsere tungen verbunden mit Motorüberdrehern wird
Kunden können weltweit bei uns Station machen. elektronisch vorgebeugt.
Die kompakte ZF-AS Tronic wird als fertig geprüftes Komplettsystem – auf
Wunsch gleich um Intarder und Nebenabtriebe ergänzt – aus einer Hand ge-
liefert und ist schnell und kostengünstig eingebaut. Am Ende des Montage-
bandes sorgt ein einfacher Funktionscheck automatisch für zufriedene Kunden.
Neben Produktzuverlässigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit bietet die ZF-AS Tronic
auch am Fahrerplatz überzeugende Verkaufsargumente: Infodisplay und Fahr-
schalter sind räumlich variabel integrierbar. Kupplungspedal und Hydraulik,
Schalthebel und -gestänge entfallen. So bleibt Raum für die ergonomisch sinn-
volle, individuelle Gestaltung. Schließlich ist der Lkw nicht nur Arbeitsplatz,
auf Langstrecken wird er zum Lebensraum.
Aktuelle Datenblätter erhalten Sie im Internet unter:

t Nebenabtriebe
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12.79 – 1.00 SAE

12 AS 1010 TD 12 1000 840 190 6.5 • • • •
R13.10 1/2

10.33 – 0.81 SAE

12 AS 1010 TO 12 1000 840 190 6.5 • • • •
R10.59 1/2

12.79 – 1.00 SAE

12 AS 1220 TD 12 1200 900 205 7.0 • • • •
R13.10 1/2

10.33 – 0.81 SAE

12 AS 1210 TO 12 1200 840 190 6.5 • • • •
R10.59 1/2

12.79 – 1.00 SAE

12 AS 1420 TD 12 1400 900 205 7.0 • • • •
R13.10 1/2

10.33 – 0.81 SAE

12 AS 1420 TO 12 1400 900 205 7.0 • • • •
R10.59 1/2

15.86 – 1.00 SAE

TD 12 1600 910 252 11.0 • • • •
R14.68 1
10.33 – 0.81 SAE e
i 12 AS 1620 TO 12 1600 900 205 7.0 • • • • h
n R10.59 1 e
r w
T 15.86 – 1.00 SAE Ö
TD 12 1900 910 252 11.0 • • • • e
-A R14.68 1 )
F ,
Z 12
TO 12 1900
12.33 – 0.78
910 249 11.0
• • • •
R11.41 1 n
15.86 – 1.00 SAE p
TD 12 2100 • • • • m
R14.68 953 260 12.5 1 o
8 k
12.33 – 0.78 SAE ü
TO 12 2100 910 249 11.0 • • • • s
R11.41 1 a
Lkw fahren hat Zukunft
15.86 – 1.00 SAE
TD 12 2300 953 260 12.5 • • • • u
R14.68 1 p
12.33 – 0.78 SAE
Mit Innovationen der ZF 12
TO 12 2300
910 249 11.0
• • • •
15.86 – 1.00 SAE o
TD 12 2500 953 260 12.5 • • • • s
R14.68 1 g
Wohin geht die Fahrt in der Lkw-Technik? Wird es bald Fernlastzüge geben, die elektronisch gesteuert u
12.29 – 0.78 SAE p
den Fahrer bei Tourbeginn abholen und nicht umgekehrt? Lassen sich computergesteuert Standorte über- 12
TO 12 2500 953 260 12.5 • • • • p
R11.38 1 u
wachen, Routen zuverlässig planen und verfolgen? Gibt es bald Navigationsprogramme, die Trucks auf it
12.29 – 0.78 SAE m
den Meter genau Steigungen und Gefälle mitteilen? Und Getriebesteuerungen, die diese Informationen 12
TO 12 2700 953 260 12.5 • • • • )
R11.38 1
automatisch adaptieren? Kann man den Antriebsstrang „ganzheitlich“ überwachen bis hin zum laufenden te
12.29 – 0.78 SAE e
Funktionscheck aller eingebundenen Aggregate? Und welche Auswirkungen hat das für die Getriebeelekt- 12 AS 2940 TO 12 2900 953 260 12.5 • • • • tw
R11.38 1 h
ronik? ic
Fragen, auf die die ZF-Produktentwicklung Antworten findet. Wir arbeiten an Innovationen, mit denen 12.29 – 0.78 SAE 1
12 AS 3140 TO 12 3100 953 260 12.5 • • • • ,r
R11.38 1 a
der Gütertransport bzw. die Arbeit mit Trucks stetig einfacher, sicherer und rentabler wird. b
17.03 – 1.00 fe
TD 16 2200 953 266 12.0 • • • • li
R15.77 1 •
14.12 – 0.83 SAE n
TO 16 2600 953 268 12.0 • • • • k
R13.07 1 i
12.29 – 0.78 SAE n
12 TC 2740 TO 12 2700 1315 545 11+18 3) • • • • nI
R11.38 1

T = Truck, D = Direktgang, O = Overdrive (Schnellgang)

TC = ZF-TC Tronic (AS Tronic + WSK)
ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

Remark to titles in table:

Int. ZF-fault-number dec/hex - defined by ZF.

Calculated ISMA-starting gear - (0=NO, 1=YES) Intelligent Shift Management (ISMA) suggests starting gear.

ISMA available - (0=NO, 1=YES) Intelligent Shift Management available

Warning-buzzer - (0=NO, 1=YES) recommendation by ZF to activate warning-buzzer

Display spanner-symbol - (0=NO, 1=YES) recommendation by ZF to indicate spanner-symbol (Display)

Display stop - (0=NO, 1=YES) recommendation by ZF Display to indicate stop-symbol (Display)

Shift schemes of transmissions

2 4 Y6
1 Y6 3 R
10/12-Gear Scheme 16-Gear Scheme

Y4 Y5 Y4 Y5
Y2 Splitter K2
Y3 Splitter K1
Y8 Range (GP) low
Y9 Range (GP) high; Y7
R 2 1 3

3 von 44
ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

fault-description faultdetection systemreaction fault-recovery a r I

condition b le e g e
r M
c lia g u
li )F iro
- e a int af 00 N
F d v a ra fo 0 P
Z .o t 2 S N
i N A S d P P
n e M A n
ik W S
o r S
tr u
il I M K(
A fa IS
2 Short circuit to ground by EC
U hardware,i
f outputsi Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 5 3002 3
at output stage to Y2activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(ValveSplitter;DD: alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
high, OD: low) occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

3 Short circuit to ground by EC

U hardware,i
f outputsi Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 5 3003 3
at output stage to Y3activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(ValveSplitter;DD: alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
low, OD: high) occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

4 Short circuit to ground by EC

U hardware,i
f outputsi Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 5 3004 3
at output stage to Y4activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(Valve Select) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

4 von 44
ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

5 Short circuit to ground by EC

U hardware,i
f outputsi Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 5 3005 4
at output stage to Y5activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(Valve Select) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

6 Short circuit to ground by EC

U hardware,i
f outputsi Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 5 3006 3
at output stage to Y6activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(Valve Shift) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

7 Short circuit to ground by EC

U hardware,i
f outputsi Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 5 3007 3
at output stage to Y7activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(Valve Shift) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

8 Short circuit to ground by EC

U hardware,i
f outputsi Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 5 3008 3
at output stage to Y8activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(ValveRange ) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

5 von 44
ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

9 Short circuit to ground by EC

U hardware,i
f outputsi Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 5 3009 3
at output stage to Y9activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(ValveRange ) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

10 Short circuit to gro

und by ECU hardware,i
f outputsi ECU output switches off. No gearshifting possible! No neutral
After RESET and 0 1 5 3010 3
at output stage to Y10 activated shifting possible !Selected gear remains engaged; Vehicle
no short
start circuit to
(Main valve) permitted if gear <= lowest gear in high range group is engaged.
After ignition on, systemnot available.

12 Short circuit to gro

und by EC
U hardware,i
f outputsi ECU outpu t switched off.
No reverse light acti
vation possible. NoAfter RESET and 0 1 5 3012 3
at output stage to activated further systemrestrict
ions no short circuit to
reverse light relay (E- ground
15 Short circuit to gro
und by EC
U hardware,i
f outputsi noactivationofoutputpossible AfterRESETand 0 1 5 3015 3
at output stage to ADactivated no short circuit to
24 ground
17 Short circuit to gro
und by EC
U hardware,i
f outputsi ECU output switchesff.oDriving: Upsh ifts during drivingare After RESET and 0 1 5 3017 3
at output stage to Y1activated controlledke
li dow
I spee d willbe synch ronized by no short circuit to
(inertiabrake valve) engine speed. Upshifts blocked, when input target speed ground
is below
engine idle speed. Increased ifting
shtime. Stationary: Increased self
ent time. Increased shifti
ng time whe n shifting out of neutral.
IncreasedPTO eng agem ent time.

18 Short circuit to gro

und by ECU hardware,i
f outputsi ECU output switches off. Function taken on by valve Y16After
RESET and 0 1 5 3018 3
at output stage to Y17 activated disengage fast). Decreased comfort for clutch short circuit to
(valve clutch ground
disengage slow)
19 Short circuit to gro
und by ECU hardware,i
f outputsi ECU valve output switches off. Function taken on by valve
RESET and 0 1 5 3019 3
at output stage to Y15 activated (clutch engage fast). Decreased
f no short circuit to
(valve clutch engage ground

6 von 44
ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

20 Short circuit to gro

und by EC U hardware,i f outputsi Driving: Gearshiftingblocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when after RESET, if the 0 1 5 3020 3
at output stage to Y16 activated coming to st
andstill. Neutral automatically engaged
t stands
a till. failure will not be
(valve clutch Gearshifti
ng blocked, continued driving
not possible.
System not sensed
disengage fast) available.
21 Short circuit to gro
und by EC U hardware,i f outputsi ECU valve output switches off. Function taken on by valve AfterY15
RESET and 0 1 5 3021 3
at output stage to Y14 activated (clutch enga
ge slow). Increased ng shifti
time. Decr
easedcomfort no short circuit to
(valve clutch engage for clutch functions. ground
22 Short circuit to gro
und by EC U hardware,i f outputsi Driving: Gearshiftingblocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when failure is no longer
0 0 5 3022 3
at output ADVP activated coming to st
andstill. Neutral automatically engaged
t stands
a till. detected or after
(wakeup control signal Gearshifti
ng blocked, continued drivingnot possible.
System not RESET
for E-module, voltage available.
supply to display,
warning lamp, warning
buzzer, output speed
sensor 1)
26 CANengine After timeout of the message, Applied substitute parameters (P1 toP7) from dataapplication field After receiving a 1 1 4 3026 3
configuration timeout failure is set will be taken. Reduced functionality for automatic mode correct and start message or
gear calculation, if deviati
on of substitute param eters and real afterRESET.
values is high. Target speed for downshifting can be reduced.
Quality of clutch disengagement for stopping can be reduced.
27 Error on ”engine Signal faulty or missing. Applied substitute parameters (P1 toP7) fromdata applicatio n field After receiving a 1 1 8 3027 3
configuration will be taken. Reduced functionality for automatic mode correct and start message or
( gear calculation, if deviati
on of substitute param eters and real afterRESET.
configuration) values is high. Target speed for downshifting can be reduced.
Quality of clutch disengagement for stopping can be reduced.
28 Error on ”Actual Signal faulty or missing. No calculationof driving resistance possible. No automatic Signal available or0 0 8 3028 3
driveline retarder - calculation ofartst offgear. Wh en com ing to st
andstill, medium start afterRESET.
percent torque” signal off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions.
29 Error on ”Engine no actual statu s availab
le Thereareno downshift requ
er toincrea
se Signal available or1 1 8 3029 3
coolant loadncrease
i ” engine speed to improve cooling power. afterRESET.
signal(ERC1_D R)

7 von 44
ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

30 Error on ”Driveline Signal faulty or missing. No calculationof driving resistance possible. No automatic Signal available or0 0 8 3030 3
retarder configuration calculation of
start offgear. Wh en com ing to standstil
l medium start
message” (Driveline off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions.
retarder configuration)
31 Erroron ”Actual engine Signal faulty or missing. No calculationof driving resistance possible. No automatic Signal available or0 0 8 3031 1
retarder - percent calculation of
start offgear. Wh en com ing to standstil
l medium start
torque” signal off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions. No
(ERC1_ER) information abo
ut engine brake torque. exha
If ust brake is
shifting quality at start of shifting may be poor. Engine brake is
considered not active.
32 Error on ”Engine Signal faulty or missing. No calculationof driving resistance possible. No automatic Signal available or0
0 8 3032 3
retarder configuration calculation of
start offgear. Wh en com ing to standstil
l medium start
message” (Engine off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions.
retarder configuration)
33 CAN ”Engineretard er After timeout of the message, No calculation of driving resistance possible. No automatic After receiving a 0 0 4 3033 3
t failure is set calculation of
start offgear. Wh
en com
ing to standstil
l medium start
correct message or
off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions. afterRESET.

34 Interruption at ou
tput by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 103 002 1
stage to Y2 (Valve activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
Splitter) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

35 Interruption at ou
tput by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 103 003 3
stage to Y3 (Valve activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
Splitter) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

8 von 44
ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

36 Interruption at ou
tput by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 103 004 3
stage to Y4 (Valve activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
Select) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

37 Interruption at ou
tput by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 103 005 3
stage to Y5 (Valve activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
Select) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

38 Interruption at ou
tput by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 103 006 1
stage to Y6 (Valve activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
Shift) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

39 Interruption at ou
tput by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 103 007 1
stage to Y7 (Valve activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
Shift) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

9 von 44
ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

40 Interruption at ou
tput by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 103 008 1
stage to Y8(Valve activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
Range) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

41 Interruption at ou
tput by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 103 009 3
stage to Y9 (Valve activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
Range) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

42 Interruption at ou
tput by ECUhardware,i
f output not
No gea rshifting possible! No neu
tralshifting possible! SelectedrgeaNo interruption and 0 1 103 010 3
stage to Y10 (Main activated remains engaged; Vehicle start permitted if gear <= lowest outputgearnotin
valve) high range group is engaged. After ignition on, system not activated
availableor after
44 Interruption at ou
tput by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Noreverse light ctivation
a possible. N
o further system restriction
s Nointerru ptionand 1 1 103 044 3
stage to reverse lightactivated output not
relay (E-Module) activated or after
47 Interruption at ou
tput by ECUhardware,i
f output not
noactivationofoutputpossible Nointerruptionand 1 1 103 047 3
stage to AD 24 activated output not
activated or after
49 Interruption at ou
tput by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Upsh ifts during driving are controlled
ike down
l shifts.Input No interruption and 0 1 103 049 3
stage to Y1 (inertia activated speed will be synchronized by engine speed. Upshifts blocked, output not
brake valve) when input target speed is below engine idle speed. Increased activated or after
shifting time. Stationary: Increased self adjustmen
t time. IncreasedRESET.
shifting time when shifting out of neutral.

10 von 44
ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

50 Interruption at output by ECUhardware,i

f output not
Function taken on by valve Y16 (clutch disengage fast) Decreased No interruption and0 1 103 050 3
stage valve Y17 (clutch activated comfort. output not
disengage slow) activated or after
51 Interruption at output by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Function taken on by valve Y14 (clutch engagement slow) No interruption and0 1 103 051 3
stage valve Y15 (clutch activated Decreased comfort. output not
engage slow) activated or after
52 Interruption at output by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Function taken on by valve Y17 (clutch disengage slow).No Increased
interruption and
0 1 103 052 3
stage valve Y16 (clutch activated shifting time. Decreased comfort. output not
disengage fast) activated or after
53 Interruption at output by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Function taken on by valve Y15 (clutch engage slow). Increased No interruption and0 1 103 053 3
stage to large Y14 activated shifting time. Decreased comfort. output not
(clutch engage fast) activated or after
54 Interruption at output by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when failure is no longer 0 0 103 022 1
ADVP (wakeup control activated (detection only coming to st andstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. detected or after
signal forE-module, during initialization) Gearshifti ng blocked, continued driving not possible.System not RESET
voltage supply to available.
display,warning lamp,
warning buzzer, output
speed sensor 1)
66 Short circuit to po
sitive by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 6 3002 1
at output stage to Y2activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(Valve Sp litter) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failureRESET
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present sho rt-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

11 von 44
ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

67 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 6 3003 3
at output stage to Y3activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(Valve Splitter) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

68 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 6 3004 3
at output stage to Y4activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(Valve Select) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

69 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 6 3005 3
at output stage to Y5activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(Valve Select) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

70 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 6 3006 3
at output stage to Y6activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(Valve Shift) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

12 von 44
ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

71 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 6 3007 1
at output stage to Y7activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(Valve Shift) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

72 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 6 3008 1
at output stage to Y8activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(Valve range low) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

73 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gear remains engaged, gears with present short-circuit failure is at
no longer
0 1 6 3009 1
at output stage to Y9activated the shift-valve outputs are blocked, engagement of chosen detected or after
(Valve range high) alternative gears is possible. Driving and shifting: If the failure
occurs during shifting, gear remains engaged or ECU tries to shift
an adequate gear dependent on the current driving conditions. If this
is impossible the Ma in-Transm ission is shi
fted to 'neutral'.
with present short-circuit atthe shift-val
ve outputs are blocked, ECU
attemp s to engage the chosen alternative gears f possible.

74 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Driving: Gearshifting of all gears possible. Stationary: All No
short circuit to0 1 6 3010 1
at output stage to Y10 activated gears can be en
gaged . Driving with start off
gear possible. positiveand output
(Main valve) not activated or
76 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECUhardware,i
f output not
Reverse light permanently switched on. No other functional After RESET and 1 1 6 3076 1
at output stage to activated restrictions. no short circuit to
reverse light relay (E- positive.

13 von 44
ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

79 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECUhardware,i
f output not
outputpermanentactive Noshortcircuitto 1 1 6 0 3
at output stage to ADactivated positiveand outpu t
24 not activated or
81 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECUhardware,if output not
Driving: Gearshifting blocke d. Stationary: Shift
of startoff gears No short circuit to0 1 6 3017 3
at output stage to Y1activated possible. Main valve will be only activated during shifting,positive if clutchandisoutpu
(inertiabrake valve) opened. Start off possible. not activated or
82 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECU hardware Gearshifting generally blocked, system not available. Driving and no short circuit to0 1 6 3018 3
at output stage to valve gear engaged: Attempt to keep clutch engaged (prevention positive
with or after
Y17 (clutch disengage engagement valves). Stationary: Engagement valves areRESET. switched
slow) off,autom atic neutralshifting when clutch isdisenga ged.

83 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECU hardware Gearshifting generally blocked, systemnot available. Driving: no short circuit to0 1 6 3019 1
at output stage to valve Required clutch position maintained via disengagement positivevalve. or after
Y15 (clutch engage Stationary: Automaticneutral shifting after a certai
n time. RESET.
84 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECU hardware E-Modul switches off. No shift lever information. No display no short circuit to0 1 6 3020 1
at output stage to valve information (display dark),warning buzzer not avail able; warning positive or after
Y16 (clutch disengage lamp not available.Output speed signa l 1 willbe replacedyb RESET.
fast) redundant information. Output ADVP is switched off, Failure is set
back.ISMAis avail able but noetection
d of shift
l position over
E-modul; failure display is not possible
85 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECU hardware Gearshifting generally blocked, systemnot available. Driving: no short circuit to0 1 6 3021 1
at output stage to valve Required clutch position maintained via disengagement positive valve. or after
Y14 (clutch engage Stationary: Automaticneutral shift ing after a certai
n time. RESET.
86 Short circ
uit to po
sitive by ECUhardware,i f output not
1. After ignition off/on Failure will be detected during initialization.
After RESETE- 0 1 6 3022 1
at output ADVP activated (detection only Modul does not switch off. Display can not be switched off. No
(wakeup control signal during initialization) restrictions on system availability. After ignition off, display is
for E-module, voltage flashing EE. 2. During operation
No restrictions on sys
supply to display, availability.
warning lamp, warning
buzzer, output speed
sensor 1)

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90 Communication erro r 1. Timeo ut detection,f no

i There is no differentiation, whether P1 does not receiveafter dataRESET,
from if the
0 0 9 3090 3
between controller 1datas are coming from other P2 or vice versa. If no communication will be detected between failure will not be
and controller 2 (ECU processor. 2. Checksum error processors during initialization (after ignition on), P1 initiates senseda reset
failure) of data messages between onP1P2. If a failure is detected during driving, no reset will be initiated.
andP2. 3. If initialization System re action Driving:Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Clutch
datas from P1 are not opens, when co ming to stand still. At standstillautom
atic neutral
complete received in P2, P2 shifting. No further gearshifting pos sible. System not available.
does request datas again with
a defined repetition number. If
data transfer failed after
repetition attempts, failure will
be set.
91 CAN EBC1 timeout After timeout of the message, No calculation of driving resistance possible. No automatic After receiving a 0 0 4 3091 1
failure is set calculation ofstart offgear. Wh en com ing to standstil
l medium start
correct message or
off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions. afterRESET.

92 Error on”ABS active” Signal faulty or missing. No calculationof driving resistance possible. No automatic Signal available or0 0 85 63 3
signal (EBC1) calculation of
start offgear. Wh en com ing to standstil
l medium start
off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions.

93 Erroron ”ASR engine Signal faulty or missing. No calculationof driving resistance possible. No automatic Signal available or0 0 85 61 3
control active” signal calculation of
start offgear. Wh en com ing to standstil
l medium start
(EBC1) off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions.

94 Error on”ASR brake Signal faulty or missing. No calculationof driving resistance possible. No automatic Signal available or0 0 85 62 3
control active” signal calculation of
start offgear. Wh en com ing to standstil
l medium start
(EBC1) off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions.

95 Error on ”Cruise Signalfaultyormissing. Nootherfunctionalrestrictions Signalavailableor 0 1 85 95 3

control active” signal afterRESET.
96 Error on ”Cruise Signal faulty or missing. No other functional restrictions, gear huntingin cruise control Signal available or11 8 863
control setspeed ” possible afterRESET.

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97 Error on ”Engine 1.Signal faulty or missing Driving: Time base d controlof clutch during shift
ing. Decrease d 1.Signa l available 0 1 81 90 3
speed” signal (EEC1) 2.Engine speed > plausible clutch comfort after
shifting. Clutch does ope
n below fixed value (No andenginespeed
value clutch opening according coasting condition) Engine speed < plausible value
governor during upshift does not work. onary:
Stati No special 2.After Reset
manoeuvering operation possible. Time based control of clutch
during starting
off.Decrea sed clutch comfortma ofnoeuvering and
98 Error ontransmission 1.Speed gradient > upper Driving:Increased shifting time. During upsh
ifting and do wnshifting 1.Input_speed > 0 1 81 61 3
input speed signal limit clutch will be partially closed when t/m in neutral to substitute minimum
input value and
rpm > plausible value
speed by engine speed. If gear is engaged, input speed<isplausible value
3. input_rpm = 0 and gearsubstituted
is by output speed. Stationary:
ncrease Id shifting time. and clutch is
engaged and outputspeedDecreased
> clutch comfort
n mano
i euvering and starti
ng. closed and
minimum value and difference between
outputspeed > minimum value input_speed and
4.During selfadjust-ment when eng._speed <
clutch is closed and threshold and
input_speed < minimum value input_speed >
and eng._speed > minimum minimum value.
value 2.Input_speed >
5.Gear is engaged and clutch minimum value and
is closed and difference spee
d < plausible value
between input and engine andoutput_spe ed
speed > threshold and > minimum value
outputspeed > minimum value and gear engaged
and outputspeedminimum
> and difference
value between input
speed and
< threshold
3.After RESET

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99 Error on output speed 1.Output speed 1 gradientOutput speed signal will be calculated depending on system 1.No gradient 1 1 8 3099 1
signal 1 >upper limit application from redundant output speed information. Redundant failure detection
2.Output speed 1 > plausible speed information will be taken depending on application andfrom
value vehicle speed signal via CAN OR output speed signal from Output
3.Output speeds not plausible tachog raph. Ma
nual shift ing ofall gears possible. and output
with each other. Erronous speed_2 <
output speed defined by threshold and both
plausibility test with input output speeds >
speed minimum value.
(including gradient
failure detection)
100 Error on output speed Signal faulty or missing. If outspeedsignal 1is available, no functional restrictio
ns of Signal available or1 1 81 91 3
signal 2 system. afterRESET.
101 Erroron bothoutput 1.Output speed 1 and 2 = Driving: 0, Gearshiftingblocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when after RESET, if the 0 0 8 3101 3
speed signals gear engaged and coming to st andstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. failure will not be
input_speed > minimum value Gearshifting blocked, continued driving not possible. System not sensed
2.Output speed 1 and 2 = available.
gear engaged and clutch
closed and engine _speed >
minimum value
3.Output speed signal 1 and
output speed 2 are faulty
102 Plausibility e
rror No shiftingunning
r and Driving: Gearshifting blocked du ring dri
ving including neutral shiftAfter RESET 0 1 3 3102 3
between transmission engaged gear > attempt. Stationary: Start off gears can be engaged. Driving with
input speed and out-Testgang_ plausiband start off gear possible.
put speed difference between input
speed and
output_speed_1*i_gear >
drz_delta_n_tol (ratioinput
speed to output speed not
according to ratioof engage d
104 High voltag e (Vehicle Circuit voltage > limit No system restrict
ions while driving. circuit voltage 1 1 11 58 4
electrical system threshold If fault occurs before 'Igniti
on ON'(key 15) theansm tr ission does within valid range
voltage too high) not get out of the check phase. or after RESET.

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105 Low voltage (Vehicle Circuit voltage < limit Driving: Gearsh
ifting blocked. Clutch valvesbe will
controlled circuit voltage 0 1 21 58 3
electrical system threshold independent on voltage level. If PTO is engaged and relay within
valid range
voltage too low) be kept active, PTO will be disengaged. Subsequent failure or after RESET.
detection of all failures during low voltage will be supressed.
Stationary: Gearshifting blocked. If PTO is engaged and relay
cannot be kept active, PTO will be disengaged. If gear is engaged
and driver switches off ignition, attempt to shift to neutral is allowed
independent on voltage level. Subsequent failure detection of all
failures during low volt
age willbe supressed. EC
U willbe switched
off independent on successful neutral shifti
ng after me
ti out.

107 Stabilised voltage Voltage AU out of range(see Driving: Clutch is disengaged and engaged by time control. Voltage at AU 0 1 2 3107 3
supply at output AU ADC_AU_Ausfallschwelle) Stationa
ry: Manoe uvering not possible. If startdoes not occur within within valid range
(clutch sensor supply) certain me
ti , transmissionsi autom aticallyshifted to neutral.
New and RESET
out of valid range start offgear m ust be enga ged by selector lever. Decreased clutch
comfortduring start off.
108 Error in sele
ctor lever By plausibili
ty test fo switchesFollowing item describes failure reaction of ZF selector lever ithw 1. Valid shift lever1 1 9 3108 3
or tip lever in selectorlever. three D-positions , one N and one R position and tip lever neutral
with signal
position G (middle position) S (search
, function) , + and -.General(rotary switch at
function (also without failure active): After ignition off/on ,neutral) a gear can
be only shifted, f rotary
i switch once ha s been in neutral position. Reset
Failure reaction s depen
i ding on drivingtuation
si and on gear
engaged. 1.Fa ilure on tipever:->
l No shifting possible. At standstil
start offgear selectedy brotary switch will be engaged. Driving with
selected start off gear pos sible (forward and reverse). 2.Failure on
rotary switch: If a gear is engaged during driving, no gear shifting is
possible. At standstill start offgear acco rding last known (stored)
Dx position will be shifted. Driving with selected start off gear
possible. If at standstill neutral is engaged, no gearshifting is
possible-> system not available.

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110 ZF CANtimeout ZF-CAN informations can`t be 1. After ignition off/on: Failure will be detected during initialization.
After receiving a 1 1 4 3110 3
transmitted and received; No shift lever information. Failure code will ndicated
be i correct message or
failure after timeout automatically on display alternating with gear information. after
not available. 2. During operation: No gearchange possible. When
coming to standstill,
last selected (via rotaryitch)
sw startoff gear
will be automatically engaged. Continuous driving only with startoff
gear possible. If reverse gear has been engaged, t/m will
automatically shifted to neutral. No shift lever information. Failure
code w ill be indicated autom
y on display ternating
al with gear
111 CAN ”Time/Date” After timeout of the message, Information is used for clutch load calculation. If information AfterisRESET 1 1 4 3111 3
timeout failure is set missing, ECU switch off time cannot be calculated. Because of that
clutch cooling behavior cann
ot be calculated correctly. After
off/on the actual clutch load value will be set to zero.

112 Erroron ”Tim

e/Date” Signal faulty or missing. Information is used forclutch load calculation. If information is Signal available or1 1 8 3112 3
signals missing, ECU switch off time cannot be calculated. Because afterRES
of that
clutch cooli
ng behavior cann ot be calculated correctly. After gnition
off/on the actual clutch load value will be set to zero.

113 Error on ”Driveline After timeout of the message, No calculation of driving resistance possible. No automatic Signal available or0 0 4 3113 3
retarder configuration”
failure is set calculation of
start offgear. Wh
en com
ing to standstil
l medium start
timeout off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions.

114 Clutchengaged Clutchengaged Standstill: shift to neutral, after neutral system available After RESET, after 0 0 0 3114 3
unintentionally in unintentionally in standstill, neutral,clutch
standstill, gear gear engaged open
117 Error in clutchself- No clutch stroke change inSystem
available After
RESET 0 0 0 3117 3
adjustment process spite of piloted valves
Condition.: · no clutch stroke
sensor failure· no eng
error, ·no input_rpmerror

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118 Clutch does not No clutch stroke change inDriving: Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when after RESET, if the 0 1 0 3118 3
disengage spite of piloted coming to st
andstill. Neutral automatically engaged
t stands
a till. failure will not be
disengagem entvalves Gearshifti
ng blocked, continued drivingnot possible.
System not sensed
condition: no engine_rpm available.
failure, no input_rpmfailure,
no clutch str
oke sensor
failureengine_rpm and input
_rpm > min. rpm, clutch not
disengaged, allowed switch-
on-time eceeded
119 Clutch does not Driving / Stationary:ClutchDriving: Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when after RESET, if the 0 1 0 3119 3
engage / does not sensor does not recognizecoming to st andstill. Neutral automatically engaged
t stands
a till. failure will not be
transmit engine torqueengagementEng._rpm <>Gearshifti ng blocked, continued drivingnot possible.
System not sensed
input_rpmCondition: no available.
eng._rpm failure,no
input_rpm failure, no clutch
stroke sensor failure,
engine_rpm and input_rpm >
n_min., clutch not engaged,
allowed switch-on-time
120 Mechanical failureof Clutch does not disengageFunction
in takenonby redundant valve.Decreasedclutchcomfort After RESET 0 1 0 3120 3
smalldisengagemen t spite of piloted valves (3
clutch valve times)
121 Mechanical failureof Clutch does not disengageFunction
in takenonby redundant valve.Decreasedclutchcomfort After RESET 0 1 0 3121 3
large disengagementspite of piloted valves (3
clutch valve times)
122 Mechanical failureof Clutch does not engage inFunctiontakenonby redundant valve.Decreasedclutchcomfort After RESET 0 1 0 3122 3
smallengagem ent spite of piloted valves (3
clutch valve times)
123 Mechanical failureof Clutch does not engage inFunctiontakenonby redundant valve.Decreasedclutchcomfort After RESET 0 1 0 3123 3
large engagemen t spite of piloted valves (3
clutch valve times)

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124 Error onclutchtravel Clutch stroke sensor signal Driving: Clutch is disengaged and engaged by time control. After RESET and 0 1 0 3124 3
signal out of range (see Stationa
ry: Manoe uvering not possible.
If startdoes not occur within
plausible voltage
ADC_Kup_Ausfallschwelle) certain me
ti , transmissionsi autom
aticallyshifted to neutral.
New signal
or start offgear m ust be enga
ged by selector lever. Decreased clutch
Increase of input shaft
speed comfortduring start off.
while take up if clutch position
i an open
Decrea se ofdifference
beween engine speed and
input shaft speed in standstill
if clutch position indicates an
open clutch
decrease of engine speed
below idle speedhilew stop if
clutch position signal indicates
an open clutch
126 Error on pressure Voltagetaanalognput
i out of No system restrictions on availability, íf external air supply If is
voltage level is 0 1 3 3126 3
sensor signal range (see sufficient. No air pressure indication AL on display in case, within
air plausibel
ADC_Drucksensor_Ausfall) pressure is not suffi
cient. Selfadjustme nt of transmission and clutch
range or after
is done time based and not related to the sensor signal.RESET. Time for
adjustment could be longer.
127 Error on ECU Voltage level is out of rangeNosystemrestrictionsonavailability. Ifvoltagelevelis 0 1 3 3127 1
temperature sensor (see within plausibel
signal ADC_ECU_Temp_Ausfall) range or after
129 Noshift sensor signal by ECU hardware Driving: When failure occurs during shifting, gear engaged signal is After RESET 0 1 6 3129 3
(Short circuit to transm itted based on time control. Further gearshift ing blocked.
positive) Only shifting out of neutral possible Stationary: Neutralshifting will
be verified by select test procedure. Engagement of starting gears
possible. Change of starting gears possible. Main valve and gear
valves remain active until clutch engagement exceeds defined
threshold or drivi
ng cond ition is detected (to overcome-to- tooth

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130 Noshift sensor signal by ECU hardware Driving: When failure occurs during shifting, gear engaged signal is After RESET 0 1 5 3129 3
(Short circuit to transm itted based on time control. Further gearshifting blocked.
ground) Only shifting out of neutral possible Stationary: Neutralshifting will
be verified by select test procedure. Engagement of starting gears
possible. Change of starting gears possible. Main valve and gear
valves remain active until clutch engagement exceeds defined
threshold or drivi
ng cond ition is detected (to overcome-to- tooth
131 Noshift sensor signal by ECU hardware Driving: When failure occurs during shifting, gear engaged signal is After RESET 0 1 10 3129 1
(Interruption) transm itted based on time control. Further gearshifting blocked.
Only shifting out of neutral possible Stationary: Neutralshifting will
be verified by select test procedure. Engagement of starting gears
possible. Change of starting gears possible. Main valve and gear
valves remain active until clutch engagement exceeds defined
threshold or drivi
ng cond ition is detected (to overcome-to- tooth
132 Self adjustmenterror Sensor value outside self
of With ignition off,
t/m willbe autom aticallyswitched to neutral. With After RESET 0 1 0 3132 3
of shiftsensor adjustment range with ignition on, valve Y6 and 7Y
(neutral) wil
l be switched on together
sufficient air pressure andwith main air valve Y10. If sensor value is outside of neutral self
three attempts to teach inadjustm
had ent range and air pressure isicient, suff ECU triesthree
been not successful. Sensortimes to adjust neutral position. If neutral position could not be
value outside of self adjusted, self adjustment failure will be set. If air pressure is not
adjustment range with faulty
sufficient and neutral could not be adjusted, no adjustme nt failure
air pressure sensor, and awill be set. If air pressure sensor is faulty, N will be adjusted one
maximum number of attempts time. Ifneutral could not be reached , a waiting time will
be started.
to teach in had been not After waiting time has past, neutral adjustment will be tried again.
successful. The adjustment procedure will be repeated until a defined number of
attempts.f Ithe maximum numb er of attempts will be exceeded ,
then self adjustmen t failure will be set.Stationary: Enga gement of
starting gears out of neutral possible, if air pressure is sufficient.
(Gear eng aged signal created viame ti control)Neutralposition wil l
be verified by select procedure. If air pressure is not sufficient,
shifting is blocked. Driving: Gearshifting blocked

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133 Nogateselect sensor by ECU hardware Driving: Only forward gears can be selected, which are allocated in After RESET 0 1 6 3133 3
signal (Short circuit to opposite shift-position of the reverse gear. If failure occurs during
positive) shifting,the target gate will be engaged b y time control.Stationary:
All allowed starting gears can be switched, whosepositions are
allocated in opposite shift-positi on of the reverse gea r. No reverse
gear shiftable.
134 Nogateselect sensor by ECU hardware Driving: Only forward gears can be selected, which are allocated in After RESET 0 1 5 3133 3
signal (Short circuit to opposite shift-position of the reverse gear. If failure occurs during
ground) shifting,the target gate will be engaged b y time control.Stationary:
All allowed starting gears can be switched, whosepositions are
allocated in opposite shift-positi on of the reverse gea r. No reverse
gear shiftable.
135 Nogateselect sensor by ECU hardware Driving: Only forward gears can be selected, which are allocated in After RESET 0 1 10 3133 1
signal (Interruption) opposite shift-position of the reverse gear. If failure occurs during
shifting,the target gate will be engaged b y time control.Stationary:
All allowed starting gears can be switched, whosepositions are
allocated in opposite shift-positi on of the reverse gea r. No reverse
gear shiftable.
136 Gate select se
nsor self Sensor value outside fsel With ignition off select cylinder will be switched into the gate 1. After
of high
0 1 0 3136 1
adjustmenterror adjustment range with forward-gears. In case of electrical fault at select valve, only engagem ent of
sufficient air pressure andpossible gate will be adjusted. gate 2. After
three attempts to teach inEng had ine stopped: select
If sensor valueoutside
is of self
adjustm ent RESET
been not successful Sensor range an d air pressure suffici
is ent, then EC U tries once to adjust
value outside self adjustment gate allocated to the high forward-ge ars. Ifit's not possible to adjust
range w ith faulty airpressure this gate, the gate allocated toow theforw
l ard-gea rs willbe
after waiting time and a selected. If this adjustment is also not possible, ECUlects se again
maximum number of attempts the previous gate. The adjustment procedure will be repeated three
to teach in had been not times. If no adjustment is possible at all, after third attempt a self
successful. adjustment error will be set. If select sensor value is outside of self
adjustm ent range an d air pressure notis sufficient, no select
position will be adjusted . Engine running: If select sensor value is
outside of self adjustmen t range and air pressure is sufficient, then
ECU tries once to adjust gate allocated to the high forward-gears. If
it's not possible to adjust this gate, the gate allocated to the low
forward-gears will be selected. If this adjustment is also not
possible, ECU selects again the previous gate. The adjustment
procedure will be repeated three times.If no adjustment is possible
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at all, after third attempt a self adjustment error will be set. If select
senso r valuesi outside of self
adjustm ent range an d air pressure is
not sufficient orair pressure sensor is faulty,then EC U tries once to
adjust gate allocated to the high forward-gears. Ift's
i not possible ot
adjust this gate,the gate allocated to the low forward-gea rs willbe
selected. Ifthis adjustment is alsonot possible, ECUlects se again
the previous gate. The adjustment procedure will be repeated three
times. If no adjustment is possible at all, after third attempt a waiting
time willbe started. After waiti
ng time has pa st, gate adjustment will
be tried again. The adjustment procedure will be repeated until a
defined number of attempts. If the maximum number of attempts
will be exceeded, then self adjustment failure will be set. For all
cases: If no gate could be adjusted, no gear ng shifti
is possible.
System is not available. If only one gate could be adjusted, gear
shiftings in this gate are possible. Attempt to shift gear into not
adjusted position during driving and standstill is allowed If select
cylinder reaches adjustm ent range, adjustm ent failure willbe reset.
If select cyli
nder doe s not reach adjustm ent range, last gear will
reenga ged. Subsequent selectshifting failure willbe supre ssed.
137 Norange change by ECU hardware Driving: Range group shift during driving blocked. Only gears in After RESET 0 1 6 3137 1
group (GP) sensor engaged range group can be changed. If failure occurs during range
signal (Short circuit to shifting, range grou
p willbe eng aged b y time control. Only gears in
positive) engaged range group can beshifted. Stati onary:All start off gears
can be engaged. Low range group will be engaged by time control.
Main valve and range valve remain active until clutch engagement
exceeds defined threshold or driving condition is detected (to
overcome tooth-to-tooth of range group)

138 Norange change by ECU hardware Driving: Range group shift during driving blocked. Only gears in After RESET 0 1 5 3137 3
group (GP) sensor engaged range group can be changed. If failure occurs during range
signal (Short circuit to shifting, range grou
p willbe eng aged b y time control. Only gears in
ground) engaged range group can beshifted. Stati onary:All start off gears
can be engaged. Low range group will be engaged by time control.
Main valve and range valve remain active until clutch engagement
exceeds defined threshold or driving condition is detected (to
overcome tooth-to-tooth of range group)

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139 Norange change by ECU hardware Driving: Range group shift during driving blocked. Only gears in After RESET 0 1 10 3137 3
group (GP) sensor engaged range group can be changed. If failure occurs during range
signal (Interruption) shifting, range grou
p willbe eng aged b y time control. Only gears in
engaged range group can beshifted. Stati onary:All start off gears
can be engaged. Low range group will be engaged by time control.
Main valve and range valve remain active until clutch engagement
exceeds defined threshold or driving condition is detected (to
overcome tooth-to-tooth of range group)

140 Self adjustmenterror Sensor value outside fsel With ignition off, range group rem ains inast
l engag ed position. 1.Aftersuccess ful 0 1 0 3140 3
of range change group adjustment range Engine stationary: With ignition on ECU checks the range range
senso r in position fast value. Ifsenso r valuesi within defined end position range high engagement
low, the appropriate range valve combination will be activated 2.AfterRES
together with main valve Y10 range end position will be adjusted. If
range po sition is notwithin defined end position range and air
supply is sufficient, ECU tries to shift once into high position. If
range po sition is notwithin defined end position range and air
supply is not sufficient or air pressure sensor is faulty, no range
position will be shifted. Engine running: Withonigniti on ECU checks
the range sen sor value. If
senso r valuesi within defined end
position range high or low, the appropriate range valve combination
will be activated and together with main valve Y10 range end
position will beadjusted.Ifrange o psition is not within defined end
position range , clutch remains closed d ECU antries to shiftinto
high position. f high
I positi
on could not be eng aged, range shiftsinto
low position. lowIf position could not be enga ged, EC U tries hree
times to engage high or low position. If air supply is sufficient and all
attemp ts failed to engage range, a self adjustment failure l be wil
set.If air supply is not sufficient or air pressure sensor is faulty and
range sen sor isnot within defined end position range , clutch
remains closed and EC U tries ot shiftinto high positi
on. If high
position could not be age engd, range shifts nto
i low position.low If
position could not be engaged, ECU tries three times to engage
high or low position. If range could not be engaged, ECU waits a
defined time and retry range adjustm ent in high or low position. The
adjustment procedure will be repeated until a defined number of
attempts.f Ithe maximum numb er of attempts will be exceeded ,
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then self adjustmen t failure will be set. For all cases:If no range
position could be adjusted , no gear shifti
ng is possible. System is
not available. If only low range could be djusted,
a gea
r shifting in
low rangeroup
g is possible.f only I high range could djusted,
be a
gear shifting in high rangepgrou is possible. Start only
off in lowest
gear in high range position possible. Attemptgear to shift
into not
adjusted po
sitionduring drivi ng and tandstill
s is allowed. If range
cylinder reaches adjustm ent range, adjustment failure willbe reset.
If range cylinder does not reach adjustm ent range, last gear willbe
reengaged. bseque
Su nt range shifti ng failur
e will be supressed

141 Nosplitter rou

g p (GV) by ECU hardware Shifting of splitter group blocked. Further driving only possible with After RESET 0 1 6 3141 3
sensor signal (Short last selected splitter group position. If desired gear is not shiftable,
circuit to positive) next higher gear will be engaged. If failure occurs during shifting,
splitter willbe eng aged by time control

142 Nosplitter rou

g p (GV) by ECU hardware Shifting of splitter group blocked. Further driving only possible with After RESET 0 1 5 3141 3
sensor signal (Short last selected splitter group position. If desired gear is not shiftable,
circuit to ground) next higher gear will be engaged. If failure occurs during shifting,
splitter willbe eng aged by time control

143 Nosplitter rou

g p (GV) by ECU hardware Shifting of splitter group blocked. Further driving only possible with After RESET 0 1 10 3141 3
sensor signal last selected splitter group position. If desired gear is not shiftable,
(Interruption) next higher gear will be engaged. If failure occurs during shifting,
splitter willbe eng aged by time control

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144 Splitter gro

up(GV) Sensor value outside fsel With ignition off, splitter remains in last engaged position.1.After Engine
ful 0 1 0 3144 3
sensor self adjustment
adjustment range stationary: With ignit ion on ECUhecks
c the splitter
senso r value.fI range group
error senso r valuesi withindefined end siti poon range high or low, theengagement
appro priate spli
ttervalve com bination will
be activated and together 2.AfterRESET
with m ain valve Y1 0 splitter end position will be adjusted.splitter
position is not within defined end osition
p range and air supply is
sufficient, ECU tries to shift once into high position. If splitter
position is not within defined endition posrangend a air supply is not
sufficient or air pressure sensor is faulty, no splitter position will be
shifted. Engine running: Withion ignit
on ECUhecksc the
splittersenso r value. Ifsenso r value iswithin defined endsiti po
range highr olow, the app ropriate split
ter valve comb ination will
activated and toge ther with main valve Y10 litter
sp end positionlwil
be adjusted. Ifsplitter position is not within defined endposition
range , clutchem r ains closed and EC U triesto shiftinto high
position. If high position could not be engaged, splitter shifts into low
position.f Ilow pos ition could not be engaged, EC U triesthree times
to engage high or low position. If air supply is sufficient and all
attempts failed to engage splitter, a self adjustment failure will be
set. If air supply is not sufficient or air pressure sensor is faulty and
splitter sensor is not within ned defi en
d position range ,clutch
remains closed and EC U tries ot shiftinto high positi on. If high
position could not be engaged, splitter shifts into low position. If low
position could not be engaged, ECU tries three times to engage
high or low position.splittIf er could not be enga ged, EC U waits a
defined time danretry spli tter adjustment in highow or po
l sition. The
adjustment procedure will be repeated until a defined number of
attempts.f Ithe maximum numb er of attempts will be exceeded ,
then self adjustme nt failure will be set. For all cases:plit If tno
er s
position could be adjusted , no gear shifti
ng is possible. System is
not ava ilable.fI only low sp litter could beadjusted, ge ar shifti
ng in
low splitter group is possible. If only high splitter couldbe justed,ad
gear sh ifting in high splitter group is possible. Attemp t to shiftgear
into notadjustedositionduring
p driving anddstill
stan is allowed. If
splitter cylinder reaches adjustm ent range, adjustm ent fail ure willbe
reset. Ifsplitter cylinder doe s not reach adjustm ent range, last gear
willbe reeng aged. Subseq uent splitter shifting failures will be

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145 Rangechange group Range change group doesDriving:

not When shifting from low range group to high group, 1.After
thesuccess ful 0 1 0 3145 3
(GP) di
sengagement leave the previous position
highest gear in low range group will be shifted. When shifting range change
error within defined time. high range group to low group, the lowest gear in high range groupgroup
ift 2.After
will be shifted. Stationary: If it is not possible to select lowRESET
group, the lowest gear in high range roup
g is selected as starting
gear. New attempt to shiftrange grou
p is allowed un
der alldriving
conditions. No reverse gearhighin range grou p possible.

146 Changeover error Range change group doesDriving

not and stationary:
f selected
I range group could not be 1.Aftersuccess ful 0 1 0 3146 3
r change changeover to newposition engaged, range cylinder tries to repeat engagement three range
group (GP) shift
ing within defined time selected range group could not be engaged, following gear groupwill
shifted: When shifting from low range group to high group, RESET
highest gear in low range group will be shifted. When shifting from
high range group to low group, the lowest gear in high range group
will be shifted. Stationary: If it is not possible to select low range
group, the low
est gear in high range group is selected as starting
gear. New attemp t to shiftrange grou
p is allowed un
der alldriving

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147 Rangechange group Range change group doesDriving not and stationary:
f selected
I range group could not be 1.Aftersuccess ful 0 1 0 3147 1
(GP) does not engage reach end stop neither in engaged,
new range cylinder tries to repeat engagement three range
nor in old position selected gear could not be engaged, old range position group will besh
ift 2.After
selected.If engage ment into old range po sition failed,ailure
f willbe RESET
set.T/m shifts to neutral.Newattem pt to shift range group is allowed
under alldriving conditions.
148 Splitter (GV
) does not Splitter group does not leave If failure occurs, t/m shifts into next upper gear. Following1.After gear success ful 0 1 0 3148 1
disengage the previous siti
poon within restrict ions are valid:
Driving: The highest rgea which can be splitter group shift
defined time. selected, is the highest gear ast in l engag ed splitterposition.Th e 2.AfterRESET
lowest gear which can be selected is owethe
st lgearni last
engaged splitterposition. Stationary:The highest gear which can be
selected, is the highest startoff gear inastl enga ged
splitterposition.The lowestrgea which can be selectedhe is lowes
t t
start off gear in last engaged splitterposition.
149 Change over error Splitter group does not If failure occurs, t/m shifts into next upper gear. Following1.After gear success ful 0 1 0 3149 3
during splitter shifting
change over to new position restrictions are valid:
Driving: The highest rgea which can be splitter group shift
within defined time. selected, is the highest gear ast in l engag ed splitterposition.Th e 2.AfterRESET
lowest gear which can be selected is owethe
st lgearni last
engaged splitterposition. Stationary:The highest gear which can be
selected, is the highest startoff gear inastl enga ged
splitterposition.The lowestrgea which can be selectedhe is lowes
t t
start off gear in last engaged splitterposition.
150 Splitter (GV
) does not Splitter group does not reach Systemnot available. New attem pt to shif
t splitter group is allowed1.Aftersuccess ful 0 1 0 3150 3
engage end stop neither in new norunde in r alldriving conditions. splitter group shift
old position. detection only in 2.AfterRESET
standstill, during driving is GV
- shifting active up to stillstand
151 Selectorcylinder does Selector cylinder does not Driving: When failure occurs during shifting, t/m shifts back 1.After
the ful 0 1 0 3151 3
not disengage leave the previous position last gear.f Ilast gear is not shi
ftable because of ove rspeed selection process
condition, thenext possible target r,gea which is next to astl gear 2.AfterRESET
willbe shifted. Whe n highest shiftable gear could not be shifted
because of overspee d condition,hen t t/m shifts to neutral.
Stationary: target
If selectposition could not be engaged,t/m shifts
into neutral. New shifting of start off gear must be initiated by
selector switch.

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152 Change over error Selector cyli

nder does not Driving: When failure occurs during shifting, gate cylinder1.After shiftssuccess
back ful 0 1 0 3152 3
during gate selectionchange over to new gate into last gate position and t/m shifts back into the last gear. selection
If last process
procedure gear isnot shift
able becau se of overspeed cond ition, the next 2.AfterRESET
possible target gear, which is o next
lastt gear willbe shifted. When
highest shiftable gear could not be shifted because of overspeed
condition, then t/m shifts to neutral. Stationary: If target select
position couldnot be eng aged,t/m shift
s into neutral. New shifti
ng of
start off gear must be initiated by selector switch.
153 Selectorcylinde
r does Selector cylinder does not Driving and stationary: T/m shifts into position.
neutral New ifting
sh 1.Aftersuccess ful 0 1 0 3153 1
not engage engage neither in new gate of gear mu st be ini
tiated by selector switch.
If no gate could be selection process
end position nor in old gateengaged , systemnot avail able. 2.AfterRESET
end position. The demanded
new endposition AND the
starting positi
on cannot be
engaged/sensed AND after
additional new shifting trials
the demandedndpositi
e on
cannot be engaged/sensed. If
after these new shifting trials
no endp ositionsi
engaged/sensed the failure
will be set.
154 Main trans
mission gear Gear engaged signal doesDriving:
not Clutch engages in previous gear. Next attempt 1.Neutral to shift must
position0 1 0 3154 1
does not disengage disappea r when clutch dis-
is be initiated by selector switch. Stationary: Gearshifting only could be reached
en-gaged and Neutral is permitted after neutralgnal si has been reached . Startoff and drivi
requested can be tried with engaged gear, if gear is equal or lower than lowest
gear in range high positi

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ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

155 Main transmission ge ar Driving:· 1.Shift cylinder does Driving: T/m rem ains into neutral, f neutral
i positi
on could no t be left.1.Any main gear 0 1 0 3155 1
does not engage not leave neutral position. Newshifting of gear m ust be initiated by selector switch. f neutral
I could be engaged
Stationary:· 1.Shift cylinderposition has been left, but gear does not engage within 2.After defined
does not leave neutral shift cylinder will be shifted back into neutral position and same
position· 2.Clutch exceedsmain gear willbe triedot engag e again. This procedure ill be
after several gearshifts repea ted continuously. Stationary: T/mins rema
i to neutral,f i
defined engagement threshold neutral position could not be left. If neutral position has been left,
during tooth-to-tooth contact clutch starts
to close tooverco me too th-to-tooth contact. gea Ifr
and gear does not engage. does not engage after several gearshifts if clutch has exceeded a
maximum engagement stroke, t/m will be shifted back to neutral.
New shifting of start off gear must be initiated by selector switch.
156 Wronggear shifting Shift sensor detects shifting Automatic neutral shifting. Clutch remains opened, if neutral could 1.Correct gear 0 1 0 3156 1
into wrong shift direction not be shifted. New shifting of gear m ust be initi
ated by selector shifting 2.After
switch RESET
158 Shift sensorsignal Main gear sensor stroke Main valvewillbe activated autom aticallytogether with gear valves1.gear Gear end 1 1 0 3158 1
leaves engaged exceeds maximum allowed to shiftinto end position. f gear
I has been disen gaged com pletely,a position has been
position during driving stroke during vehicle suitable gear depending on speed condition will be shifted reached 2.After
opera tion without shift
ing automatically. Reset
159 Range-change group Range sensor stroke exceeds Main valvewillbe activated autom aticallytogether with gear valves1.Range end 1 1 0 3159 3
sensor signal leavesmaximum allowed stroke to shiftinto end position. f gear
I has been disen gaged com pletely,a position has been
engaged position during vehicle operation suitable gear depending on speed condition will be shifted reached. 2.After
during driving without shifting active. automatically. Reset
160 Splitter sen
sor signal Splittersenso r stroke exceed s Main valvewillbe activated autom aticallytogether with gear valves1.Splitter end 1 1 0 3160 3
leaves engaged maximum allowed stroke to shiftinto end position. f gear
I has been disen gaged com pletely,a position has been
position during driving during vehicle operation suitable gear depending on speed condition will be shifted reached 2.After
without shifting active. automatically. Reset
163 Enginedoes not react No change of engine peeds Driving: Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Starti ng allowed. 1. Engine speed 0 1 0 3163 3
on torque intervention when intervention via CANDecreased clutch functionality and comfort. increase
interface possible(Test will
be started
autom atically each
time with t/m in
Neutral) 2.After

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164 Error on ”Drivers Signal faulty or missing. Driving: No calculationof vehicle weight anddrivingresistance Signal available or0 0 8 3164 1
demand engine possible. No calculation startoff
of gear possible. Drivers and dem afterRESET.
percent torque” (EEC1) willbe substituted by accelerator pedal positionnform
i ation. After
shifting finished, fuel quantity will be released up to accelerator
pedal value. Clutch engagement quality could be reduced. During
cruise contol operation no fuel quantity
release ispossible, because
accelerator pedal value is0. After cl
utch is engaged, fuel quantity
will be released by EDC. => Bad shift quality after shifing.
Stationary: Start possible.
off Wh
en com ing tostandstill, medium
start off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions.

165 Erroron ”Accelerato

r Signal faulty or missing. Driving: No calculationof vehicle weight anddrivingresistance Signal available or00 8 911
pedal position” (EEC2) possible. No calculation ofoff start
gear possible. Acceleratorl peda
position will
be subs tituted by drivers dem
and information. Shift
quality could be reduced. Stationary: offStart
coming to standstill, medium start off gear will be shifted.
Mano euvering and startoff ty quali
d be reduced.
166 Permanent idle signal Accelerator pedal position> Driving: Shifti
ng during driving allowed. Stationary: No After RESET 0 1 0 3166 1
coast position (defined mano euvering and startoff possible. System not avail
threshold)andidle signal
167 Error on ”Percent load Signalfaultyormissing. Nootherfunctionalrestrictions Signalavailableor 01 8 921
at currentspeed ” afterRESET.
signal (EEC2)
168 No idle sig
nal or error Idle signal faulty romissing Drivin g: No function al restrictions uring
d driving . Stationary: Afte r Signal available or0 1 85 58 3
on ”idle signal switch” RESET AP or FP is shown on display as long as accelerator afterRES
signal (EEC2) or never value is in co
ast cond ition andidle signal is off.idle If signal does
active "idle signal" not appe ar within defined me ti, failure willbe set and display
indication AC or FP disappears. ECU checks point P1 fromine eng
configuration (low idle speed).Start off will be allowed, if ECU
detects accelerator pedal value > threshold and engine speed
excee ds idlespeed + defined speed thresho ld (-> verification of
start off intention)
169 Cut-off re
lay inECU During system start est:
t Driving: Gearshifting blocked . Stationary: Clutch opens, when after RESET, if the 0 0 0 3169 1
does not switch off When cut-off relay s switched
i coming to standstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. failure will not be
off, digital outputs can be Gearshifti ng blocked, continued driving not possible. Syste m not sensed

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ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

switchedon. available.

170 Novoltag e supplyat During system start test:WhenDriving and Stand still: block shift
ing andclutchfunction - SystemVoltage
not Key 30 0 0 0 3170 3
pin 30 or cut-off relayignition is on, no voltage toavailabl
e. State of clutch and transmission rem ains unchanged . over minimum or
in ECU does not switch power supply pins afterRESET
171 Erroron ”Actual engine Signal faulty or missing. Driving: No calculationof vehicle weight anddrivingresistance Signal available or0 0 8 3171 3
percent torque” signal possible. No calculation ofoff start
gear possible. Actual engineafterRESET.
(EEC1) percent torque will be substituted by drivers demand information.
Shift qualit
y (fueload
l redu
ction and fuel load release) could be
reduced. Stationary: Start offpossible. When coming to standstill,
medium start off gear willbe shifted. Warning for clutch overload
detection and reaction on overload detection could r earl

173 Error on”Brake switch” Signal faulty ormissing OR Foot brake is consideredve acti
and in consequen
ce, clutch Signa l available 0 0 85 97 3
signal(CCV S) Foot brake signal permanent disengages always at foot brake related engine speed (higher OR with
on. Co ndition: No plausibili
ty engine revolution) decreasing signal
error idle signal with edge or after
accelerator pedal, idle signal RESET.
not active, accelerator above
174 Erroron ”Kickdown Signal faulty or missing. NoKickdown operation mode possible. No other functional Signal available or1 1 83 59 3
switch” si
gnal (EEC2 ) restrictions. afterRESET.
175 Error on”Ignitionlock” No ignition gnal
si and en gine Driving: Gearsh
ifting in general blocked, as soon as no ignition If ignition
on sign
al is 0 1 4 3175 3
signal (Key 15) running signal is detected ure (fail detectionight
m be delayed ). Standstill: If on (rising gna
si l
engine is running , ECU does no t switch off.
Start offgear shiftable edge) or after
(forward and reve rse). Drivi ng with start off
gear possible.If engineRESET.
is not running, t/m willbe automatically shifted to neutraland ECU
switchesff.o No initializati
on of systemossible.
p System not
177 System-CAN Busoff System -CAN informati ons Driving: Gearshifting blocked . Stationary: Clutch opens, when failure is no longer 0 0 4 3177 3
error can`t be transmitted and coming to st andstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. detected or after
received; failure after timeout
ng blocked, continued driving not possible.
Syste m not RESET

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178 CAN Errorwarning ERRWARNING Flag from the Driving: Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when failure is no longer 0 0 4 3178 3
CAN-Controller coming to standstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. detected or after
ng blocked, continued driving not possible.
Syste m not RESET
179 CAN queue overrun Not allrelevant CAN Driving: Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when failure is no longer 0 0 0 3179 1
informations can be coming to standstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. detected or after
transmitted within one cycle Geof
ng blocked, continued driving not possible.
Syste m not RESET
the ECU available.
180 CAN EEC1 timeout After timeout of the message, Driving: Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when failure is no longer 0 0 4 3180 3
failure is set coming to standstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. detected or after
ng blocked, continued driving not possible.
Syste m not RESET
181 CAN EEC2 timeout After timeout of the message, Driving: Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when failure is no longer 0 0 4 3181 3
failure is set coming to standstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. detected or after
ng blocked, continued driving not possible.
Syste m not RESET
182 CAN CCVS timeout After timeout of themessage, Wheel based vehicle speed missing (redundant output speed After receiving a 0 0 4 3182 3
failure is set information 2, f output
i speed will
not be taken from 2nd outpu t correct message or
speed sensor or N CAtachograph). Servi
ce brake signal missing. n after
coast condition service brake signal is considered s active.a Cruise
control activenforma
i tion missing. No calculati
on of vehicle weight
and driving resistancesible.pos No calculation of artstoff gear
possible. Subsequent single failure of message variables are
suppressed. Clutch disengages always at foot brake related engine
speed (higher engine revolution)
183 CAN ERC1_ER After timeout of the message, No calculation of vehicle weigh t and drivi
ng resistance possible. After
No receiving a 0 0 4 3183 4
timeout failure is set calculation ofstartoffgear poss ible.No information abou t engine correct message or
brake torque. If exhaust brake is active, shifting quality atafter startRES
of ET.
shifting may be poor. Engine brake is considered as not active. No
further functional restrictions.

184 CAN ERC1_DR After timeout of the message, No calculation of vehicle

weight and drivi
ng resistance possible. After
No receiving a 0 0 4 3184 3
timeout failure is set calculation ofartoff
st gear possible. Medium start off gear will
be correct message or
shifted. No further functional restrictions. afterRESET.

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ZF-Friedrichshafen AG F a i l u r e Re a c t i o n s D E M A G 16.02.04

188 ECU fault - wrong by software Driving: Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when after RESET, if the 0 0 0 3188 3
interrupt coming to st andstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. failure will not be
Gearshifting blocked, continued driving not possible.Syste m not sensed
189 ECU fault - stack by software Driving: Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when after RESET, if the 0 0 0 3189 3
watch coming to st andstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. failure will not be
Gearshifting blocked, continued driving not possible.Syste m not sensed
190 EOL EEPROM by software EOL values out Driving:
of Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when after RESET, if the 0 0 0 3190 3
eter out ofvalid range detection with coming to st andstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. failure will not be
range initialization (ignition on). Gearshifting blocked, continued driving not possible.Syste m not sensed
191 EOL EEPROM by software checksum of EOL Driving: Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when after RESET, if the 0 0 0 3191 3
param eterchecksum param eter notcorrect coming to st andstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. failure will not be
error detection with initializationGearshifti ng blocked, continued driving not possible.Syste m not sensed
(ignition on). available.
192 ECU fault - EEPROM Values from serial EEPROM No calculation of driving resistance possible. No automatic After RESET and 0 0 0 3192 3
access failure not readable calculation ofartst offgear. Wh en com ing to standstill, medium start
or off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions. readable
Checksum-Error of one or
more in EEPROM stored
(Only related to processor 2).
193 ECU temperature too ECU temperature on circuit Driving: Gearshifting blocked. Stationary: Clutch opens, when After RESET AND 0 0 1 3193 3
high board > coming to st andstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. ECU tempe rature
C_ECU_TEMP_MAX_ZULGearshifti ng blocked , continued driving not possible.
Special displaybelow threshold_1
and oil temperature > indication for ECUtemperature too high alternating with gear
C_OEL_TEMP_MAX_ZUL. information. Systemt available.
(plausibility check) and
failures 128 not active. After
debouncing time failure will
194 Both sources forfront Both sou rces forront
f axle ISMA is turned off. No other functional restrictions. One of both 0 0 8 3194 3
axle speed not speed are not available sources is
available available

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195 Error on”Total vehicle Signal faulty or missing. Information is used for clutch life time forecast. If information Signal is available or1 1 82 45 3
distance” signal(VD) Failure will be only detected, missing,
if no clutch life time forecast is possible. If information
is ET.
reading of "Total vehicle available again, calculation of clutch life time forecast continues
distance"is appliedyb from last value.
param eter data eld.
196 CAN ”Vehicle distan ce” After timeout of the message, Information is used for clutch life time forecast. If information
After receiving
is a 1 1 4 3196 3
timeout (VD) failure is set missing, no clutch life time forecast is possible. If information
correctis message or
available again, calculation of clutch life time forecast continues
from last value.
197 Error on "Front axle Signal faulty ormissing and No calculation of driving resistance possible. No automatic Signal available or1 1 89 04 3
speed" (WSI) WSI is selected as sourcecalculation
for ofart
st offgear. Wh
en coming to st
andstill, medium start
front axle speed off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions.

198 Error on "Relative Signal faulty ormissing and Nootherfunctionalrestrictions Signalavailableor 1 1 8 3198 3
whee l speeds" (WSI) WSI is selected as source for afterRESET.
front axle speed
199 CAN WSI timeout After timeout of the message, No calculation of driving resistance possible. No automatic After receiving a 1 1 4 3199 3
failure is set calculation ofart
st offgear. Wh
en coming to st
andstill, medium start
correct message or
off gear will be shifted. No other functional restrictions. afterRESET.

210 CAN TCO1Timeout After timeout of themessage, no calculation dynam

of ic tiresize and the
refore restricted qualityof After receiving a 1 1 4 3210 3
failure is set the automatic mode poss ible.If t/m output shaft speed is able,
avail correct message or
no further function estricti
r ons. Seco nd output shaft speed is afterRESET.
227 Application-Error by software during systemDriving: Gearshifting blocked . Stationary: Clutch opens, when after RESET, if the 1 1 0 3227 3
database for CAN- start test after ignition on coming to st
andstill. Neutral automatically engaged t stands
a till. failure will not be
communication Gearshifti
ng blocked, continued driving not possible.
Syste m not sensed

36 von 44
Betriebsmittel: 17464512A Erstellt am 16.03.20

De s c r i p t i o
u nction Pag e Lo c at i o n
Y8412 luffinggear1lower,maincircuit 40,2 +236 superstructure,hydraulicframe
Y8801 slewing gear, main circuit, left side 39,4 +235 superstructure, drive unit complete
Y8802 slewinggear,maincircuit,rightside 39,6 +235 superstructure,driveunitcomplete
Y8805 slewinggear,parkingbrake 39,9 +236 superstructure,hydraulicframe
Y8806 slewinggear,proportionalbrake 39,8 +236 superstructure,hydraulicframe
Y8815 slewinggear,opencirquit,leftside 38,11 +236 superstructure,hydraulicframe
Y8816 slewinggear,opencirquit,rightside 38,13 +236 superstructure,hydraulicframe
Y9101 telecylinderextend 39,13 +236 superstructure,hydraulicframe
Y9102 telecylinderretract 39,14 +236 superstructure,hydraulicframe
Y9104 telecylinderretractfast 40,14 +236 superstructure,hydraulicframe
Y9111 By-passtelecylinderretract 41,8 +300 mainboomcomplete

Y9112 flowcontroltelecylinderretract 41,9 +300 mainboomcomplete

Y9113 switch-onofflowcontroltelecylinderretract 41,11 +300 mainboomcomplete
Y9114 highspeedtelecylinderretract 41,12 +300 mainboomcomplete
Y9125 hydraulicaccumulatorPLD 36,13 +236 superstructure,hydraulicframe
Y9152 teleguide,PLDpinning 41,2 +300 mainboomcomplete
Y9153 teleguide,
PLD unpin 41,4 +300 mainboomcomplete
Y9154 teleguide,PLDlocking 41,5 +300 mainboomcomplete
Y9155 teleguide,PLDunlocking 41,6 +300 mainboomcomplete
Y9311 superstructure, retract cabin tilt cylinder 17,9 +236 superstructure, hydraulic frame
Y9312 superstructure, extend cabin tilt cylinder 17,11 +236 superstructure, hydraulic frame
Y9381 counterweightraisingcylinderretract 44,12 +236 superstructure,hydraulicframe
Y9382 counterweightraisingcylinderextend 44,14 +236 superstructure,hydraulicframe

8315 SEITE
88 Parts\BMK_V21.XLS
Locations description: 17464512A Erstellt am 16.03.20

+300 main boom complete
+228 superstructure, cabin, terminal box
+236 superstructure, hydraulic frame
+235 superstructure, drive unit complete
+210 superstructure, cabin, general
+222 superstructure, cabin, roof cons ole complete
+216 superstructure, cabin, front console, general
+213 superstructure, cabin rear left
+214 superstructure, cabin rear right
+226 superstructure, cabin, operaters seat right
+225 superstructure, cabin, operaters seat left

+232 superstructure, fuel tank

+233 superstructure, hydraulic oil tank
+207 superstructure, frame rear left
+250 superstructure, winch hoist 1
+280 superstructure, luffing cylinder (with telescopic cranes only)
+200 superstructure, frame left, general
+285 superstructure, counterweight
+246 superstructure, terminal box middle
+255 superstructure, winch hoist 2
+217 superstructure, cabin, front console left
+224 superstructure, cabin, operaters seat complete
+219 superstructure, cabin, front console right
+340 main boom extension complete

8315 SEITE
11 Locations\BMK_V21.XLS
AC 200-1
Sicherungsübersicht OW

Fuse Value/A Location Page.Path Potential Function

F0001 50A Bat 5.1 30 MainFuseSuperstructure
A0303-F1 25A CE SS 5.4 2 Ignition Superstructure
A0303-F2 10A CE SS 5.7 6 Charge control, Quick Stop Engine, Fuel level Sensor Superstructure
A0303-F3 10A CE SS 7.10 25 Voltage Supply Engine Start (Mercedes ADm2FR), Diagnosis - Ignition
A0303-F4 10A CE SS 7.13 34 Voltage Supply Engine Control Unit (Mercedes ADm2FR) Battery
A0303-F5 10A CE SS 7.3 23 Voltage Supply Engine Control Unit (Mercedes MR) Ignition
A0303-F6 10A CE SS 7.8 20 Voltage Supply Quick Stop, Diagnosis Plug
A0303-F7 25A CE SS 7.15 28 Voltage Supply Engine Control Unit (Mercedes ADm2FR) Ignition
A0303-F8 25A CE SS 7.2 21 Voltage Supply Engine Control Unit (Mercedes MR) Battery
A0303-F9 15A CE SS 11.2 60 Lighter, Horn, rotaflare lights, CTW lights,cabin platform
A0303-F10 10A CE SS 12.5 66 Dash Board Illumination
A0303-F11 10A CE SS 13.6 287 Search Light main Boom
A0303-F12 10A CE SS 12.8 71 Cabin Light, Radio, safety Light
A0303-F13 10A CE SS 15.3 335 Clutch Aircondition, Blower Condenser
A0303-F14 10A CE SS 15.8 92 Control Unit Aircondition, Relay engine running
A0303-F15 10A CE SS 16.2 101 Wiper Front Window, Roof Window, Water Pump
A0303-F16 10A CE SS 17.10 116 Cabin adjustment, Touch Screen PC, Levers, Control Component A0701,A0702
A0303-F17 10A CE SS 18.4 126 Touch Screen PC
A0303-F18 10A CE SS 17.11 117 Control Component A0703,A0704
A0303-F19 10A CE SS 17.12 118 Control Component A0705,A0706
A0303-F20 2A CE SS 44.4 376 Position Sensors Counterweight
A0303-F21 10A CE SS 28.3 154 SS Condition, outriggers, Fly Jib Rigging
A0303-F22 10A CE SS 34.2 185 Boom Sensors, LS and Pump Monitoring, SLS, Hoist 2
A0303-F23 10A CE SS 14.14 298 Heater Fan
A0303-F24 10A CE SS 14.8 73 Heater Timer
A0303-F25 10A CE SS 14.12 299 Fan
A0303-F26 10A CE SS 17.4 114 Supply CAN -Components SS A0701, A0703, A0705, Can Components Carrier, Angle Sensor
A0303-F27 10A CE SS 18.11 127 Voltage Supply CPU Unit Superstructure A0701, A0703, A0705
A0303-F28 25A CE SS 42.2 247 Oil Cooler
A0303-F29 10A CE SS 44.2 263 Counterweight Cylinders up /down
A0303-F30 10A CE SS 14.9 334 Supply Heater Timer, Control Valve Temperature adjustment
A0303-F31 10A CE SS 13.2 340 Working lights Hoist
A0303-F32 10A CE SS 15.1 357 Control presure cut off, Exaust Valve
A0303-F33 2A CE SS 17.6 153 CAN Sensors, Pressure sensor luffing Cylinder, Angle Sensor Main Boom Head
A0303-F34 15A CE SS 28.2 378 Outrigger Illumination Carrier
A0303-F35 10A CE SS 14.6 74 Control Unit Heater

1/1 Druck:
Pressure settings AC 160-1 / 200-1

1. Overview hydraulic beam

3-way hydraulic control block

Y 9125 supply SVE
Y 9311/12 cabin tilt
Y 8230/31 rigging HW2 Pinning SS / Carrier

Valves and pressure relief

Counter weight

Pressure transducers
LS1 & LS2
P1 & P2

Main block

Accumulator and measuring point

Control pressure
open / closed circuit
Y 8815 / Y 8816

Cut off valves

Y 8000
Y 8014
Y 8015

Block Hoist 2

Seite 1 von 11
2. Bleeding the pressure transducer (pumps seperated).
(The pressure is set with warm oil (>40°C).)

B 3282 3292
B B 3291 3281

Pum ressure 2 LS ressure 2 LS ressure 1 Pum ressure 1

Bleed pump pressure and LS pressure 2 with raising hoist 1.

Bleed pump pressure and LS pressure 1 with luffing up.

After bleeding crosscheck the pressure with a proper gauge. The measurement on the Dlog and
on the manometer should be the same.

Seite 2 von 11
Setting the Stand-by pressure (pumps separated)

Minimum flow
setting Pump 2

Minimum flow
setting Pump 2

The stand-by pressure is set between 5 and 10bar (read off the Dlog; pump pressure)

Y 3152 Pump 2

starting output
of pump 2

starting output
of pump 1

Y 3151 Pump 1

The starting output of the pump is set to 200mA. When sensitively moving the Joystick
and the pump pressure increasing (at e.g. 160mA) with the LS-pressure staying 0bar, the
starting output is set wrong. Correct the adjustment.

Seite 3 von 11
4. Setting the pressure relief of the block (Pumps separated, Y9104 without power)

LS 1 secondary cut off


Pressure relief
Y 9312 luffing up 320 bar

Pressure relief Tele

extend 230 bar

Spool valve stroke limitation

P 2 primary cut off LS 2 secondary cut off

380 bar 350 bar

4.1 Set Primary pressure relief Pump 2 with Hoist 1 up. Unplug Y8115 (Brake hoist 1)
and raise the secondary pressure relief (LS2). Set the primary pressure to 380bar.
(pressure reading in Dlog P2)
4.2 Set Secondary pressure relief LS2 with hoist 1 up to 350bar. (pressure reading in
Dlog LS2)

Main block rear view

Pressure relief hoist

down 140 bar

Pump 1 primary Pressure relief Tele

pressure relief 380 retract 240 bar

4.3 Set pressure relief of hoist down to 140bar (pressure reading in Dlog LS2). Block the
brake line hydraulically on the lowering brake valve.

Seite 4 von 11
4.4 Set pressure relief Pump 1 with luffing up. Drive luffing cylinder completely up,
increase the pressure relief of luffing up, increase the secondary pressure relief
(LS1). Then set the primary pressure relief to 380bar. (pressure reading in Dlog P1)
4.5 Set secondary pressure relief LS1 with luffing up to 350bar einstellen. (pressure
reading in Dlog LS1)
4.6 Set pressure relief of luffing up to 320bar (pressure reading in Dlog LS1).
4.7 Set pressure relief Tele extend to 230bar. Lock and Pin the SVE manually in the first
section. (pressure reading in Dlog LS1).
4.8 Set pressure relief of tele retract to 240bar. Lock and Pin the SVE manually in the first
section. (pressure reading in Dlog LS2).

The control pressure is not adjustable. A measuring point is at the accumulator.

Check the pressure 35 – 45 bar.

Accumulator pSt;
320ccm, 15bar

Measuring point pSt

5. Swing

Secondary pressure relief

280 bar Swing Pump

Seite 5 von 11
Measuring point
Swing Pump

The pressure relief is set with closed circuit. (Y8815 & Y8816 engaged). To set, drive the
swing against the dynamic brake (foot pedal) and set to 280bar. Measure the pressure
either at the pump or at the swing motor (Ma left, Mb right)

6. Setting of SS / carrier pinning


Pressure relief valve 30 bar

SS/carrier pinning

Measuring point
SS/carrier pinning

Pressure relief 30bar only when pinning SS/carrier (Y0961 engaged). Adjust with idle

7. Counterweight

Pressure relief valve 75 bar

Counterweight down

Pressure relief valve 200 bar

GGW raise

Measuring point Measuring point

Counterweight raise Counterweight lower
Seite 6 von 11
The settings of the counterweight pressure takes place with 1500 rpm of the diesel
engine. Because the PLC expects 200bar in the automatic mode, it is possible that the
adjusted 200bar are not enough. In this case, raise the pressure for raising the cylinders
to 210 bar. (The counterweight cylinders are supplied from pump 2)

Pressure transducer 400 bar,

Counterweight up
Switching point in automatic
mode is 200 bar

Seite 7 von 11
8. 3-way valve bank for 16ccm gear pump, cabin tilt, feedervalve and rigging aid hoist2
(to adjust with 1000 rpm)

Bolt to mechanically
operate Y9125

Pressure relief valve 90 bar

(Y9125) feeder valve SVE

Primary cut off 175 bar,

16ccm Pump

Pressure relief valve 35 bar

Rigging aid hoist 2

Pressure relief valve 100 bar

Tilt cabin

Measuring point
Cut off 175 bar

Y 9312 Y 8231

Y 9125
Y 9311 Y 8230

8.1 Primary pressure relief175 bar of Pump

To set the primary pressure relief you have to take off the plug from Y9125. Then
increase the pressure of tilt cabin to 200 bar. Now set the pressure relief to 175 bar.
8.3 Set
Set the pressure
rigging relief
aid hoist of 35
2 to tilt bar.
cabin to 100 bar.
8.4 Set the feeder valve (Y9125 ) to 90 bar (90bar to 87bar, not higher then 90bar). To
adjust, manually push the valve 9125. Wait for the charging of the valve when using the
SVE. It should start charging at 76 bar and stop charging at 85bar.Observe in the Dlog.

Seite 8 von 11
9. Pressure relief valve SVE pinning 35 bar
Pin the first section at and retract the SVE. Open the cover at the base of the boom.
Manually pin and measure the pressure at measuring point 3.

DBV 35 bar

Measurin oint

10. Setting the pressure for lowering brake valve luffing cylinder

Measuring point MX
Opening pressure 25bar
lowering brake valve

Pressure relief valve

Opening pressure 25bar
lowering brake valve

Set the opening pressure 25bar with maximum lowering speed (best with 1000mA on the
proportional valve).

Seite 9 von 11
11. Setting the pressure for hoist 2

Pressure relief
140 bar hoist 2 lower

Set the pressure relief for hoist 2 lower to 140bar. (pressure reading in Dlog LS2). Block
the brake line hydraulically on the lowering brake valve.

12. Lowering brake valve hoist with By-Pass (from SBV – produktion number 04005199
the By-Pass is internal)

Internal By-Pass is to

Lockvalve with
connection MD to MA

Nozzle body with

2,5mm nozzle

Seite 10 von 11
13. Hydraulic emergency control

Measuring point 230 bar

Pressure relief valve 230 bar

Cock valve for swing

direction when hyd.

Pressure relief valve 35 bar

control pressure hyd.

Measuring point 35 bar

control pressure hyd.

13.1 Set pressure relief 230bar (220bar to 230bar) best when driving against dynamic
swing brake.
13.2 The control pressure is set at 35±5bar .

Seite 11 von 11
Service Training AC120-1 … AC200-1
Teleskop / Main Boom

(1) (2)


Beispiel / example : Tele 6 von / from 0% auf / to 45%

Bedingungen Näherungsschalter/ Prox.switches
Zustand / situation SVE / Position Sichern Position verbolzen Kastenerkennung
Conditions LPD locking pinning section identify
vor / in nach/ vor / in nach/
front of behind front of behind
verbolzt / entsichert B9157 B9160
B9164 B9165 B9180 B9181
B9158 B9161
pinned / unlocked
B9168 B9162
B9164 B9165 B9180 B9181
B9169 B9163
vor / in nach/ vor / in nach/
front of behind front of behind

gesichert / verbolzt B9157 B9160

B9164 B9165 B9180 B9181

locked / pinned B9158 B9161

B9168 B9162
B9164 B9165 B9180 B9181
B9169 B9163
vor / in nach/ vor / in nach/
front of behind front of behind
gesichert / entbolzt B9157 B9160
B9164 B9165 B9180 B9181
B9158 B9161
locked / unpinned
B9168 B9162
B9164 B9165 B9180 B9181
B9169 B9163

Service Training SVE Zustände.doc

Service Training AC200-1
Main boom

Pinning positions

Tele 1 Position = 0 % = 0.06 m

Tele 1 Position = 45 % = 4.284 m
Tele 1 Position = 90 % = 8.531 m
Tele 1 Position = 100 % = 9.342 m
Tele 2 Position = 0 % = 0.262 m
Tele 2 Position = 45 % = 4.487 m
Tele 2 Position = 90 % = 8.737 m
Tele 2 Position = 100 % = 9.506 m
Tele 3 Position = 0 % = 0.461 m
Tele 3 Position = 45 % = 4.690 m
Tele 3 Position = 90 % = 8.938 m
Tele 3 Position = 100 % = 9.728 m
Tele 4 Position = 0 % = 0.664 m
Tele 4 Position = 45 % = 4.889 m
Tele 4 Position = 90 % = 9.139 m
Tele 4 Position = 100 % = 9.930 m
Tele 5 Position = 0 % = 0.851 m
Tele 5 Position = 45 % = 5.091 m
Tele 5 Position = 90 % = 9.344 m
Tele 5 Position = 100 % = 10.093 m
Tele 6 Position = 0 % = 1.041 m
Tele 6 Position = 45 % = 5.281 m
Tele 6 Position = 90 % = 9.532 m
Tele 6 Position = 100 % = 10.093 m

Service Training JC AC200-1 Verbolzungspositionen e.doc

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