795 Vocable Anglais 795 070219
795 Vocable Anglais 795 070219
795 Vocable Anglais 795 070219
PRATIC’ABLE Must, mustn't, have to, had to, should, ought to / Vocabulaire : louer un appartement
IN 2019
05 65 77 10 47
édito sommaire N° 795 / Du 7 au 20 février 2019
(Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues) :
facile A2-B1 moyen B2-C1 diicile C1-C2
Pour faciliter le repérage et la compréhension, les mots traduits sont surlignés dans tous les
articles du magazine.
RÉDACTRICE EN CHEF Grand angle ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
On parle d'eux ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
C1-C2 How the boy next door conquered pop THE INDEPENDENT (UK) .... 29
L’article est repris sur le CD ou les MP3 Ed Sheeran, un chanteur pop « ordinaire » qui a conquis les charts.
de conversation : Des interviews en V.O.
pour améliorer votre compréhension
(Dinendra Haria/LNP/REX/Shutterstock/SIPA)
Journée sans pantalon dans le métro (ride trajet)
Last month, on January 13, the “No Trousers Tube Ride” took place in London. On this
occasion, some passengers rode the underground while not wearing trousers. It is
estimated that about 500 people participated. It was the 10th anniversary of this
annual event, which started in New York City as the “No Pants Subway Ride” in 2002.
Originally a prank staged by seven men, it has since grown into an international
celebration of silliness, with dozens of cities including London participating each year
worldwide. In January 2016, the event happened for the irst time in Moscow, Russia.
to take, took, taken place avoir lieu / to ride, rode, ridden emprunter, prendre / underground = tube (GB) métro /
prank farce, plaisanterie, canular / to stage monter, organiser / to grow, grew, grown into devenir / silliness ici, joie,
folie / worldwide dans le monde entier.
Andy Murray
After his irst-round loss to Bautista Agut at
this year’s Australian Open, Andy Murray
tearfully hinted that the match could be the
last in his career. He was initially planning to
retire after Wimbledon because of his hip in-
jury. The 31-year old Scottish tennis player,
considered by many as the greatest sports-
man in Scottish history, reached the ATP’s No.
1 ranking for the irst time at the end of the
2016 season after winning Wimbledon. But
(Ella Ling/BPI/REX/Shutterstock/SIPA)
he has been struggling with a hip injury for
20 months. “Maybe I'll see you again. I'll do
everything possible to try,” he said.
round ici, tour / to ici, contre / tearfully à travers ses larmes / to
hint laisser entendre, suggérer / to retire prendre sa retraite /
hip (à la) hanche / injury blessure / to reach atteindre /
ranking classement / to struggle lutter, se débattre.
(Wiktor Szymanowicz/REX/Shutterstock/SIPA)
(Rob Pinney/LNP/REX/Shutterstock/SIPA)
Labour MP for Hampstead and Kilburn, Tulip The Democratic senator for New York, Kirsten On 15 January, British Prime Minister Theresa
Siddiq, postponed the scheduled birth of her Gillibrand, announced her candidacy for May’s Brexit deal was rejected by 230 votes. It
baby by C-section by two days in order to president in 2020. “As a young mom I am is the largest defeat for a sitting government
attend Parliament for the crucial Brexit vote going to ight for other people’s kids as hard as in history, and a severe blow for May. Some 118
on 15 January. Proxy voting does not apply in I would ight for my own,” she said. Appointed Conservative MPs voted with the opposition
Parliament, but the pairing system enables to the U.S. Senate in 2009, Gillibrand has been parties against her deal. Immediately after her
MPs to null their vote by arranging for an a leading Trump critic and strong advocate for defeat, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn tabled a
opposing voter to withdraw. Tulip Siddiq women’s and gay rights. She is joining a 2020 vote of no conidence in the government,
stated that she had “no faith” in this system presidential Democratic primary contest that which was debated the next day, and
and that she wanted to attend “the biggest features a record number of women, Elizabeth ultimately defeated by the Prime Minister.
vote of [her] lifetime.” Warren and Tulsi Gabbard having already
entered the race. deal accord / sitting en place / blow coup (dur),
labour (du parti) travailliste / MP = Member of choc, camoulet / to table déposer / vote of no
Parliament, membre du parlement, député / to own propre, personnel; ici les miens / to appoint conidence vote de déiance / ultimately
postpone reporter, retarder / scheduled nommer (au) / advocate défenseur / contest ici, inalement / to defeat rejeter.
programmé / C-section césarienne / in order to ain élection / to feature comporter / race course (à la
de, pour / to attend aller à, se rendre (au); aussi, présidence).
assister (à) / proxy (par) procuration / pairing ici, de
«jumelage» / to enable permettre / to withdraw,
drew, drawn se retirer; ici, ne pas voter / to state
déclarer / faith foi, coniance.
Amazon employs 613,300 people around the world.
It is the second U.S company to employ more than half a
million people, behind Walmart.
Les salariés d'Amazon vont-ils se syndiquer ?
Avec une valeur boursière de 797 milliards de dollars, Amazon, le géant américain du
commerce en ligne, est devenu le mois dernier l’entreprise privée la plus chère du
monde. Si son histoire a de quoi faire rêver, Amazon n’a pourtant pas été épargnée par
les polémiques, notamment sur la question des conditions de travail. Aux États-Unis,
depuis décembre, les employés de ses centres de tri tentent de constituer un syndicat.
Comment cela va-t-il impacter la stratégie RH d’Amazon ?
6 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 février 2019 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / diicile C1-C2
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Julia Teran scans packages removed from The Amazon Distribution Center in Eagan, Minnesota.
the line inside of the Amazon Fulillment (Jenn Ackerman/The New York Times)
Center in Carteret, New Jersey, October 2018.
(Demetrius Freeman/The New York Times)
unionise. Their main grievances are pushed state government to enforce a Walmart fought attempts by workers to
safety, pay and 12-hour shifts with insuf- code of conduct at big retailers, which form a union. As soon as top management
ficient breaks as well as punishing hour- includes the right to unionise. heard rumblings about unionisation
ly quotas. through a hotline that local managers
UNIONISATION, THE NEXT were directed to call, the retail behemoth
4. Amazon says it pays its workers in STEP? sent a “labour team” from its headquar-
Staten Island $17-23 an hour, which is 5. Willworkers’ activism lead to unioni- ters in Bentonville, Arkansas, to the up-
more than other local warehouses, as well sation at the country’s second-biggest pity shop, writes Rick Wartzman, a for-
as providing health care, offering work- private employer? If past experience at mer head of the Drucker Institute, a
ers further education and up to 20 weeks Walmart, the world’s largest retailer that researcher of corporate management. The >>>
of parental leave. In New Jersey activists is America’s biggest private employer, is
anything to go by, the answer is no.
attempt tentative / top management direction,
cadres dirigeants / rumblings ici, rumeurs / hotline
to unionise (GB), to unionize (US) créer un ligne directe / to direct sb to do sth donner à qqn
syndicat, se syndiquer / grievance doléance, grief / to push faire pression, inciter / to enforce faire l'ordre de faire qqch / behemoth monstre, géant /
break pause / punishing exténuant, éprouvant. appliquer. headquarters (inv.) siège (social) / uppity
4. further education formation continue / activist 5. if past experience... is anything to go by à en arrogant / researcher chercheur, spécialiste /
activiste, militant / croire l'expérience de... / corporate management gestion d'entreprise /
>>> team took over the shop’s management Abdirahman Muse, executive
and showed workers a steady stream of director of Awood Center, leads a
strident anti-union videos and other meeting of a group that has been
discussing working conditions at
propaganda. If these efforts failed, it local Amazon warehouses, in
simply closed the shop. Minneapolis, November 17, 2018.
(Jenn Ackerman/The New York Times)
8 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 février 2019 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / diicile C1-C2
I Entreprise I ETATS-UNIS
Facts and figures
Amazon is a multinational technology
company operating in four major
industries: cloud computing,
e-commerce, artiicial intelligence and
computer hardware.
at a glance en un coup d’oeil / cloud computing litt.
informatique en nuage (ressources informatiques
gérées par des serveurs distants) / computer
hardware matériel informatique.
Jef Bezos founded the company in 1994 and is Amazon employs 613,300 people
its current CEO. worldwide. It is the second largest
to found fonder, créer / current actuel / CEO = Chief Executive Oicer employer in the United States. Jef
(président-) directeur général. Bezos announced in November 2018 that
all U.S. and U.K. Amazon employees will
Amazon’s headquarters are located in now earn a $15 an hour minimum wage.
Seattle, Washington. The company is to worldwide à travers le monde / to earn gagner (argent) / wage salaire.
open two new headquarters in New York and
in Arlington County, Virginia, creating Amazon’s current logo was designed to depict a smile
more than 50,000 jobs between them. that goes from A to Z, showing that the company “is willing
headquarters (inv.) siège / ...is to open ...va ouvrir.... to deliver everything to everyone, anywhere in the world.”
to design concevoir, imaginer / to depict
In 2017, Amazon had revenue of $177.9 billion, a 31% représenter / to be willing to être prêt à / to
deliver livrer.
increase from the previous year, and a $3 billion net income.
In January 2018, it became the most valuable public company
in the world ahead of Apple and Alphabet, with a market Amazon has more than 310 million active customers
value of about $797 billion. worldwide. Among them, 100 million are paying
revenue chifre d’afaires / billion milliard / increase members – people who subscribe to Prime, an annual
augmentation, hausse / previous précédent / net membership program ofering free two-day shipping and
income bénéice net / valuable ayant de la valeur / access to video and music streaming.
ahead of devant.
Prime subscribers are estimated to
spend twice as much money every year
Amazon has its own book than non-members.
publishing unit, Amazon to subscribe souscrire (un abonnement) /
Publishing, and its own television membership (d’)adhésion, abonnement /
and ilm production distributor, shipping ici, livraison / streaming en continu.
Amazon Studios.
own propre / publishing édition. This Christmas, Amazon broke its
holiday sales record, shipping
Amazon owns over 40 subsidiaries such as Zappos, more than a billion items in the
Goodreads, IMDb, Whole Foods Market, and AbeBooks. United States via Prime. The
to own posséder, détenir / subsidiary iliale. company also said it sold
“millions more” Amazon
devices during the holiday
Amazon ships more than 5 billion
packages a year worldwide.
to break, broke, broken a record battre
to ship expédier, envoyer.
un record / item article / device appareil
(ici, enceinte connectée).
Z om sur...
La personnalité de la quinzaine à la loupe
Last September, he launched the
Bezos Day One Fund, a $2bn
He is an investor in numerous
companies: Lookout, Twitter,
Rethink Robotics, Airbnb, Uber,
In 2000, he founded Blue Origin, a
rocket company that could start
ofering trips for paying customers
Google etc. He has made these acquisitions to go to space this year.
through a variety of vehicles: via Amazon, via rocket fusée; ici, spatiale.
Bezos Expeditions, which manages his
venture capital investments, and on a
personal level. In 2013, he bought the
Washington Post for $250
1 ID
Jef Bezos was born in Albuquerque,
New Mexico, and raised in Houston,
Jef Bezos is divorcing his wife of 25
years, author MacKenzie
Bezos, who could receive half of
Texas. He is 55. He graduated from
Princeton University with degrees in electrical
engineering and computer science.
ID = Identiication / to raise élever; ici, ...et a grandi
the couple’s estimated $137bn fortune and
become the world’s wealthiest woman.
bn = billion / wealthy riche.
He stated that, when interviewing
candidates for jobs at Amazon, he
considers three elements: whether
à... / to graduate obtenir son diplôme (universitaire) / he can admire the person, whether the person can
degree diplôme. raise the common standard, and under what
circumstances could the person become exemplary.
He founded Amazon in late 1994,
after writing the business plan on a
cross-country road trip from New
hiring embauche / to state déclarer / to interview
ici, faire passer un entretien (d’embauche) / to
consider ici, prendre en compte / to raise élever,
améliorer / standard ici, niveau.
York City to Seattle. The company began as an
online bookstore. Jef Bezos sold
Amazon’s irst book from his garage in 1995.
to found fonder, créer / late ici, in / cross-country
ici, à travers les É.-U.
“We’ve had three big ideas at
Amazon that we’ve stuck with for
eighteen years, and they’re the
reason we’re successful: Put the customer irst.
Jef Bezos, who owns 16% of
Amazon, is the richest person in the
world, with a fortune estimated at
Invent. And be patient.”
quote citation, déclaration / to stick, stuck, stuck
with rester idèle à.
le chifre de la quinzaine
A 24-hour live Youtube stream of an
albatross nest on the Otago peninsula, in
New Zealand, has become an unexpected
global hit, with 2.3 million people from 190
countries tuning in to watch the endangered
birds raise their chicks. The webcam – called
Royalcam – was installed by conservation
teams in 2016 in order to help protect this
(Istock) endangered species. According to the
department of conservation, donations to
Retour à la terre
Passer de la chaise de bureau à la cabine de tracteur et troquer le costume pour la combinaison et les bottes, les « Millennials »
sont de plus en plus nombreux à le faire. Depuis une dizaine d’années, ces jeunes actifs nés entre 1980 et 2000 semblent
particulièrement enclins, notamment aux États-Unis, à quitter leur vie citadine au proit de la vie agricole. Un retour à la nature
qui n’est pas sans rappeler celui des années 1970...
12 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 février 2019 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / diicile C1-C2
Une suggestion ? écrivez-nous sur monavis@vocable.fr
DRAWBACKS than half of US farm households report losses years that followed, many would revert to more
4. At 33, her life amid the dinosaur kale and pink from their farm businesses each year. Net proits conventional lifestyles.
beauty radishes would strike many as admirable, have been falling for years, with cash income cut
even romantic. And she’s grateful for the farm’s almost in half since 2013. Young farmers also face 10. Back-to-the-landers (of whom Bernie Sanders
convenient location 30 minutes outside Wash- high student debt burdens and land prices un- was one) were dismissed, as millennial farmers
ington DC, where people will pay a premium for heard of a generation or two ago. The average cost today may be, as unrealistic dreamers (Hillary
the fresh, locally sourced greens she sells. But of farm real estate rose 47% from 2009 to 2017, Clinton, long before her presidential matchup with
there’s a catch: she works longer hours than she according to government Sanders, dismissed the
ever did at her ofice jobs in Washington – for data. movement as “mental mas-
thousands a year less. When she goes into the Back-to-the-landers turbation”: an interesting
city to sell on weekends, she’s often too tired to 8. That hasn’t dissuaded were dismissed, as exercise in philosophy, per-
do much socializing. 26-year-old Bronte Edwards, haps, but no way to live in the
who is pursuing an associ-
millennial farmers world). Even Henry David
5. Still, she’s one of the fortunate: she was able to ate’s degree in agriculture at today may be, as Thoreau, whose book Walden
lease the land in the irst place and buy out her Santa Rosa junior college in unrealistic dreamers. helped inspire future genera-
co-founders because her family was in a position northern California. She tions to live closer to nature,
to lend her the money. For others wanting to fol- hopes to start a farm of her failed at self-reliance in many
low her footsteps, access to a life unplugged is own one day and capitalize on the prevalence of ways, and has been derided for accepting home-
even more dificult. farm-to-table restaurants and a culture among cooked meals from his mother and entertaining
afluent urbanites where fresh, local ingredients visitors, since his little cabin at the pond was actu-
‘IT IS A PIPE DREAM AROUND are chic. The only trouble is, she can’t afford to get ally quite close to a busy railroad. Similar things
HERE’ started. “It is a pipe dream around here,” says haunted the young idealists I spoke with.
6. While Americans spending most waking hours Edwards of buying land in Santa Rosa, 25 miles
on screens, Whitehurst is part of a small but outside tony Napa Valley wine country, where 11. It doesn’t work for everyone, or perhaps, for
growing movement of young people seeking out land is prohibitively expensive. She knows it won’t most. But 1970s-era experiments shouldn’t be
a more agrarian life. While the number of farm- be easy, but Edwards isn’t easily discouraged. “I’m completely written off, as their positive legacies
ers aged 35-54 dropped from 2007 to 2012, there a masochist,” she jokes. abound, including an enthusiasm for fresh and
was an increase in millennial farmers by 2.2%, organic foods, a thriving artisanal market and a
according to census data. The young people com- 1970S-ERA LEGACIES growing commitment to clean energy. l
ing into the profession are fueled by idealism but, 9. At the dawn of the 1970s, amid growing con-
like the hippie generation before them, and the sciousness of environmental degradation and
many traditional farmers who have been driven unrest over the war in Vietnam, young people to revert to revenir à.
out of the industry by its brutal economics, the were feeling the urge to get back to the land – a /10. back-to-the-landers partisans du retour à la terre
to dismiss sth as qualiier qqch de / matchup ici,
reality of life on the land isn’t as simple as they kind of lived protest. They organized themselves confrontation / Walden or, Life in the Woods (publié
had hoped. in loose collectives, started organic farms, experi- en 1854) récit de la vie que Thoreau a passée dans une
mented with communal gardens and tried out cabane pendant deux ans, deux mois et deux jours / to
fail at échouer, ne pas réussir à / self-reliance
7. Farming requires a lot of immediate capital alternative living arrangements in deiance of autonomie / to deride railler, se moquer de / to
without offering any immediate way to repay it, monogamy’s restrictions. But these new ways of entertain recevoir / cabin cabane, bicoque / pond
and the statistics for new farmers are grim. More living presented their own challenges and in the étang, mare / railroad (US) = railway (GB) voie
11. to write, wrote, written of évacuer, négliger / to
4. drawback inconvénient / amid au milieu de / kale farm household ménage agricole, famille abound abonder / thriving lorissant, en plein essor /
chou frisé / to strike, struck, struck as ici, paraître / d'exploitants / to face être confronté à / high commitment engagement, attachement.
grateful reconnaissant, heureux / convenient student debt burden lourde dette étudiante /
commode ici, idéal / location localisation / premium unheard of inconnu, inédit / average moyen / farm
supplément, surcoût / catch ici, hic / to socialize (US) real estate immobilier agricole.
= to socialise (GB) avoir une vie sociale, sortir. 8. to pursue suivre (études) / associate's degree
5. fortunate chanceux, privilégié / to lease louer (à (US) équivalent d'un BTS / junior college (US) SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
bail) / in the irst place d’abord, pour commencer / to institut universitaire du premier cycle / to capitalize
buy, bought, bought out racheter la part de / to on proiter, tirer parti de / farm-to-table ici, qui
lend, lent, lent prêter / to follow sb's footsteps s'approvisionnent en circuit court (directement auprès Avant de prendre une
suivre les traces de qqn / unplugged déconnecté (ici, du producteur) / aluent riche, aisé / urbanite citadin décision il vaut mieux
des technologies et plus proche de la nature). / trouble problème / to aford se permettre réfléchir !
6. pipe dream rêve impossible / waking hours (inancièrement), avoir les moyens / tony chic / to joke
plaisanter. to consider the advantages /
heures de veille par ext., journées / screens écrans ici, disadvantages or drawbacks (§ 4)
par ext. tous les appareils (smartphones, tablettes, 9. era époque, période / legacy héritage, legs / dawn considérer les avantages /
ordinateurs, télévisions, etc.) / to seek, sought, aube, débuts / unrest troubles, agitation / urge besoin désavantages
sought out rechercher / to drop chuter / census data impérieux / lived qui concerne le mode de vie ici,
statistiques (census recensement) / to fuel (fueled quotidienne / protest protestation / loose libre to weigh up the pros and cons peser
US = fuelled GB) nourrir ici, pousser / to drive, drove, (forme), sans règles strictes / organic bio / to le pour et le contre
driven out chasser. experiment with (sth) tester (qqch) / communal to be for or against être pour ou
7. grim ici, peu réjouissant, inquiétant / garden jardin partagé, communautaire / in deiance contre
of au mépris de, déiant... /
Les migrants qui traversent la Manche en bateau
Depuis le mois de décembre, un nombre record de migrants a tenté de traverser la Manche sur des canots pneumatiques pour
rejoindre le Royaume-Uni. Avec le renforcement des contrôles à Calais, les migrants privilégient de plus en plus cette stratégie
hautement risquée pour rejoindre un pays qui les attire envers et contre tout. Comment les autorités britanniques luttent-elles
contre ce qu’elles qualiient de « crise migratoire » ?
14 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 février 2019 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / diicile C1-C2
Améliorez votre prononciation en écoutant tous les articles sur le supplément audio de lecture
called a “major incident”. After criticism from Mr Kwame had not heard it was an option 7. The fuss is partly down to the deadly stakes
backbench Tory MPs, he redeployed two patrol until journalists began visiting. If he is given of the migrants’ bleak calculation. Though
boats from the Mediterranean to the Channel the chance, he might take it, but he is reluctant, nobody has yet drowned, it is an obvious risk,
and called in the navy. having already been rescued from the Mediter- as is collision with bigger ships. But migrants
ranean. also die attempting to cross through the tunnel.
3. On 5 January, about 100 migrants had risked Politicians have done little to calm the brou-
the precarious crossing of the busy shipping DIFFERENT NATIONALITIES, haha. Gavin Williamson, the defence secretary,
lane in dinghies since Christmas rather than DIFFERENT TACTICS quickly offered the navy’s help. Mr Javid ap-
attempt to break into yet another lorry. This is 6. As much as migrants switching tactics, the rise pointed a “gold commander” to deal with the
an increase on previous months, but absolute in crossings by boat appears to relect the growing affair. Cynics note that the crisis may help
numbers are still small. Cross- proportion of Iranians in Calais. Theresa May’s potential successors burnish
ings cannot be tallied defini- Maya Konforti, who runs a char- their leadership credentials.
tively but the Home Office “Crossing by ity for migrants there, says dif-
knows of 539 migrants who
tried to cross by boat in 2018,
boat has ferent nationalities favour vary-
ing routes across the Channel.
8. Such concerns do not trouble Mr Kwame,
who wants to come because he speaks English,
probably far fewer than the always been “Crossing by boat has always “and besides we used to be a colony”. He has
number who came by lorry. in great part been in great part the speciality been found in lorries six times since arriving
Only 312 completed the journey
(the rest were caught). In con-
the speciality ofit isIranians,” she explains, though
not clear why. Several hun-
in Calais in July 2018. But he will keep trying.
“I don’t need your money,” he says. “I just want
trast, 113,145 made it across the of Iranians.” dred Iranians made it to Calais to be safe.” l
Mediterranean last year. via Serbia between August 2017
and October 2018, after Belgrade
TIGHTENED CONTROLS IN CALAIS temporarily dropped a visa requirement. Most 7. fuss agitation / to be down to être dû à / stake
4. Far from demonstrating lax borders, the speak English and are keen to work. enjeu / bleak triste, sinistre / to drown (se) noyer /
latest cases highlight the success of initiatives obvious évident / defence secretary ministre de la
to tighten controls in Calais. Between 2016 and Défense / to appoint nommer / gold commander
February 2018, British oficials on the continent reluctant hésitant, réticent. commandant en chef / to deal, dealt, dealt with gérer,
s'occuper de / to burnish faire valoir / credentials
prevented more than 80,000 “clandestine” at- 6. to switch changer (de) / rise augmentation / growing compétences.
tempts to cross the Channel. In 2017 there were grandissant, croissant / to run, ran, ran diriger, gérer /
charity association caritative / to drop supprimer / 8. concern préoccupation / besides de plus / ...we used
26,500 asylum applications, some 19% below requirement obligation. to be … autrefois, nous étions... / safe en sécurité.
the level at the height of migration in 2015.
More than three times as many asylum-seekers
came to Britain in 2002, a recent peak.
Le CD de lecture
blique pour exéccutionde ce
interditet radiodiffusion pu-
s. © 201 sont
lane voie maritime commerciale / dinghy canot / to votre prononciation et votre compréhension.
attempt tenter, essayer / to break, broke, broken into
s'introduire / increase hausse / previous précédent / to
tally calculer, compter / Home Oice (le) ministère de Tous droits
produccteur phoet
le CD de conversation
Écoutez des interviews et des débats en
e ded l’œuvre
(Carlos Somonte/Netlix)
“Mamá” to
Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón, who
recently won a Golden Globe for his movie
Roma, which is set in Mexico City in the
1970s, called “very ofensive” Netlix’s
decision to add Iberian Spanish subtitles to
his movie. The director said it was
“paternalistic, ofensive and profoundly
provincial” to think that Spaniards needed
translation for his Mexican Spanish
dialogue, and demanded the streaming
giant remove them.
resemblance, turning him into an unlikely his key campaign promises. Brazil has one
celebrity... of the world’s highest murder rates (30.8
per 100,000 people in 2017).
unlikely improbable, inattendu / doppelganger sosie
/ contestant candidat / to go, went, gone viral faire citizen citoyen / owner propriétaire, détenteur /
le buzz (sur les réseaux sociaux, Internet, etc) / no longer ne... plus / to increase augmenter; ici,
uncanny troublant / remote reculé, isolé / to point prolonger / licence permis (ici, de port d’armes) /
out souligner, faire remarquer. rate taux.
Vocabulaire, expressions et astuces pour parler comme un Anglais…
Louer un appartement
Vous voici parti pour la grande aventure de la vie à l’étranger !
Mais voilà, comment s’y retrouver dans la recherche
d’appartement ? Voici quelques éléments qui devraient vous
permettre de trouver votre nid douillet plus sereinement.
Vocabulaire clé
administration fees frais d’agence maisonette duplex, petite maison
agency agence à deux étages
agreement contrat de location notice préavis
balcony balcon open-plan kitchen cuisine
bathroom salle de bain américaine
bedroom chambre p.c.m (per calendar month) loyer
bedsit chambre (en location) mensuel
bills factures p.c.w (per calendar week) loyer
boiler chaufe-eau hebdomadaire
brand-new tout neuf penthouse appartement au
carpet moquette dernier étage d’un immeuble
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d’habitation) real estate agent agent lecture et son commentaire sur la partie basique
deposit caution immobilier du CD conversation.
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indépendante renovated rénové
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lat (GB), apartment (US) rent, a rent louer, un loyer
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Expressions à retenir
latmate (GB), roommate (US) sash window fenêtre à guillotine
colocataire scrufy sale, délabré I’m looking for a lat that is rather central. Je recherche un
latshare, houseshare colocation semi-detached house maison appartement plutôt central.
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income per annum revenu annuel tenant locataire pas habiter à plus d’une heure de mon lieu de travail.
inspection visite d’inspection terraced house (GB) maison de I’m looking for a one-year rent. Je recherche une location d’un an.
insurance assurance ville (en rangées) The rent should be less than 800 p.c.m. Il faudrait que le loyer ne
inventory check inventaire top loor dernier étage dépasse pas 800 par mois.
kitchen cuisine two-bedroom lat appartement Pets (not) allowed. Animaux (non) acceptés.
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living area surface habitable viewing visite Smokers welcome. Fumeurs bienvenus.
living-room salon warrant garant This is a vegetarian house. C’est une maison de végétariens.
lodger logeur wooden loor, parquet parquet To let. À louer.
For sale. À vendre.
Bon à savoir
Trouver un appartement à louer est généralement plus facile au Royaume-
Uni qu’en France ; cela peut même être réglé dans la journée : du moment que
l’on remplit les conditions (revenu suisant ou garant), c’est premier arrivé, Reliez chaque mot anglais avec sa traduction en
premier servi ! français. Attention aux faux-amis…
Au Royaume-Uni, même en location, il faut payer une taxe locale (council a- notice 1- loyer
tax) tous les mois. Néanmoins, les étudiants en sont exemptés. Si vous êtes b- location 2- notice
étudiant et que vous vivez en colocation avec des salariés, la correction c- rent 3- emplacement
impose que vous partagiez la taxe avec eux.
d- caution 4- préavis
Aux États-Unis, les codes postaux (zip codes) se présentent comme en
France (ex : Beverly Hills 90210). Au Royaume-Uni, les postcodes s’écrivent e- deposit 5- attention, prudence
comme ceci : BA1 5HS (pour un quartier de la ville de Bath par exemple). f- instructions 6- caution
Les prix de l’immobilier étant en général élevés dans les villes du Royaume-
Uni, la colocation, même entre adultes salariés, est très répandue.
SOLUTIONS : a-4 ; b-3 ; c-1 ; d-5 ; e-6 ; f-2.
8. had to (B)
4. had to (B) 5. mustn’t (C) 6. must (C) 7. should have/ought to (D)
SOLUTIONS : 1. had to (B) 2. should / ought to (D) 3. must (C)
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sur www.vocable.fr
[ee] ceiling, cheap, plead, people, equal, each, treacle
[e] bread, friend, jealous, measure, said, again, many
Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
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Jeux de mots
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1 Démêlez les mots. 5 mots à mémoriser
Pour vous aider, relisez l’article de la page 6 dans ce numéro
Que trouve-t-on dans un “warehouse” ?
helsevs oenycovr tebl défraîchi
>>> A NEW GENERATION OF CONSTRUCTING AN IMAGE Muslim homes and shops across Gujarat,
LEADERS 6. Salvini’s appetite for controversy con- killing at least 1,000 people. Online, how-
4. But it is another nationalist, populist trasts sharply with Modi’s avoidance of it. ever, another Modi has emerged.
leader – India’s Narendra Modi – who has When a Muslim girl was murdered this year
the largest combined following on Facebook, and eight Hindu men were charged with APPEALING TO THE MIDDLE
Twitter and Instagram of any politician in the crime, India convulsed with rage and CLASS
the world, at more than 100 million. Benja- recrimination. For days, both online and off, 9. One of the earliest adopters of technology
min Mofitt, a senior lecturer at Australian Modi said nothing about the case. His more among Indian legislators, Modi set up an
Catholic University, said there was no uni- than 44 million Twitter followers saw only oficial website in 2003 when many other
form use of social media among populists. the Indian prime minister’s tribute to India’s party ofices were still using typewriters,
But there was a new generation of populist Commonwealth Games athletes, his celebra- and joined Twitter in 2009. To his Twitter
leaders who were using digital communica- tion of various festivals, cartoons of himself audience of mostly young, urban Indians,
tion tools with “more skill and eficacy” doing yoga and his plans to meet the Queen. clamouring for jobs in a competitive market,
than their rivals. “Their Twitter feeds, Face- Modi emphasises his roots as an outsider
book pages and so forth 7.
It was standard fare and self-made man — someone who has
An active social
often have more shares, for Modi, whose ofice risen up from a childhood as a chai-wallah
likes and fans than has a dedicated staff (tea-seller) at train stations. It draws a con-
their opponents, and are media presence member who carefully trast with his main opponent, Rahul Gan-
often far more enter-
taining and engaging.” also gives Modi an coordinates the output
from his personal and
dhi, a scion of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty
who embodies the Indian establishment.
excuse to bypass prime ministerial ac-
5. Salvini’s use of social
media has intensiied in
traditional media. counts. According to a
2015 freedom of infor-
10. Modi also began posting selies, sporting
an Apple Watch and using digital holograms
the six months since he mation request, Modi to beam himself to rallies across India. In a
became deputy prime minister in June, a handles his own Twitter account, @Naren- country where millions of lives have been
period in which his proile and popularity draModi, indicating at least some of his transformed by the IT revolution, the em-
has steadily increased. That can be attrib- tweets are personally penned on his secure brace of technology had a loud populist
uted in part to his use of Facebook and In- tablet. resonance, said Pal. “In millennial India, we
stagram, which he uses to cultivate his accept technology as the means to transfor-
public persona. 8. Joyojeet Pal, an associate professor in mation,” he said. “The middle-class person
information technology at the University gets a degree in technology and transforms
of Michigan, said Modi had used social their future.”
4. following nombre de followers/ici, partisans / senior
éminent / lecturer maître de conférences / among
media to soften his image, helping to offset
parmi, chez, au sein de / digital numérique / tool outil, concern India’s middle classes may have had 11. An active social media presence also gives
moyen / skill compétence, habileté / eicacy eicacité / about voting for a irebrand, socially con- Modi an excuse to bypass traditional media.
Twitter feed = tweet / and so forth et cetera / to share servative sectarian. In the early 2000s, Modi He is the irst prime minister in India’s his-
partager / far ici, bien / entertaining divertissant / was best known as the chief minister of tory never to have given a press conference
engaging qui donne envie de participer, captivant. Gujarat whose heated rhetoric inflamed inside the country. l
5. deputy vice- / steadily progressivement, de manière tensions that resulted in mobs attacking
constante / to increase ici, grandir / persona
personnage, proil, image. across ici, partout en, sur l'ensemble du territoire de.
6. to contrast with s'opposer à / sharply ici, 9. to appeal to attirer, séduire; ici, inciter à voter / early
radicalement / avoidance volonté d'éviter / Muslim ici, premier / to set, set, set up créer / typewriter
musulman / to murder assassiner / to be charged with machine à écrire / to join ici, créer un compte sur /
être accusé de / to convulse être secoué/pris de / both à audience ici, followers / to clamour for réclamer (à cor
la fois (et) / of ici, hors ligne / case afaire / tribute et à cri) / to emphasise insister/mettre l’accent sur,
hommage / cartoon dessin, représentation. souligner / roots racines, origines / outsider personne
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE 7. standard fare ici, pratique courante / dedicated étrangère à un milieu / self-made man autodidacte / to
dédié, attitré / output ici, tweets, etc. / account compte / rise, rose, risen up ici, progresser, évoluer / childhood
according to d'après / freedom liberté / to handle gérer enfance / to draw, drew, drawn a contrast with
request (§ 7) requête / at least au/tout du moins / to pen écrire, rédiger / contraster avec, s'opposer à / main principal / scion
Connaissez-vous d'autres mots où le secure sécurisé. descendant / to embody incarner / establishment
S en anglais devient ^ en français ? classes dirigeantes, autorités, pouvoir (en place).
8. associate professor maître de conférences /
castle château information technology = IT informatique / to soften 10. to sport ici, porter / to beam onself to ici, participer
interest intérêt adoucir, modérer / to ofset, ofset, ofset compenser; virtuellement à, en projetant son image (ici, en 3D) par le
beast bête
ici, apaiser, diminuer / concern inquiétude, réticence / biais des nouvelles technologies (to beam ici, difuser) /
middle class classe moyenne / irebrand agitateur / rally rassemblement / embrace adoption / loud fort /
coast côte sectarian sectaire / in the early 2000s au début des millennial du (nouveau) millénaire (ici, du 21e siècle) /
feast fête années 2000 / heated ici, virulent / to inlame ici, attiser means (inv.) moyen / degree diplôme.
/ to result in avoir pour conséquence / mob bande, 11. inside the country à l'intérieur du pays, sur le territoire
... à vous d'en trouver d'autres ! groupe d'individus violents / (indien); ici, en Inde.
22 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 février 2019 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / diicile C1-C2
Enjeux I Economie I ETATS-UNIS I B2-C1
>>> of the hours of content available in its vast library, shoulder at Apple, which is widely expected to red carpet treatment. Yet, game shows, quiz,
and 9% in the UK. A further 5% of hours is la- launch a global streaming service this year. reality TV, dating, baking and talent shows are
belled as original by Netlix because it airs it highly returnable, faster to produce, more cost
irst, but is actually acquired from content sup- 6. The content arms race is costing Netlix dear. eficient and therefore lower risk. ”
pliers, such as Star Trek: Discovery. The company expects a negative free cash low
of $3bn-$4bn this year – meaning the amount OUTSIDE THE U.S.
4. “Individually any one of the big Hollywood it spends on content, marketing and other costs 9. Netlix is also facing pressure outside the
studio groups does not make up a huge propor- in 2018 will exceed what it earns from subscrib- US, which is increasingly nearing peak
tion of Netlix’s catalogue, maybe 4% or 5% of ers by at least $3bn. Netlix keeps turning to debt Netlix, for the next cycle of growth. Well
total hours,” says Broughton. “If one or two pull markets to top up the funds it over 80% of the new sub-
their content Netlix can plug the gap. But if the needs to continue to feed ilm scribers added by Netlix in
market gets more aggressive against Netlix, it and TV content to the binge- “Unscripted the third quarter came from
is going to get tougher.” watching generation it helped
create – its net debt was $8.34bn
television has outside the US. The company
has been very bullish on the
THE BIGGEST RIVAL at the end of September, up over always been a prospects of the Asia-Paciic
5. Netlix is already facing off against Amazon’s 70% year-on-year. hugely region, particularly India.
Prime Video, a global rival with ambitious plans
including a Lord of the Rings extravaganza. A rat- CHEAPER CONTENT profitable But Netlix’s pricing makes
it a premium service com-
tled Netlix upped its content budget by 50%, 7. Netlix built its reputation sector.” pared w ith pay-T V and
from $8bn to $12bn, when Amazon announced and audiences from expensive streaming rivals in many of
it would spend $5bn this year. But Amazon could dramas, such as The Crown. It these new markets and it
easily outspend rivals: its market value is six has recently started to focus on cheaper, yet may have to cut prices – meaning it will need
times bigger than Netlix and 4.5 times the size popular, unscripted shows – snapping up the more subscribers.
of Disney. Netlix will also be looking over its Channel 4 reality show The Circle to make it in
multiple markets – with the Netlix CEO Reed 10. Which rival will be the biggest threat to
Hastings highlighting the value of such fare. Netlix? Broughton reckons it is Amazon: “If
available disponible, accessible, proposé / library
bibliothèque, vidéothèque, catalogue / further
I had to put my money somewhere it would
supplémentaire, autre / to label qualiier de / to air difuser 8. “Unscripted television has always been a have to be on Amazon. New players like
/ actually en réalité / such as tel que. hugely proitable sector,” says Lucas Green, head Disney and WarnerMedia will need a lot of
4. to plug the gap combler le vide, remplacer par autre of content at Banijay Group, maker of shows time and marketing to break into households,
chose / to get, got, got ici, devenir / tough diicile, including Survivor, Temptation Island and Wife and who else will want to licence content to
compliqué. Swap. “Drama has always got the headlines and them? Amazon has the deepest pockets. Its
5. to face of être en concurrence / Lord of the Rings Le catalogue is by far the largest, even if a lot of
Seigneur des anneaux / extravaganza ici, série the content is quite old, and it has been ex-
spectaculaire / rattled nerveux / to up augmenter / by ici, widely couramment, par beaucoup / to expect s’attendre ploring sports rights and other areas other
de / bn = billion milliard / to outspend, outspent, à / to launch ici, créer. players aren’t. ” l
outspent dépenser plus que, dépasser le budget de / to
look over one's shoulder at se retourner constamment 6. arms race course aux armements; ici, concurrence / dear
par crainte, surveiller / cher / free cash low lux de trésorerie disponible /
amount somme, montant / to earn, earned or earnt,
earned or earnt gagner (argent), percevoir / at least au
moins / to keep, kept, kept (+ ger.) ne (pas) cesser de / to red carpet tapis rouge; ici, de faveur, spécial, "VIP" /
turn to se tourner vers / debt (inv.) dette(s) / to top up game show jeu télévisé / dating (de) rencontre(s)
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE revoir à la hausse, augmenter / funds fonds, capitaux / to (de célibataires) / baking (de) cuisine / highly très,
feed, fed, fed nourrir, alimenter, assouvir / binge- extrêmement / returnable ici, rentable / cost-
watching (réf. à binge-drinking consommation d'alcool eicient rentable / therefore par conséquent, de
"Amazon could easily abusive et express) insatiable (au visionnage efréné, ce fait.
outspend rivals" (§ 5) capable de regarder plusieurs épisodes en une journée) /
9. pressure pression, concurrence / outside en dehors de
over ici, plus de / year-on-year chaque année (par rapport
dépenser plus que à l'année précédente).
/ increasingly de plus en plus / to near se rapprocher de /
Le préixe "out" prend le sens de peak Netlix heure de gloire/apogée de Netlix; moment
7. cheap bon marché, peu cher / audience audimat, où une tendance (ici, le phénomène Netlix) atteint son
"faire plus que". nombre d'abonnés, popularité / drama ici, série (télévisée) / paroxysme / growth croissance, développement /
Comparez : yet mais néanmoins / unscripted improvisé; ici, de quarter trimestre / bullish optimiste / prospect
to outstrip someone devancer téléréalité / to snap up faire l'acquisition de (rapidement) / perspective (d'avenir), opportunité / pricing prix / to cut,
quelqu'un reality show émission de téléréalité / to make, made, cut, cut ici, réduire.
to outdo faire mieux que made it réussir / CEO = Chief Executive Oicer
10. threat menace / to reckon penser / if I had to put
to outbid surenchérir président-directeur général (PDG) / fare ici, émissions
my money somewhere si je devais parier / player ici,
to outdistance distancer (aussi, prix).
acteur / to break, broke, broken into ici, percer dans /
to outfox se montrer plus malin que 8. proitable rentable, lucratif / Survivor équivalent de household foyer / to have, had, had deep pockets
(fox = renard) Koh Lanta / Temptation Island L'Île de la tentation / Wife avoir de gros moyens, être riche à millions / even if
to outlive someone survivre à Swap On a échangé nos mamans / headlines gros titres; ici, même si / quite plutôt / to explore ici, étudier / sports
quelqu'un to get the headlines treatment faire parler de lui/d'elle rights autorisation de difuser des événements sportifs /
(dans les médias) / area domaine.
24 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 février 2019 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / diicile C1-C2
Brèves de culture
Retrouvez plus d’infos sur www.vocable.fr
(Stephen Lovekin/WWD/REX/Shutterstock/SIPA)
Woodstock 50
An oicial Woodstock anniversary festival
fascinating characters she has played — most A NEW FAME 5. Colman is the most ordinary extraordinary
recently the imperious, needy, vulnerable, 3.Until now, she has been relatively un- person you have ever met. She is smiley,
monstrous Queen Anne in Yorgos Lanthi- known in the United States charming, apologizes frequently and plays
mos’ The Favourite , for (although connoisseurs of down her talents at every opportunity. Her
which she is hotly tipped as prestige British television colleagues trip over their words trying to ind
a best actress Academy will know her from Broad- enough adjectives to describe her likability,
Award nominee. church and The Night Man- decency, kindness, her friendliness to the
ager). As she points out, she entire crew on any shoot, her lack of diva-
2. “I’m really sorry,” she said, has never been the type to be dom. After several attempts at describing
squirming slightly, during cast in glossy leading lady how much she adored Colman, Emma Stone
a recent interview at a Lon- roles. But The Favourite — one of her co-stars in The Favourite — gave
don hotel. “Let me think.” bagged the Silver Lion Grand up. “You can tell I’m in love with her,” she
She brightened up. “I ate a lot Jury prize at the Venice Film said.
to put on weight,” she said. Festival, won Colman the
“Does that count?” Colman, best actress award and has UNFLATTERING ROLES
44, is unshowily famous in already garnered serious 6. But Colman has no trouble being less than
her native Britain, where she Oscar chatter, dragging her lovable on screen. In Paddy Considine’s Ty-
is known both as a comedy squarely into the spotlight rannosaur, she played a meekly religious,
stalwart (Peep Show) and as a even before her coming star abused wife; in Fleabag a hilariously poison-
forceful dramatic actor (Ty- turn in The Crown. ous stepmother; in Run, a tough-as-nails
rannosaur). She is fairly often described as inner city mother; in Broadchurch she was >>>
a national treasure, so there was general 4. The spotlight is not where she likes to
rejoicing when it was announced that Col- be. “I hate the loss of anonymity,” she said.
“No one teaches you how to deal with that. weird étrange, bizarre / to be on equal footing être
I now just tend to stay home because it’s sur un pied d'égalité.
1. process ici, méthode (pour son jeu d'actrice) /
apologetic confus, navré / since ici, puisque / to 5. to apologize s’excuser / to play down minimiser /
make, made, made for engendrer; ici, rendre / to trip over trébucher, buter sur; ici, chercher (ses
character personnage / needy en manque d'afection to take, took, taken over reprendre. mots) / likability sympathie / kindness gentillesse,
/ hotly chaudement, vivement / to tip ici, pressentir / 3. connoisseur expert, in connaisseur / to point out bonté / friendliness bienveillance / crew équipe (de
Academy Award Oscar (award récompense, prix). faire remarquer, souligner / to be cast être choisi (pour tournage) / shoot tournage / lack absence /
2. to squirm se tortiller / slightly légèrement / to un rôle, pour jouer) / glossy glamour / leading role diva-dom comportement de diva / attempt tentative
brighten up s'égayer, s'animer; ici, Son visage s'éclaire rôle principal / to bag ici, gagner, remporter / to win, / to give, gave, given up renoncer, laisser tomber.
/ to put, put, put on prendre (poids) / unshowily de won, won ici, valoir / to garner ici, attirer / chatter 6. unlattering peu latteur / to have trouble (+
manière discrète; ici, ...est une star discrète... / stalwart bavardage; ici, rumeurs / to drag entraîner / squarely ger.) avoir du mal à / meekly sagement, docilement /
pilier, igure emblématique / Peep Show série inédite carrément / spotlight (sous les) projecteur(s), feux de abused battu, maltraité / stepmother belle-mère /
dans les pays francophones / forceful fort, percutant / la rampe. tough-as-nails dur à cuire, coriace / inner city (des)
fairly assez / rejoicing réjouissance, liesse / 4. to deal, dealt, dealt with gérer, faire face à / quartiers défavorisés du centre-ville /
26 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 février 2019 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / diicile C1-C2
Last December, Olivia Colman
won the Best actress award at the
British Independent Film Awards
for her role in The Favourite. (Dan
Retrouvez plus d’infos dans la newsletter Vocable www.vocable.fr/newsletter
8. In The Favourite, Colman’s Anne is jowly,
lumbering and capricious; a willful child-
woman who screams for attention and vul-
nerably displays her chronic insecurity and
the deep unhappiness occasioned by losing
17 children to miscarriages, stillbirth and Rachel Weisz as the Duchess of Marlborough and Olivia Colman as Queen Anne in The Favourite.
(2019 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.)
childhood death. Anne ruled from 1702-14,
during a turbulent period that saw the incor- Spanish Succession. But the movie focuses on goes to the right place without thinking
poration of Scotland and England into the politics only to the extent that they inluence about it too much.”
single state known as Great Britain, and the the stratagems of the Duchess of Marlborough
country’s long involvement in the War of the (Weisz) and her cousin Abi- 10. Colman says she doesn’t
gail Hill (Stone) as they think about it at all. She hates
scheme for the favors (all of rehearsal periods when ac-
tearful larmoyant / willfully (US) = wilfully (GB) them) of the Queen. tors and directors break
délibérément / pound livre (35 livres = un peu plus de “For me, when down the script and motiva-
15 kilos).
7. obviously de toute évidence / to be meant to être
9. In a telephone interview,
Lanthimos said that after
I really love a tion. “For me, when I really
love a script, it’s visceral,” she
censé / brilliant formidable, merveilleux / fortunate
chanceux / to allow autoriser.
seeing Colman’s perfor- script, it’s said. “I can’t explain why, but
8. jowly (a les) joues lasques / lumbering pataud /
mance in Tyrannosaur and visceral.” I feel it; I want to say those
willful obstiné, opiniâtre / to display montrer, laisser
working with her on The words, be that person.”
voir / miscarriage fausse couche / stillbirth enfant Lobster, he couldn’t think of
mort-né / to rule régner / involvement implication / anyone else to play Anne, 11.
In 15 years Colman has
and had shifted the sched- moved from the broad com-
ule to accommodate her. “I don’t think I edy of Peep Show to the high seriousness of
would have made the ilm without her,” he The Crown , and rumors of an Academy
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE said. “That role is quite dificult, quite com- Award nomination for The Favourite. “I don’t
plex. It needed a lot of different qualities from know what to do with it,” she said. “Talking
Rappelez-vous : "full" an actor, the ability to alternate between about the Oscars seems like a silly dream. If
s'écrit avec deux "l" different states at different times. It has a lot you wake up one day and it hasn’t happened,
to do with instinct. She reads the lines and you’ll be cross for feeling disappointed.” l
mais, lorsqu'il s'agit d'un suixe,
"ful" ne prend qu'un seul "l".
Exemples :
a full life une vie bien remplie to focus on se concentrer sur / to the extent that line réplique.
beautiful beau, belle dans la mesure où / to scheme comploter (pour 10. rehearsal (de) répétition / director ici, réalisateur
wonderful merveilleux obtenir). / to break, broke, broken down décomposer,
tearful (§ 6) plein de larmes 9. to shift changer, modiier / schedule programme, analyser / script scénario.
willful (§ 8) entêté calendrier / to accommodate ici, s'adapter à ses 11. broad comédie burlesque, "tarte à la crème" / to be
disponibilités / quite assez / ability capacité / cross ici, s'en vouloir (de) / disappointed déçu.
28 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 février 2019 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / diicile C1-C2
Culture I Musique I ROYAUME-UNI I C2-C1
Découvrez l’interview d’Ed Sheeran dans
l’émission The Graham Norton Show et
testez votre compréhension sur
Ed Sheeran performs onstage at BBC Music’s Biggest Weekend Festival in George Ezra performs onstage at the Isle of Wight music festival, June 11, 2017.
Swansea, May 26, 2018. (Dimitris Legakis/REX/Shutterstock/SIPA) (SIPA)
>>> “NICE”, THE NEW ROCK’N’ROLL Ed has probably blazed a trail. That has opened units in its irst seven days in the UK – the third
3. None of these artists are soundalikes, exactly. the loodgates. My theory is that because of the highest total in chart history and extraordinary
But they do have a great deal in common. For internet the easiest way to deliver a song is to sit in our age of latlined record sales.
starters, they have a grounding in the old-fash- in front of a webcam with just a guitar and a
ioned art of standing alone on stage with a voice. That is the simplest approach and seems 9. Ezra, for his part, clocked up the fastest-selling
guitar and crooning their hearts out. Image- to be connecting with people.” long player of 2018 with Staying at Tamara’s.
wise, moreover, all of them could have dropped Even “lesser” boy troubadours have enjoyed a
from the same production line. With his tatty 6. Sheeran, whose 2010 debut EP Songs I Wrote blockbuster rise. James Bay’s debut album,
T-shirts and high-street jeans, Sheeran has pio- With Amy consisted of ive tracks composed Chaos and the Calm, debuted at number one.
neered the lad-from-up-the-road look. In the past collaboratively with Wadge, has been upfront And despite a zero-star review from the NME
12 months, however, he was pushed hard by that relatability is central to his appeal. When I – prompting his dad to ring up to complain –
25-year-old Ezra and his gap-year backpacker interviewed him in 2011 as he was on the cusp Tom Odell’s irst record likewise topped the
chic. Sheeran might shoulder the hopes of the of stardom, he was very clear that building his charts.
UK record industry but it’s a stretch to imagine following one fan at a time via YouTube had
teenagers gazing starry-eyed at his poster on created a unique connection. “I can make a 10. One unavoidable fact is that all of these artists
their bedroom wall. video for no money, put it on YouTube, tell fans are male. Where is the female Ed Sheeran? Why
about it on Twitter and Face- no Georgina Ezra? What does it say about the
4. Nor does George Ezra ex- book,” he said. “As long as your record industry – and the music-streaming
ude lock-up-your-daughters fans stick with you, what eve- public – that we can take these sloppy-grinned
mystique. Leave your daugh-
ter alone with George Ezra
People want to ryone else thinks doesn’t mat-
ter. That’s the best way to be.
troubadours to our hearts while inding no room
at the inn for the female equivalent? l
and you’d probably return to see someone You have longevity. Atlantic
ind him helping her with her they feel they could drop me tomorrow –
unit exemplaire / chart hit-parade / age époque / latlined
homework. These stars are
unassuming and down to know. I’ve still got the fanbase that
got me here.”
qui stagne.
9. to clock up ici, décrocher / long player (LP) 33 tours, ici
earth – devoid of guitar mu- album / lesser de moindre importance, de moindre renom /
sic’s untrammelled rawness. 7. “As Ed would say himself,“ blockbuster rise ascension phénoménale / to debut ici, se
hisser directement / review critique / NME = New Musical
They are strikingly desexual- says Wadge, ”his charm is Express magazine britannique de musique / to prompt
ised. In other words, “nice” is the new rock ’n roll. that, although he has this extraordinary talent, inciter, pousser / to complain se plaindre / likewise de la
he looks like the guy next door. In all our years même façon / to top the charts arriver au sommet des
ED SHEERAN’S BEGINNINGS he has never dressed differently. Back in the day
10. unavoidable fact réalité incontournable / sloppy-
5. “All music tends to have its phases,“ says Amy our pop stars were presented to us in a certain grinned au sourire transi / to take, took, taken sb to one's
Wadge, the Wales-based songwriter who co- way. That has changed with reality TV. People heart prendre qqn en afection / room place / inn auberge,
authored some of Ed Sheeran’s biggest hits, in- want to see someone they feel they know. That petit hôtel (no room at the inn réf. à la naissance de Jésus
dans une étable, car il ne restait plus de place à l'auberge).
cluding the 2014 number one “Thinking Out works so well for Ed.”
Loud”. ”We’ve had Britpop and the dominance
of the bands for quite an amount of time. The COMMERCIAL SUCCESS
boy with the guitar has always been there but 8. Commercially, the boys of strummer have gone SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
where few singer-songwriters have previously
ventured. Sheeran’s Divide tour holds the record
3. soundalike sosie vocal / for starters d’abord / to have a
for highest grossing run of dates in a calendar
Le conditionnel est
grounding in ici, maîtriser / old-fashioned classique, d’un
autre temps / stage scène / to croon one's heart out year, knocking the previous champion, The U2’s souvent exprimé par
chanter avec émotion (sur un registre romantique) / Joshua Tree concerts, into a cocked beanie-hat. "if" :
image-wise sur le plan de l'image / to drop from être You will be successful if your fans
tombé de ici, être issu de / production line chaîne de The 2017 album itself (styled “÷”) moved 672, 000
production / tatty miteux, en triste état / high-street rue
stick with you.
principale où se concentrent les commerces d'une petite ville, Vous aurez du succès à condition
par ext., (qui vient d'un magasin de) prêt-à-porter / to to blaze a trail déblayer le terrain / loodgate vanne (to que vos fans vous restent idèles.
pioneer ouvrir la voie à, lancer / lad-from-up-the-road ici, open the loodgates ouvrir grand la porte) / to deliver ici, Mais on peut également utiliser les
gars normal / to be pushed hard ici, sévèrement concurrencé interpréter.
/ gap-year en année de césure (que s'accorde un étudiant
expressions suivantes :
6. debut premier / EP = Extended Play (album de 4 ou 5
avant d'entrer à l'université) / backpacker voyageur portant titres) / to consist of se composer de / track morceau, titre / On condition that / provided that /
un sac à dos (backpack) / to shoulder the hopes of porter to be upfront that... dire franchement que... / relatability providing that / so long as your
les espoirs de / it's a stretch c'est diicile / to gaze (néol.) capacité à s'identiier (à lui) / appeal ici, popularité / fans stick with you
contempler / starry-eyed avec des étoiles plein les yeux. on the cusp of stardom sur le point d'accéder à la célébrité / ou bien, comme dans cet article :
4. to exude respirer (ig.) / lock-up-your-daughters following (public d') adeptes, fans / to stick, stuck, stuck
mystique aura de séducteur (to lock up enfermer) / with rester idèle à / to drop laisser tomber, lâcher / fanbase As long as your fans stick with
unassuming simple, sans prétention / down to earth qui a public de fans. you (§ 6)
les pieds sur terre / to be devoid of être dépourvu de / 7. back in the day à l'époque. et en introduisant une notion
untrammelled incontrôlé / rawness âpreté, brutalité / négative :
strikingly étonnamment. 8. to venture s’aventurer / highest grossing le plus
rentable / run ici, série / to knock into a cocked (beanie-) Unless / except if your fans
5. hit ici, tube / Britpop = British popular (music) hat dépasser de très loin (beanie bonnet) / to style ici, abandon you.
mouvement de rock alternatif du milieu des années 1990 / intituler / to move ici, se vendre (à) /
30 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 février 2019 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / diicile C1-C2
Découverte I Technologie I ROYAUME-UNI I C2
Découvrez le reportage vidéo sur le programme de voitures
autonomes de Waymo, iliale d'Alphabet, la maison mère
de Google, et testez votre compréhension sur
1. SILICON VALLEY’S COLD practices around its Android operating ev
system, its shopping service and Chrome
UP browser. But in 2019, it’s likely to be some-
1. At the beginning of 2019, as at the start one else’s turn. The only question is who. le takes 30%
of 2018, Margrethe Vestager remains the
most powerful woman in tech. The EU 2. In the EU Facebook looks vulnerable.
competition commissioner has the world’s The release by the UK parliament of in-
. Ap p
tion law where the US authorities have authorising a hostile move to shut down
The CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. (SIPA) The EU competition commissioner, Margrethe Vestager. (SIPA)
VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 février 2019 • 31
Découverte I Technologie I ROYAUME-UNI I C2
>>> neck. The EU’s ruling against 6. Now that’s starting to wobble. Slowly, Waymo One, the company’s Uber com-
Google’s dominance of power is shifting through external petitor, is launching. What’s most inter-
the Android app store causes. Epic Games, maker of esting about the service is how… uninter-
could be the first Fortnite, has become esting it is. The taxis aren’t significantly
dom i no t o one of the few pub- cheaper than the competition; the jour-
fall in lishers to rival the neys have the occasional glitch, as over-
power of the plat- cautious algorithms get stuck at T-junc-
form owners them- tions. Maybe one day driverless cars will
s e l ve s a n d it i s change the world, but not yet.
wielding it effec-
tively: launching a 4. WE CAN STOP THINKING
new app store for ABOUT BITCOIN
Android devices and 9. Only a fool would predict the death of
another for PCs and bitcoin, let alone
A Waymo self-driving car. (SIPA) offering to take a sub- t he w ider in-
stantially lower cut of game revenues on dustry it has
a sweeping change that will reshape the both. s paw ned .
consumer technology industry. The com-
r yptocurrenc y.
5. Since the birth of the iPhone, a huge TAXIS WON’T CHANGE THE has re-
amount of digital commerce has been WORLD peatedly
filtered through a few platforms, which 7.There are two schools of thought sur- shown
have taken a hefty chunk of the revenue rounding driverless cars. One is that the an im-
they handle. Apple takes 30% of app rev- technology is 99.9% complete and that pressive
enue, whether it be the purchase price of soon “level five” autonomy will be reached, capacit y
the software or the digital goods bought meaning that cars can safely drive them- for survival
through it. Google, on Android, and Valve, selves in any situation. When that hap- against gigan-
for PC games, does similar. Each earns pens, the world will undergo rapid change, tic crashes, crip-
huge profits through being, essentially, as driving jobs begin to disappear, urban pling hacks and se-
the single point of entry for an industry. spaces are reshaped and road travel be- vere legal roadblocks, and the nature of
comes safer by the day. The other is that the blockchain is such that, if even one
the final 0.1% is harder than all of the diehard is still mining bitcoin in an attic
neck ici, nuque / ruling décision / sweeping radical /
to reshape remodeler, transformer / consumer
previous progress put together. And so somewhere, it can never be said to be
consommateur, utilisateur; ici, grand public. we’ll remain, for years, with cars that truly over. But the price of bitcoin has
5. huge énorme / through grâce à, par l’intermédiaire
work well enough to demonstrate, to put been falling for months and now stands
de / hefty important, très grand / chunk morceau, on the streets with safety drivers and at a fifth of its all-time high.
partie / to handle traiter / purchase achat / continue being tested, funded and im-
software (inv.) logiciel(s) / goods biens / to earn proved – but not quite well enough to 5. PHOTOGRAPHY BLURS
gagner, encaisser / proit bénéice. actually build a business around. WITH ILLUSTRATION
10. Smartphone innovation has stagnated
8. Both views may be true. In the mean- in recent years; screens have got as good
time, however, a 99.9% good enough car
is good enough to run a taxi service – as
journey trajet / glitch incident, panne / overcautious
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE Google is showing in Phoenix, where trop prudent / to get, got, got stuck se retrouver
bloqué / T-junction carrefour en T.
Quand tout va bien, on 6. to wobble vaciller / to shift se déplacer; ici, 9. bitcoin monnaie électronique (bit : unité
dit : changer de camp / Fortnite jeu vidéo gratuit / d'information binaire et coin : pièce de monnaie) / fool
publisher éditeur / to wield manier, utiliser / imbécile / let alone sans parler de / wide large, vaste /
I'm fine, you're doing a fine job, the to spawn engendrer, donner naissance à / crippling
efectively eicacement / device appareil (ici,
weather's fine... ici, dévastateur, accablant / hack piratage
électronique) / substantially considérablement,
Comment se fait-il que l'on utilise le nettement / cut part. (informatique) / severe important, sérieux /
même mot pour parler des roadblock barrage routier; ici, obstacle / blockchain
7. driverless sans chaufeur / thought pensée /
amendes, comme dans cet article : technologie de stockage et de transmission
surrounding autour de / to reach atteindre / safely
"Google received multibillion fines" d’informations (la blockchain est le registre des
en toute sécurité / to undergo, went, gone subir,
(§ 1) ? transactions en bitcoins) / diehard fanatique / attic
connaître / by the day de jour en jour / previous
grenier / to stand, stood, stood ici, se trouver.
La réponse se trouve dans l'histoire. précédent / to fund inancer / to improve améliorer.
Le mot "fine" vient du français "fin" 10. to blur se brouiller, s’estomper; ici, se fondre /
8. in the meantime ici, en attendant / to run, ran,
– une fois l'amende payée, le screen écran /
run ici, faire tourner/marcher /
règlement des sommes dues est ini.
32 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 février 2019 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / diicile C1-C2
Une suggestion ? Ecrivez-nous sur monavis@vocable.fr
as they’re going to get, battery life is hit- 12. Google, like Apple, has fo- grey stills into st unningly
ting the limits of physics and processors cused heavily on computa- bright and clear images. But
have become so fast that developers are tional photography, but what’s most interesting
already struggling to use all the power at it has taken it further about night sight is
their fingertips. than anyone else. No- t hat t he feat u re
where is this more doesn’t just brighten
11. But one of the last areas of competition e v ident t ha n t he images and reduce
is in the camera on the back of the phones. s t u n n i n g “ n i g ht grain. It adds in de-
For Apple, that has meant moving to two sight” feature re- tail that was never
lenses on the back of its top-end phones, leased towards the captured by the sen-
investing in sapphire glass to minimise end of 2018, which sor in the first place,
scratching and putting a hardware “neu- uses a neural network effectively “guessing”
ral engine” inside the phone to handle to brighten low-light what the image would
some of the more complicated elements shots, turning grainy, have looked like if it
of “computational photography” – using were better lit. It’s less pho-
machine learning to manipulate images. A phone camera tography and more computer-
in action. (Istock) aided illustration, creating an artifi-
cial image based on reality that is more
12. to focus on se concentrer sur / heavily fortement
to hit, hit, hit atteindre / to struggle lutter, peiner à /
/ further ici, plus loin / stunning stupéiant,
real than real. l
ingertip bout du doigt.
11. area domaine / lens objectif / top-end haut de extraordinaire / sight vision / feature caractéristique;
gamme / scratching rayure / hardware matériel ici, fonction / to release lancer, sortir / towards ici,
informatique; ici, processeur / neural engine moteur juste avant / to brighten éclaircir / shot prise de vue /
to turn into transformer en / grainy au piqué grossier, still photo / to add in ajouter / sensor capteur / to
neuronal / computational numérique / machine light, lit, lit éclairer.
learning apprentissage automatique. de mauvaise qualité /
© Photo Alexis Limousin
De Bérengère Viennot BONANZA
Depuis près de vingt ans, Bérengère Viennot est De Charley Crockett
traductrice de presse, de l’anglais vers le français. Dans Originaire du Texas, Charley
ce court essai, elle explique comment l’élection de Crockett a parcouru les
Donald Trump à la présidence des États-Unis a États-Unis en stop avant de
radicalement bouleversé sa manière de travailler. s’installer en Europe, où il a
« Comment bien traduire quelqu’un qui s’exprime joué dans la rue. Après trois
mal ? » s’interroge-t-elle. Passant à la moulinette le albums ayant connu un
vocabulaire, le registre de langue, les traits d’humour, les grand succès critique, ce
déclarations assassines et la manière compulsive de prodige du blues et de la
tweeter du président américain, Bérengère Viennot pose soul est de retour avec Lil G.L.’s Blue Bonanza, dans lequel il
avec beaucoup d’humour la question essentielle de reprend des standards du blues. L’occasion de redécouvrir des
l’impact des mots dans la sphère politique et publique. chansons parfois oubliées, sublimées par la voix hors norme
Éditions Les Arènes - 14€90 et la guitare électrique de Charley Crockett.
Des exemplaires Son of Davy / Modulor Des exemplaires
à gagner ! 15€99 à gagner !
sur www.vocable.fr sur www.vocable.fr
34 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 février 2019
Shaving company Gillette has launched a very controversial advertising campaign promoting a new kind of
positive masculinity. The ad, which replaced Gillette’s emblematic tagline “The best a man can get” with “The
best men can be” and featured news clips of reporting on the #MeToo movement, as well as footage showing
sexism in films and violence between boys, has gone viral, reaching more than 4 million views on YouTube in 18
hours. It has been both widely praised and criticised, some public figures having also criticised the fact that
the ad’s director, Kim Gehrig, is... a woman. Gillette said this advertisement is part of a broader initiative for
the company to promote “positive and healthy versions of what it means to be a man.” It has also promised to
donate $1m a year for three years to non-profit organisations with programs supporting this cause.
ad = advertisement publicité / shaving rasage / kind genre, type / tagline slogan / to feature contenir, présenter, faire igurer / footage séquences, images / to reach
atteindre / widely largement, très / to praise acclamer / director ici, réalisateur(-trice) / broad large, vaste / healthy sain / non-proit (organisation) à but non lucratif / to
support soutenir, défendre.
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