Entraînement Cognitif Multimodale Personnes Âgée
Entraînement Cognitif Multimodale Personnes Âgée
Entraînement Cognitif Multimodale Personnes Âgée
Auffray C., Juhel Jacques. Effets généraux et différentiels d'un programme d'entraînement cognitif multimodal chez la
personne âgée. In: L'année psychologique. 2001 vol. 101, n°1. pp. 65-89;
doi : https://doi.org/10.3406/psy.2001.29716
Summary : General and differential effects of a multimodal cognitive training program for the elderly.
This study concerns the evaluation of the efficiency of a cognitive training program on 80-year-old
subjects' performance measures on 8 cognitive tasks (attentional control, memory, reasoning). The
experimental group (N = 64) attended 6 multimodal cognitive training sessions (attention, memory,
reasoning) whereas the control group (N = 18) took part in 6 discussion sessions. Elderly people's
cognitive performances before and just after the program, as well as 6 and 9 months later were
compared. The principal results show a significant gain in cognitive performance on memory tasks
even several months after the training program. The individual differences analysis shows that our
training program was primarily effective for subjects characterised by high levels of performance on
preliminary cognitive tests. Two conclusions are advanced ; cognitive plasticity may not be possible for
very aged people with low cognitive levels and limited educational background. Cognitive programs
should be adapted with regard to less abstract exercises based on participants' cognitive levels.
Key words : ageing, cognitive plasticity, cognitive training, interindividual variability.
L'Année psychologique, 2001, 101, 65-89
Tableau I. — Description
par groupe d'âge de l'échantillon des 82 sujets
ayant participé à l'étude dans son intégralité.
Les valeurs moyennes sont en caractères normaux
et les écarts types entre parenthèses
Descriptive statistics by age groups for the 82 people
who completed the research. Means and standard
deviations (in parentheses) are presented
a) Le programme de remédiation
Le programme de remédiation auquel participent les sujets de l'étude
est de type multimodal. Sa construction est largement inspirée des travaux
Entraînement cognitif chez la personne âgée 71
24 25 26 27 28 29
+ = +1 23 +* * * * .f. * *
- = -2 30 3132 30 28
26 24 22 20 18
* * * _ * *
16 17 18
* -f * *
Réponse : 18
70 —
60 — Gr. expérimental
50 -
40 — Gr. contrôle
30 —
9 —
Gr. expérimental
7 — Gr. contrôle
6 —
5 —
6 —
5 —
Gr. expérimental
4 —
3 — Gr. contrôle
2 —
6 —
5 —
^. _ Gr. expérimental
6 —
5 —
4 — -# Expérimental
3 — Témoin
2 —
6 _
5 — Gr. expérimental
4 — Gr. contrôle
3 —