Standard Genset Features Generator Set Performance Generator Set Options
Standard Genset Features Generator Set Performance Generator Set Options
Standard Genset Features Generator Set Performance Generator Set Options
Technical Data
Prime Power is available continuously during the period of power outage in a variable load application. Variable load should not exceed a 70% average of the prime power rating during any 24 hour period. A
10% overload capability is available for a period of 1 hour within a 12 hour period of operation.
The Standby Power is applicable for supplying emergency power for the duration of a utility power interruption. No overload, utility parallel or negotiated outage operation capability is available at this rating.
In installations served by unreliable utility sources (where outages last longer or occur more frequently), where operation is likely to exceed 200 hours per year, the prime power rating should be applied.
The Standby Power rating is only applicable for emergency and standby applications where the generator set serves as the back up to the normal utility source.
All ratings are based on the following reference conditions:
- Ambient temperature : 27°C - Altitude above sea level : 150 metres - Relative humidity : 60%
Enclosed Version
Dry weight with Wet weight with
Model Engine Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm)
tank (Kg) tank (Kg)
C400 D5 NTA855G4 4500 1600 2250 5450 6230