SVO Word Order Errors in English-Arabic Translation

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Meta: journal des traducteurs/ Meta: Translators' Journal, vol. 52, n 2, 2007, p. 299-308.

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"SVO Word Order Errors in English-Arabic Translation"
Meta |||, z, zoo,
King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Nous avons assemble un corpus d'erreurs de structure SvO tirees de projets d'etudian-
tes en traduction. Les structures deviantes sont jugees selon des criteres syntaxiques,
semantiques, pragmatiques et de discours. Nous presenterons le pourcentage des
erreurs intra- et interlinguales, les contextes syntaxiques ou les sujets sont mal places,
les strategies employees pour imposer l'ordre SvO, et les cas de connaissance insuFF-
sante de la premiere langue. Nous donnerons des suggestions pour ameliorer chez les
etudiants la perception des contraintes pragmatiques, syntaxiques et de discours dans la
traduction des structures SvO.
An error corpus oF deviant SvO structure was collected From the translation projects oF
students majoring in translation. Syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and discoursal criteria
were used to judge the deviations. Percentages oF interlingual and intralingual errors, the
syntactic contexts in which subjects were misplaced, the strategies used to impose SvO
order, and areas oF L inadequate competence will be reported. Implications For increasing
students' awareness oF the pragmatic, discoursal and syntactic constraints in translating
SvO structures will be provided.
deviant structure, pragmatics, SvO word order, syntactic constraints, translation error
1. Introduction
Errors are an indispensable part of learning translation. They result from two psy-
chological processes: transfer and simplifcation (Arabski 1979). Numerous resear-
chers have examined the lexical, structural, semantic, pragmatic, and stylistic errors
in translation. For instance, Snock, (1990), Jordens (1990), Verrips and Weissenborn
(1992), Kirby (1988), Mavrides (1990), Ross (1987), Wongspthorn (1983), He (1996),
and Dancette (1993) investigated word order errors in English, German, Spanish,
French, Dutch, Thai and Chinese. They examined the acquisition of verb placement,
passives and preposition in L2 and translation. Khafaji (1996), Farghal and Al-
Shorafat (1996) and Goldman (1989) reported errors in passive structures and pre-
positions in Arabic. Although word order has been found to constitute a major
diffculty in translation, studies that analyze subject-verb-object (SVO) errors and
verb-subject-object (VSO) errors in English-Arabic translation are lacking.
This study attempted to describe the nature, frequency and possible sources of
deviant subject-verb-object structures in the translation of texts from English into
Standard Arabic by advance college students majoring in translation. Specifcally, the
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present study aimed to fnd out the percentage of deviant SVO sentences in English-
Arabic (L2/L1) translation, the number of deviations in misplaced verbs, the percent-
age of interlingual errors and intralingual errors and areas of inadequate L1 competence.
In addition, this study reported the percentage of pragmatically, discoursally and
semantically deviant SVO structures, examined the syntactic environments in which
deviant SVO structures occurred and the strategies student translators used to impose
an SVO word order.
Examination of SVO word order errors is intended to reveal students` weaknesses,
the processes they employ in translating VSO sentences, and the factors that infuence
their language-switching behavior and thinking processes. It will shed some light on
their awareness of word order differences between English and Arabic. Awareness of
the deviant paths of translation may disclose neglected areas of translation teaching
and theory and will be helpful in planning translation instruction.
2. SVO and VSO in Arabic
According to traditional Arab grammarians, VSO (Verbal sentences) is the normal
syntactic word order. According to generative grammar, VSO is the basic word order
and SVO is derived through subject movement. VSO order is unmarked for focus,
emphasis and information distribution. Statistically, VSO order is more frequent than
SVO. Al-Khuli (1982) collected a sample of eighty 50-word long paragraphs covering
literature, sociology, education, history, religion, literary history, geography, econom-
ics, physics, health, mathematics, psychology, biology, general science from monthly
and weekly magazines, daily newspapers, and junior and senior high school books.
He found that verbal sentences constitute 64.21%. In addition, Abdul-Raof (1998)
and Parkinson (1981) found variations in the percentage of VSO within particular
genres and styles. The percentage of VSO structures in novels and plays was found to
be 60%-87%, in main headlines (100%), in main and sub-headlines (92%), in
political speeches (48%), in editorials and short stories (39%), in linguistics disserta-
tions (34%), in magazines (30%), in scholarly journals & political science (27%), and
in news articles (8%). Furthermore, Parkinson found variations in the use of VSO
pattern by Arab writers: Mohammed Abdo (90%), Ahmed Amin (87%), Taha Hussein
(87%), and Shibly Shumayyil (54%).
According to Abdul-Raof (1998), Arabic speakers/writers prefer VSO unless there
is a good reason to use SVO. The shift from VSO to SVO is pragmatically motivated,
and is related to discourse and sometimes style. Pragmatic and discoursal factors that
affect the use of the SVO order include implied contrast and new information, intro-
ducing a discourse topic, discourse structure and organization of information.
As to the semantic functions of VSO and SVO in SA, the SVO pattern gives
emphasis to the subject, whereas the VSO pattern gives emphasis to the verb. There is
a strong tendency for given topical information to be followed by new asserted infor-
mation. The natural tendency to topicalize the subject and to place topical or given
information in sentence-initial position accounts for the frequency of subject initial
word-order types (Abdul-Raof). The various meanings in sentences are identifed by
the communicative intention of the speech act, the speaker`s emotional state, and the
theme-rheme composition (rheme is the part of an utterance that contains the aim of
the message and the theme is the part that carries additional information).
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Syntactically speaking, SVO structures (nominal sentences and clauses) are used
in the following cases: (i) sentences consisting of a subject and a predicate; (ii) sen-
tences beginning with emphatic /?inna/; (iii) sentences beginning with auxiliary /
kaana/; (iv) sentences beginning with the negative particle /laa/; (v) after /THanna/
'thought` group; (vi) after /qaala/ 'said`; (vii) after /?axbara/ 'told` and /?araa/ 'showed,`
(viii) in answer to certain interrogatives. On the other hand, VSO structures (verbal
sentences) are used in the following cases: (a) Conditional sentences beginning with
certain particles; (b) When independent subject pronouns are deleted. Independent
pronoun usage in subject position is discourse-based; (c) After sentence initial adver-
bials and prepositional phrases, (d) in passive clauses (Sharif 1993; Al-Khuli 1982).
Disjuncts and ccnjuncts, cccrdinating and subcrdinating ccnjuncticns and adverbi-
als that cccur initially dc nct affect the VSO crder. NPs which are mcst thematic due tc
their infcrmaticn status cccupy the thematic pcsiticn. The infcrmaticn status cf an NP
ccmes either frcm the inherent saliency cr frcm its disccurse acquired prcminence. The
disccurse fccus paragraph tcpic. Extrapcsed subject. Extrapcsed theme. Ccntextual
ccnstraints (genre) infuence the subject/agent distributicn. \crd crder is ccntrclled by
pragmatic ccnsideraticns. It is the disccurse-neutral crder. Qucting clauses always start
with a verb. Subject, theme and agent tend tc ccincide in narrative disccurse, perscnal
ccmmentary and cleft sentences but dc nct tend tc ccincide in expcsitcry, descriptive cr
instructicnal disccurse. Disccurse-pragmatic factcrs are the majcr driving fcrce fcr the
shift frcm cne wcrd crder tc ancther.
To conclude, English is an SVO language but Arabic displays a greater variety of
choices than English. The subject-verb pattern in SA is a free variant of regular pat-
terns, while in English it is a restricted variant. The choice between VSO and SVO in
Arabic is related to syntactic, pragmatic, discoursal and semantic factors available in
a particular context.
3. Subjects
46 senior female students majoring in translation at the College of Languages and
Translation (COLT), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia participated in the
study. All the subjects were native speakers of Arabic. They all had completed courses
in EFL (66 hours), linguistics (11 hours), interpreting (15 hours), written translation
in 18 subject areas (36 hours), target culture (7 hours), and Arabic syntax and mor-
phology (18 hours).
4. Data Collection and Analysis
Since it is diffcult to calculate the percentage of deviant SVO structures in an output
translation, 32 senior students took a test in which they translated ten English
stretches of discourse into Arabic (median length 20 words; range 8-37 words),
to fnd out the percentage of deviant SVO in student translation.
In addition, 472 deviant SVO structures were collected from the translation
projects of 14 graduating seniors. Errors were collected from the frst translation of
the source text. Deviant SVO sentences were defned as those clauses or sentences in
which the verb was misplaced after the subject. They were judged to be deviant in
relation to the context in which they occurred. Judgments of deviation were based on
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syntactic, pragmatic, discoursal, and semantic criteria. Deviant SVO sentences were
submitted to a panel of 3 professors of Arabic to verify the error data.
Corpus analysis started by highlighting the verb and subjects which were mis-
placed before the verbs, identifying the particles that preceded the subjects, the syn-
tactic violations contained within each verb, and the type of sentence in which
deviations occurred. Each error was then classifed as being interlingual, due to trans-
fer from English, or intralingual, due to inadequate competence in Arabic. Intralingual
errors covered instances where the students failed to identify the syntactic, pragmatic,
discoursal and semantic conditions that require an SVO structure. Pragmatic, dis-
coursal and semantic errors are those where the SVO order was not motivated by
implied contrast, introduction of a topic of discourse, organization of information,
genre, focus and theme. SVO sentences that are semantically deviant are those where
the communicative intention of the speech act, the speaker`s emotional state, and the
theme-rheme composition do not require an SVO order. Syntactic errors are those in
which a grammatical rule is violated. The syntactic contexts (environments) in which
the verb was misplaced after the subject included the type of sentence where the
deviations occurred (Simple, Compound, Complex), the distance between subject and
verb, the complexity of the NP containing the subject, the particles preceding the
subject and verb, types of conjunctions used, the type of verb used (be or main verb),
voice of verb.
Avoidance strategies refer to those structures used to place the subject before the
verb instead of using a VSO structure. Those strategies included types of particles used,
verb deletion, use of derived verbal noun, adding the subject pronoun /huwa/ 'he.
Performance errors due to memory limitations, fatigue and the like, were excluded.
Percentages of errors in each category and inter-analyst reliability were calculated.
5. Results and discussion
5.1 Prequency and Source of SVO Errors
The English-Arabic translation test results showed that student translators have
rendered 176 or 55% SVO sentences in which the subject was misplaced before the
verb, although all the English stretches of discourse on the test required an Arabic
translation with a VSO order. In addition, examination of the 472 deviant SVO struc-
tures in Arabic collected from the translation projects showed that the students
calqued the English SVO order. These fnding are supported by previous translation
research. For example, Wilss (1974) found that interference occurs from L2 to L1 as
illustrated by German students learning English. In translating literary works from
English into Chinese and from Chinese into English indicated that translators used
the same word order, sentence order and structure as the original (He 1996). They
transferred L2 word order and structures into L1 translations. Moreover, Farghal
(1996), Farghal and Al-Shorafat (1996) found that Arab student translators tended to
translate English passives into Arabic passives. They used strategies that sought struc-
tural equivalence between English and Arabic. In translating German structures
containing prepositions into Arabic, interference was found to be a major cause of
errors (Goldmann 1989).
One explanation for transferring the English SVO word order to Arabic is the
students` inability to account for word order differences between both languages. In
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English-Arabic translation, students need to develop an awareness of the relationship
between word order and thematic structure and must recognize the types of phrases
that require use of an SVO construction. Olohan and Zahner (1996) asserted that
translation students who are aware that languages differ conceptually are better pre-
pared to recognize differences and provide more accurate translations. Failure to
account for the structural differences between Dutch (a V-oriented language) and
Italian (an N-oriented language) was found to be a major source of errors made by
Dutch-Italian translators (Ross 1987).
A second explanation is the students` tendency to translate word-by-word rather
than by meaning. They seemed to translate imitatively rather than discriminately.
Lado (1983) noted that unskilled translators operate largely at the level of individual
words and phrases, whereas skilled translators go from one language into the deep
memory /thought level and then back into the second language. This is also consistent
with fndings of studies on other languages. Thai students translated descriptive,
explanatory and persuasive texts from Thai (L1) into English (L2). Weaknesses in
Thai-English translations revealed a tendency to translate word-by-word rather than
by meaning (Wongsothorn 1983). When confronted with an English passive construc-
tion, Arab translators either used a corresponding Arabic active or translated the
sentence word for word (Khafaji 1996).
A third explanation is lack of comprehension of the source text due to its linguis-
tic complexity and inability to reproduce the meaning in the target language. Dancette
(1993) found that lack of comprehension underlies most errors in the translation of
informative, argumentative and rhetorical texts by M.A. Canadian students. Rodriguez
(1996) attributed the orthographic, syntactic, morphological, semantic and stylistic
errors in translating medially complex pragmatic texts from English into Spanish to
insuffcient comprehension of the original text and poor development of abilities in
the native language. In this study, the students had diffculty processing embedded
sentences, identifying reduced relative clauses, locating the target verb and connecting
it with the controlling subject. In example (1), the target verb 'is was deleted and the
passive verbs 'is accumulated and 'sealed were replaced by the derived nouns /taraa-
kumi/ and /lmasduuda/. The subordinate clauses 2, 3, 4 were reduced to one clause.
In the translation, /yu9rafu bismi maSyada/ 'kncwn as a trap refers to 'a geclcgical
fcrmaticn although in English it does not. Interestingly, the passive verb /yu9rafu/
took a mid-sentence position as the verb 'kncwn in the original. In (2), the students
did not seem to understand the meaning of 'is caught between fellcw and 'chief cus-
tcmer U.S., therefore, both phrases were deleted. The rest of the sentence was trans-
lated word for word.
(1) A geclcgical fcrmaticn [in which cil IS ACCUMULATED]1 [IS A PERMEABLE reservcir cf
rcck]2 [SEALED by a cap rcck]3 [KNOWN as a trap]4 and is capable cf explcitaticn as
an cil feld.
wa-ttakwiinu l-jiyuuluujii min Haythu tarakumi SSuxuuri l-xaazina l-masduuda
fi Saxri l-GiTaa?] yu9rafu bi-smi maSyada ...
(2) Venezuela, wcrlds Nc. 1 crude expcrter, [IS CAUGHT between fellcw] OPEC members
and [chief custcmer U.S.] during cil crisis spawned by Arab-Israeli war.
vinizwillaa lmuSaddiru l?awwal li-nnafTi l-xaam wa-hiya ?aHadu ?a9Daa?i munaD-
HDHamati upik xilaala ?azmati nnafTi nnaashi?a bi-sababi l-Harbi l-?arabiyya
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A fourth explanation is inadequate competence in Arabic. In 32% of the deviant
SVO structures, at least one Arabic grammatical rule was violated, 62% were prag-
matic and 55% were discoursal due to inability to recognize the discourse structure
and information organization as illustrated in the examples below.
5.2 Syniacic Coniexis n Vhch Devani SVO's Occurred
It was found that 34% of the subjects were misplaced before the verb when the head
noun was embedded in a long or complex NP. For example, in (1) above, the head
noun 'geclcgical fcrmaticn is embedded in a long and complex NP and is separated
from the target verb 'is by a relative clause. 8% of the misplaced subjects were sepa-
rated from the controlling verbs by a relative clause. In (3) below, the head noun 'This
is separated from the target verb 'prcved by a long and complex conjoined NP. In (4)
the head noun 'relaticnship is also embedded in a long NP. In (1), (3) and (4) the
target verbs have a mid-sentence position and follow their controlling head nouns
and so do their Arabic equivalents.
(3) This, plus the hercic stand cf the Belgians and the stubbcrn resistance cf the Irench
and British, PROVEDTOBE Germanys.
wa-haadha ttaSarruf, bi-l-?iDaafati?ila l-wiqfa l-butuuliyya lil-baljiik wa-l-
muqaawama l-9aniida min0,qibali faransaa wa-biriTaanyaa kaana ssabab fi hazii-
mati ?almaanya.
(4) The RELATIONSHIPS between lccal administrative units and cther agencies cf lccal
gcvernment VARY widely frcm state tc state.
wa-l-9alaaqa bayna l-wiHdaati l-?idaariyya f-l madaarisi l-maHaliyya wa-l-wakaa-
laati l-?uxraa li-l-Hukuuma l-maHaliyya taxtalifu kathiiran min wilaaya li-?uxra
In 17% of the deviant SVO structures, subjects were misplaced before passive
verbs even when the subjects are short NP`s. In (5), 'was prcduced was replaced by
the Arabic passive verb /?untija/. The subject /zzayti lxaam/ 'crude cil is a short NP,
however it was misplaced before the verb. /fa/, a topicalizer, is usually attached to
subjects in SVO orders, was added. Here, the students sought structural equivalence
between English and Arabic regardless of the differences in passive usage.
(5) Crude cil WAS PRODUCED in quantities in excess cf demand, acccmpanied by a sharp
price decrease
fa-zzayti l-xaam ?untija fi muqaaTa9aatin ta-tazaayadu fiha Ttalab 9alay-hi ma9a
nuqSaani ssi9ri l-Haadd.
Moreover, 12% of the subjects occurring in compound and complex sentences
were misplaced before the verb. The Arabic translation of the complex sentence in (6)
requires two clauses with a VSO structure. However, in translating the main clause 'a
vertical separaticn cccurs, the students calqued the English SV structure. They violated
a rule that requires use of two verbal clauses when using /9indama/, i.e., two clauses
with a parallel structure. Another example of lack of parallelism in coordinated
clauses is sentence (7). Here, each Arabic clause begins with a conjunction. An Arabic
rule that requires use of verbal clauses after conjunctions is again violated. 'Haythu
?inn` /as/ that is followed by an SVO structure was used, although another variant /
Haythu/ is followed by a VSO structure beginning with /kaana-t-aa/ 'was - IEM -
DUAI should have been used. In (7), a second rule that requires use of auxiliary verbs
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like /kaana/ and /?aSbaHa/ in sentence initial position was violated. 11% of the mis-
placed subjects were misplaced before auxiliary verbs.
(6) !S the mixture cf gas, cil and water COLLECTS under the cap rcck, a vertical separaticn
wa-9indama ya-tajamma9u xaliiTu l-ghaazi wa-l-maa? wa-nnafT taHta Saxri ssaqf,
fa-?inna nfSaal 9amuudi ya-Hduth.
(7) Bulgaria and Turkey WERE almcst defeated, and Austria WAS weakening rapidly. (New
Haythu ?inna bulghaarya wa-turkiyaa kaan-at-aa1 9alaa washaki l-haziima,
baynamaa kaan-at2 nnamsaa ta-D9ufu bi-sur9a.
Furthermore, 3% of the subjects were misplaced in conditional sentences. In (8)
below, the conditional particle /?ithaa/ 'if was misplaced after the subject /wa ?ay
mina lmaa? ?awi zzayt/ any water, cil cr gas. Here a grammatical rule was violated.
Like the topicalizer /fa/ in (5) above, /wa/ that is usually attached to subjects in SVO
structures was added.
(8) Any water, cil cr gas that DOES NOT lND a sealing cap rcck, ESCAPES tc the surface,
leaving behind an asphaltic depcsit.
wa-?ay mina l-maa? ?awi l-Gaazi ?awi zzayt ?ithaa lam yajid Saxru ssaqf llathii
yaquumu bi-saddihi, ya-nfathu ?ilaa ssaTHi.
Also, 6% of the subjects were misplaced in nominal clauses following /?anna/ or
/?an/ 'that in (9) below, /?anna/ should be followed by a VSO structure and the future
particle /sawfa/ should be added to the verb in the main clause. Here again, the stu-
dents imitated the English source text and sought equivalent SVO clauses.
(9) Vast immigraticns.decreased the LIKELIHOOD THAT a child educated in a given ccmmu-
nity WOULDSPEND the prcductive years cf his life there.
wa-qad qallalati l-hijraatu ..mina Htimaali ?anna TTifa llathii talaqqaa ta9liimahu
fi mujtama9in mu9ayyan sawfa yaqDii .
Finally, although sentences that follow the particle /laakinna/ 'but or 'whereas
usually have an SVO order, the Arabic sentence in (10) should have a VSO after the
particle /laakin/ 'but.` In (10), a rule was violated as the students equated the particles
/laakin/ and /laakinna/ and hence sought an equivalent SVO structure as the source
text. The emphatic particle /qad/ was added before the verb to make the SVO sentence
(10) But, scme pecple MIGHTGET the infecticn twice.
wa-laakin ba9Da l-?ashxaaS qad yuSaabuun marratayn
5.3 Avodance Siraieges Used n Connecied Dscourse and n Isolaion
To impose an SOV order, contrast particles like /?ammaa/ 'as fcr that require an SVO
order were added in sentence initial position. This strategy was used in 46% of the
deviant SVO structures. In (11), the verb /qaawamuu/ 'fcught was misplaced after the
subject /lbaljiikiyyuun/ 'Belgians.` To ensure that the Arabic SVO sentence is accept-
able, the emphatic particles /qad/ was added before the verb /qaawamuu/. The par-
ticle /?ammaa/ shows contrast and /qad/ shows emphasis. Here again the students
sought word order equivalence between English and Arabic regardless of the prag-
matic and discoursal intents of the source text. They ignored the way information is
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organized in the source text. This sentence is the frst sentence of the paragraph. It is
a declarative sentence with a neutral tone, with no emphasis or contrast. Contrast and
emphasis are not required by the discourse structure of the original.
(11) The Belgians FOUGHT sc stubbcrnly that the Germans were held up at Iiege ?ammaa
lbaljiikiyyuun fa-qad qaawamuu bi-basaala li-daraja ?anna l-?almaan tawa-
A second strategy was use of the emphatic particle /?inna/ which occurred in 16%
of the deviant SVO structures. In (12), the verb /bada?a/ 'began was misplaced in
sentence mid-position, as it is in the original. The emphatic particle /?inna/ which is
used in nominal sentences was added, although the original sentence is the frst sen-
tence of the paragraph and is unmarked for emphasis by the discourse structure. In
(13) however, the English word order was calqued. The topicalizer /fa/ and emphatic
/?inna/ were inserted to ensure an SVO order, although grammatical rules require that
a VSO structure follow a PP in sentence-initial position and passive verbs be placed
in sentence initial position. Similarly, /?inna/ was added in (6) above, although the
English sentence is unmarked for emphasis. In both sentences, the students violated
pragmatic and discoursal conditions and violated a syntactic rule that requires use of
a verbal main clause in complex sentences beginning with /9indama/.
(12) The ccmmercial prcducticn cf petrcchemicals BEGAN in the 1920s.
INNA l-?intaaja ttijaarii mina l-bitruukiimaawiyyaat BADAA f l-9ishriinaat.
(13) )NADDITION tc thcse shapes, Arabic calligraphy WASCONSIDERED a type cf Arabesque.
wa-bi-l-?iDaafa ?ilaa tilka l-?shkaal, fa-?inna l-Huruufa l-?arabiyya 9tubirat juz?an
mina zzaxrafati l-?islaamiyya.
A third avoidance strategy was use of verbal nouns instead of verbs in 16% of the
deviant SVO structures on the test. In (14) the verb 'threatened was substituted by
the verbal noun /tahdiidu/ 'threat and placed in sentence initial position. The struc-
ture of the whole sentence was slightly manipulated to provide for the SVO order. In
8% of the SVO errors on the test, the lexical verb was deleted as in (2) above.
(14) Iraq THREATENED tc quit OPEC.
tahdiidu l-9iraaq bi-qaT9i 9uDwiyyati-haa fi munaDHDHamati upik.
Another avoidance strategy was use of independent subject pronouns in 6% of
the deviant SVO structures. In Arabic, a clitic pronoun is an inherent part of each
verb and use of independent subject pronouns is redundant and is discourse based.
In (15), the original sentence is declarative, yet the students imitated the original and
added the pronoun /huwa/ 'it.` The particle /wa/ was also attached to the subject.
(15) It HAS 874 members.
wa-huwa yaDummu 874 9uDwan.
To summarize, the syntactic contexts in which the deviant SVO structures
occurred and the strategies used to impose SVO structures showed that the subjects
lack mastery of the following grammatical rules: placing the controlling subject before
the verb when it is embedded in a long or complex NP`s, when the verb is passive,
when conjunctions are used, before auxiliary verbs, when relative pronouns were used,
after /?anna/ 'that,` in parallel structures, in conditional sentences, in declarative sen-
tences that require deletion of independent subject pronouns. Those refect students`
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unawareness of the pragmatic and discoursal constraints imposed on choice of SVO
structure. The problem is compounded when the source text requires several layers
of analysis.
6. Conclusion
The present study attempted to examine the nature of transfer of SVO word order
from English (L2) into Arabic (L1). Results revealed students` inability to recognize
the differences between English and Arabic word orders; their inability to examine
the syntactic contexts and the pragmatic, semantic and discoursal conditions under
which SVO sentences are used.
Mastery of SVO and VSO structures in English-Arabic translation can be achieved
by improving translation instruction. Special Arabic language courses for translation
purposes should be offered. Those should focus on structures in which the subjects
were misplaced such as subject embedded in long and complex NP`s, with auxiliaries
and passives, after conditional particles, after topicalizers, after /laakin/, faulty use of
independent subject pronouns, in compound and complex sentences, in clauses
requiring a parallel structure, after initial PP. A constant attempt to contrast related
areas of English and Arabic word orders should be made. Exercises and tests should
require students to recognize examples of VSO and SVO orders in translation situa-
tions using texts with different registers and genres. Published translated material and
samples of student translations can be used to help students identify deviant SVO
structures and analyze SVO determining forces. While reformulating the target text,
they should pay attention to the syntactic shifts, particles used, discourse structure,
discourse topic, new and given information in the text.
Comparisons of the frequency, sources and causes of deviant SVO structures by
beginning and advance translation students need to be investigated by future transla-
tion research. Analysis of SVO and VSO errors in the translation of Arabic texts into
English is still subject to further investigation.
In the transcription of Arabic words, th voiceless dento-alveolar fricative; dh voiced dento-alveolar
fricative; Svoiceless palato-alveolar sulcal fricative; Hvoiceless pharyngeal fricative; Dvoiced dento-
alveolar emphatic plosive; T voiceless dento-alveolar emphatic plosive; Svoiceless dento-alveolar sulcal
emphatic fricative; DHvoiced dento-alveolar sulcal emphatic fricative; Gvoiced uvular fricative;
xvoiceless uvular fricative.
!BDUL2AOF, H. (1998): Subject, Theme and Agent in Mcdern Standard Arabic, Surrey, Curzon
!L+HULI, M. (1982): Al-Taraakeeb al-ahaa?i9a f llugha al-Arabiyya (Ccmmcn Structures in
Arabic), Dar Al-Uloom Publishing Co.
!RABSKI, J. (1979): Contrastive Studies and Interlanguage,` Papers and Studies in Ccntrastive
Iinguistics 10, pp. 135-143.
$ANCETTE, J. (1993): The Evaluation of Translation Performance: The weight of comprehension,`
Turjuman 2-1, pp. 45-61.
&ARGHAL, M. and M. !L3HORAFA (1996): The Translation of English Passives into Arabic: An
empirical perspective,` Target 8-1, pp. 97-118.
sv6 w6vo 6vorv rvv6vs i rciisi-tvtnic fvtsitfi6 o)
01.Meta 52.2.corr.indd 307 5/13/07 10:14:17 PM
o8 Mrft, LII, z, zoo)
'OLDMANN, I. (1989): Interference-conditioned Errors in Arabic Instruction: Presented on a
corpus of translations of the German prepositions into Arabic,` Iinguistische Studien 189,
pp. 141-151.
(E, W. (1996): The Style of Literary Works in Translation,` Perspectives. Studies in Translatclcgy
1, pp. 137-144.
+HAFAJI, R. (1996): Arabic Translation Alternatives for the Passive in English,` Papers and Studies
in Ccntrastive Iinguistics 31, pp. 19-37.
+IRBY, J. (1988): English Verbal Complements. Dutch-speaking Learners and the Role of Length:
An Investigation of Error in One Area of English Grammar,` Papers and Studies in Ccntrastive
Iinguistics 23, pp. 107-118.
-AVRIDES, V. (1990): An Analysis cf Errcrs Ccmmitted by Greek Iearners cf English in Prepcsiticns,
ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 326 054.
/LOHAN, M. and C. :AHNER (1996): Translation Theory and Cognitive Linguistics,` in (ICKEY,
T. and J. 7ILLIAMS (eds.), Ianguage, Educaticn and Scciety in a Changing \crld, Clevedon,
England, Multilingual Matters Ltd.
0ARKINSON, D. (1981): VSO to SVO in Modern Standard Arabic: A study in diglossia syntax,`
Al-Arabiyya 14, pp. 24-37.
2ODRIGUEZ, J. (1996): Analysis of Translation Mistake,` Van Taal tct Taal 40-3, pp. 115-127.
2OSS, D. (1987): Nominal versus Verbal Style (Some Cases of Syntactic Interference in Dutch-
Italian-Dutch Translation,` Iinguistica Antverpiensia 21, pp. 101-125.
3HARIF, M. (1993): Al-Tarakeeb al-naHwiyya (Grammatical Structures), Al-Shabaab Bookstore
3NOCK, G. (1990): Acquisition of Finite Verb Postposal in Dutch in Different Linguistic Contexts,`
Universit Libre de Bruxelles, Rapport d`activits de l`institut de phontique 26, pp. 33-58.
6ERRIPS, M. and J. 7EISSENBORN (1992): Routes to Verb Placement in Early German and French:
The independence of fniteness and agreement,` in -EISEL, J. (ed.) The Acquisiticn cf verb
Placement. Iuncticnal categcries and V2 phencmena in language acquisiticn, The Netherlands,
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
7ILSS, W. (1974): Prcblems in Errcr Analysis frcm Icreign Ianguage tc Scurce Ianguage-English tc
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7ONGSOTHORN, A. (1983): Analysis cf Ianguage Transfers frcm Thai tc English in Three Types cf
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7OOLMANN, A. (1982): Anatomy of a Translation,` Die Neueren Sprachen 81-4, pp. 385-406.
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