Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Prevention of Child Abuse Among The Mothers Residing at The Selected Rural Community, West Bengal
Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Prevention of Child Abuse Among The Mothers Residing at The Selected Rural Community, West Bengal
Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Prevention of Child Abuse Among The Mothers Residing at The Selected Rural Community, West Bengal
E-ISSN: 2664-1356
P-ISSN: 2664-1348 Assessment of knowledge and attitude regarding
IJAPN 2024; 6(2): 134-142
Received: 22-07-2024 prevention of child abuse among the mothers residing
Accepted: 29-08-2024
at the selected rural community, West Bengal
Rinki Panda
Sister Tutor, Nursing Training
School, Lady Dufferin Victoria Rinki Panda and Gita Purkait
Hospital, Kolkata, West
Bengal, India
Gita Purkait
Principal (Officiating), College Abstract
of Nursing, Institute of A descriptive study was conducted to assess knowledge and attitude regarding prevention of child
Psychiatry, Centre of abuse among the mothers residing at the selected rural community, West Bengal. The data was
Excellence, Kolkata, West collected from 120 mothers, selected by simple random sampling technique by administering Semi-
Bengal, India structured socio-demographic proforma, structured knowledge questionnaire and structured attitude
measuring scale on prevention of child abuse. Study findings revealed that 20.83%, 71.67%, 7.5% rural
mothers had very good, good, fair knowledge score respectively; 20%, 65%, 15% rural mothers had
satisfactory, fair, poor attitude level respectively. There are significant associations present between
level of knowledge with the mothers’ age (p0.0319), education (χ227.35), spouses’ education/
occupation (p0.0052/p0.0079), monthly per capita income (p0.0272) and source of knowledge (χ 211.1);
and between levels of attitude with source of knowledge ((χ26.33). This study recommends to assess
the impact of knowledge on practice and experimental study on prevention of child abuse on both
illiterate/ literate parents.
Children are a blessing from the Lord. They embody innocence, sincerity, joy, love, and
hope. Children go through a gradual process of maturation, gaining new experiences and
forming the foundation of a nation. Healthy children grow up to become healthy adults,
possessing optimal physical strength and emotional stability to contribute effectively to
society and the nation-building process. Parents are responsible for providing safe and secure
environment to their children to grow physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.
In Indian society, mothers play a vital role as primary caregivers in the upbringing of their
children [1].
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) [2], child abuse or maltreatment
encompasses physical abuse, emotional maltreatment, sexual abuse, neglect, commercial
exploitation, and other forms of exploitation that cause actual or potential harm to a child’s
health, survival, development, and dignity in relation to responsibility, trust or power.
In India, approximately 35% of the total population consists of children below 15 years of
age. Child abuse is one of the most significant social problems worldwide, affecting girls and
boys of all ages, religions, and socioeconomic levels. It can occur in various places such as
homes, schools, orphanages, and day care centres; perpetrated by caregivers and other adults
Violence against children is a pervasive issue that affects children from all socio-economic
backgrounds. It can occur in various settings, such as homes, schools, communities, and
online platforms. Many children suffer from violence and abuse, while many more are at
risk. Perpetrators of child abuse can be family members, intimate partners, teachers,
neighbours, strangers, or even other children. Such abuses not only inflict harm, pain, and
humiliation on children but can also be fatal. All children have the right to be protected from
Corresponding Author: abuse, regardless of the nature or severity of the act, as all forms of abuse can cause harm to
Rinki Panda children, diminish their sense of self-worth, violate their dignity, and hinder their
Sister Tutor, Nursing Training development [4].
School, Lady Dufferin Victoria Several factors contribute to child abuse, including poverty, overcrowding, parental mental
Hospital, Kolkata, West illness, substance abuse, family crises, and a history of violence within the family.
Bengal, India
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Family disturbances, such as unwanted pregnancies, single 3. To examine the association between the knowledge and
parenting, immature parenting, angry and frustrated parents, attitude regarding prevention of child abuse among the
and parents who were abused in their own childhood, are rural mothers
major causes of child abuse [3]. 4. To find out the association between the level of
According to the NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau) knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse among
report for 2021, a total of 1, 49,404 cases of crime against the mothers with the selected socio-demographic
children were registered in India, showing a 16.2% increase variables
compared to 2020. Madhya Pradesh had the highest number 5. To ascertain the association between the level of
of cases (19,173), followed by Maharashtra (17,261), Uttar attitude regarding prevention of child abuse among the
Pradesh (16,838), West Bengal (9,523), and Odisha (7,899). mothers with the selected socio-demographic variables
The crime rate registered per lakh children population
increased from 28.9 in 2020 to 33.6 in 2021. Hypothesis
Under the Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences H01: There is no significant association between the
(POCSO) Act, a total of 53,874 cases were registered, with knowledge and attitude regarding prevention of child abuse
Uttar Pradesh leading in the number of cases (7,129), among the mothers at 0.05 level.
followed by Maharashtra (6,200), Madhya Pradesh (6,070),
Tamil Nadu (4,465), and Karnataka (2,813). Under the H1: There is significant association between the knowledge
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children Act), a and attitude regarding prevention of child abuse among the
total of 1,871 cases were registered, with Rajasthan having mothers at 0.05 level.
the highest number of cases (516), followed by Telangana
(391), Kerala (297), Tamil Nadu (101), and Assam (88) [5]. H02: There is no significant association between the levels
In 2021, a total of 9,523 cases of crime against children of knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse among
were registered in West Bengal, with 2,607 cases falling the mothers with the selected socio-demographic variables
under the POCSO act and 32 cases under the Juvenile at 0.05 level.
Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act. The crime
rate registered per lakh children population in West Bengal H2: There is significant association between the levels of
was 31.7 [5]. knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse among the
NCRB [5] reports indicate that abusers in India, including mothers with the selected socio-demographic variables at
West Bengal, are often close family members such as 0.05 level.
grandfathers, fathers, and brothers. In India, the percentage
of known abusers were 4.4%, while in West Bengal it was H03: There is no significant association between the levels
recorded at 2.52%. of attitude regarding prevention of child abuse among
The impact of child abuse on children is profound and can mothers with the selected socio-demographic variables at
have long-lasting consequences on a child’s beliefs, self- 0.05 level.
esteem, development and ability to function. Abuse often
occurs repeatedly and involves many types, resulting in H3: There is significant association between the levels of
lifelong complications to a child’s mental and physical attitude regarding prevention of child abuse among mothers
health [6]. with the selected socio-demographic variables at 0.05 level.
Parental awareness, most importantly mother’s knowledge
and attitude are important factors in the prediction and Materials and Methods
prevention of child abuse [1]. Given the importance of Research approach: Quantitative non experimental
parental knowledge and awareness in preventing child research approach was adopted for this study.
abuse, the researcher wanted to conduct a study on
assessment of knowledge and attitude regarding prevention Research design: Descriptive research design was used to
of child abuse among the rural mothers having children aged
assess the knowledge and attitude regarding prevention of
up to 15 years because the mothers are the primary care
child abuse among 120 rural mothers.
providers of their children.
Variables: Socio-demographic variables including age of
Statement of the problem
the mother in years, education of the mother, occupation,
Assessment of knowledge and attitude regarding prevention
of child abuse among the mothers residing at the selected religion, spouse’s education, spouse’s occupation, type of
rural community, West Bengal. family, monthly per capita income (by B. G Prasad, 2022),
number of children aged up to 15 years, source of
Purpose of the study knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse, having
The purpose of the study was to assess knowledge and abused (sexual) child, personal experiences of abuse
attitude regarding prevention of child abuse among the rural (sexual) at childhood.
mothers that they can safeguard their children and make Research variables were Knowledge regarding prevention of
aware the society. child abuse and Attitude regarding prevention of child
Objectives of the study
1. To assess the knowledge regarding prevention of child Setting: Setting for final study was Uttar Tajpur village,
abuse among the rural mothers Purba Medinipur, West Bengal.
2. To measure the attitude regarding prevention of child
abuse among the rural mothers
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Population: The population of the study were rural mothers three options. A score value of one (1) is allotted to each
who had children up to the age of 15 years. correct respond and zero (0) for incorrect respond. The
highest possible score is 24 and lowest possible score is 0.
Sample: In this study, sample was rural literate mothers. Score obtained by the mothers ≤9.6 (≤40%) was graded as
Who had at least primary level of education and who met poor, score 9.7-14.4 (41%-60%) was graded as fair, score
the inclusion and exclusion criteria? 14.5-19.2 (61%-80%) was graded as good and score 19.3-24
Sample size: In this study sample size was 120. (81%-100%) was graded as very good. A structured attitude
measuring scale on prevention of child abuse consisting of
Sampling technique: Sample were selected by simple 30 items; among these 20 positive items and 10 negative
random sampling technique. items and having option- strongly agree (SA), agree,
undecided, disagree, strongly disagree (SD) and scored as
Data collection tools: A semi-structured socio-demographic 4,3,2,1,0 respectively. Gradation of scoring was done on the
proforma (tool I), structured knowledge questionnaire (tool basis of computation of mean ± 1SD and minimum possible
II) and structured attitude measuring scale (tool III) on obtainable score 0 / maximum possible obtainable score
prevention of child abuse were prepared. 120. Level of attitude was calculated by mean ± 1SD; where
A socio-demographic proforma consisting of 12 items was mean = 100.46 and SD = 6.91. Score obtained by the
constructed to record the selected socio-demographic mothers >108.37 [> (Mean + 1SD)] was graded as
variables of the sample. A structured knowledge satisfactory, score 94.55 to 108.37 [(Mean - 1SD) to (Mean
questionnaire consisting of 24 items on knowledge + 1SD)] was graded as fair, score <94.55 [< (Mean - 1SD)]
regarding prevention of child abuse. Every question has was graded as poor.
Validity of the tool: Validity of the tools were established Purba Medinipur district, and respective authorities of the
by opinion of the 10 (ten) experts of related field such as selected rural communities. Informed consent was taken
Psychiatric nursing, Psychiatric medicine, Clinical from each participant.
psychology, Psychiatric social work to ensure content
validity. Suggestions of experts were incorporated for Final data collection procedure: Data was collected from
appropriation of the data collection tools. 120 rural mothers who had child/children aged up to 15
years at the selected rural community of Purba Medinipur
Reliability of the tool: The reliability of structured district from 17/01/2023- 16/02/2023. Sampling frame was
knowledge questionnaire was computed by split-half prepared and random selection of sample was done by using
method by using Spearman Brown Prophesy formula and lottery method according to the selection criteria. During
the reliability calculated was 0.83 indicating that the tool home visit, self-introduction was given to the subjects and
was highly reliable. The reliability of structured attitude purpose of the study was explained to each participant as
measuring scale was computed by Cronbach alpha formula per their understanding level. Informed consent was taken
and was found highly reliable with r =0.81. from all subjects. Separate code number was used for each
subject. Confidentiality and anonymity were maintained. At
Ethical consideration: Ethical permission was taken from first, tool I was administered followed by tool II and tool III.
Institutional Ethics Committee, IPGME&R Research The data collection process was terminated after giving
Oversight Committee, SSKM Hospital, Kolkata, West thanks to each subject for their co-operation and
Bengal. Administrative permission was taken from The participation in this study.
Officer on Special Duty (OSD) Nursing, Department of
Health and Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal, Results
The Principal (Officiating), College of Nursing, Institute of Findings related to socio-demographic variables of the
Psychiatry - COE, Kolkata, West Bengal, The CMOH of sample
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Fig 1: Split pie diagram showing percentage distribution of the mothers in terms of age in years
Data presented in figure 1 shows that 54% of the rural mothers were belonged to age group of 30-39 years and 22% were from
the age group of 40-49 years.
Fig 2: Bar diagram showing percentage distribution of the mothers in accordance with their education
Data presented in figure 2 shows that, educational status of 56% rural mothers was primary/ secondary level and only 8%
mothers was graduation and above level.
Fig 3: Split pie diagram showing percentage distribution of the mothers in connection with their number of children aged up to 15 years
Data presented in figure 3 shows that majority i.e., 51% of the rural mothers were having 1 child, 45% were having 2 children
aged up to 15 years.
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Table 2: Frequency and percentage distribution of the mothers as per their occupation, spouses’ education/ occupation, monthly per capita
income and Source of knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse n= 120
Socio-demographic variables Frequency Percentage
1. Occupation
a) Homemaker 90 75%
b) Daily wages worker 16 13.34%
c) Self-employed 10 8.33%
d) Service holder 4 3.33%
2. Spouse’s education
a) No formal education Nil -
b) Primary and secondary 58 48.33%
c) Higher secondary 47 39.17%
d) Graduation and above 15 12.5%
3. Spouse’s occupation
a) Unemployed Nil -
b) Daily wages worker 58 48.33%
c) Businessman 50 41.67%
d) Service holder 12 10%
4. Monthly per capita income (in Rs.)
i) Upper class (≥ 8220) 4 3.33%
ii) Upper middle class (4110-8219) 10 8.34%
iii) Middle class (2465-4109) 45 37.5%
iv) Lower middle class (1230-2464) 57 47.5%
v) Lower class (≤ 1230) 4 3.33%
5. Source of knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse
a) Family members/friends/neighbors 86 72%
b) Educational institute 10 8%
c) Mass media 24 20%
Data presented in table 2 shows that 75% of the rural good knowledge and only 7.5% had fair knowledge
mothers were homemakers and others were working regarding prevention of child abuse. But, no one had poor
mothers, educational status of 48.33% spouses of the rural knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse.
mothers was primary and secondary and all of their spouses
had formal education, 48.33% spouses of rural mothers Findings related to the attitude regarding prevention of
were daily wages worker and no one was unemployed, only child abuse among the rural mothers
3.33% rural mothers were belonged to upper class as well as
in lower class also and 47.5% were from lower middle class Table 4: Frequency and percentage distribution of the mothers
and most (72%) rural mothers’ source of knowledge according to their level of attitude regarding prevention of child
regarding prevention of child abuse were family member/ abuse n=120
friend/ neighbour, 20% rural mothers gained knowledge Sl. No. Level of attitude Frequency Percentage
from mass media and only 8% were gained knowledge from 1 Poor (<94.55) 18 15%
educational institutes. 2 Fair (94.55-108.37) 78 65%
3 Satisfactory (>108.37) 24 20%
Findings related to the knowledge regarding prevention Minimum possible score = 0
of child abuse among the rural mothers Maximum possible score=120
Table 3: Frequency and percentage distribution of the mothers as Data presented in table 4 shows that 15% of rural mothers
per their level of knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse had poor level of attitude, 65% had fair and 20% had
n=120 satisfactory level of attitude regarding prevention of child
Sl. No. Level of knowledge Frequency Percentage abuse.
1 Very good (81%-100% / 19.3-24) 25 20.83%
2 Good (61%-80% / 14.5-19.2) 86 71.67% Findings related to association between the knowledge
3 Fair (41%-60% / 9.7-14.4) 9 7.5% and attitude regarding prevention of child abuse
4 Poor (≤40% / ≤9.6) Nil - H01 There is no significant association between the
Minimum possible score = 0 knowledge and attitude regarding prevention of child abuse
Maximum possible score = 24 among the mothers at 0.05 level. H1 There is significant
association between the knowledge and attitude regarding
Data presented in table 3 shows that 20.83% of rural prevention of child abuse among the mothers at 0.05 level.
mothers had very good level of knowledge, 71.67% had
Table 5: Mean, standard deviation (SD), correlation co-efficient and related ‘t’ value of obtained scores of knowledge and attitude regarding
prevention of child abuse among the mothers n=120
Research variables Obtained score range Mean SD Correlation Coefficient (r) Related ‘t’ value
Knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse 13-22 18.05 1.97
0.305 3.48*
Attitude regarding prevention of child abuse 90-116 101.46 6.91
*Significant at p< 0.05; ‘t’ at df (119) = 1.98
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Data presented in table 5 shows that the obtained knowledge and attitude regarding prevention of child abuse among the
and attitude scores regarding prevention of child abuse, the mothers are interdependent on each other.
mean and standard deviation (SD) are 18.05±1.97; and Hence, it was evident that there was significant association
101.46 ±6.91 respectively. Calculated ‘r’ value between between the knowledge and attitude regarding prevention of
knowledge and attitude score is 0.305; that indicates lower child abuse among the mothers at 0.05 level.
moderately positive correlation between knowledge and So, null hypothesis (H01) is rejected and research hypothesis
attitude i.e., when knowledge is increased, the attitude (H1) is accepted.
regarding prevention of child abuse is also increased. The
calculated ‘t’ value is 3.48; that is statistically significant. Findings related to the association between the level of
So, there is significant association between knowledge and knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse among
attitude regarding prevention of child abuse of the rural the mothers with the selected socio-demographic
mothers at 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, knowledge variables
Table 6: Fisher- Freeman- Halton exact test on association between the level of knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse among the
mothers with their age, their spouses’education/ occupation, monthly per capita income (B.G Prasad, 2022) n= 120
Level of knowledge
Socio-demographic variable Total Calculated p value
Very good (19.3-24) Good (14.5-19.2) Fair (9.7-14.4) Poor (≤9.6)
1. Age of the mother (in years)
20-34 years 18 45 2 0 65
35-49 years 7 41 7 0 55 0.0319*
Total 25 86 9 0 120
2. Spouses’ education
Below secondary 5 48 5 0 58
Above secondary 20 38 4 0 62 0.0052*
Total 25 86 9 0 120
3. Spouses’ occupation
Daily wages worker 6 45 7 0 58
Business and service 19 41 2 0 62 0.0079*
Total 25 86 9 0 120
4. Monthly per capita income (by B.G Prasad, 2022)
≤ Middle class 18 79 9 0 106
≥ Upper middle class 7 7 0 0 14 0.0272*
Total 25 86 9 0 120
*Significant at p<0.05
Table 6 shows there were significant associations between occupation and monthly per capita income at 0.05 level of
the level of knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse significance as the obtained p values (0.0319, 0.0052,
among the mothers with their age, their spouses’ education/ 0.0079, 0.0272) are less than 0.05.
Table 7: Chi-square value showing the association between the level of knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse among the mothers
with their education and occupation and their source of knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse n=120
Level of knowledge
Calculated Calculated
Socio-demographic variable Very good Poor Total
Good (14.5-19.2) Fair (9.7-14.4) p value χ2 value
(19.3-24) (≤9.6)
1. Education of the mother
Below secondary 3 57 8 0 65
Above secondary 22 29 1 0 55 <0.0001 27.35*
Total 25 86 9 0 120
2. Occupation
Homemaker 14 69 7 0 90
Working 11 17 2 0 30 0.1 6.11
Total 25 86 9 0 120
3. Source of knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse
Family members/ friends/ neighbours 12 65 9 0 86
Educational institute and mass media 13 21 0 0 34 0.0112 11.1*
Total 25 86 9 0 120
* Significant at p<0.05; not significant at p>0.05; tabulated χ2, df (3) = 7.82 at 0.05 level
Table 7 shows that there were significant associations So, null hypothesis (H02) is rejected and research hypothesis
between the level of knowledge regarding prevention of (H2) is accepted.
child abuse among the mothers with their education (χ2
27.35) and their source of knowledge regarding prevention Findings related to the association between the level of
of child abuse (χ2 11.1) at 0.05 level as the obtained χ2 value attitude regarding prevention of child abuse among the
was more than table χ2 value (7.82) at df 3 and p < 0.05. mothers with the selected socio-demographic variables
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Table 8: Chi-square value showing the association between the level of attitude regarding prevention of child abuse among the mothers with
their source of knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse n=120
Level of attitude
Calculated p Calculated χ²
Socio-demographic variables Poor Fair Satisfactory Total
value value
(<94.55) (94.55-108.37) (>108.37)
1. Source of knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse
Family members/friends/neighbours 16 57 13 86
Educational institute and mass media 2 21 11 34 0.04 6.33*
Total 18 78 24 120
*Significant at p<0.05; df 2, tabulated χ2 = 5.99
Table 8 shows that there is significant association between calculated ‘r’ value between knowledge and attitude score is
the level of attitude regarding prevention of child abuse 0.3054; that indicates moderately positive correlation
among the mothers with their source of knowledge between knowledge and attitude of the mothers i.e., when
regarding prevention of child abuse at 0.05 level of knowledge is increased, the attitude regarding prevention of
significance as the obtained χ2 value (6.33) is more than the child abuse also increases. The calculated ‘t’ value is 3.48;
table value of χ2 (5.99) at df 2. that is significant. So, there is significant association
So, null hypothesis (H03) is rejected and research hypothesis between knowledge and attitude regarding prevention of
(H3) is accepted. child abuse of the rural mothers at 0.05 level of significance.
This study findings are supported by Pahantasingh S et al. [9]
Discussion (2020), in which findings revealed that there was a
Discussion in relation to knowledge regarding significant positive relationship between the knowledge and
prevention of child abuse attitude of mothers towards prevention of child sexual abuse
In this present study, it has been shown that 20.83% had as the 'r' value was 0.284 at p-value 0.004.
very good knowledge, 71.67% mothers had good And this study findings are also supported by Goswami S
knowledge, 7.5% had fair knowledge and none of them had (2019) [10]; where researcher found that there was significant
poor knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse. Mean correlation between knowledge and attitude of mothers as
knowledge score of rural mothers regarding prevention of Pearson ‘r’ value was 0.75 at p≤0.01 level of significance
child abuse was 18.08±1.97.
This study findings are supported by Mandal K [7] (2020). Discussion in relation to the association between the level
Among 100 mothers; 70% mothers had average level of of knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse among
knowledge, 19% had poor level of knowledge and 11% the mothers with the selected socio-demographic
mothers had excellent level of knowledge about child abuse. variables
Mean and standard deviation of knowledge scores of In this present study, it is evident that there are significant
mothers regarding child abuse was 19.69±3.42. associations between level of knowledge with education of
And this present study findings are also supported by the mothers (χ2=27.35) and source of knowledge regarding
Sultana T et al. [8] who conducted a descriptive study in prevention of child abuse (χ2=11.1) for df 3 at 0.05 level of
2019 on assessment of knowledge regarding prevention of significance; and their age in years (p value=0.0319),
child abuse among 100 mothers of children at selected spouses’ education (p value=0.00522), spouses’ occupation
government school, Hyderabad; findings revealed that 60% (p value=0.0079), monthly per capita income (p
had excellent knowledge regarding prevention of child value=0.0272) which were significant as the obtained p
abuse, 34% of them had good knowledge, 6% had average value are less than 0.05.
knowledge and none of the mothers had poor knowledge. This study findings are supported by Lal MM et al. (2021)
The mean knowledge score of mothers on prevention of . Study findings presented that there were significant
child abuse was 16.72 ± 2.947. associations between knowledge of child abuse and age of
mothers (χ2 10.280), educational status (χ2 44.295) and
Discussion in relation to attitude regarding prevention of occupation (χ2 24.669).
child abuse And this study findings are also supported by Goswami S
In this present study, it has been shown that 15% mothers (2019); where researcher found that there were
had poor attitude, 65% had fair attitude and 20% mothers significant associations found between level of knowledge
had satisfactory attitude regarding prevention of child abuse. and age of mother (χ2= 7.530), education (χ2= 8.927) and
Mean attitude score of rural mothers regarding prevention of occupation of mother (χ2= 11.343) at p≤0.05 level of
child abuse was 101.46±6.91. significance.
And this study findings are also in accordance with And this study findings are supported by Sujatha T et al. [12]
Kaleeswari S [1] (2016). The study results revealed that 27% who conducted a descriptive study in 2018 to assess the 100
had unfavorable attitude, majority of mothers (57%) had mother’s knowledge on child abuse in Maraimalai Nagar,
moderately favorable attitude and 16% had favorable Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. In this study, there
attitude regarding prevention of child abuse. The mean of were significant associations of mother’s knowledge with
attitude score was 28.60±7.63. mother’s education (χ2 =16.485 at df 15), father’s education
(χ2 =19.823 at df 5), father’s occupation (χ2 =24.6 at df 4)
Discussion in relation to the association between and family income (χ2 =21.237 at df 6) at 1% level of
knowledge and attitude regarding prevention of child significance.
abuse: In this present study, it has been shown that
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Discussion in relation to the association between the level Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal for granting
of attitude regarding prevention of child abuse among permission to conduct the study.
the mothers with the selected socio-demographic The researcher expresses her thanks to the experts of
variables Psychiatric nursing, Clinical psychology, Psycho social
In this present study, it is evident that there was significant work and Psychiatric medicine for validating the tools used
association between level of attitude with source of in this study.
knowledge regarding prevention of child abuse (χ 2 =6.33) at The researcher is privileged to express most heartfelt
df 2 at 0.05 level of significance. gratitude to CMOH of Purba Medinipur for granting kind
This study findings are supported by the Barsagade M [13] permission for conducting the final study.
(2018). Data revealed that there were significant association The researcher also extends her sincere thanks to other
between attitude and age of the mother (χ2 =10.53), classmates, friends, colleagues and well- wishers who have
education (χ2 =44.29), occupation of mother (χ2 =44.23), directly or indirectly contributed their co-operation to
types of motherhood (χ2 =9.59), knowledge regarding child successfully complete my work.
sexual abuse (χ2 = 107.3) and source of information
regarding child sexual abuse (χ2 =8.35). Conflict of Interest
Not available.
This study concluded that the most of rural mothers had Financial Support
good level of knowledge and fair level of attitude regarding Not available.
prevention of child abuse. There was lower moderately
positive relationship between knowledge and attitude References
regarding prevention of child abuse among rural mothers of 1. Kaleeswari S. The level of knowledge, attitude and
the selected community. Here it is evident that increased expressed practice regarding prevention of child abuse
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are positively interdependent on each other. There were village at Sivakasi; c2016. Available from:
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on their attitude level. As the mother’s age, educational 4. Violence against children’s statistics. 2022 May.
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of child abuse; thus, it is very important for improvement of 5. National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). Crime in
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Acknowledgement 6. What are the effects of child abuse; c2021 Jun.
The researcher expresses bow in the reverence to the Lord Available from:
Almighty, who is the founder of the knowledge and
wisdom, whose blessing and benign benison enabled to _child_abuse/article.htm. [Accessed on 31st May
complete this research work successfully. 2023].
This present study has been completed under the guidance 7. Mandal K. Assessment of knowledge regarding child
and supervision of Acting Principal Madam Miss Gita abuse among the mothers in the selected urban
Purkait, Associate Professor of Psychiatric Nursing, College community, Kolkata. Unpublished nursing dissertation,
of Nursing, Institute of Psychiatry-COE, Kolkata. The The West Bengal University of Health Sciences,
researcher expresses her sincere gratitude for her continuous Kolkata; c2020.
encouragement, guidance and support from the beginning 8. Sultana T, Kumar SO. Parent’s attitude towards child
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