Papers by Bárbara M Civit

Idesia, Dec 1, 2022
Conocer la cantidad de agua utilizada por el cultivo de ajo (Allium sativum) es primordial para o... more Conocer la cantidad de agua utilizada por el cultivo de ajo (Allium sativum) es primordial para optimizar la eficiencia en su uso y promover una producción sostenible, especialmente en tierras áridas, donde el recurso hídrico es escaso. Por ello, el propósito de este estudio es determinar la huella hídrica (HH) en la fase agrícola del ajo blanco, morado y colorado, en las diferentes zonas de cultivo en la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina. Para la determinación de la huella hídrica total y cada uno de sus componentes (HH azul, HH verde y HH gris) se siguió la metodología propuesta por la Water Footprint Network según el Manual de Evaluación de Huella Hídrica. Los resultados muestran que la mayor HH total promedio en Mendoza corresponde al ajo colorado (973 m 3 t -1 ), seguido por el ajo blanco (794 m 3 t -1 ) y el ajo morado (550 m 3 t -1 ). En cuanto a las zonas de cultivo, se observa que los mayores valores de HH total se presentan en el sur, seguido por el norte, centro y Valle de Uco. Por otra parte, el valor de HH ponderada a nivel provincial para los 3 tipos de ajos es de 652 m 3 t -1 , donde el 20% corresponde a HH verde, 58% a HH azul y el 22% a la HH gris. La variación de los resultados obtenidos en cada tipo de ajo y zona considerada responde principalmente a aspectos climáticos y económicos que determinan la respuesta al consumo de agua, el rendimiento y la productividad.
Economía Sociedad y Territorio
El Área Metropolitana de Mendoza es escenario de una expansión urbana desorganizada que produce t... more El Área Metropolitana de Mendoza es escenario de una expansión urbana desorganizada que produce transformaciones del suelo, generando costos ambientales, particularmente sobre el potencial de regulación climática del suelo, pero sin contemplarlos en la toma de decisiones. Por este motivo, se busca valorar económicamente estos impactos. Se plantea, como caso de estudio, un viñedo ubicado en Chacras de Coria, Luján de Cuyo. Los resultados muestran que si no se incorpora este servicio ecosistémico en el precio de venta de los terrenos hay una subestimación de su valor, lo que fomenta la forma desorganizada de crecimiento urbano.
AJEA, Oct 3, 2022
El objetivo general de esta investigación, es contribuir a la sustentabilidad industrial mediante... more El objetivo general de esta investigación, es contribuir a la sustentabilidad industrial mediante la propuesta de sistemas circulares que disminuyan el impacto total asociado a la producción y consumo de plásticos en Argentina. Pretende caracterizar los sistemas de producción actuales en Argentina de los distintos plásticos e identificar los factores de producción y consumo que influyen en la circularidad de los sistemas plásticos. El producto de la investigación consistirá en obtener un conjunto de indicadores que respondan a cada aspecto identificado en la reconversión de la industria del plástico de lineal a circular y analizar el impacto ambiental asociado a las distintas estrategias identificadas, mediante Análisis de Ciclo de Vida.

Argentina es el quinto productor de vinos a nivel internacional y el 70% de los viñedos argentino... more Argentina es el quinto productor de vinos a nivel internacional y el 70% de los viñedos argentinos están localizados en Mendoza. Los vinos mendocinos han conquistado mercados internacionales donde los requerimientos de sostenibilidad son cada vez más exigentes. Este estudio presenta el cálculo de la huella de carbono y la huella hídrica en la etapa de cultivo de vid en una finca situada en Mendoza. En él se consideran las actividades de mantenimiento del suelo, irrigación, fertilización, control de plagas y malezas y cosecha. La huella hídrica se determinó contemplando tres sistemas de riego y sus eficiencias correspondientes. Los resultados obtenidos constituyen una contribución significativa al uso sostenible de los recursos para las condiciones locales. El etapa agrícola es uno de los puntos relevantes donde se deben tomar medidas para disminuir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y el consumo de agua.Argentina is the fifth wine producer worldwide and 70% of the vineyard...
edUTecNe eBooks, Sep 3, 2021
Los desafíos de la gestión territorial rural, 2018
El capítulo del libro es una compilación de una conferencia dictada en el Foro Regional Los desaf... more El capítulo del libro es una compilación de una conferencia dictada en el Foro Regional Los desafios de la gestión rural, organizado por INTA Cuyo en 2017.Fil: Civit, Bárbara María. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ambiente, Hábitat y Energía; Argentin

The aim of this study is to determine the impact potential of land use on biotic production and c... more The aim of this study is to determine the impact potential of land use on biotic production and climate regulation in the agricultural phase of a product, taking into account the varied soil and crop management. Land occupation and transformation impacts of soybean production in Argentina for different agricultural systems are evaluated. The results indicate that the magnitude of occupation and transformation impacts is considerably reduced by implementing no-tillage instead of conventional tillage. Nevertheless, the methodologies adopted are unable to show any of the expected differences between rainfed or irrigation systems, crop sequences and delays in seed-planting, due to failures in the specific characterization factors. On the other hand, an uncertainty is demonstrated by the results associated with the choice of regeneration time corresponding to the different ecoregions over which soybean cultivation extends across the country. One of the recommendations that comes to the fore is to consider in the characterization factors increments in the soil organic carbon stock and in the mineralization rates, associated with the presence of the preceding crop and the greater availability of water in the soil of irrigated systems.
Los factores mas importantes que contribuyen al Calentamiento global durante la produccion de cul... more Los factores mas importantes que contribuyen al Calentamiento global durante la produccion de cultivos bioenergeticos son las emisiones provenientes de los suelos agricolas, debido a que modifican las existencias de carbono a traves de practicas como la fertilizacion, la irrigacion, la incorporacion directa de abonos organicos, la remocion de biomasa debido a las cosechas, los incendios, el pastoreo, la eleccion del cultivo y la intensidad de manejo del cultivo. El objetivo del presente estudio es cuantificar la reduccion de emisiones de GEI resultantes de la implementacion de diferentes practicas agricolas en el cultivo de soja destinada a la produccion de biodiesel en la Argentina. Palabras clave: biocombustibles, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, manejo de suelos agricolas.
Inventario preliminar de la produccion porcina: resultado del curso de Analisis de Ciclo de Vida

The environmental problems associated with the use of fossil fuels has wakened up great scientifi... more The environmental problems associated with the use of fossil fuels has wakened up great scientific and technological interest for the potential use of biofuels as an alternative energy source. Several studies have pointed to microalgae as the major biomass source for biodiesel production. However, in some environmental and energetic studies, the results do not confirm microalgae superiority over other biomass sources. The aims of this study are to perform an energetic analysis and to assess the impacts for water use in the production of microalgae dry biomass grown in a pilot photobioreactor, built in the Federal University of Paraná (Brazil). The results confirm that this production causes a net energy loss, while its impact for water use is lower than the impact reported for other sources. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance the production process to make the energetic balance positive, turning microalgae into a real source of energy.
Fil: Alvarez, H. J.. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina;
Fil: Civit, Barbara Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cie... more Fil: Civit, Barbara Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentina

In Argentina, the use of biomass for the production of biofuels capable of replacing fossil fuels... more In Argentina, the use of biomass for the production of biofuels capable of replacing fossil fuels has aroused great expectation. In the last decade, the production of biodiesel has tripled, and the rising trend continues supported by national legislation that soon will increase the blend mandates up to B20 and E25 (being now B10 and E12). However, there could be some environmental concerns associated with land use and especially with water use. In this chapter, we calculate the volume of water used and consumed in the production of rapeseed (Brassica napus) and soybean (Glycine max) for biodiesel, and the production of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and cordgrass (Spartina argentinensis) for bioethanol in different regions of the country. The water footprint, as defined by the Water Footprint Network, is used as an indicator of water resources appropriation, and the ISO approach is followed to assess the impacts associated with the use of water. The volume of water associated with the production of cordgrass is lower than figures obtained by traditional sources of biomass in Argentina (soybean and sugarcane). Soybean is produced in the Pampean Region and it is recommended to optimize the management of water resources in that region to minimize competition with food products while on the opposite, there is the case of Spartina that is a native grass growing naturally in the Chaco Region and it uses water that does not compete with food or livestock feed. On the other hand, rapeseed has a high water footprint mainly as a consequence of the site where it is produced. For instance, considering the environmental fragility, it is recommended to avoid the production of biomass destined to bioenergy in the arid zones of the country. Therefore, our findings show that results are more dependent on the region where each biomass is grown, than on management practices or the amount and type of chemical inputs (fertilizers, pesticides). Further work, such as the accounting of water along the industrial phase of the biofuels [...]

Science of The Total Environment, 2021
Abstract In the next 10 years, cities will house 60% of the world’s population, where in agro-urb... more Abstract In the next 10 years, cities will house 60% of the world’s population, where in agro-urban frontier territories, mainly in semiarid regions, problems associated with land use and water distribution will arise. Therefore, a model of growth that contemplates the lowest use of resources must be proposed. The aim of this study is to determine the environmental impact of the use of resources in agro-services frontier territories of semiarid regions in three urban growth scenarios, linear and circular systems. The study is focused on Lujan de Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina. Through a life cycle assessment, environmental performance was evaluated for the current scenario and the three proposed ones. In addition, an ecoefficiency analysis was performed in relation to climate change and water consumption and the cost of surface uses, as well as an assessment according to the multifunctionality of surface use. Scenario 1 is a linear diffuse urban system, scenario 2 a circular water agro-urban system, and scenario 2 green plus energy a circular water and energy agro-urban system. The outcomes illustrate that scenario 2 green plus energy has the least environmental impacts. Compared to the linear scenario, both circular scenarios show a substantial reduction in water consumption (38-40%) and marine eutrophication (32-47%) and curtail freshwater eutrophication impacts. Furthermore, household energy impacts are reduced by 39% in scenario 2 green plus energy with photovoltaic panel implementation, and maximum ecoefficiency in response to climate change is reached. Additionally, the impacts of scenario 2 green plus energy are more than 42% less than those of scenario 1 in terms of the multifunctionality of surface use. This study shows that it is possible to achieve more sustainable semiarid urban frontier territories with local water and regional energy circularity.

LALCA - Revista Latino-Americana em Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida, 2018
A Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) tem sido utilizada por diversos autores para avaliar a produçã... more A Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) tem sido utilizada por diversos autores para avaliar a produção de microalgas com fins energéticos. No entanto, desde a perspectiva energética e ambiental, não existem conclusões gerais sobre ela, não só pelas diferenças tecnológicas entre os sistemas estudados, mas também pelas distintas escolhas metodológicas adotadas pelos autores. Este trabalho tem como objetivo encontrar os principais aspectos que dificultam a comparação dos resultados de diversos estudos com abordagem de ciclo de vida de sistemas de produção de microalgas com fins energéticos, e propor recomendações que permitam harmonizar as escolhas metodológicas de futuros estudos. Para isso, foi realizada uma ampla revisão bibliográfica e foram selecionadas aquelas publicações que consideram o cultivo de microalgas em sistemas fechados, ou seja, fotobiorreatores de qualquer configuração (tubulares, flat-plate, air-lift, etc.). As treze publicações escolhidas foram avaliadas conforme as di...

Energy, 2017
The purpose of this paper is to carry out an updated energy Life-Cycle Assessment of soybean biod... more The purpose of this paper is to carry out an updated energy Life-Cycle Assessment of soybean biodiesel produced in the Pampean region of Argentina and to analyze the influence of different tillage systems on the Energy Return on Investment (EROI). It aims to identify the processes, materials and methodological aspects that significantly affect biofuel EROI. The procedure considers the main processes and operations of both the agriculture and industrial stages of biofuel production system, but the main novelty of this study is linking EROI with farming and conservation practices and not in the chemical processing of the oil. The results obtained represent the current average energetic performance of soy-based biodiesel produced in the considered region. The EROI values are very encouraging, demonstrating that this biodiesel provides a net energy gain. The results also show that conservation agriculture and the implementation of practices that improve crop yield do not always determine better energetic performance. Sensitivity analysis confirms that EROI values of soybean biodiesel are more responsive to methodological choices such as the system's boundary definition and the choice of the allocation method rather than to the physical aspects of the productive system such as tillage and water management practices.

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2016
Purpose Many tools to quantify the environmental impact of human decisions have been developed, b... more Purpose Many tools to quantify the environmental impact of human decisions have been developed, but all of them seem to have a limited application at the regional or local level. A freeof-charge, Argentina-based personal footprint calculator software (YUPI ® ) has been developed in order to raise awareness among local citizens about the environmental impacts generated by their daily habits. The extensive use of the tool will generate information suitable for future scientific studies based on local data. Methods The software calculates the ecological, carbon, and water footprints of individuals, implementing specific regional data from Argentina developed by the CLIOPE group, complemented with data from the Water Footprint Network and the Global Footprint Network. The calculator was developed focusing on interface attractiveness, ease of use, language simplicity, and a good trade-off between completion time and fullness. The YUPI ® software allows its users to understand at a glance their contribution to the environmental impacts of modern society and to quantify the reduction opportunities they have at hand. The program's language and variables reflect local lifestyle choices, making the filling process accessible for children. The calculator was placed online as an educational tool for teachers and students from all educational levels, and it was also used by visitors in local science and educational fairs. Valuable data was collected for future initiatives on impact mitigation. Conclusions Amplified by the mass media, the new tool has helped raise awareness and discussion about the individual environmental footprint, both in the educational and in the domestic terrain. The strategy of creating a simple, easily administered, and widely available quiz helped bridge the gap between the academy and the people, making available to them the continuously updated information generated by the research groups. This is facilitating citizen not only to understand the complexity of the environmental problems but also to take informed actions leading to their mitigation.
Papers by Bárbara M Civit