Papers by José Julián Soto Lara
Socializar Conocimientos , 2024
Socializar Conocimientos, 2024
Censo y Sociedad. La población ariqueña, andina y afrodescendiente en el censo de 1917. Alberto Díaz Araya (Editor), 2024
Se investigan las características principales de la prostitución en la ciudad chilena de Arica du... more Se investigan las características principales de la prostitución en la ciudad chilena de Arica durante la década del veinte del siglo pasado. El fenómeno es analizado desde las fuentes judiciales, particularmente los expedientes criminales. Metodológicamente, se seleccionaron los testimonios de prostitutas y clientes de los burdeles por representar las “voces” de esos sujetos. Proponemos que la convivencia prostibularia estuvo condicionada por la ilegalidad de las prácticas sociales, logrando distinguirse relaciones mediadas por el alcoholismo, los hurtos y la violencia. Las conclusiones reflexionan sobre la constitución de una vida cotidiana “pervertida” de los prostíbulos y, seguidamente, sobre la importancia de diversificar los periodos de análisis y las fuentes históricas referidas a ese comercio.
Censo y Sociedad. La población ariqueña, andina y afrodescendiente en el censo de 1917. Alberto Díaz Araya (Editor), 2024
Esta investigación se centra en tres tipos de actividades económicas desarrolladas por los inmigr... more Esta investigación se centra en tres tipos de actividades económicas desarrolladas por los inmigrantes italianos asentados en la ciudad chilena de Arica, ubicada en la frontera con el Perú. Analíticamente, aborda la influencia italiana en los ámbitos agrícola, industrial y comercial, sustentándose en fuentes estatales, municipales, judiciales, hemerográficas y orales. Las conclusiones subrayan la importancia de la inmigración italiana en la región, al constituir un empresariado étnico que vinculó la economía ariqueña con otra de mayor escala.
Cuadernos chilenos de Historia de la Educación, 2024
Temas Americanistas, 2024
Se estudian las noticias que circularon en China sobre la Guerra del Pacífico. Los análisis de es... more Se estudian las noticias que circularon en China sobre la Guerra del Pacífico. Los análisis de estructura, contenido y discurso practicados a los textos permiten concluir que los periódicos instituyeron imaginarios nacionales diferentes hacia Chile, Perú y Bolivia, destacando la organización política y poder militar del primer país en detrimento del segundo y el tercero.
Notas históricas y geográficas, 2024
This article problematizes from a historiographic perspective the
development of childhood mortal... more This article problematizes from a historiographic perspective the
development of childhood mortality in the Province of Concepción between
1900 and 1930. The objective is to know the singularities of the fatal
demographic phenomenon and the strategies that the local
medical-political elite created to solve it. The tested hypothesis suggests that the incipient pediatrics in conjunction with the modernization of health works increased the quality of life of Penquistas children, gradually reducing
the number of deaths. The historical sources on which hermeneutics was
based were diverse: newspapers, scientific journals, municipal
documentation and criminal files. The data provided by the sources made it
possible to analyze the popular housing, medical demographics, food and child care, and the situation of health care centers. The conclusions emphasize that the provincial medical-political elite transformed the structural conditions and agents, allowing the indicators of infant mortality to improve in a slow process that only became noticeable towards the mid-1920s.
Tzintzun , 2024
The article, which addresses the War of the Pacific during its development in Tacna and Arica, ai... more The article, which addresses the War of the Pacific during its development in Tacna and Arica, aims to explain the construction of imaginaries towards Peru, Bolivia and Chile in the US press. The content analysis carried out on the newspapers allows us to conclude that the imaginary about Peru was damaged by the “morality” of its political-military leaders; that of Bolivia represented a poor and disorganized country; and that of Chile emerged as an ambivalent state: organized, but barbarous.
América Latina Hoy, 2023
Se analiza el discurso de El Comercio durante la guerra del Pacífico. La premisa teórica subyacen... more Se analiza el discurso de El Comercio durante la guerra del Pacífico. La premisa teórica subyacente sugiere que este desempeñó un papel destacado como actor político nacionalista, influyendo en la construcción de la representación de los acontecimientos. Para probar esta hipótesis, se configuró una muestra con noticias publicadas entre enero y mayo de 1879. Los resultados indican que El Comercio promovió un imaginario profundamente antichileno, desacreditando tanto a la clase política como al pueblo chileno.
Socializar Conocimientos, 2023
Vásquez y quien escribe, y al compañerismo de casi un centenar de latinoamericanistas que present... more Vásquez y quien escribe, y al compañerismo de casi un centenar de latinoamericanistas que presentaron sus trabajos, hoy nos solazamos por cumplir nuestra misión. Al recordar esos días creo pertinente destacar las valiosas reflexiones que compartieron Martín Bazurco,
Socializar Conocimientos, 2023
Signos Históricos, 2023
Infant mortality is analyzed as a public health problem in Santiago between 1930-1970 with the ai... more Infant mortality is analyzed as a public health problem in Santiago between 1930-1970 with the aim of reflecting on the factors that caused its permanence and subsequent decline. For this, the environment where the children lived, their illnesses, and the medical and State action to cure them are characterized, based on newspapers, medical literature and state documentation. This study reveals the serious food and housing problem suffered by infants, resulting in a very high mortality rate. The conclusions highlight the importance of national health programs-and international support to implement them-focused on mothers and children, which created an idea about the importance of disease prevention and various ad hoc practices that decreased infant mortality.
Cuadernos Chilenos de Historia de la Educación , 2022
Latina uno de los temas más importantes es la construcción de los sistemas educativos nacionales.... more Latina uno de los temas más importantes es la construcción de los sistemas educativos nacionales. Cronológicamente, este proceso modernizante ocurrió al comenzar la época poscolonial, cuando las repúblicas necesitaron constituir un conocimiento nacional-occidental que alejara a los ciudadanos de la "ignorancia". Las clases dominantes de los Estados de la región planificaron la formación de profesores y alumnos y la edificación de establecimientos donde aquellos "engrandecerían" la nación. A pesar de la motivación inicial, durante el "largo siglo XIX" la organización del sistema educativo estuvo afectada por problemas económicos e ideológicos que fueron perfilándolo. En las fronteras de cada Estado, la educación remarcó con más énfasis los rasgos de la identidad nacional e instituyó estereotipos hacia los países vecinos. El caso de Chile es paradigmático, sobre todo después de la guerra del Pacífico, pues junto con la expansión territorial hacia Bolivia y Perú, la escuela chilena floreció en las ciudades y poblados del erial atacameño conquistado.
Americania, 2022
El objetivo del artículo es explicar el protagonismo de los territorios de Tacna y Arica en la pr... more El objetivo del artículo es explicar el protagonismo de los territorios de Tacna y Arica en la prensa de Bolivia durante la guerra y posguerra del Pacífico (1879-1920). Desde una perspectiva teórica, las noticias son valoradas como el discurso escrito de la ideología nacionalista boliviana del cambio de siglo XIX-XX, condicionado por la derrota en la guerra, la pérdida de sus territorios marítimos y el anhelo de recuperarlos. A partir de una aproximación cuantitativa se analiza una muestra de 5.502 noticias publicadas en 9 periódicos bolivianos. Los resultados permiten establecer tres fases de alta producción informativa y de opinión en la prensa.
El Futuro del Pasado , 2022
The nationalist violence between Chileans and Peruvians that occurred before the plebiscite vote ... more The nationalist violence between Chileans and Peruvians that occurred before the plebiscite vote that would define the sovereignty of Tacna and Arica is unique in the history of Latin America. Its uniqueness lies in the long wait that these inhabitants suffered to resolve a crucial aspect in the conformation of their national identities, because according to the Treaty of Ancón of 1883 that ended the War of the Pacific, the election should have been held in 1894. For these reasons, this article analyzes the nationalist aggressiveness between Chileans and Peruvians during 1925-1926 in Tacna and Arica, emphasizing that practiced by the latter group, since historiography has not clearly highlighted the use of this Peruvian political resource. The objective is to contextualize the causes of said aggressiveness and analyze it from psychoanalysis. For this, government, criminal and
journalistic sources were used to which a documentary and index analysis linked to psychoanalytic theory was carried out. It is concluded that aggressiveness was exercised in a similar way by Chileans and Peruvians, and that it was legitimized by social institutions that justified the violence during the elections. In this sense, it is essential to suggest as a research finding that during the phase studied it is possible to distinguish a «narcissism from small differences», a concept taken from psychoanalysis to make a reading about the specular rivalry between Chileans and Peruvians, which was founded on differential elements that overlooked the common features that united these peoples.
Religions, 2022
In recent years, Christian Pentecostalism has been one of the most successful religious movements... more In recent years, Christian Pentecostalism has been one of the most successful religious movements in the province of Barcelona, while the high level of immigration from Latin America has clearly been an influential factor in its development. Yet, despite the fact that Pentecostalism has played a prominent role in religious diversification in Catalonia, it has been the subject of very few studies. This paper seeks to address this gap in research and shed light on an area of fundamental importance to the movement: its ritual dimension. Drawing on ethnographic information from the Iglesia Evangélica el Vallès (Canovelles), we describe and analyze the principal channels of communi- cation with the sacred established by the Latin American Pentecostals. In our conclusions, we show that the communicative practices developed during worship are oriented toward manifesting the presence of the Holy Spirit, leading to the emergence of ritual condensation around this symbolic force. For this purpose, practices such as “praise”, the “laying on of hands” and “speaking in tongues” establish sequential and progressive communication with the Holy Spirit throughout the process of worship, culminating in mimetic communication.
Asclepio, 2022
Este artículo analiza la relación entre la mortalidad en la infancia y el consumo de leche en la ... more Este artículo analiza la relación entre la mortalidad en la infancia y el consumo de leche en la Provincia de Santiago durante 1930-1962. El proceso estudiado comienza con la Ley de Pasteurización que al higienizar la leche redujo las cifras de niños con enfermedades gastrointestinales y en efecto la mortalidad, y finaliza con la inauguración de los programas de distribución de leche. Se argumenta que la escasez y la higiene insuficiente de ese producto sumadas a las condiciones culturales y habitacionales que rodeaban a los niños son factores explicativos de la mortalidad alta de infantes, a la vez que reconoce en el Estado un promotor fundamental de políticas públicas para subsanar la catástrofe demográfica. La investigación, sustentada en periódicos, revistas médicas, tesis de titulación, anuarios estadísticos, y documentos gubernamentales, concluye que el conjunto de leyes, reglamentos y programas estatales produjo un conjunto de cambios entre los actores del Estado, reflejados en prácticas y discursos de aprobación y rechazo hacia la importancia de higienizar la leche que, en última instancia, no impidieron una disminución considerable de niños muertos por razones alimentarias.
Unisinos, 2022
This article addresses the development of childhood mortality in the Province of Tacna between 19... more This article addresses the development of childhood mortality in the Province of Tacna between 1900 and 1930 with the aim of delimiting the basic characteristics of the problem and the medical-political strategy that sought to solve it. The hypothesis suggests that pediatric knowledge and sanitation works improved children’s living conditions, which gradually decreased death rates. The study used state sources, scientific
publications, and newspapers. An analysis of demographic indicators, health infrastructure, food, the situation of hospitals, popular housing, and medical speeches leads to the conclusion that the social policy of the Chilean administration to reduce infant mortality took time to produce its results until the mid-twenties.
Papers by José Julián Soto Lara
development of childhood mortality in the Province of Concepción between
1900 and 1930. The objective is to know the singularities of the fatal
demographic phenomenon and the strategies that the local
medical-political elite created to solve it. The tested hypothesis suggests that the incipient pediatrics in conjunction with the modernization of health works increased the quality of life of Penquistas children, gradually reducing
the number of deaths. The historical sources on which hermeneutics was
based were diverse: newspapers, scientific journals, municipal
documentation and criminal files. The data provided by the sources made it
possible to analyze the popular housing, medical demographics, food and child care, and the situation of health care centers. The conclusions emphasize that the provincial medical-political elite transformed the structural conditions and agents, allowing the indicators of infant mortality to improve in a slow process that only became noticeable towards the mid-1920s.
journalistic sources were used to which a documentary and index analysis linked to psychoanalytic theory was carried out. It is concluded that aggressiveness was exercised in a similar way by Chileans and Peruvians, and that it was legitimized by social institutions that justified the violence during the elections. In this sense, it is essential to suggest as a research finding that during the phase studied it is possible to distinguish a «narcissism from small differences», a concept taken from psychoanalysis to make a reading about the specular rivalry between Chileans and Peruvians, which was founded on differential elements that overlooked the common features that united these peoples.
publications, and newspapers. An analysis of demographic indicators, health infrastructure, food, the situation of hospitals, popular housing, and medical speeches leads to the conclusion that the social policy of the Chilean administration to reduce infant mortality took time to produce its results until the mid-twenties.
development of childhood mortality in the Province of Concepción between
1900 and 1930. The objective is to know the singularities of the fatal
demographic phenomenon and the strategies that the local
medical-political elite created to solve it. The tested hypothesis suggests that the incipient pediatrics in conjunction with the modernization of health works increased the quality of life of Penquistas children, gradually reducing
the number of deaths. The historical sources on which hermeneutics was
based were diverse: newspapers, scientific journals, municipal
documentation and criminal files. The data provided by the sources made it
possible to analyze the popular housing, medical demographics, food and child care, and the situation of health care centers. The conclusions emphasize that the provincial medical-political elite transformed the structural conditions and agents, allowing the indicators of infant mortality to improve in a slow process that only became noticeable towards the mid-1920s.
journalistic sources were used to which a documentary and index analysis linked to psychoanalytic theory was carried out. It is concluded that aggressiveness was exercised in a similar way by Chileans and Peruvians, and that it was legitimized by social institutions that justified the violence during the elections. In this sense, it is essential to suggest as a research finding that during the phase studied it is possible to distinguish a «narcissism from small differences», a concept taken from psychoanalysis to make a reading about the specular rivalry between Chileans and Peruvians, which was founded on differential elements that overlooked the common features that united these peoples.
publications, and newspapers. An analysis of demographic indicators, health infrastructure, food, the situation of hospitals, popular housing, and medical speeches leads to the conclusion that the social policy of the Chilean administration to reduce infant mortality took time to produce its results until the mid-twenties.
De una propuesta abierta de líneas de investigación (pertenecientes a las áreas de las Humanidades y las Ciencias Sociales afines) ha derivado un programa interdisciplinar que ha sido organizado en torno a cinco mesas temáticas (Arte y Estética, Historia Contemporánea, Literatura y Televisión y Economía, Sociedad y Género), en el que convergen las propuestas académicas de estudiosos de varios orígenes geográficos, generacionales y académicos. En esta ocasión, contaremos con ponencias que versan sobre países como Chile, México, Cuba, Ecuador, Argentina, Honduras, Brasil, Costa Rica, Nicaragua e incluso España, Estados Unidos, Japón y los Países Bajos. La jornada finalizará con la presentación de la revista académica “No tan nuevos mundos”, surgida en Zaragoza para dar cabida a las investigaciones sobre América Latina en el ámbito de las Humanidades. La asistencia es libre y de carácter gratuito hasta completar aforo.