R. Routley. Ultralogic as Universal? The Sylvan Jungle – Volume 4. Edited by Z. Weber, with commentary essays by E. Mares, R. Brady, C. Mortensen. Synthese Library volume 396. Cham: Springer., 2023
Ultralogic as Universal? is one among the most striking texts in the history of (contemporary) lo... more Ultralogic as Universal? is one among the most striking texts in the history of (contemporary) logic and philosophy. It breaks new logico-philosophical ground by presenting one of the oldest ideas in the history of philosophy: the idea of the universality of logic. It has a peculiar style, which could be called programmatic, and which strikes as common to some of the great works in the history of philosophy. In other words, the text reflects Routley’s discovery, in the mid 1970es, of new, highly fertile logical and philosophical ground, Routley’s clear vision of a multitude of aspects emerging from it, and the urgency to communicate them as concisely and as fast as possible. One could say that the essay is programmatic in that it is a sketch, but a sketch of a highly ambitious, very simple and resolutive program that also contains the indication of how the program may be realized. In a way, what happened after the circulation of the text confirms this hypothesis. The points of the program were developed by mathematicians, philosophers of mathematics and logic (by Routley himself, and by those researchers who were close to the so-called Canberra Logic Group). They are still taken up by logicians interested in the philosophical foundations of logic, and in paraconsistent logic and mathematics.
Papers by Elena Ficara
Keywords: ontological argument, Hegel’s dialectics, true contradictions, reductio ad absurdum
Keywords: Hegel’s logic, Natural logic, Natural language, Logical forms, Dialectics
Keywords: ontological argument, Hegel’s dialectics, true contradictions, reductio ad absurdum
Keywords: Hegel’s logic, Natural logic, Natural language, Logical forms, Dialectics
The aim of the workshop is to engage in a dialogue with the philosopher, historian of logic and philosophical logician Catarina Dutilh Novaes, with special focus on her new book The Dialogical Roots of Deduction (Cambridge 2020). The book is representative of some of the fundamental lines and interests of Catarina Dutilh Novaes’ research, among them: the importance of dialogue for logic and philosophy, the theory and use of conceptual genealogy for philosophy, the idea of philosophy as a multi-methodological enterprise, the stress on the relevance of the social and political realm for logic.