We are in a horror movie! 💀

rules: make a list of 16 of your mutuals and put them in this list randomizer. then, plug them into this list of horror cliches.

tagged by the lovelies @userlorelai @henrywinteris @gillieowens thank you!!!

what stereotype/cliche will each of your mutuals be?

1. Final girl (or boy, ect.): @pussiesaregod

2. The guide (teaches you how to survive): @henrywinteris

3. First to die/sacrificed for the plot: @padme-amidala

4. The jock: @ravenclairee

5. The scream queen (the hysterical one): @springsteens

6. The selfish one: @twinprime

7. The killer: @userlorelai

8. The harbinger (warns everyone at the beginning but is ignored): @joanna-lannister

9. The scholar/nerd: @isakvattersen

10. The hero that tries to save everyone: @wioletwitch

11. The stoner: @bhagell

12. The corrupted (starts good but becomes a villain): @jckeperalta

13. Devil’s minion (sidekick of killer): @caribaheine

14. Skeptic (doesn’t believe any of it is real): @gillieowens

15. The goth one (brooding one who is way too calm): @ronandreams

16. The eye candy (there because they’re hot): @vclyrias

Mar 25th  18   reblog




Some ghosties for Wanderstop ;u;;


Mar 25th  12288   bhagellreblog


uh oh i miss something i can’t name again. i want to go home to something that doesn’t exist again. does anyone have a gun


sorry i was passionate & intense & insane. it will happen again

Mar 24th  50748   bhagellreblog


hi everyone! ❤️🧡

we’re thinking of organizing a davron week for their one year anniversary on 30 june (this being the last day of the week). everyone will be able to participate with fanart, gifs, edits, moodboards, fanfics and everything creative.

we’ve thought of these themes so far

day 1 - angst
day 2 - fluff
day 3 - smut (alternative if you don’t wanna do/say anything involving smut: favorite general headcanon)
day 4 - favorite canon detail
day 5 - modern au
day 6 - alternative universe free choice
day 7 - free choice

you’re welcome to suggest themes in the comments for the following week (until 30 march) but when suggesting themes, please keep in mind this is a ship with one scene and themes have to be general enough for multiple people to be able to participate through the different ways mentioned above

would you participate?



i don’t know yet

See Results

thank you for flying with strange airlines
i will be your tour guide today

Mar 21st  5   reblog