does it hurt where you come from?

@hellshee /

#userhellshee creations

ioana. she/her. eastern european. bisexual. gifmaker. ♡

some very specific tags:

all fandom media i reblog is usually tagged with its entire name.

i try my best to tag triggering content such horror, blood, overly flashy content. sometimes i forget.


Can I just say this weird social media push of "girl cat boy cat" pisses me off there was this girl i overheard who was petting a cat who was showing her a lot of love and talking about adopting her but when she found out she was a girl cat she was like "I don't like girl cats" like what the fuck are we doing misogyny against cats now


We are in a horror movie! 💀

rules: make a list of 16 of your mutuals and put them in this list randomizer. then, plug them into this list of horror cliches.

tagged by the lovelies @userlorelai @henrywinteris @gillieowens thank you!!!

what stereotype/cliche will each of your mutuals be?

1. Final girl (or boy, ect.): @pussiesaregod

2. The guide (teaches you how to survive): @henrywinteris

3. First to die/sacrificed for the plot: @padme-amidala

4. The jock: @ravenclairee

5. The scream queen (the hysterical one): @springsteens

6. The selfish one: @twinprime

7. The killer: @userlorelai

8. The harbinger (warns everyone at the beginning but is ignored): @joanna-lannister

9. The scholar/nerd: @isakvattersen

10. The hero that tries to save everyone: @wioletwitch

11. The stoner: @bhagell

12. The corrupted (starts good but becomes a villain): @jckeperalta

13. Devil's minion (sidekick of killer): @caribaheine

14. Skeptic (doesn't believe any of it is real): @gillieowens

15. The goth one (brooding one who is way too calm): @ronandreams

16. The eye candy (there because they're hot): @vclyrias

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