Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Opec"
The meaning of "Opec" in various phrases and sentences
What does OPEC SOUTH traders mean?
OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
It is a group of some of the major countries that export oil (Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela, etc) who Influence the prices of oil across the world.
"South" I would assume means the southern OPEC countries? such as Venezuela, Nigeria and Angola?
It is a group of some of the major countries that export oil (Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela, etc) who Influence the prices of oil across the world.
"South" I would assume means the southern OPEC countries? such as Venezuela, Nigeria and Angola?
Other questions about "Opec"
OPEC forwent the additional increasing yield of crude oil, though Japan and the U.S asked for. The oil price is the highest for seven years and it will be burden for the recovery of those countries’ economy. Does this sound natural?
Thank you for your feedback. I work for an electricity company. Increasing oil prices decreases our profit.
The OPEC has agreed to cut down on their oil production for the first time in eight years. Does this sound natural?
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