Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Union"
The meaning of "Union" in various phrases and sentences
What does Union job mean?
A job where membership in a labor union is a requirement for working there.
What does Fight you, then, exclusively to save the Union. mean?
He is reversing the order of the words “you” and “fight” for emphasis. “Fight you, then” can be understood as “Then go ahead and fight to save the Union.”
What does Union Approved Wage mean?
a union (group of workers) agrees on an amount to be payed for working a certain job
What does Union building mean?
Union = Unión
The Union Building is usually the place where people "unite" to socialize. Usually, this is the building on a college campus that has places to eat, where people can gather and socialize.
The Union Building is usually the place where people "unite" to socialize. Usually, this is the building on a college campus that has places to eat, where people can gather and socialize.
What does the Soviet Union was still obsessed with churning out iron and stee mean?
The word isn't "stee" it's "steel
Synonyms of "Union" and their differences
What is the difference between Union and Join ?
"Union" is a noun, "join" is a verb.
"I joined a club."
"The new state joined the union."
"I joined a club."
"The new state joined the union."
What is the difference between Union flag and Union jack ?
They mean the same thing.
What is the difference between Union and United ?
United is an adjective, or the past tense of the verb.
"The United (adjective) states were united (verb) in 1777"
A Union is a noun, describing something made up of united parts.
"The United (adjective) states were united (verb) in 1777"
A Union is a noun, describing something made up of united parts.
Translations of "Union"
How do you say this in English (US)? Union
Check the question to view the answer
How do you say this in English (UK)? Union is strength
Unity is strength.
How do you say this in English (US)? Union
Check the question to view the answer
How do you say this in English (US)? Union des nations unis
United Nations
Other questions about "Union"
The European Union is heavily reliant on Russian gas.
Especially Germany is the biggest importer because they wean herself off coal and nuclear power.
Is this sentence correct ?
Especially Germany is the biggest importer because they wean herself off coal and nuclear power.
Is this sentence correct ?
The European Union is heavily reliant on Russian gas.
Especially Germany, which is the biggest importer because they have weaned themselves off coal and nuclear power.
Especially Germany, which is the biggest importer because they have weaned themselves off coal and nuclear power.
I want to get a Union Jack nail on my nail. Does this sound natural?
I want to get a Union Jack design on my nails
The Union Jack design may change in the near future. Scotland and Northern Ireland may become independent because they are positive about leaving the EU. Does this sound natural?
The Union Jack design may change in the near future. This is because Scotland and Northern Ireland are certain about leaving the EU and becoming independent nations.
When you hear "Union Square", do you think of one in San Francisco? I thought it's ambiguous since there's one in New York, too.
It depends on where you are from. I'm from NYC, so when I hear Union Square, I'm thinking 14th Street in Manhattan. I didn't know there was a Union Square in SF.
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