Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Drivel"
The meaning of "Drivel" in various phrases and sentences
What does drivel mean?
There are a lot of meaning of this word
Drivel = Nonsense or boring and unnecessary information.
Examples :
1.You don't believe the drivel you read on the internet, do you?
2. You're talking drivel as usual!
To talk a lot in a boring, stupid, or annoying way :
1. I've just been listening to Aunt Elsie drivelling on.
2.They're always drivelling about me meeting Mr Right and getting married.
Something written or said that is completely worthless; nonsense.
1.The papers are filled with drivel about movie stars.
Best of luck 🤍
Drivel = Nonsense or boring and unnecessary information.
Examples :
1.You don't believe the drivel you read on the internet, do you?
2. You're talking drivel as usual!
To talk a lot in a boring, stupid, or annoying way :
1. I've just been listening to Aunt Elsie drivelling on.
2.They're always drivelling about me meeting Mr Right and getting married.
Something written or said that is completely worthless; nonsense.
1.The papers are filled with drivel about movie stars.
Best of luck 🤍
What does peak-broflake self-improvement life-hack drivel mean?
First, start with "drivel." This means nonsense, usually with an implication of contempt.
The pundit went on and on about how we should all be investing in crypto-currency, but I thought all his advice was pure drivel.
Everything that comes before "drivel" is a description of the type of drivel, and it's a mash-up of popular memes and fads.
broflake is a spin on "snowflake", which roughly means a person with an overly-fragile male ego.
peak-* is a way to indicate an extreme version of *.
life-hacking is trendy term that misuses the concept of computer hacking and roughly means "clever ways to improve your life."
And self-improvement is a good thing and generally implies working for said improvement, as opposed to "life hack" shortcuts for getting said improvement.
First, start with "drivel." This means nonsense, usually with an implication of contempt.
The pundit went on and on about how we should all be investing in crypto-currency, but I thought all his advice was pure drivel.
Everything that comes before "drivel" is a description of the type of drivel, and it's a mash-up of popular memes and fads.
broflake is a spin on "snowflake", which roughly means a person with an overly-fragile male ego.
peak-* is a way to indicate an extreme version of *.
life-hacking is trendy term that misuses the concept of computer hacking and roughly means "clever ways to improve your life."
And self-improvement is a good thing and generally implies working for said improvement, as opposed to "life hack" shortcuts for getting said improvement.
Synonyms of "Drivel" and their differences
What is the difference between drivel and hogwash ?
Good question!
drivel: meaningless hot air.
hogwash: false
drivel: meaningless hot air.
hogwash: false
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