Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Glory"
The meaning of "Glory" in various phrases and sentences
What does so much for glory
Could you explain it in English. mean?
Could you explain it in English. mean?
It sounds like the person is dismissive of the concept of glory.
"So much for N" is like "N that is supposed to be helpful/worth some kind of merit, ended up being useless"
Eg. you went to see someone living a long distance away, you took time out of your working hours all to see them. However, when you arrive, they didn't even come and they say "Sorry, changed my mind, not coming." In that situation, you could say "so much for coming out here." It's basically like "I wasted my time."
So in this situation "so much for glory." means like, "glory turned out to be useless/worth nothing."
"So much for N" is like "N that is supposed to be helpful/worth some kind of merit, ended up being useless"
Eg. you went to see someone living a long distance away, you took time out of your working hours all to see them. However, when you arrive, they didn't even come and they say "Sorry, changed my mind, not coming." In that situation, you could say "so much for coming out here." It's basically like "I wasted my time."
So in this situation "so much for glory." means like, "glory turned out to be useless/worth nothing."
What does It is my glory we go to win. mean?
I'm not sure, it doesn't sound natural. Maybe it means we are going to win for our/my honor.
What does Oh glory mean?
I’ll venture a few guesses.
Paramore is from Tennessee. It could be a regional expression.
As for a religious origin, I can’t even find it in an idioms search. All I can find is “Glory be!” which I almost never hear. Maybe it is used in churches or religious literature, but I don’t hear it. [We do say OMG, or “heavens” and the ever popular “for heavens’ (heaven’s?) sake. (For some reason it became “for heavens sakes”.] However, I find many opinions that it is a reference to or about God.
By the context of the song, it’s open to interpretation, in my opinion.
I think that would be a great question for a forum on It’s international and they love questions about interpretations. Be sure to mention that you’ve already read the Spanish translation but it doesn’t answer your question.
I noticed “oh glory” in another song of theirs as well (part II).
Here are some other opinions It seems to have religious overtones.
Paramore is from Tennessee. It could be a regional expression.
As for a religious origin, I can’t even find it in an idioms search. All I can find is “Glory be!” which I almost never hear. Maybe it is used in churches or religious literature, but I don’t hear it. [We do say OMG, or “heavens” and the ever popular “for heavens’ (heaven’s?) sake. (For some reason it became “for heavens sakes”.] However, I find many opinions that it is a reference to or about God.
By the context of the song, it’s open to interpretation, in my opinion.
I think that would be a great question for a forum on It’s international and they love questions about interpretations. Be sure to mention that you’ve already read the Spanish translation but it doesn’t answer your question.
I noticed “oh glory” in another song of theirs as well (part II).
Here are some other opinions It seems to have religious overtones.
What does glory to mankind mean?
Слава человечеству
What does all their glory mean?
It usually used to describe something and how good it is- to not hide how good something is. is that helpful?
Example sentences using "Glory"
Please show me example sentences with glory.
He has returned to his former glory or on the road to glory and it means to be the best to reach the top to be number 1
Please show me example sentences with glory.
For honor and glory.
He wanted all the glory for himself.
He wanted all the glory for himself.
Please show me example sentences with glory.
Glory to God
Please show me example sentences with glory.
I had the glory of meeting you.
Synonyms of "Glory" and their differences
What is the difference between glory and fame ?
Fame = the state of being known by many people
Glory = the honor of achieving something great
Lady Gaga has had fame for a long time since many people have heard of her and her music, but she finally achieved glory when she won a Grammy.
Glory = the honor of achieving something great
Lady Gaga has had fame for a long time since many people have heard of her and her music, but she finally achieved glory when she won a Grammy.
What is the difference between glory and honor ?
Here's the translation into Russian:
1. "Glory" typically refers to high renown or honor won by notable achievements:
- Спортсмен наслаждался славой победы на чемпионате.
- Солдаты сражались отважно, стремясь к славе своей страны.
2. "Honor" often denotes respect, admiration, or esteem:
- Это почёт быть приглашённым выступить на конференции.
- Ему была вручена медаль за его честную службу обществу.
In essence, "glory" translates to "слава," while "honor" translates to "честь" or "почёт" in Russian.
1. "Glory" typically refers to high renown or honor won by notable achievements:
- Спортсмен наслаждался славой победы на чемпионате.
- Солдаты сражались отважно, стремясь к славе своей страны.
2. "Honor" often denotes respect, admiration, or esteem:
- Это почёт быть приглашённым выступить на конференции.
- Ему была вручена медаль за его честную службу обществу.
In essence, "glory" translates to "слава," while "honor" translates to "честь" or "почёт" in Russian.
What is the difference between glory and fame ?
Glory is the adulation bestowed on someone when they are victorious. Fame is being well known for something, such as being a well known actor, a pop star or a writer. David Bowie’s talent brought him fame and fortune. The Queen is the most famous leader in the world. He won the battle singlehandedly, the glory was all his. Our glorious leader led us to victory through his incredible determination to win.
What is the difference between glory and fame and prestige ?
Its best for me to explain through photos
What is the difference between glory days and glorious days ?
"Glory days" is a popular English phrase. Its about a time in a person's personal past when that person accomplished a lot, personally. A man who was very good at sports in high school and won lots of games might see his time in high school as his "glory days".
"Glorious days" is not a common phrase. It sounds archaic. This means any time for anyone that was good.
"Glorious days" is not a common phrase. It sounds archaic. This means any time for anyone that was good.
Translations of "Glory"
How do you say this in English (US)? moning glory
Must be *morning, not moning
How do you say this in English (UK)?
What do mean by "crowning glory"? give me some example sentences
What do mean by "crowning glory"? give me some example sentences
The crowning glory is the highest achievement attributed to a person.
—The architect has designed many structures, but this museum is his crowning glory.
—The architect has designed many structures, but this museum is his crowning glory.
How do you say this in English (US)? glory
Check the question to view the answer
How do you say this in English (UK)? And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it Together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it
Check the question to view the answer
Other questions about "Glory"
This is why glory is always and most certainly succeeded by suffering
-does the sentence mean that suffering comes after glory?
-does the sentence mean that suffering comes after glory?
"all shiny and glory"
Does this sound natural?
Does this sound natural?
it is better to say all shinning and glorious! cheers!
Unless you stop clinging to your glory days, you'll be left behind. Does this sound natural?
Or you can say “You’ll be left behind if you keep clinging to your glory days.”
"the old glories of his old former self nudged him into a wrong decision. he shouldn't put his house up for an auction" Does this sound natural?
@tjstkdn1 His mistake is past tense, so you need shouldnt have put
auctions are uncountable, so dont use an
auctions are uncountable, so dont use an
I’m praying for God’s glory be revealed through your ministry. Does this sound natural?
I'm praying for God's glory to be revealed...
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