Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Klutz"
The meaning of "Klutz" in various phrases and sentences
What does klutz mean?
"She was called a klutz because she tripped over everything"
"She was called a klutz because she tripped over everything"
What does klutz mean?
It means "clumsy person."
What does klutz mean?
A klutz is a clumsy person. Someone always dropping things or spilling, knocking over things on accident. If I dropped my phone I might say "I'm such a klutz"
Example sentences using "Klutz"
Please show me example sentences with clumsy, klutz, awkward.
When ice skate I can be clumsy and fall.
Im such a klutz, I broke the vase!
I'm too awkward to talk to her.
Im such a klutz, I broke the vase!
I'm too awkward to talk to her.
Please show me example sentences with klutz .
"You always fall, you are such a klutz"
"You can't help but be a klutz"
"You are such a klutz"
"You always fall you klutz"
Hope some of these helped!
"You can't help but be a klutz"
"You are such a klutz"
"You always fall you klutz"
Hope some of these helped!
Synonyms of "Klutz" and their differences
What is the difference between klutz and clumsy ?
A klutz is someone who is clumsy. Clumsy is an adjective.
She is such a klutz. She’s always bumping into things.
That guy just dropped his phone five times! He’s so clumsy!
She is such a klutz. She’s always bumping into things.
That guy just dropped his phone five times! He’s so clumsy!
Other questions about "Klutz"
what klutz means can you explain the detail to me
klutz is a slang term for clumsy or foolish
He's klutz Does this sound natural?
He is a klutz.
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