Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Postpone"
The meaning of "Postpone" in various phrases and sentences
What does postpone
Set your activity (or what ever you are postponing) for a later date
What does postpone
means to cancel
What does postpone mean?
When you postpone doing something, you want to do it later.
What does postponed and sold prior mean?
Postponed, they have temporarily stopped the sale of the house.
Sold prior, the house has already been sold, for example if the house was going up for auction but somebody bought it before it went to auction then it was "sold prior to auction"
Sold prior, the house has already been sold, for example if the house was going up for auction but somebody bought it before it went to auction then it was "sold prior to auction"
Example sentences using "Postpone"
Please show me example sentences with postpone.
The meeting was postponed till next week
Please show me example sentences with They postponed 〜ing on a 〜 because〜.
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Please show me example sentences with "postponed".
Postponed = when something is rescheduled to take place at another time.
The exam is postponed til next week.
I was supposed to go to a concert today, but it was postponed.
Due to bad weather, her classes were postponed.
The exam is postponed til next week.
I was supposed to go to a concert today, but it was postponed.
Due to bad weather, her classes were postponed.
Please show me example sentences with Can I postpone it ? .
I wasn't able to get off work tonight. Could we postpone the date?
Please show me example sentences with postpone.
"I had to postpone my vacation, because the weather was pretty bad "
Synonyms of "Postpone" and their differences
What is the difference between postpone and delay and put off ?
@Nagisan There isn’t much of a difference.
“She postponed the meeting.”
“My flight was delayed.”
“He put off telling his friend what had happened”
“She postponed the meeting.”
“My flight was delayed.”
“He put off telling his friend what had happened”
What is the difference between postponed and delayed ?
If something will be pushed back in time by a few hours, it's delayed. For example, weather can delay the departure of a plane.
When something is pushed back to a specific date, days or even weeks later, it's postponed. A business meeting might be postponed because one of the key people got called out of town.
On the other hand, something like a product that is supposed to be released can be "delayed" (not postponed) for months.
When something is pushed back to a specific date, days or even weeks later, it's postponed. A business meeting might be postponed because one of the key people got called out of town.
On the other hand, something like a product that is supposed to be released can be "delayed" (not postponed) for months.
What is the difference between postpone and suspend ?
some examples would be: "I had to postpone my holiday because I was ill" and "How did you get suspended this time!?"
What is the difference between postpone and put off ?
They can have the same meaning, if we are talking about to give a delay to something.
What is the difference between postpone and delay and put off ?
They are all used to describe "pushed" time.
"Postpone" means to push something off so that it can be done later. (Ex. Let's postpone the meeting). "Postpone" is always done with intent and never by accident or with external factors.
"Delay" as a noun means the interval between the expected time and the actual time. (Ex. The train was delayed 5min). "To delay" as a verb means to increase the time between the expected time and the actual time. "Delay" can be by accident or with intent. (Ex. There was a big storm, so the plane was delayed. Add more delay in between the gun shots)
"To put off" means the same as postpone but it has a more casual feeling and maybe a slightly negative nuance. (Ex. She put off the date again.)
"Postpone" means to push something off so that it can be done later. (Ex. Let's postpone the meeting). "Postpone" is always done with intent and never by accident or with external factors.
"Delay" as a noun means the interval between the expected time and the actual time. (Ex. The train was delayed 5min). "To delay" as a verb means to increase the time between the expected time and the actual time. "Delay" can be by accident or with intent. (Ex. There was a big storm, so the plane was delayed. Add more delay in between the gun shots)
"To put off" means the same as postpone but it has a more casual feeling and maybe a slightly negative nuance. (Ex. She put off the date again.)
Translations of "Postpone"
How do you say this in English (US)? postpone
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How do you say this in English (US)? postpone
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How do you say this in English (US)? postpone
Postpone works...? It would help if you included some context.
How do you say this in English (US)? postpone
to postpone something means to do something at a later time.
ex. I was supposed to play a soccer game this morning, but it rained, so the game has been postponed to tomorrow.
ex. I couldn't finish my essay on time, to the teacher postponed the deadline to next week for me.
ex. I was supposed to play a soccer game this morning, but it rained, so the game has been postponed to tomorrow.
ex. I couldn't finish my essay on time, to the teacher postponed the deadline to next week for me.
Other questions about "Postpone"
How to use POSTPONE in a sentence when I want to say to what time something is postponed?
Is this correct:
I want to postpone our class to June 5th.
Is this correct:
I want to postpone our class to June 5th.
Yes, that is correct.
I will postpone calling you Does this sound natural?
Try to be a bit more fluid with your words, it will make you sound more confident with your words even if you barely know the language.
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