Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Repress"
Example sentences using "Repress"
Please show me example sentences with repress, oppress and suppress. What's the difference ? Thnks in advance .
To repress- someone forces another person to do something.
To oppress- Someone is cruel to another person for a long period of time.
To suppress is to hide something- if someone doesn’t want another person to know their secrets.
To oppress- Someone is cruel to another person for a long period of time.
To suppress is to hide something- if someone doesn’t want another person to know their secrets.
Please show me example sentences with repress.
"He repressed his feelings for her."
"My parents are repressive."
"My parents are repressive."
Synonyms of "Repress" and their differences
What is the difference between repress and suppress and oppress ?
Repress: Holding back or restraining something, often emotions or desires, from being expressed.
Example: "He repressed his anger during the meeting."
Suppress: Actively stopping or reducing something, such as information, actions, or protests, from being expressed or spread.
Example: "The government suppressed the news to avoid panic."
Oppress: Exerting authority or power to unjustly control or dominate others, often causing hardship or suffering.
Example: "The regime oppressed its citizens for decades."
Repress = internal control (emotions).
Suppress = external prevention (actions or information).
Oppress = unjust control or domination over people.
Example: "He repressed his anger during the meeting."
Suppress: Actively stopping or reducing something, such as information, actions, or protests, from being expressed or spread.
Example: "The government suppressed the news to avoid panic."
Oppress: Exerting authority or power to unjustly control or dominate others, often causing hardship or suffering.
Example: "The regime oppressed its citizens for decades."
Repress = internal control (emotions).
Suppress = external prevention (actions or information).
Oppress = unjust control or domination over people.
What is the difference between repress and oppress ?
repress is you forcing something towards yourself. oppress is you forcing something towards other people.
"I wanted to talk to her, but I repressed myself and stayed away from her."
"He was very oppressive towards me. He wouldn't let me do anything without his permission."
"I wanted to talk to her, but I repressed myself and stayed away from her."
"He was very oppressive towards me. He wouldn't let me do anything without his permission."
What is the difference between repress and suppress ?
repress: hold/push back (usually internal struggle); almost like try to ignore
suppress: keep/hold down (internal or external)
repress a feeling, thought, memory, urge, etc.
suppress a feeling (etc) but also suppress voters, a rebellion, a riot
suppress: keep/hold down (internal or external)
repress a feeling, thought, memory, urge, etc.
suppress a feeling (etc) but also suppress voters, a rebellion, a riot
What is the difference between repress and supress ?
They're very similar, but I would say that "repress" is more likely to be used when describing one's feelings, whereas "suppress" is more directed outwards to others.
For example, I would say "She's repressed" or "She's repressing her emotions" to describe a person who keeps her feelings bottled up and doesn't express them much. But I would say "The police have been called in to suppress the revolts" because one group is suppressing another group.
For example, I would say "She's repressed" or "She's repressing her emotions" to describe a person who keeps her feelings bottled up and doesn't express them much. But I would say "The police have been called in to suppress the revolts" because one group is suppressing another group.
What is the difference between repress(feelings) and control(feelings) ?
Repress is more negative. It is unhealthy to repress feelings.
Translations of "Repress"
How do you say this in English (US)? how do I discriminate from repress to suppress
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Other questions about "Repress"
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