Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Slowpoke"
The meaning of "Slowpoke" in various phrases and sentences
What does slowpokes mean?
Someone who walks or does an action more slow than others.
What does slowpoke mean?
Someone who is slow at doing something or is moving slowly. It can be used to tease someone or to insult someone.
What does slowpoke mean?
slow pace
like a snail or turtle
like a snail or turtle
What does slowpoke mean?
It is used to describe someone who is slow.
examples: Someone taking a while to put shoes on. Someone walking a lot slower behind a group of people
examples: Someone taking a while to put shoes on. Someone walking a lot slower behind a group of people
Example sentences using "Slowpoke"
Please show me example sentences with slowpoke.
Hurry up Mr. Slowpoke.
Don't be a slowpoke.
Stop being a slowpoke.
Do you want me to hurry up or be a slowpoke?
Can you please be less of a slowpoke?
Don't be a slowpoke.
Stop being a slowpoke.
Do you want me to hurry up or be a slowpoke?
Can you please be less of a slowpoke?
Please show me example sentences with slowpoke.
"You are such a slowpoke"
"Get dressed already you slowpoke"
"You haven't finished eating? You are such a slowpoke"
"Walk faster slowpoke"
There is a lot. Here is some. If you have more questions about the word feel free to ask
"Get dressed already you slowpoke"
"You haven't finished eating? You are such a slowpoke"
"Walk faster slowpoke"
There is a lot. Here is some. If you have more questions about the word feel free to ask
Translations of "Slowpoke"
How do you say this in English (US)? slowpoke
Other questions about "Slowpoke"
She is so slowpoke. Does this sound natural?
I understand what you are trying to say, I think it would be better to say “She is such a slowpoke”
She is so slowpoke. Does this sound natural?
She is such a slowpoke.
He is very slowpoke. Does this sound natural?
You would be better off saying something along the lines of, "he is such a slowpoke." The word "slowpoke" is a noun.
He is a very slowpoke. Does this sound natural?
He's a slowpoke
What's wrong with a slowpoke? I like to live slowly. Does this sound natural?
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