Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Aversion"
The meaning of "Aversion" in various phrases and sentences
What does aversion mean?
@kmtkahi Aversion is a strong dislike for something or someone.
What does aversion mean?
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What does aversion mean?
An aversion is a dislike of something, or something you want to avoid.
"I have an aversion to exercise."
"I have an aversion to exercise."
What does aversion to pipelines and affection for pot mean?
They don't like pipelines (oil pipes) but they do like pot (drug)
Example sentences using "Aversion"
Please show me example sentences with an aversion.
Thank you very much for answering !!! I do understand well !
Please show me example sentences with aversion.
"I have an acute aversion to apple pie."
Synonyms of "Aversion" and their differences
What is the difference between aversion and disgust ?
If you have an aversion to something you dislike it strongly if something disgusts you it is highly unpleasant. They’re very similar by definition but would be used in different context. Both words have negative connotations though.
“I have an aversion to seafood.”
“Vegetables are disgusting.”
“I have an aversion to seafood.”
“Vegetables are disgusting.”
What is the difference between aversion and antipathy ?
thank you! That was very clear 😊
What is the difference between have an aversion to and hate ?
I would say that "hate" has a stronger feeling than "have an aversion to"
So for example, you might say "I have an aversion to social events" (I'd rather not go to social events)
but if you say "I hate going to social events" it feels much stronger and like somebody would really not enjoy it at all.
So for example, you might say "I have an aversion to social events" (I'd rather not go to social events)
but if you say "I hate going to social events" it feels much stronger and like somebody would really not enjoy it at all.
What is the difference between aversion (averse, aversive) and disgust (disgust, disgusting) ?
Disgust is a feeling.
Disgusting is an adjective, it describes something gross.
"Dinner was disgusting."
"I was full of disgust after eating dinner."
Disgusting is an adjective, it describes something gross.
"Dinner was disgusting."
"I was full of disgust after eating dinner."
Other questions about "Aversion"
"I had an aversion to beef for a while because I had got food poisoning for beef." Does this sound natural?
" I had an aversion to beef for a while because I had food poisoning caused by beef."
You were really close to getting it perfect 😊
You were really close to getting it perfect 😊
Why do you have so much aversion taking showers? Does this sound natural?
Aversion "to" taking showers is the correct grammar.
Why do you have so much aversion for taking showers? Does this sound natural?
If it was "aversion to" it would be correct, but it still sounds kinda weird to use a fancy word like "aversion" for something like this. In my opinion it sounds more natural to just say "Why do you hate taking showers so much?"
Why do you have so much aversion to wearing clothes? Does this sound natural?
Why do you have an aversion to wearing clothes?
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