Papers by Liliya Karachurina
FIIA Report No. 58., 2019
Almost three decades have passed since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. In the meantime, a wh... more Almost three decades have passed since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. In the meantime, a whole new generation has grown up with no personal memory of the Soviet era. However, the disintegration of a former superpower cannot happen in such a manner that its heritage disappears without a trace.
The aim of this report is to take stock of the process of erosion in the post-Soviet space that has been going on since the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991. The authors analyse the remaining material and other structural legacies of the USSR to find out, among other things, whether re-integration of the post-Soviet space, or a part thereof, around Russia is still possible and what kind of centrifugal and centripetal forces are still at play.
The authors approach the research questions from the perspective of cross-cutting issues that encompass the region as a whole. The aim is not to study how the post-Soviet states are faring almost three decades after the transition. Instead, the focus is on key themes such as defence relations, energy and economic ties, as well as on various efforts to create integration structures that would again unite at least parts of the region.
The report is divided into three thematic parts. The first part concerns the structural issues of post-Soviet politics and policies. The second part comprises two studies dealing with the economic ties that still exist among the countries of the former Soviet Union. The third part deals with the societal aspects of the question.
This article analyses population changes
in North-West regions of Russia (the former
Northwestern... more This article analyses population changes
in North-West regions of Russia (the former
Northwestern economic zone and the Kaliningrad
region) and the Baltics at the level of
urban districts and municipalities. The cohort
component method is used to analyze the
youth population dynamics in the administrative
territorial units of this level, which makes
it possible to estimate the international (intraregional)
migration of this population
group. This method is used quite rarely, yet it
is more accurate in studying the shifts in distribution
of this group of population than
current statistics. The article uses the data of
the last two censuses (2000 and 2010), namely,
the population size and the age and gender
composition. In order to demonstrate the
core-periphery relationship, the authors identified
the core ATUs (national and regional
capitals and capital areas), whereas the other
units were grouped by their remoteness from
the center. The analysis shows that in the
countries and regions studied, population
concentrates in the capitals and capital
areas, whereas the periphery loses population
at a fast rate. The centripetal movement
is especially pronounced with the youth; moreover,
it affects not only the size but also its
structure of population in the core and periphery
areas, which aggravates the processes
of depopulation and ageing.
На основе данных целевых выборочных обследований (2008–2010 и 2013 гг.), проведенных Центром мигр... more На основе данных целевых выборочных обследований (2008–2010 и 2013 гг.), проведенных Центром миграционных исследований, сделана попытка конструирования “портрета” женщин – трудовых мигранток из стран СНГ в Россию, занятых в сфере домашнего труда. Анализ показал, что они, с одной стороны, находятся в лучшем положении по отношению к другим категориям мигрантов – иностранных граждан: как правило, имеют места для проживания, более высокую зарплату. С другой стороны, пребывают в более трудных условиях, которые характеризуются почти повсеместным неформальным характером трудоустройства и бытовых трудовых практик. Рассматривая эту категорию населения, мы выходим на стык исследовательских проблематик: трудовой миграции, женской миграции, миграции одиночек, занятости в сфере эмоционального и контактного труда по оказанию услуг на дому, занятости с недокументированными трудовыми отношениями.
Using the data of the purposive sampling (2008–2010 and 2013) undertaken by The Migration Research Center the author attempted to create a “portrait” (set of social, demographic and economic traits) of the female labor migrants from the CIS countries working as the domestic hired employees in Russia. The analysis showed that the domestic hired female labor migrants stand in a better position compared to other groups of the foreign migrants because they are provided with the place to live and higher wages or salaries. On the other hand, they stay under more difficult conditions characterized by informal labor position and domestic labor practices. Examining this population group we face a number of research topics: labor migration, female migration, individual migration, employment in the sphere of the services provision at home, especially its emotional and communicative aspects, informal employment.
Исследуется изменение численности
населения регионов Северо-Запада Рос-
сии (бывший Северо-Запа... more Исследуется изменение численности
населения регионов Северо-Запада Рос-
сии (бывший Северо-Западный экономи-
ческий район и Калининградская об-
ласть) и стран Балтии на уровне город-
ских округов и муниципальных районов.
Также для административно-террито-
риальных единиц (АТЕ) данного уровня
методом передвижки возрастов анали-
зируется динамика численности молоде-
жи, что позволяет оценить ее внутри-
страновую (внутрирегиональную) ми-
грацию. Этот метод применяется не
часто, однако он позволяет более точно
изучать сдвиги в размещении этой
группы населения, чем, например, дан-
ные текущей статистики. В статье
использованы материалы национальных
переписей населения двух последних ра-
ундов (2000-х и 2010-х гг.) — данные об
общей численности населения и его по-
ловозрастном составе. Чтобы отра-
зить в исследовании центр-периферий-
ные взаимодействия, мы выделяли среди
исследуемых АТЕ центральные (столи-
цы стран и регионов) и пристоличные
районы, а остальные группировали по
степени удаленности от центров. Ана-
лиз показал, что в исследуемых странах
и регионах происходит концентрация
населения в столицах и ближайших к
ним районах, а периферия высокими
темпами теряет население. Особенно
выражено центростремительное дви-
жение молодежи, которое влияет на
изменение не только численности жи-
телей центров и периферийных терри-
торий, но и его структуры, тем самым
усугубляя процессы депопуляции и ста-
рения населения.
The dynamics of the system of cities in Russia in 1989–2010 is analyzed based on the population
... more The dynamics of the system of cities in Russia in 1989–2010 is analyzed based on the population
census data in 1989, 2002, and 2010, as well as the current population register. The extent of the decline or
less often of the increase of the population size are considered for cities of different sizes for each intercensal
period (1989–2002 and 2002–2010) and factors contributing to this are noted. The change in the population
size of cities is analyzed, depending on their size and geographical location, expressed in the distance to the
center of the federal subject. It turned out that in the 1990s and in the 2000s, the population of cities of dif
ferent sizes, but located at a distance of up to 50 km from the regional center increased, and at greater dis
tances the dynamics were not so welldefined. The dependence of the growth/decline of the population of
cities on their size is more variable: the population of cities of different sizes both grew and declined. The
dynamics of the natural increase and migration increase of cities with different sizes of population show that
the higher the population size the greater the importance of migration increase as a compensator of natural
The paper analyses the patterns of demographic dynamics of settlements and districts of various t... more The paper analyses the patterns of demographic dynamics of settlements and districts of various types in Russia within the framework of the core-periphery model. We test the hypotheses stating that population density is growing in regional centres and in their surroundings; variations in the dynamics of population growth (and its components) within regions are not less prominent than those between regions; differences between peripheral territories are less significant than those between re-gional centres, and these are the differences which define socio-economic inequality of the regions. The paper also looks into the dynamics of population growth in cities, district centres and rural settlements in relation to the proximity of an administrative unit to a regional centre.
Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 2015
The paper looks into the dynamics of the population size of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus after the... more The paper looks into the dynamics of the population size of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus after the census of 1989. Regions and cities of these countries were the focus of the research (territorial units level NUTS-3). The analysis addresses the question to what degree the remoteness from the regional centre, i.e. the position in the core-periphery system, influences the dynamics of the population size of the territorial units of the given level. For the analytical purposes the distinction has been made between the regional centres including adjacent suburban areas and internal regional periphery comprising districts and cities. The main indicator employed was the distance between the periphery areas and regional centres. The results of the analysis show that in spite of the depopulation of all three countries and severe transformational crisis, there was a steady growth of the population size in the regional centres, while the periphery areas of the regions continued to lose the population. The mentioned differences are primarily determined by migration flows, since the fertility rates are below the replacement level in all the countries' territories. Population tends to concentrate in the regional centres, which means urbanisation has not been completed yet. While similar patterns of population decline are observed in the periphery areas of Ukraine and Belarus, in Russia the depopulation rates are negatively influenced by the factor of remoteness of a periphery area from the regional centre. All three countries experienced rural population decline everywhere but suburban areas of the regional centres.
Papers by Liliya Karachurina
The aim of this report is to take stock of the process of erosion in the post-Soviet space that has been going on since the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991. The authors analyse the remaining material and other structural legacies of the USSR to find out, among other things, whether re-integration of the post-Soviet space, or a part thereof, around Russia is still possible and what kind of centrifugal and centripetal forces are still at play.
The authors approach the research questions from the perspective of cross-cutting issues that encompass the region as a whole. The aim is not to study how the post-Soviet states are faring almost three decades after the transition. Instead, the focus is on key themes such as defence relations, energy and economic ties, as well as on various efforts to create integration structures that would again unite at least parts of the region.
The report is divided into three thematic parts. The first part concerns the structural issues of post-Soviet politics and policies. The second part comprises two studies dealing with the economic ties that still exist among the countries of the former Soviet Union. The third part deals with the societal aspects of the question.
in North-West regions of Russia (the former
Northwestern economic zone and the Kaliningrad
region) and the Baltics at the level of
urban districts and municipalities. The cohort
component method is used to analyze the
youth population dynamics in the administrative
territorial units of this level, which makes
it possible to estimate the international (intraregional)
migration of this population
group. This method is used quite rarely, yet it
is more accurate in studying the shifts in distribution
of this group of population than
current statistics. The article uses the data of
the last two censuses (2000 and 2010), namely,
the population size and the age and gender
composition. In order to demonstrate the
core-periphery relationship, the authors identified
the core ATUs (national and regional
capitals and capital areas), whereas the other
units were grouped by their remoteness from
the center. The analysis shows that in the
countries and regions studied, population
concentrates in the capitals and capital
areas, whereas the periphery loses population
at a fast rate. The centripetal movement
is especially pronounced with the youth; moreover,
it affects not only the size but also its
structure of population in the core and periphery
areas, which aggravates the processes
of depopulation and ageing.
Using the data of the purposive sampling (2008–2010 and 2013) undertaken by The Migration Research Center the author attempted to create a “portrait” (set of social, demographic and economic traits) of the female labor migrants from the CIS countries working as the domestic hired employees in Russia. The analysis showed that the domestic hired female labor migrants stand in a better position compared to other groups of the foreign migrants because they are provided with the place to live and higher wages or salaries. On the other hand, they stay under more difficult conditions characterized by informal labor position and domestic labor practices. Examining this population group we face a number of research topics: labor migration, female migration, individual migration, employment in the sphere of the services provision at home, especially its emotional and communicative aspects, informal employment.
населения регионов Северо-Запада Рос-
сии (бывший Северо-Западный экономи-
ческий район и Калининградская об-
ласть) и стран Балтии на уровне город-
ских округов и муниципальных районов.
Также для административно-террито-
риальных единиц (АТЕ) данного уровня
методом передвижки возрастов анали-
зируется динамика численности молоде-
жи, что позволяет оценить ее внутри-
страновую (внутрирегиональную) ми-
грацию. Этот метод применяется не
часто, однако он позволяет более точно
изучать сдвиги в размещении этой
группы населения, чем, например, дан-
ные текущей статистики. В статье
использованы материалы национальных
переписей населения двух последних ра-
ундов (2000-х и 2010-х гг.) — данные об
общей численности населения и его по-
ловозрастном составе. Чтобы отра-
зить в исследовании центр-периферий-
ные взаимодействия, мы выделяли среди
исследуемых АТЕ центральные (столи-
цы стран и регионов) и пристоличные
районы, а остальные группировали по
степени удаленности от центров. Ана-
лиз показал, что в исследуемых странах
и регионах происходит концентрация
населения в столицах и ближайших к
ним районах, а периферия высокими
темпами теряет население. Особенно
выражено центростремительное дви-
жение молодежи, которое влияет на
изменение не только численности жи-
телей центров и периферийных терри-
торий, но и его структуры, тем самым
усугубляя процессы депопуляции и ста-
рения населения.
census data in 1989, 2002, and 2010, as well as the current population register. The extent of the decline or
less often of the increase of the population size are considered for cities of different sizes for each intercensal
period (1989–2002 and 2002–2010) and factors contributing to this are noted. The change in the population
size of cities is analyzed, depending on their size and geographical location, expressed in the distance to the
center of the federal subject. It turned out that in the 1990s and in the 2000s, the population of cities of dif
ferent sizes, but located at a distance of up to 50 km from the regional center increased, and at greater dis
tances the dynamics were not so welldefined. The dependence of the growth/decline of the population of
cities on their size is more variable: the population of cities of different sizes both grew and declined. The
dynamics of the natural increase and migration increase of cities with different sizes of population show that
the higher the population size the greater the importance of migration increase as a compensator of natural
The aim of this report is to take stock of the process of erosion in the post-Soviet space that has been going on since the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991. The authors analyse the remaining material and other structural legacies of the USSR to find out, among other things, whether re-integration of the post-Soviet space, or a part thereof, around Russia is still possible and what kind of centrifugal and centripetal forces are still at play.
The authors approach the research questions from the perspective of cross-cutting issues that encompass the region as a whole. The aim is not to study how the post-Soviet states are faring almost three decades after the transition. Instead, the focus is on key themes such as defence relations, energy and economic ties, as well as on various efforts to create integration structures that would again unite at least parts of the region.
The report is divided into three thematic parts. The first part concerns the structural issues of post-Soviet politics and policies. The second part comprises two studies dealing with the economic ties that still exist among the countries of the former Soviet Union. The third part deals with the societal aspects of the question.
in North-West regions of Russia (the former
Northwestern economic zone and the Kaliningrad
region) and the Baltics at the level of
urban districts and municipalities. The cohort
component method is used to analyze the
youth population dynamics in the administrative
territorial units of this level, which makes
it possible to estimate the international (intraregional)
migration of this population
group. This method is used quite rarely, yet it
is more accurate in studying the shifts in distribution
of this group of population than
current statistics. The article uses the data of
the last two censuses (2000 and 2010), namely,
the population size and the age and gender
composition. In order to demonstrate the
core-periphery relationship, the authors identified
the core ATUs (national and regional
capitals and capital areas), whereas the other
units were grouped by their remoteness from
the center. The analysis shows that in the
countries and regions studied, population
concentrates in the capitals and capital
areas, whereas the periphery loses population
at a fast rate. The centripetal movement
is especially pronounced with the youth; moreover,
it affects not only the size but also its
structure of population in the core and periphery
areas, which aggravates the processes
of depopulation and ageing.
Using the data of the purposive sampling (2008–2010 and 2013) undertaken by The Migration Research Center the author attempted to create a “portrait” (set of social, demographic and economic traits) of the female labor migrants from the CIS countries working as the domestic hired employees in Russia. The analysis showed that the domestic hired female labor migrants stand in a better position compared to other groups of the foreign migrants because they are provided with the place to live and higher wages or salaries. On the other hand, they stay under more difficult conditions characterized by informal labor position and domestic labor practices. Examining this population group we face a number of research topics: labor migration, female migration, individual migration, employment in the sphere of the services provision at home, especially its emotional and communicative aspects, informal employment.
населения регионов Северо-Запада Рос-
сии (бывший Северо-Западный экономи-
ческий район и Калининградская об-
ласть) и стран Балтии на уровне город-
ских округов и муниципальных районов.
Также для административно-террито-
риальных единиц (АТЕ) данного уровня
методом передвижки возрастов анали-
зируется динамика численности молоде-
жи, что позволяет оценить ее внутри-
страновую (внутрирегиональную) ми-
грацию. Этот метод применяется не
часто, однако он позволяет более точно
изучать сдвиги в размещении этой
группы населения, чем, например, дан-
ные текущей статистики. В статье
использованы материалы национальных
переписей населения двух последних ра-
ундов (2000-х и 2010-х гг.) — данные об
общей численности населения и его по-
ловозрастном составе. Чтобы отра-
зить в исследовании центр-периферий-
ные взаимодействия, мы выделяли среди
исследуемых АТЕ центральные (столи-
цы стран и регионов) и пристоличные
районы, а остальные группировали по
степени удаленности от центров. Ана-
лиз показал, что в исследуемых странах
и регионах происходит концентрация
населения в столицах и ближайших к
ним районах, а периферия высокими
темпами теряет население. Особенно
выражено центростремительное дви-
жение молодежи, которое влияет на
изменение не только численности жи-
телей центров и периферийных терри-
торий, но и его структуры, тем самым
усугубляя процессы депопуляции и ста-
рения населения.
census data in 1989, 2002, and 2010, as well as the current population register. The extent of the decline or
less often of the increase of the population size are considered for cities of different sizes for each intercensal
period (1989–2002 and 2002–2010) and factors contributing to this are noted. The change in the population
size of cities is analyzed, depending on their size and geographical location, expressed in the distance to the
center of the federal subject. It turned out that in the 1990s and in the 2000s, the population of cities of dif
ferent sizes, but located at a distance of up to 50 km from the regional center increased, and at greater dis
tances the dynamics were not so welldefined. The dependence of the growth/decline of the population of
cities on their size is more variable: the population of cities of different sizes both grew and declined. The
dynamics of the natural increase and migration increase of cities with different sizes of population show that
the higher the population size the greater the importance of migration increase as a compensator of natural