Papers by Cuciureanu Gheorghe
The article analyzes the aspects of doctoral treatment at European level. The doctorate becames p... more The article analyzes the aspects of doctoral treatment at European level. The doctorate becames part of the higher education (cycle III) in the early 2000s and has been an important element of the Bologna process and the development of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The announcements of the ministers responsible for higher education in European countries as a result of their regular meetings, provide various activities for the development of a common framework for doctoral studies at European leve as welll. At the same time, the processes of globalization and the development of knowledge-based economies pose a number of challenges to the process and purpose of doctoral studies, which are widely debated by researchers, experts and decision makers. International experience can be useful and needs to be taken into consideration in the process of reforming the doctoral studies in the Republic of Moldova, especially in the context of implementing actions to integrate national...
Postmodern Openings, Nov 29, 2022
Open Science becomes the basic concept in organizing and conducting the research and development ... more Open Science becomes the basic concept in organizing and conducting the research and development process. The opening of the process of research and communication of science is supported and promoted both at the international level and at the national level in many countries through science policies and actions. At present, no Open Science policy is approved at the national level in the Republic of Moldova, but there are actions, undertaken by various organizations or within some projects, that promote this concept. And recently, the national authority in the field of science policy has been concerned about the promotion of Open Science principles in the country. Policy development and implementation of Open Science principles is difficult without involving all stakeholders and without knowledge of the current situation, both in terms of technical and legislative issues, and especially in terms of awareness of the need and willingness of people to contribute to this process. In this context, we set out to carry out this study, taking into account the insufficient level of debates and analyzes on Open Science subject carried out in the Republic of Moldova. Its purpose is to determine the attitude, the level of awareness and involvement in issues related to Open Science and its elements in the Republic of Moldova, which will serve to develop Open Science policies and instruments at national and institutional levels.
Central European Journal of Public Policy
Open Science paradigm involves transformations throughout the entire cycle of scientific research... more Open Science paradigm involves transformations throughout the entire cycle of scientific research. Decision-makers play the key role of paradigm change facilitators. Consequently, the promotion of Open Science requires a political commitment. Even though Open Science movement emerged at the international level back in 2002, its principles are being implemented quite slowly in the Republic of Moldova. Thus, the current study aims to analyze the importance and benefits of Open Science policy implementation, the strategic priorities of the Republic of Moldova on Open Science, barriers in transition to Open Science in the Republic of Moldova, and identification of the key actors in development, adoption, and implementation of Open Science policies in the Republic of Moldova. The study employed a mixed method: survey among members of the scientific community (quantitative data collection) and semi-structured interviews of the key informants in Open Science policies and practices (qualita...
Scientific research can play an essential role in finding solutions to societal challenges, given... more Scientific research can play an essential role in finding solutions to societal challenges, given that the research-development system is properly organised, which is only possible by knowing the regularities of how science works and the real state of the system. Policies developed in the absence of data and results of scientific studies are superficial and lack consistency. For a research-development strategy in the Republic of Moldova to fit into a coherent, systemic and predictable policy, it should clearly stipulate a vision for scientific research, what kind of science will be developed, what objectives will be pursued and what mechanisms will be used to achieve them.
Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos”, Oct 5, 2009
Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days
Publishing is one of the central components of scientific endeavor and has undergone significant ... more Publishing is one of the central components of scientific endeavor and has undergone significant developments lately, due to the digitisation of scholarly communication and consequent emergence and uptake of open access movement. This also led to the rise of "predatory publishing", motivated by profit and compromising research integrity. Similar to fake news, predatory publishing outlets "are characterized by false or misleading information", often spreading misinformation in the academic community and corrupting science. Evidence shows that the Global South and low-resources, developing countries (e.g. Republic of Moldova) are particularly prone to predatory journals and conferences. This paper examines the extent to which the scientific community in the Republic of Moldova is affected by predatory, pseudo-scientific publications, based on a case study. It then comes with several recommendations to tackle the issue of predatory publishing, tailored to the national academic environment. CCS CONCEPTS • General and reference → Cross-computing tools and techniques; Performance; Cross-computing tools and techniques; Evaluation; • Social and professional topics → Computing / technology policy; Intellectual property; Digital rights management; Computing / technology policy; Intellectual property; Copyrights.
Revista Etică și Deontologie, 2022
The paper describes an experiment of publishing a pseudo-scientific text in two predatory edition... more The paper describes an experiment of publishing a pseudo-scientific text in two predatory editions abroad (a conference and a journal) by an invented author from Chisinau: selection of editions, preparation of the manuscript, publication stages, characteristics of the editions in which were published, etc. The results of the experiment are analyzed in the context of the situation of scientific research in the Republic of Moldova and the challenges facing it, including the Covid-19 pandemic, the transition to open access publishing and the ethical issues caused by the "publish or perish" approach. The lack of any quality control when publishing articles in the two pseudo-scientific editions is demonstrated that the risks of integrating predatory publications into the culture of scientific research are highlighted. The paper contains suggestions on possible ways to combat publication in pseudo-scientific (predatory) editions.
Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days . 22-23 septembrie 2022, Budapesta. Viena, Austria: Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels, 2022
Publishing is one of the central components of scientific endeavor and has undergone significant ... more Publishing is one of the central components of scientific endeavor and has undergone significant developments lately, due to the digitisation of scholarly communication and consequent emergence and uptake of open access movement. This also led to the rise of "predatory publishing", motivated by profit and compromising research integrity. Similar to fake news, predatory publishing outlets "are characterized by false or misleading information", often spreading misinformation in the academic community and corrupting science. Evidence shows that the Global South and low-resources, developing countries (e.g. Republic of Moldova) are particularly prone to predatory journals and conferences. This paper examines the extent to which the scientific community in the Republic of Moldova is affected by predatory, pseudo-scientific publications, based on a case study. It then comes with several recommendations to tackle the issue of predatory publishing, tailored to the national academic environment.
Intellectus, Jun 28, 2017
Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos”, Jun 10, 2020
Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos”, Aug 23, 2021
The paper analyzes the experience of evaluation and organization of research project competitions... more The paper analyzes the experience of evaluation and organization of research project competitions through the prism of the „State Program 2020–2023” competition held in the Republic of Moldova. The advantages and disadvantages of the two major evaluation methods are highlighted: peer review and bibliometric evaluation, but also alternative ways of evaluating and selecting projects. Taking into account the shortcomings established in the process of organizing national competitions, the author proposes the organization of competitions for research projects in the Republic of Moldova through a combination of bibliometric evaluation and a lottery
Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days, 2018
The present paper shows several information instruments created in the Republic of Moldova for th... more The present paper shows several information instruments created in the Republic of Moldova for the purpose of ensuring transparency in science, innovation and scientific staff training. Their evolution, the way in which they could help enhancing transparency in Moldovan researchdevelopment- innovation system, shortcomings in ensuring greater visibility, have been investigated. Three information instruments developed (or under preparation) by the Information Society Development Institute have been examined in detail: i) National Bibliometric Instrument – a digital information system which is a database for collecting, classifying and processing public data on scientific publications in Moldovan scientific journals; ii) EXPERT online – an online information system for applying and assessment of draft programs and projects in the area of science and innovation; iii) Digital Map of Science – a platform in which the functions of existing systems are to be integrated under a common roof i...
Papers by Cuciureanu Gheorghe
The Research and Development Strategy of the Republic of Moldova up to 2020 has included provisions for monitoring and evaluation. Despite what was planned by the authors of the Strategy, we could not identify any official monitoring or evaluation report of the Strategy, i.e. there were no interventions in its content.
Based on the above realities, we have proposed in this research to analyze the Research and Development Strategy of the Republic of Moldova until 2020 in several aspects, mainly through the prism of achieving the established objectives.
1) modalităţi de diseminare/publicare a rezultatelor ştiinţifice (articole, monografii, comunicări la conferinţe etc.);
2) modalităţi de protejare a rezultatelor ştiinţifice (brevete şi alte obiecte de proprietate intelectuală);
3) modalităţi de materializare a rezultatelor ştiinţifice (prototipuri, baze de date, instrumente ş.a.).
Considerăm că listele alcătuite pentru cele 4 clasificări propuse reprezintă un prim pas pentru constituirea unui cadru metodologic comun de tratare a rezultatelor activităţii de cercetare-dezvoltare.
În publicaţie sunt descrise scopul şi obiectivele evaluării, standardele, tipurile, criteriile şi indicatorii de evaluare, metodele de evaluare, etapele procesului de evaluare, precum şi cum să asigurăm utilizarea rezultatelor evaluării în cercetare.
Lucrarea conţine şi un glosar de termeni aferenţi procesului de evaluare a proiectelor CDI.