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OT Neuro Splinting Tips
If you're an occupational therapist working with neuro patients and are nervous about splinting, you can do it! Here are some great tips from a neuro OT just for you.
2.4K views · 60 reactions | While these activities are great for ANYONE, I’ve heard your requests loud and clear – many of you wanted activities geared toward gentlemen. Here are some of my favorites, but comment below what the men with dementia in your life like to do to inspire others!#activities #activitydirector #ctrs #therapeuticrecreation #dementiaactivity #dementia #caregiver #alzheimers #alzheimer #dementiaawareness #dementiacare #caregiverlife #alzheimerssucks #vasculardementia #frontotemporaldementia #lewybodydementia #alzheimersfight #alzheimersdisease #dementiasucks #dementiapatients #dementiasupport #caregiversupport #caregivers | Be Light Care Consulting
While these activities are great for ANYONE, I’ve heard your requests loud and clear – many of you wanted activities geared toward gentlemen. Here are some of my favorites, but comment below what the men with dementia in your life like to do to inspire others!#activities #activitydirector #ctrs #therapeuticrecreation #dementiaactivity #dementia #caregiver #alzheimers #alzheimer #dementiaawareness #dementiacare #caregiverlife #alzheimerssucks #vasculardementia #frontotemporaldementia #lewybodydem
For hemiparetic upper extremity rehabilitation, consider using an upside-down cone and golf balls to promote shoulder flexion, neutral shoulder rotation, elbow extension, and controlled forearm movements.  Activity Steps:  Setup: Place the cone upside down on a stable surface. Engagement: Encourage the individual to grasp a golf ball or similar item.  Movement:  👉Ulnar Deviation: Roll the ball towards the outer edge of the cone.  👉Elbow Extension: Focus on extending the elbow while maintaining control.  👉Variations: Use different cups or containers to pour out items, enhancing engagement and challenge.  This activity targets proximal movements effectively for those with limited extension capabilities.  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2230868/  https://www.sciencedirect.com/scie
Hemiparetic upper extremity
For hemiparetic upper extremity rehabilitation, consider using an upside-down cone and golf balls to promote shoulder flexion, neutral shoulder rotation, elbow extension, and controlled forearm movements. Activity Steps: Setup: Place the cone upside down on a stable surface. Engagement: Encourage the individual to grasp a golf ball or similar item. Movement: 👉Ulnar Deviation: Roll the ball towards the outer edge of the cone. 👉Elbow Extension: Focus on extending the elbow while maintaining control. 👉Variations: Use different cups or containers to pour out items, enhancing engagement and challenge. This activity targets proximal movements effectively for those with limited extension capabilities. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2230868/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/scie
What Else Can You Do with a Dressing Stick? 6 Unexpected Uses to Extend Your Access
Cleaning Hacks to Make Household Chores Easier When You Live With a Mobility or Visual Impairment ♿︎
There are a few simple helpers and hacks you can use around the house to keep up with chores and tidying when you have trouble with your eyesight or mobility. Click for a straightforward post with some of the best tools and tips you can add to your routine. Even if you don't have a disability, you might find some of these useful! Visit tidymalism.com for more cleaning and laundry tips, loads of decluttering and tidyup ideas, storage solution inspiration & minimalism motivation for simple living.
Modified Toileting Activity
How to modify toileting in the clinic. Check out www.thenoteninjas.com for more patient-centered PT and OT treatments for physical therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapist assistants, and occupational therapist assistants. #physicaltherapystudent #occupationaltherapystudent #geriatricphysicaltherapy #geriatricoccupationaltherapy #dptstudent #otstudent #PTtreatment #OTtreatment #PTtreatmentideas #OTtreatmentideas
The Ultimate Guide Non Weight Bearing Workout Strength Training
This is the ultimate guide to best non weight bearing workout strength training to keep you fit and prevent muscle loss during an injury. Each of these exercises includes pictures and descriptions on how to performe each exercise with optimal form.