The article describes the features of the Girevoy (Kettlebell) sport and the athlete... more Introduction The article describes the features of the Girevoy (Kettlebell) sport and the athletes. We have considered the frequency, intensity and perceived stress in training and competition in this sport. We have determined the differences and correlations among factors that are relevant to the abovementioned characteristics (sex, duration of training, etc.), according to our assumptions. Methods The online survey is made conveniently and applied in the second half of 2015, while the domestic and foreign (European) amateur and professional athletes in this sport are tested (N = 92), 64 males and 28 females. Results More males than females have trained at the level of professional competition. The coach is a very important support during training, especially in stressful conditions for the athletes, and especially for females. The most powerful sources of stress for athletes is their private life (work, college, family), and the fact that they are too busy. Stress before the competition is on average seen as quite intensive, although it is fairly well controlled by competitors. Conclusions Girevoy (Kettlebell) sport is little known in our country. The research results suggest a critical role of trainer, as well as the need that the athletes develop their skills to cope with the stress of training and competition in this sport.
Numerous studies show that wide range of anthropological characteristics and health ... more Introduction Numerous studies show that wide range of anthropological characteristics and health indicators significantly affects the success in softball. Therefore, constant monitoring of these indicators provides to the coaches the information useful for the planning of the training process, adjusted to concrete athletes. This study explores selected morphological, physiological characteristics and health indicators of the softball players of various ages and the levels of sporting excellence. The aim of the study was to determine the differences in abovementioned indicators, as well as their correlations. Methods A sample of 59 male softball players, in range from 17 in the youngest age group 7-13 years (M±SD 12.53±0.51) to five aged over 30 years (32.00±0.71), was examined. These players were coming from Zagreb softball clubs, being included in medical examination at the Clinic for Occupational Health and Sports with clinical laboratory of the Zagreb Sports Association. Results Several differences in variables that are examined are found between the age groups, while the different profiles of players were identified, in relation to selected indicators. Conclusions Mostly easy explainable according to the growth and developmental stages, the results provide the information for planning training, but also for health prevention measures.
Introduction. The main research objective is the analysis of the grouping of the students of the ... more Introduction. The main research objective is the analysis of the grouping of the students of the University of Ljubljana, with respect to the intensity of different types of exercise participation motives, their gender, discipline and year of study, level of physical activity, status of physical education class, organization of physical activities during study, and place of residence.
Links between morphological characteristics (MC), motor abilities (MA) and psychological prepared... more Links between morphological characteristics (MC), motor abilities (MA) and psychological preparedness (PP) for school of preschool girls could help improve the quality of educational work for their teachers. The main goal of the study was to determine the correlation between three sets of data: MA, MC and PP. The randomized sample of preschool girls (N=127), aged 6-7, was examined. Fourteen MCs were measured. To measure MAs of the participants, 18 composite motor tests were adjusted for preschool children, three for each motor dimension: coordination, flexibility, strength, agility, accuracy and balance. Test for School Preparedness (TSS) with five subtests was used in estimating PP. The correlations between MC, MA and PP of preschool girls were determined by the use of both univariate and canonical correlations. The results revealed that all canonical correlations were statistically significant: between MC and MA, MA and PP, as well as MC and PP. However, in spite of its significance, canonical correlation was lowest between MC and PP. One of the hypotheses in explaining this relationship could be the speed of maturity, which is different for preschool girls and boys.
Interakcija ličnosti odgojitelja (zajedno s njezinim/njegovim dispozicijskim suočavanjem sa stres... more Interakcija ličnosti odgojitelja (zajedno s njezinim/njegovim dispozicijskim suočavanjem sa stresom), socijalne i fizičko-tehničke okoline utječe na doživljaj stresa na poslu, kao i na sva-kodnevno funkcioniranje odgojitelja i kvalitetu odnosa s djecom. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati mo-gućnost prognoze općeg doživljaja stresa te izvora stresa na temelju osobina ličnosti odgojiteljica (optimizam/pesimizam, emocionalna kompetencija, samoefikasnost), radnog staža te varijabli dis-pozicijskog stila suočavanja sa stresom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 336 odgojiteljica Splitsko-dal-matinske županije. Primijenjeno je više mjernih instrumenata, i to: Skala procjene stresnosti posla odgojitelja, Skala optimizma–pesimizma, Skala opće samoefikasnosti, Skala socijalne poželjnosti, Upitnik emocionalne kompetencije EUK-15, Upitnik stilova suočavanja sa stresnim situacijama i Upitnik suočavanja sa stresnim situacijama. Rezultati su pokazali da su statistički značajni predikto-ri za kriterije opći doživljaj stresa te međuljudske odnose kao izvore stresa radni staž i dispozicijsko suočavanje sa stresom usmjereno na emocije. Statistički značajni prediktori za kriterije (stresore) od-nosi s roditeljima, ponašanje djece te radni uvjeti kao izvore stresa su samoefikasnost i dispozicijsko suočavanje usmjereno na emocije. Nalazi istraživanja mogu pomoći osmišljavanju i unapređivanju programa kojima je za cilj prevencija stresa, ali i usvajanje učinkovitih strategija situacijskog suoča-vanja sa stresom, zajedno s vještinama socijalne interakcije.
1 doc. dr. sc., viši znanstveni suradnik 2 mag.psych. 2 Suradnici na projektu: Lucija Dodigović, ... more 1 doc. dr. sc., viši znanstveni suradnik 2 mag.psych. 2 Suradnici na projektu: Lucija Dodigović, mag. informatologije i lingvistike, Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb Selman Repišti, mag. psihologije, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina dr. sc. Miran Čoklo, dr. med., Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb Dječji vrtići Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Boja Milan Mustać, prof. pedagogije, ravnateljica Dolores Masle Aleksić, prof. pedagogije, pedagoginja-savjetnica Vinka Jauković, prof. pedagogije, pedagoginja Nikica Kličan, prof. psihologije, psihologinja-savjetnica Dječji vrtić Maslačak, Zaprešić Dragica Pernar, prof. pedagogije, ravnateljica Dina Rendulić, prof. pedagogije, pedagoginja-savjetnica Zvjezdana Sindik, prof. psihologije, psihologinja-savjetnica Dječji vrtić Ivanić Grad, Ivanić-Grad Ranka Đunđenac, odgajatelj predškolske djece, ravnateljica Ana Marija Pavlić, prof. pedagogije, pedagoginja
Children's play is an important activity, which reflects overall children's development. There is... more Children's play is an important activity, which reflects overall children's development. There is small number of studies that dealt with developmental milestones of children's play, especially those of children aged up to four years. Therefore, we have conducted a study on 839 children, aged from four to seven years. The main objective of this research is to investigate psychometric characteristics of the three scales for assessing the forms and content of the children's play (based on developmental milestones for children's play), from five to seven years of age, by determining the gender differences in the milestones and their correlations with the age of the child. The instrument is called ''Milestones Development of Children's Play'' (MRDI), which consists of three scales (checklists), suitable for the following age groups: 4-5 years (MRDI45), 5-6 years (MRDI56) and 6-7 years (MRDI67). Results show a satisfactory factor validity of two, from the three rating scales that contains MRDI, with a low but solid reliability of MRDI67, very low but still satisfactory reliability of MRDI45 and unsatisfactory reliability of MRDI56. In the age groups 4-5 and 5-6 years, statistically significant gender differences were found, in the direction of the better performance of girls. The correlations between children's age and their overall scores on three scales of MRDI are very low but statistically significant only for the oldest age group. The possibilities of potential improvements to these instruments (especially those in the age group 5-6 years), with the purpose of increasing their reliability, but also discrimination, are indicated.
Citation/Citirati na sljedeći način:
Repišti, S. i Sindik, J. (2015). Preliminarna psihometrijsk... more Citation/Citirati na sljedeći način: Repišti, S. i Sindik, J. (2015). Preliminarna psihometrijska validacija miljokaza razvoja dječje igre kod djece od navršene prve do četvrte godine života. Pregled, 56 (3), 83-104.
BHS: Dječja igra je vaţna aktivnost koja pogoduje njihovom nesmetanom razvoju. Malo je istraţivanja koja su se bavila miljokazima razvoja dječje igre, a naročito one djece do četiri godine ţivota. Stoga smo proveli istraţivanje na 637 djece, dobi od navršene prve do četvrte godine. Osnovni cilj naše studije bila je preliminarna psihometrijska evaluacija instrumenta konstruiranog u ove svrhe. Instrument je nazvan " Miljokazi razvoja dječje igre'' (MRDI), a čine ga tri liste označavanja, prilagoĎene sljedećim dobnim skupinama: 1–2 godine (MRDI12), 2–3 godine (MRDI23) i 3–4 godine (MRDI34). Rezultati ukazuju na zadovoljavajuću faktorsku valjanost sva tri dijela MRDI-a, na solidnu pouzdanost MRDI23, te na nešto niţu pouzdanost MRDI12 i MRDI34. Na kraju se razmatraju mogućnosti poboljšanja ovih instrumenata, u vidu povećanja njihove diskriminativnosti te broja čestica. Ključne riječi: miljokazi razvoja, dječja igra, faktorska valjanost, pouzdanost
ENG: Children's play is an important activity which benefits their normal development. There is small body of research that dealt with children " s developmental milestones of children's play, especially those of children aged up to four years. Therefore, we conducted a study on 637 children aged one to four years. The main goal of our study was to conduct preliminary psychometric evaluation of the instrument constructed for this purpose. The instrument is called ''Milestones Development of Children's Play'' (MRDI), and it consists of three checklists , suitable for the following age groups: 1-2 years (MRDI12), 2-3 years (MRDI23) and 3-4 years (MRDI34) . The results show a satisfactory factor validity of all three parts of the MRDI, a solid reliability of the MRDI23, and somewhat lower reliability of the MRDI12 and the MRDI34. Lastly, we discussed on possible improvements of these instruments, through improving their discriminant properties, and the number of their items.
Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku, 2014
SAŽETAK: U istraživanju smo analizirali novinske napise u lokalnom tjedniku Dubrovački vjesnik od... more SAŽETAK: U istraživanju smo analizirali novinske napise u lokalnom tjedniku Dubrovački vjesnik od 1. siječnja 1995. do 31. prosinca 2006. godine, te smo primjenom kvantitativne metode analize sadržaja nastojali cjelovitije sagledati ukupnu situaciju vezanu uz kupoprodaju nekretnina u staroj gradskoj jezgri Dubrovnika. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata i popratnih tumačenja, koje smo usporedili s kvalitativnom analizom iste problematike, nastojali smo odrediti okvirni opseg promjena. Nadalje, htjeli smo saznati koliko te promjene uočavaju različiti profili stručnjaka i građana, kakve se posljedice s obzirom na uočene trendove mogu očekivati, te kakve se mjere suzbijanja negativnih posljedica globalizacije turizma u srednjovjekovnoj zaštićenoj jezgri mogu poduzeti.
Self-esteem, an important aspect of self-concept, is the term which expresses the global evaluati... more Self-esteem, an important aspect of self-concept, is the term which expresses the global evaluation of oneself. Coordinated stimulation of child's development of self-esteem of children by parents and kindergarten is an important prerequisite for a child's overall mental and physical development. The aim of this article relates to the determination of intercorrelations within a sets of variables and crosscorrelations between sets of variables: the type of information that parents receive from the educator in the kindergarten, kindergarten's assistance in developing self-esteem of the child, parental encouraging of the child's self-esteem and a source of knowledge about the development of self-esteem in children. Participants were occasional sample of 102 mothers who had children involved in preschool programs in Croatia, in December 2009. We applied the Questionnaire about parental perception of encouraging selfesteem in kindergarten. With the exception of sources of knowledge about the child's self-esteem, a statistically significant correlation is found among all other sets of variables related to the promotion of the child's self-esteem. On the other hand, a small number of statistically significant correlations is found between different sets of variables. So, only the types of information that parents receive from the educator of the child are significantly correlated with different sources of knowledge about the child's self-esteem, but also with the information that they give teachers about the child. The results show that mothers generally show interest in developing self-esteem in children, and that they perceive the importance of their own (parental) roles, the importance of kindergarten, but also the coordination of joint efforts of parents and kindergarten experts, all for the purpose of stimulating the child's self-esteem.
ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to determine differences in the attitudes towards i... more ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to determine differences in the attitudes towards inclusion of children with disabilities among teachers in kindergartens according to age groups. The intentional sample of kindergarten teachers in Osijek and Zagreb were examined using the Expert Images about Inclusion of Children with Development Disabilities questionnaire. Dimensions of attitudes and beliefs about inclusion are mutually mainly low, but significantly and positively correlated. It turned out that older kindergarten teachers showed significantly more pronounced bias toward inclusion, but they knew more about the philosophy of inclusion and about the inclusion estimating criteria. On the other hand, younger kindergarten teachers believed that they had greater personal and professional competence to work in terms of inclusion. The existence of age differences in preschool teachers in the attitudes towards the inclusion determines the possibility of conceiving a differentiated educational program of inclusion.
Skolski Vjesnik Casopis Za Pedagoska I Skolska Pitanja, Mar 31, 2010
Pretpostavili smo da odgojiteljice koje su emocionalno kompetentnije, empatičnije i maštovitije v... more Pretpostavili smo da odgojiteljice koje su emocionalno kompetentnije, empatičnije i maštovitije vjerojatno i doživljavaju manje stresa na poslu. Za provjeru ove temeljne hipoteze, ispitali smo mogućnost predviđanja doživljavanja...
Utvrđena je emocionalna i socijalna zrelost te samostalnost, fizička i intelektualna zrelost za p... more Utvrđena je emocionalna i socijalna zrelost te samostalnost, fizička i intelektualna zrelost za polazak u osnovnu školu, pa se pokušalo prognozirati te karakteristike varijablom redoslijeda djetetova rođenja. Sudionici u istraživanju su bili predškolska djeca (N= 96) iz odgojnih skupina Dječjeg vrtića "Maksimir" u Zagrebu. Prema rezultatima, mogućnost prognoze emocionalne i socijalne zrelosti djece na temelju redoslijeda djetetova rođenja je slaba. Međutim, mogućnost prognoze samostalnosti, fizičke i intelektualne zrelosti na temelju redoslijeda rođenja je znatno bolja. Na osnovi rezultata, može se pretpostaviti da postoji značajna mogućnost prognoze samostalnosti, fizičke i intelektualne zrelosti na temelju redoslijeda rođenja djece i u predškolskoj dobi, premda prognoza može biti vjerojatno bolja u odraslijoj dobi.
In this paper we describe how children acquire foreign language. It is well known that the very e... more In this paper we describe how children acquire foreign language. It is well known that the very early age is a most suitable time to start foreign language learning. This is partly because up to the certain age every child learns foreign language as a part of a natural process. For our research we had to study theories of language learning, predominantly nativists' theory, where Chomsky argues that there is an innate factor, known as Language Acquisition Device, and further development made by Lennenberg, but also empiricists -behaviourists' theory upholding the element of imitating (Skinner) and cognitivists' theory that argues that cognition precedes the language development (Bruner, Piaget, Vygotsky, Sapir-Whorf). We are giving an overview of the process and ways of acquiring foreign language we studied the phases of language learning and connections to the brain´s developmental stages. It is established that the most suitable age for starting the learning process should begin at preschool age, when children are mostly intrinsically motivated. For the evaluation of the process we suggested the simple quantitative and qualitative method, suitable for educators and parents and for the scientific purposes there is a micro genetic research method for deeper understanding of the learning process and changes that occur.
Prema Plominovom modelu temperamenta (EASI), djetetov se temperament može mjeriti na četiri dimen... more Prema Plominovom modelu temperamenta (EASI), djetetov se temperament može mjeriti na četiri dimenzije: emocionalnost, aktivnost, socijabilnost i impulzivnost. Djeci različitog temperamenta potrebno je i drugačije odgojno pristupati, pripremajući ih za polazak u školu. Zato je cilj ovog rada utvrditi relaciju između nekih karakteristika predškolske djece (koje indiciraju spremnost za polaženje osnovne škole) te karakteristika dječjeg temperamenta u djece Dječjeg vrtića "Dugo Selo" (N=66). Analiza razlika u temperamentu (EASI upitnik dječjeg temperamenta) pokazala je da je među svim analiziranim nezavisnim varijablama te interaktivnim varijablama, jedina značajna razlika u temperamentu pronađena za varijablu spol. Rezultati u Obojenim progresivnim matricama (CPM) značajno su negativno povezani jedino s dimenzijom impulzivnosti (za djevojčice i za svu djecu zajedno). Rezultati u testu Lorette Bender -Razvojni princip ocjenjivanja (LB-R) nisu značajno povezani ni s jednom dimenzijom temperamenta, a u Upitniku razvojnih problema (URP) značajno su pozitivno povezani s tri dimenzije temperamenta: impulzivnost, emocionalnost te aktivnost (za dječake i za svu djecu zajedno). U djevojčica rezultati u Upitniku razvojnih problema su značajno pozitivno povezani jedino s dimenzijom aktivnost. Rezultati mogu biti realno stanje za procijenjeni uzorak djece, međutim, oni mogu biti i posljedica specifične metaprocjene koju daju odgajatelji u specifičnim uvjetima dječjeg vrtića.
Zbornik Radova Međimurskog Veleucilista U Cakovcu, Dec 30, 2010
Differentiated approach to training, with age and gender specificity, the level of sporting excel... more Differentiated approach to training, with age and gender specificity, the level of sporting excellence, but the subjective assessment of trainers, should be founded on objective scientific methods, such as cluster analysis of selected anthropological characteristics of athletes. In this study, by taxonomic analysis of the conative characteristics, potentially important for success in bowling and indicators of success in the bowling competition, male and female bowlers, candidates for the Croatian national team are divided into two groups. Selected conative characteristics didn't previously researches shown the expected correlation with success in the competition. So, with the insight in specificity of estimated characteristics in each group in which the athletes are classified, the coach can potentially successful organize individualized training process.
The article describes the features of the Girevoy (Kettlebell) sport and the athlete... more Introduction The article describes the features of the Girevoy (Kettlebell) sport and the athletes. We have considered the frequency, intensity and perceived stress in training and competition in this sport. We have determined the differences and correlations among factors that are relevant to the abovementioned characteristics (sex, duration of training, etc.), according to our assumptions. Methods The online survey is made conveniently and applied in the second half of 2015, while the domestic and foreign (European) amateur and professional athletes in this sport are tested (N = 92), 64 males and 28 females. Results More males than females have trained at the level of professional competition. The coach is a very important support during training, especially in stressful conditions for the athletes, and especially for females. The most powerful sources of stress for athletes is their private life (work, college, family), and the fact that they are too busy. Stress before the competition is on average seen as quite intensive, although it is fairly well controlled by competitors. Conclusions Girevoy (Kettlebell) sport is little known in our country. The research results suggest a critical role of trainer, as well as the need that the athletes develop their skills to cope with the stress of training and competition in this sport.
Numerous studies show that wide range of anthropological characteristics and health ... more Introduction Numerous studies show that wide range of anthropological characteristics and health indicators significantly affects the success in softball. Therefore, constant monitoring of these indicators provides to the coaches the information useful for the planning of the training process, adjusted to concrete athletes. This study explores selected morphological, physiological characteristics and health indicators of the softball players of various ages and the levels of sporting excellence. The aim of the study was to determine the differences in abovementioned indicators, as well as their correlations. Methods A sample of 59 male softball players, in range from 17 in the youngest age group 7-13 years (M±SD 12.53±0.51) to five aged over 30 years (32.00±0.71), was examined. These players were coming from Zagreb softball clubs, being included in medical examination at the Clinic for Occupational Health and Sports with clinical laboratory of the Zagreb Sports Association. Results Several differences in variables that are examined are found between the age groups, while the different profiles of players were identified, in relation to selected indicators. Conclusions Mostly easy explainable according to the growth and developmental stages, the results provide the information for planning training, but also for health prevention measures.
Introduction. The main research objective is the analysis of the grouping of the students of the ... more Introduction. The main research objective is the analysis of the grouping of the students of the University of Ljubljana, with respect to the intensity of different types of exercise participation motives, their gender, discipline and year of study, level of physical activity, status of physical education class, organization of physical activities during study, and place of residence.
Links between morphological characteristics (MC), motor abilities (MA) and psychological prepared... more Links between morphological characteristics (MC), motor abilities (MA) and psychological preparedness (PP) for school of preschool girls could help improve the quality of educational work for their teachers. The main goal of the study was to determine the correlation between three sets of data: MA, MC and PP. The randomized sample of preschool girls (N=127), aged 6-7, was examined. Fourteen MCs were measured. To measure MAs of the participants, 18 composite motor tests were adjusted for preschool children, three for each motor dimension: coordination, flexibility, strength, agility, accuracy and balance. Test for School Preparedness (TSS) with five subtests was used in estimating PP. The correlations between MC, MA and PP of preschool girls were determined by the use of both univariate and canonical correlations. The results revealed that all canonical correlations were statistically significant: between MC and MA, MA and PP, as well as MC and PP. However, in spite of its significance, canonical correlation was lowest between MC and PP. One of the hypotheses in explaining this relationship could be the speed of maturity, which is different for preschool girls and boys.
Interakcija ličnosti odgojitelja (zajedno s njezinim/njegovim dispozicijskim suočavanjem sa stres... more Interakcija ličnosti odgojitelja (zajedno s njezinim/njegovim dispozicijskim suočavanjem sa stresom), socijalne i fizičko-tehničke okoline utječe na doživljaj stresa na poslu, kao i na sva-kodnevno funkcioniranje odgojitelja i kvalitetu odnosa s djecom. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati mo-gućnost prognoze općeg doživljaja stresa te izvora stresa na temelju osobina ličnosti odgojiteljica (optimizam/pesimizam, emocionalna kompetencija, samoefikasnost), radnog staža te varijabli dis-pozicijskog stila suočavanja sa stresom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 336 odgojiteljica Splitsko-dal-matinske županije. Primijenjeno je više mjernih instrumenata, i to: Skala procjene stresnosti posla odgojitelja, Skala optimizma–pesimizma, Skala opće samoefikasnosti, Skala socijalne poželjnosti, Upitnik emocionalne kompetencije EUK-15, Upitnik stilova suočavanja sa stresnim situacijama i Upitnik suočavanja sa stresnim situacijama. Rezultati su pokazali da su statistički značajni predikto-ri za kriterije opći doživljaj stresa te međuljudske odnose kao izvore stresa radni staž i dispozicijsko suočavanje sa stresom usmjereno na emocije. Statistički značajni prediktori za kriterije (stresore) od-nosi s roditeljima, ponašanje djece te radni uvjeti kao izvore stresa su samoefikasnost i dispozicijsko suočavanje usmjereno na emocije. Nalazi istraživanja mogu pomoći osmišljavanju i unapređivanju programa kojima je za cilj prevencija stresa, ali i usvajanje učinkovitih strategija situacijskog suoča-vanja sa stresom, zajedno s vještinama socijalne interakcije.
1 doc. dr. sc., viši znanstveni suradnik 2 mag.psych. 2 Suradnici na projektu: Lucija Dodigović, ... more 1 doc. dr. sc., viši znanstveni suradnik 2 mag.psych. 2 Suradnici na projektu: Lucija Dodigović, mag. informatologije i lingvistike, Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb Selman Repišti, mag. psihologije, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina dr. sc. Miran Čoklo, dr. med., Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb Dječji vrtići Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Boja Milan Mustać, prof. pedagogije, ravnateljica Dolores Masle Aleksić, prof. pedagogije, pedagoginja-savjetnica Vinka Jauković, prof. pedagogije, pedagoginja Nikica Kličan, prof. psihologije, psihologinja-savjetnica Dječji vrtić Maslačak, Zaprešić Dragica Pernar, prof. pedagogije, ravnateljica Dina Rendulić, prof. pedagogije, pedagoginja-savjetnica Zvjezdana Sindik, prof. psihologije, psihologinja-savjetnica Dječji vrtić Ivanić Grad, Ivanić-Grad Ranka Đunđenac, odgajatelj predškolske djece, ravnateljica Ana Marija Pavlić, prof. pedagogije, pedagoginja
Children's play is an important activity, which reflects overall children's development. There is... more Children's play is an important activity, which reflects overall children's development. There is small number of studies that dealt with developmental milestones of children's play, especially those of children aged up to four years. Therefore, we have conducted a study on 839 children, aged from four to seven years. The main objective of this research is to investigate psychometric characteristics of the three scales for assessing the forms and content of the children's play (based on developmental milestones for children's play), from five to seven years of age, by determining the gender differences in the milestones and their correlations with the age of the child. The instrument is called ''Milestones Development of Children's Play'' (MRDI), which consists of three scales (checklists), suitable for the following age groups: 4-5 years (MRDI45), 5-6 years (MRDI56) and 6-7 years (MRDI67). Results show a satisfactory factor validity of two, from the three rating scales that contains MRDI, with a low but solid reliability of MRDI67, very low but still satisfactory reliability of MRDI45 and unsatisfactory reliability of MRDI56. In the age groups 4-5 and 5-6 years, statistically significant gender differences were found, in the direction of the better performance of girls. The correlations between children's age and their overall scores on three scales of MRDI are very low but statistically significant only for the oldest age group. The possibilities of potential improvements to these instruments (especially those in the age group 5-6 years), with the purpose of increasing their reliability, but also discrimination, are indicated.
Citation/Citirati na sljedeći način:
Repišti, S. i Sindik, J. (2015). Preliminarna psihometrijsk... more Citation/Citirati na sljedeći način: Repišti, S. i Sindik, J. (2015). Preliminarna psihometrijska validacija miljokaza razvoja dječje igre kod djece od navršene prve do četvrte godine života. Pregled, 56 (3), 83-104.
BHS: Dječja igra je vaţna aktivnost koja pogoduje njihovom nesmetanom razvoju. Malo je istraţivanja koja su se bavila miljokazima razvoja dječje igre, a naročito one djece do četiri godine ţivota. Stoga smo proveli istraţivanje na 637 djece, dobi od navršene prve do četvrte godine. Osnovni cilj naše studije bila je preliminarna psihometrijska evaluacija instrumenta konstruiranog u ove svrhe. Instrument je nazvan " Miljokazi razvoja dječje igre'' (MRDI), a čine ga tri liste označavanja, prilagoĎene sljedećim dobnim skupinama: 1–2 godine (MRDI12), 2–3 godine (MRDI23) i 3–4 godine (MRDI34). Rezultati ukazuju na zadovoljavajuću faktorsku valjanost sva tri dijela MRDI-a, na solidnu pouzdanost MRDI23, te na nešto niţu pouzdanost MRDI12 i MRDI34. Na kraju se razmatraju mogućnosti poboljšanja ovih instrumenata, u vidu povećanja njihove diskriminativnosti te broja čestica. Ključne riječi: miljokazi razvoja, dječja igra, faktorska valjanost, pouzdanost
ENG: Children's play is an important activity which benefits their normal development. There is small body of research that dealt with children " s developmental milestones of children's play, especially those of children aged up to four years. Therefore, we conducted a study on 637 children aged one to four years. The main goal of our study was to conduct preliminary psychometric evaluation of the instrument constructed for this purpose. The instrument is called ''Milestones Development of Children's Play'' (MRDI), and it consists of three checklists , suitable for the following age groups: 1-2 years (MRDI12), 2-3 years (MRDI23) and 3-4 years (MRDI34) . The results show a satisfactory factor validity of all three parts of the MRDI, a solid reliability of the MRDI23, and somewhat lower reliability of the MRDI12 and the MRDI34. Lastly, we discussed on possible improvements of these instruments, through improving their discriminant properties, and the number of their items.
Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku, 2014
SAŽETAK: U istraživanju smo analizirali novinske napise u lokalnom tjedniku Dubrovački vjesnik od... more SAŽETAK: U istraživanju smo analizirali novinske napise u lokalnom tjedniku Dubrovački vjesnik od 1. siječnja 1995. do 31. prosinca 2006. godine, te smo primjenom kvantitativne metode analize sadržaja nastojali cjelovitije sagledati ukupnu situaciju vezanu uz kupoprodaju nekretnina u staroj gradskoj jezgri Dubrovnika. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata i popratnih tumačenja, koje smo usporedili s kvalitativnom analizom iste problematike, nastojali smo odrediti okvirni opseg promjena. Nadalje, htjeli smo saznati koliko te promjene uočavaju različiti profili stručnjaka i građana, kakve se posljedice s obzirom na uočene trendove mogu očekivati, te kakve se mjere suzbijanja negativnih posljedica globalizacije turizma u srednjovjekovnoj zaštićenoj jezgri mogu poduzeti.
Self-esteem, an important aspect of self-concept, is the term which expresses the global evaluati... more Self-esteem, an important aspect of self-concept, is the term which expresses the global evaluation of oneself. Coordinated stimulation of child's development of self-esteem of children by parents and kindergarten is an important prerequisite for a child's overall mental and physical development. The aim of this article relates to the determination of intercorrelations within a sets of variables and crosscorrelations between sets of variables: the type of information that parents receive from the educator in the kindergarten, kindergarten's assistance in developing self-esteem of the child, parental encouraging of the child's self-esteem and a source of knowledge about the development of self-esteem in children. Participants were occasional sample of 102 mothers who had children involved in preschool programs in Croatia, in December 2009. We applied the Questionnaire about parental perception of encouraging selfesteem in kindergarten. With the exception of sources of knowledge about the child's self-esteem, a statistically significant correlation is found among all other sets of variables related to the promotion of the child's self-esteem. On the other hand, a small number of statistically significant correlations is found between different sets of variables. So, only the types of information that parents receive from the educator of the child are significantly correlated with different sources of knowledge about the child's self-esteem, but also with the information that they give teachers about the child. The results show that mothers generally show interest in developing self-esteem in children, and that they perceive the importance of their own (parental) roles, the importance of kindergarten, but also the coordination of joint efforts of parents and kindergarten experts, all for the purpose of stimulating the child's self-esteem.
ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to determine differences in the attitudes towards i... more ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to determine differences in the attitudes towards inclusion of children with disabilities among teachers in kindergartens according to age groups. The intentional sample of kindergarten teachers in Osijek and Zagreb were examined using the Expert Images about Inclusion of Children with Development Disabilities questionnaire. Dimensions of attitudes and beliefs about inclusion are mutually mainly low, but significantly and positively correlated. It turned out that older kindergarten teachers showed significantly more pronounced bias toward inclusion, but they knew more about the philosophy of inclusion and about the inclusion estimating criteria. On the other hand, younger kindergarten teachers believed that they had greater personal and professional competence to work in terms of inclusion. The existence of age differences in preschool teachers in the attitudes towards the inclusion determines the possibility of conceiving a differentiated educational program of inclusion.
Skolski Vjesnik Casopis Za Pedagoska I Skolska Pitanja, Mar 31, 2010
Pretpostavili smo da odgojiteljice koje su emocionalno kompetentnije, empatičnije i maštovitije v... more Pretpostavili smo da odgojiteljice koje su emocionalno kompetentnije, empatičnije i maštovitije vjerojatno i doživljavaju manje stresa na poslu. Za provjeru ove temeljne hipoteze, ispitali smo mogućnost predviđanja doživljavanja...
Utvrđena je emocionalna i socijalna zrelost te samostalnost, fizička i intelektualna zrelost za p... more Utvrđena je emocionalna i socijalna zrelost te samostalnost, fizička i intelektualna zrelost za polazak u osnovnu školu, pa se pokušalo prognozirati te karakteristike varijablom redoslijeda djetetova rođenja. Sudionici u istraživanju su bili predškolska djeca (N= 96) iz odgojnih skupina Dječjeg vrtića "Maksimir" u Zagrebu. Prema rezultatima, mogućnost prognoze emocionalne i socijalne zrelosti djece na temelju redoslijeda djetetova rođenja je slaba. Međutim, mogućnost prognoze samostalnosti, fizičke i intelektualne zrelosti na temelju redoslijeda rođenja je znatno bolja. Na osnovi rezultata, može se pretpostaviti da postoji značajna mogućnost prognoze samostalnosti, fizičke i intelektualne zrelosti na temelju redoslijeda rođenja djece i u predškolskoj dobi, premda prognoza može biti vjerojatno bolja u odraslijoj dobi.
In this paper we describe how children acquire foreign language. It is well known that the very e... more In this paper we describe how children acquire foreign language. It is well known that the very early age is a most suitable time to start foreign language learning. This is partly because up to the certain age every child learns foreign language as a part of a natural process. For our research we had to study theories of language learning, predominantly nativists' theory, where Chomsky argues that there is an innate factor, known as Language Acquisition Device, and further development made by Lennenberg, but also empiricists -behaviourists' theory upholding the element of imitating (Skinner) and cognitivists' theory that argues that cognition precedes the language development (Bruner, Piaget, Vygotsky, Sapir-Whorf). We are giving an overview of the process and ways of acquiring foreign language we studied the phases of language learning and connections to the brain´s developmental stages. It is established that the most suitable age for starting the learning process should begin at preschool age, when children are mostly intrinsically motivated. For the evaluation of the process we suggested the simple quantitative and qualitative method, suitable for educators and parents and for the scientific purposes there is a micro genetic research method for deeper understanding of the learning process and changes that occur.
Prema Plominovom modelu temperamenta (EASI), djetetov se temperament može mjeriti na četiri dimen... more Prema Plominovom modelu temperamenta (EASI), djetetov se temperament može mjeriti na četiri dimenzije: emocionalnost, aktivnost, socijabilnost i impulzivnost. Djeci različitog temperamenta potrebno je i drugačije odgojno pristupati, pripremajući ih za polazak u školu. Zato je cilj ovog rada utvrditi relaciju između nekih karakteristika predškolske djece (koje indiciraju spremnost za polaženje osnovne škole) te karakteristika dječjeg temperamenta u djece Dječjeg vrtića "Dugo Selo" (N=66). Analiza razlika u temperamentu (EASI upitnik dječjeg temperamenta) pokazala je da je među svim analiziranim nezavisnim varijablama te interaktivnim varijablama, jedina značajna razlika u temperamentu pronađena za varijablu spol. Rezultati u Obojenim progresivnim matricama (CPM) značajno su negativno povezani jedino s dimenzijom impulzivnosti (za djevojčice i za svu djecu zajedno). Rezultati u testu Lorette Bender -Razvojni princip ocjenjivanja (LB-R) nisu značajno povezani ni s jednom dimenzijom temperamenta, a u Upitniku razvojnih problema (URP) značajno su pozitivno povezani s tri dimenzije temperamenta: impulzivnost, emocionalnost te aktivnost (za dječake i za svu djecu zajedno). U djevojčica rezultati u Upitniku razvojnih problema su značajno pozitivno povezani jedino s dimenzijom aktivnost. Rezultati mogu biti realno stanje za procijenjeni uzorak djece, međutim, oni mogu biti i posljedica specifične metaprocjene koju daju odgajatelji u specifičnim uvjetima dječjeg vrtića.
Zbornik Radova Međimurskog Veleucilista U Cakovcu, Dec 30, 2010
Differentiated approach to training, with age and gender specificity, the level of sporting excel... more Differentiated approach to training, with age and gender specificity, the level of sporting excellence, but the subjective assessment of trainers, should be founded on objective scientific methods, such as cluster analysis of selected anthropological characteristics of athletes. In this study, by taxonomic analysis of the conative characteristics, potentially important for success in bowling and indicators of success in the bowling competition, male and female bowlers, candidates for the Croatian national team are divided into two groups. Selected conative characteristics didn't previously researches shown the expected correlation with success in the competition. So, with the insight in specificity of estimated characteristics in each group in which the athletes are classified, the coach can potentially successful organize individualized training process.
Udžbenik daje osnove istrazivačkog rada u sestrinstvu, prilagođene struci, a s osnovnim elementim... more Udžbenik daje osnove istrazivačkog rada u sestrinstvu, prilagođene struci, a s osnovnim elementima metodologije znanstvenog rada te bazičnim statističkim metodama.
Ovaj udžbenik je nastao u svrhu omogućavanja lakšeg učenja gradiva studentima, a na temelju sadrž... more Ovaj udžbenik je nastao u svrhu omogućavanja lakšeg učenja gradiva studentima, a na temelju sadržaja (tematskih cjelina) propisanih syllabusom kolegija Metode zdravstvenog odgoja i promocije zdravlja, u sklopu diplomskog preddiplomskog studija Sestrinstvo na Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku. Početno polazište za koncipiranje udžbenika bile su od strane studenata elaborirane teme seminarskih radova, koji su međutim u većoj ili manjoj mjeri prerađeni i dopunjeni relevantnim referencama, kao i dodatnim suvremenim znanstvenim spoznajama. Stoga zahvaljujemo svim studentima na korisnom doprinosu u koncipiranju ovog udžbenika, kao i vrijednim recenzentima doc. dr. sc. Jošku Vukosavu, doc. dr. sc. Klari Šiljeg te doc. dr. sc. Draženu Kovačeviću, kao i lektorici dr. sc. Sanji Brbori, koji su bitno doprinijeli poboljšanju kvalitete ovog nastavnom materijala.
Ovaj udžbenik je nastao u svrhu omogućavanja lakšeg učenja gradiva studentima, a na temelju sadrž... more Ovaj udžbenik je nastao u svrhu omogućavanja lakšeg učenja gradiva studentima, a na temelju sadržaja (tematskih cjelina) propisanih syllabusom kolegija Metode podučavanja bolesnika, u sklopu diplomskog specijalističkog studija Kliničko sestrinstvo na Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku. Početno polazište za koncipiranje udžbenika bile su od strane studenata elaborirane teme seminarskih radova, koji su međutim u većoj ili manjoj mjeri prerađeni i dopunjeni relevantnim referencama, kao i dodatnim suvremenim znanstvenim spoznajama. Stoga zahvaljujemo svim studentima na korisnom doprinosu u koncipiranju ovog udžbenika, kao i vrijednim recenzentima doc. dr. sc. Jošku Vukosavu, doc. dr. sc. Klari Šiljeg te doc. dr. sc. Draženu Kovačeviću, kao i lektorici dr. sc. Sanji Brbori, koji su bitno doprinijeli poboljšanju kvalitete ovog nastavnom materijala.
Ovaj udžbenik je nastao u svrhu omogućavanja lakšeg učenja gradiva studentima, a na temelju sadrž... more Ovaj udžbenik je nastao u svrhu omogućavanja lakšeg učenja gradiva studentima, a na temelju sadržaja (tematskih cjelina) propisanih syllabusom kolegija Komuniciranje u zdravstvu, u sklopu diplomskog specijalističkog studija Kliničko sestrinstvo na Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku. Početno polazište za koncipiranje udžbenika bile su od strane studenata elaborirane teme seminarskih radova, koji su međutim u većoj ili manjoj mjeri prerađeni i dopunjeni relevantnim referencama, kao i dodatnim suvremenim znanstvenim spoznajama. Stoga zahvaljujemo svim studentima na korisnom doprinosu u koncipiranju ovog udžbenika, kao i vrijednim recenzentima doc. dr. sc. Jošku Vukosavu, doc. dr. sc. Klari Šiljeg te doc. dr. sc. Draženu Kovačeviću, kao i lektorici dr. sc. Sanji Brbori, koji su bitno doprinijeli poboljšanju kvalitete ovog nastavnom materijala.
Studija opisana u ovoj knjizi nastala je u sklopu projekta Temeljni razvojni miljokazi kao sredst... more Studija opisana u ovoj knjizi nastala je u sklopu projekta Temeljni razvojni miljokazi kao sredstvo stimuliranja razvoja predškolske djece, koji je financirao Grad Dubrovnik putem natječaja u sklopu Javnog poziva za predlaganje projekata/programa iz područja skrbi o djeci, mladima i obitelji za 2016. godinu, a na temelju odobrenja Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta, klasa 602-01/14-01/00652, urudžbeni broj 533-25-14-0002, danog dana 24. studenoga 2014. u Zagrebu. Polazišta su ovog projekta znanstvena i praktična. Naime, tijekom rada u predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju, kao nekadašnji predškolski psiholog (stručni suradnik psiholog u dječjem vrtiću) s gotovo dvadesetdvogodišnjom praksom (zapažanje autora J.S.) zamijetio sam i utvrdio da se glavni nositelji odgojnih utjecaja (roditelji djece, ali i odgojitelji(ce) u dječjem vrtiću) u radu s djecom zapravo najviše koriste intuicijom. Međutim, intuicija se uobičajeno definira kao sposobnost predviđanja i shvaćanja prije naknadnih spoznaja i procesa mišljenja. Ili pak kao čin ili sposobnost znanja ili osjećanja bez uporabe racionalnog procesa, odnosno kao neposredna spoznaja (Gigerenzer, 2008). Tako definirana intuicija može pridonijeti razumijevanju djeteta i uspješnijem stimuliranju njegova razvoja, ali može i „zatajiti“. Malo je vjerojatno da će odgojitelji(ce) u dječjem vrtiću moći pronaći intuitivno rješenje za svako dijete, kao što je malo vjerojatno da će to uspjeti i djetetovi roditelji. Naime, premda roditelji djece imaju više vremena da svoje dijete bolje upoznaju, oni u prosjeku imaju nešto manje obrazovanjem stečenih znanja o djeci i češće su manje objektivni u odnosu na odgojitelje/ice. Stoga, i odgojitelji(ca)ma i roditeljima djece koristile bi jasne smjernice o tome kako određenom djetetu i određenoj grupi djece najuspješnije stimulirati razvoj. Miljokazi dječjeg razvoja, odnosno njihov ograničeni broj koji zadovoljavajuće reprezentira određeni aspekt razvoja (npr. spoznajni razvoj djece u dobi od dvije do tri godine života) pružaju upravo tu mogućnost. Praksa je pokazala da odgojitelji(ce) i roditelji vrlo lako prepoznaju razvojne miljokaze kod predškolske djece, u svim dobnim skupinama. S druge strane, procjena miljokaza dječjeg razvoja pruža mogućnost za točno planiranje aktivnosti s djecom koje će ciljano stimulirati djetetov razvoj. Primjerice, kad znamo da dijete ne zna crtati trokut, raspoznati tri različite boje ili stajati na jednoj nozi, to ga ciljanim aktivnostima možemo naučiti. Sa znanstvenog aspekta, izazov je sustavno utvrditi temeljne razvojne miljokaze za djecu u različitim dobnim grupama koje su uobičajeno zastupljene u institucionalnom predškolskom odgoju u Hrvatskoj: 1-2 godine, 2-3 godine, 3-4 godine, 4-5 godina, 5-6 godina te 6-7 godina života. S obzirom na to da koncept razvojnih miljokaza ne polazi od znanstvenog teorijski utemeljenog konstrukta, razvojni miljokazi za predškolsku djecu za potrebe ovog istraživanja grupirani su u četiri aspekta dječjeg razvoja: motorički razvoj, spoznajni razvoj, razvoj govora i socioemocionalni razvoj. Rezultati dvaju istraživanja koja su se bavila istraživanjem miljokaza dječje igre (Repišti i Sindik, 2015; Sindik, Repišti i Mišćenić, 2016) pokazali su da postoji mogućnost svođenja većeg broja razvojnih miljokaza na njihov manji broj, koji sa zadovoljavajućom metrijskim karakteristikama reprezentira prostor dječje igre. Analogno, smatramo da na isti način niz razvojnih miljokaza može zadovoljavajuće reprezentirati i navedena područja djetetova psihosomatskog razvoja: motoriku, spoznajni razvoj, razvoj govora i socioemocionalni razvoj.
Papers by Josko Sindik
The article describes the features of the Girevoy (Kettlebell) sport and the athletes. We have considered the frequency, intensity and perceived stress in training and competition in this sport. We have determined the differences and correlations among factors that are relevant to the abovementioned characteristics (sex, duration of training, etc.), according to our assumptions.
The online survey is made conveniently and applied in the second half of 2015, while the domestic and foreign (European) amateur and professional athletes in this sport are tested (N = 92), 64 males and 28 females.
More males than females have trained at the level of professional competition. The coach is a very important support during training, especially in stressful conditions for the athletes, and especially for females. The most powerful sources of stress for athletes is their private life (work, college, family), and the fact that they are too busy. Stress before the competition is on average seen as quite intensive, although it is fairly well controlled by competitors.
Girevoy (Kettlebell) sport is little known in our country. The research results suggest a critical role of trainer, as well as the need that the athletes develop their skills to cope with the stress of training and competition in this sport.
Numerous studies show that wide range of anthropological characteristics and health indicators significantly affects the success in softball. Therefore, constant monitoring of these indicators provides to the coaches the information useful for the planning of the training process, adjusted to concrete athletes. This study explores selected morphological, physiological characteristics and health indicators of the softball players of various ages and the levels of sporting excellence. The aim of the study was to determine the differences in abovementioned indicators, as well as their correlations.
A sample of 59 male softball players, in range from 17 in the youngest age group 7-13 years (M±SD 12.53±0.51) to five aged over 30 years (32.00±0.71), was examined. These players were coming from Zagreb softball clubs, being included in medical examination at the Clinic for Occupational Health and Sports with clinical laboratory of the Zagreb Sports Association.
Several differences in variables that are examined are found between the age groups, while the different profiles of players were identified, in relation to selected indicators.
Mostly easy explainable according to the growth and developmental stages, the results provide the information for planning training, but also for health prevention measures.
Repišti, S. i Sindik, J. (2015). Preliminarna psihometrijska validacija miljokaza razvoja dječje igre kod djece od navršene prve do četvrte godine života. Pregled, 56 (3), 83-104.
BHS: Dječja igra je vaţna aktivnost koja pogoduje njihovom nesmetanom razvoju. Malo je istraţivanja koja su se bavila miljokazima razvoja dječje igre, a naročito one djece do četiri godine ţivota. Stoga smo proveli istraţivanje na 637 djece, dobi od navršene prve do četvrte godine. Osnovni cilj naše studije bila je preliminarna psihometrijska evaluacija instrumenta konstruiranog u ove svrhe. Instrument je nazvan " Miljokazi razvoja dječje igre'' (MRDI), a čine ga tri liste označavanja, prilagoĎene sljedećim dobnim skupinama: 1–2 godine (MRDI12), 2–3 godine (MRDI23) i 3–4 godine (MRDI34). Rezultati ukazuju na zadovoljavajuću faktorsku valjanost sva tri dijela MRDI-a, na solidnu pouzdanost MRDI23, te na nešto niţu pouzdanost MRDI12 i MRDI34. Na kraju se razmatraju mogućnosti poboljšanja ovih instrumenata, u vidu povećanja njihove diskriminativnosti te broja čestica.
Ključne riječi: miljokazi razvoja, dječja igra, faktorska valjanost, pouzdanost
ENG: Children's play is an important activity which benefits their normal development. There is small body of research that dealt with children " s developmental milestones of children's play, especially those of children aged up to four years. Therefore, we conducted a study on 637 children aged one to four years. The main goal of our study was to conduct preliminary psychometric evaluation of the instrument constructed for this purpose. The instrument is called ''Milestones Development of Children's Play'' (MRDI), and it consists of three checklists , suitable for the following age groups: 1-2 years (MRDI12), 2-3 years (MRDI23) and 3-4 years
(MRDI34) . The results show a satisfactory factor validity of all three parts of the MRDI, a solid reliability of the MRDI23, and somewhat lower reliability of the MRDI12 and the MRDI34. Lastly, we discussed on possible improvements of these
instruments, through improving their discriminant properties, and the number of their items.
Key words: developmental milestones, children's play, factorial validity, reliability
The article describes the features of the Girevoy (Kettlebell) sport and the athletes. We have considered the frequency, intensity and perceived stress in training and competition in this sport. We have determined the differences and correlations among factors that are relevant to the abovementioned characteristics (sex, duration of training, etc.), according to our assumptions.
The online survey is made conveniently and applied in the second half of 2015, while the domestic and foreign (European) amateur and professional athletes in this sport are tested (N = 92), 64 males and 28 females.
More males than females have trained at the level of professional competition. The coach is a very important support during training, especially in stressful conditions for the athletes, and especially for females. The most powerful sources of stress for athletes is their private life (work, college, family), and the fact that they are too busy. Stress before the competition is on average seen as quite intensive, although it is fairly well controlled by competitors.
Girevoy (Kettlebell) sport is little known in our country. The research results suggest a critical role of trainer, as well as the need that the athletes develop their skills to cope with the stress of training and competition in this sport.
Numerous studies show that wide range of anthropological characteristics and health indicators significantly affects the success in softball. Therefore, constant monitoring of these indicators provides to the coaches the information useful for the planning of the training process, adjusted to concrete athletes. This study explores selected morphological, physiological characteristics and health indicators of the softball players of various ages and the levels of sporting excellence. The aim of the study was to determine the differences in abovementioned indicators, as well as their correlations.
A sample of 59 male softball players, in range from 17 in the youngest age group 7-13 years (M±SD 12.53±0.51) to five aged over 30 years (32.00±0.71), was examined. These players were coming from Zagreb softball clubs, being included in medical examination at the Clinic for Occupational Health and Sports with clinical laboratory of the Zagreb Sports Association.
Several differences in variables that are examined are found between the age groups, while the different profiles of players were identified, in relation to selected indicators.
Mostly easy explainable according to the growth and developmental stages, the results provide the information for planning training, but also for health prevention measures.
Repišti, S. i Sindik, J. (2015). Preliminarna psihometrijska validacija miljokaza razvoja dječje igre kod djece od navršene prve do četvrte godine života. Pregled, 56 (3), 83-104.
BHS: Dječja igra je vaţna aktivnost koja pogoduje njihovom nesmetanom razvoju. Malo je istraţivanja koja su se bavila miljokazima razvoja dječje igre, a naročito one djece do četiri godine ţivota. Stoga smo proveli istraţivanje na 637 djece, dobi od navršene prve do četvrte godine. Osnovni cilj naše studije bila je preliminarna psihometrijska evaluacija instrumenta konstruiranog u ove svrhe. Instrument je nazvan " Miljokazi razvoja dječje igre'' (MRDI), a čine ga tri liste označavanja, prilagoĎene sljedećim dobnim skupinama: 1–2 godine (MRDI12), 2–3 godine (MRDI23) i 3–4 godine (MRDI34). Rezultati ukazuju na zadovoljavajuću faktorsku valjanost sva tri dijela MRDI-a, na solidnu pouzdanost MRDI23, te na nešto niţu pouzdanost MRDI12 i MRDI34. Na kraju se razmatraju mogućnosti poboljšanja ovih instrumenata, u vidu povećanja njihove diskriminativnosti te broja čestica.
Ključne riječi: miljokazi razvoja, dječja igra, faktorska valjanost, pouzdanost
ENG: Children's play is an important activity which benefits their normal development. There is small body of research that dealt with children " s developmental milestones of children's play, especially those of children aged up to four years. Therefore, we conducted a study on 637 children aged one to four years. The main goal of our study was to conduct preliminary psychometric evaluation of the instrument constructed for this purpose. The instrument is called ''Milestones Development of Children's Play'' (MRDI), and it consists of three checklists , suitable for the following age groups: 1-2 years (MRDI12), 2-3 years (MRDI23) and 3-4 years
(MRDI34) . The results show a satisfactory factor validity of all three parts of the MRDI, a solid reliability of the MRDI23, and somewhat lower reliability of the MRDI12 and the MRDI34. Lastly, we discussed on possible improvements of these
instruments, through improving their discriminant properties, and the number of their items.
Key words: developmental milestones, children's play, factorial validity, reliability
Polazišta su ovog projekta znanstvena i praktična.
Naime, tijekom rada u predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju, kao nekadašnji predškolski psiholog (stručni suradnik psiholog u dječjem vrtiću) s gotovo dvadesetdvogodišnjom praksom (zapažanje autora J.S.) zamijetio sam i utvrdio da se glavni nositelji odgojnih utjecaja (roditelji djece, ali i odgojitelji(ce) u dječjem vrtiću) u radu s djecom zapravo najviše koriste intuicijom. Međutim, intuicija se uobičajeno definira kao sposobnost predviđanja i shvaćanja prije naknadnih spoznaja i procesa mišljenja. Ili pak kao čin ili sposobnost znanja ili osjećanja bez uporabe racionalnog procesa, odnosno kao neposredna spoznaja (Gigerenzer, 2008). Tako definirana intuicija može pridonijeti razumijevanju djeteta i uspješnijem stimuliranju njegova razvoja, ali može i „zatajiti“. Malo je vjerojatno da će odgojitelji(ce) u dječjem vrtiću moći pronaći intuitivno rješenje za svako dijete, kao što je malo vjerojatno da će to uspjeti i djetetovi roditelji. Naime, premda roditelji djece imaju više vremena da svoje dijete bolje upoznaju, oni u prosjeku imaju nešto manje obrazovanjem stečenih znanja o djeci i češće su manje objektivni u odnosu na odgojitelje/ice. Stoga, i odgojitelji(ca)ma i roditeljima djece koristile bi jasne smjernice o tome kako određenom djetetu i određenoj grupi djece najuspješnije stimulirati razvoj. Miljokazi dječjeg razvoja, odnosno njihov ograničeni broj koji zadovoljavajuće reprezentira određeni aspekt razvoja (npr. spoznajni razvoj djece u dobi od dvije do tri godine života) pružaju upravo tu mogućnost. Praksa je pokazala da odgojitelji(ce) i roditelji vrlo lako prepoznaju razvojne miljokaze kod predškolske djece, u svim dobnim skupinama. S druge strane, procjena miljokaza dječjeg razvoja pruža mogućnost za točno planiranje aktivnosti s djecom koje će ciljano stimulirati djetetov razvoj. Primjerice, kad znamo da dijete ne zna crtati trokut, raspoznati tri različite boje ili stajati na jednoj nozi, to ga ciljanim aktivnostima možemo naučiti.
Sa znanstvenog aspekta, izazov je sustavno utvrditi temeljne razvojne miljokaze za djecu u različitim dobnim grupama koje su uobičajeno zastupljene u institucionalnom predškolskom odgoju u Hrvatskoj: 1-2 godine, 2-3 godine, 3-4 godine, 4-5 godina, 5-6 godina te 6-7 godina života. S obzirom na to da koncept razvojnih miljokaza ne polazi od znanstvenog teorijski utemeljenog konstrukta, razvojni miljokazi za predškolsku djecu za potrebe ovog istraživanja grupirani su u četiri aspekta dječjeg razvoja: motorički razvoj, spoznajni razvoj, razvoj govora i socioemocionalni razvoj. Rezultati dvaju istraživanja koja su se bavila istraživanjem miljokaza dječje igre (Repišti i Sindik, 2015; Sindik, Repišti i Mišćenić, 2016) pokazali su da postoji mogućnost svođenja većeg broja razvojnih miljokaza na njihov manji broj, koji sa zadovoljavajućom metrijskim karakteristikama reprezentira prostor dječje igre. Analogno, smatramo da na isti način niz razvojnih miljokaza može zadovoljavajuće reprezentirati i navedena područja djetetova psihosomatskog razvoja: motoriku, spoznajni razvoj, razvoj govora i socioemocionalni razvoj.