Books by İbrahim Uğur Erkış
The fast development in both administrative approach and technology in recent years has caused al... more The fast development in both administrative approach and technology in recent years has caused all institutional structures to be in a change. Public institutions and agencies, which had their share of that change and development, have come to the requirement of making the services, which they provide for the citizens, fast, effective, efficient and transparent. Therefore, operations of the public administration and performance of the public employees, who fulfil the activities, should be objectively measured, evaluated and sustainably conducted. However efforts to evaluate the performance of employees in Turkish public administration have accelerated especially in the last 10 years, an outlined specific technique or method has not been uncovered yet. 360 degree performance appraisal technique puts the individual's performance forward in a comparative manner by collecting data from multiple sources and different dimensions to evaluate the individual performance. The technique has revealed successful results in the private and public sectors, particularly in developed countries.
Implementation of the technique in public institutions is expected to provide contributions to the individuals, units and institutions. That is because; public institutions, which are affected by the no-liberal policies, need sustainable successes as well. For those successes to be sustainable; it is needed to measure the performance of employees, administrators and institutions, in an objective manner and at certain intervals.
In this study, performance of the personnel in manager position working in the case of Antalya ILBANK will be evaluated using 360 degree performance appraisal. In the study it will tried to put forward the viewpoints of the employee by analysing the perceptions of the employees towards performance appraisal. SPSS software will be used for the analyses of the study. The data and findings of the study are expected to shed light on the performance of middle levelled manager personnel on different issues, and provide assistance in determining the issues to be developed.
İnsan sosyal bir varlık olarak yaratılışı gereği toplu bir biçimde yaşamakta ve diğer canlılardan... more İnsan sosyal bir varlık olarak yaratılışı gereği toplu bir biçimde yaşamakta ve diğer canlılardan farklı olarak sürekli içinde bulunduğu şartları iyileştirmeye çalışmaktadır. Yapılan iyileştirme çalışmalarından
biri de özellikle 20. Yüzyılda kendini iyice gösteren standart ve standardizasyon çalışmalarıdır.
Papers by İbrahim Uğur Erkış
ÖZET AB ülkeleri Kopenhag kriterleri baglaminda Bklige üye ve aday ülkeler arasinda ekonomik, siy... more ÖZET AB ülkeleri Kopenhag kriterleri baglaminda Bklige üye ve aday ülkeler arasinda ekonomik, siyasi, yönetsel, vb. bkçok alanda ortak bir toplumsal yajam alamnin ükeletini ortaya koymaya çalijmaktadir. Farkk siyasi gelenek ve hükümet sistemlerine sahip AB ülkeleri "idari kapasite kriterleti" çerçevesinde AB içerisinde kamu yönetiminde ortak ükelerin belklenmesini hem üye hem de aday ülkelere zorunlu bk kriter olarak sunmaktadir. Bapka bir ifadeyle AB'nin olgunlajtmknasi sürecinde kamu yönetimi sisteminde birçok farkli noktada aday ve üye ülkeler bk takim sommluiuklan yerine getkmek zorundadir. Ülkeletin gerçeklejtkmesi gereken bu sorumluluklann yöntemi konusunda ülkeler seçme cansina sahiptir. Ancak ortak bir sisteme sahip oknak isteyen Bkük; çahjmalarin sonunda ülkelerden ortak çiknlar talep etmektedir. Bu çalipma ozeUikle çevresel degijim ve etküerin reform sürecleri üzerindeki etkisini inceleyen kurumsal ejbicimlüik özelinde AB üyelik sürecinde/sonrasinda Sloven kamu yönetimi reformlanni incelemektedk. Sonuç kisminda ise gerçekleçdrilen reform çahjmalan üe kurumsal ejbiçimlilik arasindaki üijki deg;erlendkümektedir. ABSTRACT European countries are trying to determine a framework about political, economic, administrative and similar issues in order to display principles of a common communal living area for the candidate and member countries with respect to the Copenhagen Criteria. European Union countries from different traditional and governmental systems are enforcing the adoption of common principles as a sine qua non requirement regarding to public Selçuk Üniversitesi ÜBF Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü Seiçuk Üniversitesi SBMYO Yönetim ve Organizasyon Bölümü
Especially since the beginning of the 20th century, studies in the field of management studies to... more Especially since the beginning of the 20th century, studies in the field of management studies to improve productivity and sustainability continues to evolve taking in different disciplines today. This study examines the relationship between organizational commitment and cynicism, which is a subject of the psychology and describes individuals being detached form life, of the employees, who are considered as the cornerstone of the organizations. In this study, organizational commitment as a priority and (organizational) cynicism are going the defined in a conceptual framework and together with the literature field studies explaining the direction of the relationship between organizational commitment-cynicism will be examined. Finally, in order to identify the direction of the relationship between organizational commitment-cynicism, a field research study is going to be carried out and a conclusive idea will be attained by comparing the result with the results of earlier studies.
Books by İbrahim Uğur Erkış
Implementation of the technique in public institutions is expected to provide contributions to the individuals, units and institutions. That is because; public institutions, which are affected by the no-liberal policies, need sustainable successes as well. For those successes to be sustainable; it is needed to measure the performance of employees, administrators and institutions, in an objective manner and at certain intervals.
In this study, performance of the personnel in manager position working in the case of Antalya ILBANK will be evaluated using 360 degree performance appraisal. In the study it will tried to put forward the viewpoints of the employee by analysing the perceptions of the employees towards performance appraisal. SPSS software will be used for the analyses of the study. The data and findings of the study are expected to shed light on the performance of middle levelled manager personnel on different issues, and provide assistance in determining the issues to be developed.
biri de özellikle 20. Yüzyılda kendini iyice gösteren standart ve standardizasyon çalışmalarıdır.
Papers by İbrahim Uğur Erkış
Implementation of the technique in public institutions is expected to provide contributions to the individuals, units and institutions. That is because; public institutions, which are affected by the no-liberal policies, need sustainable successes as well. For those successes to be sustainable; it is needed to measure the performance of employees, administrators and institutions, in an objective manner and at certain intervals.
In this study, performance of the personnel in manager position working in the case of Antalya ILBANK will be evaluated using 360 degree performance appraisal. In the study it will tried to put forward the viewpoints of the employee by analysing the perceptions of the employees towards performance appraisal. SPSS software will be used for the analyses of the study. The data and findings of the study are expected to shed light on the performance of middle levelled manager personnel on different issues, and provide assistance in determining the issues to be developed.
biri de özellikle 20. Yüzyılda kendini iyice gösteren standart ve standardizasyon çalışmalarıdır.