Tierra Tropical (2010) 6 (2): 181-189, Dec 15, 2010
ABSTRACT RESUMEN Con el fin de generar información de los escarabajos coprófagos como indicadores... more ABSTRACT RESUMEN Con el fin de generar información de los escarabajos coprófagos como indicadores de perturbaciones en el ambiente, se realizaron muestreos mensuales en siete ecosistemas: bosque primario intervenido, bosque secundario, cultivo de caña orgánica, cultivo de palmito, cultivo de banano, cultivo de piña y potrero, con el fin de recolectar las especies de escarabajos coprófagos presentes en éstos. Se realizó un análisis no-métrico multidimensional para buscar características en las poblaciones o especies que permitan la determinación de perturbación en el ambiente. Los resultados no generaron un resultado concluyente acerca de las características de las poblaciones; sin embargo, mediante las especies encontradas se pudieron identificar especies bioindicadoras tales como: Dichotomius satanas, Phanaeus beltianus, Eurysternus caribeus y Dichotomius annae. Se calcularon índices de diversidad, riqueza y equidad. Los índices de diversidad y equidad indicaron en que el bosque primario intervenido cuenta con valores de 2.1 y 0.84, respectivamente, mientras que la piña cuenta con la riqueza más baja y una diversidad y equidad de 0.93 y 0.85, respectivamente. ABSTRACT In order to generate information about the capacity of dung beetles as environmental disturbance indicators, samples were taken in the following seven ecosystems, disturbed primary forest, secondary forest, organic sugarcane plantations, heart of palm plantations, banana plantations, pineapple plantations, and pasture. The data was used to perform a non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis, with the aim of finding variables in the community structure that could act as a bioindication of environmental disturbance. The analysis did not generate conclusive results about a specific variable. However, several beetle species showed promising potential as bioindicators. Species such as Dichotomius satanas, Phanaeus beltianus, Eurysternus caribeus, and Dichotomius annae were identified as good environmental impact indicators. Diversity, richness, and uniformity measures were calculated. Primary forest showed diversity and uniformity values of 2.1 and 0.84, respectively. On the other hand, pineapple had the lowest richness values, and diversity and uniformity values of 0.93 and 0.85, respectively.
Abstract. The management of bioindicators of water quality in rural communities emphasizes the im... more Abstract. The management of bioindicators of water quality in rural communities emphasizes the importance of enabling organized groups to evaluate the quality of water resources through apprenticeship and execution of sampling methods of macro-invertebrates ...
The following new species of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Costa Rica are describe... more The following new species of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Costa Rica are described: Ateuchus earthorum sp. nov. (Ateuchini) and Canthidium (Eucanthidium) darwini sp. nov. (Coprini). Illustrations of the dorsal habitus of the new species and a distribution map are provided, as well as a drawing of the internal sac of Ateuchus earthorum sp. nov.
is a tropical country that has adopted biological monitoring using macroinvertebrates and has ada... more is a tropical country that has adopted biological monitoring using macroinvertebrates and has adapted the BMWP score for its water bodies, where the new score is named BMWP-CR. In an experimental survey to assess the application of the BMWP-CR score, we considered seven study sites with a gradient of anthropogenic activities along the Dos Novillos river. The Shannon-Wiener Diversity and Pielou Evenness indexes were computed. The first study site was considered as the reference site. Four taxonomic groups were detected: Annelida, Platyhelminthes, Mollusca and Arthropoda. The last group was the most abundant and diverse. The Shannon-Wiener index ranged between 1.14 in a study site close to a banana processing facility, to 3.49 in a study site near to the confluence of the Dos Novillos River with the Parismina river. In such study sites, the Pielou Evenness index values varied from 0.57 to 0.83, respectively. The BMWP-CR scores ranged from 24 in the study site near the banana processing facility, to 116, in a downstream study site, reaching values higher than the reference site selected upstream in the Dos Novillos river far away from anthropogenic influence. Insects were the most diverse and abundant group. The correlation between the Shannon-Wiener Diversity index and the BMWP-CR scores presented a high significance value (R 2 = 0.927). Therefore, we suggest that the Shannon-Wiener index can be used alongside the BMWP-CR scores. The BMWP-CR method is sensitive enough for detecting changes in water quality reflecting differences in land uses along the studied river. RESUMEN: Macoinvertebrados bénticos como indicadores de la calidad del agua en corrientes de Costa Rica: Usando una adaptación del puntaje BMWP. Costa Rica es uno de los países de latitudes tropicales que ha adoptado el monitoreo biológico y adaptado el BMWP para sus cuerpos de agua, denominándolo BMWP-CR. En un estudio experimental para evaluar la aplicación del BMWP-CR, consideramos siete sitios de estudio dentro de un gradiente de actividades antropogénicas en el río Dos Novillos. Los índices de diversidad de Shannon-Wiener y de equidad de Pielou fueron también calculados. El primer sitio de estudio fue considerado como sitio de referencia. Se detectó la presencia de cuatro grandes grupos taxonómicos: Anélidos, Platelmintos, Moluscos y Artrópodos. Este último fue el más abundante y diverso. El índice de Shannon-Wiener varió de 1.14 en un sitio cercano a una planta procesadora de bananos, hasta 3.49 en un sitio de estudio cercano a la REZUMAT: Macronevertebratele bentonice ca indicatori ai calităţii apei în râuri din Costa Rica: utilizând o adaptare a indexului BMWP. Costa Rica este o ţară tropicală care a adoptat monitoringul biologic, utilizând macronevertebratele şi a adaptat BMWP pentru râuri; noul indice adaptat poartă denumirea BMWP-CR. Într-un studiu experimental, pentru a evalua aplicarea indicelui BMWP-CR, s-au luat în considerare şapte situri cu un gradient al activităţilor antropice de-a lungul râului Dos Novillos. Au fost calculaţi indicele Shannon-Wiener şi indicele de uniformitate Pielou. Primul sit a fost considerat ca sit de referinţă. Au fost identificate patru grupe taxonomice: anelide, platelminţi, moluşte şi artropode. Artropodele au fost cele mai abundente şi diverse ca specii. Indicele Shannon-Wiener are valori de la 1,14 (într-un studiu de caz, aflat în apropierea unor facilităţi de procesare a bananelor) la 3,49 într-un sit din apropierea confluenţei râului Dos Novillos cu râul Parismina. În aceleaşi situri, valoare indicelui Pielou este de 0,57, respectiv 0,83. Indicele BMWP-CR, în aceleaşi situri are valorile 24 în apropierea locului de procesare a bananelor, respectiv 116 în aval, astfel ajungând la valori mai mari decât în situl de referinţă (localizat în amontele râului Dos Novillos, departe de activităţi antropice). Insectele au fost cel mai divers şi abundent grup. Corelaţia valorilor indicelui Shannon-Wiener cu indicele BMWP-CR au prezentat o valoare cu o semnificaţie ridicată (R2= 0.927). De aceea, propunem ca indicele Shannon-Wiener să se utilizeze alături de indicele BMWP-CR. Indicele BMWP-CR este suficient de "sensibil" ca să poată fi utilizat pentru a identifica modificarea calităţii apei, reflectând diferenţele în utilizarea terenurilor de-a lungul râului studiat.
Biodiversity conservation in Costa Rica: a correspondence analysis between identified biodiversit... more Biodiversity conservation in Costa Rica: a correspondence analysis between identified biodiversity hotspots (Araceae, Arecaceae, Bromeliaceae, and Scarabaeinae) and conservation priority life zones
This paper is an analysis of the distribution of areas of high species richness and endemicity ba... more This paper is an analysis of the distribution of areas of high species richness and endemicity based on dung beetles living in the different Holdridge life-zones of Costa Rica by using a geographic information system (GIS). Endemism was examined in relation to ...
Conservación de la biodiversidad en Costa Rica: análisis de la correspondencia entre áreas identi... more Conservación de la biodiversidad en Costa Rica: análisis de la correspondencia entre áreas identifi cadas clave por su biodiversidad (Araceae, Arecaceae, Bromeliaceae y Scarabaeinae) y zonas de vida prioritarias para la conservación Abstract. This paper undertook an analysis of the distribution of high species richness and areas of endemism based on plants (Araceae, Arecaceae, and Bromeliaceae) and dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) inhabiting the different Holdridge Life Zones of Costa Rica. Using a geographic information system (GIS) we analyzed biogeographic provinces, in terms of their representativity in sampling areas, life zones, and protected areas. Species richness and endemism maps served as a base for conducting a gap analysis and defi ning 6 different levels of high priority conservation areas. What percentages of these priority areas are under some type of protection or conservation scheme and which of these areas should be enlarged were also investigated. The degree of feasibility that these areas under protection have for enlargement is indicated. A list is included of all the aforementioned registered species for Costa Rica, as well as their presence in the different Holdridge Life Zones and their endemism status. Four areas with the highest species richness were identifi ed, and 3 new areas of endemism are proposed. The most important conservation priority areas are the tropical wet forests on the northeastern lowlands, the Osa Peninsula region, and the premontane wet forest along the Guanacaste, Tilarán and Central mountain ranges. This study clearly demonstrates the need to include and compare different groups of organisms in biodiversityendemism studies, in order to obtain more robust and fi ner-grained studies.
This paper is an analysis of the distribution of areas of high species richness and endemicity ba... more This paper is an analysis of the distribution of areas of high species richness and endemicity based on dung beetles living in the different Holdridge life-zones of Costa Rica by using a geographic information system (GIS). Endemism was examined in relation to ...
Materiales de Enseñanza, Universidad de La Salle, May 2013
Artículo de Revisión, para discusión y análisis, en el Curso de Ecología y Desarrollo Sostenible,... more Artículo de Revisión, para discusión y análisis, en el Curso de Ecología y Desarrollo Sostenible, Maestría en Gestión Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible, Universidad de La Salle. San José, Costa Rica,
Conservación de la biodiversidad en Costa Rica: análisis de la correspondencia entre áreas identi... more Conservación de la biodiversidad en Costa Rica: análisis de la correspondencia entre áreas identifi cadas clave por su biodiversidad (Araceae, Arecaceae, Bromeliaceae y Scarabaeinae) y zonas de vida prioritarias para la conservación Abstract. This paper undertook an analysis of the distribution of high species richness and areas of endemism based on plants (Araceae, Arecaceae, and Bromeliaceae) and dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) inhabiting the different Holdridge Life Zones of Costa Rica. Using a geographic information system (GIS) we analyzed biogeographic provinces, in terms of their representativity in sampling areas, life zones, and protected areas. Species richness and endemism maps served as a base for conducting a gap analysis and defi ning 6 different levels of high priority conservation areas. What percentages of these priority areas are under some type of protection or conservation scheme and which of these areas should be enlarged were also investigated. The degree of feasibility that these areas under protection have for enlargement is indicated. A list is included of all the aforementioned registered species for Costa Rica, as well as their presence in the different Holdridge Life Zones and their endemism status. Four areas with the highest species richness were identifi ed, and 3 new areas of endemism are proposed. The most important conservation priority areas are the tropical wet forests on the northeastern lowlands, the Osa Peninsula region, and the premontane wet forest along the Guanacaste, Tilarán and Central mountain ranges. This study clearly demonstrates the need to include and compare different groups of organisms in biodiversityendemism studies, in order to obtain more robust and fi ner-grained studies.
a b s t r a c t Despite the importance of the secondary forest (SF) in tropical areas, few studie... more a b s t r a c t Despite the importance of the secondary forest (SF) in tropical areas, few studies have quantified the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool in Costa Rica. Most of the studies conducted to date in this country have focused mainly on changes in the soil C pool following conversion of forests to pastures, which is the predominant land use in the tropics. The aim of this study was to measure SOC concentration and pool in particle-size fractions down to 50 cm depth in four SF stands regenerating from different intensities of prior land use in loamy sand and sandy loam soils of northeast Costa Rica: (i) a gallery forest (GF), (ii) a 15-year-old SF enriched with commercially planted native trees (15SF), (iii) a 25-year-old SF (25SF), and (iv) an abandoned Theobromma cacao plantation >60 years old (60SF). Additional objectives were (1) to determine the relationship of SOC concentration with selected physical and chemical soil properties, and (2) to establish the key determinants of the depth distribution of SOC in order to identify meaningful trends in the SOC pool. The SOC pool was highest under the 60SF (221.4 Mg C ha −1 ) followed by the 15SF (212.1 Mg C ha −1 ), the 25SF (195.9 Mg C ha −1 ) and the lowest in the GF (183.5 Mg C ha −1 ). The SOC concentration decreased significantly from 59.7 to 94.1 g kg −1 in the 0-10 cm layer down to 31.0 to 45.5 g kg −1 in the 40-50 cm layer in all forest stands. The fine silt + clay fraction contained the highest values of SOC concentration in all forest stands. Soil texture and the age of the SF were identified as the main factors that explained the variability in SOC. The age of SF stand influenced the distribution of size class aggregates and SOC.
The unusually clear frontier between the Pacific Dry Forest and the Pacific Rain Forest at the Gr... more The unusually clear frontier between the Pacific Dry Forest and the Pacific Rain Forest at the Grande de Tárcoles River is presented and discussed.
Se presenta una revisión histórica del proceso de clasificación y el desarrollo de la sistemática... more Se presenta una revisión histórica del proceso de clasificación y el desarrollo de la sistemática de los Lamellicornia o Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera), dividida en tres períodos. El análisis comprende un estudio histórico-comparativo sobre el desarrollo del tipo y número de caracteres, así como el número y características de los géneros y agrupamientos en taxones supragenéricos. El primer período abarca 14 autores en diferentes fechas, iniciando en 1735 con Linné y terminando en 1856 con Lacordaire. En este período se abordan trabajos anteriores a la publicación del "Origen de las Especies", por lo cual las ideas evolucionistas darwinianas no tuvieron influencia sobre la sistemática del grupo. En el segundo período se presenta una comparación de las propuestas de clasificación de los Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea, publicadas entre 1869 y 1955 por 17 autores de trabajos faunísticos y taxonómicos regionales o en catálogos mundiales. Se destacan los principales caracteres morfológicos utilizados para la separación supragenérica y las inovaciones introducidas por cada uno de ellos, señalando en su caso, la posible influencia de las teorías de Darwin. Se concluye que el esquema general de clasificación durante este período no cambió substancialmente con respecto al de Burmeister o Lacordaire, y que las ideas evolucionistas tuvieron poca repercusión en estas clasificaciones, las cuales son más complejas que las del primer período, sobre todo por la adición de más de 11,000 especies nuevas obtenidas durante 80 años de exploraciones mundiales. En el tercer período se resumen y analizan las propuestas de clasificación publicadas entre 1957 y 2001 por 28 autores de monografías, estudios faunísticos y claves regionales, artículos sobre morfología comparativa, y trabajos expresamente enfocados al esclarecimiento de las relaciones filéticas y los procesos evolutivos de los Scarabaeoidea en conjunto, o por grupos supragenéricos particulares de esta superfamilia. En la mayor parte de estos estudios es evidente la influencia de las teorías sobre la evolución orgánica, y se observa como progresivamente se busca que las clasificaciones reflejen las relaciones entre sus elementos, principalmente a través de enfoques feneticistas y cladistas.
Two new species of Copris Geoffroy from Guatemala and Honduras are described and illustrated: Cop... more Two new species of Copris Geoffroy from Guatemala and Honduras are described and illustrated: Copris caliginosus sp. nov. and Copris nubilosus sp. nov. Both species are related to C. sallei Harold, which is redescribed and illustrated for the first time. A key for the remotus complex is also included. New distributional records of Copris are provided for five species and subspecies from Guatemala and El Salvador.
Tierra Tropical (2010) 6 (2): 181-189, Dec 15, 2010
ABSTRACT RESUMEN Con el fin de generar información de los escarabajos coprófagos como indicadores... more ABSTRACT RESUMEN Con el fin de generar información de los escarabajos coprófagos como indicadores de perturbaciones en el ambiente, se realizaron muestreos mensuales en siete ecosistemas: bosque primario intervenido, bosque secundario, cultivo de caña orgánica, cultivo de palmito, cultivo de banano, cultivo de piña y potrero, con el fin de recolectar las especies de escarabajos coprófagos presentes en éstos. Se realizó un análisis no-métrico multidimensional para buscar características en las poblaciones o especies que permitan la determinación de perturbación en el ambiente. Los resultados no generaron un resultado concluyente acerca de las características de las poblaciones; sin embargo, mediante las especies encontradas se pudieron identificar especies bioindicadoras tales como: Dichotomius satanas, Phanaeus beltianus, Eurysternus caribeus y Dichotomius annae. Se calcularon índices de diversidad, riqueza y equidad. Los índices de diversidad y equidad indicaron en que el bosque primario intervenido cuenta con valores de 2.1 y 0.84, respectivamente, mientras que la piña cuenta con la riqueza más baja y una diversidad y equidad de 0.93 y 0.85, respectivamente. ABSTRACT In order to generate information about the capacity of dung beetles as environmental disturbance indicators, samples were taken in the following seven ecosystems, disturbed primary forest, secondary forest, organic sugarcane plantations, heart of palm plantations, banana plantations, pineapple plantations, and pasture. The data was used to perform a non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis, with the aim of finding variables in the community structure that could act as a bioindication of environmental disturbance. The analysis did not generate conclusive results about a specific variable. However, several beetle species showed promising potential as bioindicators. Species such as Dichotomius satanas, Phanaeus beltianus, Eurysternus caribeus, and Dichotomius annae were identified as good environmental impact indicators. Diversity, richness, and uniformity measures were calculated. Primary forest showed diversity and uniformity values of 2.1 and 0.84, respectively. On the other hand, pineapple had the lowest richness values, and diversity and uniformity values of 0.93 and 0.85, respectively.
Abstract. The management of bioindicators of water quality in rural communities emphasizes the im... more Abstract. The management of bioindicators of water quality in rural communities emphasizes the importance of enabling organized groups to evaluate the quality of water resources through apprenticeship and execution of sampling methods of macro-invertebrates ...
The following new species of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Costa Rica are describe... more The following new species of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Costa Rica are described: Ateuchus earthorum sp. nov. (Ateuchini) and Canthidium (Eucanthidium) darwini sp. nov. (Coprini). Illustrations of the dorsal habitus of the new species and a distribution map are provided, as well as a drawing of the internal sac of Ateuchus earthorum sp. nov.
is a tropical country that has adopted biological monitoring using macroinvertebrates and has ada... more is a tropical country that has adopted biological monitoring using macroinvertebrates and has adapted the BMWP score for its water bodies, where the new score is named BMWP-CR. In an experimental survey to assess the application of the BMWP-CR score, we considered seven study sites with a gradient of anthropogenic activities along the Dos Novillos river. The Shannon-Wiener Diversity and Pielou Evenness indexes were computed. The first study site was considered as the reference site. Four taxonomic groups were detected: Annelida, Platyhelminthes, Mollusca and Arthropoda. The last group was the most abundant and diverse. The Shannon-Wiener index ranged between 1.14 in a study site close to a banana processing facility, to 3.49 in a study site near to the confluence of the Dos Novillos River with the Parismina river. In such study sites, the Pielou Evenness index values varied from 0.57 to 0.83, respectively. The BMWP-CR scores ranged from 24 in the study site near the banana processing facility, to 116, in a downstream study site, reaching values higher than the reference site selected upstream in the Dos Novillos river far away from anthropogenic influence. Insects were the most diverse and abundant group. The correlation between the Shannon-Wiener Diversity index and the BMWP-CR scores presented a high significance value (R 2 = 0.927). Therefore, we suggest that the Shannon-Wiener index can be used alongside the BMWP-CR scores. The BMWP-CR method is sensitive enough for detecting changes in water quality reflecting differences in land uses along the studied river. RESUMEN: Macoinvertebrados bénticos como indicadores de la calidad del agua en corrientes de Costa Rica: Usando una adaptación del puntaje BMWP. Costa Rica es uno de los países de latitudes tropicales que ha adoptado el monitoreo biológico y adaptado el BMWP para sus cuerpos de agua, denominándolo BMWP-CR. En un estudio experimental para evaluar la aplicación del BMWP-CR, consideramos siete sitios de estudio dentro de un gradiente de actividades antropogénicas en el río Dos Novillos. Los índices de diversidad de Shannon-Wiener y de equidad de Pielou fueron también calculados. El primer sitio de estudio fue considerado como sitio de referencia. Se detectó la presencia de cuatro grandes grupos taxonómicos: Anélidos, Platelmintos, Moluscos y Artrópodos. Este último fue el más abundante y diverso. El índice de Shannon-Wiener varió de 1.14 en un sitio cercano a una planta procesadora de bananos, hasta 3.49 en un sitio de estudio cercano a la REZUMAT: Macronevertebratele bentonice ca indicatori ai calităţii apei în râuri din Costa Rica: utilizând o adaptare a indexului BMWP. Costa Rica este o ţară tropicală care a adoptat monitoringul biologic, utilizând macronevertebratele şi a adaptat BMWP pentru râuri; noul indice adaptat poartă denumirea BMWP-CR. Într-un studiu experimental, pentru a evalua aplicarea indicelui BMWP-CR, s-au luat în considerare şapte situri cu un gradient al activităţilor antropice de-a lungul râului Dos Novillos. Au fost calculaţi indicele Shannon-Wiener şi indicele de uniformitate Pielou. Primul sit a fost considerat ca sit de referinţă. Au fost identificate patru grupe taxonomice: anelide, platelminţi, moluşte şi artropode. Artropodele au fost cele mai abundente şi diverse ca specii. Indicele Shannon-Wiener are valori de la 1,14 (într-un studiu de caz, aflat în apropierea unor facilităţi de procesare a bananelor) la 3,49 într-un sit din apropierea confluenţei râului Dos Novillos cu râul Parismina. În aceleaşi situri, valoare indicelui Pielou este de 0,57, respectiv 0,83. Indicele BMWP-CR, în aceleaşi situri are valorile 24 în apropierea locului de procesare a bananelor, respectiv 116 în aval, astfel ajungând la valori mai mari decât în situl de referinţă (localizat în amontele râului Dos Novillos, departe de activităţi antropice). Insectele au fost cel mai divers şi abundent grup. Corelaţia valorilor indicelui Shannon-Wiener cu indicele BMWP-CR au prezentat o valoare cu o semnificaţie ridicată (R2= 0.927). De aceea, propunem ca indicele Shannon-Wiener să se utilizeze alături de indicele BMWP-CR. Indicele BMWP-CR este suficient de "sensibil" ca să poată fi utilizat pentru a identifica modificarea calităţii apei, reflectând diferenţele în utilizarea terenurilor de-a lungul râului studiat.
Biodiversity conservation in Costa Rica: a correspondence analysis between identified biodiversit... more Biodiversity conservation in Costa Rica: a correspondence analysis between identified biodiversity hotspots (Araceae, Arecaceae, Bromeliaceae, and Scarabaeinae) and conservation priority life zones
This paper is an analysis of the distribution of areas of high species richness and endemicity ba... more This paper is an analysis of the distribution of areas of high species richness and endemicity based on dung beetles living in the different Holdridge life-zones of Costa Rica by using a geographic information system (GIS). Endemism was examined in relation to ...
Conservación de la biodiversidad en Costa Rica: análisis de la correspondencia entre áreas identi... more Conservación de la biodiversidad en Costa Rica: análisis de la correspondencia entre áreas identifi cadas clave por su biodiversidad (Araceae, Arecaceae, Bromeliaceae y Scarabaeinae) y zonas de vida prioritarias para la conservación Abstract. This paper undertook an analysis of the distribution of high species richness and areas of endemism based on plants (Araceae, Arecaceae, and Bromeliaceae) and dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) inhabiting the different Holdridge Life Zones of Costa Rica. Using a geographic information system (GIS) we analyzed biogeographic provinces, in terms of their representativity in sampling areas, life zones, and protected areas. Species richness and endemism maps served as a base for conducting a gap analysis and defi ning 6 different levels of high priority conservation areas. What percentages of these priority areas are under some type of protection or conservation scheme and which of these areas should be enlarged were also investigated. The degree of feasibility that these areas under protection have for enlargement is indicated. A list is included of all the aforementioned registered species for Costa Rica, as well as their presence in the different Holdridge Life Zones and their endemism status. Four areas with the highest species richness were identifi ed, and 3 new areas of endemism are proposed. The most important conservation priority areas are the tropical wet forests on the northeastern lowlands, the Osa Peninsula region, and the premontane wet forest along the Guanacaste, Tilarán and Central mountain ranges. This study clearly demonstrates the need to include and compare different groups of organisms in biodiversityendemism studies, in order to obtain more robust and fi ner-grained studies.
This paper is an analysis of the distribution of areas of high species richness and endemicity ba... more This paper is an analysis of the distribution of areas of high species richness and endemicity based on dung beetles living in the different Holdridge life-zones of Costa Rica by using a geographic information system (GIS). Endemism was examined in relation to ...
Materiales de Enseñanza, Universidad de La Salle, May 2013
Artículo de Revisión, para discusión y análisis, en el Curso de Ecología y Desarrollo Sostenible,... more Artículo de Revisión, para discusión y análisis, en el Curso de Ecología y Desarrollo Sostenible, Maestría en Gestión Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible, Universidad de La Salle. San José, Costa Rica,
Conservación de la biodiversidad en Costa Rica: análisis de la correspondencia entre áreas identi... more Conservación de la biodiversidad en Costa Rica: análisis de la correspondencia entre áreas identifi cadas clave por su biodiversidad (Araceae, Arecaceae, Bromeliaceae y Scarabaeinae) y zonas de vida prioritarias para la conservación Abstract. This paper undertook an analysis of the distribution of high species richness and areas of endemism based on plants (Araceae, Arecaceae, and Bromeliaceae) and dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) inhabiting the different Holdridge Life Zones of Costa Rica. Using a geographic information system (GIS) we analyzed biogeographic provinces, in terms of their representativity in sampling areas, life zones, and protected areas. Species richness and endemism maps served as a base for conducting a gap analysis and defi ning 6 different levels of high priority conservation areas. What percentages of these priority areas are under some type of protection or conservation scheme and which of these areas should be enlarged were also investigated. The degree of feasibility that these areas under protection have for enlargement is indicated. A list is included of all the aforementioned registered species for Costa Rica, as well as their presence in the different Holdridge Life Zones and their endemism status. Four areas with the highest species richness were identifi ed, and 3 new areas of endemism are proposed. The most important conservation priority areas are the tropical wet forests on the northeastern lowlands, the Osa Peninsula region, and the premontane wet forest along the Guanacaste, Tilarán and Central mountain ranges. This study clearly demonstrates the need to include and compare different groups of organisms in biodiversityendemism studies, in order to obtain more robust and fi ner-grained studies.
a b s t r a c t Despite the importance of the secondary forest (SF) in tropical areas, few studie... more a b s t r a c t Despite the importance of the secondary forest (SF) in tropical areas, few studies have quantified the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool in Costa Rica. Most of the studies conducted to date in this country have focused mainly on changes in the soil C pool following conversion of forests to pastures, which is the predominant land use in the tropics. The aim of this study was to measure SOC concentration and pool in particle-size fractions down to 50 cm depth in four SF stands regenerating from different intensities of prior land use in loamy sand and sandy loam soils of northeast Costa Rica: (i) a gallery forest (GF), (ii) a 15-year-old SF enriched with commercially planted native trees (15SF), (iii) a 25-year-old SF (25SF), and (iv) an abandoned Theobromma cacao plantation >60 years old (60SF). Additional objectives were (1) to determine the relationship of SOC concentration with selected physical and chemical soil properties, and (2) to establish the key determinants of the depth distribution of SOC in order to identify meaningful trends in the SOC pool. The SOC pool was highest under the 60SF (221.4 Mg C ha −1 ) followed by the 15SF (212.1 Mg C ha −1 ), the 25SF (195.9 Mg C ha −1 ) and the lowest in the GF (183.5 Mg C ha −1 ). The SOC concentration decreased significantly from 59.7 to 94.1 g kg −1 in the 0-10 cm layer down to 31.0 to 45.5 g kg −1 in the 40-50 cm layer in all forest stands. The fine silt + clay fraction contained the highest values of SOC concentration in all forest stands. Soil texture and the age of the SF were identified as the main factors that explained the variability in SOC. The age of SF stand influenced the distribution of size class aggregates and SOC.
The unusually clear frontier between the Pacific Dry Forest and the Pacific Rain Forest at the Gr... more The unusually clear frontier between the Pacific Dry Forest and the Pacific Rain Forest at the Grande de Tárcoles River is presented and discussed.
Se presenta una revisión histórica del proceso de clasificación y el desarrollo de la sistemática... more Se presenta una revisión histórica del proceso de clasificación y el desarrollo de la sistemática de los Lamellicornia o Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera), dividida en tres períodos. El análisis comprende un estudio histórico-comparativo sobre el desarrollo del tipo y número de caracteres, así como el número y características de los géneros y agrupamientos en taxones supragenéricos. El primer período abarca 14 autores en diferentes fechas, iniciando en 1735 con Linné y terminando en 1856 con Lacordaire. En este período se abordan trabajos anteriores a la publicación del "Origen de las Especies", por lo cual las ideas evolucionistas darwinianas no tuvieron influencia sobre la sistemática del grupo. En el segundo período se presenta una comparación de las propuestas de clasificación de los Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea, publicadas entre 1869 y 1955 por 17 autores de trabajos faunísticos y taxonómicos regionales o en catálogos mundiales. Se destacan los principales caracteres morfológicos utilizados para la separación supragenérica y las inovaciones introducidas por cada uno de ellos, señalando en su caso, la posible influencia de las teorías de Darwin. Se concluye que el esquema general de clasificación durante este período no cambió substancialmente con respecto al de Burmeister o Lacordaire, y que las ideas evolucionistas tuvieron poca repercusión en estas clasificaciones, las cuales son más complejas que las del primer período, sobre todo por la adición de más de 11,000 especies nuevas obtenidas durante 80 años de exploraciones mundiales. En el tercer período se resumen y analizan las propuestas de clasificación publicadas entre 1957 y 2001 por 28 autores de monografías, estudios faunísticos y claves regionales, artículos sobre morfología comparativa, y trabajos expresamente enfocados al esclarecimiento de las relaciones filéticas y los procesos evolutivos de los Scarabaeoidea en conjunto, o por grupos supragenéricos particulares de esta superfamilia. En la mayor parte de estos estudios es evidente la influencia de las teorías sobre la evolución orgánica, y se observa como progresivamente se busca que las clasificaciones reflejen las relaciones entre sus elementos, principalmente a través de enfoques feneticistas y cladistas.
Two new species of Copris Geoffroy from Guatemala and Honduras are described and illustrated: Cop... more Two new species of Copris Geoffroy from Guatemala and Honduras are described and illustrated: Copris caliginosus sp. nov. and Copris nubilosus sp. nov. Both species are related to C. sallei Harold, which is redescribed and illustrated for the first time. A key for the remotus complex is also included. New distributional records of Copris are provided for five species and subspecies from Guatemala and El Salvador.
Papers by Bert Kohlmann