Институт економских наука и Београдска банкарска академија Београд мр Tамара Цвејић Икач 2 Студен... more Институт економских наука и Београдска банкарска академија Београд мр Tамара Цвејић Икач 2 Студент докторских студија на Економском факултету у Кошицама
Korporativno restrukturiranje se može definisati kao proces donošenja seta upravljačkih odluka i ... more Korporativno restrukturiranje se može definisati kao proces donošenja seta upravljačkih odluka i preduzimanja serija akcija, koje imaju za cilj ostvarivanje korenitih promena postojeće strukture, strategije i pozicije preduzeća. Reč je o procesu, zasnovanom na analizi postojeće poslovne situacije (i po pravilu sagledavanju uzroka nezadovoljavajućih poslovnih performansi), koji je usmeren ka traženju strategija za poboljšanje pozicija, kroz eliminisanje slabosti i krize, stvaranje i održavanje konkurentskih prednosti, promene u organizacionoj strukturi, efektivnijem upravljanju i efikasnijem funkcionisanju svih struktura i sistema u preduzeću. U okviru savremene ekonomske nauke problematika restrukturiranja preduzeća poslednjih decenija dobija na posebnom značaju. Danas o različitim aspektima ovog procesa u svetu, ali ne i u našoj zemlji, postoji obimna teorijska literatura i značajan broj empirijskih istraživanja. Imajući to u vidu, u okviru realizacije projekata Ministarstva prosve...
The challenges the local governments (LGs) are facing in contemporary developed societies are get... more The challenges the local governments (LGs) are facing in contemporary developed societies are getting larger and more complex. LGs have to deal with tasks relating to fulfillment of certain parts (in certain cases of a whole) of some of the key public functions which are arranging the life in local communities: land use of urban planning, organization and management of public services (like local water supply system, solid waste disposal, waste water treatment, public cleaning, maintaining and managing of city green areas, organizing distant heating system, etc.) along with some of conventional local governmental (administrative) functions. In the recent years, one of the LG functions, which is certainly becoming one of the most important one, is – an active role in economic development initiating through attracting the foreign investors, encouraging the self-employment process, SMEs development, etc. In such conditions, the strategic management planning becomes an essential tool th...
This paper has attempted to analyse certain influence aspects the global crisis has had on the We... more This paper has attempted to analyse certain influence aspects the global crisis has had on the Western Balkans countries, above all on Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro. Our analysis focuses on events on stock exchanges, for which we have applied comparative analysis method and noticed that indexes at Western Balkans countries stock exchanges have significantly more fallen (from-46,09% to-73,86%) for the same period of time from 1 January 2008 until 20 August 2009 than indexes at leading world stock exchanges, which have fallen in the ratio of-25,00% to-35,59%. In addition, we have discovered that reinforcement of the global crisis has led to a notable capital withdraw in Western Balkans countries; investors have lost trust in banking and financial system, as well as to a number of other negative occurrences. The world crisis has proven to have had a rather strong influence on countries in this part of Europe, which is an additional issue for governments of certain countries in finalising transition process and quicker accession to the European Union (EU). Different countries have reacted in different ways and this paper aims at underlining some of the most important undertaken measures, as well as at assessing their potential effects. The paper consists of five parts. The introduction reviews global crisis phenomenon, emphasizing a great number of issues open to debate and dilemmas it has brought about, trying to discover answers to some of them within this paper. The second part has been devoted to the crisis cause influence and its development phases, not only in developed countries, but in Western Balkans countries as well. The third part analyses empiric data on indexes fluctuation at stock exchanges of developed and Western Balkans countries. Following the review of negative effects of the global crisis, the forth part deals with a short analysis of measures that governments of the respective Western Balkans countries have undertaken in fighting the crisis, so that we are able to sum up in the fifth part and try to draw the most important conclusions.
Understanding consumers' needs implies creating an adequate offering, which leads to good and ins... more Understanding consumers' needs implies creating an adequate offering, which leads to good and institutions after mergers and acquisitions (M&A) with foreign organisations in the Republic of Serbia. The main actors in these M&A activities were banks. Our research and analysis cover the period from 2002 when M&A processes were intensified by the end of 2017. The results obtained indicate that the arrival of foreign banks led to the consolidation of the Serbian financial services market. Numerous strategic advantages have been achieved, and a lot of weaknesses from the past have been eliminated. However, when analysing the most important profitability ratios (ROA, ROE, NIM), a slightly different picture is obtained. Compared with the banks that came through greenfield investments and a group of domestic banks, this group of banks made slightly lower performances.
In this paper we will try to identify key characteristics of public enterprises restructuring pro... more In this paper we will try to identify key characteristics of public enterprises restructuring processes and analyze their contribution to overall economic competitiveness in Serbia and some neighboring countries, such as Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Special attention will be paid to public enterprises in the Republic of Serbia, where no major restructuring activities have been observed so far. Consequently, this sector in Serbia still faces low level of competitiveness. At the same time, a lot of challenges and open issues concerning mostly rationale for and against privatization, legal and regulatory practices, government oversight and corporate governance, transparency and accountability are present in Serbia. Last, but not least, we will try to identify key factors, on national as well as regional level, which could help increasing public enterprises competitiveness. This paper consists of five parts. The first part gives brief introduction as of changes which occurred in the region. The second part deals with the analysis of basic characteristics and some problems of public enterprises in the four observed countries. The third part analyzes the relation between the public enterprise sector and the source of national competitiveness. The fourth part treats the efforts made by the Republic of Serbia so as to restructure the sector of public enterprises, while the fifth part gives conclusions.
In this paper we analyzed mortgage securities as a source of financing credit activities in the m... more In this paper we analyzed mortgage securities as a source of financing credit activities in the mortgage market of the European Union. Although they basically provide the same products – mortgages, credit institutions differ in the way of financing their activities. While some institutions finance their activities by deposits, others issue mortgage securities (mortgage bonds and mortgage-backed securities) through the capital market. This analysis based on relevant literature and appropriate statistical data showed that the importance of mortgage securities vary from country to country. At the level of the European Union its overall importance is very high, since more than ¼ of all credit activities on the mortgage market are financed by these instruments. Moreover, it has been proved that mortgage bonds and mortgage backed securities in many ways satisfy various needs of creditors. The selection of the instrument depends on the creditor's and investor's requirements and it ...
The main objective of this paper is to present contemporary trends in company restructurings with... more The main objective of this paper is to present contemporary trends in company restructurings with particular emphasis on the analysis of characteristic tendencies in this field in Serbia. The paper is based on mixed research methods: evaluation and systematic analysis of scientific and empirical literature and the results of special field research conducted on a sample of 134 firms in Serbia. The study shows that restructurings have intensified worldwide particularly with the onset of the global financial crisis. When it comes to Serbia, unfortunately, the implementation of this process has been burdened with a large number of resistance and problems, which has reflected on the characteristic tendencies and achievements. However, the results of the conducted field research suggests that the restructuring has been recently more pronounced, particularly in large and medium-sized firms, primarily those who were faced with poor performance in their business. The most common reasons for ...
Future Challenges of Public Sector Enterprises, 2010
Thirdly, there was from the start a clear priority in terms of human resources investment, with e... more Thirdly, there was from the start a clear priority in terms of human resources investment, with emphasis on constant learning, in-house training and capabilities' improvement. Fourthly and finally, in each and every indisputable case of success, there was a well defined policy for innovation, cutting-edge research and technological development. Very often in the literature about public enterprises, failure is attributed to technological shortcomings. In the Brazilian experience, all the successful companies have been technological innovators: in railway and waterways logistics for iron ore; in deep-sea exploitation for petroleum; in aircraft design adapted to Brazilian conditions in the case of Embraer. Even in the case of the most impressive Brazilian success in international trade, that is, agriculture exports, although the production and exporting are in private hands, the key to the transformation was a public company, Embrapa, the Brazilian Enterprise for Agriculture Research. In the 1970s, when most if not all advanced economies were reducing public expenditure on agriculture research, the Brazilian government took the opposite route.
The aim of this paper is to show the effects of the global economic crisis on the small and mediu... more The aim of this paper is to show the effects of the global economic crisis on the small and medium-sized enterprise sector in Serbia. Contrary to expectations, in some aspects, the negative impact of the global economic crisis in South-East Europe, and consequently in Serbia, was much bigger than in many developed countries. Though vital and dynamic, the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Serbia suffered huge downfall, so that in this paper different ways in which crisis was manifested in this sector in Serbia would be analysed. This paper consists of the three main parts. In the introduction the importance of SMEs sector for Serbian economy is pointed out. In the second part, consequences of the crisis on Serbian economy would be analysed, and finally in the third part the impact of the global crisis on SMEs businesses would be analysed.
The aim of this work is to analyze the outstanding issues and opportunities for upgrading corpora... more The aim of this work is to analyze the outstanding issues and opportunities for upgrading corporate governance in state-owned enterprises - (SOEs) through a comparative analysis of this type of enterprise in Serbia and Slovenia. This is a very remarkable group of companies that have a major role in the overall economic life of both countries. Increasing efficiency and effectiveness in their management can contribute to raising the overall level of competitiveness and meeting the economic criteria for the integration of some countries in the European Union. In this paper we will try to identify several areas and examples of good practice which lead to improved corporate governance, and thus the better performance of this type of enterprise. In a variety of areas in which the corporate governance may be improved, we focused our analysis on the three areas, as follows: policy of ownership, regulations in terms of increasing transparency and functioning of the boards of directors.
Mala i srednja preduzeca i preduzetnici predstavljaju najefikasniji segment privreda u gotovo svi... more Mala i srednja preduzeca i preduzetnici predstavljaju najefikasniji segment privreda u gotovo svim zemljama sveta. Pojedinacno posmatrano, ova preduzeca ostvaruju najveci doprinos povecanju zaposlenosti, bruto dodate vrednosti i prometa zbog cega se smatraju okosnicom rasta i razvoja nacionalnih ekonomija. Njihova uloga posebno je znacajna u zemljama u tranziciji koje se suocavaju sa problemima visoke nezaposlenosti, niskog stepena privredne aktivnosti, nedovoljne konkurentnosti i nedostatka investicija i u kojima su jos uvek prisutna velika neefikasna državna preduzeca. Kao stabilan izvor kreiranja novih radnih mesta, mala i srednja preduzeca ostvaruju i važnu socijalnu funkciju tako sto apsorbuju viskove radne snage nastale u procesima tranzicije i svojinske transformacije državnih i drustvenih preduzeca. Osnovne karakteristike malih i srednjih preduzeca i preduzetnika, pri cemu se pre svega misli na njihovu velicinu, fleksibilnost, sklonost ka inovativnim i rizicnim poduhvatima i...
Analyzing current problems which a lot of entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprise managers ... more Analyzing current problems which a lot of entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprise managers encounter in Serbia, as well as in some neighboring countries in the region of Central and South-Eastern Europe, it has become obvious that limited approach to quality long-term sources of financing is the most worrying one. As small and medium enterprises, according to many parameters, represent the most dominant sector in terms of its share in GDP, total production, employment and creation of values, in this paper we have tried to look into the role that private equity funds (PEF) may have in their financing. Analyzing alternative sources of financing SMEs on the one hand and basic principles of the function of private equity funds on the other, we have tried to identify the most important advantages and disadvantages of this source of financing in order to draw conclusion in terms of possible impact that PEF may have on the development of a certain number of SMEs.
Korporativno upravljanje preduzecima u državnom vlasnistvu je znacajan izazov u mnogim ekonomijam... more Korporativno upravljanje preduzecima u državnom vlasnistvu je znacajan izazov u mnogim ekonomijama sveta. Pri tome, prisutan je veoma siroki spektar razlicitih pristupa, ali i brojne kontroverze u pogledu nacina upravljanja ovim preduzecima. Cilj ovoga rade jeste da se analiziraju otvoreni problemi i mogucnosti za unapređenje korporativnog upravljanja preduzeca u državnom vlasnistvu u Srbiji. Naime, rec je o veoma znacajnoj grupi preduzeca koja ima veliku ulogu u ukupnom privrednom životu. Pri tome, povecanje efikasnosti i efektivnosti menadžmenta u ovim preduzecima može doprineti podizanju opsteg nivoa konkurentnosti i ispunjavanju ekonomskih kriterijuma za integraciju Srbije u Evropsku uniju. U radu cemo pokusati da identifikujemo nekoliko podrucja koja dovode do unapređenja korporativnog upravljanja, a samim tim i boljih poslovnih performansi ovog tipa preduzeca. Od veceg broja podrucja unapređenje korporativnog upravljanja, fokus nase analize smo usmerili na dva – ulogu države k...
Институт економских наука и Београдска банкарска академија Београд мр Tамара Цвејић Икач 2 Студен... more Институт економских наука и Београдска банкарска академија Београд мр Tамара Цвејић Икач 2 Студент докторских студија на Економском факултету у Кошицама
Korporativno restrukturiranje se može definisati kao proces donošenja seta upravljačkih odluka i ... more Korporativno restrukturiranje se može definisati kao proces donošenja seta upravljačkih odluka i preduzimanja serija akcija, koje imaju za cilj ostvarivanje korenitih promena postojeće strukture, strategije i pozicije preduzeća. Reč je o procesu, zasnovanom na analizi postojeće poslovne situacije (i po pravilu sagledavanju uzroka nezadovoljavajućih poslovnih performansi), koji je usmeren ka traženju strategija za poboljšanje pozicija, kroz eliminisanje slabosti i krize, stvaranje i održavanje konkurentskih prednosti, promene u organizacionoj strukturi, efektivnijem upravljanju i efikasnijem funkcionisanju svih struktura i sistema u preduzeću. U okviru savremene ekonomske nauke problematika restrukturiranja preduzeća poslednjih decenija dobija na posebnom značaju. Danas o različitim aspektima ovog procesa u svetu, ali ne i u našoj zemlji, postoji obimna teorijska literatura i značajan broj empirijskih istraživanja. Imajući to u vidu, u okviru realizacije projekata Ministarstva prosve...
The challenges the local governments (LGs) are facing in contemporary developed societies are get... more The challenges the local governments (LGs) are facing in contemporary developed societies are getting larger and more complex. LGs have to deal with tasks relating to fulfillment of certain parts (in certain cases of a whole) of some of the key public functions which are arranging the life in local communities: land use of urban planning, organization and management of public services (like local water supply system, solid waste disposal, waste water treatment, public cleaning, maintaining and managing of city green areas, organizing distant heating system, etc.) along with some of conventional local governmental (administrative) functions. In the recent years, one of the LG functions, which is certainly becoming one of the most important one, is – an active role in economic development initiating through attracting the foreign investors, encouraging the self-employment process, SMEs development, etc. In such conditions, the strategic management planning becomes an essential tool th...
This paper has attempted to analyse certain influence aspects the global crisis has had on the We... more This paper has attempted to analyse certain influence aspects the global crisis has had on the Western Balkans countries, above all on Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro. Our analysis focuses on events on stock exchanges, for which we have applied comparative analysis method and noticed that indexes at Western Balkans countries stock exchanges have significantly more fallen (from-46,09% to-73,86%) for the same period of time from 1 January 2008 until 20 August 2009 than indexes at leading world stock exchanges, which have fallen in the ratio of-25,00% to-35,59%. In addition, we have discovered that reinforcement of the global crisis has led to a notable capital withdraw in Western Balkans countries; investors have lost trust in banking and financial system, as well as to a number of other negative occurrences. The world crisis has proven to have had a rather strong influence on countries in this part of Europe, which is an additional issue for governments of certain countries in finalising transition process and quicker accession to the European Union (EU). Different countries have reacted in different ways and this paper aims at underlining some of the most important undertaken measures, as well as at assessing their potential effects. The paper consists of five parts. The introduction reviews global crisis phenomenon, emphasizing a great number of issues open to debate and dilemmas it has brought about, trying to discover answers to some of them within this paper. The second part has been devoted to the crisis cause influence and its development phases, not only in developed countries, but in Western Balkans countries as well. The third part analyses empiric data on indexes fluctuation at stock exchanges of developed and Western Balkans countries. Following the review of negative effects of the global crisis, the forth part deals with a short analysis of measures that governments of the respective Western Balkans countries have undertaken in fighting the crisis, so that we are able to sum up in the fifth part and try to draw the most important conclusions.
Understanding consumers' needs implies creating an adequate offering, which leads to good and ins... more Understanding consumers' needs implies creating an adequate offering, which leads to good and institutions after mergers and acquisitions (M&A) with foreign organisations in the Republic of Serbia. The main actors in these M&A activities were banks. Our research and analysis cover the period from 2002 when M&A processes were intensified by the end of 2017. The results obtained indicate that the arrival of foreign banks led to the consolidation of the Serbian financial services market. Numerous strategic advantages have been achieved, and a lot of weaknesses from the past have been eliminated. However, when analysing the most important profitability ratios (ROA, ROE, NIM), a slightly different picture is obtained. Compared with the banks that came through greenfield investments and a group of domestic banks, this group of banks made slightly lower performances.
In this paper we will try to identify key characteristics of public enterprises restructuring pro... more In this paper we will try to identify key characteristics of public enterprises restructuring processes and analyze their contribution to overall economic competitiveness in Serbia and some neighboring countries, such as Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Special attention will be paid to public enterprises in the Republic of Serbia, where no major restructuring activities have been observed so far. Consequently, this sector in Serbia still faces low level of competitiveness. At the same time, a lot of challenges and open issues concerning mostly rationale for and against privatization, legal and regulatory practices, government oversight and corporate governance, transparency and accountability are present in Serbia. Last, but not least, we will try to identify key factors, on national as well as regional level, which could help increasing public enterprises competitiveness. This paper consists of five parts. The first part gives brief introduction as of changes which occurred in the region. The second part deals with the analysis of basic characteristics and some problems of public enterprises in the four observed countries. The third part analyzes the relation between the public enterprise sector and the source of national competitiveness. The fourth part treats the efforts made by the Republic of Serbia so as to restructure the sector of public enterprises, while the fifth part gives conclusions.
In this paper we analyzed mortgage securities as a source of financing credit activities in the m... more In this paper we analyzed mortgage securities as a source of financing credit activities in the mortgage market of the European Union. Although they basically provide the same products – mortgages, credit institutions differ in the way of financing their activities. While some institutions finance their activities by deposits, others issue mortgage securities (mortgage bonds and mortgage-backed securities) through the capital market. This analysis based on relevant literature and appropriate statistical data showed that the importance of mortgage securities vary from country to country. At the level of the European Union its overall importance is very high, since more than ¼ of all credit activities on the mortgage market are financed by these instruments. Moreover, it has been proved that mortgage bonds and mortgage backed securities in many ways satisfy various needs of creditors. The selection of the instrument depends on the creditor's and investor's requirements and it ...
The main objective of this paper is to present contemporary trends in company restructurings with... more The main objective of this paper is to present contemporary trends in company restructurings with particular emphasis on the analysis of characteristic tendencies in this field in Serbia. The paper is based on mixed research methods: evaluation and systematic analysis of scientific and empirical literature and the results of special field research conducted on a sample of 134 firms in Serbia. The study shows that restructurings have intensified worldwide particularly with the onset of the global financial crisis. When it comes to Serbia, unfortunately, the implementation of this process has been burdened with a large number of resistance and problems, which has reflected on the characteristic tendencies and achievements. However, the results of the conducted field research suggests that the restructuring has been recently more pronounced, particularly in large and medium-sized firms, primarily those who were faced with poor performance in their business. The most common reasons for ...
Future Challenges of Public Sector Enterprises, 2010
Thirdly, there was from the start a clear priority in terms of human resources investment, with e... more Thirdly, there was from the start a clear priority in terms of human resources investment, with emphasis on constant learning, in-house training and capabilities' improvement. Fourthly and finally, in each and every indisputable case of success, there was a well defined policy for innovation, cutting-edge research and technological development. Very often in the literature about public enterprises, failure is attributed to technological shortcomings. In the Brazilian experience, all the successful companies have been technological innovators: in railway and waterways logistics for iron ore; in deep-sea exploitation for petroleum; in aircraft design adapted to Brazilian conditions in the case of Embraer. Even in the case of the most impressive Brazilian success in international trade, that is, agriculture exports, although the production and exporting are in private hands, the key to the transformation was a public company, Embrapa, the Brazilian Enterprise for Agriculture Research. In the 1970s, when most if not all advanced economies were reducing public expenditure on agriculture research, the Brazilian government took the opposite route.
The aim of this paper is to show the effects of the global economic crisis on the small and mediu... more The aim of this paper is to show the effects of the global economic crisis on the small and medium-sized enterprise sector in Serbia. Contrary to expectations, in some aspects, the negative impact of the global economic crisis in South-East Europe, and consequently in Serbia, was much bigger than in many developed countries. Though vital and dynamic, the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Serbia suffered huge downfall, so that in this paper different ways in which crisis was manifested in this sector in Serbia would be analysed. This paper consists of the three main parts. In the introduction the importance of SMEs sector for Serbian economy is pointed out. In the second part, consequences of the crisis on Serbian economy would be analysed, and finally in the third part the impact of the global crisis on SMEs businesses would be analysed.
The aim of this work is to analyze the outstanding issues and opportunities for upgrading corpora... more The aim of this work is to analyze the outstanding issues and opportunities for upgrading corporate governance in state-owned enterprises - (SOEs) through a comparative analysis of this type of enterprise in Serbia and Slovenia. This is a very remarkable group of companies that have a major role in the overall economic life of both countries. Increasing efficiency and effectiveness in their management can contribute to raising the overall level of competitiveness and meeting the economic criteria for the integration of some countries in the European Union. In this paper we will try to identify several areas and examples of good practice which lead to improved corporate governance, and thus the better performance of this type of enterprise. In a variety of areas in which the corporate governance may be improved, we focused our analysis on the three areas, as follows: policy of ownership, regulations in terms of increasing transparency and functioning of the boards of directors.
Mala i srednja preduzeca i preduzetnici predstavljaju najefikasniji segment privreda u gotovo svi... more Mala i srednja preduzeca i preduzetnici predstavljaju najefikasniji segment privreda u gotovo svim zemljama sveta. Pojedinacno posmatrano, ova preduzeca ostvaruju najveci doprinos povecanju zaposlenosti, bruto dodate vrednosti i prometa zbog cega se smatraju okosnicom rasta i razvoja nacionalnih ekonomija. Njihova uloga posebno je znacajna u zemljama u tranziciji koje se suocavaju sa problemima visoke nezaposlenosti, niskog stepena privredne aktivnosti, nedovoljne konkurentnosti i nedostatka investicija i u kojima su jos uvek prisutna velika neefikasna državna preduzeca. Kao stabilan izvor kreiranja novih radnih mesta, mala i srednja preduzeca ostvaruju i važnu socijalnu funkciju tako sto apsorbuju viskove radne snage nastale u procesima tranzicije i svojinske transformacije državnih i drustvenih preduzeca. Osnovne karakteristike malih i srednjih preduzeca i preduzetnika, pri cemu se pre svega misli na njihovu velicinu, fleksibilnost, sklonost ka inovativnim i rizicnim poduhvatima i...
Analyzing current problems which a lot of entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprise managers ... more Analyzing current problems which a lot of entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprise managers encounter in Serbia, as well as in some neighboring countries in the region of Central and South-Eastern Europe, it has become obvious that limited approach to quality long-term sources of financing is the most worrying one. As small and medium enterprises, according to many parameters, represent the most dominant sector in terms of its share in GDP, total production, employment and creation of values, in this paper we have tried to look into the role that private equity funds (PEF) may have in their financing. Analyzing alternative sources of financing SMEs on the one hand and basic principles of the function of private equity funds on the other, we have tried to identify the most important advantages and disadvantages of this source of financing in order to draw conclusion in terms of possible impact that PEF may have on the development of a certain number of SMEs.
Korporativno upravljanje preduzecima u državnom vlasnistvu je znacajan izazov u mnogim ekonomijam... more Korporativno upravljanje preduzecima u državnom vlasnistvu je znacajan izazov u mnogim ekonomijama sveta. Pri tome, prisutan je veoma siroki spektar razlicitih pristupa, ali i brojne kontroverze u pogledu nacina upravljanja ovim preduzecima. Cilj ovoga rade jeste da se analiziraju otvoreni problemi i mogucnosti za unapređenje korporativnog upravljanja preduzeca u državnom vlasnistvu u Srbiji. Naime, rec je o veoma znacajnoj grupi preduzeca koja ima veliku ulogu u ukupnom privrednom životu. Pri tome, povecanje efikasnosti i efektivnosti menadžmenta u ovim preduzecima može doprineti podizanju opsteg nivoa konkurentnosti i ispunjavanju ekonomskih kriterijuma za integraciju Srbije u Evropsku uniju. U radu cemo pokusati da identifikujemo nekoliko podrucja koja dovode do unapređenja korporativnog upravljanja, a samim tim i boljih poslovnih performansi ovog tipa preduzeca. Od veceg broja podrucja unapređenje korporativnog upravljanja, fokus nase analize smo usmerili na dva – ulogu države k...
Papers by Dejan Erić