Papers by Fauvet Marie-Christine
![Research paper thumbnail of Les facteurs historiques, culturels, économiques et environnementaux dans la délimitation des zones IGP](
L'IGP apparait comme un outil particulièrement adapté aux stratégies de valorisation des prod... more L'IGP apparait comme un outil particulièrement adapté aux stratégies de valorisation des produits alimentaires liées à une origine géographique et potentiellement complémentaire de l'AOC. Cet instrument doit etre fiable et cohérent pour donner toute satisfaction au service des politiques territoriales de qualité. Le bien-fondé de la demande de protection étant considéré comme déjà acquis, la réflexion porte ici sur !es modalités d'élaboration des zones de protection IGP et sur l'identification des critères sur lesquels la spécificité s'appuie. Elle se nourrit d'un certain nombre d'exemples choisis pour leur diversité : produits bruts, transformés, situés a différents stades de la démarche de protection, allant de l'émergence de l'idée a la réalisation de l'expertise. La démarche, d'ordre méthodologique, conduit a dégager des propositions respectueuses de la complexité du terrain. Nous nous sommes, dans un premier temps, interrogés sur l...
Proceedings. Tenth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications. DEXA 99, 1999
Abstract This paper reports an experience in which a temporal database was used to analyze the re... more Abstract This paper reports an experience in which a temporal database was used to analyze the results of a survey on human behaviors and displacements in a ski resort. This survey was part of a broader study about the use of the resort's infrastructure, based on ...
16th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2007), 2007
Interactions between Web services are based on interfaces which describe Web services on both str... more Interactions between Web services are based on interfaces which describe Web services on both structural and behavioural perspectives. It can happen that the interface provided by a service does no longer match (for instance, because of an evolution) the interface required by its partners. In this situation, and until the required interfaces are fixed, interactions cannot succeed. To address this issue, and focusing on the behavioural part of interfaces, we propose an approach 1 based on a mediator, automatically generated, which aims to seamlessly resolve incompatibilities during service interactions.
![Research paper thumbnail of Diagnosing Incompatibilities in Web Service Interactions for Automatic Generation of Adapters](
2009 International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2009
Web services consist in series of message exchanges that must conform to service interfaces. The ... more Web services consist in series of message exchanges that must conform to service interfaces. The study reported in this text aims at dealing with the issues that arise when interactions between two services (a client and a provider) fail because their interfaces are incompatible. This may happen because the provider has evolved and its interface has been modified. It may also happen because the client decided to change for another provider which addresses the same needs but offers a different interface. The contribution of the proposed approach 1 is twofold. First, given two services, all incompatibilities that may exist between their interfaces are automatically detected and classified into patterns. Second, according to the patterns that have been recognised, an adapter is then automatically generated. This latter is intended to act as an intermediate between the client and the provider, therefore seamlessly reconciling interactions between them.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1996
This paper presents the extension of integrity constraint mechanisms for maintaining consistency ... more This paper presents the extension of integrity constraint mechanisms for maintaining consistency in temporal databases, when both transaction time and valid time are taken into account. This work is based on the database version model, in which consistency is maintained using adequate integrity constraints called mv-constraints. The issue of describing and classifying temporal constraints and the issue of de ning them on top of the database version model, by mapping them to mv-constraints, are both addressed.
![Research paper thumbnail of Handling Transactional Properties in Web Service Composition](
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
The development of new services by composition of existing ones has gained considerable momentum ... more The development of new services by composition of existing ones has gained considerable momentum as a means of integrating heterogeneous applications and realising business collaborations. Services that enter into compositions with other services may have transactional properties, especially those in the broad area of resource management (e.g. booking services). These transactional properties may be exploited in order to derive composite services which themselves exhibit certain transactional properties. This paper presents a model for composing services that expose transactional properties and more specifically, services that support tentative holds and/or atomic execution. The proposed model is based on a high-level service composition operator that produces composite services that satisfy specified atomicity constraints. The model supports the possibility of selecting the services that enter into a composition at runtime, depending on their ability to provide resource reservations at a given point in time and taking into account user preferences.
Today, Web services technology is widely accepted as the infrastructure which enables application... more Today, Web services technology is widely accepted as the infrastructure which enables applications interoperability. In this setting, message exchanges form the basics of interactions between applications, wrapped as Web services. The set of messages exchanged between a client application and a service it requires describes a conversation. The study reported in this text aims to reconciliate conversations which fail due
21st International Conference on Advanced Networking and Applications (AINA '07), 2007
21st International Conference on Advanced Networking and Applications(AINA'07) 0-7695-2846-5... more 21st International Conference on Advanced Networking and Applications(AINA'07) 0-7695-2846-5/07 $20.00 © 2007 ... 21st International Conference on Advanced Networking and Applications(AINA'07) 0-7695-2846-5/07 $20.00 © 2007
![Research paper thumbnail of Visualization Process of Temporal Data](
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
Temporal data are abundantly present in many application domains such as banking, financial, clin... more Temporal data are abundantly present in many application domains such as banking, financial, clinical, geographical applications and so on. Temporal data have been extensively studied from data mining and database perspectives. Complementary to these studies, our work focuses on the visualization techniques of temporal data: a wide range of visualization techniques have been designed to assist the users to visually analyze and manipulate temporal data. All the techniques have been designed independently. In such a context it is therefore difficult to systematically explore the set of possibilities as well as to thoroughly envision visualization techniques of temporal data. Addressing this problem, we present a visualization process of temporal data. We adapt the Ed Chi's visualization process to the case of temporal data. We illustrate the steps of our visualization process by considering the design of the Star Representation Technique that we have developed. By identifying and organizing the various aspects of design, our process serves as a basis for classifying existing visualization techniques and should also help the designer to address the right design questions and to e n v i s i o n f u t u r e systems.
Proceedings of the seventh international conference on Information and knowledge management, 1998
![Research paper thumbnail of Peer-to-Peer Traced Execution of Composite Services](
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001
The connectivity generated by the Internet is opening unprecedented opportunities of automating b... more The connectivity generated by the Internet is opening unprecedented opportunities of automating business-to-business collaborations. As a result, organisations of all sizes are forming online alliances in order to deliver integrated value-added services. Unfortunately, due to a lack of tools and methodologies offering an adequate level of abstraction, the development of these integrated services is currently ad hoc and requires a considerable effort of low-level programming, especially when dealing with coordination, communication, and execution tracing issues. In this paper, we present a framework through which business services can be declaratively composed, and the resulting composite services can be executed in a fully traceable manner. The traces of a composite service executions are collected incrementally through peer-to-peer interactions between the involved providers. Once collected, these traces are stored as linked objects in distributed repositories, which are made available for auditing, customer feedback and quality assessment.
![Research paper thumbnail of Collecting and Querying Distributed Traces of Composite Service Executions](
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002
The development of new Web services by composition of existing ones is becoming a widespread appr... more The development of new Web services by composition of existing ones is becoming a widespread approach to realise business-to-business collaborations. The composite services obtained in this way are then eventually used in other compositions. Given the dynamic nature of the Web, this recursive composition of services rapidly leads to intricate dependencies between them. On the other hand, businesses need to track the executions of their composite services in order to ensure explainability in case of failure and to support decision making. This paper deals with the issue of tracing composite service executions over the Web. It describes a model and an XML representation of service execution traces, an approach for collecting and storing these traces in a distributed environment, and an approach to evaluate queries over distributed repositories of traces.
Proceedings of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web, 2008
Web service may be unable to interact with each other because of incompatibilities between their ... more Web service may be unable to interact with each other because of incompatibilities between their interfaces. In this paper, we present an event driven approach which aims at adapting messages exchanged during service interactions. The proposed framework relies on Complex Event Processing (CEP) technology, which provides an environment for the development of applications that need to continuously process, analyse and respond to event streams. Our main contribution is a system that enables developers to design and implement CEP-based adapters. These latter are deployed in a CEP engine which is responsible for continuously receiving messages and processing them according to rules implemented by the adapters. Resulting transformed messages are thus forwarded to their original service recipient.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008
In a service-oriented architecture, software services interact by means of message exchanges that... more In a service-oriented architecture, software services interact by means of message exchanges that follow certain patterns documented in the form of behavioural interfaces. As any software artifact, a service interface evolves over time. When this happens, incompatibility problems may arise. We demonstrate a tool, namely BESERIAL, that can pinpoint incompatibilities between behavioural interfaces.
![Research paper thumbnail of Pointwise Temporal Object Database Browsing](
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001
Visual object database browsers are essentially based on two kinds of interactions: navigation wi... more Visual object database browsers are essentially based on two kinds of interactions: navigation within a collection of objects, and navigation between objects via their relationships. These two interactional operators have proven to adequately support the main user task addressed by these tools, i.e. exploring the states of a set of related objects. In temporal object databases, visual browsing tools should additionally support users tasks such as studying a snapshot of a collection of objects at a given instant, or detecting and examining changes within object states. In this paper, we show that the two interactional operators supported by classical object browsers do not adequately address these tasks. We consequently propose an interactional operator dedicated to navigation through time, and we study how it can be orthogonally integrated with the above two.
2006 10th International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS'06), 2006
This paper presents an approach whose objective is to sup-port Web services substitution. Substit... more This paper presents an approach whose objective is to sup-port Web services substitution. Substitution means replac-ing a component with another component, as long as the re-placing component produces the same output and satisfies the same requirements as the replaced ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications - MTA, 2002
Structuration, annotation and composition are amidst the most crucial modeling issues that video ... more Structuration, annotation and composition are amidst the most crucial modeling issues that video editing and querying in the context of a database entail. In this paper, we propose a sequence-based, object-oriented data model that addresses them in an unified, yet orthogonal way. Thanks to this orthogonality, the interactions between these three aspects are properly captured, i.e., annotations may be attached to any level of video structuration, and all the composition operators preserve the structurations and annotations of the argument videos. We also propose to query both the structuration and the annotations of videos using an extension of ODMG's OQL which integrates a set of algebraic operators on sequences. The overall proposal is formalized and implemented on top of an object-oriented DBMS.
Interactions between Web services are based on interfaces which de- scribe Web services on both s... more Interactions between Web services are based on interfaces which de- scribe Web services on both structural and behavioral perspectives. It can happen that the interface provided by a service does no longer match (for instance, because of an evolution) the interface required by its partners. In this situation, and until the required interfaces are fixed, interactions cannot succeed. To address this issue, and focusing on the behavioral part of interfaces, we propose an approach based on a mediator which aims to seamlessly resolve incompatibilities during service interactions. We adopted a formal tool as finite-state automata, particularly Labeled Transition Systems to model the behavioral aspects of Web services.
![Research paper thumbnail of TEMPOS: a platform for developing temporal applications on top of object DBMS](
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2004
Le temps qui change les êtres, ne modi e en rien l'image que nous avons gard ee d'eux Marcel Prou... more Le temps qui change les êtres, ne modi e en rien l'image que nous avons gard ee d'eux Marcel Proust Le temps retrouv e. Je voudrais cette page a la fois : Sinc ere comme les remerciements que j'exprime a ceux qui ont contribu ea ud eroulemente t a l'ach evement de cette th ese. A Marie-Christine Fauvet et Pierre-Claude Scholl, qui ont guid e et soutenu mes initiatives depuis de nombreuses ann ees. Plus que des directeurs de th ese, ils ont souvent et e des mentors et des amis. A Michel Adiba qui a suivi avec attention mes premiers pas dans la recherche. Je le remercie au passage d'avoir accept edepr esider le jury de cette th ese. A Sophie Cluet qui a lu dans ce document non seulement les mots, les points et les virgules, mais aussi des id ees si cach ees et subtiles que j'ai du mal a comprendre comment elles ont pu se fau ler entre ces pages. A Christian S. Jensen, qui m'a fait un tr es grand honneur en acceptant de rapporter cette th ese. Ses commentaires et critiques constructives m'ont apport e un regard eclairant sur les contributions et les erreurs de mes recherches. Thanks to Christian S. Jensen who honoredmebyreviewing this thesis. His comments and constructive criticisms provided me with a valuable viewpoint into my research's mistakes and contributions. A Jacques Le Matre pour l'int erêt qu'il a montr eenvers mes recherches et pour avoir accept ede participer au jury de cette th ese. A Michel Scholl, aux conseils en or. A tous ceux avec qui j'ai eu le plaisir de collaborer :
In this paper, we exploit the concept of granularity to design a video metadata model that addres... more In this paper, we exploit the concept of granularity to design a video metadata model that addresses both logical structuration and content annotation in an orthogonal way. We then show that thanks to this orthogonality, the proposed model properly captures the interactions between these two aspects, in the sense that annotations may be independently attached to any level of video structuration. In other words, an annotation attached to a scene is not treated in the same way as an annotation attached to every frame of that scene. We also investigate what are the implications of this orthogonality regarding querying and composition.
Papers by Fauvet Marie-Christine