Certain features of ancient Egyptian culture display a conscious return to bygone times. Texts, a... more Certain features of ancient Egyptian culture display a conscious return to bygone times. Texts, architecture, and works of art often referred to elements of the remote past. This revival of the past is known as “archaism,” provided that there was a substantial gap in time between the model and the copy, and that the elements referred to had fallen out of use. Archaism appears to have been an elite phenomenon and is found in the royal as well as the (elite) non-royal sphere. It occurred during the Pharaonic Period, from at least the Old Kingdom onward, and was most obvious during the Third Intermediate and Late Periods
The thirteenth season of fieldwork in the ancient necropolis of Asyut (Gebel Asyut al-gharbi) foc... more The thirteenth season of fieldwork in the ancient necropolis of Asyut (Gebel Asyut al-gharbi) focused on Tomb I, V and the Coptic hermit’s cell J11.3. In Tomb I, the hitherto unknown decorated burial chamber was reached in the main shaft. In addition, the tomb of the nomarch Mesehti was relocated.
Abstracts der Artikel zu den "SAK" 41 (2012). Die Autoren sind: H. Altenmuller, R. Asse... more Abstracts der Artikel zu den "SAK" 41 (2012). Die Autoren sind: H. Altenmuller, R. Assem, L. Baque-Manzano, M. Bommas, A. Brawanski/H.-W. Fischer-Elfert, F. Breyer, G.P.F. Broekman, G. Gabra, B. Haring, A. Jimenez-Serrano, J. Kahl, J. Kahl/M. El-Khadragy/U. Verhoeven/M. Abdelrahiem/M. van Elsbergen/H. Fahid/A. Kilian/C. Kitagawa/T. Rzeuska/M. Zoller-Engelhardt, M. Lehmann, J. Moje, M. Panov, H. Satzinger/D. Stefanovic, A.J. Spalinger, M. Tarasenko, V. Vasiljevic und M. Verner.
Publication of three stelae, now in the archaeological Museum in Al-Salam School at Assiut bearin... more Publication of three stelae, now in the archaeological Museum in Al-Salam School at Assiut bearing the inventory nos. 202, 205 and 206 dating to the late Middle Kingdom Period (Senwosret III and later), including comments on style, iconography, paleography, and dating criteria.
Depuis la transcription de 1957, par H. Goedicke, d'une inscription dans une galerie souterra... more Depuis la transcription de 1957, par H. Goedicke, d'une inscription dans une galerie souterraine du mastaba de Djoser, il etait admis que les references aux sanctuaires du Soleil remontaient aux deuxieme et troisieme dynasties. Par son article, l'A. prouve que les premieres veritables inscriptions de ce type sont a attribuer a Ouserkaf et au temple d'Harmakis a Gizeh, du a Chephren mais a inscription posterieure, donc pas anterieures a la cinquieme dynastie
Historical Inscriptions to the end of the fifth Century BC (rev. ed.), °xford, no. 12. 28 For dis... more Historical Inscriptions to the end of the fifth Century BC (rev. ed.), °xford, no. 12. 28 For discussions supporting the letter's autheniticity, see L Boffo, 1978, La lettera di Dario a Gadata. I privilegi del tempio di Apollo a Magnesia sul Meandro, Bolletino del Istituto di Diritto Romano (3. ser.) 20: 267303; J. Wiesehöfer, 187, Zur Frage der Echt heit des DareiosBriefes an Gadatas, RhM 130/34: 396398. (P Briant is currently reviewing the question again.) See the cogent remarks by P. Briant, 2000, Histoire imperiale et istoire regionale: ä propos de l'histoire de Juda dans l'empire acheme n 'de, in A.
In a previous article (SAK 39, 2010, 1-17) the author has published the inscriptions of the South... more In a previous article (SAK 39, 2010, 1-17) the author has published the inscriptions of the Southern Wall of the festival court of the temple of Ramesses II at Abydos. This paper aims to complete the previous study, and publish all the accessible inscriptions of the Eastern and Northern Walls that are legible enough to be all intelligible. The texts presented here are based also on copies that were made on the spot and collated with the originals. Altenmüller, Hartwig Anubis mit der Scheibe im Mythos von der Geburt des Gottkönigs S. 15-35, Taf. 6 Im Mittelpunkt von Szene 15 des Zyklus von der Geburt des Gottkönigs steht die Beschneidung des designierten Gottkönigs. Die Szene besitzt Vorläufer im Alten und Mittleren Reich. Der Beitrag sucht nach einer Erklärung für die Rolle des Anubis, der in der Beschneidungsszene eine Scheibe vor sich her rollt. Durch einen Vergleich mit den Bildsequenzen der Zaubermesser des Mittleren Reiches lässt sich wahrscheinlich machen, dass die Szene den Gott Anubis mit dem Sonnenauge abbildet, der das Sonnenauge an den Sonnengott übergibt. Baumann, Stefan Der saisonale Aspekt der Ressortgötter in der Opfereingangskammer von Edfu S. 37-57 In the Horus Temple of Edfu the offerings that were required for the cult were brought into the temple through the side door of chamber Y. In accordance with the function of the chamber, reliefs on each of its two inner door lintels show six gods that offer specific products. These offerings provide an overview of the kind of products that passed through that room. By means of the sequence of the gods and the agricultural events, which are implied by their inscriptions, it is possible to conclude that on an additional level of understanding each of the Egyptian seasons is represented by one pair of gods, who symbolize by their arrangement the course of the year on each lintel.
The bloated title of this Festschrift, surely too complicated and recherche, may unfortunately ob... more The bloated title of this Festschrift, surely too complicated and recherche, may unfortunately obscure the significance of the studies included within. This is unfortunate, especially because of the presence of Manfried LG Dietrich's important analysis of the famous Akkadian "Letter to ...
The sixth season of fieldwork in the ancient necropolis of Asyut (Gebel Asyut al-gharbi) focused ... more The sixth season of fieldwork in the ancient necropolis of Asyut (Gebel Asyut al-gharbi) focused on L evel 7 including the forecourt of Tomb Nl 3.1, Tomb V, Tomb Nl 1.1, the Tomb of the Dogs, surveying Level 3 to 5 (from Tomb I up to Tomb HI) and the mapping of the necropolis. From 19 th August to 25 th September 2008 the Egyptian-German joint mission of Sohag University and the Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz conducted its sixth season of fieldwork 1 in the ancient necropolis of Asyut situated in the western mountains (Gebel Asyut al-gharbi). 2 In addition, the mission studied objects in the magazine at Shutb from 19 th August to 25 th September 2008. 3 Fieldwork focused on Level 7 including the forecourt of Tomb N13.1, Tomb V, Tomb N11.1, the Tomb of the Dogs, surveying L evel 3 to 5 (from Tomb I up to Tomb III) and the mapping of the necropolis. Mapping of the necropolis (Fig. 1) continued surveying the middle part of Gebel Asyut algharbi. The survey helped clarify the position of a dogs' tomb which was mentioned by early travelers (cf. below). In addition, a small concentration of cat bones on Level 5 was observed. Work also continued in Tomb V. While carrying away more than four metres of standing debris, small parts of wall decoration were detected. Tomb Nl 1.1 was partly cleaned for use as a magazine for the mission's equipment after closing the gebel. Tomb Nl 1.1 consists of a row of three pillars and five shafts as well as an unfinished shaft. Based on a naming mistake by H. W. Muller, this undecorated tomb was erroneously named Tomb of Iti-ibi in Egyptology. 4 ' During the fieldwork we received full cooperation and encouragement from the Supreme Council of Antiquities.
Archéo-Nil. Revue de la société pour l'étude des cultures prépharaoniques de la vallée du Nil
Au cours de la dernière décennie, le nombre d'inscriptions publiées, antérieures à la 1ère dynast... more Au cours de la dernière décennie, le nombre d'inscriptions publiées, antérieures à la 1ère dynastie, a presque triplé. La principale raison en est la découverte des inscriptions de la tombe U-j (environ 3320 av.J-C) à Umm cl-Qacab/Abydos (Naqada llla2/Naqada IIIAl). Les 525 inscriptions connues à présent et datant d'avant la I ère dynastie autorisent une « plongée » aux origines de l'écriture hiéroglyphique-relativement au matériel inscrit et écrit, tout aussi bien qu'en ce qui concerne les graphies des mots et le stock des signes. La répartition des inscriptions s'est accrue au cours du temps, avant la 1ère dynastie. Pour le règne de Nar-me1� elles sont déjà attestées sur 17 sites. Ceci prouve à l'évidence qu'il existait un corps consti tué d'un grand nombre de scribes. Les mots étaient écrits en différentes séquences de signes. Une tendance à la standardisation n'est pas encore certaine. Le nom d'Horns du roi Nar-mer, par exemple, est attesté sous 15 graphies différentes. Le choix d'une graphie cependant n'est pas apparue par hasard en dépit de la multiplicité des possibi lités. Ainsi la forme longue du nom de Nar-mer se trouvait particulièrement exprimée sur des objets représentatifs, mais la forme courte ,,Nar" occupait des supports plus fonctionnels.
... (57) FW Freiherr von Bissing, »La chambre des trois saisons du sanctuaire solaire du roi Rath... more ... (57) FW Freiherr von Bissing, »La chambre des trois saisons du sanctuaire solaire du roi Rathourès [Ve dynastie]«, ASAE 53 (1956), pi. 1 nach p. 338. (58) P. Hellström — H. Langballe, The Rock Drawings, Odense 1970, 1.2, Corpus A 212-214, 217-218, 222. (59) p. 122, fig. ...
Certain features of ancient Egyptian culture display a conscious return to bygone times. Texts, a... more Certain features of ancient Egyptian culture display a conscious return to bygone times. Texts, architecture, and works of art often referred to elements of the remote past. This revival of the past is known as “archaism,” provided that there was a substantial gap in time between the model and the copy, and that the elements referred to had fallen out of use. Archaism appears to have been an elite phenomenon and is found in the royal as well as the (elite) non-royal sphere. It occurred during the Pharaonic Period, from at least the Old Kingdom onward, and was most obvious during the Third Intermediate and Late Periods
The thirteenth season of fieldwork in the ancient necropolis of Asyut (Gebel Asyut al-gharbi) foc... more The thirteenth season of fieldwork in the ancient necropolis of Asyut (Gebel Asyut al-gharbi) focused on Tomb I, V and the Coptic hermit’s cell J11.3. In Tomb I, the hitherto unknown decorated burial chamber was reached in the main shaft. In addition, the tomb of the nomarch Mesehti was relocated.
Abstracts der Artikel zu den "SAK" 41 (2012). Die Autoren sind: H. Altenmuller, R. Asse... more Abstracts der Artikel zu den "SAK" 41 (2012). Die Autoren sind: H. Altenmuller, R. Assem, L. Baque-Manzano, M. Bommas, A. Brawanski/H.-W. Fischer-Elfert, F. Breyer, G.P.F. Broekman, G. Gabra, B. Haring, A. Jimenez-Serrano, J. Kahl, J. Kahl/M. El-Khadragy/U. Verhoeven/M. Abdelrahiem/M. van Elsbergen/H. Fahid/A. Kilian/C. Kitagawa/T. Rzeuska/M. Zoller-Engelhardt, M. Lehmann, J. Moje, M. Panov, H. Satzinger/D. Stefanovic, A.J. Spalinger, M. Tarasenko, V. Vasiljevic und M. Verner.
Publication of three stelae, now in the archaeological Museum in Al-Salam School at Assiut bearin... more Publication of three stelae, now in the archaeological Museum in Al-Salam School at Assiut bearing the inventory nos. 202, 205 and 206 dating to the late Middle Kingdom Period (Senwosret III and later), including comments on style, iconography, paleography, and dating criteria.
Depuis la transcription de 1957, par H. Goedicke, d'une inscription dans une galerie souterra... more Depuis la transcription de 1957, par H. Goedicke, d'une inscription dans une galerie souterraine du mastaba de Djoser, il etait admis que les references aux sanctuaires du Soleil remontaient aux deuxieme et troisieme dynasties. Par son article, l'A. prouve que les premieres veritables inscriptions de ce type sont a attribuer a Ouserkaf et au temple d'Harmakis a Gizeh, du a Chephren mais a inscription posterieure, donc pas anterieures a la cinquieme dynastie
Historical Inscriptions to the end of the fifth Century BC (rev. ed.), °xford, no. 12. 28 For dis... more Historical Inscriptions to the end of the fifth Century BC (rev. ed.), °xford, no. 12. 28 For discussions supporting the letter's autheniticity, see L Boffo, 1978, La lettera di Dario a Gadata. I privilegi del tempio di Apollo a Magnesia sul Meandro, Bolletino del Istituto di Diritto Romano (3. ser.) 20: 267303; J. Wiesehöfer, 187, Zur Frage der Echt heit des DareiosBriefes an Gadatas, RhM 130/34: 396398. (P Briant is currently reviewing the question again.) See the cogent remarks by P. Briant, 2000, Histoire imperiale et istoire regionale: ä propos de l'histoire de Juda dans l'empire acheme n 'de, in A.
In a previous article (SAK 39, 2010, 1-17) the author has published the inscriptions of the South... more In a previous article (SAK 39, 2010, 1-17) the author has published the inscriptions of the Southern Wall of the festival court of the temple of Ramesses II at Abydos. This paper aims to complete the previous study, and publish all the accessible inscriptions of the Eastern and Northern Walls that are legible enough to be all intelligible. The texts presented here are based also on copies that were made on the spot and collated with the originals. Altenmüller, Hartwig Anubis mit der Scheibe im Mythos von der Geburt des Gottkönigs S. 15-35, Taf. 6 Im Mittelpunkt von Szene 15 des Zyklus von der Geburt des Gottkönigs steht die Beschneidung des designierten Gottkönigs. Die Szene besitzt Vorläufer im Alten und Mittleren Reich. Der Beitrag sucht nach einer Erklärung für die Rolle des Anubis, der in der Beschneidungsszene eine Scheibe vor sich her rollt. Durch einen Vergleich mit den Bildsequenzen der Zaubermesser des Mittleren Reiches lässt sich wahrscheinlich machen, dass die Szene den Gott Anubis mit dem Sonnenauge abbildet, der das Sonnenauge an den Sonnengott übergibt. Baumann, Stefan Der saisonale Aspekt der Ressortgötter in der Opfereingangskammer von Edfu S. 37-57 In the Horus Temple of Edfu the offerings that were required for the cult were brought into the temple through the side door of chamber Y. In accordance with the function of the chamber, reliefs on each of its two inner door lintels show six gods that offer specific products. These offerings provide an overview of the kind of products that passed through that room. By means of the sequence of the gods and the agricultural events, which are implied by their inscriptions, it is possible to conclude that on an additional level of understanding each of the Egyptian seasons is represented by one pair of gods, who symbolize by their arrangement the course of the year on each lintel.
The bloated title of this Festschrift, surely too complicated and recherche, may unfortunately ob... more The bloated title of this Festschrift, surely too complicated and recherche, may unfortunately obscure the significance of the studies included within. This is unfortunate, especially because of the presence of Manfried LG Dietrich's important analysis of the famous Akkadian "Letter to ...
The sixth season of fieldwork in the ancient necropolis of Asyut (Gebel Asyut al-gharbi) focused ... more The sixth season of fieldwork in the ancient necropolis of Asyut (Gebel Asyut al-gharbi) focused on L evel 7 including the forecourt of Tomb Nl 3.1, Tomb V, Tomb Nl 1.1, the Tomb of the Dogs, surveying Level 3 to 5 (from Tomb I up to Tomb HI) and the mapping of the necropolis. From 19 th August to 25 th September 2008 the Egyptian-German joint mission of Sohag University and the Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz conducted its sixth season of fieldwork 1 in the ancient necropolis of Asyut situated in the western mountains (Gebel Asyut al-gharbi). 2 In addition, the mission studied objects in the magazine at Shutb from 19 th August to 25 th September 2008. 3 Fieldwork focused on Level 7 including the forecourt of Tomb N13.1, Tomb V, Tomb N11.1, the Tomb of the Dogs, surveying L evel 3 to 5 (from Tomb I up to Tomb III) and the mapping of the necropolis. Mapping of the necropolis (Fig. 1) continued surveying the middle part of Gebel Asyut algharbi. The survey helped clarify the position of a dogs' tomb which was mentioned by early travelers (cf. below). In addition, a small concentration of cat bones on Level 5 was observed. Work also continued in Tomb V. While carrying away more than four metres of standing debris, small parts of wall decoration were detected. Tomb Nl 1.1 was partly cleaned for use as a magazine for the mission's equipment after closing the gebel. Tomb Nl 1.1 consists of a row of three pillars and five shafts as well as an unfinished shaft. Based on a naming mistake by H. W. Muller, this undecorated tomb was erroneously named Tomb of Iti-ibi in Egyptology. 4 ' During the fieldwork we received full cooperation and encouragement from the Supreme Council of Antiquities.
Archéo-Nil. Revue de la société pour l'étude des cultures prépharaoniques de la vallée du Nil
Au cours de la dernière décennie, le nombre d'inscriptions publiées, antérieures à la 1ère dynast... more Au cours de la dernière décennie, le nombre d'inscriptions publiées, antérieures à la 1ère dynastie, a presque triplé. La principale raison en est la découverte des inscriptions de la tombe U-j (environ 3320 av.J-C) à Umm cl-Qacab/Abydos (Naqada llla2/Naqada IIIAl). Les 525 inscriptions connues à présent et datant d'avant la I ère dynastie autorisent une « plongée » aux origines de l'écriture hiéroglyphique-relativement au matériel inscrit et écrit, tout aussi bien qu'en ce qui concerne les graphies des mots et le stock des signes. La répartition des inscriptions s'est accrue au cours du temps, avant la 1ère dynastie. Pour le règne de Nar-me1� elles sont déjà attestées sur 17 sites. Ceci prouve à l'évidence qu'il existait un corps consti tué d'un grand nombre de scribes. Les mots étaient écrits en différentes séquences de signes. Une tendance à la standardisation n'est pas encore certaine. Le nom d'Horns du roi Nar-mer, par exemple, est attesté sous 15 graphies différentes. Le choix d'une graphie cependant n'est pas apparue par hasard en dépit de la multiplicité des possibi lités. Ainsi la forme longue du nom de Nar-mer se trouvait particulièrement exprimée sur des objets représentatifs, mais la forme courte ,,Nar" occupait des supports plus fonctionnels.
... (57) FW Freiherr von Bissing, »La chambre des trois saisons du sanctuaire solaire du roi Rath... more ... (57) FW Freiherr von Bissing, »La chambre des trois saisons du sanctuaire solaire du roi Rathourès [Ve dynastie]«, ASAE 53 (1956), pi. 1 nach p. 338. (58) P. Hellström — H. Langballe, The Rock Drawings, Odense 1970, 1.2, Corpus A 212-214, 217-218, 222. (59) p. 122, fig. ...
The bloated title of this Festschrift, surely too complicated and recherche, may unfortunately ob... more The bloated title of this Festschrift, surely too complicated and recherche, may unfortunately obscure the significance of the studies included within. This is unfortunate, especially because of the presence of Manfried LG Dietrich's important analysis of the famous Akkadian "Letter to ...
Papers by Jochem Kahl