Kamil Serwatka
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Aarhus University
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University of Wroclaw
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Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Centre for Scientific Research
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Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
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Stockholm University
Sabine Gaudzinski-Windheuser
Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie
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Papers by Kamil Serwatka
different purposes. The spectrum of the available morphologies for projectiles and their tips is dictated
by several kinds of constraints such as aerodynamic and mechanical properties, different
hunting strategies, the available game or the range of the shot. This article focuses on a particular
aspect of duality in primitive projectile technology interpreted with a fitness landscape model.
Using geometric morphometric analysis, the author argues that the duality in projectile morphology
and performance characteristics observed in the studied projectile weapon systems is the
result of technological and physical constraints placed upon primitive projectile technology. For
a more comprehensive explanation of this phenomenon, an optimality model explaining the development
of flexible projectile weapon systems is proposed.
encourage scholars to approach the subject of hunting and projectile technology in a larger extent.
called the Mazovian, developing in areas of Poland in the Late Palaeolithic. It discusses selected aspects of
typology, technology and utilization of lithic artefacts on the basis of several inventories recovered from different
areas, characterized by the occurrence of both high and poor quality raw materials (i.e. Cichmiana 2, Lubrza
10, Kraków-Bieżanów 15, Suchodółka 3 and Żuławka 13).
The applied research methodology combined a morphological analysis, debitage refitting, the experimental
method, use-wear analysis and quantitative approach. Typological, technological, raw material and functional
characteristics of the analyzed lithic artefacts have enabled us to indicate some interesting correlations between
manufacturing techniques, the morphology of lithic tools and their usage.
In general, Swiderian inventories are typified by the presence of willow leaf and tanged points, burins or
end-scrapers made on thin blades. Tanged points are characterized by flat retouching on the ventral side, which
was made using some stone tools.
Our studies have revealed that the distribution and usage of Swiderian lithic artefacts was well planned and
focused on the production of good quality blanks, from which retouched forms (such as tanged points,
end-scrapers or burins) were fashioned. Ad hoc production is fairly nonexistent in the Swiderian material
culture. The technological analysis, based on the morphological features of the core reduction products, has
shown that the Swiderian debitage was generally concentrated on the detachment of intended blades. The
technology was associated mostly with opposed platform cores, very intensive and precise preparation of cores,
reduction, renovation of cores and blade production, and the application of the soft hammer stone technique.
Such types of cores are generally considered typical of assemblages attributable to the Swiderian occupation,
yet sites with restricted access to good quality raw material also yielded cores almost unprepared for working.
Use-wear studies performed on formal tools and a sample of unretouched products of core reduction (flakes and
blades) have suggested that the implements were usually used for hunting and butchering activities, and in individual
cases also for plant and wood processing. We were particularly interested in Swiderian points, which were
employed as components of projectile weapons. A quantitative approach was applied in order to precisely determine
the function of willow leaf points – whether they were used as arrowheads, dart-tips or spear-points.
ABSTRAKT Niniejszy artykuł jest studium poświęconym organizacji przestrzennej osadnictwa kultury świ-derskiej na stanowisku w Krakowie-Bieżanowie 15. W trakcie szerokopłaszczyznowych badań ratowniczych (2004-2008), pozyskano tam liczne materiały krzemienne wiązane z tą kulturą. Pochodzą one zarówno z obiektów, jak np. niewielkiej krzemienicy (KB-15/1 – obiekt 1), czy skupiska materiału (obiekt 2 i 3), jak również ze znacz-nej części przebadanej partii stanowiska, gdzie zostały podjęte jako znaleziska pojedyncze. Analiza planigraficzna podstawowych grup narzędziowych, tj. liściaków (ostrzy) świderskich, drapaczy i rylców, pokazała, że ich rozrzut wokół obiektów archeologicznych nie jest przypadkowy i wskazuje on na zróżnicowanie w zakresie funkcjonalnej organizacji przestrzeni przez ludność kultury świderskiej na stanowisku. Niniejsze badanie miało odpowiedzieć na pytanie dotyczące właściwości tego zróżnicowania. W tym celu przebadano mikroskopowo część dostępnego ma-teriału. Chociaż stan zachowania zabytków mocno ograniczył możliwość przeprowadzenie analizy traseologicznej, to poczyniono szereg cennych obserwacji. Szczególnie interesujące wnioski dotyczyły liściaków i drapaczy. Dodatkowo, liściaki świderskie, jako miarodajna kategoria zabytków związanych z kulturą świderską, zostały przeanalizowane przez zastosowanie metod morfometrycznych (analiza przekroju poprzecznego ostrza, analiza kąta ostrza, morfometria geometryczna kształtu liściaków), a płynące z nich wnioski uzupełniły badania traseolo-giczne. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na wskazanie wyróżniających się obszarów (strefy liściaków, drapaczy i ryl-ców) oraz ich interpretację funkcjonalną. Słowa kluczowe: Paleolit schyłkowy, kultura świderska, analiza geometryczno-morfometryczna kształtu, analiza tra-seologiczna, analiza przekroju poprzecznego
finds. Obviously, in this situation only technological and stylistic analysis can provide
data on way of manufacture and a place of finds in the context of Middle Palaeolithic industries.
This paper presents results of study of new bifacial finds which were found on surface of site 49a in
Pietraszyn (Głubczyce Plateau, SW Poland. We decided to analyse of tool reliefs and morphometric
features using geomorphometric morphometric approach in order to determine the production
method and spatio-temporal unit of new finds.
Studying technology and morphology allowed us to ensure that tools belong to plano-convex bifaces
of so called Prądnik culture. The tool shapes are result of the raw material selection as well as use
of specific knapping methods. We also realised that tools from site 49a correspond to bifaces from
nearby site 49 which is regarded as assemblage of Central European Micoquian.
mplemented in lithic studies. Their application is driven
by the powerful methods of data analysis off
ered by morphometric computer software. Additionally, computer
programs for digital shape analysis are freeware and easy to
handle, even for a non-morphometrician. The results
achieved with this software yield interesting conclusions and they off
er a new perspective on lithic tools. This
presents morphometrics as a potentiall
y useful methodological tool in the fi
eld of lithic analysis, which often has
to deal with artifacts morphology. The aim of this study is to test the utility of basic shape analyses included in
the PAST (Palaeontological Statistics) computer pr
ogram, and especially elliptical Fourier analysis, in identifying
reduction eff
ects on Late Middle Palaeolithic bifacial tools. For this purpose, an assemblage of 147 bifacial tools
from Southern Poland was analyzed. The sample comprised of
and Late
Middle Palaeolithic leaf points. The results reveal
patterned changes in artifacts proportions, which may have
been caused by continuous resharpening/reduction as well as by gradual alteration of tools design, due to their
changing function.
in 2013 near Kazimierza Wielkiego street in Wrocław. The study focuses on two sections of
late medieval pipeline discovered in the excavated area. An analysis of the explored features
and archaeological material is applied to approximate the chronology and the specifity of the
find. The obtained results indicate that the two sections of the pipeline were most probably
constructed in separate periods. This finding and the conclusions made shed more light on the
location and the course of aqueduct threads in medieval Wrocław.
different purposes. The spectrum of the available morphologies for projectiles and their tips is dictated
by several kinds of constraints such as aerodynamic and mechanical properties, different
hunting strategies, the available game or the range of the shot. This article focuses on a particular
aspect of duality in primitive projectile technology interpreted with a fitness landscape model.
Using geometric morphometric analysis, the author argues that the duality in projectile morphology
and performance characteristics observed in the studied projectile weapon systems is the
result of technological and physical constraints placed upon primitive projectile technology. For
a more comprehensive explanation of this phenomenon, an optimality model explaining the development
of flexible projectile weapon systems is proposed.
encourage scholars to approach the subject of hunting and projectile technology in a larger extent.
called the Mazovian, developing in areas of Poland in the Late Palaeolithic. It discusses selected aspects of
typology, technology and utilization of lithic artefacts on the basis of several inventories recovered from different
areas, characterized by the occurrence of both high and poor quality raw materials (i.e. Cichmiana 2, Lubrza
10, Kraków-Bieżanów 15, Suchodółka 3 and Żuławka 13).
The applied research methodology combined a morphological analysis, debitage refitting, the experimental
method, use-wear analysis and quantitative approach. Typological, technological, raw material and functional
characteristics of the analyzed lithic artefacts have enabled us to indicate some interesting correlations between
manufacturing techniques, the morphology of lithic tools and their usage.
In general, Swiderian inventories are typified by the presence of willow leaf and tanged points, burins or
end-scrapers made on thin blades. Tanged points are characterized by flat retouching on the ventral side, which
was made using some stone tools.
Our studies have revealed that the distribution and usage of Swiderian lithic artefacts was well planned and
focused on the production of good quality blanks, from which retouched forms (such as tanged points,
end-scrapers or burins) were fashioned. Ad hoc production is fairly nonexistent in the Swiderian material
culture. The technological analysis, based on the morphological features of the core reduction products, has
shown that the Swiderian debitage was generally concentrated on the detachment of intended blades. The
technology was associated mostly with opposed platform cores, very intensive and precise preparation of cores,
reduction, renovation of cores and blade production, and the application of the soft hammer stone technique.
Such types of cores are generally considered typical of assemblages attributable to the Swiderian occupation,
yet sites with restricted access to good quality raw material also yielded cores almost unprepared for working.
Use-wear studies performed on formal tools and a sample of unretouched products of core reduction (flakes and
blades) have suggested that the implements were usually used for hunting and butchering activities, and in individual
cases also for plant and wood processing. We were particularly interested in Swiderian points, which were
employed as components of projectile weapons. A quantitative approach was applied in order to precisely determine
the function of willow leaf points – whether they were used as arrowheads, dart-tips or spear-points.
ABSTRAKT Niniejszy artykuł jest studium poświęconym organizacji przestrzennej osadnictwa kultury świ-derskiej na stanowisku w Krakowie-Bieżanowie 15. W trakcie szerokopłaszczyznowych badań ratowniczych (2004-2008), pozyskano tam liczne materiały krzemienne wiązane z tą kulturą. Pochodzą one zarówno z obiektów, jak np. niewielkiej krzemienicy (KB-15/1 – obiekt 1), czy skupiska materiału (obiekt 2 i 3), jak również ze znacz-nej części przebadanej partii stanowiska, gdzie zostały podjęte jako znaleziska pojedyncze. Analiza planigraficzna podstawowych grup narzędziowych, tj. liściaków (ostrzy) świderskich, drapaczy i rylców, pokazała, że ich rozrzut wokół obiektów archeologicznych nie jest przypadkowy i wskazuje on na zróżnicowanie w zakresie funkcjonalnej organizacji przestrzeni przez ludność kultury świderskiej na stanowisku. Niniejsze badanie miało odpowiedzieć na pytanie dotyczące właściwości tego zróżnicowania. W tym celu przebadano mikroskopowo część dostępnego ma-teriału. Chociaż stan zachowania zabytków mocno ograniczył możliwość przeprowadzenie analizy traseologicznej, to poczyniono szereg cennych obserwacji. Szczególnie interesujące wnioski dotyczyły liściaków i drapaczy. Dodatkowo, liściaki świderskie, jako miarodajna kategoria zabytków związanych z kulturą świderską, zostały przeanalizowane przez zastosowanie metod morfometrycznych (analiza przekroju poprzecznego ostrza, analiza kąta ostrza, morfometria geometryczna kształtu liściaków), a płynące z nich wnioski uzupełniły badania traseolo-giczne. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na wskazanie wyróżniających się obszarów (strefy liściaków, drapaczy i ryl-ców) oraz ich interpretację funkcjonalną. Słowa kluczowe: Paleolit schyłkowy, kultura świderska, analiza geometryczno-morfometryczna kształtu, analiza tra-seologiczna, analiza przekroju poprzecznego
finds. Obviously, in this situation only technological and stylistic analysis can provide
data on way of manufacture and a place of finds in the context of Middle Palaeolithic industries.
This paper presents results of study of new bifacial finds which were found on surface of site 49a in
Pietraszyn (Głubczyce Plateau, SW Poland. We decided to analyse of tool reliefs and morphometric
features using geomorphometric morphometric approach in order to determine the production
method and spatio-temporal unit of new finds.
Studying technology and morphology allowed us to ensure that tools belong to plano-convex bifaces
of so called Prądnik culture. The tool shapes are result of the raw material selection as well as use
of specific knapping methods. We also realised that tools from site 49a correspond to bifaces from
nearby site 49 which is regarded as assemblage of Central European Micoquian.
mplemented in lithic studies. Their application is driven
by the powerful methods of data analysis off
ered by morphometric computer software. Additionally, computer
programs for digital shape analysis are freeware and easy to
handle, even for a non-morphometrician. The results
achieved with this software yield interesting conclusions and they off
er a new perspective on lithic tools. This
presents morphometrics as a potentiall
y useful methodological tool in the fi
eld of lithic analysis, which often has
to deal with artifacts morphology. The aim of this study is to test the utility of basic shape analyses included in
the PAST (Palaeontological Statistics) computer pr
ogram, and especially elliptical Fourier analysis, in identifying
reduction eff
ects on Late Middle Palaeolithic bifacial tools. For this purpose, an assemblage of 147 bifacial tools
from Southern Poland was analyzed. The sample comprised of
and Late
Middle Palaeolithic leaf points. The results reveal
patterned changes in artifacts proportions, which may have
been caused by continuous resharpening/reduction as well as by gradual alteration of tools design, due to their
changing function.
in 2013 near Kazimierza Wielkiego street in Wrocław. The study focuses on two sections of
late medieval pipeline discovered in the excavated area. An analysis of the explored features
and archaeological material is applied to approximate the chronology and the specifity of the
find. The obtained results indicate that the two sections of the pipeline were most probably
constructed in separate periods. This finding and the conclusions made shed more light on the
location and the course of aqueduct threads in medieval Wrocław.