Papers by Kristina Slunjski
Prikaz knjige "Dnevnička proza u hrvatskoj književnosti za djecu i mlade" autorice Drag... more Prikaz knjige "Dnevnička proza u hrvatskoj književnosti za djecu i mlade" autorice Dragice Dragun. Knjiga je objaveljna 2016. godine u Osijeku. U ovoj knjizi Dragun predstavlja postojeća teorijska promišljanja o autobiografskoj prozi, navodi korpus knjiga namijenjen djeci i mladima, te sažeto predstavlja zaključke dobivene analitičkim razmatranjima navedenih djela
SAŽETAK: U 70-im godinama 20. stoljeća javljaju se nove poetike u hrvatskoj dječjoj književnosti.... more SAŽETAK: U 70-im godinama 20. stoljeća javljaju se nove poetike u hrvatskoj dječjoj književnosti. Navedene promjene odrazile su se i na bajkoviti kontekst književnosti pri čemu se Sunčana Škrinjarić i Nada Iveljić izdvajaju kao začetnice drugačijeg pristupa bajkovitom. Po kratkom teorijskom uvodu u klasičnu i modernu bajku te fantastičnu priču, analitičko-interpretativnim pristupom predstavit će se specifičnosti Kaktus bajki (1970.) Sunčane Škrinjarić i Šestinskoga kišobrana (1972.) Nade Iveljić. Oba su djela zbirke suvremenih bajki, no svaka je autorica na svoj način oblikovala sloj bajkovitosti. Bajkovito će se sagledati kroz prizmu likova, mjesta i vremena radnje te kroz samu strukturu bajki.
KLJUČNE RIJEČI: bajka, Nada Iveljić, Sunčana Škrinjarić, suvremena dječja književnost
SUMMARY: The seventies are of great importance for Croatian children’s literature. Precisely in this period the occurrence of new poetics is noted, which is, of course, evident also in context of fairy tales. Sunčana Škrinjarić and Nada Iveljić are one of the most significant authors having different approach to fairy tale likeness reflected in their work. After a brief theoretical insight into characteristics of classic fairy tale and fantastic tale, the focus will be shifted to modern fairy tale characteristics. By using analytic approach, the specifics of Kaktus bajke (1970.) by Sunčana Škrinjarić and Šestinski kišobran (1972.) by Nada Iveljić will be attempted to be shown. It is evident that both authors have distinctive writing styles, and although each author approached fairy tale likeness in unique way, both writings are contemporary fairy tales. In the above-mentioned writings, the fairy tale likeness will be viewed in relation to shaping of characters, locations and time period where fairy tale is set and fairy tale structure.
Key words: contemporary children’s literature, fairy tale, Nada Iveljić, Sunčana Škrinjarić
Libri et liberi, 2019
Popularnokulturni utjecaji primjetni su u svim aspektima ljudskoga života pa tako i u umjetnosti.... more Popularnokulturni utjecaji primjetni su u svim aspektima ljudskoga života pa tako i u umjetnosti. S obzirom na nedovoljnu istraženost utjecaja popularne kulture u kontekstu dječje književnosti, u radu se razmatra njezina interakcija sa suvremenim hrvatskim dječjim romanom. Točnije, interferencija popularne kulture i dječje romaneskne produkcije promatra se na korpusu od 12 dječjih romana objavljenih od 1970. godine, odnosno od vremena kada popularnokulturne silnice dobivaju na značenju u kontekstu postmodernističkih promjena. Elementi se popularne kulture u dječje romane podjednako unose namjerno, kako bi romaneskna produkcija bila zanimljiva dječjim recipijentima i kako bi je oni dobro prihvatili, ali i bez posebnih intencija autora, koji ih u svoja djela unose nehotice jer su i sami okruženi sadržajima popularne kulture. Pritom se u fokus stavlja pojavnost novih likova, konstrukata popularne kulture, čije je uvrštavanje u lepezu romanesknih likova dječje književnosti potaknuto naj...
Libri et Liberi, 2016
U radu se prikazuje interakcija dvaju naizgled nepovezanih područjaknjiževnosti i medicine. Iako ... more U radu se prikazuje interakcija dvaju naizgled nepovezanih područjaknjiževnosti i medicine. Iako je navedena interferencija ponekad teže zamjetljiva, prisutna je u mnogim književnim djelima, pa i u fantastičnoj priči Alica u Zemlji Čudesa Lewisa Carrolla. Prvi dio rada usredotočen je na simptome objedinjene pod nazivom "sindrom Alice u Zemlji Čudesa". Priča je potaknula znanstvenike na imenovanje određene skupine medicinskih simptoma imenom protagonistice Carrollova djela upućujući na veze pojedinih medicinskih stanja i Aličine čudesne zgode. Drugi dio rada razmatra zagonetnost Carrollova poticaja za stvaranje takve fantastične priče i moguć utjecaj medicinskih fenomena na neke aspekte romana. Nije posve jasno duguje li Carroll inspiraciju dijelom i svojemu zdravstvenomu stanju i borbi s migrenama ili su na njegov rad utjecale halucinacije uzrokovane halucinogenima s obzirom na to da postoji pretpostavka da je konzumirao halucinogene droge. Sigurno je, međutim, da Alica u Zemlji Čudesa predstavlja dodirnu točku medicine i književnosti. Ključne riječi: pretpostavka o halucinogenim drogama, medicinski fenomeni, medicinsko nazivlje, sindrom Alice u Zemlji Čudesa, Lewis Carroll Uvod Suvremeni čovjek osobito je sklon čestomu obolijevanju od različitih bolesti uzrokovanih stresnim načinom života, ali i zlouporabom inače sanativnih 1
U okviru postmodernistickog konteksta sklonog diskurzivnom eklekticizmu koji podrazumijeva povezi... more U okviru postmodernistickog konteksta sklonog diskurzivnom eklekticizmu koji podrazumijeva povezivanje razlicitih tipova iskaza, svjetonazora i formi, interferencija popularne kulture i umjetnickih praksi intenzivnija je nego ikada ranije. Slojeviti i visestruki utjecaji popularnokulturnih elemenata vidljivi su i u okviru djecjeg romana koji upravo posezanjem za takvim elementima gradi neke od temeljnih razlika u odnosu na ranije dominantne romaneskne paradigme. Otvorenost mentalnim predodžbama popularne kulture, populariziranima najcesce posredstvom medija, najuocljivija je na razini likova kao konstitutivnih elemenata romanesknog diskursa te presjecista etickih, estetskih, socijalnih i /ili ideoloskih konstrukata. Reprezentaciju popularne kulture osobito je zanimljivo promatrati u okviru rodnih uloga i svjetonazorskih kompleksa koji ih oblikuju. Rad se stoga fokusira na takve uloge u suvremenom hrvatskom djecjem romanu, osobito s aspekta ženskih likova, s namjerom da se detektiraj...
The influence of popular culture on the contemporary children’s novel is multifaceted and complex... more The influence of popular culture on the contemporary children’s novel is multifaceted and complex, and is reflected in all levels of discourse. This paper discusses the elements and strategies of popular culture which we can observe in the contemporary Croatian children’s novel (more specifically, novels published from 1970 up to the present, that is, in the period in which popular culture had a remarkable boom), which are visible in the concepts of designing novelistic characters. Through analytical insight into the characters of individual children’s novels written in that period, with respect to various aspects such as complexes of world-views and ideas, linguistic habitus, social and psychological basis of characters, the child-adult opposition, the role of gender stereotypes, and determination by typical motifs of modern pop-culture practices (primarily related to urban areas as centres of entertainment and consumption), we detect the manner and extent of the influence of popul...
Sažetak: Popularna kultura ostvarila je širok odjek u društvu zahvaljujući različitim medijima ko... more Sažetak: Popularna kultura ostvarila je širok odjek u društvu zahvaljujući različitim medijima koji ju čine sveprisutnom i lako dostupnom. Kako su popularnokulturni elementi evidentni i u svijetu umjetnosti, njihovi utjecaji zamjetni su i u suvremenoj dječjoj književnosti, točnije, osobito u dječjim romanima. U radu je interferencija popularne kulture i dječjih romana sagledana na jezično-stilskoj romanesknoj razini u kojoj se ističu jezični izričaji svojstveni izričajima kakvi se javljaju u medijima kao što su novine, radijski i televizijski programi, elektroničke publikacije, itd. Stoga, mediji su sagledani kao krucijalni prijenosnici popularne kulture dok je fokus rada usmjeren na detektiranje interferencije popularne kulture i suvremene dječje romaneskne produkcije na spomenutoj razini. Pritom je zamjetno da su popularni medijski sadržaji potaknuli pojavnost jezika publicistike, jezika kakav mladi koriste na društvenim mrežama, izmišljenih jezika te skraćenica, uvreda i stranih riječi unutar dječjih romana. Analizom je obuhvaćeno sedam dječjih romana suvremenih hrvatskih autorica u kojima su navedeni popularnokulturni utjecaji ponekad teže, a ponekad lakše uočljivi te je njihova prisutnost varijabilna od romana do romana.
Ključne riječi: jezično-stilska romaneskna razina, mediji, popularno, popularna kultura, suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman
Sažetak: Popularna kultura ostvarila je širok odjek u društvu zahvaljujući različitim medijima koji ju čine sveprisutnom i lako dostupnom. Kako su popularnokulturni elementi evidentni i u svijetu umjetnosti, njihovi utjecaji zamjetni su i u suvremenoj dječjoj književnosti, točnije, osobito u dječjim romanima. U radu je interferencija popularne kulture i dječjih romana sagledana na jezično-stilskoj romanesknoj razini u kojoj se ističu jezični izričaji svojstveni izričajima kakvi se javljaju u medijima kao što su novine, radijski i televizijski programi, elektroničke publikacije, itd. Stoga, mediji su sagledani kao krucijalni prijenosnici popularne kulture dok je fokus rada usmjeren na detektiranje interferencije popularne kulture i suvremene dječje romaneskne produkcije na spomenutoj razini. Pritom je zamjetno da su popularni medijski sadržaji potaknuli pojavnost jezika publicistike, jezika kakav mladi koriste na društvenim mrežama, izmišljenih jezika te skraćenica, uvreda i stranih riječi unutar dječjih romana. Analizom je obuhvaćeno sedam dječjih romana suvremenih hrvatskih autorica u kojima su navedeni popularnokulturni utjecaji ponekad teže, a ponekad lakše uočljivi te je njihova prisutnost varijabilna od romana do romana.
Ključne riječi: jezično-stilska romaneskna razina, mediji, popularno, popularna kultura, suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman
Detinjstvo , 2021
SUMMARY: Warrior Cats series is world known bestseller specific in a sense that several authors h... more SUMMARY: Warrior Cats series is world known bestseller specific in a sense that several authors hide behind Erin Hunter pseudonym. It is adventure series for children and youth, with animals, precisely cats, as main characters. The series enjoys great popularity across the world, thanks to its adventurous character, animal protagonists and fantastic elements. After a brief theoretical insight into popular culture and fantastic, the paper analyses various fantastic elements related to animalistic characters, names assigned to them, their ceremonies, and beliefs. The interrelation between Warrior Cats novels and popular culture is also considered. The analysis encompasses the first 6 Warrior Cats novels that are available in Croatian language from 2011. onwards.
Keywords: animalistic characters, children’s and youth literature, Erin Hunter, fantastic elements, popular culture, Warrior Cats series
REZIME: Serijal Warrior Cats poznati je svjetski bestseller i specifičan je po tome što se iza pseudonima Erin Hunter krije čak nekoliko autora. Riječ je o pustolovnom serijalu namijenjenom djeci i mladima u kojemu su glavni likovi životinje, točnije, mačke. Zahvaljujući pustolovnom karakteru, životinjskim likovima i fantastičnim elementima serijal je doživio veliku popularnost diljem svijeta. Nakon kratkog teorijskog uvida u fantastiku i popularnu kulturu, u radu se analiziraju raznoliki fantastični elementi vezani za animalističke likove, njihove ceremonije, vjerovanja i pridodana imena. Također, razmatra se i međuodnos Warrior Cats romana i popularne kulture. Analizom je obuhvaćeno prvih 6 romana Warrior Cats koji su dostupni u prijevodu na hrvatskom jeziku od 2011. godine nadalje.
Ključne riječi: animalistički likovi, Erin Hunter, fantastični elementi, književnost za djecu i mlade, popularna kultura, serijal Warrior Cats
Detinjstvo (Childhood) , 2021
Can we talk about the genealogical premises whereby a work i... more FLUIDITY OF BOUNDARIES
Can we talk about the genealogical premises whereby a work is placed on the plane of children`s and young adult literature? We first think that we certainly know the answers to this question(based on the research so far), but, at the same time, we are aware that we are constantly assured of their relativity. The perpetual liminality between literature intended for different ages (between the youngest, young and young advanced reader) and within the relationship between so-called high and low literature therefore emerges as a suitable point of departure for applying different discourses and new readings – before us is already a quarter of the new century – and precisely this is the topic around which rallied the authors of Volume 1 and Volume 2 in the XLVIIth year of the Childhood journal. The works before us point to, among other things, the breaking or betrayal of genre conventions and the outlines of new sub-genres in this form of literature.
Volume 2 mostly focuses on the research into the links between genre literature and children`s and young adult literature. We could say that arising from the works in this volume are conclusions about the specificities of genre children`s literature, primarily in the domain of fantasy. As a rule, a large number of researchers are intrigued by the study of fantasy and the forms and genre patterns of science fiction, dystopian fiction, epic fiction and even animal elements in fantasy.The authors point to the porosity of fantasy, its hybridity and an unceasing experimentation with the genre patterns. The studies resulted in some kind of observations concerning periodization, one of them being thatscience fiction within this corpus flourished for a relatively short period, retreating in the face of “a great surge of epic fantasy, that is, fantasy literature for children“ in the new century.
New readings of dramatic literature typically focus on the subgenre of stage fairy-tale and stage fantasy which prove to be suitable for hybridization of diverse dramatic patterns (e.g. street theatre, vaudeville, social drama and the like). The liminal position of literature can be established in its approximation to the particular purpose of a text, and in the use of literature for lending psychological assistance. What has been recognized in literary science as bibliotherapy takes on its contiguous form in the subgenre of therapeutic literature, which is discussed by two papers.
In Volume 2, A Mirror of Criticism features presentations of the scholarly collection entitled Children’s Literature in Science and Classes and the electronic literary magazine Slova na Struju.
Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje
SUMMARY: Animal characters have always been present in many human activities, including literature. The interest in animal studies is increasing in contemporary times, precisely, since the 1970s. It is evident that the presence of animal characters is especially noticeable in children's literature. In this context, the works of Maja Gluščević, in which animal characters almost always exist, stand out. After a brief theoretical insight into animal studies, the paper analyzes animalistic layer present in 6 novels written by Maja Gluščević. Precisely, the focus is on novels that were first issued in 1990s. The paper analyzes the ways of depiction and functions of animal characters and their relationships with human characters.
Keywords: animal characters, animal studies, contemporary children’s novel, Maja Gluščević
REZIME: Likovi životinja oduvijek se javljaju u mnogim ljudskim djelatnostima pa tako i u književnosti. Zanimanje za animalistiku jača u suvremenom vremenu, točnije, od 1970-ih godina. Evidentno je da je prisutnost životinjskih likova posebice vidljiva u dječjoj književnosti. U tom kontekstu ističu se djela autorice Maje Gluščević u kojima gotovo uvijek egzistiraju životinjski likovi. Nakon kratkog teorijskog uvida u animalistiku, u radu se analizira animalistički sloj prisutan u 6 romana Maje Gluščević. Točnije, u fokusu su romani koji su svoje prvo izdanje doživjeli u 90-im godinama 20. stoljeća. Analiziraju se načini prikaza i funkcije životinjskih likova te njihovi odnosi s ljudskim likovima.
Ključne riječi: animalistika, Maja Gluščević, suvremeni dječji roman, životinjski likovi
Sažetak: Društvene, tehnološke, umjetničke i druge promjene učinile su popularnu kulturu sveprisu... more Sažetak: Društvene, tehnološke, umjetničke i druge promjene učinile su popularnu kulturu sveprisutnom u suvremenom vremenu. Posljedično spomenutom, evidentna je interakcija popularnokulturnih elemenata i suvremene književne produkcije. U radu je stavljen fokus na interferenciju elemenata popularne kulture i suvremenih hrvatskih dječjih romana koja je sagledana na razini romaneskne strukture. Analitički dio obuhvaća šest suvremenih hrvatskih dječjih romana te je pritom detektirano da se pod popularnokulturnim utjecajem na spomenutoj romanesknoj razini javljaju popularne forme poput SMS poruka, ulomaka chata, e-mailova, blogova, publicističkih tekstova, itd. Pojavnost formi koje izravno ne pripadaju romanesknom diskursu pridonosi osuvremenjivanju književne produkcije, ali pokazuje i koliko su sadržaji popularne kulture primamljivi, osobito djeci.
Ključne riječi: popularna kultura; popularno; romaneskna struktura; suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman
Summary: Social, technical, artistic and other changes made the popular culture omnipresent in modern times. Consequentially, the interaction between popular cultural elements and contemporary literary production is evident. The paper focuses on the interference between elements of popular culture and contemporary Croatian children’s novels, which is observed on the level of novelistic structure. The analysis encompasses six contemporary Croatian children’s novels and shows that popular forms on above mentioned level of novelistic structure like SMS messages, fragments of chats, e-mails, blogs, publicist writing, etc., appear under the influence of popular culture. The prevalence of forms that do not originally belong to the novelistic discourse contributes to modernization of literary production but also shows how much the popular culture contents are attractive, especially to children.
Key words: popular culture, popular, novelistic structure, contemporary Croatian children’s novel
Zahvaljujući postmodernističkim formativnim
tendencijama otvorenima prodoru popularnokulturnih
el... more Zahvaljujući postmodernističkim formativnim
tendencijama otvorenima prodoru popularnokulturnih
elemenata, slojeviti i višestruki utjecaji popularne kulture
zamjetni su na svim diskurzivnim razinama suvremenih romana.
Pritom je interferencija popularne kulture i dječjih
romana najuočljivija na razini likova kao konstitutivnih nositelja
radnje, ali i presjecišta jezičnih, svjetonazorskih i ideoloških silnica povezanih s popularnom kulturom. Reprezentaciju
popularne kulture osobito je zanimljivo promatrati
u okviru rodnih uloga i svjetonazorskih kompleksa. Rad se
stoga fokusira na ženske likove u suvremenom hrvatskom
dječjem romanu i transgresije zamjetne u njihovoj prezentaciji
u odnosu na dječje romane nastale prije etabliranja
postmodernističkog konteksta. Detektiraju se i analiziraju
promjene u konstrukciji ženskih likova, kao i njihova funkcija
u okviru konkretnih romanesknih diskursa.
Ključne riječi: popularno, popularna kultura, postmodernizam,
rodne uloge, suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman,
ženski romaneskni likovi
Within the framework of the post-modernist context
prone to discourse eclecticism, which implies the connecting
of various types of utterances, worldviews, and forms,
the interference of popular culture and artistic practice is
more intensive than ever before. The multi-layered influences
of pop-culture elements are also evident within the
framework of the children’s novel, which reaches for such
elements in order to build some of the fundamental differences
from the previously dominant novelesque paradigm. The openness toward the mental notions of popular culture,
popularised mostly through media, is most evident on the
character level as the constitutive elements of the novelesque
discourse and the intersection of ethical, aesthetical,
social, and/or ideological constructs. The representation of
popular culture is particularly interesting when observed
from the perspective of gender roles and the worldview
complexes forming them. Therefore, this paper focuses on
such roles in the contemporary Croatian children’s novel,
particularly from the aspect of female characters, with the
aim of detecting and describing the transgressions noticeable
in their presentation, compared to the children’s novels
written before the establishment of the post-modernist
context. We analyse the changes in the construction of female
characters, as well as their functions within the framework
of concrete novelesque discourses, as relevant qualifiers
of the dominant poetic, but also performative (educational)
direction of the children’s novel in the last few
Key words: popular, popular culture, post-modernism,
gender roles, contemporary Croatian children’s novel, female
novelesque characters
Popularnokulturni utjecaji primjetni su u svim aspektima ljudskoga života pa tako i u umjetnosti.... more Popularnokulturni utjecaji primjetni su u svim aspektima ljudskoga života pa tako i u umjetnosti. S obzirom na nedovoljnu istraženost utjecaja popularne kulture u kontekstu dječje književnosti, u radu se razmatra njezina interakcija sa suvremenim hrvatskim dječjim romanom. Točnije, interferencija popularne kulture i dječje romaneskne produkcije promatra se na korpusu od 12 dječjih romana objavljenih od 1970. godine, odnosno od vremena kada popularnokulturne silnice dobivaju na značenju u kontekstu postmodernističkih promjena. Elementi se popularne kulture u dječje romane podjednako unose namjerno, kako bi romaneskna produkcija bila zanimljiva dječjim recipijentima i kako bi je oni dobro prihvatili, ali i bez posebnih intencija autora, koji ih u svoja djela unose nehotice jer su i sami okruženi sadržajima popularne kulture. Pritom se u fokus stavlja pojavnost novih likova, konstrukata popularne kulture, čije je uvrštavanje u lepezu romanesknih likova dječje književnosti potaknuto najočitijim popularnokulturnim obilježjem – spektakularnošću. U radu se ponajprije detektiraju navedeni likovi, ali i načini na koje ih suvremena dječja romaneskna produkcija oblikuje.
Ključne riječi: popularna kultura, popularno, postmodernizam,
spektakularnost, suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman
The influences of popular culture are noticed in all aspects of human life, including art.
Given the inadequate exploration of the effect of popular culture in the context of children’s literature, the paper discusses its interaction with contemporary Croatian children’s novels. Specifically, the incursion of popular culture in children’s literature was observed in a corpus of 12 children’s novels published since 1970, that is, from the time when the pull of popular culture was gaining force in the context of postmodernist change. Therefore, elements of popular culture are introduced in children’s novels deliberately to make the titles interesting and attractive to child recipients. However, authors sometimes introduce such features unintentionally, simply because they are immersed in the context of popular culture
themselves. The focus of the paper is on the emergence of new characters, constructs of popular culture, whose inclusion in the range of characters of children’s literature is inspired by the most prominent popular-cultural feature – spectacularity. Thus, the paper identifies these characters, as well as the ways in which contemporary children’s novels shape them.
Keywords: popular culture, popular, postmodernism, spectacularity, contemporary
Croatian children’s novel
U radu se prikazuje interakcija dvaju naizgled nepovezanih područja – književnosti i medicine. Ia... more U radu se prikazuje interakcija dvaju naizgled nepovezanih područja – književnosti i medicine. Iako je navedena interferencija ponekad teže zamjetljiva, prisutna je u mnogim književnim djelima, pa i u fantastičnoj priči Alica u Zemlji Čudesa Lewisa Carrolla. Prvi dio rada usredotočen je na simptome objedinjene pod nazivom " sindrom Alice u Zemlji Čudesa ". Priča je potaknula znanstvenike na imenovanje određene skupine medicinskih simptoma imenom protagonistice Carrollova djela upućujući na veze pojedinih medicinskih stanja i Aličine čudesne zgode. Drugi dio rada razmatra zagonetnost Carrollova poticaja za stvaranje takve fantastične priče i moguć utjecaj medicinskih fenomena na neke aspekte romana. Nije posve jasno duguje li Carroll inspiraciju dijelom i svojemu zdravstvenomu stanju i borbi s migrenama ili su na njegov rad utjecale halucinacije uzrokovane halucinogenima s obzirom na to da postoji pretpostavka da je konzumirao halucinogene droge. Sigurno je, međutim, da Alica u Zemlji Čudesa predstavlja dodirnu točku medicine i književnosti. Ključne riječi: pretpostavka o halucinogenim drogama, medicinski fenomeni, medicinsko nazivlje, sindrom Alice u Zemlji Čudesa, Lewis Carroll
The paper aims to show the interaction between two seemingly unrelated areas: literature and medicine. Although the above-mentioned connection is sometimes hard to notice, it is present in many literary texts, including Lewis Carroll’s fantasy story Alice in Wonderland. The first part of this paper focuses on the symptoms commonly referred to as the Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. The story inspired scientists to name a specific group of medical symptoms after Carroll’s protagonist, thus pointing to the connection between certain medical conditions and Alice’s wondrous adventures. The second part of the paper considers the inscrutability of Carroll’s inspiration to create this type of fantasy story, as well as the possible influence of medical phenomena on some aspects of the novel. It is not quite clear whether Carroll drew some of the inspiration for his writing from his health condition (his struggles with migraines) or hallucinations caused by hallucinogenic drugs he allegedly consumed. One thing remains certain: Alice in Wonderland presents a meeting point between medicine and literature.
Keywords: hallucinogenic drugs hypothesis, medical phenomena, medical terminology,
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, Lewis Carroll
Papers by Kristina Slunjski
KLJUČNE RIJEČI: bajka, Nada Iveljić, Sunčana Škrinjarić, suvremena dječja književnost
SUMMARY: The seventies are of great importance for Croatian children’s literature. Precisely in this period the occurrence of new poetics is noted, which is, of course, evident also in context of fairy tales. Sunčana Škrinjarić and Nada Iveljić are one of the most significant authors having different approach to fairy tale likeness reflected in their work. After a brief theoretical insight into characteristics of classic fairy tale and fantastic tale, the focus will be shifted to modern fairy tale characteristics. By using analytic approach, the specifics of Kaktus bajke (1970.) by Sunčana Škrinjarić and Šestinski kišobran (1972.) by Nada Iveljić will be attempted to be shown. It is evident that both authors have distinctive writing styles, and although each author approached fairy tale likeness in unique way, both writings are contemporary fairy tales. In the above-mentioned writings, the fairy tale likeness will be viewed in relation to shaping of characters, locations and time period where fairy tale is set and fairy tale structure.
Key words: contemporary children’s literature, fairy tale, Nada Iveljić, Sunčana Škrinjarić
Ključne riječi: jezično-stilska romaneskna razina, mediji, popularno, popularna kultura, suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman
Sažetak: Popularna kultura ostvarila je širok odjek u društvu zahvaljujući različitim medijima koji ju čine sveprisutnom i lako dostupnom. Kako su popularnokulturni elementi evidentni i u svijetu umjetnosti, njihovi utjecaji zamjetni su i u suvremenoj dječjoj književnosti, točnije, osobito u dječjim romanima. U radu je interferencija popularne kulture i dječjih romana sagledana na jezično-stilskoj romanesknoj razini u kojoj se ističu jezični izričaji svojstveni izričajima kakvi se javljaju u medijima kao što su novine, radijski i televizijski programi, elektroničke publikacije, itd. Stoga, mediji su sagledani kao krucijalni prijenosnici popularne kulture dok je fokus rada usmjeren na detektiranje interferencije popularne kulture i suvremene dječje romaneskne produkcije na spomenutoj razini. Pritom je zamjetno da su popularni medijski sadržaji potaknuli pojavnost jezika publicistike, jezika kakav mladi koriste na društvenim mrežama, izmišljenih jezika te skraćenica, uvreda i stranih riječi unutar dječjih romana. Analizom je obuhvaćeno sedam dječjih romana suvremenih hrvatskih autorica u kojima su navedeni popularnokulturni utjecaji ponekad teže, a ponekad lakše uočljivi te je njihova prisutnost varijabilna od romana do romana.
Ključne riječi: jezično-stilska romaneskna razina, mediji, popularno, popularna kultura, suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman
Keywords: animalistic characters, children’s and youth literature, Erin Hunter, fantastic elements, popular culture, Warrior Cats series
REZIME: Serijal Warrior Cats poznati je svjetski bestseller i specifičan je po tome što se iza pseudonima Erin Hunter krije čak nekoliko autora. Riječ je o pustolovnom serijalu namijenjenom djeci i mladima u kojemu su glavni likovi životinje, točnije, mačke. Zahvaljujući pustolovnom karakteru, životinjskim likovima i fantastičnim elementima serijal je doživio veliku popularnost diljem svijeta. Nakon kratkog teorijskog uvida u fantastiku i popularnu kulturu, u radu se analiziraju raznoliki fantastični elementi vezani za animalističke likove, njihove ceremonije, vjerovanja i pridodana imena. Također, razmatra se i međuodnos Warrior Cats romana i popularne kulture. Analizom je obuhvaćeno prvih 6 romana Warrior Cats koji su dostupni u prijevodu na hrvatskom jeziku od 2011. godine nadalje.
Ključne riječi: animalistički likovi, Erin Hunter, fantastični elementi, književnost za djecu i mlade, popularna kultura, serijal Warrior Cats
Can we talk about the genealogical premises whereby a work is placed on the plane of children`s and young adult literature? We first think that we certainly know the answers to this question(based on the research so far), but, at the same time, we are aware that we are constantly assured of their relativity. The perpetual liminality between literature intended for different ages (between the youngest, young and young advanced reader) and within the relationship between so-called high and low literature therefore emerges as a suitable point of departure for applying different discourses and new readings – before us is already a quarter of the new century – and precisely this is the topic around which rallied the authors of Volume 1 and Volume 2 in the XLVIIth year of the Childhood journal. The works before us point to, among other things, the breaking or betrayal of genre conventions and the outlines of new sub-genres in this form of literature.
Volume 2 mostly focuses on the research into the links between genre literature and children`s and young adult literature. We could say that arising from the works in this volume are conclusions about the specificities of genre children`s literature, primarily in the domain of fantasy. As a rule, a large number of researchers are intrigued by the study of fantasy and the forms and genre patterns of science fiction, dystopian fiction, epic fiction and even animal elements in fantasy.The authors point to the porosity of fantasy, its hybridity and an unceasing experimentation with the genre patterns. The studies resulted in some kind of observations concerning periodization, one of them being thatscience fiction within this corpus flourished for a relatively short period, retreating in the face of “a great surge of epic fantasy, that is, fantasy literature for children“ in the new century.
New readings of dramatic literature typically focus on the subgenre of stage fairy-tale and stage fantasy which prove to be suitable for hybridization of diverse dramatic patterns (e.g. street theatre, vaudeville, social drama and the like). The liminal position of literature can be established in its approximation to the particular purpose of a text, and in the use of literature for lending psychological assistance. What has been recognized in literary science as bibliotherapy takes on its contiguous form in the subgenre of therapeutic literature, which is discussed by two papers.
In Volume 2, A Mirror of Criticism features presentations of the scholarly collection entitled Children’s Literature in Science and Classes and the electronic literary magazine Slova na Struju.
SUMMARY: Animal characters have always been present in many human activities, including literature. The interest in animal studies is increasing in contemporary times, precisely, since the 1970s. It is evident that the presence of animal characters is especially noticeable in children's literature. In this context, the works of Maja Gluščević, in which animal characters almost always exist, stand out. After a brief theoretical insight into animal studies, the paper analyzes animalistic layer present in 6 novels written by Maja Gluščević. Precisely, the focus is on novels that were first issued in 1990s. The paper analyzes the ways of depiction and functions of animal characters and their relationships with human characters.
Keywords: animal characters, animal studies, contemporary children’s novel, Maja Gluščević
REZIME: Likovi životinja oduvijek se javljaju u mnogim ljudskim djelatnostima pa tako i u književnosti. Zanimanje za animalistiku jača u suvremenom vremenu, točnije, od 1970-ih godina. Evidentno je da je prisutnost životinjskih likova posebice vidljiva u dječjoj književnosti. U tom kontekstu ističu se djela autorice Maje Gluščević u kojima gotovo uvijek egzistiraju životinjski likovi. Nakon kratkog teorijskog uvida u animalistiku, u radu se analizira animalistički sloj prisutan u 6 romana Maje Gluščević. Točnije, u fokusu su romani koji su svoje prvo izdanje doživjeli u 90-im godinama 20. stoljeća. Analiziraju se načini prikaza i funkcije životinjskih likova te njihovi odnosi s ljudskim likovima.
Ključne riječi: animalistika, Maja Gluščević, suvremeni dječji roman, životinjski likovi
Ključne riječi: popularna kultura; popularno; romaneskna struktura; suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman
Summary: Social, technical, artistic and other changes made the popular culture omnipresent in modern times. Consequentially, the interaction between popular cultural elements and contemporary literary production is evident. The paper focuses on the interference between elements of popular culture and contemporary Croatian children’s novels, which is observed on the level of novelistic structure. The analysis encompasses six contemporary Croatian children’s novels and shows that popular forms on above mentioned level of novelistic structure like SMS messages, fragments of chats, e-mails, blogs, publicist writing, etc., appear under the influence of popular culture. The prevalence of forms that do not originally belong to the novelistic discourse contributes to modernization of literary production but also shows how much the popular culture contents are attractive, especially to children.
Key words: popular culture, popular, novelistic structure, contemporary Croatian children’s novel
tendencijama otvorenima prodoru popularnokulturnih
elemenata, slojeviti i višestruki utjecaji popularne kulture
zamjetni su na svim diskurzivnim razinama suvremenih romana.
Pritom je interferencija popularne kulture i dječjih
romana najuočljivija na razini likova kao konstitutivnih nositelja
radnje, ali i presjecišta jezičnih, svjetonazorskih i ideoloških silnica povezanih s popularnom kulturom. Reprezentaciju
popularne kulture osobito je zanimljivo promatrati
u okviru rodnih uloga i svjetonazorskih kompleksa. Rad se
stoga fokusira na ženske likove u suvremenom hrvatskom
dječjem romanu i transgresije zamjetne u njihovoj prezentaciji
u odnosu na dječje romane nastale prije etabliranja
postmodernističkog konteksta. Detektiraju se i analiziraju
promjene u konstrukciji ženskih likova, kao i njihova funkcija
u okviru konkretnih romanesknih diskursa.
Ključne riječi: popularno, popularna kultura, postmodernizam,
rodne uloge, suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman,
ženski romaneskni likovi
Within the framework of the post-modernist context
prone to discourse eclecticism, which implies the connecting
of various types of utterances, worldviews, and forms,
the interference of popular culture and artistic practice is
more intensive than ever before. The multi-layered influences
of pop-culture elements are also evident within the
framework of the children’s novel, which reaches for such
elements in order to build some of the fundamental differences
from the previously dominant novelesque paradigm. The openness toward the mental notions of popular culture,
popularised mostly through media, is most evident on the
character level as the constitutive elements of the novelesque
discourse and the intersection of ethical, aesthetical,
social, and/or ideological constructs. The representation of
popular culture is particularly interesting when observed
from the perspective of gender roles and the worldview
complexes forming them. Therefore, this paper focuses on
such roles in the contemporary Croatian children’s novel,
particularly from the aspect of female characters, with the
aim of detecting and describing the transgressions noticeable
in their presentation, compared to the children’s novels
written before the establishment of the post-modernist
context. We analyse the changes in the construction of female
characters, as well as their functions within the framework
of concrete novelesque discourses, as relevant qualifiers
of the dominant poetic, but also performative (educational)
direction of the children’s novel in the last few
Key words: popular, popular culture, post-modernism,
gender roles, contemporary Croatian children’s novel, female
novelesque characters
Ključne riječi: popularna kultura, popularno, postmodernizam,
spektakularnost, suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman
The influences of popular culture are noticed in all aspects of human life, including art.
Given the inadequate exploration of the effect of popular culture in the context of children’s literature, the paper discusses its interaction with contemporary Croatian children’s novels. Specifically, the incursion of popular culture in children’s literature was observed in a corpus of 12 children’s novels published since 1970, that is, from the time when the pull of popular culture was gaining force in the context of postmodernist change. Therefore, elements of popular culture are introduced in children’s novels deliberately to make the titles interesting and attractive to child recipients. However, authors sometimes introduce such features unintentionally, simply because they are immersed in the context of popular culture
themselves. The focus of the paper is on the emergence of new characters, constructs of popular culture, whose inclusion in the range of characters of children’s literature is inspired by the most prominent popular-cultural feature – spectacularity. Thus, the paper identifies these characters, as well as the ways in which contemporary children’s novels shape them.
Keywords: popular culture, popular, postmodernism, spectacularity, contemporary
Croatian children’s novel
The paper aims to show the interaction between two seemingly unrelated areas: literature and medicine. Although the above-mentioned connection is sometimes hard to notice, it is present in many literary texts, including Lewis Carroll’s fantasy story Alice in Wonderland. The first part of this paper focuses on the symptoms commonly referred to as the Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. The story inspired scientists to name a specific group of medical symptoms after Carroll’s protagonist, thus pointing to the connection between certain medical conditions and Alice’s wondrous adventures. The second part of the paper considers the inscrutability of Carroll’s inspiration to create this type of fantasy story, as well as the possible influence of medical phenomena on some aspects of the novel. It is not quite clear whether Carroll drew some of the inspiration for his writing from his health condition (his struggles with migraines) or hallucinations caused by hallucinogenic drugs he allegedly consumed. One thing remains certain: Alice in Wonderland presents a meeting point between medicine and literature.
Keywords: hallucinogenic drugs hypothesis, medical phenomena, medical terminology,
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, Lewis Carroll
KLJUČNE RIJEČI: bajka, Nada Iveljić, Sunčana Škrinjarić, suvremena dječja književnost
SUMMARY: The seventies are of great importance for Croatian children’s literature. Precisely in this period the occurrence of new poetics is noted, which is, of course, evident also in context of fairy tales. Sunčana Škrinjarić and Nada Iveljić are one of the most significant authors having different approach to fairy tale likeness reflected in their work. After a brief theoretical insight into characteristics of classic fairy tale and fantastic tale, the focus will be shifted to modern fairy tale characteristics. By using analytic approach, the specifics of Kaktus bajke (1970.) by Sunčana Škrinjarić and Šestinski kišobran (1972.) by Nada Iveljić will be attempted to be shown. It is evident that both authors have distinctive writing styles, and although each author approached fairy tale likeness in unique way, both writings are contemporary fairy tales. In the above-mentioned writings, the fairy tale likeness will be viewed in relation to shaping of characters, locations and time period where fairy tale is set and fairy tale structure.
Key words: contemporary children’s literature, fairy tale, Nada Iveljić, Sunčana Škrinjarić
Ključne riječi: jezično-stilska romaneskna razina, mediji, popularno, popularna kultura, suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman
Sažetak: Popularna kultura ostvarila je širok odjek u društvu zahvaljujući različitim medijima koji ju čine sveprisutnom i lako dostupnom. Kako su popularnokulturni elementi evidentni i u svijetu umjetnosti, njihovi utjecaji zamjetni su i u suvremenoj dječjoj književnosti, točnije, osobito u dječjim romanima. U radu je interferencija popularne kulture i dječjih romana sagledana na jezično-stilskoj romanesknoj razini u kojoj se ističu jezični izričaji svojstveni izričajima kakvi se javljaju u medijima kao što su novine, radijski i televizijski programi, elektroničke publikacije, itd. Stoga, mediji su sagledani kao krucijalni prijenosnici popularne kulture dok je fokus rada usmjeren na detektiranje interferencije popularne kulture i suvremene dječje romaneskne produkcije na spomenutoj razini. Pritom je zamjetno da su popularni medijski sadržaji potaknuli pojavnost jezika publicistike, jezika kakav mladi koriste na društvenim mrežama, izmišljenih jezika te skraćenica, uvreda i stranih riječi unutar dječjih romana. Analizom je obuhvaćeno sedam dječjih romana suvremenih hrvatskih autorica u kojima su navedeni popularnokulturni utjecaji ponekad teže, a ponekad lakše uočljivi te je njihova prisutnost varijabilna od romana do romana.
Ključne riječi: jezično-stilska romaneskna razina, mediji, popularno, popularna kultura, suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman
Keywords: animalistic characters, children’s and youth literature, Erin Hunter, fantastic elements, popular culture, Warrior Cats series
REZIME: Serijal Warrior Cats poznati je svjetski bestseller i specifičan je po tome što se iza pseudonima Erin Hunter krije čak nekoliko autora. Riječ je o pustolovnom serijalu namijenjenom djeci i mladima u kojemu su glavni likovi životinje, točnije, mačke. Zahvaljujući pustolovnom karakteru, životinjskim likovima i fantastičnim elementima serijal je doživio veliku popularnost diljem svijeta. Nakon kratkog teorijskog uvida u fantastiku i popularnu kulturu, u radu se analiziraju raznoliki fantastični elementi vezani za animalističke likove, njihove ceremonije, vjerovanja i pridodana imena. Također, razmatra se i međuodnos Warrior Cats romana i popularne kulture. Analizom je obuhvaćeno prvih 6 romana Warrior Cats koji su dostupni u prijevodu na hrvatskom jeziku od 2011. godine nadalje.
Ključne riječi: animalistički likovi, Erin Hunter, fantastični elementi, književnost za djecu i mlade, popularna kultura, serijal Warrior Cats
Can we talk about the genealogical premises whereby a work is placed on the plane of children`s and young adult literature? We first think that we certainly know the answers to this question(based on the research so far), but, at the same time, we are aware that we are constantly assured of their relativity. The perpetual liminality between literature intended for different ages (between the youngest, young and young advanced reader) and within the relationship between so-called high and low literature therefore emerges as a suitable point of departure for applying different discourses and new readings – before us is already a quarter of the new century – and precisely this is the topic around which rallied the authors of Volume 1 and Volume 2 in the XLVIIth year of the Childhood journal. The works before us point to, among other things, the breaking or betrayal of genre conventions and the outlines of new sub-genres in this form of literature.
Volume 2 mostly focuses on the research into the links between genre literature and children`s and young adult literature. We could say that arising from the works in this volume are conclusions about the specificities of genre children`s literature, primarily in the domain of fantasy. As a rule, a large number of researchers are intrigued by the study of fantasy and the forms and genre patterns of science fiction, dystopian fiction, epic fiction and even animal elements in fantasy.The authors point to the porosity of fantasy, its hybridity and an unceasing experimentation with the genre patterns. The studies resulted in some kind of observations concerning periodization, one of them being thatscience fiction within this corpus flourished for a relatively short period, retreating in the face of “a great surge of epic fantasy, that is, fantasy literature for children“ in the new century.
New readings of dramatic literature typically focus on the subgenre of stage fairy-tale and stage fantasy which prove to be suitable for hybridization of diverse dramatic patterns (e.g. street theatre, vaudeville, social drama and the like). The liminal position of literature can be established in its approximation to the particular purpose of a text, and in the use of literature for lending psychological assistance. What has been recognized in literary science as bibliotherapy takes on its contiguous form in the subgenre of therapeutic literature, which is discussed by two papers.
In Volume 2, A Mirror of Criticism features presentations of the scholarly collection entitled Children’s Literature in Science and Classes and the electronic literary magazine Slova na Struju.
SUMMARY: Animal characters have always been present in many human activities, including literature. The interest in animal studies is increasing in contemporary times, precisely, since the 1970s. It is evident that the presence of animal characters is especially noticeable in children's literature. In this context, the works of Maja Gluščević, in which animal characters almost always exist, stand out. After a brief theoretical insight into animal studies, the paper analyzes animalistic layer present in 6 novels written by Maja Gluščević. Precisely, the focus is on novels that were first issued in 1990s. The paper analyzes the ways of depiction and functions of animal characters and their relationships with human characters.
Keywords: animal characters, animal studies, contemporary children’s novel, Maja Gluščević
REZIME: Likovi životinja oduvijek se javljaju u mnogim ljudskim djelatnostima pa tako i u književnosti. Zanimanje za animalistiku jača u suvremenom vremenu, točnije, od 1970-ih godina. Evidentno je da je prisutnost životinjskih likova posebice vidljiva u dječjoj književnosti. U tom kontekstu ističu se djela autorice Maje Gluščević u kojima gotovo uvijek egzistiraju životinjski likovi. Nakon kratkog teorijskog uvida u animalistiku, u radu se analizira animalistički sloj prisutan u 6 romana Maje Gluščević. Točnije, u fokusu su romani koji su svoje prvo izdanje doživjeli u 90-im godinama 20. stoljeća. Analiziraju se načini prikaza i funkcije životinjskih likova te njihovi odnosi s ljudskim likovima.
Ključne riječi: animalistika, Maja Gluščević, suvremeni dječji roman, životinjski likovi
Ključne riječi: popularna kultura; popularno; romaneskna struktura; suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman
Summary: Social, technical, artistic and other changes made the popular culture omnipresent in modern times. Consequentially, the interaction between popular cultural elements and contemporary literary production is evident. The paper focuses on the interference between elements of popular culture and contemporary Croatian children’s novels, which is observed on the level of novelistic structure. The analysis encompasses six contemporary Croatian children’s novels and shows that popular forms on above mentioned level of novelistic structure like SMS messages, fragments of chats, e-mails, blogs, publicist writing, etc., appear under the influence of popular culture. The prevalence of forms that do not originally belong to the novelistic discourse contributes to modernization of literary production but also shows how much the popular culture contents are attractive, especially to children.
Key words: popular culture, popular, novelistic structure, contemporary Croatian children’s novel
tendencijama otvorenima prodoru popularnokulturnih
elemenata, slojeviti i višestruki utjecaji popularne kulture
zamjetni su na svim diskurzivnim razinama suvremenih romana.
Pritom je interferencija popularne kulture i dječjih
romana najuočljivija na razini likova kao konstitutivnih nositelja
radnje, ali i presjecišta jezičnih, svjetonazorskih i ideoloških silnica povezanih s popularnom kulturom. Reprezentaciju
popularne kulture osobito je zanimljivo promatrati
u okviru rodnih uloga i svjetonazorskih kompleksa. Rad se
stoga fokusira na ženske likove u suvremenom hrvatskom
dječjem romanu i transgresije zamjetne u njihovoj prezentaciji
u odnosu na dječje romane nastale prije etabliranja
postmodernističkog konteksta. Detektiraju se i analiziraju
promjene u konstrukciji ženskih likova, kao i njihova funkcija
u okviru konkretnih romanesknih diskursa.
Ključne riječi: popularno, popularna kultura, postmodernizam,
rodne uloge, suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman,
ženski romaneskni likovi
Within the framework of the post-modernist context
prone to discourse eclecticism, which implies the connecting
of various types of utterances, worldviews, and forms,
the interference of popular culture and artistic practice is
more intensive than ever before. The multi-layered influences
of pop-culture elements are also evident within the
framework of the children’s novel, which reaches for such
elements in order to build some of the fundamental differences
from the previously dominant novelesque paradigm. The openness toward the mental notions of popular culture,
popularised mostly through media, is most evident on the
character level as the constitutive elements of the novelesque
discourse and the intersection of ethical, aesthetical,
social, and/or ideological constructs. The representation of
popular culture is particularly interesting when observed
from the perspective of gender roles and the worldview
complexes forming them. Therefore, this paper focuses on
such roles in the contemporary Croatian children’s novel,
particularly from the aspect of female characters, with the
aim of detecting and describing the transgressions noticeable
in their presentation, compared to the children’s novels
written before the establishment of the post-modernist
context. We analyse the changes in the construction of female
characters, as well as their functions within the framework
of concrete novelesque discourses, as relevant qualifiers
of the dominant poetic, but also performative (educational)
direction of the children’s novel in the last few
Key words: popular, popular culture, post-modernism,
gender roles, contemporary Croatian children’s novel, female
novelesque characters
Ključne riječi: popularna kultura, popularno, postmodernizam,
spektakularnost, suvremeni hrvatski dječji roman
The influences of popular culture are noticed in all aspects of human life, including art.
Given the inadequate exploration of the effect of popular culture in the context of children’s literature, the paper discusses its interaction with contemporary Croatian children’s novels. Specifically, the incursion of popular culture in children’s literature was observed in a corpus of 12 children’s novels published since 1970, that is, from the time when the pull of popular culture was gaining force in the context of postmodernist change. Therefore, elements of popular culture are introduced in children’s novels deliberately to make the titles interesting and attractive to child recipients. However, authors sometimes introduce such features unintentionally, simply because they are immersed in the context of popular culture
themselves. The focus of the paper is on the emergence of new characters, constructs of popular culture, whose inclusion in the range of characters of children’s literature is inspired by the most prominent popular-cultural feature – spectacularity. Thus, the paper identifies these characters, as well as the ways in which contemporary children’s novels shape them.
Keywords: popular culture, popular, postmodernism, spectacularity, contemporary
Croatian children’s novel
The paper aims to show the interaction between two seemingly unrelated areas: literature and medicine. Although the above-mentioned connection is sometimes hard to notice, it is present in many literary texts, including Lewis Carroll’s fantasy story Alice in Wonderland. The first part of this paper focuses on the symptoms commonly referred to as the Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. The story inspired scientists to name a specific group of medical symptoms after Carroll’s protagonist, thus pointing to the connection between certain medical conditions and Alice’s wondrous adventures. The second part of the paper considers the inscrutability of Carroll’s inspiration to create this type of fantasy story, as well as the possible influence of medical phenomena on some aspects of the novel. It is not quite clear whether Carroll drew some of the inspiration for his writing from his health condition (his struggles with migraines) or hallucinations caused by hallucinogenic drugs he allegedly consumed. One thing remains certain: Alice in Wonderland presents a meeting point between medicine and literature.
Keywords: hallucinogenic drugs hypothesis, medical phenomena, medical terminology,
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, Lewis Carroll