Children's and Young Adult Literature
Recent papers in Children's and Young Adult Literature
In this article, ELA and urban teacher educators who have been long-time advocates for and users of young adult literature in their work with beginning English teachers re-think the cultural constructs of "black and brown" adolescence... more
Este libro tiene su origen en las sesiones del grupo de trabajo Arte y Literatura de la Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat (AMRS). Se plantea la educación literaria para los niños de 0 a 6 años, por lo que es fundamental la selección de... more
Course Description: As many as 300,000 children and young people under the age of 18 are currently fighting in conflicts around the world. Hundreds of thousands more have been recruited into armed forces. Although most child soldiers are... more
Ambiti di interesse e finalità Civitas educationis. Education, Politics and Culture è una rivista internazionale peerreviewed che promuove la riflessione e la discussione sul legame fra educazione e politica, intesa come dimensione... more
The article discusses the subversive power of children's books as it is expressed in many classical and contemporary works for young readers. Starting with a brief psychological explanation of the source of creativity and playfulness in... more
Acaba anlaşıp aynı anda zıplasak yer yerinden oynar mıydı? Elimizde bir şalter olsaydı ve yer çekimini şıp diye kapatsaydık ne olurdu? Sizin aklınıza da böyle sorular geliyor mu? "Olmaz öyle şey!" deyip geçmeyin. Bunları hayal etmek bile... more
By adopting a comparative perspective, the present paper aims at investigating how and why differences are found in the dubbing and redubbing of the major motion picture E.T. The Extraterrestrial by Steven Spielberg. In particular, the... more
The aim in this article is to present the life and work of Zofia Ernst (1918–1994), an ardent connoisseur of Italian culture and literature and an accomplished translator of Italian books for adults and children. Drawing on D'hulst's... more
A Review of Wizards vs. Muggles: Essays on Identity and the Harry Potter Universe, edited by Christopher E. Bell. Published in Mythlore (2016).
Yazarımız bu masal kitabını, halktan elde ettiği derlemeler sonucunda, çocuk edebiyatına yeni bir soluk getirmesi amacıyla kaleme almıştır. Çocuklara farklı türden yeteneklerin kazandırılması amaçlanan bu kitapta, bolca macera ve... more
De tout temps, les grandes questions, les “choses sérieuses”, occupent les gens; et on croit qu’en ayant recours à des raisonnements logiques, à la pensée rationelle, on trouve toutes les réponses voulues et on découvre la voie royale qui... more
The Curious Incidents in the World, Since the Modern-time
La novela "Nadar de pie" (2010) de Sandra Comino (Junín, 1964) es un relato que aborda el pasado reciente de Argentina, específicamente la guerra de Malvinas (1982) y las implicancias que esta tiene para la familia de Mavi, la adolescente... more
ANIMALISTIC LAYER IN THE NOVELS OF MAJA GLUŠČEVIĆ (IN 1990S) SUMMARY: Animal characters have always been present in many human activities, including literature. The interest in animal studies is increasing in contemporary times,... more
Mirjam Pressler Haydi, Konuş Artık adlı romanında, 13 yaşındaki Karin'in yaşadığı ergenlik sancılarıyla bizi ergenlik denilen alacakaranlığın içine çekiyor. Pressler'in kitabı bir ergenlik çağı kitabı, ama bu kitabı sadece ergenlik... more
À travers un parcours en 60 étapes, le jeune lecteur découvrira la culture égyptienne qui rayonna pendant plus de 3.000 ans sur les bords du Nil. Un voyage passionnant dans l'Égypte antique.
De 8 à 14 ans
De 8 à 14 ans
Brazilian Days Århus Universitet
Este trabajo recoge un breve recorrido por la literatura infantil italiana entre las últimas dé-cadas del siglo XIX y la primera mitad del XX. Se expone la visión de «niñez» a partir de algunas obras literarias del periodo comprendido... more
Literatuur zonder Leeftijd (96), 2015.
This article provides an imagological analysis of Rindert Kromhout's hugely successful Bloomsbury-trilogy.
This article provides an imagological analysis of Rindert Kromhout's hugely successful Bloomsbury-trilogy.
How do children's books combine modes like tragedy, comedy, romance, and irony through character construction?
A free childhood Children should grow up in a free environment, where they are respected as individuals, and where they can pursue the activities, which they have a natural interest in. First of all because this is what makes children... more
In: Heather Braun, Elisabeth Lamothe, Delphin Letort (dir.), Les Cultures ado : consommation et production
In children’s and young adult literatures, the way that literature provides readers with diverse ways of seeing the world, is particularly relevant as those texts can be considered to function as agents of socialization that promote the... more
Whether you dream of building an on-line business, running an on-line business or becoming a fashion designer, pop-star or footballer, there are key business skills that you cannot do without if you are to succeed financially Forbes... more
A few tricks that not everyone knows.
In this study, I examine the various discourses that influence and inhabit the field of young adult literature in English teacher education. Data was collected from participants that published with the Assembly on Literature for... more
Fantasy genre fiction has increasingly received academic attention for its representations of gender and sexuality, and scholars have acknowledged that the genre has the potential to challenge accepted ideas about femininity and... more
Two central assumptions inform the research on the literary languages of immi- grant and émigré writers. The first is that bilingual and polyglot authors tend to produce linguistically hybrid texts. The second is that publishers and their... more
De website geeft advies bij keuze en verwerking van boeken die leerlingen voor hun lijst lezen. De site komt voort uit onderzoek naar de literaire ontwikkeling van adolescenten in de bovenbouw van Theo Witte (2008,... more
SITTI'S SECRETS is a poetic picturebook about a young Palestinian-American teenager’s first encounter with her ageing paternal grandmother ‘Sitti’ (sitti = grandma in Palestinian Arabic) living in a small Palestinian village on the West... more
Resumen El libro de An Na, A Step from Heaven (2002), es una novela de iniciación que relata el crecimiento emocional de su protagonista, Young Ju, tras haber emigrado desde Corea hasta Estados Unidos con cuatro años de edad. A través de... more
"Thanks to their huge market success, animations from The Disney Company and blockbuster franchises like Harry Potter have dominated 'family film' production. Yet there is a long, varied and largely untold history of films made for... more
REVIEWS the Great Migration in Brooklyn as it adapts to post-World War II convenience culture, and the Jim Crow American South' (144). With this framework, Keeling and Pollard situate the rest of their analysis of Williams-Garcia's works... more
Fiction written for a younger audience tends to correspond to the Monomyth, or Hero’s Journey, as defined by Joseph Campbell, and this is doubly true of fantasy-based YA and children’s literature, wherein the crossing of the threshold... more
The story of Prophet Joseph is one of the most prominent stories in world literature. It has benefited from amazing literariness and its themes such as envy among brothers, various aspects of love, the importance of dreams, and the... more