Papers - Творци / Creators by Ljubinka STOILOVA
Кой е архитект Александър Ставрев (1870-?1926), 2024
Кой е арх. АЛЕКСАНДЪР СТАВРЕВ (1870-?1926)
Той е споменаван с разнообразни имена в различни публ... more Кой е арх. АЛЕКСАНДЪР СТАВРЕВ (1870-?1926)
Той е споменаван с разнообразни имена в различни публикации. Слабо познат в история на българската архитектура.
Проучванията за тази публикация са проведени дълго време - в периода 1999-2024 г. Тя уточнява имената на архитекта и осветлява повече сгради от неговото творчество.
Who is Architect ALEXANDER STAVREV (1870-?1926) and Which Are His Buildings
He has been mentioned with diverse names in different publications. He is slightly known in the history of Bulgarian architecture.
The investigations were conducted for long in the period from 1999 up to 2024.
The paper specifies the names of the architect and clarifies more buildings of his creativity.
- В:
Архитектурното наследство на Пловдив като посредник между историята и съвременността. Годи... more - В:
Архитектурното наследство на Пловдив като посредник между историята и съвременността. Годишник на Пловдивския Регионален исторически музей.
Пловдив, 2008, с. 37-45.
M.Architect, Ph.D. Ljubinka STOILOVA – Municipal Enterprise “Old Sofia” with Sofia Museum of History,
Assoc. Prof. M. Architect Petar IOKIMOV– History Department, Union of Scholars in Bulgaria
- In: Architectural Heritage of Plovdiv as a Mediator Between History and the Present Day.
Annual of the Plovdiv Regional Museum of History.
Plovdiv, 2008, pp. 37-45.
The architectural and urban development of Russe from the mid-19th up to the mid-20th century dev... more The architectural and urban development of Russe from the mid-19th up to the mid-20th century develops in four stages which are directly connected with the social and political reality of the time as follows:
• 1st stage: until 1878;
• 2nd stage: until the beginning of 20th c.;
• 3rd stage: until the end of WW I and abdication of Prince Ferdinand I. in 1918;
• 4th stage: until the end of WW II, 1945.
These stages determine the intensity of the architectural phenomena and set a prerequisite for the evolution of the different styles. Among the numerous technicians and architects who settled permanently in Russe or worked on particular buildings, this paper concentrates on the work of the most active ones who, according to the author, deserve a significant place in the national architectural pantheon during the period in question.
1st stage
The choice of Russe as the main city of the Ottoman Danubian Province (Turkish Tuna vilâyeti, 1864), and the appointment of Midhat Paşa, a Turskish governer who studied in France, reared in the spirit of the Reformation movement, gave impetus to the urban improvement of the city and the province. For the first time in the ethnic Bulgarian lands, many new enterprises began to emerge, for example a railway connection with Varna (1867), an industrial and agricultural fair (1870) as well as the construction of numerous new types of public buildings. These undertakings further increased the significance of the town within the Ottoman Empire, testified by the establishment of 14 foreign diplomatic missions on its territory.
2nd stage
After 1878, Russe won recognition as the most influential social and political centres in the newly liberated Bulgarian Principality. Representatives of the Bulgarian public and cultural elite who were educated abroad, settled in the city and maintained intensive communication with centres in the already independent state of Romania. The rapid pace of the city‘s Europeanisation was due to the influx of a large number of foreign specialists and the importation of construction materials and prefabricated products.
This paper concentrates on the work of Eduard Winter, a graduate from Kalsruhe, appointed City Architect and State Engineer of the Province. Another significant figure was the Armenian Negohos (Nigos) Bedrosyan, whose designs and constructions contribute to the formation of street ensembles typical for the cityscape of Russe.
‘Guest’ architects who have created single accents in the unique architectural image of Russe were the foreigners Friedrich Grunanger, Jacob Heinrich Meyer, Маriano Pernigoni, Peter Paul Brang, Valentino dell’ Antonio Borcan, Nino Rossetti as well as the Bulgarians Petko Моmchilov, Yanaki Shamardzhiev, Nikola Lazarov.
3rd stage
Several unique architectural pieces from the period before the Balkan wars and WW I enriched the architectural cityscape of Russe with contemporary pan-European tendencies, notably:
• the Rent-building with theatre, library and cultural centre ‘Zora’ (i.e. dawn) by arch. Peter Paul Brang in Svoboda Sq;
• the Bank of ‘D. Burov & Co’ in Alexandrovska St and the Burovs’ family villa by arch. Janovic considered a Hungarian citizen;
• the building in 6 Slavianska St contributed to either Janovic or to the Czech architect Haterak (Hatterack).
The stylistic resemblances between the buildings by Janovic and Haterak, moreover, the similarities of their designs with exemplary works by Czech architects of the time coupled with concrete biographical data raise new hypotheses about the authorship and artistic value of the above mentioned buildings.
4th stage
The period between the two world wars is charaterised by the post-war economic crisis, migration and serious impoverishment of wide social circles. These circumstances resulted in radical pragmatism of the municipal architectural and urban practice. Apart from experts at municipal and state positions, certain Bulgarian architects who worked in Russe significantly contributed to the architectural image of the city. Notable examples are Radoslav Radoslavov, Angel Momov, Petar Markovski, Konstantin Bogoev, Liuben Dinolov. All of them were fond of the new rational spirit and approved the aesthetics of the European interwar modern architecture.
At the end of the 4th stage certain rigidness and classicistic shape of volumes is observed, demonstrated most distinctly in the Palace of Justice in Svoboda Sq (Liberty Sq) (Pencho Koychev, team leader; Georgi Rusev, Georgi Papazov, Petar Zagorski, 1930-1940).
Fortunately, Russe features a number of exemplary, preserved architectural pieces from the end of 19th century. They still determine the typical image of the historical town. However, it is not the case with buildings in Secession and Modern style. This paper suggests a theoretical explanation of this phenomenon.
In Conclusion, the creative diversity of architectural tendencies of the numerous architects who have worked in Russe after the National Liberation (1878) reveals the colourful variety of inspirations in Europe from the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. This was the local cultural amalgam which has imprinted in a specific way the all-European cultural panorama. Precisely this peculiarity of the architectural heritage of Russe should be preserved, emphasised and promoted as a vivid cultural memory of the city which interacts with our present and expects to meet with forthcoming generations.
This paper includes results from research projects as follows: “Architecture and City Planning of the Third Bulgarian Kingdom” (1993-2000, team leader: P. Iokimov) and “Relations and Influences between Austria and Bulgaria at the End of 19th Century Until WW I” (1997-1999, team leader: L. Stoilova), financed after competition procedures of the National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, hosted by the Center for Architectural Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The paper includes also results from further investigations of the author in collaboration with Marcella Stern, Vienna (1934-2010) and Assoc. Prof. M.Arch. Petar Iokimov, Sofia (1935-2014).
Времето – тази всеобхватна категория е неумолим съдник за всяко творение. В архитектурата също. Как днешното архитектурно наследство на един европейски по своето място и история град като Русе е било породено от своето време, как е отговорило на неговите императиви? Как е устояло на неговите предизвикателства, как е съчетало различните исторически и творчески времена? Как това архитектурно наследство се вписва в днешното време? Колко е времето, което му остава? Ще може ли да предава посланията за своето време на идните поколения? Изложението търси отговори на тези въпроси и чрез портрети на архитектите, формирали архитектурния образ на Русе.
Любинка Стоилова, Марчелла Щерн,
"Йозеф Вондрак и Държавното столарско yчилище в Русе".
- В: Алма... more Любинка Стоилова, Марчелла Щерн,
"Йозеф Вондрак и Държавното столарско yчилище в Русе".
- В: Алманах за историята на Русе, Т. VI. Русе (2006): 190-201.
Ljubinka Stoilova, Marcella Stern.
"Josef Vindrak and The State Carpentry School in Russe".
- In: Almanac of the History of Russe. Vol. VI. Russe, 2006, pp. 190-201.
- B: Исторически архив, г. VII, кн. 18-19, март-юли 2009, с. 47-70.
L. Stoilova,
"Internationa... more - B: Исторически архив, г. VII, кн. 18-19, март-юли 2009, с. 47-70.
L. Stoilova,
"International architectural competitions in Sofia
at the end of 19th and first half of 20th century".
- Historical Archives, Jr. VII, № 18-19, March-July 2009, pp. 47-70.
Биографии на архитектите Петко Момчилов, Йордан Миланов, Георги Фингов и Никола Юруков, съставени... more Биографии на архитектите Петко Момчилов, Йордан Миланов, Георги Фингов и Никола Юруков, съставени от Любинка Стоилова
В: Австрийски архитектурни влияния в София. Краят на XIX - началото на ХХ век. С., 1997. Второ допълнено издание 1998 г.
Двуезичен каталог към едноименна изложба (бълг./нем. ез.).
Организатори: Музей за история на София, Център по архитектурознание - БАН, Австрийски институт за Източна и Югоизточна Европа.
София - Национален исторически музей, 1997 г.;
Виена - Дом "Витгенщайн", 1998 г.
Biographies of the Bulgarian architects Petko Momchilov, Jordan Milanov, Georgi Fingov, Nikola Jurukov, compiled by Ljubinka Stoilova.
In: Austrian Architectural Influence in Sofia. End of 19th - beginning of 20th Century. Sofia, 1997. 2nd suppl. ed. 1998.
Bilingual catalogue h the same title.
Sofia History Museum,
Center for Architectural Studies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Austrian Liaison Office of East and Southeast Europe.
Sofia - National History Museum, 1997;
Vienna - House Wittgenstein, 1998.
статия в сп. Архитектура № 2-3 (2007): 55-56.
Освен на опазването на недвижимите културни ценност... more статия в сп. Архитектура № 2-3 (2007): 55-56.
Освен на опазването на недвижимите културни ценности във Варна, статията се спира на творчеството на италианския архитект Мариано Пернигони в България и на възможностите за съвременно опазване на недвижимото културно наследство.
a paper in journal Arhitektura (Architecture), ) #2-3 (2007), pp. 55-56.
Except the dafeguarding of immoval cultural values in the city of Varna, this paper discusses the creativity of the Italian architect Mariano Pernigoni in Bulgaria, as well as on the opportunities for contemporary conservation of the immovable cultural heritage.
П. Йокимов, Л. Стоилова.
"Водещи архитектурни личности на независима България",
- В: Епохата на Ц... more П. Йокимов, Л. Стоилова.
"Водещи архитектурни личности на независима България",
- В: Епохата на Цар Фердинанд I. Сб. Част І.
Евксиноград, 14.06.2008, с. 73-83.
P. Iokimov, L. Stoilova,
"Leading Architectural Personalities of Independent Bulgaria",
- In: The Epoch of Czar Ferdinand I. Coll. Vol. I.
Euxinograd, 14.06.2008, pp. 73-83.
За съжаление, при подготовката за отпечатване редакторът си е позволил редица промени без да съгласува окончателната редакция с авторите, както следва:
.- името на арх. Георги ФинГов е изписано многократно като ФинКов,
- името на купувача, комуто Фингов продава собствената си къща на ул. "Шипка" 38, Петко Теодоров - е заменено с това на брат му Теодор Теодоров;
- за автор на конкурсния проект на IIIта мъжка гимназия е посочен само арх. Киро Маричков, докато той е работил в колектив с арх. Георги Фингов .
(бел.: Л. Стоилова)
П. Йокимов, Л. Стоилова.
- В: Епохата на Цар Фердинанд I. Сборник от едноименна конференция. Час... more П. Йокимов, Л. Стоилова.
- В: Епохата на Цар Фердинанд I. Сборник от едноименна конференция. Част І.
Евксиноград, 14.06.2008, с. 73-83.
P. Iokimov, L. Stoilova,
"Leading Architectural Personalities of Independent Bulgaria",
- In: The Epoch of Czar Ferdinand I. Coll. Vol. I.
Euxinograd, 14.06.2008, pp. 73-83.
A Cura di Carlo Olmo:
A Cura di Carlo Olmo:
Ed. Umberto Alemandi, Torino - London, 2000-2001.
Radoslav RADOSLAVOV & Konstantin DJANGOZOV
Заедно с историята на създаването на комплекса от хотел и концертна зала "България" в София (1934... more Заедно с историята на създаването на комплекса от хотел и концертна зала "България" в София (1934-37), са представени и биографиите на неговите автори - архитектите Станчо Белковски (1891-1962) и Иван Данчов (1893-1972).
This paper reveals the history of design and construction of 'Bulgaria' Grand-hotel and Concert Hall in Sofia (1934-37).
The biographies of the architects of the complex -
Stancho Belkovski (1891-1962) and Ivan Danchov (1893-1972) -
are presented, as well.
Architect Radoslav Radoslavov_Part 1.pdf, 2016
В родното архитектурознание името на архитект Радослав Радославов се свързва с едни от най-ярките... more В родното архитектурознание името на архитект Радослав Радославов се свързва с едни от най-ярките произведения на модерната архитектура между двете световни войни, защото те са пример за последователно приложение на неговите основни принципи. Този материал е част от студия за влиянията на френската култура върху творчеството на български архитекти и градостроители, публикувана на английски език.
Тук са включени повече автентични документи и сведения от обществени и лични архиви, издирени и събрани от архитектите Петър Йокимов (1935-2014) и Любинка Стоилова от 1980те години до днес, във връзка с изследванията им върху история на българската архитектура. Базира се и на голямо количество обработени материали от Л. Стоилова в личния архив на архитекта.
Текстът се публикува в два последователни броя на списание Архитектура № 1 и № 2 от 2019 г.
За пълнота на информацията, част от документите, които не намериха място в списанието, са приложени тук в допълнение към публикацията в сп. Архитектура, 1 (2019): 38-46 [ ].
In Bulgarian architectural studies, the name of architect Radoslav Radoslavov is associated with some of the brightest works of Modernist architecture between the two world wars, because they exemplify the consistent application of its basic principles. This paper is a part of the study "Influence of the French Artistic Culture on Bulgarian Architects and Urban Planners from the Inter-War Period" published in the book
French Artistic Culture and Central-East European Modern Art
(Eds Liljana Kolešnik and Tamara Bjažić Klarin), Zagreb (2017): 158-173, 213-219, 382-385 [ ].
This Bulgarian language version includes authentic documents and information from public and personal archives, investigated and collected by Peter Iokimov (1935-2014) and Ljubinka Stoilova from the 1980s until the present, in concern with their research on the history of Bulgarian architecture. It is based also on a huge quantity of materials from the personal archive of the architect processed by L. Stoilova.
The paper is published in two successive issues of journal "Architecture" No. 1 and No. 2 of 2019. For completeness of the information, some of the documents that have not found a place in the journal Arhitektura (Architecture), 1(2019): 38-46 [ ]
are herewith attached in addition to the publication.
The paper is devoted to the 140th anniversary from architect's birth.
Architect Radoslav Radoslavov. Part 2
Втора част от студията за арх. Радославов разглежда негова... more Architect Radoslav Radoslavov. Part 2
Втора част от студията за арх. Радославов разглежда неговата дейност след окончателното му завръщане в България. Тя проследява съдбата на някои от проектираните от него сгради в съвременността.
Базира се на дългогодишни проучвания на арх. Петър Йокимов и арх. Любинка Стоилова, както и на голямо количество обработени материали от Л. Стоилова от личния архив на архитекта.
В тази версия са добавени и илюстрациите, които не са включени в отпечатания вариант в сп. Архитектура, 2 (2019): 46-51 [ ].
The second part of the study on architect Radoslavov considers his activity after his final return to Bulgaria. It traces the fate of some of the buildings designed by him in the present times.
The paper is based on long years of research by arch. Peter Yokimov and arch. Lyubinka Stoilova, as well as on a huge quantity of materials processed by L. Stoilova from the personal archive of the architect.
In addition, this version comprises the illustrations that have not been included in the printed paper in Architecture, 2 (2019): 46-51 [].
Доклад за живота и творчеството на архитект Борис Далчев, изнесен на 13.10.2010 г. в Съюза на арх... more Доклад за живота и творчеството на архитект Борис Далчев, изнесен на 13.10.2010 г. в Съюза на архитектите в България и на 20.10.2010 г. в Световния търговски център "Интерпред" в София.
Част от юбилейните тържества "100 години Далчеви", посветени на братята Любомир, Атанас и Борис Далчеви и организирани от Съюза на българските писатели, Съюза на българските художници, Съюза на архитектите в България и Столична община - Район "Изгрев" под патронажа на Столичния кмет - Йорданка Фандъкова.
This paper devoted to the life and creativity of architect Boris Dalchev was delivered at the Union of Architects in Bulgaria on October 13th, 2010 and at the INTERPRED - World Trade Center in Sofia on October 20th, 2010.
It was also included into the jubilee celebrations "One Hundred Years Dalchevs", dedicated to the brothers Liubomir (sculptor), Atanas (poet and publicist) and Boris Dalchev (architect) and organized by the Union of Bulgarian Writers and the Union of Bulgarian Artists, as well as by the Union of Architects in Bulgaria and the Sofia Municipality - Izgrev District.
- Паметници, Реставрация, Музеи, 12 (2009): 3-10, 15.
"The Spiritual Power of Creativity:
Archite... more - Паметници, Реставрация, Музеи, 12 (2009): 3-10, 15.
"The Spiritual Power of Creativity:
Architect Kostadin Mumdzhiev (08.07.1892-25.11.1946)".
- Monuments, Restoration, Museums, Nr. 12, 2009, pp. 3-10, p. 15.
Л. Стоилова,
Биографии на архитекти
из цикъла "Творци на българската архитектура"
"Aрхитект Никол... more Л. Стоилова,
Биографии на архитекти
из цикъла "Творци на българската архитектура"
"Aрхитект Николай Казмуков - 100 години жизнен и творчески път".
- Архитектура, 2007, No. 1, 38-39.
"Architect Nikolay Kazmukov - 100 Years Life and Creative Development". - Architektura (Architecture), 2007, No 1, pp. 38-39.
Presentation delivered at the jubilee celebration of the 100th anniversary of architect Kazmukov at the central home of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria in May 2007
статия в сп. Архитектура, № 2-3 (2007): 104-107.
a paper in journal Arhitektura (Architecture). ... more статия в сп. Архитектура, № 2-3 (2007): 104-107.
a paper in journal Arhitektura (Architecture). # 2-3 (2007), pp. 104-107.
Modern Architecture by Ljubinka STOILOVA
Архитектурата като монументално изкуство. БРАТСКАТА МОГИЛА В ПЛОВДИВ – Минало, настояще, бъдеще, 2022
В: "Град Пловдив и архитектурата на 20 век: дискусии, лекции, изложби" (Координатор и съставител ... more В: "Град Пловдив и архитектурата на 20 век: дискусии, лекции, изложби" (Координатор и съставител книга: д-р арх. Ива Стоянова).
© Камара на архитектите в България - Регионална колегия Пловдив, Пловдив (2022): 6-47.
The book "The Town of Plovdiv and the Architecture of the 20 Century: Discussions, Lectures and Exhibitions", includes events organized by the Board of the Plovdiv Branch of the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria for the period of 2021-2022.
"Architecture as Monumental Art. The Hillock of Fraternity Memorial in Plovdiv - Past, Present, Future" (pp. 6-47)
Understanding the monumental heritage in Bulgaria from the period after the Second World War and until the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) has been of particular research interest in recent years. In addition to the valorization of individual objects, ideologically burdened with communist beliefs, there is a reevaluation of the entire environment, inherited from socialist times, but abandoned to self-destruction and reviled with graffiti and critical publications. The „Bratska Mogila“ (Hillock of Fraternity) Memorial in Plovdiv is no exception, which (unlike many other monuments) was created under the leadership of exceptional masters such as architect Lyubomir Shinkov and sculptor Lyubomir Dalchev. The memorial’s significant artistic merits should be highlighted and preserved as an achievement of Bulgarian culture from the second half of the 20th century.
Papers - Творци / Creators by Ljubinka STOILOVA
Той е споменаван с разнообразни имена в различни публикации. Слабо познат в история на българската архитектура.
Проучванията за тази публикация са проведени дълго време - в периода 1999-2024 г. Тя уточнява имената на архитекта и осветлява повече сгради от неговото творчество.
Who is Architect ALEXANDER STAVREV (1870-?1926) and Which Are His Buildings
He has been mentioned with diverse names in different publications. He is slightly known in the history of Bulgarian architecture.
The investigations were conducted for long in the period from 1999 up to 2024.
The paper specifies the names of the architect and clarifies more buildings of his creativity.
Архитектурното наследство на Пловдив като посредник между историята и съвременността. Годишник на Пловдивския Регионален исторически музей.
Пловдив, 2008, с. 37-45.
M.Architect, Ph.D. Ljubinka STOILOVA – Municipal Enterprise “Old Sofia” with Sofia Museum of History,
Assoc. Prof. M. Architect Petar IOKIMOV– History Department, Union of Scholars in Bulgaria
- In: Architectural Heritage of Plovdiv as a Mediator Between History and the Present Day.
Annual of the Plovdiv Regional Museum of History.
Plovdiv, 2008, pp. 37-45.
• 1st stage: until 1878;
• 2nd stage: until the beginning of 20th c.;
• 3rd stage: until the end of WW I and abdication of Prince Ferdinand I. in 1918;
• 4th stage: until the end of WW II, 1945.
These stages determine the intensity of the architectural phenomena and set a prerequisite for the evolution of the different styles. Among the numerous technicians and architects who settled permanently in Russe or worked on particular buildings, this paper concentrates on the work of the most active ones who, according to the author, deserve a significant place in the national architectural pantheon during the period in question.
1st stage
The choice of Russe as the main city of the Ottoman Danubian Province (Turkish Tuna vilâyeti, 1864), and the appointment of Midhat Paşa, a Turskish governer who studied in France, reared in the spirit of the Reformation movement, gave impetus to the urban improvement of the city and the province. For the first time in the ethnic Bulgarian lands, many new enterprises began to emerge, for example a railway connection with Varna (1867), an industrial and agricultural fair (1870) as well as the construction of numerous new types of public buildings. These undertakings further increased the significance of the town within the Ottoman Empire, testified by the establishment of 14 foreign diplomatic missions on its territory.
2nd stage
After 1878, Russe won recognition as the most influential social and political centres in the newly liberated Bulgarian Principality. Representatives of the Bulgarian public and cultural elite who were educated abroad, settled in the city and maintained intensive communication with centres in the already independent state of Romania. The rapid pace of the city‘s Europeanisation was due to the influx of a large number of foreign specialists and the importation of construction materials and prefabricated products.
This paper concentrates on the work of Eduard Winter, a graduate from Kalsruhe, appointed City Architect and State Engineer of the Province. Another significant figure was the Armenian Negohos (Nigos) Bedrosyan, whose designs and constructions contribute to the formation of street ensembles typical for the cityscape of Russe.
‘Guest’ architects who have created single accents in the unique architectural image of Russe were the foreigners Friedrich Grunanger, Jacob Heinrich Meyer, Маriano Pernigoni, Peter Paul Brang, Valentino dell’ Antonio Borcan, Nino Rossetti as well as the Bulgarians Petko Моmchilov, Yanaki Shamardzhiev, Nikola Lazarov.
3rd stage
Several unique architectural pieces from the period before the Balkan wars and WW I enriched the architectural cityscape of Russe with contemporary pan-European tendencies, notably:
• the Rent-building with theatre, library and cultural centre ‘Zora’ (i.e. dawn) by arch. Peter Paul Brang in Svoboda Sq;
• the Bank of ‘D. Burov & Co’ in Alexandrovska St and the Burovs’ family villa by arch. Janovic considered a Hungarian citizen;
• the building in 6 Slavianska St contributed to either Janovic or to the Czech architect Haterak (Hatterack).
The stylistic resemblances between the buildings by Janovic and Haterak, moreover, the similarities of their designs with exemplary works by Czech architects of the time coupled with concrete biographical data raise new hypotheses about the authorship and artistic value of the above mentioned buildings.
4th stage
The period between the two world wars is charaterised by the post-war economic crisis, migration and serious impoverishment of wide social circles. These circumstances resulted in radical pragmatism of the municipal architectural and urban practice. Apart from experts at municipal and state positions, certain Bulgarian architects who worked in Russe significantly contributed to the architectural image of the city. Notable examples are Radoslav Radoslavov, Angel Momov, Petar Markovski, Konstantin Bogoev, Liuben Dinolov. All of them were fond of the new rational spirit and approved the aesthetics of the European interwar modern architecture.
At the end of the 4th stage certain rigidness and classicistic shape of volumes is observed, demonstrated most distinctly in the Palace of Justice in Svoboda Sq (Liberty Sq) (Pencho Koychev, team leader; Georgi Rusev, Georgi Papazov, Petar Zagorski, 1930-1940).
Fortunately, Russe features a number of exemplary, preserved architectural pieces from the end of 19th century. They still determine the typical image of the historical town. However, it is not the case with buildings in Secession and Modern style. This paper suggests a theoretical explanation of this phenomenon.
In Conclusion, the creative diversity of architectural tendencies of the numerous architects who have worked in Russe after the National Liberation (1878) reveals the colourful variety of inspirations in Europe from the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. This was the local cultural amalgam which has imprinted in a specific way the all-European cultural panorama. Precisely this peculiarity of the architectural heritage of Russe should be preserved, emphasised and promoted as a vivid cultural memory of the city which interacts with our present and expects to meet with forthcoming generations.
This paper includes results from research projects as follows: “Architecture and City Planning of the Third Bulgarian Kingdom” (1993-2000, team leader: P. Iokimov) and “Relations and Influences between Austria and Bulgaria at the End of 19th Century Until WW I” (1997-1999, team leader: L. Stoilova), financed after competition procedures of the National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, hosted by the Center for Architectural Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The paper includes also results from further investigations of the author in collaboration with Marcella Stern, Vienna (1934-2010) and Assoc. Prof. M.Arch. Petar Iokimov, Sofia (1935-2014).
Времето – тази всеобхватна категория е неумолим съдник за всяко творение. В архитектурата също. Как днешното архитектурно наследство на един европейски по своето място и история град като Русе е било породено от своето време, как е отговорило на неговите императиви? Как е устояло на неговите предизвикателства, как е съчетало различните исторически и творчески времена? Как това архитектурно наследство се вписва в днешното време? Колко е времето, което му остава? Ще може ли да предава посланията за своето време на идните поколения? Изложението търси отговори на тези въпроси и чрез портрети на архитектите, формирали архитектурния образ на Русе.
"Йозеф Вондрак и Държавното столарско yчилище в Русе".
- В: Алманах за историята на Русе, Т. VI. Русе (2006): 190-201.
Ljubinka Stoilova, Marcella Stern.
"Josef Vindrak and The State Carpentry School in Russe".
- In: Almanac of the History of Russe. Vol. VI. Russe, 2006, pp. 190-201.
L. Stoilova,
"International architectural competitions in Sofia
at the end of 19th and first half of 20th century".
- Historical Archives, Jr. VII, № 18-19, March-July 2009, pp. 47-70.
В: Австрийски архитектурни влияния в София. Краят на XIX - началото на ХХ век. С., 1997. Второ допълнено издание 1998 г.
Двуезичен каталог към едноименна изложба (бълг./нем. ез.).
Организатори: Музей за история на София, Център по архитектурознание - БАН, Австрийски институт за Източна и Югоизточна Европа.
София - Национален исторически музей, 1997 г.;
Виена - Дом "Витгенщайн", 1998 г.
Biographies of the Bulgarian architects Petko Momchilov, Jordan Milanov, Georgi Fingov, Nikola Jurukov, compiled by Ljubinka Stoilova.
In: Austrian Architectural Influence in Sofia. End of 19th - beginning of 20th Century. Sofia, 1997. 2nd suppl. ed. 1998.
Bilingual catalogue h the same title.
Sofia History Museum,
Center for Architectural Studies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Austrian Liaison Office of East and Southeast Europe.
Sofia - National History Museum, 1997;
Vienna - House Wittgenstein, 1998.
Освен на опазването на недвижимите културни ценности във Варна, статията се спира на творчеството на италианския архитект Мариано Пернигони в България и на възможностите за съвременно опазване на недвижимото културно наследство.
a paper in journal Arhitektura (Architecture), ) #2-3 (2007), pp. 55-56.
Except the dafeguarding of immoval cultural values in the city of Varna, this paper discusses the creativity of the Italian architect Mariano Pernigoni in Bulgaria, as well as on the opportunities for contemporary conservation of the immovable cultural heritage.
"Водещи архитектурни личности на независима България",
- В: Епохата на Цар Фердинанд I. Сб. Част І.
Евксиноград, 14.06.2008, с. 73-83.
P. Iokimov, L. Stoilova,
"Leading Architectural Personalities of Independent Bulgaria",
- In: The Epoch of Czar Ferdinand I. Coll. Vol. I.
Euxinograd, 14.06.2008, pp. 73-83.
За съжаление, при подготовката за отпечатване редакторът си е позволил редица промени без да съгласува окончателната редакция с авторите, както следва:
.- името на арх. Георги ФинГов е изписано многократно като ФинКов,
- името на купувача, комуто Фингов продава собствената си къща на ул. "Шипка" 38, Петко Теодоров - е заменено с това на брат му Теодор Теодоров;
- за автор на конкурсния проект на IIIта мъжка гимназия е посочен само арх. Киро Маричков, докато той е работил в колектив с арх. Георги Фингов .
(бел.: Л. Стоилова)
- В: Епохата на Цар Фердинанд I. Сборник от едноименна конференция. Част І.
Евксиноград, 14.06.2008, с. 73-83.
P. Iokimov, L. Stoilova,
"Leading Architectural Personalities of Independent Bulgaria",
- In: The Epoch of Czar Ferdinand I. Coll. Vol. I.
Euxinograd, 14.06.2008, pp. 73-83.
A Cura di Carlo Olmo:
Ed. Umberto Alemandi, Torino - London, 2000-2001.
Radoslav RADOSLAVOV & Konstantin DJANGOZOV
This paper reveals the history of design and construction of 'Bulgaria' Grand-hotel and Concert Hall in Sofia (1934-37).
The biographies of the architects of the complex -
Stancho Belkovski (1891-1962) and Ivan Danchov (1893-1972) -
are presented, as well.
Тук са включени повече автентични документи и сведения от обществени и лични архиви, издирени и събрани от архитектите Петър Йокимов (1935-2014) и Любинка Стоилова от 1980те години до днес, във връзка с изследванията им върху история на българската архитектура. Базира се и на голямо количество обработени материали от Л. Стоилова в личния архив на архитекта.
Текстът се публикува в два последователни броя на списание Архитектура № 1 и № 2 от 2019 г.
За пълнота на информацията, част от документите, които не намериха място в списанието, са приложени тук в допълнение към публикацията в сп. Архитектура, 1 (2019): 38-46 [ ].
In Bulgarian architectural studies, the name of architect Radoslav Radoslavov is associated with some of the brightest works of Modernist architecture between the two world wars, because they exemplify the consistent application of its basic principles. This paper is a part of the study "Influence of the French Artistic Culture on Bulgarian Architects and Urban Planners from the Inter-War Period" published in the book
French Artistic Culture and Central-East European Modern Art
(Eds Liljana Kolešnik and Tamara Bjažić Klarin), Zagreb (2017): 158-173, 213-219, 382-385 [ ].
This Bulgarian language version includes authentic documents and information from public and personal archives, investigated and collected by Peter Iokimov (1935-2014) and Ljubinka Stoilova from the 1980s until the present, in concern with their research on the history of Bulgarian architecture. It is based also on a huge quantity of materials from the personal archive of the architect processed by L. Stoilova.
The paper is published in two successive issues of journal "Architecture" No. 1 and No. 2 of 2019. For completeness of the information, some of the documents that have not found a place in the journal Arhitektura (Architecture), 1(2019): 38-46 [ ]
are herewith attached in addition to the publication.
The paper is devoted to the 140th anniversary from architect's birth.
Втора част от студията за арх. Радославов разглежда неговата дейност след окончателното му завръщане в България. Тя проследява съдбата на някои от проектираните от него сгради в съвременността.
Базира се на дългогодишни проучвания на арх. Петър Йокимов и арх. Любинка Стоилова, както и на голямо количество обработени материали от Л. Стоилова от личния архив на архитекта.
В тази версия са добавени и илюстрациите, които не са включени в отпечатания вариант в сп. Архитектура, 2 (2019): 46-51 [ ].
The second part of the study on architect Radoslavov considers his activity after his final return to Bulgaria. It traces the fate of some of the buildings designed by him in the present times.
The paper is based on long years of research by arch. Peter Yokimov and arch. Lyubinka Stoilova, as well as on a huge quantity of materials processed by L. Stoilova from the personal archive of the architect.
In addition, this version comprises the illustrations that have not been included in the printed paper in Architecture, 2 (2019): 46-51 []. (31.01.2012).
Част от юбилейните тържества "100 години Далчеви", посветени на братята Любомир, Атанас и Борис Далчеви и организирани от Съюза на българските писатели, Съюза на българските художници, Съюза на архитектите в България и Столична община - Район "Изгрев" под патронажа на Столичния кмет - Йорданка Фандъкова.
This paper devoted to the life and creativity of architect Boris Dalchev was delivered at the Union of Architects in Bulgaria on October 13th, 2010 and at the INTERPRED - World Trade Center in Sofia on October 20th, 2010.
It was also included into the jubilee celebrations "One Hundred Years Dalchevs", dedicated to the brothers Liubomir (sculptor), Atanas (poet and publicist) and Boris Dalchev (architect) and organized by the Union of Bulgarian Writers and the Union of Bulgarian Artists, as well as by the Union of Architects in Bulgaria and the Sofia Municipality - Izgrev District.
"The Spiritual Power of Creativity:
Architect Kostadin Mumdzhiev (08.07.1892-25.11.1946)".
- Monuments, Restoration, Museums, Nr. 12, 2009, pp. 3-10, p. 15.
Биографии на архитекти
из цикъла "Творци на българската архитектура"
"Aрхитект Николай Казмуков - 100 години жизнен и творчески път".
- Архитектура, 2007, No. 1, 38-39.
"Architect Nikolay Kazmukov - 100 Years Life and Creative Development". - Architektura (Architecture), 2007, No 1, pp. 38-39.
Presentation delivered at the jubilee celebration of the 100th anniversary of architect Kazmukov at the central home of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria in May 2007
a paper in journal Arhitektura (Architecture). # 2-3 (2007), pp. 104-107.
Modern Architecture by Ljubinka STOILOVA
© Камара на архитектите в България - Регионална колегия Пловдив, Пловдив (2022): 6-47.
The book "The Town of Plovdiv and the Architecture of the 20 Century: Discussions, Lectures and Exhibitions", includes events organized by the Board of the Plovdiv Branch of the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria for the period of 2021-2022.
"Architecture as Monumental Art. The Hillock of Fraternity Memorial in Plovdiv - Past, Present, Future" (pp. 6-47)
Understanding the monumental heritage in Bulgaria from the period after the Second World War and until the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) has been of particular research interest in recent years. In addition to the valorization of individual objects, ideologically burdened with communist beliefs, there is a reevaluation of the entire environment, inherited from socialist times, but abandoned to self-destruction and reviled with graffiti and critical publications. The „Bratska Mogila“ (Hillock of Fraternity) Memorial in Plovdiv is no exception, which (unlike many other monuments) was created under the leadership of exceptional masters such as architect Lyubomir Shinkov and sculptor Lyubomir Dalchev. The memorial’s significant artistic merits should be highlighted and preserved as an achievement of Bulgarian culture from the second half of the 20th century.
Той е споменаван с разнообразни имена в различни публикации. Слабо познат в история на българската архитектура.
Проучванията за тази публикация са проведени дълго време - в периода 1999-2024 г. Тя уточнява имената на архитекта и осветлява повече сгради от неговото творчество.
Who is Architect ALEXANDER STAVREV (1870-?1926) and Which Are His Buildings
He has been mentioned with diverse names in different publications. He is slightly known in the history of Bulgarian architecture.
The investigations were conducted for long in the period from 1999 up to 2024.
The paper specifies the names of the architect and clarifies more buildings of his creativity.
Архитектурното наследство на Пловдив като посредник между историята и съвременността. Годишник на Пловдивския Регионален исторически музей.
Пловдив, 2008, с. 37-45.
M.Architect, Ph.D. Ljubinka STOILOVA – Municipal Enterprise “Old Sofia” with Sofia Museum of History,
Assoc. Prof. M. Architect Petar IOKIMOV– History Department, Union of Scholars in Bulgaria
- In: Architectural Heritage of Plovdiv as a Mediator Between History and the Present Day.
Annual of the Plovdiv Regional Museum of History.
Plovdiv, 2008, pp. 37-45.
• 1st stage: until 1878;
• 2nd stage: until the beginning of 20th c.;
• 3rd stage: until the end of WW I and abdication of Prince Ferdinand I. in 1918;
• 4th stage: until the end of WW II, 1945.
These stages determine the intensity of the architectural phenomena and set a prerequisite for the evolution of the different styles. Among the numerous technicians and architects who settled permanently in Russe or worked on particular buildings, this paper concentrates on the work of the most active ones who, according to the author, deserve a significant place in the national architectural pantheon during the period in question.
1st stage
The choice of Russe as the main city of the Ottoman Danubian Province (Turkish Tuna vilâyeti, 1864), and the appointment of Midhat Paşa, a Turskish governer who studied in France, reared in the spirit of the Reformation movement, gave impetus to the urban improvement of the city and the province. For the first time in the ethnic Bulgarian lands, many new enterprises began to emerge, for example a railway connection with Varna (1867), an industrial and agricultural fair (1870) as well as the construction of numerous new types of public buildings. These undertakings further increased the significance of the town within the Ottoman Empire, testified by the establishment of 14 foreign diplomatic missions on its territory.
2nd stage
After 1878, Russe won recognition as the most influential social and political centres in the newly liberated Bulgarian Principality. Representatives of the Bulgarian public and cultural elite who were educated abroad, settled in the city and maintained intensive communication with centres in the already independent state of Romania. The rapid pace of the city‘s Europeanisation was due to the influx of a large number of foreign specialists and the importation of construction materials and prefabricated products.
This paper concentrates on the work of Eduard Winter, a graduate from Kalsruhe, appointed City Architect and State Engineer of the Province. Another significant figure was the Armenian Negohos (Nigos) Bedrosyan, whose designs and constructions contribute to the formation of street ensembles typical for the cityscape of Russe.
‘Guest’ architects who have created single accents in the unique architectural image of Russe were the foreigners Friedrich Grunanger, Jacob Heinrich Meyer, Маriano Pernigoni, Peter Paul Brang, Valentino dell’ Antonio Borcan, Nino Rossetti as well as the Bulgarians Petko Моmchilov, Yanaki Shamardzhiev, Nikola Lazarov.
3rd stage
Several unique architectural pieces from the period before the Balkan wars and WW I enriched the architectural cityscape of Russe with contemporary pan-European tendencies, notably:
• the Rent-building with theatre, library and cultural centre ‘Zora’ (i.e. dawn) by arch. Peter Paul Brang in Svoboda Sq;
• the Bank of ‘D. Burov & Co’ in Alexandrovska St and the Burovs’ family villa by arch. Janovic considered a Hungarian citizen;
• the building in 6 Slavianska St contributed to either Janovic or to the Czech architect Haterak (Hatterack).
The stylistic resemblances between the buildings by Janovic and Haterak, moreover, the similarities of their designs with exemplary works by Czech architects of the time coupled with concrete biographical data raise new hypotheses about the authorship and artistic value of the above mentioned buildings.
4th stage
The period between the two world wars is charaterised by the post-war economic crisis, migration and serious impoverishment of wide social circles. These circumstances resulted in radical pragmatism of the municipal architectural and urban practice. Apart from experts at municipal and state positions, certain Bulgarian architects who worked in Russe significantly contributed to the architectural image of the city. Notable examples are Radoslav Radoslavov, Angel Momov, Petar Markovski, Konstantin Bogoev, Liuben Dinolov. All of them were fond of the new rational spirit and approved the aesthetics of the European interwar modern architecture.
At the end of the 4th stage certain rigidness and classicistic shape of volumes is observed, demonstrated most distinctly in the Palace of Justice in Svoboda Sq (Liberty Sq) (Pencho Koychev, team leader; Georgi Rusev, Georgi Papazov, Petar Zagorski, 1930-1940).
Fortunately, Russe features a number of exemplary, preserved architectural pieces from the end of 19th century. They still determine the typical image of the historical town. However, it is not the case with buildings in Secession and Modern style. This paper suggests a theoretical explanation of this phenomenon.
In Conclusion, the creative diversity of architectural tendencies of the numerous architects who have worked in Russe after the National Liberation (1878) reveals the colourful variety of inspirations in Europe from the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. This was the local cultural amalgam which has imprinted in a specific way the all-European cultural panorama. Precisely this peculiarity of the architectural heritage of Russe should be preserved, emphasised and promoted as a vivid cultural memory of the city which interacts with our present and expects to meet with forthcoming generations.
This paper includes results from research projects as follows: “Architecture and City Planning of the Third Bulgarian Kingdom” (1993-2000, team leader: P. Iokimov) and “Relations and Influences between Austria and Bulgaria at the End of 19th Century Until WW I” (1997-1999, team leader: L. Stoilova), financed after competition procedures of the National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, hosted by the Center for Architectural Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The paper includes also results from further investigations of the author in collaboration with Marcella Stern, Vienna (1934-2010) and Assoc. Prof. M.Arch. Petar Iokimov, Sofia (1935-2014).
Времето – тази всеобхватна категория е неумолим съдник за всяко творение. В архитектурата също. Как днешното архитектурно наследство на един европейски по своето място и история град като Русе е било породено от своето време, как е отговорило на неговите императиви? Как е устояло на неговите предизвикателства, как е съчетало различните исторически и творчески времена? Как това архитектурно наследство се вписва в днешното време? Колко е времето, което му остава? Ще може ли да предава посланията за своето време на идните поколения? Изложението търси отговори на тези въпроси и чрез портрети на архитектите, формирали архитектурния образ на Русе.
"Йозеф Вондрак и Държавното столарско yчилище в Русе".
- В: Алманах за историята на Русе, Т. VI. Русе (2006): 190-201.
Ljubinka Stoilova, Marcella Stern.
"Josef Vindrak and The State Carpentry School in Russe".
- In: Almanac of the History of Russe. Vol. VI. Russe, 2006, pp. 190-201.
L. Stoilova,
"International architectural competitions in Sofia
at the end of 19th and first half of 20th century".
- Historical Archives, Jr. VII, № 18-19, March-July 2009, pp. 47-70.
В: Австрийски архитектурни влияния в София. Краят на XIX - началото на ХХ век. С., 1997. Второ допълнено издание 1998 г.
Двуезичен каталог към едноименна изложба (бълг./нем. ез.).
Организатори: Музей за история на София, Център по архитектурознание - БАН, Австрийски институт за Източна и Югоизточна Европа.
София - Национален исторически музей, 1997 г.;
Виена - Дом "Витгенщайн", 1998 г.
Biographies of the Bulgarian architects Petko Momchilov, Jordan Milanov, Georgi Fingov, Nikola Jurukov, compiled by Ljubinka Stoilova.
In: Austrian Architectural Influence in Sofia. End of 19th - beginning of 20th Century. Sofia, 1997. 2nd suppl. ed. 1998.
Bilingual catalogue h the same title.
Sofia History Museum,
Center for Architectural Studies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Austrian Liaison Office of East and Southeast Europe.
Sofia - National History Museum, 1997;
Vienna - House Wittgenstein, 1998.
Освен на опазването на недвижимите културни ценности във Варна, статията се спира на творчеството на италианския архитект Мариано Пернигони в България и на възможностите за съвременно опазване на недвижимото културно наследство.
a paper in journal Arhitektura (Architecture), ) #2-3 (2007), pp. 55-56.
Except the dafeguarding of immoval cultural values in the city of Varna, this paper discusses the creativity of the Italian architect Mariano Pernigoni in Bulgaria, as well as on the opportunities for contemporary conservation of the immovable cultural heritage.
"Водещи архитектурни личности на независима България",
- В: Епохата на Цар Фердинанд I. Сб. Част І.
Евксиноград, 14.06.2008, с. 73-83.
P. Iokimov, L. Stoilova,
"Leading Architectural Personalities of Independent Bulgaria",
- In: The Epoch of Czar Ferdinand I. Coll. Vol. I.
Euxinograd, 14.06.2008, pp. 73-83.
За съжаление, при подготовката за отпечатване редакторът си е позволил редица промени без да съгласува окончателната редакция с авторите, както следва:
.- името на арх. Георги ФинГов е изписано многократно като ФинКов,
- името на купувача, комуто Фингов продава собствената си къща на ул. "Шипка" 38, Петко Теодоров - е заменено с това на брат му Теодор Теодоров;
- за автор на конкурсния проект на IIIта мъжка гимназия е посочен само арх. Киро Маричков, докато той е работил в колектив с арх. Георги Фингов .
(бел.: Л. Стоилова)
- В: Епохата на Цар Фердинанд I. Сборник от едноименна конференция. Част І.
Евксиноград, 14.06.2008, с. 73-83.
P. Iokimov, L. Stoilova,
"Leading Architectural Personalities of Independent Bulgaria",
- In: The Epoch of Czar Ferdinand I. Coll. Vol. I.
Euxinograd, 14.06.2008, pp. 73-83.
A Cura di Carlo Olmo:
Ed. Umberto Alemandi, Torino - London, 2000-2001.
Radoslav RADOSLAVOV & Konstantin DJANGOZOV
This paper reveals the history of design and construction of 'Bulgaria' Grand-hotel and Concert Hall in Sofia (1934-37).
The biographies of the architects of the complex -
Stancho Belkovski (1891-1962) and Ivan Danchov (1893-1972) -
are presented, as well.
Тук са включени повече автентични документи и сведения от обществени и лични архиви, издирени и събрани от архитектите Петър Йокимов (1935-2014) и Любинка Стоилова от 1980те години до днес, във връзка с изследванията им върху история на българската архитектура. Базира се и на голямо количество обработени материали от Л. Стоилова в личния архив на архитекта.
Текстът се публикува в два последователни броя на списание Архитектура № 1 и № 2 от 2019 г.
За пълнота на информацията, част от документите, които не намериха място в списанието, са приложени тук в допълнение към публикацията в сп. Архитектура, 1 (2019): 38-46 [ ].
In Bulgarian architectural studies, the name of architect Radoslav Radoslavov is associated with some of the brightest works of Modernist architecture between the two world wars, because they exemplify the consistent application of its basic principles. This paper is a part of the study "Influence of the French Artistic Culture on Bulgarian Architects and Urban Planners from the Inter-War Period" published in the book
French Artistic Culture and Central-East European Modern Art
(Eds Liljana Kolešnik and Tamara Bjažić Klarin), Zagreb (2017): 158-173, 213-219, 382-385 [ ].
This Bulgarian language version includes authentic documents and information from public and personal archives, investigated and collected by Peter Iokimov (1935-2014) and Ljubinka Stoilova from the 1980s until the present, in concern with their research on the history of Bulgarian architecture. It is based also on a huge quantity of materials from the personal archive of the architect processed by L. Stoilova.
The paper is published in two successive issues of journal "Architecture" No. 1 and No. 2 of 2019. For completeness of the information, some of the documents that have not found a place in the journal Arhitektura (Architecture), 1(2019): 38-46 [ ]
are herewith attached in addition to the publication.
The paper is devoted to the 140th anniversary from architect's birth.
Втора част от студията за арх. Радославов разглежда неговата дейност след окончателното му завръщане в България. Тя проследява съдбата на някои от проектираните от него сгради в съвременността.
Базира се на дългогодишни проучвания на арх. Петър Йокимов и арх. Любинка Стоилова, както и на голямо количество обработени материали от Л. Стоилова от личния архив на архитекта.
В тази версия са добавени и илюстрациите, които не са включени в отпечатания вариант в сп. Архитектура, 2 (2019): 46-51 [ ].
The second part of the study on architect Radoslavov considers his activity after his final return to Bulgaria. It traces the fate of some of the buildings designed by him in the present times.
The paper is based on long years of research by arch. Peter Yokimov and arch. Lyubinka Stoilova, as well as on a huge quantity of materials processed by L. Stoilova from the personal archive of the architect.
In addition, this version comprises the illustrations that have not been included in the printed paper in Architecture, 2 (2019): 46-51 []. (31.01.2012).
Част от юбилейните тържества "100 години Далчеви", посветени на братята Любомир, Атанас и Борис Далчеви и организирани от Съюза на българските писатели, Съюза на българските художници, Съюза на архитектите в България и Столична община - Район "Изгрев" под патронажа на Столичния кмет - Йорданка Фандъкова.
This paper devoted to the life and creativity of architect Boris Dalchev was delivered at the Union of Architects in Bulgaria on October 13th, 2010 and at the INTERPRED - World Trade Center in Sofia on October 20th, 2010.
It was also included into the jubilee celebrations "One Hundred Years Dalchevs", dedicated to the brothers Liubomir (sculptor), Atanas (poet and publicist) and Boris Dalchev (architect) and organized by the Union of Bulgarian Writers and the Union of Bulgarian Artists, as well as by the Union of Architects in Bulgaria and the Sofia Municipality - Izgrev District.
"The Spiritual Power of Creativity:
Architect Kostadin Mumdzhiev (08.07.1892-25.11.1946)".
- Monuments, Restoration, Museums, Nr. 12, 2009, pp. 3-10, p. 15.
Биографии на архитекти
из цикъла "Творци на българската архитектура"
"Aрхитект Николай Казмуков - 100 години жизнен и творчески път".
- Архитектура, 2007, No. 1, 38-39.
"Architect Nikolay Kazmukov - 100 Years Life and Creative Development". - Architektura (Architecture), 2007, No 1, pp. 38-39.
Presentation delivered at the jubilee celebration of the 100th anniversary of architect Kazmukov at the central home of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria in May 2007
a paper in journal Arhitektura (Architecture). # 2-3 (2007), pp. 104-107.
© Камара на архитектите в България - Регионална колегия Пловдив, Пловдив (2022): 6-47.
The book "The Town of Plovdiv and the Architecture of the 20 Century: Discussions, Lectures and Exhibitions", includes events organized by the Board of the Plovdiv Branch of the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria for the period of 2021-2022.
"Architecture as Monumental Art. The Hillock of Fraternity Memorial in Plovdiv - Past, Present, Future" (pp. 6-47)
Understanding the monumental heritage in Bulgaria from the period after the Second World War and until the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) has been of particular research interest in recent years. In addition to the valorization of individual objects, ideologically burdened with communist beliefs, there is a reevaluation of the entire environment, inherited from socialist times, but abandoned to self-destruction and reviled with graffiti and critical publications. The „Bratska Mogila“ (Hillock of Fraternity) Memorial in Plovdiv is no exception, which (unlike many other monuments) was created under the leadership of exceptional masters such as architect Lyubomir Shinkov and sculptor Lyubomir Dalchev. The memorial’s significant artistic merits should be highlighted and preserved as an achievement of Bulgarian culture from the second half of the 20th century.
в рамките на юбилейните тържества
по случай 100-годишния юбилей от основаването на Баухаус,
представен на 10.04.2019 г.
A presentation at the Goethe Institute in Sofia
within the celebrations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary
of the founding of Bauhaus,
delivered on April 10, 2019.
изнесен по случай 100-годишнината от основаването на
училището Баухаус
в Гьоте институт, София - на 20.03.2019 г.
A paper delivered on the occasion of
the 100th anniversary of the foundation of BAUHAUS school
at Goethe Institut Sofia on March 20th, 2019.
Панорамата на художествените авангард в Европа от първите десетилетия на ХХ в. показва как научните открития, новите философски тенденции, социалните травми, антиакадемичните нагласи в образованието и технологичните нововъведения в индустрията се пречупват в различни форми на изкуството. Те изкристализират непосредствено след Първата световна война от лоното на сецесион/ар нуво/югендштил, от движенията за градински селища и Веркбунд. В основата лежат новите идеи за четиримерното пространство (в неразривната връзка на пространство-времето и мястото на човека в него), новите материали, новите технологии, идеите за стандартизация и серийност на производство, повишените естетически критерии към изящните и приложните изкуства, индустриалния дизайн и съвременната архитектура. Тяхното взаимодействие с естествените следвоенни леви уклони за икономичност, повишени хигиенни изисквания на труд и обитаване, и осигураване на благоприятни възможности за реализация на големи социални групи са в основата на рязката промяна в архитектурното проектиране и промишления дизайн.
Summary of a presentation at the Goethe Institute in Sofia during the anniversary celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the foundation of Bauhaus,
delivered on April 10, 2019.
Цялата програма на юбилейните тържества, организирани от Гьоте институт в България е достъпна на
Резюме на доклад,
изнесен по случай 100-годишнината от основаването на
училището Баухаус (Гьоте институт, София - 20.03.2019 г.)
с манифеста на първия директор - арх. Валтер Гропиус,
в превод на български език.
Summary of the presentation at the Goethe Institute in Sofia
during the anniversary celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the foundation of Bauhaus delivered on March 20th, 2019
with the Manifesto by the first head of the school, architect Walter Gropius,
(translated into Bulgarian).
Program of the celebrations
Презентация пред Визуалния семинар в Нов български университет,
24.04.2019 г. - разширен вариант в превод на български език на изнесен от автора доклад в рамките на Международната конференция на ДОКОМОМО интернешънъл в Любляна 28-31 август 2018 г.
[ ]
Големите градове в България се урбанизират след Първата световна война, в крак с европейските тенденции, което определя модерния им облик. Образът на сградите се променя в няколко стадия през 1920те и 1930те години - от сецесион/ар нуво/югендщил към ар деко, а от ар деко – към модернизъм. Тези метаморфози се проявяват най-ярко при жилищните сгради и комплекси (фамилни къщи, многоетажни апартаментни сгради, икономични общински и ведомствени жилища), училищата, сградите на здравеопазването и отдиха, индустриалните здания и комплекси.
През периода на комунизма (1947-1989) се наблюдават също няколко етапа на стилистични метаморфози – от модернизъм към социалистически реализъм в края на 1940те години, връщане към практиките на модернизма в отделни образци на обществени сгради и курортни компекси през 1960те години, прояви на разновидностите на интернационалния стил в по-мащабни строителни мероприятия, особено при индустриализираното жилищно строителство през 1970те и 1980те години. Повечето ценни сгради и комплекси от междувоенния период се национализират, продават или отдават под наем. По политически или биологични причини първоначалните собственици изчезват. Поради идеологическата си и културна предпоставеност, новите обитатели обикновено не се интересуват от историята и състоянието на сградите, и градската среда. Така с промяната в социалния състав, принципите и образците на модерната архитектура и градоустройственото планиране постепенно губят от своята ценност, а паметта за градския пейзаж избледнява.
Със смяната на социално-политическата парадигма през 1989 г. се приема закон за реституция на национализирани имоти и започва ново преразпределение на собствеността. Поради обедняване на старите собственици, доста от старите сгради потъват в немара и саморазрушение. Но незинтересоваността на собствениците се подклажда и от рязко нарастналите апетити на строителните предприемачи към имоти в историческите градски части. Новите строежи променят значително историческите квартали по височина, стил и атмосфера. Типичните междувоенни кооперативни апартаментни сгради също се променят след груби ремонти и строителни допълнения, които не отчитат техните естетически особености. Изменят се и дори изчезват уникални модерни резиденции, обществени и промишлени сгради. Чрез ново строителство се нарушават и фрагменти от градската среда, създадени след Втората световна война.
В сферата на опазване на културното наследство също се наблюдават метаморфози. Докато до 1989 г. приоритет са обекти от националното Възраждане през 19 в. След 1989 г. рязко нараства интересът към античното археологическо наследство. Общественото съзнание продължава да не припознава като ценност междувоенната модерна архитектура, а още по-малко създаденото през втората половина на ХХ век, което се отхвърля и по идеологически съображения. През 1970-те и 1980-те години идеята за запазване на специфични образци доминира при регистриране на индивидуални и ансамблови паметници на културата, тъй като правният статут има превантивна роля срещу промени и разрушения. През 1990-те години, развихрилите се строителни амбициии изкривяват процеса на опазване като се налагат с различни средства значителни физически изменения в регистрирани паметници на културата и заличаване на обекти от регистрите вместо добавянето на нови.
Международният експертен обмен през последните десетилетия разширява теоретичните постановки за равнопоставено опазване на всички пластове културно наследство, с което се задълбочава и интересът към модернизма. Пропагандира се ценността не само на индивидуалните обекти и уникалната архитектура, но и на цялостни фрагменти от градската тъкан като илюстрация на различни етапи от историческото развитие през ХХ век. Засилено внимание към старите сгради в риск и възможностите за спасяване интегритета на характерни места в града се проявява сред по-младите генерации. Така се активизира отношението на гражданите към миналото на града и се възпрепятства по-нататъшната загуба на памет.
За да се изяснят границите и възможностите за намеса в историческите градски зони, е необходима спешна, но и задълбочена актуализация на регистрите на паметниците на културата. Необходимо е да се провери състоянието на отделни сгради, ансамбли и квартали в старите територии на големите градиве, да се анализират и добавят образци от по-близки исторически етапи след Втората световна война. Наложителни са бързи мерки за последващо подробно проучване, документиране, преоценка на обектите и цифровизация на регистрите, за да се постигне прозрачен мониторинг както от длъжностните лица в администрацията, така и от предприемачите, и от гражданите. Всичко това изисква време, експертен капацитет и обединени усилия на представители от различни специалности, институции, НПО и възрастови групи. Едва при такава интегрирана и ефективна система за опазване на недвижимото културно наследство, модерната архитектура на ХХ век в България ще може да разчита на прозрачност, равнопоставена защита, чувствителна към метаморфозите на градската памет.
Lisboa: Docomomo International; Ljubljana: Docomomo Slovenia, (2018): 122-131.
A diachronic analysis traces the parallel stages of transformations of Bulgarian cities during their 20th century modern development after WWI until the political transformations in 1989. Problems of safeguarding of the MoMo cultural heritage during the 1990s and until the present are discussed. An approach to compile a digital system of archival documenting and monitoring of the monuments of culture is suggested.
A diachronic analysis traces the parallel stages of transformations of Bulgarian cities during their 20th century modern development after WWI until the political transformations in 1989.
In line with the conservation principle for equal protection of all layers of cultural heritage, the author proposes a safeguarding model for the urgent listing of the Modernist layer on equal terms with other strata of immovable cultural heritage in the country. Towards this goal urgent but thorough update of the registers with Modern monuments and sites is needed. This will help to clarify the boundaries and possibilities for intervention in historical urban areas. It is necessary to verify the present status of registered sites and add a considerable number of post-WWII examples. Further detailed documentation, evaluation and digitization of surveys is possible with the united efforts of experts from different fields, institutions, NGOs and age groups. Effective safeguarding policy can be achieved only through a transparent system of monitoring by all stakeholders, i.e. officials, corporations and citizens.
The available evidence suggests that during the inter-war period Bulgarian architects developed under the influence of the prominent French architects and urban planners of the 1920s and 1930s - mostly of Tony Garnier, Auguste Perret and Le Corbusier, but also of Gaston Trelat, Henri Prost, Jacques Greber, Emmanuel Pontremoli, and Jean Royer.
The visits of Le Corbusier (1911) and Tony Garnier (1934) in Bulgaria are commented, as well.
посветен на модерната архитектура,
с гост редактор - Любинка Стоилова.
Други автори - проф. арх. Елени Фессас Еммануил, Атина, Гърция; доц. д-р Ирина Генова, доц. арх. Мария Миркова, арх. Веселин Цветанов; студенти - Маргарита Чалкаджиева, Хубавена Георгиева, Александър Карадинков, Богдана Данчева, Десаслава Ненчева, Иван Енев.
L. Stoilova,
"Modernism - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow ”,
- Architektura (Architecture), Journal of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria, № 1, 2010.
A special issue of the journal devoted to the Modern architecture with guest-editor - Ljubinka Stoilova,
Other authors - Prof. Dr. arch. Eleni Fessas Emmanuil, Athens, Greece; Assoc. prof. Dr. Iria Genova; Assoc. Prof. arch. Maria Mirkova; arch. Veselin Tsvetanov; students - Margarita Chalkadzhieva, Hubavena Georgieva, Alexander Karadinkov, Bogdana Dancheva, Desislava Nencheva, Ivan Enev.
Петър Йокимов, Любинка Стоилова, Добрина Желева-Мартинс,
Валентина Върбанова, Галина Иванчева,
Юлия Радославова, Миряна Йорданова, Искра Дандолова.
Консултант: Христо Анастасов
В изложба с това заглавие членове на ДОКОМОМО България представиха през 2002 г. идеите на ДОКОМОМО Интернешънъл и своето участие в дейността на международната организация - подготовка на регистрационни карти за обекти на модерната архитектура, участие в международни конференции и публикации, алармиране за обекти на Модерното движение в риск в България.
Petar Iokimov, Ljubinka Stoilova, Dobrina Zheleva-Martions,
Valentina Varbanova, Galina Ivancheva,
Julia Radoslavova, Miriana Jordanova, Iskra Dandolova.
Consltancy: Hristo Anastasov.
Under this title members of DOCOMOMO Bulgaria exposed in 2002 the ideas of DOCOMOMO International and their participation in the international organization's activities, such as preparation of register fiches for sites of Modern architecture, presence at international conferences and editions, as well as alarming about objects of Modern Movement at risk in Bulgaria.
изготвени през 1990 г. и публикувани в
Кратка българска енциклопедия А - Я, С., 1999, с. 345, 527, 661, 852, 898, 1059, 1136, 1137.
Short articles on the main architectural trends during the 20th century,
prepared in 1990 and published in
Brief Bulgarian Encyclopedia A-Ya, Sofia, 1999, pp. 345, 527, 661, 852, 898, 1059, 1136, 1137
[Между родното и модернизма],
- Der Architekt, Zeitschrift. des BDA,
Bonn, (Januar 1998), № 1, 34-38.
Selections from the DOCOMOMO Registers
(Dennis Sharp & Catherine Cooke, Editors),
010 Rotterdam (2000): 57-64 (in English).
"The Search for Identifiably National Architecture in Bulgaria
at the End of the 19th and During the Early 20th Century".
- In:
GENIUS LOCI. National and Regional in Architecture Between History and Practice.
Bucharest, 2002, pp. 96-105.
Proceedings from international conferences
in Bucharest, 23-25 April 1999 and 19-22 October 2000
"GENIUS LOCI - Search for National Identity Between the Two World Wars in the Architecture of Sofia".
- In: Sofia and Its Images (Proceedings from a symposium with international participation on a CD, Comp.: D. Zheleva-Martins et al.),
Sofia, 2004, pp. 84-98 with 36 illustrations.
The paper presents the search for national identity through architecture as interpretations of forms and images from the historical past of the country.
While the designers from the early 20th century are more interested in images from the local medieval architecture and the Byzantine culture, the architects from the interwar period derive inspirations from the blossoming folklore culture of the so called National Revival in 19th century. Gradually the ideas about 'native architecture' of the early 1920s develop into aspirations for invention of dignifying forms of a specific national architecture in the late 1930s.
"Българската архитектура между двете световни войни
в контекста на световния архитектурен процес".
- Архитектура, 1994, № 2, с. 40-44.
"Bulgarian interwar architecture in the context of world architecture process",
- In: Arkhitektura (Architecture), 2 (1994), pp. 40-44.
A presentation within the celebrations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of BAUHAUS, delivered on October 22, 2019, at the "Kapana" Art Gallery in Plovdiv after the invitation by the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria - Plovdiv Branch.
Extended version of a presentation within the celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of BAUHAUS, delivered on October 22, 2019, at the "Kapana" Art Gallery in Plovdiv after the invitation by the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria - Plovdiv Branch.
Conference of the International Federation for Research in Women’s History
[In Association with the Bulgarian Women’s History Group, the Bulgarian Association of University Women and Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”],
Women, Gender and the Cultural Production of Knowledge,
St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, 8-11 August 2007
Investigations on women architects from the 1980s until the present have pointed out worldwide pioneering figures, however, the analyses on their work are scarce.
For the entire period between the two world wars, the number of architectural, urban and interior designs that Bulgarian women architects have worked on is over 200.
Still, their names are rarely mentioned in publications on 20th century history of architecture and rather small part of their professional experience is familiar to the public.
Numerous works and several sensational facts concerning the 20th century history of architecture in Bulgaria were discovered by a research project on the topic. This research underlines the necessity to popularize the pioneer women architects’ creativity in Bulgaria and worldwide through publications and exhibitions, and to introduce information about them into the architectural curriculum of universities. This will change the views on the 20th century development of architectural profession as well as of the Modern Movement culture in Bulgaria.
Conference of the International Federation for Research in Women’s History
[In Association with the Bulgarian Women’s History Group, the Bulgarian Association of University Women and Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”],
Women, Gender and the Cultural Production of Knowledge,
St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, 8-11 August 2007
През 1980-те години поредица от изложби и публикации, основани на специализирани архиви, започват да въстановяват приноса на пионерките в архитектурата в цяла Европа и в САЩ. Все още имената на всички тези архитектки се споменават рядко, а още по-рядко в публикации за историята на архитектурата на ХХ в. се коментират техните заслуги.
Изследователски проект за приноса на българските архитектки в модерната архитектура установи, че за целия период между двете световни войни броят на архитектурните, градоустройствени и интериорни проекти в България, по които са работили жени, надвишава 200. Много други интересни архитектурни творби на жени, обаче, са останали недостатъчно проучени или напълно неизвестни. Множество творби на жени-архитекти и няколко сензационни сведения, засягащи история на българската архитектура на ХХ в., бяха открити от въпросния изследователски проект.
Резултатите на изследването потвърждават, че е нужно да се популяризира архитектурното творчество на пионерките в България и по света чрез публикации и изложби, както и да се включи в програмите на архитектурното образование. Така ще се променят и представите за развитието на професията и за модерната култура в България през ХХ век.
The album was compiled by the two women-authors.
Special acknowledgements are due for the book design.
On 87 pages articles are published about the pioneer women in the 20th century fine art and architecture in Bulgaria. They are represented by their biographical portraits and artistic works.
Lists of exhibits and bibliographical sources are attached.
Sofia Art Gallery, 8th November – 2nd December 2006
Book design – Nadezhda Oleg Liahova.
Sofia, ET IDA – Krasimir Gandev, 2006.
двуезичен каталог към художествена и документална изложба в Софийска гpадска художествена галерия (08.11.-02.12.2006 г.). Дизайн – Надежда Олег Ляхова.
С., ЕТ ИДА – Красимир Гандев, 2006.
Граници на гражданството:
Европейските жени между традицията и модерността
(Сб. материали от международна конференция, Съст.: К. Даскалова, Р. Гаврилова),
С., 2001, 280-301.
"Художнички на Балканите", тематичен брой,
С., Проблеми на изкуството, 2002, № 4, 29-34.
Ljubinka Stoilova,
"Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars.
The Contribution of Women".
"Women Artists on the Balkans”, a thematic issue
- Art Studies Quarterly, 2002, Nr. 4, pp. 29-34.
Bulgarian Women in Foreign Art Life - Mara Utschkunowa Auböck and Ana-Lülja Praun. Art Studies Quarterly, 2 (1999): 57-60
“Българки в чуждестранния художествен живот – Мара Учкунова-Аубьок и Ана-Люля Симидова Праун”. - Сп. Проблеми на изкуството, 2 (1999): 57-60
[ ].
Until then nobody knew in Bulgaria about the connection of Mara Utschkunowa with the famous school of Bauhaus. Afterwards, my investigations proved that she was the only person with Bulgarian origin who had been officially registered as a student in Bauhaus for the period 1919-1933.
Although she was not an architect, she had lived and worked in an architectural and creative environment and contributed to the development of contemporary design and modernist interior architecture.
- Проблеми на изкуството, 1999, № 2, 57-61.
L. Stoilova,
Mara Uchkunova Aubock and Ana-Lulja Praun".
- Problems of Art Quarterly, 1999, № 2, pp. 57-61.
Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon (AKL) , Bd. LI (51), 2006, S. 506
и препубликувана от Archinform в интернет -
This biography of Stefka Georgieliva was published in
Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon (AKL) , Bd. LI (51), 2006, S. 506.
Later it was republished by Archinform in internet -
a paper published in journal Ahitectura (Architecture), #1 (1999), pp. 22-24.
Двамата архитекти проектират и реконструират стара къща в Залцбург, използвана като галерия за килими. Конструкцията, стените и покривите на допълнителните площи са изпълнени от многопластово стъкло, произведено от фирмата "Дюпон". През 1998 г. реализацията печели наградата на ежегодния конкурс на "Дюпон", организиран от Американския институт на архитектите.
The two architects designed and reconstructed an old house in Salzburg which was used for a carpet gallery. The structure, walls and roofs of the additional areas are ellaborated with multilayered glass produced by DuPont Company. In 1998 the completed construction won the award of the annual competition of DuPont, organised by the American Institute of Architects.
Sofia, Ed. house of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2001,
pp. 497-507.
see also on the website of Sofia History Museum
For long after the mid-1980s there were unsuccessful attempts to adapt the abandoned building for new contemporary function. Finally, due to the efforts of Sofia Municipality and thanks to financial support by EU, in September 2015 the building adapted partially as the Sofia History Museum opened doors for public. The rest part of the building is still not functioning and the mineral water has not been used. The author hopes that the problem will be soon resolved in a pragmatic way since different present SPA complexes all over Europe show opportunities for diverse multi-function combinations.
Design of the Exhibition - M. Architect Iva Tsalovska
Към изложбата е публикуван каталог.
A catalogue to the exhibition has been published in a separate book.
"Софийските минерални бани",
- сп. Архитектура, 6 (1998): 26-31.
Статията проследява историята на проектиране и строителство на Централната общинска минерална баня в София от международния конкурс през 1889 г. до края на Втората световна война.
Ljubinka Stoilova, Petar Iokimov.
"The Sofia Mineral Baths"",
- In: Arhitektura (Architectre), 6 (1998), pp. 26-31.
This paper traces the history of design and construction of the Central Municipal Mineral Baths in Sofia from th einternational architcetural competition in 1889 until the end of WW II.
L. Stoilova,
"Historical Review of Zones 'A-North' and 'A-South' in the Central part of Sofia, Sofia Municipality".
Sofia, 2013.
Lyon, August 2008.
- In: Comparative History of European Cities, Lyon, 2008.
published in CENTROPA - a journal on
Central European art and architectural history.
This paper analyses the
urban development of the capital city of Bulgaria at the turn of the 20th century
alias Kempinski-Zografski Hotel / Kempinski Hotel Marinella
History of design, construction and exploitation .
"Портерти на изчезваща София",
съставена от колектив студенти в магистърската програма
за Градски изследвания към катедрата по Социология, СУ "Св. Климент Охридски"
Проектът е разработен в Изследователския център по социални науки „Картография на изчезващата памет”,
Ръководител на проекта: проф. Майя Грекова
Construction history of the edifice of the National Assembly in Sofia on the occasion of the 130th anniversary from its inauguration.
- В: Културно-историческо наследство на София: проблеми и перспективи.
Сб. Сердика - Средец - София, Т. 5. (Л. Стоилова - съставителство и научна редакция).
С., ИТУС, (2010): 299-305.
G. Ivancheva, L. Stoilova,
"Reconstruction of the Postliberation Church of Sveti Spas (Holy Ascention) in Sofia"
- In: Cultural Heritage of Sofia: Problems and Perspectives.
Serdica - Sredez - Sofia, Coll., Vol. 5 ( Ljubinka Stoilova - compiler and scient. editor).
Sofia, ITUS, (2010): pp. 299-305.
“Koй е Амадей, авторът на плана на София от 1881 г."
- Aрхитектура, 1999, No. 6, 38-39.
L. Stoilova,
"Who is Amadey, the designer of the townplanning survey of Sofia of 1881"
- Architektura (Architecture), 1999, No 6, pp. 38-39.
L. Stoilova,
"The Big Architectural Competitions in Bulgaria
At The End of 19th and Beginning of 20th Century
About Missed Chances and The Difficult Way of Bulgarian Architecture",
- In: The Epoch of Czar Ferdinand I. Coll. Vol. II.
Sofia, 2008, pp. 52-61.
"Архитектурни фрагменти от стара София",
- Архитектура, № 4 (1998): 15-19.
Ljubinka Stoilova,
"Old Sofia: Architectural Fragments",
- Arhitektura (Architecture), No. 4 (1998): 15-19.
За смъртта и забравеното отношение
"човек - живот - изкуство".
тематичен брой на сп. Архитектура, 1992, бр. 3-4
с гост-редактори Любинка Стоилова и Петър Йокимов
The City of Dead People.
Abouth Death and Forgotten Attitude
"Man - Life - Art".
A thematic issue of j. Architektura (Architecture), 1992, № 3-4,
Guest editors: Ljubinka Stoilova and Petar Iokimov.
Петър Йокимов (основен текст с илюстрации, лексикон)
Любинка Стоилова (бележки с илюстрации, библиография)
Petar Iokimov (main text with illustrations, lexicon)
Ljubinka Stoilova (references with illustrations, bibliography)
Съдържание Contents
Предговор Preface
от доц. д-р арх. Добрина Желева - Мартинс
1 глава. Началото Chapter 1. The Beginning
2 глава. Сецесионът в България Chapter 2. Secession in Bulgaria
3 глава. Лексикон Chapter 3. Lexicon of Secessionist Details
Именен показалец / Index
Библиография / Bibliography
Резюме на английски език Summary in English
On the ground of the recently discovered first cash-book of ‘Contemporary Art’ this paper elucidates anew to the society’s internal organisation during the early period after its founding (1903-1907). Diverse activities are scrutinized, such as exhibitions, subscriptions to leading professional journals, members’ creativity. Тhe activity of society’s first treasurers is accentuated, namely of Georgi Fingov, Pencho Koycheff, Nikola Zankoff, Kiro Marichkov. The review of their architectural work during the first decade of the 20th century sets them among the best early Secession/Art Nouveau/Jugendstil creators in Bulgaria. In parallel, the collected facts from the performed cash-book give grounds to conclude that they have played key role during the initial organization period of Society ‘Contemporary Art’ (1903-1907).
„Съвременно изкуство” – първата художествена ‘формация от сецесионов тип’ в България, е добре позната в изкуствоведските среди с дейността на редица именити творци, издигнали бързо и убедително нивото на местната художествена практика до актуалните тенденции в Централна и Западна Европа на прага между XIX и XX в.
Въз основа на наскоро намерената първа касова книга на „Съвременно изкуство”, статията хвърля нова светлина върху вътрешната организация на дружеството през най-ранния период след неговото създаване (1903-1907 г.). Разглеждат се разнообразните дейности – организиране на изложби, абонаменти за водещи списания, творчество. Акцентира се дейността на първите касиери на Дружеството - архитектите Георги Фингов, Пенчо Койчев, Никола Занков, Киро Маричков. Прегледът на творчеството им от първото десетилетие на ХХ в. ги нарежда сред най-изявените творци на ранния сецесион/ар нуво/югендщил в България.
Същевременно, събраните нови факти дават основание да се обобщи, че архитектите изпълняват ключови функции в началния организационен живот на Дружеството (1903-1907).
edited by Vittore Collina, 2014
printed by Drukkerij Wilco, The Netherlands
ISBN 978-0-692-25963-4
published in
Sofia, Ed. house of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2001, pp. 475-482.
Docomomo full register fiche for the apartment building was compiled in 1999 as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
Updates of the information and photos of the building have been added in 2015 and 2017.
At present, the site is adapted for the needs of the Sofia Municipal Agency of Privatization with a store.
The fiche was prepared as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova, 1997-2000).
In 2020 the file was supplemented with new illustrations.
Docomomo full register fiche for this expressionist building in Dragan Tzanjkov B/d in Sofia was compiled in 1999 by architect Valentina Varbanova and complemented by Ljubinka Stoilova, as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
The fiche was prepared as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
Docomomo full register fiche was compiled in 1998 as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
The Docomomo register fiche was was prepared as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova). Later the information was included in publications on the history of Bulgarian architecture from the inter-war period.
Docomomo register fiche was compiled in 1999 as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
Photos of the building were updated in 2016.
Docomomo full register fiche was compiled by architect Galina Ivancheva (1998) and complemented by Ljubinka Stoilova (1998, 2017).
The fiche was prepared as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
Docomomo full register fiche of the building was compiled in 1998 as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
Updated photos of the building were added in 2017.
The house has been designed by the notable Bulgarian architect and a prominent modernist Svetoslav Grozev, who used to live and work in Plovdiv.
The fiche was prepared as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
Docomomo full register fiche for the this outstanding achievement of Bulgarian inter-war Modernist architecturewas compiled by Petar Iokimov and Ljubinka Stoilova in 1998 as a part of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova). This Modern work was included in several publications on the history of Bulgarian inter-war architecture.
In 2016-2017 the earlier fiche was re-edited and updated.
Recently the building has been entirely restored and adapted for a new way of use as an office building. Thus, it represent an example of good practices in contemporary restoration of the achievements of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria.
Additional re-edition and update of a previously compiled in 1996 Docomomo full register fiche was made in 1998 as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
Updates with actual photos of the building have reflected the latest changes in the building's appearance in 2018.
The fiche was prepared as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
Docomomo full register fiche was compiled by architect Galina Ivancheva and complemented by Ljubinka Stoilova in 1999 as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
Docomomo full register fiche for the building was compiled in 1999 as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
Updates of the information and actual photos were added in 2018.
designed by one among the most notable Bulgarian architects, i.e. Georgi Ovcharov, with his professional studio and private apartment
in Slavianska St., the corner with 6-ti Septremvri St. in Sofia.
The fiche was prepared as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
Docomomo full register fiche was compiled by Galina Ivancheva in 1998 and complemented by Ljubinka Stoilova as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
In 1999 an update of an earlier Docomomo full register fiche was made after the change of ownership and reconstruction of the building. The building was included in several publications on the history of the inter-war Modern architecture in Bulgaria.
The building was designed by the famous Bulgarian architectural masters, i.e. Stancho Belkovski - Ivan Danchov (1934-37).
The fiche was prepared as a part of the field investigations and of the supplement to the team research project "Regional Reflections of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria Between the Two World Wars. The Contribution of Women" (team leader: Ljubinka Stoilova).
After six years of restoration, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church of St. Stephen in the park near the Golden Horn in Fener District, at Balat Square in the European part of Istanbul, is sanctified for a new life.
The fate of this sanctuary is a testimony not only of church independence but also of the state, diplomatic, and spiritual history of the Bulgarian people. For a very long time, Istanbul has concentrated the largest Bulgarian ethnic community and is the focal point of high education, intensive journalism, creativity and printing.
The church building with the nearby convent that gathers the Bulgarian community not only on important Christian holidays is a material testimony to the development of our national identity. The fact that it was built in a city of world significance such as Istanbul is the result of the multi-layer interaction of the newly liberated Bulgarian state with representatives of different cultures such as the Ottoman, Greek, Austro-Hungarian and Russian, Orthodox and Catholic, as well as today with the contemporary Turkish culture , transforms the church into a poly-semantic supranational cultural symbol.
"Насочване на църковното и държавното начало в едно русло,
края на ХІХ в. - първата половина на ХХ в."
- В: М. Коева, П. Йокимов, Л. Стоилова.
Православните храмове по българските зeми (ХV - средата на ХХ в.).
Архитектура. История. Библиография.
С., АИ "Проф. Марин Дринов", 2002, с. 385-512.
Petar Iokimov, Ljubinka Stoilova.
"Direction of the religious and state parts in one and the same course" (a chapter in a book)
- In: M. Koeva, P. Iokimov, L. Stoilova.
Eastern Orthodox Temples in Bulgarian Lands (15th to the middle of 20th century).
Architecture. History. Bibliography.
Sofia, 'Prof. Marin Drinov' Academic Publishing House, 2002, pp. 385-512.
"Насочване на църковното и държавното начало в едно русло,
края на ХІХ в. - първата половина на ХХ в."
- В: М. Коева, П. Йокимов, Л. Стоилова.
Православните храмове по българските зeми (ХV - средата на ХХ в.).
Архитектура. История. Библиография.
С., АИ "Проф. Марин Дринов", 2002, с. 385-512.
Petar Iokimov, Ljubinka Stoilova.
"Direction of the religious and state parts in one and the same course" (a chapter in a book)
- In: M. Koeva, P. Iokimov, L. Stoilova.
Eastern Orthodox Temples in Bulgarian Lands (15th to the middle of 20th century).
Architecture. History. Bibliography.
Sofia, 'Prof. Marin Drinov' Academic Publishing House, 2002, pp. 385-512.
This paper examines the model of artistic image in architecture, placed in the system of arts from the point of view of contemporary science of culture and semiothics. The architectural model is considered a system of structurally isomorphous models of different sides that take part during architectural creative process and which complete the social cycle of each art, as follows: 'reality' - 'author-creator' - 'creation' - 'perceptioner'.
Each side's model consits of components interacting between each other and with respective parts from the rest sides' models. They are unified by the General Aesthetic Model of the art and image as 'cognitive', 'evaluative', 'modeling', 'constructive' and 'signal' (linguistic) ingredients. They have been reduced to the architectural level in a hierarchical manner when relations of structural similarity between nature, society, culture and man are analyzed by the author. These relations have general significance for the entire sphere of artistic activity, so as in the field of architecture
The different forms of genre offer comparatively fixed conformity between 'morphology', 'symbolism' and 'phenomenology' of the architectural form, having achieved aesthetic completeness and artistic entity in different fragments of environment. The increasing semantical ensemblity of contemporary synthesis between genre, forms, mechanism of translation of tradition and communication through the medium of architecture could be decoded by the means of knowledge of the objective genre molding laws.
Ljubinka Chr. Stoilova,
"About Architecture and the notion of Architectural Poetics"
- Architektura (Architecture), 1989, No 2, pp. 27-30.
Проф. Христо Анастасов (1913-2005) е един от най-ерудираните и изявени учени в архитекурознанието в България през втората половина на ХХ в. - винаги в крак с новите тенденции.
Изявен професионалист, той участва в много професионални форуми в България и чужбина. Представител е на САБ в работната група НАВIТАТ към Международния съюз на архитектите (UIA) в продължение на 11 години.
В историографията на модерното движение, наричано от него "рационализъм", е публикувал многобройни статии и две базови монографии (1986 и 1993 г.).
Христо Анастасов е член основател и почетен член на секцията на ДОКОМОМО България.
Presentation of the anniversary celebration of Prof. Dr. Arch. Hristo Anastasov at the Central House of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria (UAB) held on 25.03.2013.
Prof. Hristo Anastasov (1913-2005) is an erudite and one of the most prominent scholars in architectural studies in Bulgaria from the second half of the 20th century - always in line with the new trends.
A prominent expert,, he has participated in many professional forums in Bulgaria and abroad. He has been the representative of the UAB in the HABITAT working group within the International Union of Architects (UIA) for 11 years.
In the historiography of Modern Movement architecture, which he called "Rationalism", he has published numerous articles and two basic monographs (1986 and 1993).
Hristo Anastasov is founding member (1994) and honorary member of the working group of DOCOMOMO Bulgaria.
at the conference
Sofia, March 11th-13th, 2014
д-р арх. Любинка Стоилова, арх. Галина Иванчева, +ст. н. с. арх. Петър Йокимов+
Презентация, изнесена на работната среща
организирана от Съюза на архитектите в България (САБ) и
Международния съюз на архитектите (МСА) на 18.05.2006 г.
organised by the Union of Architects in Bulgaria (UAB) and the International Union of Architects,
at the Central Architects' Home in Sofia on 18.05.2006
Presentation of the scientific conference "Sofia and its cultural and historical heritage", organized by the Sofia History Museum and held at the building of the Shooting ground in the Sofia's Southern Park in 2005.
Introductory lecture - presentation of the course, thematic plan, literature, requirements for students
Елементи на градската среда – улици, площади, градини, паркове, квартали, комплекси, райони. Видове структуриране на града – обитаване, производство, третичен сектор; скелет, градска тъкан (йерархия, център-периферия; центричност - полицентричност, осовост, линейност, пространствена градация.
Urbanism / town planning / architecture as parts of architectural science and practice Urban activity.
Elements of the urban environment - streets, squares, gardens, parks, neighborhoods, centers, areas. Species structure of the city - living, manufacturing, tertiary sector; skeleton urban fabric (hierarchy, center-periphery; centric composition, polycentricism, axes, linearity, spatial gradation.
Structuring and perception of the city. Elements of the city.
Urban development: ideological, economic and political mechanisms for spatial planning and formation. Symbols of the city.
Theories for formation of the city from ancient times to the present day. Theoreticians and publications.
What is Brutalism? From Le Corbusier in France to Bulgaria.
Natural frame - topographic features, climate. Genetic code of the city - context, visual language, dialogue with nature. Urban panoramic views / landscape. Recreation in cities.
Видове градове.
Functionality, social profile of the city, zoning, structure.
Types of cities.
съгласно мащаба на човека като ансамблова среда за човека.
Aesthetic urbanism: Formation of urban space
according to the human scale as ensemble environment for human beings.
Понятия, еволюция на представата за образ на града.
Mодерен и постмодерен възглед за града.
Shape and composition of the city: silhouette, ensemble, urban environment.
Notions, evolution of the concept of image of the city.
Modern and postmodern view of the city.
Ред /хаос, големина, мащаб, динамика, хоризонт на града.
Гледни точки и пространствено-времеви зависимости. Местни обичаи: традиции и ценности, навици, ролеви модели и потребление.
Съвременни идеи – физическо и социално пространство, текст / контекст, визуален език, диалог; калейдоскопичност / мозаичност; промени в социалната структура; интегриране на мултикултурни общности.
The city as a stage / arena of action.
Order / chaos, size, scale, dynamics, horizon of the city.
Viewpoints and spatial-temporal dependencies. Local customs, traditions and values, habits, role models and consumption.
Modern ideas - physical and social space, text / context, visual language dialogue; kaleydoscope effect / mosaic views; changes in the social structure; integration of multicultural communities.
Закон за културното наследство: паметници на културата / културни ценности - индивидуални/единични; ансамбли, групови, резервати.
Historical layers, preservation and renewal, pieces of monumental art.
Cultural Heritage Act: monuments of culture / cultural values - individual / single monuments of culture; ensembles, group monuments of culture, reserves.
Опазване на културното и природното наследство;
културни маршрути и културни пейзажи; веломаршрути, екопътеки.
Individual and collective identity of cities.
Protection of cultural and natural heritage;
cultural routes and cultural landscapes; bicycle routes, ecotrails.
Цел: Да се стимулират местните общности и индивиди в целия свят да отчитат значението на културното наследство за техния живот, идентичност и за общностите, и да възпитават убеденост в неговото разнообразие и уязвимост, както и в усилията за неговото опазване и реконструкция.
The 20th century heritage in the WHL.
Aim: To encourage local communities and individuals throughout the world to consider the importance of cultural heritage to their lives, identities and communities, and to promote awareness of its diversity and vulnerability and the efforts required to protect and conserve it.
Constructing of images / signs and deconstruction of meaning in the urban space.
Градско обновяване – джентрификация на жилищни зони;
конверсия на индустриални комплекси и зони.
Living in residential communities - contemporary issues and perspectives.
Urban renewal - gentrification of residential areas;
conversion of industrial complexes and areas.
проектни предложения в България.
Examples of conversion of industrial complexes and areas in West Europe;
design proposals in Bulgaria.
Landscaping, energy efficiency, collection and recycling of wastes.
Sustainable development.
Посветена на проблеми на изкуството, изкуствознанието и техните социални функции, тя дава среща на специалисти от различните полета на изкуствознанието и литературознанието.
Целта е да се избистрят методологичните посоки, които обединяват усилията на творци и изследователи в различните сфери на изкуството, изкуствознанието, литературознанието и фолклористиката в единен художествен процес.
"Пепеляшка след бала". в. Народна култура, бр. 1, 01.01.1988
Ljubinka Stoilova,
"Cindarella After the Ball", - Narodna kultura (People's Culture), № 1, 01.01.1988.
Коментар на големите преустройства на градски центрове в български градове през 1980-е години.
Книгата "Град Пловдив и архитектурата на 20 век:
дискусии, лекции, изложби", включва събития, организирани от
Съвета на Камара на архитектите в България – Регионална
колегия Пловдив за периода 2021-2022.
Членове на Съвета на Камара на архитектите в България –
Регионална колегия Пловдив са: арх. Чавдар Тенев председател,
арх. Галя Кръстева, арх. Георги Шопов, арх. Димитър Балджиев,
д-р арх. Ива Стоянова, арх. Пламен Делижов, арх. Юлия
Координатор и съставител книга: д-р арх. Ива Стоянова.
© Камара на архитектите в България – Съвет на Регионална
колегия Пловдив
Настоящата книга е с некомерсиална цел и е изцяло резултат
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части от нея, под каквато и да е форма и по какъвто и да е начин
или за каквито и да е цели, не е позволено, освен ако не е
предварително съгласувано и договорено с издателя и носителите
на съответните авторски права. Съветът на КАБ РК-Пловдив не
носи отговорност в случай на нарушени авторски права в
отделните публикации и използваните в тях материали.
The book "The town of Plovdiv and the architecture of the 20th
century: discussions, lectures and exhibitions", includes events
organized by the Board of the Plovdiv Branch of the Chamber of
Architects in Bulgaria for the period of 2021-2022.
Members of the Board of the Plovdiv Branch of the Chamber of
Architects are: Chavdar Tenev Chair, Galya Krasteva, Georgi Shopov,
Dimitar Baldzhiev, Iva Stoyanova,PhD, Plamen Delizhov, Yulia
Book compiled by Iva Stoyanova,PhD.
© Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria - Board of the Plovdiv Branch
The following book is for non-commercial use. It is the result of
entirely voluntary efforts. It cannot be reproduced under any form or
by any means, in parts or as a whole or to any ends, without written
prior permission from the publisher and the relevant copyright holders.
The Board assumes no responsibility for any copyright infringement
resulting from the comprised publications.
ISBN 978-619-188-908-2