Papers by Marta Santandreu Oliver
La violencia de genero supone una grave problematica social, habiendo sido considerada recienteme... more La violencia de genero supone una grave problematica social, habiendo sido considerada recientemente por la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud como una epidemia de caracter mundial, afectando hasta un tercio de mujeres en el mundo. Se presenta un caso clinico donde se inicia tratamiento psicologico para una mujer que informa de estar padeciendo esta situacion. El maltratador habia ejercido violencia fisica y psicologica sobre la victima, mostrando conductas anadidas de tipo erratico e impulsivo ademas de numerosos intentos de autolisis a lo largo de los treinta y cuatro anos de relacion. Finalmente, el acto de suicidio consumado sucede una vez iniciado el tratamiento, lo que precipita nuevos sintomas psicopatologicos e incrementando el nivel de distress. Dicha situacion, obligo a reordenar los objetivos de tratamiento y tratar de manera prioritaria la sintomatologia mas interferente. Como tratamiento se realizo una terapia de tipo cognitivo conductual orientada a trabajar previamente...
TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa), Jan 21, 2015
La violencia contra las mujeres constituye un grave problema que causa una evidente alarma social... more La violencia contra las mujeres constituye un grave problema que causa una evidente alarma social y que compromete seriamente la salud fisica y psicologica de las mujeres y la de sus hijas e hijos. El objetivo general de esta tesis doctoral por compendio de publicaciones es conocer los fenomenos psicologicos que explican las causas y consecuencias de la psicopatologia asociada que padecen un conjunto de mujeres victimas de violencia de genero que acudieron al servicio de asistencia psicologica. El tratamiento psicologico aplicado es estandarizado y enmarcado en el servicio publico del Institut Balear de la Dona. En un primer formato de articulo de investigacion, se evalua un programa de tratamiento cognitivo conductual para el trastorno de estres postraumatico en mujeres que han padecido violencia de genero, analizando, al mismo tiempo, si esa eficacia se relaciona con caracteristicas demograficas de las mujeres que han padecido la violencia o con el tipo de maltrato recibido. El tr...
This study evaluates the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral treatment for posttraumatic stre... more This study evaluates the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on women victims of intimate partner violence. Women victims of intimate partner violence (N= 129) were grouped by type of violence experienced: psychological (21), physical and psychological (43),
sexual (30), and psychological, physical and sexual (35). The assessment consisted of a semi structured interview session and the evaluation with two psychometric tests to obtain posttraumatic and depressive symptoms data. Treatment was
applied in 12 individual sessions and a follow up session three months later.
Results showed that PTSD symptoms are more common in cases where there has been physical violence and sexual violence as compared to cases of psychological violence. This suggests that the physical aggression to the victim (of any kind) could precipitate such symptoms unlike other forms of violence. This study provides further evidence of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for
PTSD in all cases of intimate partner violence.
Papers by Marta Santandreu Oliver
sexual (30), and psychological, physical and sexual (35). The assessment consisted of a semi structured interview session and the evaluation with two psychometric tests to obtain posttraumatic and depressive symptoms data. Treatment was
applied in 12 individual sessions and a follow up session three months later.
Results showed that PTSD symptoms are more common in cases where there has been physical violence and sexual violence as compared to cases of psychological violence. This suggests that the physical aggression to the victim (of any kind) could precipitate such symptoms unlike other forms of violence. This study provides further evidence of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for
PTSD in all cases of intimate partner violence.
sexual (30), and psychological, physical and sexual (35). The assessment consisted of a semi structured interview session and the evaluation with two psychometric tests to obtain posttraumatic and depressive symptoms data. Treatment was
applied in 12 individual sessions and a follow up session three months later.
Results showed that PTSD symptoms are more common in cases where there has been physical violence and sexual violence as compared to cases of psychological violence. This suggests that the physical aggression to the victim (of any kind) could precipitate such symptoms unlike other forms of violence. This study provides further evidence of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for
PTSD in all cases of intimate partner violence.